The Bold and the Beautiful 7-24-24 (24th July 2024) 7-24-2024

  • 2 months ago
00:00You're back, yep.
00:17We got sidetracked earlier talking about Sheila.
00:20I still can't believe that the police released her.
00:22It's kind of sickening, actually.
00:24Anyway, I want to talk to you about something else.
00:29Okay, reach in me.
00:35Sheila may still be a suspect.
00:37But they let her go.
00:38Because they couldn't hold her.
00:40Finn says it's lack of motive.
00:43Two people die at Il Giardino a couple days apart.
00:47Like, there's no coincidence here.
00:50No, probably not, but they couldn't prove anything.
00:53Okay, so if it's not Sheila, then who could have done it?
00:59You have questions about me?
01:01Quite a few.
01:02Well, unfortunately, Katie,
01:05you and I don't know each other very well.
01:07Yeah, I'm not sure Bill knows you very well, either.
01:11I'm gonna get the answers that I'm looking for, Poppy.
01:14I won't stop until I do.
01:17Because I don't think Bill has any idea
01:19what he's gotten himself into.
01:23Bill, this is a surprise.
01:25Well, I'm nothing if not full of surprises.
01:30I kept thinking I would run into you somewhere, Lee.
01:34You've been laying low?
01:36Just busy.
01:38Well, I wanted to come by and thank you for everything.
01:43Running the paternity test.
01:46Making sure it was done correctly.
01:50I'm so damn happy to have Luna as my daughter.
01:54I was glad to help.
02:13You're exactly the kind of father my niece deserves, Bill.
02:17I love Luna very much.
02:20So do I.
02:22You'll be a good influence in her life.
02:25Well, she's already been very impactful on mine.
02:30I feel, I don't know, just somehow different.
02:37As a man, as a father.
02:42Liam says I'm becoming a girl, Dad.
02:48All I know is I want to keep my family close.
02:53That's more important to me than ever.
02:57Spencer's stick together.
02:58We have each other's backs.
03:02Now, it may be a bit old-fashioned,
03:04wanting to bring my people together.
03:07But now that Luna and Poppy are family,
03:12that means that you are as well.
03:19You don't know what that means to me.
03:25You can make this a whole lot easier.
03:27Just tell me what I want to know.
03:29Katie, my relationship with Bill has nothing to do with you.
03:36Well, he is my son's father and he's a big part of my life.
03:39So if you suspected that Bill could be Luna's father,
03:45I'll ask again.
03:47Why did you wait over 20 years to let the truth come out?
03:58You know about Monte Carlo?
04:00The Global Fashion Summit?
04:02Yes, it's going to be quite the event.
04:05Yes, I was just planning a big splash.
04:09He wants me to help announce that I'm going to be
04:12the face of Spectrum Line once again.
04:16Well, not just the face.
04:17I mean, it is lingerie after all.
04:20This is fantastic.
04:22Oh my gosh.
04:26Wait, you don't agree?
04:31I can't.
04:32I don't want to talk about Sheila anymore.
04:34Well, then let's not.
04:35No more Sheila.
04:37I didn't mean to snap like that.
04:39It's okay.
04:41Move past it.
04:42Let's talk about something else.
04:43Yeah, I actually want to talk to you about something work-related.
04:48Work-related? Okay, good.
04:49Yes, let's talk.
04:54Dad, why would you make Brooke the spokesperson for the bedroom line?
05:08You've already done so much for me, saving my life.
05:13I did what anybody would.
05:15Not true.
05:16But I appreciate your attempt at modesty, even though it's not really your style.
05:22I was just in the right place at the right time.
05:25That's all.
05:26You brought a complete stranger into your home, Bill.
05:29Well, you're not a stranger anymore.
05:32You're my daughter's aunt.
05:35I'm so relieved Luna's father is such a good man.
05:39I owe you so much.
05:42Then you wouldn't mind doing me a favor?
05:45I know that you and your sister have had your issues in the past.
05:50But I would really like it if you and Poppy got along.
05:55Just a little favor, huh?
05:56Would it hurt to try?
06:00We've never been able to do it before.
06:02You never had me before.
06:05So this is you, pulling people together.
06:10Being old-fashioned.
06:13I meant what I said about family being important to me.
06:20If there's anything that I can do to help you and your sister heal your differences,
06:27you can count on me.
06:30You're one of us now.
06:34Bill understands why I couldn't say anything.
06:38But you didn't just keep it from Bill.
