内塔尼亚胡打脸拜登 “反对巴勒斯坦建国”

  • 8 months ago
八点最热报 | 前天星期五,美国总统拜登与以色列总理内塔尼亚胡,针对加沙局势进行了通话。事后,拜登表示他主张以“两国方案”作为解决以巴问题的长期措施,并强调对内塔尼亚胡支持巴勒斯坦建国有信心。但拜登这番话很快被打脸,内塔尼亚胡昨天表示,以色列要在哈马斯摧毁后,保持对加沙和约旦河西岸的全面控制,绝不容许一个独立的巴勒斯坦国出现。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04 On Friday, US President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu
00:09 made a phone call on the situation in Gaza.
00:12 After the call, Biden said he was in favor of a two-state solution
00:15 to solve the long-term issue of the Yiba,
00:18 and that he was confident in Netanyahu's support for the establishment of a Palestinian state.
00:23 But Biden's words soon became a hit.
00:26 Netanyahu said yesterday that Israel would maintain full control over Gaza,
00:31 Jordan and the West Bank after Hamas was destroyed,
00:34 and would not allow an independent Palestinian state to appear.
00:38 Although Netanyahu has shown a strong stance to not give in to foreign forces,
00:42 there are thousands of people in China who are dissatisfied with the government's failure to save hostages.
00:48 They are taking to the streets to demand an early election to pull Netanyahu off the horse.
00:54 Thank you very much. Free the hostages now.
00:58 God bless you Tel Aviv. God bless you Israel.
01:01 Yesterday, thousands of Israeli people gathered in the center of Tel Aviv for a protest.
01:06 Everyone raised their signs and called for immediate rescue
01:10 of the Israeli hostages currently being held in the Gaza Strip.
01:13 At the same time, protesters also demanded an early election to pull Netanyahu off the horse.
01:19 Andrei Kosolo, Brazil, shut it!
01:23 On the other hand, dozens of hostages went to Netanyahu's residence
01:27 and set up tents to protest overnight.
01:30 The protestors were unable to save the hostages.
01:33 The hostages raised their families' photos and shouted slogans,
01:36 demanding Netanyahu come out and talk to them.
01:39 It's been 106 days and we can't take it anymore.
01:42 We've been told to sit quiet, let the government do its job.
01:46 Well, it's not bringing us any result for the last two months.
01:50 All we get is hostages as dead bodies.
01:54 Meanwhile, the police stationed at the scene once again persecuted the demonstrators.
01:58 The two sides pushed each other, almost causing a conflict.
02:01 Don't push! Don't push!
02:04 What happened to you? Did you get hurt?
02:07 In the process of rescuing the hostages, the Israeli military has made no progress.
02:12 Yesterday, a spokesman for the Israeli military said
02:15 a tunnel 1km long filled with explosives was found in the Gaza Strip.
02:19 They believe that 20 Israeli hostages were once held there.
02:23 The footage shows that in addition to a mattress and a toilet,
02:27 the Israeli military also found a painting of a child hostage in the tunnel.
02:32 For more UN videos visit: www.un.org/webcast
02:37 Thanks for watching!
