• last year


00:06Ignacio a local Alonso de la dijo que estaría dispuesto a olvidarlo todo si Martina pone de su parte
00:12y que es lo que tiene que hacer mi hija
00:14el solo quiere que
00:16acepte vuestro matrimonio
00:18porque no ha ido a ver a don manuel a su nuevo estudio a que estudio
00:22no te ha enterado
00:24y como la señorita catalina está en el hangar pues él ha decidido hacerse un estudio nuevo a jugar con su avioncito
00:30antes de que nos esca me planto yo en la puerta de la casa del cura como candela que me llamo
00:35a ver si lo vas a gobiar al hombre así lo asaltas de sopetón y nos tenemos que adelantar a que la burraca
00:40vea torra le cuenten primero lo de
00:43la sustración
00:45del cali
00:46hija piensa en tu futuro por favor es que estoy pensando en el suyo
00:49qué clase de hija sería si bendigera su relación con un hombre que la coacciona abiertamente
00:54bueno eso es asunto mío vienes aquí a restregarme que te has quedado tú con vera esa no es mi intención que conozco muy bien a
00:59los de tu calaña
01:01hipócritas que te muestran su mejor cara para después clavarte un puñal por la espalda igual que ver bueno cállate
01:05antes estoy intentando solucionar las cosas contigo ellos salvaron la vida de adolfito
01:10yo sé que tú le debes mucho a esa gente
01:12pero virtud de tuya no eres la mujer de antes y no se pueden llevar a tu hijo
01:17pero yo no voy a denunciarles
01:19cuéntame por qué invitaste a la duquesa de carril a la merienda de doña margarita
01:23y yo te prometo que daré este asunto por zanjado espero que seas sincero esta vez
01:29por la cuenta que te trae
02:04Me cuesta creer que estés vivo
02:07Y soy yo
02:21Pensar que no te volvería a ver
02:24Y que te había matado en esa guerra
02:27Yo también lo llegué a pensar muchas veces
02:31Pero aquí estoy
02:33Te ruego para abrazarte y para besarte
03:10No sabes lo largo que se me han hecho estos días sin ti pero por lo menos llegó alguna carta así que
03:39Yo entretenía los días en las trincheras pensando continuamente en ti
03:46Pensaba que harías en cada momento
03:52A veces decía
03:55Ahora mi amor estará en las cocinas
03:59O en alguna habitación
04:03La verdad es que estaba trabajando constantemente
04:06porque prefería tener la cabeza ocupada
04:10supongo que si paraba me daba por pensar y
04:15Pensaba lo
04:17Lo malo que te podía haber pasado lo mucho que podrías estar sufriendo
04:22Fueron demasiados días de las trincheras
04:25Con el uniforme empapado en todo momento el frío que entraba por todas partes
04:30Y el mortero que caía a pocos metros
04:34Que horror Manuel
04:36No fue
04:39Pero tenía que acompañar a Curro
04:44Y eso te honra
04:48Es como un hermano para mí y no podía dejar que se marchase
04:56Pero bueno no hablemos más de la guerra
05:00Y Hanna
05:03Y Hanna
05:14Ahora sólo tienes que pensar que estamos juntos que la promesa vas a poder descansar y estar tranquilo
05:24Tampoco es que la promesa las cosas hayan sido ligeras
05:30Y más aún después de lo que ha pasado con Martina
05:34Esa historia no tiene ni pies ni cabeza Manuel
05:38Mi prima ha acusado de intenso asesinato
05:42¿En qué cabeza cabe?
05:44Pues en ninguna y cualquiera que la conozca sabe que ella es incapaz de hacer eso
05:49Y ahora parece que el mal menor es que le ingresen en un convento
05:54El conde de Ayala se ha empeñado en hacerle la vida imposible y
06:01No han sido buenos tiempos para la promesa
06:04Mi prima ha tratado como una vulgar criminal
06:08Mi hermana durmiendo en un hangar
06:12Y bien
06:16Eso es lo peor de todo
06:21Se me hace muy triste ir por el palacio y no encontrármela
06:24Ya es que es algo horrible
06:28Ha debido de ser duro para ti
06:31Le tenías mucho aprecio
06:39No pude estar aquí en su momento
06:43Pero me gustaría poder ir a su tumba
06:46Para dejarle unas flores, reglazarle algo
06:50Manuel yo...
06:56Curro, te estaba buscando por toda la casa
07:04Y no sé si puedo contarte
07:07Las cosas que han pasado desde que te vi
07:11Las luces que han bailado por nuestro jardín
07:15Los rumores nuevos entre el corazón y las murales
07:19En la promesa
07:22Habrá partículas de amor en movimiento
07:25Habrá secretos
07:28Y la vida se va a desvanecer
07:31Y la vida se va a desvanecer
07:34Y los secretos que nunca saldrán ahí fuera
07:37Será tan bello como el vuelo de un avión
07:42En la promesa
07:45Las despedidas son girones por el suelo
07:48Hasta las flores bailarán a su manera
07:52Equilibristas entre el miedo y la pasión
07:59Somos constantes para la D3
08:02Somos el amor cuando se vive a vida o muerte
08:07Un camino largo a recorrer
08:11En la promesa ya serás cuestión de suerte
08:15Somos como un salto a la D3
08:19Somos el amor cuando se vive a vida o muerte
08:23Un camino largo a recorrer
08:27En la promesa ya serás cuestión de suerte
08:30En la promesa ya serás cuestión de suerte
08:38¿Está bien?
08:42Dime por qué enviaste esa invitación a la duquesa de Carril
08:49Ya le he dicho que yo no fui
08:56Puede ser que yo te tenga un poco de aprecio
08:59Y por eso mismo puede ser que yo te perdonase un embuste
09:02Pero dudo mucho que doña Margarita te perdonara si se enterase de la verdad
09:11Lo hice por fastidiar a Vera
09:15¿Y qué tiene que ver una cosa con otra?
09:19Me enteré de que Vera era la encargada de servir la merienda
09:23Así que convencí a mi padre para que me dejara a mí escribir y enviar esas cartas
09:29Puse el nombre de la duquesa de Carril como podría haber puesto cualquier otro nombre
09:33Pues yo sigo sin entender nada
09:37Lo hice para que tuviera más faena
09:39Para que tuviera que servir a cinco invitadas en lugar de cuatro
09:43¿Pero a ti te falta un hervor?
