• last year
Join instructor Sina Riemann for a 20-minute HIIT Pilates class. Riemann incorporates elements of pilates, strength training, and high-intensity cardio for a short but effective workout that's perfect for when you're crunched for time.
00:00This is your HIIT Pilates class. Think about it with elements of Pilates, strength training,
00:07and high-intensity cardio. We're going to put it all in one class to make you feel your best.
00:12We're going to work from your center core into your legs and upper body. Let's get started.
00:17Separate your feet hip-width apart. Give me a soft bend in your knees. Have your athletic stance.
00:21Inhale, reach your arms up towards the ceiling. Big stretch. Exhale, chin towards the chest.
00:27Roll on down one vertebrae at a time. Walk your hands down into a high plank position.
00:33Find your high plank right here. Press out and away from your shoulder blades. Beautiful. Just
00:37hold it here. Pike your hips up. Look down towards your toes like a downward-facing dog.
00:42And then give me a slow body wave forward. Warm up that spine. Bend your knees. Walk your hands
00:48back towards your toes. Pressing through your heels, rise up. Look up to the ceiling. Stretch
00:54yourself tall. Take it back down. We're going to do one more. Bend your knees. Walk your hands
00:58all the way down onto that mat. Find your high plank. Press into your palms. Out and away from
01:04your shoulders. Belly button to spine. Bring your chin to the chest. Pike those hips up. Stretch
01:09your shoulder blades nice and far back. And then slowly bring me that body wave forward. Round in
01:14that spine. Pull it all the way in front. Bend your knees. Walk your hands back towards your toes.
01:20Pressing through your heels. Rise all the way up to standing. Inhale. Beautiful. Now let's take it
01:26down onto your mat. We're going to take this into an ab roller with a push-up. We're going to engage
01:32center core with upper body. I want you to place your hands underneath your shoulders. Your knees
01:37go behind your hips. Tuck your tailbone under. Squeeze your inner thighs together. Now take a
01:42deep breath right here. I want you to slowly give me a push-up. Down for one. Down for two. Press up
01:49for one. Up for two. Now walk your left hand out. Right hand out. Bring your right hand back
01:56underneath your shoulder. Left hand underneath your shoulder. And then give me again that two-count
02:00push-up here. And we're going to do the other side. Right arm out. Left arm out. Bring it back in nice
02:06and slow. You're just going to walk your hands out. This is imitating a little bit that ab roller we
02:11have in the gym. Just reaching those arms out, right? This is working right here on your postural
02:16muscles. We're reaching those arms long and then adding that push-up. And as always, your push-up
02:22doesn't have to be so long. Your push-up can be right here. It's a small bend and just reach those
02:27arms out towards the mat. We got 10 more seconds right here. Beautiful. Inhale. Exhale. Walk it out.
02:37Last five. Four. Three. Two. And one. Slowly drop down onto your forearms. Find your forearm plank.
02:47Now if you can, maybe come up onto your toes. Find your forearm plank right here. Again, you can be
02:52on your knees if you want to, right? That's totally up to you. Whatever feels good on your body. Just
02:58hold. Now bend. Right knee. Left knee. Right knee. Left knee. You're using those lower abdominals to
03:06pull it down. If this is too much, I just want you to hold it right here. Last eight. Seven. Six.
03:13Five. Four. Three. Two. And one. Bring your knees down. Find a little child's pose right here. Stretch
03:21those arms nice and long. Drop your forehead down onto your mat. And now slowly pull yourself up.
03:27Shake out those arms. And let's come up into a standing position. All right. Stand up. Shake out
03:32those legs. We're going to take this into a reverse lunge. I'm going to face towards the side.
03:37Left foot steps forward. And I'll step your right foot into a reverse lunge. Deep down here. Think
03:42about right knee trying to tap the mat. I have a slight hinge in my upper body. I don't want to be
03:47too upright. When you're too upright, you're going to be much more in the quad. And it's pushing a
03:52little bit more too down into that right kneecap. So slight hinge. Now pull yourself all the way up.
03:57Step your right foot to the left. Right foot steps back. Find your reverse lunge. Beautiful.
04:03And then come back up. Really think about power through that front leg, left quad, left glute,
04:09as well as your left hamstring. And remember, your core is engaging the entire time. It's holding
04:15you up. We're holding this low at the bottom in five. Four. Stay strong. Three. Two. And one. Meet
04:25me down low in that reverse lunge. Bring your hands on the hips. Tiny pulse. Pulse down an inch.
