COMO. LA. V.I.D.A. MISMA. - Capitulo 286 FINAL

  • 2 months ago


00:00I lied to you. I lied to you and I'm still in love with you too.
00:11But then why did you tell me that you were with someone in Spain?
00:14Because I hurt you, Jose. I hurt you.
00:17Look, at one point I saw myself there, you know?
00:21Juanfra also said that about how you looked when I broke up with you, you know?
00:27And everything that... I don't know, I felt stupid.
00:30I was in front of you at one point and I was waiting, I don't know.
00:33I went there waiting for...
00:35Waiting for what?
00:39Uncle, you don't do me wrong.
00:41You've never done me wrong.
00:43It's always been me who has been self-sabotaging all the time.
00:47But that's not going to happen anymore.
00:51But uncle, please be honest with me.
00:55The day you went to my house, didn't you go to talk about my aunt?
01:02What did you go to?
01:04To look for you.
01:07But I regretted the shot, Jose.
01:10Because I thought that when we were apart, basically in another country...
01:16I don't know, like...
01:18Everything was going to end, you know?
01:20Like we were going to lose what we had and...
01:22And that I was going to love you more.
01:24I don't know, all that stuff.
01:27And the truth is that...
01:29It didn't happen.
01:31I was thinking about you all the time.
01:33All the time, I know, for months.
01:35And I never stopped loving you either.
01:41And I don't love you either.
01:45I haven't stopped loving you either.
01:50I'm never going to stop loving you either.
01:54In a while we'll laugh and remember...
02:13I have to go now.
02:18What are we going to do now?
02:20What does it matter, Diego?
02:22What does it matter? The important thing is that we're going to be together.
02:24We can be good, we can be bad, but...
02:27But we have to be together, right?
02:31That's it.
02:34When you're 21, aren't you going to be afraid?
02:37No, Diego.
02:40I'm not afraid anymore, I'm happy.
02:49Let's do it right, okay?
02:51Yes, Diego, yes.
02:52Since we're in this...
02:54It's a little awkward, but...
02:57Come here.
03:01Yes, Diego.
03:02If we're going to do this, please...
03:04It has to be in a moment, right?
03:13Yes, now.
03:32Yes, mommy, I already told you that I'm going to go with Sofia to meet the Imperial.
03:35I have to take her, I'm on it, yes.
03:37Yes, yes, yes.
03:38And I'm going to take her to the circus.
03:39It's also located next to the bus station.
03:41We're going to buy banjar chupetines where the son cries.
03:43We're going to do all that.
03:45No, I'm not telling you to get along with you.
03:47I'm telling you to be...
03:48Open this mother.
03:49No, no, no.
03:50No, no, no, no.
03:51Nothing personal.
03:52Mom, if I don't tell you,
03:53and I know you don't have to talk badly about mothers,
03:55I'm going to wash my mouth with soap, I promise you.
03:57And now I have to leave you because Paula arrived.
03:59I'll tell you in her name.
04:02Oh, what a drop.
04:04You see, Lupón?
04:05I almost left you.
04:07I'm talking to my mom.
04:08Greetings to you.
04:10And that miracle?
04:12No, I'm serious.
04:13Now she is a delicate, sensitive woman.
04:15Since she was a grandmother, as if...
04:16As if she spoke.
04:20And she told me she was going to send you a recipe
04:22to make chocolate cake.
04:25Since you don't cook.
04:26Oh, I see.
04:28There is his true personality.
04:29Of course.
04:34Let's go.
04:42I knew that...
04:44that you were going to live with Bulnes.
04:46She was telling me and...
04:51I want to wish you the best.
04:52I think that...
04:54two people get along and...
04:56and they are half each other,
04:58they get together.
04:59I think it's good.
05:01And also...
05:04about what...
05:05I've told you lately...
05:08I don't want to generate any discomfort.
05:13don't be a problem.
05:14I wish you the best.
05:17Thank you.
05:18But I'm not going to live with Bulnes.
05:27I'm not going to live with him.
05:31I rejected his...
05:33his proposal.
05:39Nico is...
05:41he's a nice guy.
05:43Getting to know him was...
05:45getting to know him was...
05:47was something that did me good.
05:50It was...
05:51it was what I needed.
05:53At that moment.
05:57I told him that I appreciated his offer.
06:00That starting a project,
06:02a life plan with someone,
06:04was what I really wanted.
06:07But I didn't.
06:09He didn't.
06:12And did he tell you anything?
06:14He insisted, he insisted a lot
06:16that I give him a chance,
06:17that I believe him,
06:18that he was willing to change his way of being
06:22so that we could be happy.
06:23Because he loves me.
