• 3 months ago
Ms. Frizzle's kid sister Fiona takes the wheel at Walkerville Elementary, leading the class on wild adventures packed with science-fueled fun.


00:00You're relaxed and feeling good. Next thing that you know, you're seeing
00:20Octopus in the neighborhood. Surfing on a sound wave. Swinging through the stars.
00:26Take a left at your intestine. Take your second right past Mars. I'm the magic school bus.
00:32Navigate a nostril. Watch out! Climb on the magic school bus.
00:36Spank a fainting tooth. Take that! I'm a magic school bus.
00:41Take that! I'm a magic school bus.
00:48Such a fine thing to do. So strong. So strap your bones right to the seat.
00:53Come on in and don't be shy. Just to make your day complete.
00:57You might get baked into a pie on the magic school bus.
01:01Step inside. It's a wild ride. Come on. Ride on the magic school bus.
01:11Now this is my kind of adventure. A field trip delivering the attendance to the office.
01:16The gentle hum of office machines. The busy sound of staplers. And no surprises.
01:22Yes sir, Mr. Superintendent. I'm on it.
01:24Surprise bus safety check? Today.
01:29Today? Oh no. I can hardly believe it.
01:32After all the wild field trips this year, Ms. Fizzle is finally talking fun in the sun.
01:37Hopeful, yet skeptical. If there's one thing that I learned this year,
01:41it's that when she says one thing, she usually means...
01:48Something else. Yikes. That doesn't look like beach wear.
01:53Beach? Who said anything about the beach? When I said fun in the sun, I meant fun...
01:58In the actual sun.
02:00Right as radiation class. The sun. The actual sun. The very center of our solar system.
02:06This is going to be the most sun-tastic field trip ever.
02:11Hey, wait. Forget the field trip.
02:14Oh, Arnold. We know you'd rather stay at home today.
02:17No. This is different. We have to go.
02:21You're right, Arnold. We have to go on this field trip.
02:25No problem. That's easy.
02:27I know. It just means going to the center of the sun.
02:31I haven't been in a while, so I am excited.
02:34What's the second ingredient?
02:36It doesn't matter, because that...
02:42What's that?
02:43I don't know.
02:44What's that?
02:45I don't know.
02:46I don't know.
02:47I don't know.
02:48I don't know.
02:49I don't know.
02:50I don't know.
02:51I don't know.
02:53Is he doing a safety check?
02:56Yeah! Of our magic bus!
02:59Worrisome. What if he discovers the Shrinkerscope or the Mesmerglober?
03:03Or the pepperoni slice I hid under my seat last October?
03:06Ms. Frizzle doesn't seem worried about it.
03:08Well, she doesn't have as much experience with principles as we do.
03:12Okay. As I do.
03:14Arnold's right. If we don't pass the safety test, he could shut down Ms. Frizzle's field trips for good.
03:19To the bus!
03:23Hey, yeah!
03:25Hi, Mr. Rule!
03:26Beautiful day.
03:30Where's the cleaninator on this thing?
03:38Did you push the messinator?
03:40No. Why would the bus even have one of those?
03:43Tire pressure?
04:06Seat belts.
04:13Running lights. In order.
04:15Rubber matting?
04:17A bit rough around the edges, but I'll allow it.
04:23Phew! Glad that's over.
04:28Indicators? Headlights?
04:34So, how did we do?
04:36The bus officially passes with flying colors, but mostly yellow.
04:41Oh, oh, oh, fantastic. Thank you.
04:44We wouldn't want anything less when we're headed straight into the center of the sun, now would we?
04:51The center of the sun? How amusing!
04:54You mean some sort of virtual reality field trip?
04:59Funny, since I was a boy, I've always had a real passion for the sun.
05:03Might even call me an amateur heliologist.
05:10So, the sun, huh?
05:13Wow, just imagine if I were to go to the sun.
05:16Then you'd probably love to read our reports about it afterwards.
05:20Or maybe you could...
05:25Come along.
05:27This will be so fun!
05:29The sun! Our solar system's very own star!
05:32So colossal that it makes up 99.8% of our solar system's mass.
05:37Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go!
05:40Now what do we do?
05:42Mr. Rule cannot find out the truth about our field trips.
05:45But we need to charge the mag bath!
05:48Radiation suits and goggles on, class!
05:51Better put these on, Mr. Rule.
05:53You know, so you can get the full VR experience.
05:57Very clever. Don't want any of that radiant energy hurting us.
06:02Without the Earth's atmosphere to help, we'll need protection, right?