09:46Con semejante estupidez
09:48Has puesto a los mayordomos en mi contra
09:50Porque creen que yo soy la responsable
09:54Lo lamento
09:56Pero ahora me doy cuenta de que no fue una buena idea
09:58No, no lo fue
10:01Actuar así fue de lelos
10:03Y yo que te tenía por alguien despabilado
10:05Bueno, también tiene que pensar que en ese momento yo tenía mucha rencor encima, no regía bien
10:10No, no, no pensabas absolutamente nada
10:13¿Quién se le ocurre semejante majadería?
10:17Lo hice para castigar a Vera
10:19Por haberme la jugado, que...
10:21Que no logro olvidarme de ella, doña Petra
10:24Y pensé que si tenía más trabajo
10:27Pues acabaría viniendo abajo y buscaría apoyo en mí
10:30Qué poco mundo tienes
10:32Vera habría buscado el apoyo en cualquier otro
10:35Porque a ti no te quiere
10:37Sí, ya
10:39Ya me he dado cuenta de que fue una estupidez
10:42Tienes que aprender que no se puede obligar a nadie a querernos
10:46Y que si Vera se hubiera acercado a ti por pura compasión eso hubiera sido muchísimo peor
10:51No podemos conformarnos con...
10:54Con las miegajas del amor
10:56¿Pero y qué quiere que haga?
11:00Que aguantes y aceptas que has perdido
11:03Esto es así
11:16Ayala no va a dar marcha atrás
11:19A menos que Martín ha vendido a ese matrimonio
11:23Y según lo que me ha contado no está dispuesto a aceptar ese chantaje
11:31¿Qué te pasa? ¿Tienes la cabeza en otro sitio?
11:33No, no, es que estaba pensando en lo cabezota que puede llegarse el Martín
11:37A ver, entiendo que no quiera aceptar algo así
11:41Pero por mucho que le duela
11:43Que Ayala se salga con las suyas sería lo más práctico
11:45Ya lo sé
11:47Pero no parece dispuesta a dejarse embocar
11:49Y tampoco parece dispuesta a que ese hombre pase el resto de su vida con su madre
11:55Que será imposible convencerla
11:57Pero convencerla es el único camino
12:02Porque Curro mucho me temo que nosotros no podemos hacer nada por evitar que le ingresen en ese convento
12:07Es que no se puede ser tan testaruda
12:09Hay veces que hay que ceder
12:11Ya conoces a Martina
12:13Solo con bendecir el matrimonio de su madre ya tendría todos los problemas resueltos
12:17No se puede ser tan testaruda
12:19Por favor, no le hagas eso
12:21No me hagas eso
12:23Por favor, no le hagas eso
12:26No me hagas eso
12:28No me hagas eso
12:30No me hagas eso
12:32No me hagas eso
12:34No me hagas eso
12:36How can she be so proud?
12:38I think that for her, another matter of pride is dignity.
12:41Dignity is a luxury that she can't afford right now.
12:44But put yourself in her place.
12:46Just try not to be humiliated by Ayala.
12:48Look, Alonso, we like it when people humiliate us.
12:51But I say that it's much worse to lose freedom.
12:53It seems that Martina doesn't see it that way.
12:56Do you know what that girl needs?
12:59She needs someone by her side to advise her and support her.
13:04Advice is useless if you don't listen to them.
13:07But a good advisor is listened to.
13:09Because when he speaks, he convinces.
13:12For example, I have Maria Antonia for that.
13:16And you know what?
13:18Not even talking about her departure, she hasn't reproached me.
13:21She has reasons not to do it. We have treated her like a queen.
13:25The truth is that I'm sorry she's leaving.
13:29It's the best decision.
13:32I don't know, I ...
13:34I already feel like someone else in the family.
13:37You don't?
13:40Although of course, you may never find it funny.
13:45But how can I not find it funny after everything that has supported you?
13:48No, it's just that I think the time has come for her to leave.
13:51And I thought you agreed.
13:54Daughter, what are you doing up at this hour?
13:58I'm awake.
14:00I can't stop thinking about Martina and that she's going to enter a convent.
14:04Yes, it's nonsense.
14:06Yes, but we don't do anything to stop it.
14:08We should kick Conde de Ayala out.
14:10What else would I want, daughter?
14:11A scandal cannot be resolved by covering it up with another.
14:14But we cannot allow Martina to enter a convent.
14:17And what are you going to do?
14:18The same as the other time when you left the hangar to help her?
14:21It was useless.
14:22At least I tried to do something.
14:24What are you insinuating?
14:25I have also done everything possible to stop this madness.
14:28Let's calm down a bit, please.
14:30Your daughter thinks she's very smart, Alonso.
14:32We have managed to prevent Martina from being taken to jail or sanatorium.
14:35And that's already a lot.
14:36Yes, and they are going to put her in a convent, which has the worst of both worlds.
14:39Look, Catalina, if you have a solution, expose it.
14:42But don't come now outraged.
14:44Daughter, it is a delicate matter that cannot be resolved overnight.
14:48And in case some were, it would never be resolved.
14:59What a stain of tomato.
15:01This cannot be ironed like this.
15:04And no matter how much this rubs, it will not come off well at first.
15:08This has to be soaked, don't you think?
15:11What do you say?
15:14And what's wrong with you, Ana?
15:16That you have a smile from ear to ear?
15:18That you just need to drop the bag?
15:21Have you gone to visit your new studio?
15:23Have you gone to visit your new studio?
15:25Don Manuel.
15:26Maria, shut up and don't say it so loud.
15:28And it's there ...
15:29of refusals, right?
15:31Of course, look at the face she brings me.
15:33Maria, we've only been talking.
15:36Before or after the kiss?
15:39It's okay, we kissed.
15:41But we had a lot to talk about, so we talked.
15:44And how was the reunion?
15:48Well, it was like ...
15:50like a dream to see him again after so long.
15:53And how is he?
15:55Is he very drunk?
