Most entertaining spanish movie in english
Short filmTranscript
00:01:53Hi, sorry, do we Charlie Connors boy said I find you here
00:01:58Never heard of him
00:02:00Play just like him. You don't know them. I don't just mean you can blow which you can
00:02:07The way you arch your back and the big notes pure Charlie Connor
00:02:12Go no, is it?
00:02:39Look I'm sorry to be the one to tell you I got bad news
00:02:45I'm afraid he died last week heart attack. I'm sorry
00:02:57Who are you Sean Blaine played in the same band as him as your dad drums
00:03:07Also did a bit of legal stuff my day job I'm solicitor
00:03:15Like I said never look I understand
00:03:24The funerals tomorrow
00:03:27He wanted you to play a
00:03:29Requiem or something
00:03:34Then I will read it
00:03:39You've never done the drums
00:04:09Fancy plane you wanted that as a zephyr tough
00:04:32Who were that lot
00:04:34His girlfriend his latest business partner something like pine nuts in Senegal, you know
00:04:42Little guy Joey plays sax in a band with us the tattooed fella. I think was a cellmate Ford or Pentonville
00:04:55Think going I don't know you
00:05:01Don't know any of them
00:05:03I've only seen him a handful of times since mom died and he shot to Spain
00:05:15He was boy no
00:05:21Charlie Connor owed me. I do what what for let's just say he had a bad week when the horses a few bad boys
00:05:27Is that much the trumpets mine?
00:05:29He offered up for collateral 10 grand's worth. He told me used to be Louis Armstrong's or something. Yeah
00:05:34So what if it did well that kind of money if you play itself, it wasn't his to offer
00:05:40Okay, he gave it to me. I've had it since I was a boy 10 grand
00:05:46Take where am I gonna get?
00:05:50You're a lawyer tell me I can't just take it
00:05:55No, take me
00:06:00I'd need to see the paperwork
00:06:03I'll call the police and the price of God. Sorry son, but it's the way it works. Sorry for your loss
00:06:10You bet on me
00:06:21How does he do still beyond the bloody grave
00:06:30Thanks for inviting me by the way lovely
00:06:34At least come to the wheel reading you got his playing style maybe electric something else as well
00:06:4010 grand
00:06:42Probably not
00:06:44but it was Charlie Connor, so
00:08:30Excuse me
00:09:49I'm very observant
00:09:53Enrique I'm the owner Barney could I get you know, so that's of course una cervecita
00:10:20Sorry, do you know this house?
00:10:24Yes, of course that was Terry console house
00:10:29You have voted
00:10:31No, not really. I've kind of acquired it
00:10:34I've just come to check it out. Don't sell it. Really. I will tell you later
00:10:39No, no, thanks. I'm fine on my own. I insist salute
00:11:10You acquired it without seeing it yeah, no it was kind of a prize and a competition
00:12:25Was it first prize or last prize
00:12:30Still it's gonna be worth something right sure if you want to live like this not at any price
00:12:40But not even 10,000 pounds
00:12:43There are perhaps 50 houses for sale on this mountain
00:12:47Everyone wants to say but people only want to buy houses. They can't leave it
00:12:53make some simple reforms
00:12:57three four thousand years
00:13:02You can't make a seat boss from the Pixar's
00:13:13Tell you Connor is your father maybe
00:13:18Yeah, he was he died a couple weeks ago
00:13:23I'm sorry. How did you know I
00:13:27Think you need a better story than winning a competition
00:13:30What does this mean the maldita English
00:13:36The bloody Englishman
00:13:39He tried to make him a cadamium farm here, you know the nuts and he poisoned all the water with insecticides and herbicides
00:13:47His farm was over an underground stream. There are natural springs all around
00:13:52But still we can't drink from them and that was five years ago
00:13:56animals die
00:13:58Animals die
00:14:00Farms were ruined. That's terrible. He made promises. He lied
00:14:05He owes money to everyone
00:14:09When anything goes wrong here now they blame
00:14:13And maldita English look I had nothing to do with him. I understand I
00:14:20have something
00:14:22Similar with my father. Is it gonna be a problem my my being his son with me?
