The Bold and the Beautiful 7-25-24 (25th July 2024) 7-25-2024

  • 2 months ago
00:00Mom, I'm really happy for you.
00:10You've defined beauty in the past with Brooke's bedroom, and I'm excited to see you do it
00:16Well, thank you, honey.
00:18It's still all sinking in.
00:20Well, look, I do understand maybe some of the hesitancy.
00:26Just please don't allow one of those reasons to be stuffy.
00:29Oh, she's not going to be very happy when she hears the news.
00:37Steffi, you more than anyone knows how short life could be.
00:44Don't hold on to grudges.
00:45Come on.
00:46Look, I know how much you love me.
00:49And I want to do what's best for us, but I can't just forget what the Logans have done.
00:59And I'm not asking that.
01:02Brooke is a sticking point.
01:04I get it.
01:06Please remember that it was me.
01:08I left you.
01:08I left you, Mom.
01:09It was me.
01:10He upset with me.
01:13But I love Brooke.
01:14I have for a long time.
01:16She's my person.
01:18And the Logans and the Forresters aren't at odds anymore.
01:22We're one big family.
01:24Maybe not happy, but we're a family.
01:26Crazy family.
01:26Your kids, Hope's kids, all of us.
01:30I know what this feud is you're holding on to.
01:33Even your grandma let it go.
01:36Her and Brooke, they were great friends in the end.
01:37And what a waste of time.
01:40They could have been so close for so long.
01:44So let's not do this.
01:45Let's not repeat history.
01:49I'm hoping, I'm really hoping you're going to come on board with all of it.
02:00I'm going ahead with Brooke.
02:01We're a bedroom line.
02:05And this whole social media blitz, it's, it's going to drop when Brooke and I are in Monte Carlo.
02:13Brooke's coming to Monte Carlo?
02:17I just can't shake off how upset I am.
02:20Mom, don't give Katie this much power over you.
02:23Like, look, I understand that us coming into Bill's life is a big adjustment, but if Katie
02:28can't handle that, then that's on her.
02:31You're right.
02:32You're right.
02:33And there's so much to be grateful for.
02:36And I know how much you are loving your life right now.
02:39I am.
02:40Well, you know, I, I loved our life before too, but this just feels, I don't know, like
02:48I finally have a father and it's not just any father.
02:50It's Bill Spencer.
02:52And he's welcomed us with open arms.
02:55Of course he has.
02:57And you know, Bill is really lucky to have a daughter like you.
03:01I know that I am.
03:04This is a really special moment for us right now.
03:06I love our life and I'm not going to let anyone ruin it.
03:12Well, I love our life as well.
03:15And I agree.
03:17No one is going to ruin it.
03:19Katie, are you accusing me if I somehow mishandled Bill and Luna's paternity test?
03:25Oh, no, no, no.
03:26I, I, I don't mean to suggest that.
03:28I'm just wondering if there's any chance that the test could be incorrect.
03:48Um, Bill, I was just being a little dramatic.
03:59I, I, I really didn't know.
04:01I agree.
04:03You never have to hide your feelings for me.
04:07I was your creature.
04:07So you're not implying I made an error with the paternity test, but you're still asking if it could be wrong?
04:22Please don't take this personally.
04:24I don't have your expertise, but, um, I'm sure these tests have false results from time to time.
04:32And I'm just wondering if, uh, it might not be correct.
04:38My sister's really alarmed you, huh?
04:42Yes, she has.
04:43I keep on getting these like weird vibes from her.
04:46Like she's hiding something.
04:47So maybe the results aren't right.
04:53No, Katie, the paternity test is correct.
04:57Bill is Luna's father.
05:08Look, if Stephanie is not thrilled about the relaunch of the bedroom line, then, you know, that's on her.
05:14We, we, we should be celebrating.
05:16We shouldn't be worrying about her reaction.
05:19And besides, I know Ridge cannot wait to get started.
05:23Honestly, I think he just enjoys me trying on lingerie for him.
05:28Mom, I, okay.
05:30I'm kidding.
05:32This is going to be very exciting.
05:34Going to the global fashion summit and relaunching Brooke's bedroom officially.
05:41Well, maybe it doesn't have to be just business.
05:43I mean, it could be a little bit of a romantic getaway for you and Ridge.
05:48It might be just what you need.
05:51I totally agree.
05:53Wait, uh, isn't Steffi going too?
06:01You want Brooke to come to Monte Carlo?
06:04Yeah, I think Brooke coming is going to help relaunch the bedroom line.
