• 3 months ago
Ms. Frizzle's kid sister Fiona takes the wheel at Walkerville Elementary, leading the class on wild adventures packed with science-fueled fun.


00:00You're relaxed and feeling good. Next thing that you know, you're seeing
00:20Octopus in the neighborhood. Surfing on a sound wave. Swinging through the stars.
00:26Take a left at your intestine. Take your second right past Mars. I'm the magic school bus.
00:32Navigate a nostril. Watch out! Climb on the magic school bus.
00:36Spank a plant in two. Take that! I'm a magic school bus.
00:40Rock the river of lava. I'm the magic school bus.
00:44Rock the river of lava. I'm the magic school bus.
00:48Such a fine thing to do. So strong. So strap your bones right to the seat.
00:53Come on in and don't be shy. Just to make your day complete.
00:57You might get baked into a pie on the magic school bus.
01:01Step inside. It's a wild ride. Come on. Ride on the magic school bus.
01:17Uh-oh. What's wrong, Carlos?
01:19Just everything. I'm supposed to read to the kids at the kindergarten story circle.
01:24Aw, that's so sweet.
01:26No, it's horrible.
01:28Hey, I know little kids can get pretty sticky.
01:30But no, it's not that. I love reading to the kids. It's just that they've made me partners with Janet.
01:36Not Arnold's cousin Janet.
01:39The princess of Pushy.
01:41The Baroness of Bossy.
01:43The Czar of Sarcastic.
01:45And notably nervous.
01:48It runs in the family. She acts the way she does to cover up how nervous she gets.
01:51Well, she is who she is, no matter why. And she's hard to handle.
01:55Why not pick a book before Janet does? Something so sweet and funny, there's no way she'll wreck it.
02:00I'm already on it.
02:01Carlos, I've got the perfect book for the kindergarten class right here.
02:08Janet, The Untold Story, Finally Told.
02:12Chapter 1, Why I'm Better Than Everyone.
02:15It was a perfect spring day when Janet Awesome Pearlstein was born.
02:20Um, I'm sure it's interesting and everything, but can't we pick another book? One the kids know and love?
02:25Seriously, Janet, have a heart.
02:27Unless you know you don't.
02:28I totally have a heart, Ralphie. I cover it in chapter 7.
02:32I heart me, but you can see it for yourself.
02:35Janet, did you say see your heart for ourselves?
02:38Now that's a great idea.
02:40It is, isn't it? Wait, you mean like a field trip inside me?
02:45Well, you did offer. What are we waiting for then? To the bus!
02:59Hang on, kids. Bus, do your stuff.
03:09Remember, look, don't touch.
03:11And stay out of my left ventricle.
03:13Plus, no food, drink, flash photography and...
03:19Yep, there it is. A regular old blood pumping heart. So she does have one.
03:25Then there must be something else that makes Janet act the way she does.
03:29Hypothesis. Perhaps she has some dark matter deep inside her.
03:32So we need to look deeper.
03:34You're right. Much deeper.
03:36Okay, let's go. Hang on.
03:52Welcome to the cells, kids. It wouldn't be you without them.
03:55According to my research, we're all made up of trillions of cells.
03:58And each cell has a job to do.
04:00And the most cellurific thing about cells is...
04:03They hold the master design for all of our traits.
04:06Like the color of our skin, our hair, or our eyes.
04:09They might even contribute to some parts of our personality.
04:12Like Janet's nervousness. That's it.
04:15So, where is this master design anyway?
04:18It's all stored right...
04:34Whoa! Amazing!
04:39I knew it! Janet's body has been taken over by mind-controlling robo-worms from the planet Yuck!
04:45And we're next! We're doomed!
04:47What? Janet has worms?
04:49Nah, my cat had worms too. Let's just take her to the vet.
04:54You're both wrong.
04:56According to my research, those aren't worms at all. They're chromosomes.
05:00And they're in almost every cell in the body.
05:03Twenty-three pairs every time!
05:05True as a telomere, D.A.
05:07Half the pair comes from our biological mothers and the other half from our fathers.
05:11And these chromosomes are made up of individual genes that tally the totality of our tell-tale traits!
05:17You mean... stuff like Wanda's black hair? Or Keisha's big brown eyes?
05:21Right as ribosomes, Tim.
05:23Wait, genes did this? But people say I got my eyes from my mom.
05:27Precisely, you did. Because you got half your genes from her.
05:30Guys, I know what we gotta do!