00:14:28of course not but
00:14:30Maybe keep it to ourselves
00:14:32Not everyone here is as tolerable as me
00:14:38So, how are you going to get some money to reform the house?
00:14:43Bank loan on this property in Spain nowadays
00:16:23Give me a star
00:16:25You made me
00:16:29Duh I
00:16:33Thought this place was deserted
00:16:36You speak English I
00:16:39Saw you earlier in the village. I'm from bark, but my father was English
00:16:47Have you bought it? Not exactly but it's mine
00:16:52Why do you want to make me an offer inherited? No, my manager bought it for me as an investment
00:16:57Well, I think you might want to get any manager. This is Charlie Connors old house
00:17:04so I've heard
00:17:06So, you know what to do to the water here?
00:17:08Well, my parents farm is just down there down the hill
00:17:12It's ruined us
00:17:15I'm sorry
00:17:19It's not your fault, uh, no, no, obviously I just
00:17:24I'm Paloma, by the way
00:17:29That sounded good
00:17:32Thanks, but it's just something I'm working on you wrote that
00:17:38yeah, and
00:17:41Played all the parts computers. They really need me what he else
00:17:47Everybody needs somebody
00:17:49Anyway, aren't musicians all about
00:17:52Collaboration not this one. I fly solo always have
00:17:58What about you what do you do I
00:18:00Look after my granny and teach a few hours of English in the school here and that's enough to live on
00:18:07These are tough times
00:18:08Like Reese's haven't you heard?
00:18:13Probably hasn't affected you lone wolf musicians
00:18:17Anyway, you'll like it here. It's a friendly place
00:18:21usually means nosy, but
00:18:23I'm not really looking to stay just do the place up sell it get back to London
00:18:31Well, good luck then
00:20:36Centro Enrique's bar
00:21:30Gavin Blair
00:21:32Barney Barney Armstrong. Well, here you go. Mr. Barney Armstrong load up for Michael finishes the lock
00:21:40How do you end up in it I'll barge
00:21:42Fell asleep on the jubilee line next thing, you know, I'll get a joke. You're lucky. Yeah good people not Nigel
00:21:51Where's the night karaoke pub quiz Enrique doesn't DC club finally got some English TV in the bar
00:22:03Enrique's all right. Not that Emily
00:22:05I'm in IT. I work for me. I've got a couple of major UK clients
00:22:13Kind of a musician. Oh, yeah
00:22:18Jump it I'm guessing
00:22:21No relation, I suppose
00:22:25Barney Armstrong
00:22:28Louis Armstrong
00:22:31Yeah, we have got a little bad no not on this law, you know proper stuff Beatles covers that kind of thing you should try
00:22:40Enrique man, he's not a camel. Hey, right
00:22:47Why boys, let's see if you can keep up one two, three four
00:22:58On a way
00:23:02With the
00:23:18You can't trust a special like the old-time coppers when you come by
00:23:25I'm all together now. Oh, you can't trust the special like the old-time coppers
00:23:31Hey the Kings here the Kings here the Kings here
00:23:34when you can
00:23:36find your
00:23:45Can't stand it when they get like this, I'm sure they want this British back home
00:23:55It used to be the heart of village life a place for everyone young and old man and female
00:24:02Spanish and English the universal language of music. Okay
00:24:05Marco you like but that's how it was
00:24:08We were a family
00:24:10Just the family you choose
00:24:12Rather than the family you're stuck with
00:24:14We'd play at fiestas weddings funerals. We used to win competitions
00:24:20In fact, the big regional one is in a couple of weeks
00:24:24And the village even has its own amphitheater
00:24:27Of course it does
00:24:28Where else would box gladiators go to kill wax dragons?