06:07Need to stay safe.
06:17These are great graphics. The details are astonishing!
06:21What is this, polygon blend?
06:24Buckle up for safety, everyone, because we're going up!
06:29Oh, yes, yes, yes!
06:31We did it!
06:41Wow! Excellent graphics!
06:43And my suit must be simulating the G-force pressure of takeoff!
06:48It's working! He thinks it's VR!
07:08Very convincing simulation. I even see sunspots!
07:14Did you know they can erupt into solar flares with the power of a billion tons of explosives?
07:19Fascinating! And note, the VR system even simulates the rising temperature as we get closer.
07:25Nifty, huh?
07:26Maybe a little too nifty for safety.
07:29If a delicate student overheats...
07:32The bus also features an excellent air conditioning system!
07:35Never can be too safe, you know.
07:44It's that pesky dashboard update.
07:46It moves the controls around again. I'm afraid that you've accidentally activated...
07:51the ejection seat.
07:54Oh, no.
08:00We need to get him! Can we make the bus go faster and catch up?
08:05Well, if we have to.
08:07We're running low on power already, but we just might be able to manage one more turbo-torque warp blast.
08:18We're getting closer to the sun, class!
08:20Make sure those solar radiation suits are on tight!
08:23And don't forget the most important thing, sunscreen!
08:28Ultraviolet rays are not your friend, people!
08:31They cause burns, skin damage, blindness...
08:34Arnold, you're already wearing the toughest radiation suit ever magically made!
08:39I'm not taking chances.
08:41But you sure are getting messy.
08:43We lost him!
08:44No, we didn't! We're just not anywhere near him!
08:48There he is!
08:51Wow! Feel the sun's powerful gravity pulling me right into the corona!
08:55It's like I'm really there!
08:57He still hasn't clued in.
08:59But he has to be getting a little toasty.
09:02Outside temperature above a million degrees.
09:05A million degrees?
09:07He's really gonna need some lemonade.
09:11Hi, uh, Mr. Wu?
09:13Oh, goody!
09:14This must be my old customized simulation.
09:17Yes, Captain?
09:19We're expecting some slight turbulence from solar wind.
09:22Yes! Solar wind!
09:24Coming out of the sun in all directions!
09:27Made of the fourth state of matter.
09:29There's gas, liquid, solid...
09:31One, two, three, and then four!
09:36Please keep your seatbelt tightly fastened
09:38and your seat back in its full upright position.
09:42Fine, but it won't be as comfortable.
09:44And now, prepare to enter the actual sun!
09:48Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
09:51Hang on, kids. We're going in!
10:02Oh, well, would you look at that?
10:04The bus's magic heat shield is working overtime.
10:06It's really chewing up the last of our magbats' resources.
10:10What's going on out there?
10:13Ooh, a little confection I call a convection.
10:16According to my research, it's plasma swirling around,
10:19getting sucked down toward the sun and pushed back up.
10:25Like a giant lava lamp.
10:26Or a boiling pot of water.
10:28Welcome to the convection zone.
10:30I hope you've enjoyed it, because now we're going deeper.
10:33Into another layer. Whoa!
10:35So the sun has layers? Like the Earth?
10:38And our cakes?
10:39According to my research, this radiative zone
10:42is where the heat energy radiates out from the core.
10:44I hope Mr. Rule is still okay.
10:46Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
10:48Oh, yeah!
10:51Looks like we're headed out of the radiative zone
10:53to the actual core of the sun!
11:06Good. In the core, we're in the middle of the sun.
11:08So gravity can't pull us in anymore.
11:10So Mr. Rule has nowhere left to go.
11:13Quick! We need to get as close as we can to grab him.
11:16And we have to make sure he stays calm.
11:18Arnold, do your thing.
11:24On your right, you'll see the rare and wonderful
11:26spectacle of nuclear fusion reaching temperatures...
11:32That can't be right.
11:33It's right.
11:34Ooh, I know this!
11:3627 million degrees Fahrenheit!
11:39That's 15 million degrees Celsius.
11:41Or nearly 68,000 times hotter than a stovetop!
11:44Fusion! The source of all light, all heat,
11:47all everything for the entire solar system!
11:50And I feel as if I'm right in the middle of it!
11:53Watch as hydrogen atoms slam and fuse together
11:56in nuclear reactions!
11:59Real-ass crazy amounts of energy are released!
12:05Almost there!
12:06Keep going, Arnold!
12:07Gas! As the sun gives us enough energy
12:10to supply all the needs of the planet Earth,
12:12even though we only get about a billionth of the sun's energy!