15:57He's very handsome, Maria, just like always.
16:00Yes? Are you sure?
16:02Because look, when Salvador returned from the war,
16:04he was disturbed.
16:06Come on, he went from being very happy
16:08to being like a hydra in a holy amen.
16:10Maria, I know.
16:11But I've seen Manuel well.
16:12Yes, I also thought that Salvador was fine.
16:15And soon I realized that he was not.
16:17Well, I hope it's not the case.
16:19Anyway, we were talking for a long time
16:21and he was delighted.
16:23What are you going to say?
16:24If love is blind and you can't see it in a donkey.
16:26It's not about seeing, Maria, it's about feeling.
16:30Well, be careful, okay?
16:31I had a very bad time.
16:34I thought there was no solution.
16:37How was Salvador?
16:39I don't know, Maria.
16:40I've seen Manuel ...
16:42I don't know.
16:43I don't know.
16:45I don't know, Maria.
16:46I've seen Manuel ...
16:48I've seen him happy.
16:49I've seen him smiling.
16:50I've seen him kind.
16:52And in fact, he has asked me about everyone.
16:55Even about Mrs. Pia.
16:57You haven't told him anything that you don't have to say, have you?
16:59No, I haven't told him anything, Maria.
17:02But it has crossed my mind to do so.
17:06It's not that to do something like that,
17:07first you would have to ask Mr. Baeza for permission.
17:09I know.
17:10That's why I haven't told him anything, Maria.
17:11But what do you want?
17:12I feel bad because he is sad because of Mrs. Pia.
17:14What do I do?
17:15It's also hard for me to say no.
17:17Because I'm more of an exaggerator.
17:19But I lied.
17:20It gives me anguish.
17:21Yeah, well, at least you didn't have to hide it
17:23when everyone was suffering for her.
17:27Anyway, I just want this to end soon.
17:30Because Manuel has asked me to take flowers to Mrs. Pia's grave.
17:33And I'm not going to take it that far.
17:35Well, get where you get.
17:36Maria, let's see.
17:37I'm not going to take Manuel to a grave
17:39and tell him that Mrs. Pia is there.
17:41What am I going to do?
17:42Because I can't lie to Manuel like that, do you understand?
17:47The two of us are in a very big mess.
17:50And we have to find a solution to this, huh, Ana?
17:55Well, I can't think of any solution, Maria.
17:58What about you?
17:59What am I going to think of?
18:05Go to the smoking room and help Leopoldo.
18:08He is there attending to the gentlemen.
18:10Okay, Mr. Pellicer.
18:11And one more thing.
18:13Regarding the smoking room,
18:14tomorrow, first thing in the morning,
18:16keep it clean and fill the bottles with liquor.
18:19Yes, sir.
18:25Yes, Santos, yes.
18:26A useless one.
18:27There's a lot here.
18:29You don't know this well.
18:30Resignation, Mrs. Petra.
18:32Thanks to her, I have been able to survive in this house.
18:35Thanks to the resignation and the patience.
18:37You are a saint at the altar.
18:47I would also like to go to the dance on Sunday with Salvador.
18:50But knowing Maria Mandrago,
18:52I'm sure she'll make us dinner.
18:54Well, if you want, I'll try to make myself.
18:57Well, knowing her, she's going to make us both.
19:00Let's hope not, Maria.
19:03If she makes us both, we'll console ourselves together.
19:06More than many console themselves than a few.
19:10What are you doing working at this hour?
19:12Go rest, it's very late.
19:14Well, we wanted to finish the ironing before leaving.
19:17Yes, so we have work to do tomorrow.
19:20I understand, but it's another day.
19:22They start earlier.
19:24They are not going to rest at all.
19:26Rest is essential.
19:28Yes, yes.
19:29Of course.
19:30But Mrs. Petra doesn't think the same as you.
19:32Because she puts us in charge of work at the last minute.
19:34I'll try to reason with her so that it doesn't happen again.
19:37Finish up.
19:38Wait, Mr. Baeza.
19:40I've been thinking that ...
19:45I think someone should go see Mrs. Pío.
19:48Yes, that woman can't stay alone much longer.
19:51In that cave, the days are very long.
19:53Yes, I've been thinking about it all day.
19:56Well, so have we.
19:57When we left her, she was with very little courage and less strength.
20:01If you prefer, I can go visit her.
20:04Mrs. Petra doesn't take her eyes off her.
20:07And she doesn't take her eyes off you either, Mario.
20:09I've seen that she's been interrogating you during breakfast.
20:12We didn't know what to answer.
20:13But they have come out very angry.
20:15She has tried a lot, she was very annoying.
20:18So what? Can I go visit her?
20:20Mario, I'm telling you that she is also watching you.
20:22Well, but not as much as you.
20:24No, yes, that's true.
20:25You better go alone, Miss Fernández.
20:28It will attract less attention.
20:29I'll go as fast as I can.
20:31And with Gregorio, what are we going to do?
20:33Well, I don't know, I don't know.
20:35Of course, what you don't have to do is take the threats of that man lightly.
20:38You don't have to talk for talking.
20:40I'll talk to Mr. Marqués and consult with him before making any decision.
20:45I must ask him to talk to him as soon as possible,
20:47because I don't know if Mrs. Pía will hold out much longer in that cave.
20:50I'll try tomorrow, but I don't know.
20:52That man is very worried about his niece Martina.
20:55I don't know if he will have time or desire to listen to me.
21:00A few days later
21:11Good morning, mother.
21:12Good morning, daughter.
21:15Oh, and Candela?
21:18I know she arrived late and tired last night.
21:21And I let her sleep a little longer.
21:23She went to talk to the priest.
21:28With the new priest?
21:29That's right.
21:30But I haven't been able to talk to her about this matter.
21:33Because we didn't meet, we didn't see each other.
21:35I went to bed early and when she arrived, I was already sleeping.
21:38So we don't know if he has spoken, if he has not commented on anything.
21:40Calm down, daughter.
21:42And I'm sure he brings good news.
21:44God willing.
21:45Good morning.
21:46Simona, why didn't you wake me up?
21:48If you hadn't arrived, because of the knock on the door next door,
21:51I would have been in the fifth dream.