00:24:33That's a coliseum
00:24:36Amphitheater for music
00:24:40the clarinet
00:24:42But not so much since the band fell apart
00:24:45What happened
00:24:48Like it is
00:24:50Suddenly everyone was traveling around trying to make ends meet
00:24:54No one could spare the time
00:24:56And the band leader had to give up to work full-time on his farm and that was that
00:25:03It's a shame
00:25:06Yeah, I suppose
00:25:13You think you're a lone wolf I think you're a cold fish
00:25:57Quicken you look
00:26:00So Spain loves its fountains, eh
00:26:06Maybe not this one
00:26:08The Water Authority keeps sending a man to check the water quality in the village
00:26:13The fountain stays dry until it passes the test
00:26:16All right
00:26:18Anyway, look had an idea. How do you feel about you and me getting the band back together?
00:26:24What the barge band with me as band leader
00:26:31What happened to not wanting to join in you don't even speak Spanish do you
00:26:37You could translate for me
00:26:40And I thought you wanted to get out of here look it's not forever
00:26:43We're just getting the band back on its feet. And didn't you say there was a big competition coming up?
00:26:49One that you guys used to win
00:26:51El certamen entre las bandas de musica de los pueblos valencianos
00:26:55Yeah, yeah, the third amendment los pueblos to it's a competition right and and all the musicians they're still around
00:27:04We could play that piece on your computer. Yeah, great. Whatever but you have to do it properly, of course
00:27:10And do not let me down and not let them down. I won't and I won't
00:27:19Underestimated you
00:27:22So, when do we start
00:27:25How about tomorrow?
00:27:26We could post the leaflets
00:27:28Calling all barge musicians that sort of thing
00:30:07Can't believe but has its own amphitheater
00:30:10You have to change your mind
00:30:11You are staying just for the competition then I'm doing up the house with the prize money selling it getting back to London
00:30:19You you are going to do the prize money
00:30:22Borrow it. I'll repay every penny with interest not my father, but I know
00:30:28But can you do this without anyone finding out you're his son? Well, I'm not gonna tell anyone are you of course not?
00:30:36Just mustn't play the trumpet in front of anyone
00:30:39I think I can just about manage that. Oh
00:30:44Apparently I play like him a lot like him and it's quite distinctive
00:30:50She thinks you will fall in love with the billets and the bands no offense, but that's just not gonna happen
00:30:55I don't need a village. I don't need a band. I just need 10,000 quid
00:31:01It's hasta la vista
00:31:43Nobody will come. No, thanks for the vote of confidence. That's not you
00:31:49It's because they think my music is boring
00:31:52Now everybody listens to hip-hop
00:31:55Yes, sure, and that mistake drama state grime
00:32:02Actually, we're using one of Marley's compositions
00:32:09Ah, it's either our first customer or the worst gangster ever
00:32:17He Barney come on director get a party
00:32:21Yo, nunca quise tocar la tuba. He never wanted to play the tuba
00:32:30Get a party Carmen
00:32:42Get a party
00:32:46I'm as cacahuetes
00:32:49Joe Vila preferido tocar el trombone
00:32:53He always fancied a trombone
00:32:57No, you okay tell him how important we think this is, you know for the village
00:33:05Hotline list
00:33:07No, I'm not so tough. Yeah, that didn't sound very welcoming
00:33:11He's a proud valentino. You're English and it's the whole Charlie Connor thing
00:33:17He sold the band some dodgy uniforms ran off with the money
00:33:23Bloody English, man
00:33:33So, what do you think at least, you know, Carmen will be there
00:33:40Anyway, you will find out tomorrow at the Casa de Cultura
00:35:00Know is our trumpet soloist our star. I do remember who said
00:35:30Okay, let's get started
00:35:44Right. Let's get started with something. I'm sure you'll all know
00:35:47Bien, vamos a empezar con una obra que conoceréis muy bien
00:35:51box trumpet concerto for a funeral
00:35:56It's the last director's signature piece it's kind of
00:36:03Okay, geez. Sorry
00:36:06All right, how about?