04:30Down an inch. We're really going to feel the fire right now on that left side here. Tiny, small
04:35pulse. You got eight. We're going to add a little bit of cardio. I'm going to sprinkle it in in three,
04:40in two, and one. Hold it right here. Extend your right leg out. Reach your arms in front of you.
04:45Step your right foot to the left. Pull your arms back. Reach it back forward. Step and out. Step
04:52and bring it back out. Now add a little bit speed if you can. In and out. In and out. Challenge
04:58yourself. Your left leg is super stable here the entire time. Press into your left heel. Your thigh
05:04should be on fire. You got eight, seven, six, five. Take it back into your reverse lunge in three,
05:12two. Take it down into our reverse lunge. Just hold it here. Press into your left heel.
05:16Rise up. Straighten both legs. Take it back down. That's it. No more walking back and forward.
05:22Last five, last four, last three, two, and one. Drop down onto your knees. That left leg should
05:31be feeling this right now. Take it down into your quadruple position. Knees underneath your hips.
05:37Hands underneath your shoulders. Spine is nice and long. Pick up your left leg. Find your donkey kick
05:43position. Flex your foot. We're lowering your left leg down towards your mat. Pull it all the way up.
05:50Squeeze your glute. Lower your left leg down to the mat. Lift it up. Squeeze your glute. If you want
05:56to level up a little bit, you can try to bring your right arm behind your low back. It's going
06:02to give you a little bit more core stability if you want a little bit more. Otherwise, just keep
06:07it down and give me that donkey kick up. Yeah. All right. We're going to hold this at the top in ten,
06:14nine, eight, seven. Smile through that burn. In four, three, two. Hold it nice and high. Flex your foot.
06:23Tiny pulse. I know. Those sneaky little pulses. Tiny pulse. You'll always get them in Pilates.
06:29You got five. Hold in four, three, two, and one. Hold it right here. We take this now into a hamstring curl.
06:36Extend that left leg out nice and slow. And now scrape your right heel towards that left butt
06:42cheek. Beautiful. Extend it all the way out. Point your foot out and then flex on the way in. Try to
06:48keep that left knee in alignment with your left hip. Again, tuck your tailbone under again, right?
06:53Don't arch your back. Last eight. We're going to keep that left leg nice and straight in five,
06:59four, three, two. Left leg nice and long. You tap your left foot down to the floor. Push down onto it.
07:07Pull your right knee to the chest. Bring it down. Lift your left leg up. Left foot onto the floor.
07:13Right knee to the chest. Press into your palms. We're activating core, right? It's a full body
07:17exercise right here. You're pushing through the top of your shoulders, through that right oblique
07:22and that left side. Yes. Last ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one. Beautiful. Let that go.
07:39And now we're going to take this into inner thigh. This is one of my absolute favorite exercises. I'm
07:43sure you're going to love this. We're going to lay down onto your left side. So your bottom leg is at
07:48the bottom. Left leg is extended. Hook your right elbow behind your right knee, just like this. Press
07:54into your left form. Now we're going to pick that left leg up, lifting it up, lower it back down.
07:59You don't have to lift it so high, right? It can just be up an inch and down an inch. If this doesn't
08:05feel good, bring your right foot down, right hand down, and lift it right from here. Yep, that's it.
08:12Point your foot, lift, and lower. Now if you want to take this further, you want to make this a little
08:17harder. Grab your right ankle, stretch your right leg up towards the ceiling. That's your advancement.
08:25Breathe. Last eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one. Hold that left leg high. Give me a tiny
08:37pulse with that left leg. So small. Again, modification. Right foot is down. Beautiful. Small, small. We're
08:44extending both legs in four, in three, in two. Extend both legs. Tap your heels together. Little taps.
08:50You're gonna find right oblique, both in our thighs. Little taps, little taps. Reach your right arm up.
08:55Look towards the ceiling. If this is too much, bring your legs lower. You have five, four, three, two,
09:03release. Beautiful job. Shake it on out. We're gonna finish this off with that left side. Now we go into
09:09bilateral legs. So this is gonna be a little bit more of a high intensity exercise. You can take
09:15it in your pace. Turn your feet nice and wide out. We're gonna drop down into a plie squat.
09:21Bring your hands down to the mat. Walk it out. Out. Hold it. Step your feet in. In. Hands to prayer.