12:15Whoa, that's as minuscule as my love of bedtime!
12:20Hit it, Liz!
12:25Nothing can stop us now!
12:30What stopped us now?
12:32I thought he couldn't go any further into the sun!
12:34If I were to guess, I'd say he got swept away
12:37by a rush of gamma rays and blasted back out of the sun
12:40at the speed of light!
12:42Can we recharge, then go get him?
12:44Um, speed of light, remember?
12:46That's 299,792,458 meters per second,
12:51so if we're gonna catch him, we better go now!
12:57Um, is anyone else worried
12:59that we haven't had a chance to recharge the magbat yet?
13:04Whoa, we are fighting some serious gravity kicks!
13:08Can we do him, Miss Frizzle?
13:10I never say never, Arnold!
13:12Of course, that includes never never saying never.
13:15Bus, do your stuff!
13:24Mr. Rool, are you okay?
13:26So okay!
13:27I haven't had this much simulated fun
13:29since I was elf number three in the Santa Claus parade!
13:33Okay, so let's get that battery charged
13:35and get out of here!
13:37Hmm, I'm afraid it's not so simple.
13:41Ha ha ha, that Miss Frizzle!
13:43What a kidder!
13:44Not so simple! Ha ha!
13:47Yeah, see, the battery is so low,
13:49our life support systems would never make it
13:51through all the layers to the core.
13:53So we can't get the bus in there to recharge?
13:56Nailed it!
13:57But on the bright side, I brought gum!
14:00I brought gum!
14:03Let me see if I got this.
14:05The bus is too weak to withstand the sun's raging heat
14:08to safely go back in and recharge.
14:10But there's not nearly enough power to get home either.
14:13Yep, refreshing cool and minty.
14:18Ah, plot twist very creative.
14:22A simulated life or death lesson.
14:25Although it may be too intense for younger students.
14:28But before our exciting conclusion...
14:33Please enjoy these soothing sun-related selections.
14:38Okay, so there must be an escape plan, right Miss Frizzle?
14:42Yeah, of course there is.
14:43Every late model magic school bus comes standard with escape pods.
14:50Ten escape pods and ten of us!
14:53Uh-oh, the dreaded but...
14:56We only have enough reserve power to launch one escape pod, not ten.
15:02But you always make sure nothing bad happens to us, right Miss Frizzle?
15:06True, but I can't fix this one by myself.
15:09Remember I said the battery needs a second ingredient to charge?
15:13Yeah, what is that anyway?
15:15Guys, I think you're about to find out.
15:18You might have noticed that I'm not exactly Mr. Adventure.
15:21You think?
15:22You could say that.
15:25In field trips, I usually like the ones that involve the words relax and be quiet, you're snoring.
15:30But this year, thanks to Miss Frizzle, I finally get how special they really are.
15:36And I'm gonna make sure this one works out okay too, just like the others!
15:47What's going on?
15:48Where's he going?
15:49What's he doing?
15:51Looks like he's going straight into...
15:55The sun!
15:56He's going to the sun's core to recharge the Megabat by himself!
16:01How crazy!
16:02How nuts!
16:03How brave!
16:05That's the second ingredient, isn't it Miss Frizzle?
16:09It's the other thing that gives the bus its magic?
16:11That's right, Wanda.
16:12In fact, that's part of the magic of science itself.
16:15The drive to keep trying, and the courage to fail.
16:20Hold on, fail?
16:22But Arnold can't fail!
16:24He's our only hope!
16:47Ready to initiate charge.
16:50Here goes nothing.
16:56Awesome! It works! It works!
16:59Then once the battery's charged, I can recharge my pod and this whole adventure will be over.
17:05Yeah, that's not gonna work.
17:07Huh? What? Why not?
17:09The Megabat's connector only connects to the bus.
17:12You need a different cable to power the escape pod.
17:14What? Why?
17:16I don't know. Ask the guys in design.
17:18It's like they want a different cable for everything.
17:23I'm not gonna have enough power to get me out and the Megabat, am I?
17:30But the bus needs it, and so do all my friends.
17:33And Miss Frizzle.
17:34Charging complete.
17:36Okay then, do I have enough power to launch the battery back to the bus from this thing on its own?
17:41Yes, but then the pod power will be compromised.
17:44Crazy dangerous!
17:46Yeah, well, with Miss Frizzle, what else is new?
17:49If it's not a shark or a typhoon, it's getting trapped in the sun's core.
17:53I'll risk it.