00:36:11Okay, how about an old faithful Paso Doble el gato Montez
00:36:17Seriously what now it's just the 1970s cliche Spain for tourists
00:36:26King TNK toca la trompeta. Do you hear me? And he wants to know who's going to play the trumpet as Luis isn't here
00:36:35You know, I don't even play the trumpet
00:36:40Okay, right we're doing el gato Montez and you're gonna play the lead
00:37:02Don't know
00:37:48Esto es un puto desastre
00:38:36Hello darling
00:38:45How do you go not bad good
00:39:00Okay, have a good
00:39:17Haven't seen for that movie. It'd be shocker last night. I
00:39:22How did you hear not much goes on in barge about me now
00:39:26Right, for instance. I have memory K that you wrote some song
00:39:31And your manager
00:39:33Use the proceeds to buy Charlie Connors house. Ah, yeah, Charlie Connor
00:39:39And there was a character was he yeah funny as a fight never was cup of tea though, but there you go
00:39:48So must have been quite famous in this song of yours
00:39:51Oh, no, no famous. Oh, come on
00:39:55What's it called? I?
00:39:57Think they ended up calling it something like love and stuff
00:40:06You know, they kept they kept changing it the name and add a gun I'll tell you what why do you hum it for us?
00:40:32Yeah, don't really remember the rest catchy
00:40:41So, what do you want us alone? Well, that's kind of between us
00:40:58They'll be okay they just need a little practice
00:41:04They need a lot
00:42:22You need sunglasses I've got a suitcase full of them back at the house
00:42:27Julia the sunglasses come cheap rubbish
00:42:36So this Louise gonna be everything you say is we need our trumpet soloist
00:42:45You know, that's what Charlie Connor used to do yeah
00:42:51He might have been a bastard if he could really play
00:42:55Just thinking
00:42:56Yeah, so I've been told
00:42:58What was Gavin's problem, by the way?
00:43:01seemed pretty hostile
00:43:03Don't worry about him. He likes to be the big fish. That's all
00:43:13The necessity Tom's not well, it's been even part of the SSI. Yeah, I don't care
00:43:18My part of the Ametista de verdad a bastante mal
00:43:23Lo siento, pero es que los tomates nos pero nadie
00:43:25Lisa's father Manolo isn't well. He needs roots here to work
00:43:30He can't just do this one competition. He says they need to get the tomatoes to market by Friday. They're just too busy
00:43:48So, that's it
00:43:50See Lisa's father
00:43:53He was a previous band leader
00:43:56Yeah, the guy from the photo in the bar
00:43:59What photo?
00:44:01Nothing the box trumpet concerto for a funeral guy, right?
00:44:06And so he gave up the band to work on the farm
00:44:10So it's what you might call a family tradition
00:44:29Thought I meant goodbye
00:44:31more like so long
00:44:34Useful in a village where everyone knows everyone and they see each other all the time
00:44:39Give me a big anonymous city any day. No one talks to anyone you just get on with it
00:45:40She wants to know if there's anything she can do to help
00:45:42Ah, not unless you've got a giant tomato gathering machine
00:47:02Thank you
00:47:12Yes, great, okay tell it to afternoon we rehearse tomorrow night our first public performance
00:50:19Bravo it went well, huh? Very well
00:50:27So I'm thinking maybe now's a good time to get started on the house
00:50:31Do you happen to know any builders
00:50:35Sure. Sure. My cousin Alejandro is a painter and builder. I can ask him. Great. Great. Thanks
00:50:45Congratulations, oh and to you. Yeah, what's to everyone? We be in when it's not just
00:50:54Right about Luis, hey, I don't know how he plays that crappy trumpet is but I can really blow
00:51:01It's not about the instrument. It's about the music
00:51:08Not bad
00:51:11Yeah, you almost ready for the competition
00:51:13You know, I was thinking of entering myself you
00:51:19Just you and a couple guitars. Oh, we've been recruiting to
