Olivia Plath Wants Ex Ethan to ‘Stay Single’ — As She Gushes Over New Boyfriend

  • 3 months ago
Olivia Plath Wants Ex Ethan to ‘Stay Single’ — As She Gushes Over New Boyfriend


00:00No, I remembered back to when we separated, I think season three, and getting divorced
00:07felt very similar.
00:10And I just came to the realization that it was a pattern I didn't want to continue.
00:14Like the fundamentals of the relationship hadn't changed, the foundation hadn't changed.
00:18It's just kicking a can down the road and that's a pattern I don't want to repeat for
00:21the rest of my life.
00:22It's a pattern I don't want to bring kids into.
00:24And it was also just really draining, that relationship.
00:27I don't think he's a bad person, but I think he wasn't my person.
00:30Like that was not the right fit.
00:32We, you know, gave it a run and learned a lot of things and we were kids when we got
00:39But as adults, I don't think we were compatible.
00:41I mean, look, this is my opinion, right?
00:43So take it with a grain of salt as somebody who is married to him, I'm going to say, please
00:48stay single.
00:49Um, there's a lot there to work through and this is, he has said this on the show, right?
00:57He's being like very anti-therapy or counseling.
00:58So like the, I would say, please look into that.
01:01Um, I know what I experienced being a part of that family dynamic and it was very, very
01:10I think it's hard for anyone as a spouse to know that family always comes first, right?
01:14So whoever he wants to be with in the future is going to have to be okay with that.
01:18Um, and it wasn't me.
01:21I wish the best for him.
01:23I hope that he gets some help and is able to work through things.
01:27But I also like, don't spend too much time thinking about that anymore because I put
01:29in my seven years, um, and didn't really get anywhere.
01:33So, um, yeah, I met someone when I was least expecting it and took it really slow and yeah,
01:42he's an amazing guy and I'm really lucky to know him and a little bit of that plays out
01:47on the season.
01:48So like towards the end, I think people see a small glimpse of that, but for the most
01:52part are we, I keep our relationship more quiet.
01:55I've done a public relationship and it's pretty hard.
01:57It's got, it's challenges with a lot of people weighing in with opinions.
02:01Um, so I'm keeping this one a little more quiet.
02:04I met him actually working a wedding.
02:07He was another vendor there.
02:08So I remember when I first got divorced asking my aunt like, okay, I've never done this.
02:13How do you meet people?
02:14And she was like, don't worry about it.
02:17Do things you're passionate about, do things you love and you're going to find someone
02:20along the way who's doing the exact same thing.
02:22And so that's exactly what happened.
02:26I think still on social media, I'll keep things a little bit more quiet.
02:29Just social media is so noisy and loud.
02:31Um, and the show feels a little bit more of like, I know what's being filmed.
02:36We have a better idea of like what we're doing and what we're sharing versus like everything
02:41being out there.
02:42So end of the show.
02:44You guys will see a little bit more of that new relationship in my life, but on socials,
02:47I still keep it pretty quiet.
02:50And I honestly thought that might be harder because I was like, no one's going to understand
02:54where I came from unless they experienced it themselves.
02:57And then I realized that maybe they won't understand everything, but like an emotionally
03:02available empathetic person can understand a lot.
03:05And I would rather run the risk of someone not understanding everything than like be
03:09with someone who grew up the same way thinking they're going to understand me.
03:12And then they get pulled back in.
03:14I've experienced that.
03:15I don't want that.
03:16I mean, it's easy to look back and be like, I wish it wasn't what it was.
03:20But at the same time, I think, well, I know I didn't do everything right.
03:24Well, I know I made mistakes and there are parts of the show I don't even want to watch
03:27because I'm like, I cannot handle like, I know what I was feeling inside and I know
03:31why I emotionally reacted the way I did, but still I hate that reaction that I had.
03:36It's really easy to look back and regret those things.
03:39It's a little bit harder sometimes to look back and be like, yeah, I was a kid who was
03:43figuring a lot out and felt really alone and didn't feel like I had the support that I
03:47needed. And there are times I've looked back and been like, am I just a terrible person
03:52because I did this?
03:53But I realized I would never make that choice now because I feel supported where I am in
03:58my life. And it showed me how much environment matters.
04:02And I think also, like, I don't really bring up my family on the show, but they're super
04:06dysfunctional. And coming from that and dealing with that off camera and then dealing
04:11with like the other family dynamic on camera was just way too much, like way too much.
04:16So, yeah, it's easy to look back and be tempted to regret things.
04:19But also all those things made me who I am and I learned from all of them.
04:24And I, I can't regret that.
04:28I have love for him as a person.
04:31I think it's hard to share all of those really.
04:36Like core memories, experiences as a teenager and then like being the first to
04:41everything, like I think that part of me is not going to forget that.
04:45Yeah, maybe I'm just remembering too much of the end of the relationship right now or
04:50I'm like, you know, it's just so not for me.
04:53That was really bad.
04:56But yeah, I wish him the best of life.