09:29Rise up. Sink low. Hands on the mat. Step your left foot back. Right foot back. Pull your right foot
09:35wide in. Left foot wide in. Like a little frogger pose. Now your advancement here. Lower down. Hands on
09:42the mat. Jump it out. Jump it in. Pull yourself back up to standing. That's your advancement. Doing a moving
09:49plie jump squat. Beautiful. Push through here, guys. Come on. Again, if this is too much, you just walk it
09:57out. Just like this. One by one. Last 10. 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Stand up. Shake it out.
10:16And we're gonna take it into the other side. Right foot forward. Left foot steps back into that lunge.
10:21Deep lunge. Hold your position here. Again, remember, slight hinge in the upper body to get a little bit
10:27more into your glute. Chest up. Shoulders back. And step all the way up. Press into that right heel.
10:34Step it back. Deep lunge. And come back up. You don't have to go so low, especially if you have
10:41problems with your knees. Make this smaller, right? You can just have a small bend at knee. Step it
10:47back right here. And then come back up. Inhale. Exhale. Pull yourself up. Really connect with
10:54your breath here right now. You should be a little bit out of breath from those Pilates burpees.
10:59In 8, we hold it low. In 4, 3, 2. Hold it all the way back. Left knee underneath your left hip.
11:08Give me a tiny pulse in our right standing glute. Tiny pulse. Left knee is trying to go down towards
11:14the mat right here. Tiny. Yes. You got 8. I got your little cardio burst on deck in 4, in 3, in 2.
11:22Stick with me here. Extend your left leg. Reach those arms long. Pull that left foot in. Push those
11:27arms back. Reach it all the way forward. Step it in. Push it back. Yes, you can. I know you can.
11:33You can stick through it. Push. Inhale. Exhale. Now, maybe add a little bit speed here if you can.
11:40The right side should be on so much fire right now. There you go. Come on. You got 10, 9, 8, 7.
11:48Drop it back into your lunge in 4, in 3, in 2, and 1. Drop back into your lunge. Big exhale. Just
11:56hold it here. Now, press up. Both legs extend. Take it back down. It's that stable lunge right here.
12:04Last 8, 7, 6, 5. We're going to drop onto your mat in 3, 2, and 1. Drop onto your mat.
12:14All right. We're feeling that right now. We're rocking and rolling. Knees underneath your hips.
12:20Hands underneath your shoulders. We take it right into your donkey kick. Again, don't forget, you
12:24can always take breaks. Take sip of waters and then meet me back on the mat. Lift your right leg up.
12:31Heel up towards the ceiling. Flex your toes. Now, lower your right knee down towards the mat. Inhale.
12:38Exhale. Kick it up into that donkey kick. Remember, if you want a little bit more core work, bring your
12:43left arm behind your low back. That's it. Try it out. Last 8, 7, 6, 5. Hold it high in 4, 3, 2.
12:56Hold it all the way high. Give me that tiny pose. I know, it's that sneaky little pose. Flex your foot.
13:01Kick that heel up to the ceiling. You got a little sticky glue on it. You're trying to get it off.
13:05Last 8, 7. Hamstring curl in 3, 2, and 1. Hold it high. Extend your right leg out. Point your foot.
13:13Flex your heel. Pull that right heel towards your hamstring and extend it back out. Last 5.
13:20Keep your leg straight in 3, in 2, and 1. Keep your right leg straight. Tap your big toe down to the
13:27floor. Push into your palms. Lift your left knee to the chest. Bring it back down. Lift your right
13:32leg up. Not too high. Watch your low back. Tap and lift. So really think about pressing from your palms
13:40down into the mat like you're trying to push it away and then lift back up. Squeeze that
13:44glue to the top. Last 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. Release. Bring it all the way in.
13:59Shake it out. Take that little child's pose if you need to and then we're going to take it right back
14:03into that inner thigh. This time you're going to lay down onto your right side. Hook with your left
14:08arm behind your left knee. Extend your right leg. Point your foot. Now modification. Step your foot
14:14down to the floor and lift from here. Lift your right leg slowly up for 2 counts. Bring it back
14:20down. You're focusing on the inner thigh. Inhale. Exhale, lower back down. Inhale, lift. Exhale,
14:27lower back down. If you want a little bit more, grab onto that ankle. Stretch your leg high and
14:33lift from here. So we're not just working your inner thigh here, right? You're also going to feel
14:37that left top oblique. 8 seconds. We're going to meet at the top. In 4, 3, 2. Hold it high. Give me a
14:46little pulse. Keep smiling. You got it. Small pulse. We're extending both legs for those little heel
14:52taps. In 3, 2. Both legs extend. Reach your left arm up. Tap your heels. Little taps. Little taps.