00:51:26And Antonio for now, oh
00:51:30By the way, you did see Barney Armstrong, right and the song was loving stuff
00:51:36Probably. Yeah, I mean about the song title. Yeah, cuz you know, I'm
00:51:41Definitely who I hang on. You can't you can't poach Antonia
00:51:45You know, I've got a fucking feeling that you're up to something. I don't know what it is. Yeah, but it's something it's nothing. I
00:51:51Mean, I'm not
00:51:54Just this. Hmm. Well, it better not be anything to do a paloma
00:51:57Hello, you know, you may as well bugger off back to London take your fakes on with you and just leave her
00:52:59Thought you would be more happy after last night
00:53:02No, no, I am happy. I'm just just thinking
00:53:07the trouble
00:53:09No, no
00:53:23Bueno last night
00:53:31Mean it's critical. Um, you know, I don't say glow. He's a kid. I put on giddy. Okay. Authentic. Oh
00:53:40He said nice one tight performance outstanding conducting
00:53:46He said it's all fake and irrelevant
00:53:49Garmin was written a century ago and by a Frenchman and your English. So nothing nice about my conduct
00:53:55It's not good if they're all starting to think that way all of them
00:53:59Well, some of Jose's friends weren't looking exactly
00:54:04What's the opposite of disgruntled
00:54:08If they leave or finish well, there's nothing I can do about not being Spanish
00:54:12Look at Spanish look of it. We're sure everyone that you're interested committed
00:54:17Passionate which I am
00:54:19Just how to show it. I could teach you some Spanish
00:54:24in a week
00:54:26Maybe dresses matter
00:54:30You could wear my flamingo dress. That's a frills and pocket art any other it is
00:54:38Maybe it's the composition. We should make more Spanish
00:54:41So what had some castanets?
00:54:44You could add a flamenco section, I don't know anything about flamenco
00:55:23Said that with your arms like this it looks like you're going to get shot
00:55:26Tell her she's hilarious
00:55:29Yeah, fatale fatale
00:55:33She says that you're getting on very nicely
00:55:37Okay, no, but I just don't like it. Oh, yeah, I don't shake. Oh, okay. I have no idea what you're saying
00:55:44Oh, no, it's not a compass
00:55:48No music now just clapping she'll teach you
00:56:49She says that if you continue to practice
00:56:51the idea day by day
00:56:54I'm your son. You're here by your
00:56:56Astralian kiss and we're up till the day you die
00:57:00Nunca conseguirás bailar la mitad de bien que baila ella
00:57:04You'll never dance half as well as I just didn't know
00:57:34Yeah, you don't really get stars in London yeah London's rubbish
00:57:43What's the Spanish for stars
00:57:51Actually my dad was from London
00:57:53And all my friends are there looking for work
00:57:57I'd like to go one day
00:58:02You know cold no, it's just this place I never thought
00:58:15I remember seeing my dad walking through his orange grove just down there
00:58:21All the fruit was brown
00:58:24The ground all soft with rotten oranges
00:58:30He was like a ghost
00:58:34Mom said he died of a broken heart
00:58:39And she died a couple of years later
00:58:46And this place is where it all started
00:58:58Haven't exactly
00:59:01It's a great thing you're doing, you know with a band
00:59:06No, it's true
00:59:10And I think you're getting something out of it too
00:59:16Who would have thought
00:59:23Maybe you're not such a loner
01:00:20You do play the trumpet you must have written this
01:00:25Not really just
01:00:28mainly on the computer
01:00:30You should be our soloist
01:00:32After the competition he believes is too busy
01:00:39I'm going to find some way to bring the lone wolf back into the pack
01:00:44And it needs some lyrics
01:00:48Meanwhile, I'll start adding the flamenco section and rearranging it without the tuba
01:00:54No tuba
01:00:56What do you mean? What's happened to Antonio?
01:00:58What Gavin's poached him for his band?