21:53Because I know you arrived tired and late.
21:55And I let you sleep a little longer.
21:57Because if you don't sleep, you get a bad coffee.
21:59Like everyone else.
22:03Have you talked to the new priest?
22:04Yes, he's already in the place.
22:06And? Did he say anything?
22:08We didn't talk much.
22:09The truth is that he's just a friend.
22:15But Candela, are we going to have to get the words out of you one by one?
22:18Did he tell you if you can give my daughter a job?
22:21Let's see.
22:22The man is very angry.
22:24He goes from one place to another.
22:25It wasn't easy to talk to him.
22:27But what did he say, Candela?
22:32Let's see.
22:33I don't bring good news.
22:36The Calis thing, right?
22:38Don Fermín has told him everything before he left.
22:41I knew, I knew he was going to tell him.
22:43No secret of confession, no milk.
22:45Well, no.
22:46Don Fermín has not told him any of that.
22:48I think that if the priest found out about the robbery,
22:51he wouldn't have cared much.
22:53So why does he say he doesn't bring good news?
22:56If it's not the Calis thing, what's the problem?
22:59He has found another one to take him home.
23:02The problem is the new priest himself,
23:06which is very peculiar.
23:09I don't understand you.
23:11It may be the problem, the peculiarities of the priest.
23:15Candela, can you explain a little better?
23:17I don't understand anything.
23:18Me neither.
23:19Let's see.
23:20This is a young priest.
23:21And he has other ideas,
23:23well, more different than the one Don Fermín had.
23:26Don Fermín's was more ...
23:29And what does that have to do with giving me my job?
23:32A lot, girl.
23:33A lot.
23:34This priest has the same habits as Don Fermín.
23:38And he doesn't want anyone to help him.
23:42Doesn't he intend to hire a woman to take him home?
23:47But that can't be.
23:49Who's going to cook for him?
23:51Who's going to clean his house for him?
23:55That's outrageous.
23:56That's what I think.
23:58A priest scrubbing, sweeping, frying an egg.
24:01And he also told me
24:02that he was going to allocate every penny that passed through his hand
24:05for the benefit of the people.
24:08I already knew that I didn't have to get excited about this.
24:13Don't worry, daughter.
24:15I'm sure something will come out.
24:18For now, we have the jam thing.
24:27Who are we trying to fool, mother?
24:31Nothing is going to come out.
24:34And even if it came out ...
24:37My son is missing.
24:41We better face reality.
24:56Thank you, Candela.
25:00A few days later.
25:05Come in.
25:09Wow, I wasn't expecting this visit.
25:12What are you doing here, armadillo?
25:14And you? What are you doing dressed like that?
25:17Are you going out?
25:18Well, yes.
25:19I'm going to Lujan to do some errands that Mr. Baeza has assigned to me.
25:22Does Petra know?
25:24Well, I guess not.
25:26Well, if she finds out, she's going to get mad.
25:28Well, she doesn't have to find out.
25:30She always does, Maria.
25:31I would tell her to keep an eye on you.
25:33That she is twisted both with you and with Hanna.
25:35Well, of course I keep an eye on her, that's why I'm leaving now.
25:37I know she is aware of the gentlemen.
25:39Very well, then ...
25:41I'll leave you then.
25:43Have you come here to tell me what I have to do or something else?
25:49Yes, something else, yes.
25:53Ah ...
25:56And it's not good, is it?
25:58Because you've been very strange for a few days and I'm starting to get scared.
26:01I wasn't that strange.
26:04That when I arrived from the palace, I unmarked ...
26:07I wanted to see you so much, you were there and you didn't feel or suffer.
26:10I don't think it was like that either.
26:13Yes, it was like that.
26:14Salvador, I'm very upset with the reception.
26:17And with what is not the reception.
26:19You come here every day and you don't tell me anything.
26:22And that means something is wrong with you.
26:25Isn't it?
26:27Well, yes, the truth is that I've been rummaging through something for a few days.
26:31And are you going to tell me what's wrong with you?
26:33No, that ...
26:35Basically, I've been thinking about our wedding for a while.
26:41Good, bad or regular?
26:43In general.
26:45That we could have gotten married, but in the end, for whatever reason, it couldn't have been.
26:50Well, we haven't been very lucky.
26:52None, rather.
26:54With everything that happened with Miss Catalina, Mr. Pelayo, that we couldn't get married until they got married.
27:00Then everything about the war, that the people in the palace were with their souls on the line, well ...
27:05Well, but they're already here.
27:08Yes, that's what I'm going for. There is nothing that prevents us from getting married.
27:13So what do you want?
27:15Well, set a date, right?
27:18I mean, what do we do?
27:22Do we get married?
27:26Well, yes.
27:28So be it, right?
27:39Excuse me, sir.
27:41Yes, tell me.
27:43What are you reading?
27:45Engaldos. I'm with the national episodes.
27:48But I don't focus.
27:50I can't stop thinking about my niece Martina.
27:52The widow who is going to enter a convent?
27:54That's right.
27:56He is the count of Ayala and his pilgrim ideas.
27:59I don't understand that measure very well, because it is not that Miss Martina is a great devotee.
28:04And even if she were not, it is not right to force her to enter a convent against her will.
28:08So here comes the count's insistence.
28:10Well, I honestly don't know.
28:12But he has put a condition to avoid that terrible outcome.
28:15And it is?
28:17That Martina approves the wedding between the count and Mrs. Margarita.
28:20And the young lady does not want to give her arm to twist?
28:23As is.
28:24And you couldn't help it?
28:25Me? Hopefully.
28:28My daughter Catalina also wants to present a battle.
28:31But I'm afraid that if I oppose, the count will end up reporting Martina to the authorities.
28:35I understand, yes.
28:37At least we can celebrate the return of Miss Catalina to the palace.
28:41It's good news.
28:42Yes, it is.
28:44Although, as you know, my daughter and my wife are incompatible.
28:47They are like the dog and the cat.
28:49Any excuse is good to attack.
28:51They have returned to argue.
28:52They never stop doing it.
28:54And I'm in the middle of squirting water as best I can.
28:56I'm sure the problem will be solved, sir.