06:08Good data.
06:09I thought it was just going to be the two of us.
06:22I'm sorry.
06:23I, I didn't want to sound insecure or worried about what we have being ruined.
06:29I would never let that happen.
06:32This is important to me too.
06:34I mean, it has literally changed my world and having a daughter, especially
06:43one as remarkable as Luna, it's made me a different man.
06:50I never expected it.
06:53Now that I have it, I don't want to let it go.
07:01So these paternity tests are never faulty.
07:05There's, there's never any room for error.
07:08It depends who administers them.
07:10As you know, I ran the test myself, taking out any room for error.
07:16Because you suspected Poppy of the same thing I did, that she might
07:21alter the results in her favor.
07:25Because you know, that she might do something as treacherous as
07:29lying and trapping Bill into believing that he's Luna's father.
07:37I owe Bill my life after he saved me.
07:41But I also care about my niece enough to not see her be hurt.
07:47So I took charge, making sure there's no room for doubt or uncertainty.
07:53And there wasn't, Katie.
07:55The paternity test was correct.
07:59Things are going well.
08:06I feel Logan's and the Forrester's could finally be working together in harmony,
08:11but then it just seems like Steffi wants to keep the feud alive and well.
08:16And if she goes to Monte Carlo, she is definitely planning on coming.
08:20I heard her talking about it.
08:23Oh, and I can't imagine that she would bow out gracefully to let you and
08:28Ridge have a romantic getaway alone.
08:35I was really looking forward to our trip to Monte Carlo.
08:37I thought it was just going to be the two of us.
08:40I'm still looking forward to it.
08:42It is going to be the two of us.
08:44We just added Brooke because she's, she's back now.
08:49Yeah, but our company's presence, it goes way beyond Brooke's bedroom line.
08:52Our company is not just a lingerie company.
08:55I know that, but we create beauty.
08:57We make women feel like they're desired.
09:02And that's where the bedroom line comes in because at Forrester, it doesn't matter
09:07if you're 20 or 40 or 80 or even a hundred years old, being beautiful, it never goes away.
09:15Monte Carlo is the right location and Brooke is the right spokesperson.
09:20And I'm hoping you can support that.
09:27You're not the only one who sees the world differently.
09:37You've changed my life, too.
09:39I've always been fiercely protective.
09:41I mean, especially when it comes to Luna from the day she was born.
09:46I just held her so incredibly close to me.
09:49So for me to share her or to not be the only parent, it's a huge deal.
09:55You say that we changed your life.
09:58You've changed our lives in more ways than you can possibly imagine.
10:05I'm just so grateful that you're my father.
10:12Believe me, I understand how difficult this must be for you, Katie,
10:17seeing your ex-husband with another woman.
10:22He was bound to move on.
10:23He was bound to move on sooner or later.
10:25I mean, honestly, that's what I wanted for him.
10:28But still, to see him with a new family in the same home where you raised your son,
10:36it must be challenging.
10:39It is, but it's not so much the new family.
10:42I mean, we would have made that work.
10:45It's more the this territorial vibe I'm getting from your sister.
10:49I mean, just something seems off.
10:52Something always feels off when it comes to Penelope.
10:56That's why I stormed over to Bill's and demanded I administer the paternity test.
11:05It just felt like she was up to something.
11:07But I was wrong, Katie.
11:11She wasn't lying.
11:13Bill is, without a shadow of a doubt, Luna's father.
11:22You know, I hate that we can't just enjoy your accomplishments,
11:26that we have to worry about Stuffy and her constant disapproval.
11:31It's not all her fault, Hope.
11:33There's a history of conflict between our families, especially her mother and me.
11:37Okay, well, don't you think it's about time she got over it?
11:41Her dad is a grown man. He made his choice.
11:43He wants to be with you, and he picked you to be the face of the relaunch
11:48of one of the most successful lines at Forrester Creations.
11:53This is your time.
11:55It is well-deserved.
11:56So you and Ridge, you are going to go to Monte Carlo,
11:59and yes, Stuffy will be there too, glaring at me the whole time.
12:04Okay, fine, let her glare.
12:06If Stuffy wants to have a pity party, fine, we will let her.
12:10But you promise me that you will enjoy this trip with Ridge.
12:18And please do not let Stuffy come between you.
12:26You want me to support this?
12:29It's an empowering message for women of all ages.
12:31I support the empowerment of women.
12:33Just not Brooke.
12:35I know Brooke.
12:37She doesn't really care about empowering women.
