Fire Emblem Three Houses - Dimitri and Byleth

  • 3 months ago
Another OTP.
00:00Let's go to the Monastery.
00:03I'll be waiting for you.
00:06Perfect timing, Professor. If you don't mind, I have a favor I'd like to ask of you.
00:13What is it?
00:15It's in regard to sword training. Not for myself, but... well...
00:20To be honest, I've been teaching swordsmanship to the orphans at the Monastery for a while now.
00:26I see.
00:29Some of them saw me sparring with the knights one day.
00:32They started pestering me to teach them.
00:35They were so earnest, I couldn't help but oblige.
00:38There's much I wish to show them, but due to my own studies and training, I'm afraid my time is rather limited.
00:45Which brings me to my favor.
00:48Your swordsmanship is unmatched.
00:50I hate to ask this of you, but...
00:53Would you consider lending me a hand?
00:59Thank you, truly. I am in your debt, and I always repay my debts, I'll have you know.
01:05All of these children lost their families and homes to war or illness.
01:09This may sound a bit arrogant, but... I feel it's my responsibility to help them.
01:15I lost my parents without warning, too. In that way, we're the same.
01:20In Dusker, I lost my father, stepmother, and closest friends.
01:26I didn't have many allies at the castle after that.
01:29In truth, I had only to do for companionship.
01:36I'm afraid not.
01:38My birth mother fell ill and died shortly after I was born.
01:41And my uncle... Suffice to say, we don't get along.
01:46Ah, but there were those outside the castle walls I was close to, such as Rodrigue.
01:56Pardon my rudeness. I meant Lord Rodrigue.
01:59He is my father's old companion, and the father of Felix.
02:03On the occasions he would visit the capital, he'd take me out hunting or on long horse rides.
02:08While Dedue is like a brother to me, Rodrigue is more like a second father.
02:13It might sound ridiculous, but...
02:15He's the kind of man I hope to become one day.
02:18Someone who helps others.
02:20Someone who can reach out and save a lost soul.
02:25Oh, please accept my apologies for boring you with my life story.
02:30In any case, don't forget your promise, Professor.
02:33I'm counting on you.
02:35Thank you for your help the other day, Professor.
02:50Please, allow me to express my gratitude by taking you to dinner.
02:59Please think about what you'd like to eat.
03:01After all, such magnificent guidance must work up quite an appetite.
03:05I've studied swordsmanship for some time, but your mercenary skills are something else entirely.
03:11Speaking of which, there's another question I must ask you.
03:16Were you reconciled with the reality of battle from your first foray?
03:20With the killing part, I mean.
03:27I see.
03:34I do not carry that burden well.
03:37I doubt that will change, no matter how many years come and go.
03:41The first time I led on the battlefield, I was sent to quell a rebellion in the west.
03:46It was not a difficult fight.
03:48The enemy was not well trained, and their morale was low.
03:52A swing of the lance, and your opponent falls.
03:55A flash of your blade, and a path opens up.
03:58That's the sort of battle it was.
04:01Easy, right?
04:07The noble family from that area sought to seize the throne after my father's untimely death.
04:13The leader of the rebel army was defeated, and the rebellion quelled.
04:17This was at the height of the post-war period.
04:20I recall coming across a dead soldier's body.
04:23He was clutching a locket.
04:26Inside was a lock of golden hair.
04:28I don't know to whom it belonged.
04:30His wife? His daughter? Mother? Lover?
04:35I'll never know.
04:37He was a soldier. An enemy.
04:39Someone we had cut down without hesitation.
04:42But in that moment, I realized he was also a real person.
04:46Just like the rest of us.
04:49Of course, we cannot stand idly by and allow anyone to commit senseless acts of violence.
04:54Yet, in dispensing what we call justice, we take the lives of cherished family members.
05:01Beloved friends.
05:03Killing is part of the job, but even so,
05:06there are times when I'm chilled to the bone by the depravity of my own actions.
05:16That you feel the same way is more comforting than you could know.
05:20Professor, may I speak freely?
05:23When we first met, I thought of you as someone who felt no strong feelings about killing your enemies.
05:29I could never trust someone who kills without batting an eye.
05:33My heart won't allow it.
05:35But after speaking with you and getting to know you better,
05:39I can see you're not like that.
05:41Now I know, with all my heart, that I can trust you.
05:46Thank you for that.
05:53Chapter 4 The Legend of the Goddess Tower
05:58It's quiet here, isn't it, Professor?
06:01That reminds me. Do you know the legend associated with the Goddess Tower?
06:10Just as expected.
06:13They say that wishes made in this tower will come true.
06:17I wonder who came up with such a silly notion.
06:23Legends are legends, nothing more.
06:26I doubt there are many who really believe that wishes can be granted.
06:30The Goddess just watches over us from above, that is all.
06:34No matter how hard someone begs to be saved, she would never so much as offer her hand.
06:40And even if she did, we lack the means to reach out and grasp it.
06:45That's how I feel about her.
06:48In any case, I suppose there's no harm in passing the time with silly legends.
06:54What do you say, Professor? Care to make a wish?