18:03Bummer. Here I am, in the middle of the source of all energy in the solar system, totally powerless.
18:09On the bright side, you're eventually going to get tossed out, just like your principal did.
18:13Awesome. When?
18:15Oh, who knows. Ten minutes? A million years? Two million years? Three million?
18:23Guys, look!
18:24Arnold, is that you?
18:25You made it!
18:29That's not Arnold at all. That's just the Megabat. Where's Arnold?
18:46Oh yeah!
18:47Thanks to Arnold, the bus is back to full power.
18:50Is he still in the sun's core, where it's 27 million degrees Fahrenheit, with no way to get out?
18:57Which means one thing.
18:59Let's go get Arnold!
19:16Yay! Arnold, you did it!
19:19Way to go, Arnold!
19:23Not to be a bother, but can we get home soon? I can't wait to write this up on my blog.
19:28Well, if we're in such a hurry, and since sunbeams move at the speed of light, we could take this one last chance.
19:34To be what we see!
19:38Class, while we're doing some light traveling, anyone ever wonder what sunlight does?
19:44I think we're about to find out.
19:46The sun is the source of all weather on Earth.
19:49It vaporizes the water that eventually becomes rain.
19:52It gives plants the energy they need to grow and thrive,
19:56which triggers the food web for almost every living thing.
19:59It's power! It's heat! It's energy!
20:02Even coal and gas are fossil fuels that started as plants that started with the sun!
20:07Wow! Wow!
20:10So, Mr. Ruhl, did you love, love, love Ms. Frizzle's field trip as much as we did?
20:15Hmm, let's see. Informative? Check.
20:18Entertaining? Check.
20:19Realistic? Hmm, I guess.
20:23So we're good, then? We can still have the field trips?
20:25No more last-minute checks?
20:26We're safe!
20:28So we're good, then? We can still have the field trips?
20:30No more last-minute checks?
20:32More surprises?
20:33Well, one last thing. Most importantly, was it safe?
20:42Of course it was safe! It was just a simulation!
20:50Only why do I have the sudden urge to go sit on some ice?
20:55Woo! Looks like the field trips are in the clear. For now.
21:00Thanks to Arnold!
21:01You did it, Arnold, old buddy!
21:02Good one, Arn!
21:06You know what, Arnold? After what you did today, for once, maybe you could stay home tomorrow. You've really earned a break.
21:12What? No way! The bus is charged and ready to go!
21:16And so am I!
21:18Well, then, what are we waiting for?
21:20I can't believe I'm saying this, but where to now, Miss Frizzle?
21:24Anywhere we want, Arnold.
21:25Anywhere under the sun!
21:39Hi! I'm looking for the Magic School Bus!
21:41Is this the Magic School Bus?
21:42Magic School Bus?
21:43Is this the Magic School Bus?
21:45Hi! I'm looking for the Magic School Bus!
21:48Magic School Bus?
21:50Magic School Bus?
21:51Magic School Bus?
21:52Is this the Magic School Bus?
21:54Hi! I'm looking for the Magic School Bus!
21:56I'd like to speak to the Magic School Bus, please.
22:04Professor Frizzle, PhD, delighted to hear from you!
22:08Hi, Professor! I have to say, I'm kind of channeling Arnold here, because I'm worried.
22:15About the sun's incredible, powerful gravity?
22:17Yes! Why doesn't everything fall into the sun? The moon, comets, the planets, Earth itself!
22:24Actually, everything in our solar system is falling toward the sun, but not into it.
22:29Thanks to the speed the planets move, Earth's speed pulls it away from the sun, while the sun's gravity pulls it back.
22:37Together, they keep the Earth right where it is, in a steady orbit around the sun, the same way that satellites orbit the Earth.
22:44Okay, I get it. Another thing, people think people like Arnold and me shouldn't wear sunscreen all the time, like to bed or while spelunking.
22:53I tell them it's better to be safe than peeling. Who's right?
22:58Well, you don't need it inside or at night, but all day the sun blasts Earth with visible light rays, the type that lets us see, and ultraviolet rays we can't see, and aren't stumped by clouds.
23:09So you can get a sunburn outside, even on gloomy days.
23:12I knew it! Thanks! And one last question, when are you coming back to visit us?
23:18Let's just say I'm with you every day, in every test tube, science book and petri dish, and until I do see you again...
23:26Oh wait, I know this! Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!
23:31Good job! And do you know the next part?
23:33Yeah, but I like it when you do it.
24:26Thanks for watching!
24:56Thanks for watching!