29:00Both are very worried about Martina.
29:03But none has managed to solve the problem.
29:05And I know they have tried.
29:06It should not be easy to solve, sir.
29:09Speaking of problems ...
29:10We have to find a way out of this whole thing, Romulo.
29:13No matter how many times I give it, I can't find it.
29:16But I guess we have to be patient.
29:20I leave you.
29:21I have to solve some matters in Lujan.
29:37Go back to cooking.
29:54What do you want, Petra?
29:56Nothing special.
29:58Just say hello.
30:01Well, I'll say hello.
30:04You don't know what to do anymore.
30:06Nor where to send Martina to get rid of her, right?
30:10Yesterday at a sanatorium, today at a convent.
30:13The truth is that I'm dying to know your next move.
30:17I have no desire to discuss my private life with you.
30:20I know, I know.
30:22Lately you prefer not to talk to me.
30:25Not even to see me, right?
30:27That's right, yes.
30:31But the bad thing, Ignacio, is that I do want to talk about your private life.
30:35About your affairs.
30:38About how you faked your poisoning to blame Martina later.
30:43Are you going back to your nonsense?
30:47How do you like to fool yourself?
30:49Although the truth is that you don't have to pretend much.
30:52Very funny.
30:55How dare you?
30:57Are you not going to stop until you ruin the life of that innocent girl?
31:01Come on, Petra, don't be dramatic.
31:03We all know that in a convent you eat very well and live in peace.
31:09You won't be so cynical the day I talk.
31:14If you haven't done it yet, it's because you know no one will believe you.
31:19We'll see.
31:21We'll see.
31:23I assure you that I will not miss the parish when I speak.
31:26And believe me or not, your name will be stained.
31:32Try it.
31:34First you will be ridiculous.
31:36And then you will pay for it.
31:39Do you really think you can scare me, Ignacio?
31:44You are very wrong.
31:47I'm going to end you, Ignacio.
31:50Sooner or later, I will jump on you and destroy you.
31:55And I swear to you, for what I have loved the most in this world.
31:59For my son Feliciano.
32:06Enjoy your breakfast.
32:22It's hard for me to believe that Miss Martina can end up in a convent for life.
32:26Yeah, it's an atrocity.
32:28Mr. Baeza, you know better.
32:31Is there any news about the convent and Miss Martina?
32:34Well, news, news.
32:36There is a small variation on the matter.
32:39And what is it?
32:41Well, if Miss Martina gives her consent to the count's wedding with Mrs. Margarita,
32:47nothing will happen.
32:49But that's blackmail.
32:50That's terrible and immoral.
32:52Well, I don't see much of a problem.
32:54That Miss Martina accepts that marriage and here's peace.
32:57And then glory.
32:58Those things always end up being a double-edged sword.
33:01Well, I wouldn't trust a hair.
33:03Much less with that count in the way.
33:05I deceive the young man by making him believe that there would be no consequences
33:08if I took Miss Martina out of her hiding place and look at what happened.
33:13He's not a man of his word.
33:15And in case Miss Martina enters that convent and then wants to leave,
33:19they won't let her, will they?
33:20I don't think so.
33:21Are you sure, Mr. Baeza?
33:22Because I've heard that in those places they even change the name to one and put a new one.
33:26New life, the past does not exist.
33:28Hey, let's not exaggerate.
33:30It's just that Mr. Baeza has no head or feet that we have to talk about something like this.
33:35If Miss Martina wasn't so stubborn, there would be no problem here.
33:39Miss Martina, all she's doing is what she thinks is best for her mother.
33:43But her mother is very young and if she doesn't marry Count Dallala, she will marry another man.
33:47What does she want? For her to be alone all her life?
33:49That is a sentence and not the convent.
33:52Besides, Count Dallala has everything to win.
33:55Miss Martina only has to accept and stop getting involved in the matter.
33:59There I do have to admit that you are somewhat right, Mr. Baezas.
34:03Mr. Baezas, do you also believe that she has to give in?
34:06What I mean, Mr. Ruiz, is that Mr. Pellicer is right when he says that here Mr. Conde is the one who has the position of strength.
34:14It may be, but that means that Miss Martina has to swallow her dignity.
34:18Her decision is hers.
34:20Well, all this is very interesting, but I imagine that we all have the task ahead, right?
34:25So it would be better for us to get down to it, that they pay us to work and not to comment on the lives of the gentlemen.
34:30I can't agree more with those words, so let's go.
34:45My Virgin, let this torture end as soon as possible, please.
34:52And help my son, may he be healthy and may Gregorio never come near again.
35:05Doña Pia.
35:06María, thank God.
35:08Thank God.
35:15What's going on? Why are you so agitated?
35:17Because I come running to the promenade and I leave it behind the hare.
35:21I can't stay long, they can't kick me out.
35:24Thank you for the effort, María. Thank you very much, really.
35:28I bring you water and food.
35:31You won't have enough at this point.
35:33No, no, I'm not having much trouble with that.
35:38Are you eating well?
35:39It's just that I don't ... I don't have an appetite.
35:43And how is the cold?
35:45Well, the cold, as I can.
35:47Because in this cave, once the cold gets into the bones, the truth is that it doesn't come out.
35:53Well, we'll see how soon the promise comes back.
35:57And he's complaining about how hot it is next to the oven in the kitchen.
36:01I hope it's soon, yes.
36:02But hey, tell me something from the outside, I don't want to talk about my sorrows.
36:06How's everything going for the promise?
36:08A lot of work, as always.
36:10The gentlemen with their usual entanglements, we with ours.
36:15And well, Mr. Manuel and Mr. Curro have returned from the war.
36:18Good, what great news!
36:21Is he okay?
36:22Yes, yes, surprisingly well.
36:24They have recovered Columbus quickly.
36:26With the food of the promise.
36:28I'm looking forward to trying Simona's quesos.
36:31And below, everything is fine?
36:34Nothing important has happened?
36:36Well, important, important, I don't know if it will be.
36:39But I'm going to marry Salvador.
36:41Mariel, very important, congratulations.
36:45Congratulations, I'm so glad.
36:48And this time it's the good one, we've already tied it a lot.
36:51Yes, I'm sure you'll see it.