06:57We are here on the Night of the Ball.
06:59Why don't you try wishing for something?
07:05A wish of my own.
07:08I suppose my wish is for a world in which no one would ever be unjustly taken from us.
07:16Or something along those lines.
07:22Thank you, Professor.
07:24Although, at a time like this, perhaps it would make more sense for me to wish that we'll be together forever.
07:31What do you think?
07:33A wish of my own.
07:35I suppose my wish is for a world in which no one would ever be unjustly taken from us.
07:41Well now, Professor. You must admit I've improved in the art of joke-telling.
07:51I'm sorry. I guess that was rather thoughtless of me.
07:58Honestly, I do regret saying such a thing.
08:01Please, think nothing of it.
08:03I've blurted out irresponsible things like that to my classmates.
08:07Promises that we'll see each other again and the like.
08:10I have no business making such promises for the future.
08:13There are certain things that I must accomplish, even if it means risking my life.
08:19I may not even have a future to promise to someone.
08:26We should head back soon.
08:29It's rude of me to keep you all to myself.
08:32Shall we, Professor?
08:52Sleep evades me, so I thought I'd get in some extra training.
08:56I was just about to finish.
08:58Perhaps it is the gloomy weather, but I am feeling the sting of wounds that should have healed long ago.
09:07The injury I got when that girl stabbed me after the battle at Gronder.
09:10Her eyes were filled with revenge, just as mine once were.
09:19I don't know, but I have a guess.
09:27Ah, I suppose I haven't told you about that yet.
09:35I was attacked inside the monastery the other day.
09:38It caused quite the uproar.
09:40The ones who attacked me were some of the youths we taught swordsmanship to once upon a time.
09:49Of course, I could capture the lot of them with my eyes closed.
09:54It seems they were raised by a group of thieves we put down five years ago.
09:58I heard Lady Rhea took custody of them, claiming that the children were innocent.
10:04I have taken so many lives.
10:06And with each one, I face hatred.
10:09During the last five years, especially.
10:12My life was not so different from that of a wild beast.
10:15And that young girl's brother.
10:17At some point, I must have...
10:23That is why I thought it only natural that someone would retaliate someday.
10:27Because I hated.
10:29Because I stole and...
10:32Because I killed.
10:34But with those children, it's different.
10:37We drew our blades with the best of intentions, only to hurt them in the end.
10:42I suppose this is yet another thing we will just have to live with.
10:53As one who chose to fight, it is my responsibility to confront this anguish and the true nature of war.
11:00Until the day my life comes to an end.
11:07Thank you.
11:12You know, Professor.
11:14There is something that I only recently realized.
11:17I never knew it could be so comforting to have someone standing by my side.
11:24Chapter 2 The End
11:36Come now, my friend. You must stop staying up so late.
11:40Tomorrow is yet another early morning.
11:43Then again, I know that matters little.
11:46You cannot sleep, can you?
11:49Neither can I, of course.
11:53I want you to know I am sorry for making you do so much when your battle wounds aren't even completely healed yet.
12:03Do not worry about me.
12:05My shoulder has healed nicely.
12:07I still have some numbness in my hand, but it should not hinder me too much.
12:16It is a lovely night, is it not?
12:19How many years has it been since I was kept awake by hopes for the future, rather than by nightmares of the past?
12:30I have had the same nightmare for nine long years.
12:33A nightmare in which I am constantly tormented by those who have died.
12:37They ask me why I have not avenged them.
12:40Why I got to live, yet they had to die.
12:43No matter how many corpses I piled up for them, in the end, their voices only grew louder.
12:49Voices loathing me, calling out to me.
12:52Their inescapable death cries ringing in my ears, clinging to my soul.
12:57Even now, I can always hear them.
13:00I am certain I will be hearing them until the day I die.
13:04But I will not cover my ears.
13:07I will go on living, and their voices will serve as a warning.
13:11As a king, and as a wretch who claimed countless lives,
13:16I will build a kingdom where the people can live in peace.
13:20I am sure she would laugh and call such talk foolish,
13:24but I wish to change this world in my own way.
13:29Well, your grace, things will be busy from now on.
13:33Our first order of business is tomorrow's coronation.
13:36Once a professor and student,
13:39now an archbishop and a king.
13:42How very far we have come.
13:48That is true.
13:50To me, you will always be the one who guided me so kindly.
13:54My ally through all.
13:56My beloved... yes, my beloved.
14:00What is it?
14:05Listen, there is something I wish to give you before the coronation.
14:10Give me your hand.
14:18Please, I beg of you, say something.
14:21If you do not wish to accept it, please just tell me.
14:25If so, I will face the truth and walk away.
14:31What is it?
14:36What is this?
14:42It is a token of my gratitude.
14:47Yes, I see. Right.
14:51In that case, let us exchange them, shall we?
14:56Your hands.
14:58Now that I hold them within my own, I see how small and fragile they are.
15:02These hands that have saved me countless times.
15:06Thank you, my beloved.
15:08Your kind, warm hands.
15:11May they cling to my own forevermore.