06:25He loves me, and that's the problem.
06:27I don't need to be loved, Caco.
06:30I need to be loved.
06:32To be loved with everything.
06:33I need...
06:37I need someone to...
06:39someone to live with me,
06:40not as a concession.
06:42But as a need of the heart.
06:47And as much as I love being with Nico,
06:50we both know that he is not that person.
06:53And that's fine.
06:55I have a lot of affection for him
06:56to ask him to betray his way of being.
07:00Because that's just how cute he is.
07:03And that's why I fell for him.
07:05And now...
07:07And now I have to leave him.
07:13He wanted to change for you,
07:15and you didn't let him.
07:17No, that's not it.
07:19I don't want him to change for me.
07:21One has to change...
07:23for oneself.
07:26For oneself.
07:28For oneself.
07:33Well, hey.
07:34Speaking of the chocolate cake.
07:37On my way to the field visit,
07:39I have a bite.
07:40It's incredible.
07:41Really incredible.
07:42And if we have a good time,
07:43I suggest we go for a walk.
07:45And we serve ourselves a chocolate cake.
07:48But I'm not in the mood for the chocolate cake.
07:50I want...
07:53Yes, but...
07:55I did it...
07:56as a concession.
07:57To please you.
07:59And the truth is that...
08:01I'm not...
08:02I'm not in the mood for that.
08:04I prefer a potato cake.
08:05Can it be?
08:06Potato cake? Perfect.
08:07Potato cake then for Miss Paula Saez.
08:10Coca-cola cake or chocolate cake?
08:12Chocolate cake.
08:14Come in, please.
08:16Thank you very much.
08:17Take out your backpack.
08:18Be careful with your fingers.
08:20That's it.
08:30Only God knows if I'll come back.
08:33Let's go.
08:40A few hours later...
08:47Boarding pass, please.
08:54Good afternoon. Boarding pass, please.
08:57Good afternoon.
08:58Good afternoon. Boarding pass, please.
08:59No, we don't have it.
09:00What happens is that we need to call a passenger.
09:02Please, it's an emergency.
09:04What kind of emergency?
09:06Class A.
09:07Yes, Class A.
09:08I mean, it's familiar. It's like a life or death thing.
09:13Tell me the name of the passenger and the flight number.
09:16The name is Soledad García.
09:18And the flight number...
09:20Yes, there it is.
09:21Bright, please.
09:24There it is.
09:25That's the number.
09:26Read it.
09:32What happens?
09:33That flight has already taken off.
09:36That's it. Can you wait a little longer, please?
09:38Come in, come in.
09:39Come in, come in.
09:40Come in.
09:41Boarding pass, please.
09:42Come in, come in.
09:44Come in, please.
09:45Come in.
09:51Listen, Piñi.
09:54Don't tell me we didn't give it all.
09:56Until the 90th minute, we were giving it all, right?
09:58Yes, yes.
09:59Now, who knows?
10:00In one of those, the zone arrives at the destination,
10:03picks up the phone, listens to the message,
10:05hangs up the phone, takes a plane,
10:07and comes back and everything is fixed, right?
10:09No, this is not like the movies with Marco.
10:13Like life itself, right?
10:17But thank you very much.
10:19Let's go.
10:30You didn't have to...
10:31Yes, I had to, but no.
10:32There was a power outage in the boarding room,
10:34so I charged my cell phone
10:36and I managed to hear your message.
10:40How can I get on the plane
10:42if I'm still in love with you?
10:46I made a lot of mistakes, sorry.
10:48I was so, so wrong.
10:50I gave a lot of importance
10:52to a lot of my mistakes
10:54and I didn't fight for what I had to fight for,
10:56which was us.
10:59Oh, I miss you.
11:00I love you.
11:01I miss you.
11:02I love you, Alonso.
11:03I love you.
11:16Long live love!
11:18Long live!
11:24Yes, yes, yes.
11:25I'll leave it, I'll leave it, I'll leave it.
11:26Please continue.
11:31I thought you and Octavia were together.
11:36But how can I be with her
11:37if I'm in love with you?
11:40With you.
11:47I gave you so much MR.
11:49And I gave you...
11:50So, so, so much MR.
11:51I imagined this so, so much
11:53and I didn't think it was going to be real.
11:56It was real.
12:00What do we do now?
12:03Hello, Bruna.
12:06What do we do now?
12:10I want to be with you,
12:12but I'm very afraid
12:14of making a mistake again.
12:18I'm also afraid,
12:19but I think if we want to be together,
12:22we both have to do things right.
12:25Yes, but we can't be crazy.
12:27With the problems we already had.
12:29No, of course not.
12:31But Sole,
12:32I love you.