06:41You kept the secret from your daughter for her entire life.
06:47Luna is happy, Katie.
06:49Everyone's happy.
06:50Everyone's happy except you.
06:52I just think it's odd.
06:54You know, you've had this secret.
06:55You've kept it for over 20 years.
06:58You refuse to tell your daughter who her father is.
07:01You denied it when Bill asked you if it could be him.
07:05And then out of nowhere, you what?
07:07You change your mind.
07:08You get a paternity test done after all this time.
07:12Time that Luna could have known her father.
07:15Time that Bill could have spent with his daughter.
07:18It was time that I needed.
07:20But why?
07:21For what?
07:25Something doesn't add up here.
07:28And I'm going to find out what it is.
07:33Well, you can't be surprised.
07:36I mean, Rich has wanted to revamp the bedroom line for a while now.
07:40I just didn't picture myself as the spokesperson.
07:44Oh, why not?
07:45It's your line.
07:47It was a long time ago.
07:50Well, I think it is a great idea.
07:53I think of the message you would be sending about timeless beauty
07:57and that a woman can feel confident and sexy at every age.
08:02I think it's exciting.
08:03Well, I am flattered.
08:06And everything Rich was saying was so sweet.
08:10I am interested.
08:12But am I the right fit for that demographic?
08:19Well, you wear it, don't you?
08:25And you are as gorgeous as ever.
08:29Honey, that is so sweet.
08:32I appreciate your support.
08:33Really, I do.
08:34I'm not fishing for compliments.
08:37I'm just having qualms about wearing lingerie in front of a camera.
08:43Well, I think anyone would be nervous about that.
08:48I mean, you say it makes you feel sexy and confident.
08:52And maybe that could be a way for you to help other women feel sexy and confident, too.
08:58I'm just saying.
09:00Think about it.
09:01You can always tell Rich now.
09:03I personally am hoping you will say yes.
09:09I already did.
09:18Thank you.
09:20I was here, Dad.
09:21I was here when you pitched this to Brooke.
09:23I saw the video.
09:24You wanted her to be the spokesperson.
09:26I know you weren't thrilled about it.
09:27Of course I'm not thrilled about it.
09:29I'm co-CEO.
09:30You need to consult me on these things.
09:32I didn't consult you.
09:33I told you I was going to retool the line.
09:35I told you that.
09:36Okay, bringing Brooke on, that's not a relaunch, Dad.
09:39That's a flashback.
09:40And honestly, that's something I really don't want a flashback to.
09:43Oh, so this isn't about business at all.
09:45This is about family history.
09:46No, it is about business, okay?
09:49I'm asking you from a business standpoint, why Brooke?
09:53There are so many beautiful models in this building.
09:56There are so many celebrities who would sign on.
09:58Why Brooke?
09:59She is more beautiful than she ever was, and everyone around the world loves her.
10:03That's why.
10:04You unilaterally brought Brooke into the executive team, and I had zero say.
10:09You want to push Brooke to be the lead model?
10:12The line is already profitable.
10:14I'm sorry, Dad.
10:15I think you are making a huge mistake.
10:27There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, Lee.
10:29I owe you far more than you owe me.
10:32You helped give me a daughter.
10:35You're under the Spencer umbrella now.
10:44What's going on?
10:47I'm sorry.
10:49I'm just, I'm just so relieved my niece has you in her life.
10:56The way you're so proud and happy to be her father.
11:03That's what a family should look like.
11:05I think of mine and all the grueling hours I put in, all the hard work, all the years.
11:22Then my marriage was destroyed by a lie.
11:29She was up there with my husband, a secret he kept for decades.
11:37Jack let you down.
11:39I won't.
11:42Ask my boys.
11:44Family is my priority.
11:48Now I have a daughter, due in large part to you.
11:56Until you save my life, it's the least I could do to repay you.
12:07Putting Brooke front and center will send an empowering message to women all over the
12:13You're not doing this to expand the demographic.
12:17You want to do this for Brooke.
12:19I mean everything.
12:20It's Brooke, Brooke, Brooke.
12:21I can't believe you already said yes.
12:31I got swept up in the moment.
12:34Rich was saying all these wonderful things about me and he got me revved up about the
12:38idea and say what a difference I could make.
12:41That's because you will.
12:43He is launching a global campaign.
12:46How could I possibly say no?
12:48Oh my gosh.
12:49It's so exciting.
12:51I mean, it will be amazing.
12:52You will be amazing.
12:54I am beyond thrilled for you, Mom.
