哈尼亚入住宾馆后被炸死 伊朗或在72小时内报复以色列

  • last month
八点最热报 | 根据美国媒体掌握的消息,早在两个月前,行凶者就秘密在哈尼亚下榻的宾馆里安置炸弹。等到哈马斯领袖哈尼亚住入宾馆后,再利用远程遥控引爆炸弹,炸死哈尼亚。事后,伊朗政府和哈马斯都口径一致,指控以色列就是刺杀哈尼亚的幕后主使者。根据美国犹太新闻网的报导,美国国防部已经发出警告,指伊朗将在未来72小时,对以色列发动报复攻击,预计会造成更多平民伤亡。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:30Both the Iranian government and Hamas are of the same opinion.
00:32They claim that Israel is the mastermind behind the assassination of Hania.
00:37The Israeli government has neither admitted nor denied this.
00:41In addition, there is news that not long after Hania was assassinated,
00:44Iran's top spiritual leader Khamenei has ordered the Revolutionary Guard to launch a direct attack on Israel.
00:51According to a report by the U.S. Jewish News Network,
00:53the U.S. Department of Defense has issued a warning that Iran will launch a retaliatory attack on Israel in the next 72 hours.
01:00The Iranian military may launch a large number of attack drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles
01:08against Israel's important facilities and cities in April this year,
01:12which is expected to cause more civilian casualties.
01:15Regarding the further escalation of the Middle East tension,
01:17Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu also made a phone call to US President Biden yesterday.
01:22The White House later stated that the U.S. will do its best to defend the security of Israel
01:27and resist all threats from Iran, Hamas, and the Lebanese Democratic Party.
01:38Thousands of people wearing dark-colored clothes crowded the streets of Tehran, the capital of Iran,
01:43to pay tribute to the late Hamas leader Hania.
01:46Iran held a funeral parade for Hania yesterday.
01:49The crowd carried Hania's portrait and waved the Palestinian flag to bid farewell to Hania.
01:54As the coffin of Hania was laid in the coffin,
01:56the people gathered to pray for Hania.
02:01Iran's top leader, Khamenei, also attended the funeral,
02:04and led the people of Tehran to pray for Hania.
02:09We will never forget you!
02:14The atmosphere at the funeral was unusually high.
02:16Many people pointed their heads to Israel,
02:19demanding that they pay the price for Hania's death.
02:23Our duty is to pay tribute to the martyrs of the resistance.
02:28God willing, we will soon avenge the martyrs of the resistance and welcome the disbelievers.
02:32The death of Hania will be a strong reminder of the past.
02:37It is the soil of Iran that has fallen,
02:40and it is our duty and the duty of Iran to avenge the victims.
02:45Hania's death has further escalated the tension in the Middle East.
02:49Israeli spokesman Ben Shapiro said that they had prepared for a counterattack.
02:54He said that after the Israeli army attacked the Lebanese capital of Beirut,
02:57they had not launched an attack on any region in the Middle East.
03:00He denied that Israel had anything to do with Hania's death.
03:03I want to emphasize that there was no additional air attack,
03:07not a missile, and not an Israeli unmanned aerial vehicle,
03:11in the entire Middle East on that night.
03:14And more than that, I do not comment.
03:16As for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu,
03:18he said in a TV speech that the Israeli army had entered a state of high alert,
03:23but had not directly mentioned Hania.
03:25Israel is very prepared for any counterattack.
03:29There is no defense, there is no attack.
03:31We will make a heavy price for any aggression against us from any region.