05:32We need to go inside Janet's chromosome, find the Nervous Gene, and change it!
05:36Wait, we can do that?
05:38Said the guy who recently turned into a butterfly, a fir tree, and a fossil.
05:45Propitious plan, Carlos. Next stop, Nervous Gene!
05:58Oh, here we are!
06:01Let's go take a look.
06:12Whoa, this will be amazing! Just think of a world with a happy Janet!
06:19Hello, dearest Ralphie. Here, have some home-baked pizza.
06:34Only, where is this gene?
06:36I don't know. Maybe it's passed all this stuff?
06:38What is all this, anyway?
06:40This? Oh, this is it! This is Janet's DNA!
06:43What? This? No way!
06:45You gotta be kidding!
06:47All 87 billion miles of it, wrapped around globular proteins called histones.
06:52But we'll never find Janet's Nervous Gene in all this!
06:58Kindergarten story time is toast!
07:04They've been in there a long time.
07:07Let's see what they're up to.
07:10Wow, I must be even more fascinating than I thought!
07:16Ooh, the kindergarteners are going to love this chapter about how I organize my paperclips.
07:23Hello? Nervous Gene, where are you?
07:29It's gotta be somewhere in all those twisty ladders.
07:33According to my research, those ladders are molecules of deoxyribonucleic acid.
07:38So weird. I was going to say that.
07:41Also known as DNA.
07:43Every living thing has it, and it holds the recipe for how you're put together.
07:48In the spiraling ladder is the double helix.
07:51Its rungs are part of a code that makes up genes.
07:54Looks like a train track to me.
08:00Chugga-chugga-woo-hoo! All aboard the CRISPR Express!
08:07The Water Express.
08:09CRISPR! The world's first and only gene-editing choo-choo train!
08:14There are so many genes! How will I know when we come across Janet's Nervous Gene?
08:19Well, first you need to know about these.
08:21The building blocks of life.
08:26Adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine, or A-T-C-G.
08:31These codes are used to make up genes.
08:33And they're the ones that make up CRISPR.
08:37Adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine, or A-T-C-G.
08:42These codes are the chemical instructions that tell cells how to build the proteins that affect everything about you.
08:49From how you breathe, to how tall you grow.
08:53So if there's a Nervous Gene, it'll have an A-T-C-G code.
08:57Guys, it looks like adenine always fits with thymine, and cytosine with guanine.
09:02No matter how many are in a chain.
09:04Observe it. I guess A always connects with T, and G always connects with C.
09:09So the pairs of genes tell us each ingredient of the people recipe?
09:13Copy that.
09:22What happened?
09:23Oh, we just passed the gene that built Janet's red hair.
09:27There's a gene for the shape of Janet's ears!
09:35I did not need to see that.
09:37Ingrowing toenail. Runs in the family.
09:39Want to see mine?
09:42So once we find the Nervous Gene, we just change it so she's not so nervous, right?
09:46Yeah, although changing a single gene wouldn't do much on its own, but thanks to the magic of our genes,
09:52Although changing a single gene wouldn't do much on its own, but thanks to the magic of our Magic Replicator's magic,
09:58all the Nervous Genes would get changed!
10:01That's right! Every cell in the body has its own DNA strand,
10:05so the Replicator is going to change the DNA strand in every cell at the same time.
10:09That's genius!
10:13So many genes, so little time! We need to go faster!
10:23Too fast! Too fast! Too fast!
10:32Oh no! The bus is breaking apart the DNA chains!
10:36But look! The chains are recombining themselves!
10:40That can't be good.
10:43Um, Ms. Frizzle, Janet's DNA is so tiny that splitting it up and recombining it won't make any big difference to her, right?
11:08What's going on with my cousin?
11:11The acceleratorator's stuck!
11:13Really? Oh, bummer.
11:15And the deacceleratorator's in the shop. What are we gonna do?
11:40Man, I could really go for a nice tuna sandwich.
11:43No! How can this be happening?
11:45Well, that's DNA for you. All living things, plants, animals, and people too,
11:50share the same four basic DNA molecules, and it's A, T, G, and C.
11:58Eye-popping! Which means that the only difference between every other living thing and us is how these molecules line up and combine.
12:05We've gotta stop this thing! We're making too many changes!
12:09Got it!
12:13According to my research, we share almost 99% of our genetic code with chimps!
12:18Whoa! Less than 2% of our DNA makes us different than chimps?
12:23That's unbelievable!
12:25And every person on Earth shares about 99.8% of the same genetic code.