36:53And by then I'll be in the promise and I'll be able to attend the wedding, for sure.
36:56Well, if I'm invited, I don't know.
36:58You are the first guest.
37:01And well, I hope that by then Gregorio has disappeared, of course.
37:07Let's see.
37:11Let's see, let's see what?
37:14Is there something I don't know, Maria?
37:19Maria, answer.
37:24Well, Gregorio wrote to Don Romulo.
37:30But how did he write to him?
37:32But for what? What did he tell him?
37:36To tell him that he knows that you are not dead.
37:41But, but, how did he find out?
37:43Calmude Gracio showed up in his town and opened his grave.
37:46Oh my God.
37:48But then everything that happened here in Cerrada has been useless.
37:51Yes, Mrs. Pia, don't say that.
37:53Of course it has been useful, because if you had been in the promise, that criminal could have done something bad to you.
37:57And here you are safe.
37:59Mariel, I can't take it anymore here in Cerrada, I really mean it.
38:02You have to hold on a little longer, Mrs. Pia.
38:04A little longer until we solve this matter.
38:07And think that only here you are safe.
38:10You know what I think?
38:13That I'm never going to get out of here.
38:33Maria Fernández.
38:36Can I know where you come from?
38:41Yes, Mrs. Petrarca.
38:46Come with us, girl.
38:48Are you going to be a servant with you, with what I respect you?
38:51I come from Luan.
38:54I'm not going to be a servant with you.
38:57I'm not going to be a servant with you.
38:59I'm not going to be a servant with you.
39:02And why have you gone to Luján?
39:05Well, to give a message to Mr. Marqué, who had asked Mr. Rómulo.
39:10And why have they sent you, precisely?
39:13Are they talking about my maids again without telling me before?
39:16Well, I don't know anymore, I would have to ask Mr. Marqué.
39:19Because I am a servant, they have told me to go and I have gone.
39:22Or they tell me to stay and I stay.
39:23So I'm leaving because I have a lot of work.
39:28I haven't told you to leave yet.
39:30And you're not that obedient?
39:32Well, are you going to tell me right now what message is that?
39:38It's just that, Mrs. Petra, I can't tell you.
39:40Because it's about the Marqué.
39:42And if you want to know, you can better ask the Marqué.
39:47Are you denying, María Fernández, to tell me?
39:50No, no.
39:52But you say many times that the things of the Marqués can't be told out there.
39:57And if you have any complaints, you can tell the Marqué.
40:00Come on, go, shameless.
40:02But the next time you go out, let me know before.
40:05Yes, sure.
40:08Get out of my sight.
40:27I already tell you that if they put Miss Martina in a convent, she escapes the second day.
40:31Or the first.
40:33If she already escaped the sanatorium.
40:35But let's see what happens next.
40:36Because if she goes around here, the Count already calls the Seville Guard.
40:41What I don't quite understand is how Mrs. Margarita is allowing that man to treat her daughter.
40:47Remove the love.
40:48There is no love there.
40:49What there is is a lot of fear.
40:53Miss Catalina.
40:57Welcome back.
40:58I hope this time it's to stay.
40:59Well, that's never known.
41:01Come on.
41:02Sit down.
41:04A leg?
41:05Don't tell me no, huh?
41:06That we have a sigh.
41:07And some butter.
41:09Freshly made, that removes the senses.
41:11What a remedy.
41:12I have already assumed that I cannot leave here without eating something.
41:17How is the return, miss?
41:19Well, nothing has changed.
41:21I keep arguing with Cruz and ...
41:23We are all very worried about my cousin.
41:26Down here we are also very worried.
41:29We were just talking about her.
41:31Yes, I know you value her a lot.
41:33Not to be jealous.
41:34She is an angel.
41:36Come on, eat it.
41:38Let's see.
41:48And now we have to go because we have to do some things in the pantry, Mrs. Candela.
41:51I don't have to do anything.
41:52The sighs are from the oven, from Luján.
41:57And the buttered ones we have made here.
41:59Come on.
42:00Come on, Mrs. Candela.
42:03I always have to miss the talk.
42:06But if you spend all day chatting ...
42:12Well, now tell me what has come.
42:14Because you have come something, right?
42:22And you haven't done anything wrong, Petra?
42:24Well, I had the whole intention.
42:26That he came to me with those shiny eyes that he gets.
42:29But I stood up like a stork and I answered everything well answered.
42:32And what did you answer him to make him shut up?
42:34Well, I told him that I was coming to give a message to Mr. Marqués
42:37and that if he had any questions, he would ask him.
42:40And he didn't reproach you for anything?
42:42As usual.
42:43But he knows he can't complain to the Marqués.
42:47So you were spying.
42:49Man, I'm very spying.
42:51What happens is that you don't have me as such.
42:53Yes, I have you as such, María.
42:54What happens is that sometimes you talk a lot and you stop.
42:57And then you stop, nothing more.
42:59Well, because I have a lot of ideas in my head
43:02and I don't have the tongue for everything.
43:06Well, then tell me, how is Mrs. Pía?
43:09Well, Mrs. Pía is very down and very sad.
43:13I brought her food and she didn't have an appetite.
43:16And it seems to me that the cold in the cave is getting worse and worse.
43:20Well, I'm not surprised, because she's been in there for a long time.
43:24She was asking me things about the promise.
43:28And between one thing and another, well, we end up talking about Gregorio.
43:32María, have you told him?
43:34Not everything.
43:35Because he already has enough with what he has.
43:37But I did tell him that he knows she's alive.
43:41But I didn't tell him that he threatens to kill her.
43:43You shouldn't have told him anything.
43:44Well, Hanna, if I don't tell him, I'll tell you that that woman is leaving the cave today.
43:48She's very fed up.
43:51Well, maybe you're right, yes.
43:53And it was the only way for her to stay there.
43:57Of course, let's see if she can take it.
43:59Because the poor thing has to be desperate.
44:01Besides, every time we go, we tell her these kinds of things.
44:05Well, I've also brought her some good news.
44:09To make up for it.
44:11The one that Manuel and Curro have killed you?
44:13And another one that you don't know?
44:16What are you up to?
44:21Well ...