12:57Really I am.
12:58Just try not to overthink it, okay?
13:02Just be your wonderful self.
13:05Thank you, sweetheart.
13:10Who is she to question me like that?
13:18I'm nervous coming into my home.
13:19I'm going to find the answers.
13:20I've got questions.
13:23What's wrong?
13:24It is nothing for you to worry about, sweetheart.
13:36But you seem upset.
13:37So what happened?
13:38I just had another run in with Bill's ex-wife.
13:50Um, do you have a minute?
13:52Come on in.
13:53What can I do for you?
13:54I just came from Bill's and I had, um, another unpleasant experience with your sister and
14:05I was wondering if you could help me with it.
14:18Just so judgmental and just sticking her nose where it doesn't belong.
14:23My God, what did she say to you?
14:27It doesn't matter, okay?
14:29It's nothing for you to worry about.
14:32You just enjoy this new life that you're sharing with Bill.
14:36I am.
14:37And I love it, Mom.
14:39I do too.
14:42And I will do whatever it takes to keep it.
14:46You want me to help you with Penelope?
14:49I understand the two of you aren't close.
14:52We haven't been for a while.
14:55Can I ask you about that?
14:57It's no secret.
15:00I don't like the way she's lived her life.
15:04She refuses to try to make it on her own.
15:08She's always relied on the generosity of wealthy older men.
15:13So you're pretty much calling her a gold digger.
15:17Yeah, I'm trying to put that behind me.
15:20But you have concerns.
15:22So do I, actually, which is why I have to ask you...
15:32You did the paternity test for Bill and Luna.
15:37Is there any chance, any chance at all, that the test could be wrong?
15:52Well, I think this is going to be great for you and the line.
15:57Thank you, honey.
15:59I appreciate your support.
16:01I do.
16:02Well, I'm not going to be the only one behind you.
16:04It sounds like Rich is all for it.
16:06Right, yes, his idea.
16:08And it is one that is going to pay off big time.
16:12I just wish I had your confidence.
16:15Well, where do you think I got it from?
16:18Mom, you come alive in the spotlight.
16:21It's a gift.
16:23You generate all of this buzz and electricity.
16:28It is marvelous to watch.
16:31And I know that Brooke's bedroom and the relaunch is going to be a huge success.
16:38I'm glad you think so.
16:44But I know somebody who's not going to be so excited.
16:52Skipping the line means going forward.
16:54You want to go backwards.
16:57The bedroom line is part of the Forrester legacy.
16:59And so, by the way, is Brooke.
17:01I can see you're really excited about this.
17:03I am excited about it.
17:05I am.
17:06I haven't been this excited in a long time.
17:08I'm excited to design for Couture.
17:10I'm excited about this line being relaunched and about this amazing, empowering message that we're sending out into the world.
17:16Women can be who they want to be right now.
17:19I get that.
17:21And I think that's something Forrester needs to stand behind.
17:24But I think it's going to be lost if Brooke is a spokesperson.
17:27She'd be a perfect spokesperson for this.
17:29No, the spotlight will be on Brooke and not the message.
17:34Look, I know you want to put Brooke front and center because she is your Logan.
17:39She's always been your Logan.
17:40Nothing new there.
17:44I'm really sorry.
17:45I'm sorry that the family breakup is still hurting you.
17:50So, you agree you're elevating Brooke?
17:54No, I'm not.
17:55No, I'm not elevating anybody.
17:57She has made a lot of contributions to this company without me.
18:02Yeah, yeah.
18:03She tore a family apart.
18:04Oh, I see.
18:08What do you think happened?
18:09Do you think she hit me over the head with a club and started dragging me into a cave?
18:14I left your mother.
18:15I did that.
18:17So, if you're going to be mad at somebody, be mad at me.
18:21Or even better, don't be mad at anybody.
18:24Whatever resentment you have, just try to get past that.
18:27Not for me or for Brooke.
18:29For you.
18:31Can you try and do that?
18:35Steffi, I love you so much.
18:37I'm so proud of you.
18:38You've got to know that.
18:41If you don't hear, the work you're doing is amazing.
18:46The way you fight for your family, the way you fight for your marriage.
18:49You get up every day and you grab life by the throat.
18:52I've never seen anything like it.
18:55You're the most intense woman I've ever seen.
19:00So, I know you can get past this.
19:03I know you can.
19:04I know you can.
19:07Because this whole Forster vs. Logan, that's gone.
19:10That's done.