12:31Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. So .2% of my DNA is the only difference between this and that?
12:42Now Janet's not Janet at all! She's 100% different!
12:46She can't exactly go to the kindergarten class like that!
12:49Accurate! We need to get her DNA in the right order, fast!
12:53But how do we make sure we get all the pairs right?
12:56I know! Since Arnold and Janet are related, can we use this code as a guide to make Janet Janet again?
13:02Red hair, check. Glasses, check.
13:05Ingrown toenail, check!
13:09Now we just need something with Arnold's cells to work from.
13:14And since pretty much all cells have the code...
13:20Come on, guys! Let's copy these codes!
13:24I love this class.
13:27Ralphie, grinding goes inside a seed, not fire, man! Copy that!
13:35Tim, what's the status on human face?
13:38Curly hair, check!
13:40Lactose intolerance?
13:42That should do it!
13:44Oh, well. Close enough.
13:51We did it! Janet is good to go!
13:54That's a relief.
13:55Tim, why did you have to go?
13:57Because I had to.
13:58I'm sorry, I can't do this by myself.
14:03Tim, what's the status on human face?
14:06Curly hair, check!
14:08Lactose intolerance?
14:10That should do it!
14:15Hold that whoop party.
14:17What's wrong? She's got one head, two ears, no tail.
14:20Yeah, but she has freckles.
14:25But you have freckles.
14:27And my parents do too.
14:29What about Janet's parents?
14:31So how could Janet not have freckles?
14:33You get your genes from both your mom and dad, right?
14:35Too true, but not all genes have the same effect.
14:41We don't have time for a plot twist now!
14:44Actually, yeah.
14:46According to my research, some traits are dominant, like freckles,
14:50and some are recessive, like no freckles.
14:53You need no freckle genes from both of your folks to not have freckles.
14:58But you only need one freckle gene to have freckles.
15:02Most people in Arnold's family have freckles, but I bet somebody doesn't.
15:06Carlos, spin that gene machine!
15:12There! Our granddad didn't!
15:15So your granddad passed a no freckle gene to Janet's father.
15:20And your grandma must have passed along a freckle gene,
15:23so one granny-grampy combo gets you...
15:26Freckles! Like Janet's dad!
15:28Right, because one freckle gene is enough to give you freckles.
15:32Spin again, Carlos!
15:35Hey, that's Janet's mom and dad.
15:37They both have freckles and no freckles genes.
15:40Oh, so both parents had freckles because the freckles gene is dominant.
15:45But Janet doesn't have them!
15:47Insightful, but the no freckles genes are still there, only hiding.
15:51And when Janet came along, the combination went something like this.
15:57No freckles!
15:59Don't you just love playing the odds?
16:01No freckles!
16:04So, the recessive traits hide, but when enough of them get together,
16:08freckled parents can have a kid without them.
16:11So Janet has freckles now, which means there's a dominant freckles gene out there.
16:15And she needs two recessive no freckles genes.
16:18We've got to change that dominant gene now!
16:20Find that dominant freckle gene and swap it out for recessive no freckles genes.
16:25I got it!
16:26Now to replace it with the recessive gene... there!
16:32Please be no freckles, please be no freckles.
16:37We got a freckle-free Janet!
16:39She looks like she's supposed to again!
16:41Good thing, cause it's story time.
16:43And Janet is back to her regular... difficulty.
16:47And Janet is back to her regular... difficulty.
16:50Good thing, cause it's story time.
16:52And Janet is back to her regular... difficulty.
16:55But normal self!
17:07Are you ready, children?
17:13Here I come!
17:16She sounds like a... like a...
17:18Mutant from the planet Arg?
17:20Yes! And it's all my fault!
17:28We need to get Janet back to normal now!
17:31But that means we'll have to rip her DNA apart and start again!
17:35We've got no choice, otherwise Janet's gonna scare the tiny socks off them!
17:45I got an amine! Who's got a thiamine? I need a thiamine!
17:49Thiamine's flying in!
18:01Come on, you guys, focus!
18:09I got an amine! Who's got a thiamine? I need a thiamine!
18:12Thiamine's flying in!
18:16Okay, stand back!
18:18Last two DNA chemical bases coming together.
18:20Cytosine, say hello to Guanine!
18:24Did it work?
18:26It looks like Janet...
18:28Shh! Listen!
18:30Hello there, I'm Janet!
18:32Yes! I have never loved the sound of her voice as much as I do now!
18:36So melodious! So grating!