14:59They can be higher. They can be lower. That's it. Tap it. Tap it. Yes, you can. Last 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Bend your knees.
15:11Let's lay down onto your back. All right. We're going to take it back down into your center core.
15:16Lift your legs into tabletop. Fingertips go behind your head. Curl your head, neck, and shoulders
15:22off the mat. Press into your low back. We take this into a slow bicycle crunch. Right elbow,
15:28twist towards the left knee. Bring it back center. Twist. Left elbow to the right knee. Super slow
15:34but controlled. We're not trying to go fast. Not yet at least. There you go. We got 10 more seconds.
15:39Slow. And then we speed it up. Last 5. We speed it up in 4, in 3, 2, and 1. Let's speed it up. Left,
15:51right, left, right. Push through here. Inhale. Exhale. Beautiful. Really twist into those obliques here.
15:59Team, we got 10 seconds. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4. Hold in 3, 2. Hold it here for a second.
16:10Give me a hollow hold. Extend your legs and arms behind you. If this is too much, just bend your
16:15knees and hold those arms right behind you. Last 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. Drop it down. Hug the knees
16:26to the chest. We're almost at the finish line. Last one here guys. Last 2 exercises. Come on up.
16:33Shake it all out. The last exercise is going to be high intensity. So get all the last power you have
16:39in you into the last few exercises here. Hands underneath your shoulders. Feet all the way curled
16:45up into that high plank. Now right knee, left elbow. Step it back. Left knee, right elbow. Step it back.
16:53Now if you're good here, start to run. Twisted mountain climbers. Opposite knee, opposite elbow.
16:58If this is too much, drop onto your knees. Just give me little shoulder taps right here. That's
17:02your modification. Fight for this burn right here guys. Keep your heart rate up. You got 10, 9,
17:098, 7, 6, 5, 4. Hold in 3, in 2, and 1. Down onto your forearms. Just hold your plank.
17:1710. Say it with me. You have 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Drop it down onto your knees.
17:30Open your child's pose. Reach those arms long. Drop your forehead onto your mat.
17:35Take a big inhale. Exhale. Sit down onto those heels. Inhale. Exhale. Drop a little lower onto
17:44those heels. Now slowly pull yourself back up. I'm going to take this into a little hip flexor
17:50and hamstring stretch. I want you to step your left foot forward. Pull your right knee back.
17:56Keep your hands down by your sides. You're feeling that stretch down your right hip flexor right here.
18:02Now keep your right hand down. Reach your left arm up for a little spinal twist.
18:07If the spinal twist doesn't feel good, just stay down with your left hand on the mat.
18:11Look up towards your hands and then slowly bring your left hand back down. Shift your hips back.
18:17Straighten that left leg in front of you. Flex your toes. Feel the back side of your hamstring.
18:22Now if you want, you can also sit down onto your back heel if this feels better for you.
18:27Slowly pull yourself back up. Swing that left leg behind. Big step with the right foot forward.
18:34Swoosh that left knee a little bit more back so you really find that left hip flexor right here.
18:39Keep your hands down first. I want you to inhale. Exhale. Sit a little deeper and reach your right
18:46arm up for a little spinal twist. Remember, you don't have to do that spinal twist if it doesn't
18:50feel good. Slowly bring your hand back down. Shift your hips back. Find your hamstring stretch. Flex
18:58your toes. Feel the back side of your hamstring stretch out nice and long here. And if you want
19:04to take it further, you can sit down onto your back heel. Reaching towards your toes.
19:11And then slowly swing your right leg behind. Come onto the edge of your mat. Pull yourself
19:17all the way back up onto your feet. Find a mat with stands and then sink low into a deep squat.
19:23I want you to press your elbows into your inner thighs. Press, press, press. Hold it low.
19:29Bring your hands down to the mat. Fold on over. Drop your head. Straighten those legs.
19:34And then grab the opposite elbow. Rock your upper body side to side. Shake out your head. Yes.
19:40Shake out your head. No. Release those hands. Bend your knees. Roll on up one vertebrae at a time.
19:46Give me a big shoulder roll to the back. Big shoulder roll to the front. Inhale. Reach up.
19:53Look up to the ceiling. Exhale. Bring your hands to prayer. Amazing job guys. So proud of you that
19:59you crushed through this workout. This was not an easy one. Come back to it. You will get better
20:04at it. Trust me.