12:35I love you.
12:39Will love be enough?
12:43Will love be enough
12:45for things to work?
12:57I love you.
13:28I love you.
13:33And with that question,
13:34he left me paying.
13:37Is love enough?
13:39Well, you have to be realistic too.
13:42I mean,
13:44you have to put your feet on the ground.
13:48And besides,
13:51you're already reaching a certain age,
13:53you've already turned 50,
13:55I don't know,
13:57that theory
13:58that love is forever
14:00and we're going to be happy
14:01until the last day
14:03is also quite full of
14:05hey, you know,
14:06we're not there yet.
14:08it's not easy.
14:10But that's the beauty of love.
14:12In fact,
14:13there is a very beautiful saying
14:15that says that love moves mountains.
14:22Because there is love,
14:23that's why one is capable of anything.
14:26Even to cross the whole world.
14:29To challenge prejudices,
14:30to jump into the void,
14:32to change your whole life
14:35and all for love.
14:37If our entire lives
14:38revolve around love,
14:40the greatest suffering,
14:41those that disarm us completely,
14:43come from the heart.
14:45But also,
14:47love is the only thing
14:48that sometimes pushes us
14:49to keep living.
14:51And it's a choice
14:52that one makes day by day,
14:53not only on the date of birth
14:54that comes to you suddenly,
14:56it's also something
14:57that one decides.
14:59Because it implies many things,
15:00not just being there
15:01for your partner.
15:03It implies being able
15:04to forgive,
15:06to forgive oneself too,
15:08to heal old wounds
15:09and to trust the other again.
15:11To change like nothing else
15:12would make us change.
15:16And sometimes,
15:18love leads us to make sacrifices
15:19for another person.
15:22love leads us to put
15:23the happiness of those
15:24we love above ours.
15:29Love makes us grow,
15:32teaches us to give,
15:33to give without expecting
15:34anything in return.
15:48And there are times
15:49when there are
15:50such profound differences
15:51that not even
15:52the most endearing love
15:53can solve them.
15:56Because, of course,
15:57as much as it can mobilize us,
15:59love doesn't do miracles either.
16:07So if you ask me,
16:09in my particular case,
16:11I would tell you no,
16:13that love is not enough.
16:16Well, we already did it once.
16:18We threw ourselves
16:19into the void
16:20with our eyes closed
16:21and full of love,
16:22well in love.
16:24But we already know
16:25how things were,
16:26we already know
16:27the end of the story.
16:29And no,
16:30I don't think love
16:31is enough either.
16:33It's a lot of work,
16:34a lot of patience.
16:36A lot of conversation.
16:38So that things work.
16:40But that they work,
16:42that they really work.
16:44And well,
16:45for that,
16:46we're here.
16:53That's why we're taking things
16:54with calm.
16:57Slowly with the stones.
16:59Slow but sure.
17:01How have you been in this process?
17:03How do you feel
17:04that you have advanced
17:05all this time?
17:07Go ahead.
17:08No, no, no.
17:09You, please.
17:13It hasn't been easy.
17:15Yes, it's a little difficult.
17:19at least I feel
17:20happier than ever.
17:23Me too.
17:27What time is it?
17:28We have to go.
17:29We're really late.
17:30Excuse me,
17:31do we have a family engagement?
17:34Let's do the therapy
17:35next week.
17:36Let's do it now.
17:37Excuse me.
17:38Excuse me.
18:20I'm going to be late.
18:26I'll be there.
18:37Bye, bye, bye.
18:41Bye, bye.
19:10Hi, Pepito.
19:11Hi, Pepito.
19:12Happy birthday to you.
19:13Happy birthday to you.
19:14Happy birthday!
19:15A big kiss!
19:17Look at her, how big she is!
19:19Hi, Epe!
19:20Happy birthday to you,
19:26Happy birthday to you,
19:31Happy birthday to you.
19:36That's it!
19:43Happy birthday, mommy!
19:45I wish, I wish, I wish.
19:49Not that wish, Frescolina, not that one!
19:55Oh, Pucho, it looks like I don't have a wish.
20:00No, really, everything I've wished for in my life, I have it and it's here.
20:08I love you.
20:09Oh, I love you too, a lot.
20:13Come on, mom, hurry up.
20:17Okay, okay, okay.
20:19But please, no cake, okay?
20:24Maybe it could be a wish for the future, for what's to come.
20:29That's it, that's a good idea.
20:32For what's to come.
20:42For what's to come.
20:49Happy birthday to you.
20:52Happy birthday to you.
20:56Happy birthday to you.
21:03Happy birthday to you.
21:06Ay, hasta que seamos viejitos y la piel se nos arruine
