Fire Emblem Three Houses - Annette and Caspar

  • 2 months ago
Caspar teaching a lesson about not dwelling on failure that hasn't happened.
00:06That was my worst mistake yet, why am I so clumsy all the time the women laughed and forgave me but oh
00:14How am I supposed to face them now?
00:18Hey there Annette. What's with the sour face? Everything? Okay. I don't think I've ever seen you look so miserable
00:25Don't tease me like that Caspar. Can't you see I'm down?
00:30Sorry, sorry, you know, I didn't mean it. Did something happen?
00:33You don't have to share if you don't want to but I think talking it out might help you might be right about that
00:39Are you sure you don't mind? Not at all
00:44Well today they were short on staff in the dining hall, so I offered to help out but I sort of messed up big
00:52Oh, no, what happened?
00:56All the place in the kitchen went flying through the air and the pot started giving off this weird blue steam
01:02Wow, sounds more like art than cooking to me
01:05The people in the dining hall saw the chaos and started panicking and then soldiers came running
01:11Finally Catherine appeared and shut everyone up with a slash of Thunderbrand. All I was trying to do was help out
01:18But in the end, I just ended up making more work for everyone. I'm awful like that
01:24I wouldn't worry about it too much
01:27Accidents happen. It's not like you were trying to make a mess
01:29I know the women at the dining hall laughed and forgave me, but was anyone hurt?
01:38Well, no, but
01:41Well, there you go no need to dwell on it and keep moping around
01:45You had a bad day, but I'm sure you'll do better tomorrow. You know what you're right
01:51I guess all I can do is try harder next time
01:55Thanks Caspar. That really did help me feel better. I can't keep moping around
02:00I've got to work on my cooking skills and I can count on you to be my taste tester, right, right?
02:09Sure just as long as you're not making any new art projects
02:26Why did this have to happen
02:28Getting separated from my own troop
02:31I'm a failure as a commander. It's already almost sunset
02:36My wounds are aching
02:38And I'm so hungry
02:40Maybe I'm just gonna die right here
02:43But no, that's such a pathetic way to die. Oh
02:47I wonder if the rest of my soldiers are okay
02:51I'm so worried about them
02:55Open that a minute. There you go
03:01What are you doing here? I was wounded in the forest lost sight of my troop. I wandered around in it
03:08Oh, where is everyone?
03:10Calm down. You got nothing to worry about. They're fine. My men retrieved the rest of your unit
03:15You're the one we've been worried about. How you feeling? Are you hurt?
03:19You've got a pretty painful looking wound on your leg. Oh
03:23I'm alright, though. I might have trouble running
03:27If you say so, I gotta admit I got the chills when I heard you were missing
03:32Your soldiers told me what happened. I was only able to find you. Thanks to them. You've got a good troop there. You should be proud
03:43What's wrong Annette not feeling so good after all no, that's not it
03:48I was just thinking about what a hopeless commander I am
03:52It's my job to look after my soldiers, but they ended up having to look out for me if I'm this hopeless
03:58I shouldn't be out there at all
04:01What are you talking about? I?
04:04Don't know anyone around here who works harder than you
04:07You put your all into your work and everyone knows it. Why do you think your soldiers are so loyal?
04:16There's no way they do so much for you if they didn't see it in you, come on, let's head back
04:21I'll help you if you're having trouble walking your soldiers are worried about you go show them you're doing just fine
04:27Yes, you're right
04:29Thank You Caspar
04:31No problem. Just remember that it's okay to make mistakes as long as you're learning from them
04:49Hey Caspar, can I ask you something?
04:52Well, hey there Annette. What's on your mind?
04:55Is there anything you pay particular attention to on the battlefield the stuff you make sure not to mess up?
05:01I don't want to make any major mistakes again. So I've been thinking about how I can improve
05:08But it's trickier than I thought I was hoping you could give me some direction
05:13Nothing I can think of sometimes you just got to mess up. Hmm. Really nothing at all
05:20Nah, no matter how much you prepare. You're always gonna make mistakes. All you can do is quit worrying and try your best
05:27Hmm, I guess that does sound like something you'd say
05:31But I'm not sure how much use it is to me
05:34That's too bad. It's a great way to live
05:37You worry about messing up and all that worry makes you nervous, right?
05:41So being nervous on the battlefield is the reason you make mistakes. You'd never make in training. Well, yes
05:47People's lives are on the line. If I mess up they might actually die
05:52When I think that my failures might put everyone in danger, I oh
05:57You gotta quit doubting yourself. It's not helping you're obsessing about failures that haven't even happened. What's the point in that?
06:05Sometimes you're gonna mess up no matter how hard you train. That's life
06:10So what you're saying is I should stop being afraid of failure and just try my hardest on the battlefield
06:17Like I do in training once I not clear on that. You just got to deal with your mistakes when you make them
06:24That really is just like you Kaspar
06:27I'm starting to feel stupid for worrying so much. You're so strong and confident
06:33I really like that about you
06:37Thanks in that I think you're great too, okay, I'm gonna try following your example from now on
06:43It's time. I stopped moping around here and put everything I've got into training right Kaspar. That's the spirit
06:52Let's get out there and train I'll race you to the stables