44:24That I'm going to marry Salvador.
44:26What do you mean you're getting married?
44:28With Salvador.
44:31That you're getting married.
44:32And you're telling me now, and you're telling me like this.
44:34Well, he asked me today and we haven't seen each other all day.
44:39María, but ...
44:40I don't know ...
44:42I don't see you very excited.
44:44Well, let's see.
44:47It's the third or fourth time that I try to get married.
44:50Always with the same man.
44:52But that doesn't matter, it's your wedding.
44:55Yeah ...
44:56You're right.
44:59It's also that Salvador asked me, like who asks you to cool a chicken breast.
45:04Without any passion, come on.
45:06And you know that I am very passionate.
45:09But, and to do it like that, why does he ask you?
45:12I don't know.
45:13But I wasn't going to say no.
45:14I want to marry him.
45:15It would have been ugly, wouldn't it?
45:16Well, of course.
45:17Besides, the important thing is that we get married a hundred times.
45:20But until I notice the blessing of the priest, I'm not going to be calm.
45:23Something always happens.
45:24Yeah ...
45:26And what about you?
45:27Don't you want to get married?
45:31Because he asked you to marry Manuel.
45:33Before going to war.
45:36Yeah ...
45:37Yeah ...
45:38But I don't know how Manuel just came back from that hell.
45:42Well ...
45:43It's true that everything is going well.
45:45It seems that everything is going well, but ...
45:48But well, I prefer to wait a little.
45:50Yeah ...
45:51You're like me and you start letting time pass.
45:54I'm going to the fourth wedding.
45:56Or wedding attempt.
45:57Let me know when you're there.
46:13Well, yes, Simona.
46:14I have come to vent.
46:16Because I am very upset about everything that is happening to my cousin.
46:19It is to be.
46:21The worst thing is the impotence I feel because I don't know how to help her.
46:25I don't feel like an easy task.
46:28I know my cousin is innocent.
46:30I know.
46:31We all know it here.
46:33The only one in the promise who thinks he is guilty is Count Ayala.
46:38And that's enough to make his life impossible.
46:40Anyway, I don't want to tell you any more sorrows.
46:43I don't know, how are you?
46:45How's your daughter?
46:48Well, not very well, miss.
46:52We couldn't find work for her outside of the promise here.
46:56We thought that the new priest of Lujan was going to give her a job, but nothing.
47:00Have you already found someone?
47:02No, no, no.
47:03Apparently this priest is very peculiar.
47:06And he himself is going to do everything.
47:08He's going to cook, he's going to wash his clothes ...
47:11A priest cooking and sweeping?
47:13Where have you seen that?
47:15It starts like this and you don't know where it ends.
47:18Come on, I'm sure your daughter will find something.
47:21Yes, but actually I'm much more worried about my grandson.
47:27What about him?
47:29We don't know where he is.
47:32His other grandparents took him from one day to the next,
47:35they disappeared and nobody knows anything.
47:38And they didn't give anyone any signs?
47:41They disappeared like a puddle in the sun.
47:46I can imagine how your daughter must be.
47:48Well, and ...
47:50And yourself?
47:51I had gone a few times to visit him and ...
47:55I had taken a lot of affection from him.
48:00Do you know what we're going to do?
48:02Do you know what we're going to do?
48:04Are you going to give me the names and surnames of your in-laws?
48:08What are you going to do, miss?
48:09You can't report them.
48:11The boy was taken care of by them.
48:13Yes, but that child is not his.
48:15And Virtudes has changed, they should return it to him.
48:18So I'm going to talk to the Civil Guard.
48:20Miss, I appreciate it.
48:21But it can't be.
48:24Because my Virtudes doesn't want to do that to her son's grandparents.
48:29Yeah, and then what are you going to do?
48:32Well, we have no choice but to wait for these people to give signs of life.
48:37And I don't think they're so bad at not writing or giving a reason for how the boy is.
48:52Alonso, Lorenzo, come and try these pastries they brought from the kitchens.
48:57Of course.
48:58After the walk we just took, I'm hungry.
49:01I'm sure you'll love them, Alonso.
49:06We should have ridden for more than two hours, right?
49:08Yes, yes, more or less.
49:11Well, two hours is enough for a lot of talking.
49:14Well, more than talking, I've listened to Lorenzo.
49:19We've been talking about war and the strategies of the armies may have taken me a while.
49:25You know, when I'm passionate about something.
49:29How patient, Alonso.
49:31The truth is that I'm amazed by the Russians and their strategies in this war.
49:36And I'm sure you're not going to tell us why.
49:38I'm willing to do that.
49:39You see, the Russians are very aware of the defense of their country.
49:47What? You don't believe me?
49:48Well, I don't know.
49:50It will be so if you say so, but I imagine that many of those soldiers are there forced.
49:55Not for patriotism.
49:56Well, you're wrong.
49:59Russia has the loyalty of its troops.
50:02As you know, loyalty is the pillar for everything to work,
50:05whether it's an army, a company or a marriage.
50:13Well, I don't know about war, but in a marriage, of course.
50:16Loyalty is the basis.
50:18What do you think, Maria Antonia?
50:21Well, of course.
50:23If loyalty is a marriage, it fades over time.
50:28And it's not just important for the marriage to go ahead,
50:30but it affects the whole family and their reputation.
50:34The same thing happens in an army.
50:37When the shadow of suspicion falls on a high command,
50:39that shadow covers the entire hierarchy.
50:42And once trust is lost, there is nothing to do.
50:49What do you think, Alonso?
50:51You say that I don't stop talking, but you don't let go.
50:53What do I think of infidelity?
50:55Yes, what do you think of what we're talking about?
50:57Well, what am I going to think? That it's very bad.
50:59That you shouldn't do that to a person you love.
51:06Well, I think this can even happen between couples who say they love each other a lot.
51:12Oh yeah? And how is that?
51:15Well, sometimes in marriages that have been going on for many years,
51:17there is something similar to a calm love.
51:21But no passion.
51:23And there are those who seek that passion outside.
51:25I see.
51:26Even committing adultery, you mean.
51:31Come on, Cruz.
51:32Both you and I know that in many cases it is so.
