• last year
After his tragic accident, Hal Elrod face a choice that would change his life forever.


00:00A man in a full-size Chevy truck coming straight at me got on the wrong side of
00:04the road and that's the last thing I remember from that night and everything
00:10I share with you now I only know from hospital reports, eyewitnesses, police
00:15reports, but our two cars collided head-on around 150 mile an hour impact
00:22between the two of us. My car spun off the drunk driver and the car behind me
00:27crashed into my door at 70 miles an hour and instantaneously I broke 11
00:33bones on this side. My femur broke in half, my arm broke in half, shattered my
00:37elbow, severed the nerve, my eye socket was crushed, so my heart stopped
00:41beating for six minutes. The paramedics revived me, rushed me to the hospital and
00:45in the hospital I underwent emergency surgery where they repaired my broken
00:52bones. I was in a coma for six days. When I came out of the coma my doctor
00:59shared with me that I would probably never walk again and I had permanent
01:02brain damage. I had the responsibility and the opportunity to choose my
01:11response. When we're in a negative emotional state we're not at peak
01:14physical, mental, or emotional, or spiritual place so therefore we don't
01:18make the best decisions, we don't take the best actions, but when you can learn
01:22to manage your emotional state you now have control over how you think, how you
01:26feel, and what you do. My mentor Jesse he said, Hal it's okay to be negative when
01:32things go wrong but not for more than five minutes and he would teach us to
01:36literally set our timer on our phone for five minutes when something happened
01:40that caused us emotional pain. I'd be upset for five minutes and the timer
01:44would go off and I would go, I'm still pissed off, I'm still upset, but here's
01:52what would happen. Our manager taught us to say three powerful words, can't change
01:57it. I thought, well wait a minute, I can't change that I was in a car accident but
02:01what if I just choose to accept it and be at peace with it? I said, and I've
02:05decided that if I'm in a wheelchair the rest of my life I've already seen it
02:10I'll be the happiest person you've ever seen in a wheelchair. I'll be the most
02:13grateful person you've ever seen in a wheelchair because I'm in a wheelchair
02:17either way. It seems like being miserable in a wheelchair isn't as good of a life
02:22as being grateful in a wheelchair. It can't cause me pain because pain is
02:26caused by resistance. It's our wishing and wanting that something were
02:29different and that was three weeks after the crash the doctors came in and they
02:34said, Hal we have your routine x-rays from yesterday and we don't know how to
02:37explain this but your body is healing so fast that we're gonna let you take your
02:42first step today in therapy.
02:47All my energy goes into walking again. I visualize it every day. I think about it.
02:53I pray about it. I talk about it. That's my focus. It's my vision for what I
02:57want. Will I accept what I don't want? I don't know. I don't know if it's
03:01willing. I don't know if I will. I don't know if that's really even possible.
03:04All I know is it is a possibility. I will walk again.
