促以巴冲突停火 贺锦丽当面施压内塔尼亚胡

  • 2 months ago
八点最热报 | 以色列总理内塔尼亚胡昨天到访白宫,分别跟美国总统拜登及副总统贺锦丽会面。 贺锦丽在结束会面后单独面对记者时表示,她告诉内塔尼亚胡,是时候完成拜登推动的停火协议,并尽快结束这场充满毁灭性的以巴战争。贺锦丽还向内塔尼亚胡表明,自己不会对加沙地带的人道主义危机保持沉默。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:05Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu visited the White House yesterday,
00:08and met with US President Biden and Vice President Joe Biden respectively.
00:11After the meeting, Joe Biden faced the press alone and said
00:14that he told Netanyahu that it was time to complete Biden's ceasefire agreement
00:19and end this devastating war as soon as possible.
00:23Joe Biden also told Netanyahu that
00:25he would not remain silent about the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.
00:31Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu visited the White House yesterday,
00:35and met with US President Biden respectively.
00:37Biden also reiterated the US government's support for Israel.
00:41Since Biden did not seek to be re-elected as US President,
00:44Netanyahu also said goodbye to his old friend in advance.
00:49I want to thank you for 50 years of public service
00:52and 50 years of support for the State of Israel.
00:55I look forward to discussing with you today
00:58in the months ahead and the great issues before us.
01:02As for the dissatisfaction of the Israeli opposition in the Gaza Strip,
01:05Netanyahu's visit to the United States
01:08was accompanied by the support of the American people in Palestine.
01:10From the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday,
01:12he moved to the White House.
01:14Before the self-made Anciba human tombstone,
01:17he poured red liquid on behalf of blood,
01:20raised a portrait of Netanyahu wearing a uniform,
01:23and wrote that Netanyahu was a war criminal.
01:26Israel used U.S. taxes to kill Palestinian children,
01:29and other slogans to condemn Netanyahu's brutality.
01:33It's just disgusting that he's here,
01:35so we're here to protest that,
01:36and let him know that he's not welcome here.
01:38The images are coming out every day from Gaza
01:40and all of Palestine,
01:42and I'm absolutely disgusted that he's here.
01:45I actually feel physically revolted
01:47that he's so close to where I am now.
01:49Turning to Gaza,
01:51the area is still filled with the flames of war.
01:55Netanyahu's speech in the U.S. Congress
01:58was very upsetting and disappointing.
02:01Netanyahu is Netanyahu.
02:03Netanyahu has been like this for decades.
02:06Netanyahu hasn't changed.
02:08Netanyahu is a bullet to the brain.
02:10Netanyahu, we were hoping that in his speech
02:12he would announce his resignation,
02:14that he would stop firing at the U.S. Congress,
02:16and that the whole Congress would support him.
02:18Netanyahu is the ruler of the world,
02:20not just Israel.
02:22Israel is the ruler of the world.
02:25Israel is the ruler of the world.
