Transaksi Bursa Karbon Tembus Rp36,7 Miliar

  • 3 months ago
Anggota Dewan Komisioner Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) Inarno Djajadi mengungkapkan, sejak diluncurkan pada 26 September 2023 hingga 28 Juni 2024, tercatat 67 pengguna jasa yang mendapatkan izin dengan total volume sebesar 608.740 tCO2e.

"Adapun akumulasi nilai sebesar Rp36,79 miliar, dengan rincian nilai transaksi 26,85 persen di Pasar Reguler, 22,87 persen di Pasar Negosiasi, 50,23 persen di Pasar Lelang, dan 0,05 persen di marketplace," kata Inarno dalam konferensi pers Rapat Dewan Komisioner (RDK) OJK di Jakarta, Senin (8/7/2024).


00:00Deputy III of the Department of Business Development and BUMN, Research and Innovation, Kemenco Prekonomian, Ellen Setiadi reported that the value of the carbon stock exchange transaction in Indonesia has reached 36.7 billion rupiahs since its launch on September 26, 2023 until June 30, 2024.
00:18The volume of trading transactions in the carbon stock exchange is also recorded at 608,000 tons of CO2 equivalent.
00:25During the first semester of 2024, the government recorded the value of the carbon transaction at 5.9 billion rupiahs with a transaction volume of 114.5 thousand tons of CO2 equivalent.
00:37Ellen said that this carbon trading is expected to be a vital instrument in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reaching the target of zero carbon emissions set by the government for 2060.
00:49To achieve this target, the payment scheme based on the efficiency through reducing emissions from deforestation and forest management is one of the strategies of the government.
01:01Since its launch until the end of June 2024, its value has reached 36.7 billion rupiahs with a volume of 608 thousand tons of CO2 equivalent.
01:11This carbon trading is expected to be a vital instrument in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reaching the target of zero carbon emissions set by the government for 2060.
01:19Thank you for watching