01:01:03The band he's putting together for the competition
01:01:06Gavin he's not putting together a band
01:01:09But he said the rules require a minimum number of musicians and an emphasis on brass and woodwind
01:01:15He's messing with you. What then? Why would he steal our tuba player?
01:01:19Leave it to me
01:01:22Fine, so just add the flamenco
01:01:30Work wolf boy the band are meeting at the bar of Tate and we need them to fall in love with it
01:01:46Yeah, yeah
01:01:50Wolf boy hungry
01:02:59Okay, those are cherries I just want a sandwich with just just bread cheese
01:03:06Cheese and ham on a bit of bread
01:03:09No, it's literally
01:03:11No, not true to you guys. Oh my god. I'm really okay. Thank you. Thank you
01:03:15Can you just tell them that I want a ham and cheese sandwich?
01:03:28What was that about that was the way of making you feel at home by laughing at me for being foreign
01:03:34Including you I'm making you a very tasteful sandwich and for free. It's tasty. No tasteful
01:03:41You don't like a bar of something
01:03:44Just not used to it. I guess I've been on my own since I was 16. My father was
01:03:49Sure. Yeah, he was an asshole
01:03:52mine, too
01:03:54We can't all have fathers to be proud of just like not all fathers can be proud of their sons
01:03:59You know Charlie Connor wasn't only bad it was charming funny
01:04:06And energetic I'm full of new ideas to start with everybody liked him
01:04:12I don't want anything to do with him even but
01:04:16My friend sometimes it's not easy to belong but no man is a nice night
01:04:23No, man is nicely nice
01:04:30Just said which sandwich is funny keep it after the bocadillo
01:04:35Keep it after the bocadillo. I told you that we're trying to make you feel at home
01:04:54Come on
01:06:20Well, I'm uh
01:06:24Tell me why in fact, I know why to get me to come around right?
01:06:29So tell me how I was easy. I gave him what every tuba player wants a solo. I
01:06:37Told him he'd be playing fly the bumblebee
01:06:42You're an idiot it was a joke. Well, it's not funny guy. This is serious. Oh, I'm sorry
01:06:49You can have him back. Thank you
01:06:55Is this about a bonnie
01:06:59No, and what if it was okay, okay
01:07:07It's just something I'll lie about so I'm saying
01:07:11If we win this competition it would mean a lot to a lot of people yes, I know and I'm sorry
01:07:16You've got your tuba player back
01:07:18Everything's Christy again
01:07:20Kiss and make up
01:07:38Still love you, you know, I know
01:07:47Come in you can tell him yourself
01:08:38Complete with authentically Spanish flamenco section
01:09:05Right, so don't be an old son
01:09:08Nice job
01:09:11That's tricks much on
01:09:15What fine
01:09:26Okay, dos motivators the Aguas esport you have been practicing, you know, come see come, sir
01:09:53I just found out that was something about your boyfriend. He's not my boyfriend
01:10:04What did you find out
01:10:06Well, you know that bloke who's painting on my street?
01:10:10He's doing Barney's ass next paint
01:10:13fixing it up
01:10:15So what I didn't think Barney had any money and then I started to wonder where he thinks he might be getting some from
01:10:23in the near future
01:10:27Have you spoken to your cousin
01:10:31Thing is
01:10:33That thing we were talking about this morning that it's not always easy to belong. No man is an Iceland. Remember?