12:39This is about her. She wants all the attention.
12:42She's good at it. She manipulated you with the lingerie line.
12:45Was she? Unplayed that easily?
12:47Yeah, I think so.
12:49She didn't even want this.
12:51I had to convince her to do the bedroom line. You were there.
12:55Fine, fine, okay.
12:59If you want to revamp the line, and you want Brooke as the spokesperson,
13:05okay, fine, let's do it.
13:07But please, let's just not have her come to Monte Carlo.
13:10No, when was the last time you and I had actual time together
13:13without kids, without our significant others?
13:16I feel like life is pulling us in so many different directions,
13:20and I was really looking forward to this, Dad.
13:22I'm still looking forward to it. We were doing it.
13:24Yeah, but Brooke is tagging along with us now.
13:27Because it's better for business.
13:29I personally think it's going to be a huge flop.
13:31I don't agree.
13:33Well, that sucks because as co-CEOs,
13:36we need to support each other in these big decisions.
13:39And we also need to have each other's backs
13:41and maybe give each other the benefit of the doubt.
13:43Look, we're going to have a photo shoot here.
13:45It's going to be all beautiful models.
13:47We'll do all that.
13:48But in Monte Carlo, it's going to be Brooke.
13:51Because she's just better at selling this stuff than anybody else.
13:55And I promise you, we'll have time.
13:57The two of us will find time.
13:59Just for us, okay?
14:02I promise you. Come here.
14:04I love you.
14:05I love you.
14:07And I love you.
14:11I love you.
14:17So, now that we're alone,
14:19there's something I want to talk to you about.
14:22My spency senses are tingling.
14:25Your spency senses?
14:28I'm feeling like you're stressed, uptight.
14:33I mean, yeah.
14:35I mean, I guess I have been a little on edge recently.
14:42I had a run-in with Katie earlier.
14:46What did she say?
14:48She had questions about me.
14:51Questions that she's going to get the answers to.
14:55And what do you suppose that means?
14:57I have no idea.
14:59But I am sick and tired of this.
15:01And first my sister questions my character integrity,
15:04and now your ex-wife?
15:07I'm sorry.
15:09No, no, no.
15:11Don't apologize.
15:14And don't worry about Katie.
15:17She thinks she's protecting me.
15:20Katie's harmless.
15:37I know you're hiding something, Poppy.
15:41I'm going to find out what.
15:57Something's gotten into you.
15:59I just keep thinking about you and that lingerie.
16:02Is that so?
16:07I know what I was going to ask you.
16:08Can you put that on again?
16:09Because I think it needs an adjustment.
16:10It's just professional stuff, obviously.
16:17Tonight, huh?
16:24You can have such an impact on so many women all over the world.
16:29I'm really flattered.
16:31I am.
16:33You have a way of making me feel beautiful and sexy.
16:36Because you are beautiful and sexy.
16:40I just can't help but be a little bit concerned.
16:48And what's really weighing on me is Steffi.
16:55I don't want to come between you and your daughter.
17:10This isn't a good time, Hope.
17:13Ooh, could this mood maybe have something to do with your father and my mother?
17:23I heard the good news about the bedroom line.
17:27Really excited about the photo shoot.
17:29And the social media drop to coincide with the Global Fashion Summit at Monte Carlo.
17:34I think putting my mom front and center is really going to be great for the company.
17:40Are you trying to get a rise out of me?
17:43Why would I want to do that?
17:45My mother and I care about this company.
17:47You're the only one who doesn't seem excited about her return.
17:52She deserves this, Steffi.
17:54And this opportunity means a lot to her.
18:00My father used to be my co-CEO.
18:03It's not the case anymore.
18:05Brooke's in the middle.
18:07We were supposed to go to Monte Carlo together, and now Brooke's tagging along.
18:13My father and I, we used to have a really good bond, but clearly things are changing.
18:19I... I understand.
18:22Please don't try to patronize me.
18:24I'm not patronizing you.
18:26I understand.
18:27Please don't try to patronize me.
18:29I'm not, actually.
18:32I would be hurt if I expected to, you know, share an experience with my father only for that to be given to someone else.
18:41But I do think this issue is maybe bigger than us.
18:47Your problems are my problems.
18:49I think this comes down to our parents' happiness.
18:53They've been through so much over the years.
18:55There were so many ups and downs, and now I feel like they're finally where they need to be.
18:59They finally found their footing, and so I don't think we should stand in the way of that.
19:03I think we need to support them.
19:08Support Brooke?