18:38So she's still the same old Janet, including the gene we wanted to fix!
18:43Yeah, but we never did find that nervous gene.
18:46There's no more time! I've just got to stop her before she starts reading her book!
18:50Ms. Frizzle, how fast can you get us back to Janet?
18:52Faster than you can say, bus, do your stuff!
19:04No sign of Carlos! I'm stuck here with all these kids by myself!
19:08What if one of them has to go to the bathroom?
19:11What if I have to go to the bathroom?
19:14Hi everyone! Are you ready to hear the most amazing story ever?
19:19Janet! Stop! I'll read! Why don't you just relax?
19:24You're late! How could you do this to me? You better have a good excuse!
19:28Well, we were trying to change your nervous gene to a nice gene so you wouldn't get, you know, testy.
19:36You messed with my DNA? I told you not to touch anything!
19:40But we never found it, which is weird because we checked every single gene in that 87 billion mile stretch.
19:46I'm not surprised. A gene for nervousness? I highly doubt it. My genes are perfect.
19:54Besides, I am not nervous. And even if I were, I didn't get that way until chapter 12.
20:02Yes! You don't start acting nervous until page 476, right after the grade school assembly tutu mishap.
20:09I thought I took that part out.
20:11Maybe there is no nervous gene. Maybe you changed because of that tutu-triggered trauma.
20:15You started being all nervous on your own!
20:18Oh yeah? I can stop being nervous anytime I want.
20:21I doubt it. It's not like an on-off switch. But maybe you can dial down the nerves and notch up the nice.
20:28Take it from me, Mr. Nice Guy. I'll show you.
20:31You show me how to be nice? I can do nice! Just watch me!
20:38Why hello, sweet, adorable children.
20:42Once upon a time, there was a goofy bear named Carlos who was constantly late for dinner.
20:48Carlos, is everything okay?
20:50Better than okay! Just look how much the kids love the new Janet!
21:02Unbelievable! Janet was so nice to those kids!
21:07Indubitably. I guess there isn't a nervous gene after all.
21:10Turns out genes only make up part of our stories.
21:13True. Genes do a lot, but not everything. They don't decide what language you speak or what you eat.
21:18Or how nervous you get.
21:20Janet just gets irritable when she's anxious and doesn't know what to do.
21:23So there's still hope for her.
21:25I bet if Janet wanted to be even nicer, all she would need is more hugs.
21:29Uh-huh. And just who do we get to hug, Janet?
21:32You never know.
21:36Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!
21:38No, that's okay, really. How about a signed copy of my book instead?
21:44Help! Someone! Anyone!
21:46Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!
21:48Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!
21:50Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug! Hug!
21:59Hi, I'm looking for the Magic School Bus.
22:06Is this the Magic School Bus?
22:07Magic School Bus?
22:08Is this the Magic School Bus?
22:09Hi, I'm looking for the Magic School Bus.
22:10Magic School Bus?
22:11Magic School Bus?
22:12Magic School Bus?
22:13Magic School Bus?
22:14Magic School Bus?
22:15Magic School Bus?
22:16Magic School Bus?
22:17Magic School Bus?
22:18Magic School Bus?
22:19Magic School Bus?
22:20Magic School Bus?
22:21Magic School Bus?
22:22Magic School Bus?
22:23Magic School Bus?
22:24Magic School Bus?
22:25Magic School Bus?
22:26Magic School Bus?
22:27Magic School Bus?
22:30Professor Frizzle, PHD in A is in my DNA.
22:38I was wondering...
22:39can people really change their DNA
22:41to make changes to themselves?
22:42Like, I've always wanted red hair!
22:44A wise choice, but I wouldn't count on it just yet.
22:48Scientists are working on editing genes
22:50mostly to help prevent genetic diseases.
22:53They might even be able to get rid of some genetic problems
22:56completely really soon.
22:57soon. Awesome! Another question. Carlos never found a nervous gene in Janet's DNA, but Arnold is nervous too, and they share a lot of the same DNA code because they're cousins. So where is their nervous gene?
23:09It's just like if you and your brother grew up in France. You'd both speak French, but it's not because you both have a French language gene. You were just both brought up the same way.
23:20Arnold and Janet both have parents who raised them to want to be safe. In fact, a lot of your personality comes from experiences instead of from DNA.
23:28Speaking of, what's our next experience going to be?
23:32Well, let's just say if the sun isn't coming to you, then it's time to go to the sun!
24:20Thanks for watching!
24:50Thanks for watching!