51:36True, but if I remember correctly,
51:39I don't think there was a true love in any of those marriages.
51:43Or do you think that if there is, there may be deception?
51:46No, no.
51:48Of course.
51:49And in that case,
51:51you're right, aren't you?
51:52That's why I said that in couples,
51:54they say they love each other, but deep down they don't.
51:57The truth is that adultery is in the order of the day.
52:00It is more common than we think.
52:03It seems that you speak with knowledge of the cause.
52:06Excuse me.
52:08There is a package for you, Captain.
52:10I'm going to see what it is about.
52:12If you'll excuse me.
52:36Did you like the new dress?
52:50Thank God you brought me your tea.
52:51When I asked you to bring it to the hangar,
52:53I thought that ...
52:54I don't know, I didn't have them all with me.
52:56Well, who better than me to bring tea to the Lord?
53:02Who better than you.
53:09And are you going to work here again?
53:15No, for now I will continue to design in my studio.
53:19But yes,
53:20soon I will return and reform it to make it a workshop again.
53:24I don't think there is much work to do either.
53:28The truth is that no.
53:31I still can't believe that my sister was living here for so long.
53:35Well, I guess she thought it was a good idea.
53:38After all, she wanted to be alone.
53:40She must have felt very desperate.
53:43She was very angry with your mother.
53:46And with everyone.
53:48In fact,
53:50she didn't want to see anyone.
53:51It was very difficult for me
53:53to come here to clean from time to time.
53:55And at first she forbade visits to everyone,
53:57so she didn't want to know anything about anyone.
54:00If I had been here,
54:01I wouldn't have allowed this situation to get so long.
54:06And I'm telling you, it was difficult.
54:07It was difficult.
54:09Maybe not so much.
54:12She is my sister and I know her well.
54:14I know how to make her understand.
54:17And she is in sight.
54:20But if we cross our fingers so that they don't get angry again,
54:24I can't be doing miracles every week either.
54:28It is possible that they will argue again, but
54:30I just hope it doesn't get that far.
54:34We have to stop facing each other for nonsense.
54:37You have to know how to distinguish
54:38what is truly important from what is not.
54:41It's true.
54:44Like the death of Doña Pia.
54:46That is important.
54:50Yes, you're right.
54:53You only know how to take it.
54:55It's strange that you haven't realized it yet.
55:05There is one thing I have to tell you
55:07and I can't keep hiding it from you.
55:10What is it about?
55:12Don't worry, it's good news.
55:16No one would tell you when they see you.
55:18But it's really good news.
55:22What happens is that maybe it seems a little strange to you.
55:26Why don't you tell me and I'll decide what I think.
55:32Doña Pia.
55:37Doña Pia is not dead.
55:50This fruit looks good.
55:52Look, look, look, what a hideous apple.
55:54And the pears?
55:56Are they to put them in a painting?
55:58Well, they are from a farmer's farm, my friend.
56:00I once made him a manchego cappuccino
56:02and whenever he sees me, he ends up giving me fruit.
56:04And do you know if he has enough trees to sell us fruit boxes?
56:08Because the jams would look great with this fruit.
56:11Doña Simona has about 200 trees planted.
56:14What happens is that this fruit is more for the table, not for preserves.
56:18I'm sure he has some smaller apples, with some fruit.
56:21Well, I'm going to ask him, because I'm sure he would give us a good price.
56:25That at a discount, because you have to buy cheap
56:27and then sell it at a high price.
56:29Because you have to take out the quarters for Virtudes.
56:32Oh, I don't know.
56:34I don't know if I have the strength to continue with that.
56:37Because, in addition, my grandson is missing and this is nonsense.
56:42Doña Simona, we've already talked about that.
56:44We have to continue.
56:46Oh, I don't know, Lope.
56:48The truth is that poor Virtudes is not lucky.
56:50Her in-laws are leaving.
56:52She can't go to work with the new priest of the village.
56:54Yes, but she is a very young and hard-working girl.
56:56I'm sure she'll find something.
57:03What can I do for you, Captain?
57:05Well, I came to ask you something.
57:08I'm sure you'll get me out of doubt better than anyone else.
57:11Of course. You ask whatever you want, Captain.
57:19Can someone tell me what the hell is this that I just received?
57:26That looks like...
57:32That looks like a jar of jam.
57:36I know it's a jar of jam. I'm not stupid.
57:45And I'm convinced I know who prepared it.
57:53Did you think I wouldn't find out?
58:07What are you saying, Manuel?
58:09That according to what you told me,
58:11Doña Pia is dead to everyone.
58:14And if that bastard goes with her and manages to do what he wants,
58:18they won't be able to blame him for anything.
58:20My God.
58:22But don't you realize that your mother wanted to marry that man long before all this happened?
58:25You, the one who has always been a hindrance.
58:27First, because your father's death was very recent.
58:30And then...
58:32Then for whatever reason, Martina.
58:34Don't you realize how he thinks?
58:36How he benefits from everything that happens to him?
58:38It's not right for my mother.
58:40But that doesn't belong to you.
58:42It's about my son.
58:44I have to ask him to stay away from him.
58:46Excuse me?
58:48I'm afraid I have a bad influence on him.
58:50Let him choose his friends.
58:55He's making a mistake.
58:57For me, it was something important and very beautiful.
58:59Maria Antonia, nothing happened.
59:01How dare you?
59:03I came here thinking that...
59:05I don't care what you think.
59:07It is obvious that what I say is useless.
59:09Don't go, don't go.
59:11I'm not going to let you go and leave me with the word in my mouth.
59:13If you go, I swear you'll regret it.
59:15But Ignacio, don't you realize that if you make Martina suffer, you're making me suffer?
59:19No, Margarita, no.
59:21I love you more than anything in the world.
59:23What I want is your happiness.
59:25A lot has happened to you.
59:27Ignacio, a lot has happened to you.
59:29But what is clear is that you are not the person I thought you were.
59:32Has anyone seen Catalina?
59:34I haven't seen her all day.
59:36Me neither.
59:38Maybe she has decided to hide in her hole again.
59:40Catalina is not in the hangar.
59:44She has decided to go see Count Dañil.
59:47To Pelayo?