01:10:39Yeah, of course. Well, the thing is
01:10:42I'm thinking of giving it a go
01:10:45settling down for a bit
01:10:48You will be very welcome
01:10:52What about your secret the coast of Charlie Connor? I know I'm in I
01:10:58Think I'm just gonna have to come out and tell her
01:11:00to whom
01:11:05My friend I hope this isn't about her why
01:11:11Because she's with Kevin
01:11:17You mean they went out still going out
01:11:22I thought it was finished but
01:11:25Walked past his house today a sister time and she was with him
01:11:29They were going to make the beast with two pigs
01:11:34Two pigs
01:11:37It's an expression
01:11:42It's backs you idiot beastly two backs and it's Ireland not Iceland
01:11:53Oh beast
01:12:00So I hear you doing up your house
01:12:03with what
01:12:04Because you'd better not have been thinking of using the prize money. I was just gonna borrow it
01:12:08Okay, and not even all of it. Look I've got to sell the house. I need 10,000 pounds
01:12:15After everything I've told you about the things that bastard Charlie Connor used to do and you were about to go and do that
01:12:22Liar. Oh, I'm the liar. Really. What about you and Gavin?
01:12:26What's that got to do with anything?
01:12:30And what was you me about
01:12:32am I just a bit of
01:12:34local flavor
01:12:36Like learning a few words of Spanish or adding a bit of flamingo to your song. Okay, that was your idea to keep Jose on board
01:12:43This isn't about the barge or the band
01:12:47It never has been
01:12:48It's about you you you no one else matters you give nothing and take everything
01:12:57Basta de todo esto lo dejo
01:13:07You betrayed us you betrayed me
01:15:09Will see you for a few days. I thought he's gone back to London
01:15:14Look Enrique. I'm sorry. I called you an idiot the other night. All right
01:15:18What's the end? Oh, I'm the idiot. Yes, you're an idiot
01:15:23Selfish and egotistical and insensitive insensitive
01:15:32You're just like your father. I'm nothing like my father and you think being alone means that you are strong
01:15:40What it means is that you are lost
01:15:43I'm not lost
01:15:45at least
01:15:46maybe I was but I
01:15:49Thought here I was
01:15:53You think I don't know something about being alone I
01:15:56Would have to be a part of any of the groups here
01:15:59So I try to be free
01:16:01And I try to be happy
01:16:03And I try to join in with everyone
01:16:09And also English is a very hard language
01:16:16You speak it very well
01:16:19I'm sorry for telling you about Gavin and Paloma. I didn't know you had feelings with her
01:16:25With her for her around
01:16:32That'll teach me oh my god me me me me me. I'm sorry
01:16:37Hang on your clothes. Is it some kind of holiday?
01:16:41Didn't you know?
01:16:43Whose father one of them died a few days ago
01:16:47Luis the trumpeter. I didn't know it's the funeral today
01:16:53What now in fact
01:16:56Come wait, you should pay your respects
01:17:00Come I will take you
01:17:07Come on
01:17:21Know you're thinking maybe Enrique is not a gay man after all
01:17:29Maybe he's a lesbian
01:18:38Don't sing natural music
01:18:44One day on his father everyone knows someone in the back friends families
01:19:10Say they will recognize you by how you play I thought you wanted to stay
01:24:26I'm Bonnie
01:24:54Can you tell her I'm sorry
01:25:01Never wanted to stay
01:25:10They told me what you did for Luis
01:25:25She's with the band
01:25:59Can you let me in please por favor
01:26:11Just want
01:27:44Thought you were observing I'm selling your house. I need the money to get my trumpet back what I
01:27:52Don't know
01:27:54He might have been a bastard, but that was the only thing he ever gave me he also gave you parts
01:28:01And took it away again
01:28:15Good on you Bonnie Connor
01:28:30Adios you can I see us better total
01:29:06Relax just thought I should at least say goodbye
01:29:17Yeah, I was hoping
01:29:21Me too
01:29:24I'm sorry, you didn't know about me and Devon, but it's been over for a year now
01:29:32Enrique said he saw you there with him getting our tuba player back. I
01:29:38Thought I
01:29:42Didn't know
01:29:43Why didn't you ask and I wasn't lying? I mean I
01:29:48was to start with
01:29:50not after
01:29:52After you and me
01:30:00It's gonna stay
01:30:03I'm just gonna tell you who I was I was gonna ask to borrow the prize money
01:30:11By then
01:30:25See ya, I guess
01:30:42You would see me
01:35:26And see me