Fire Emblem Three Houses - Cyril and Lysithea

  • 2 months ago
Cyril learning how to read.
00:06Hmm this one ought to do
00:10What are you doing Cyril
00:12I'm picking out logs to carry back and chop into firewood. You can't expect to carry all these by yourself. Let me help
00:20No, I got it. I don't want you getting hurt logs are heavy. Sometimes. I'm well aware
00:26You should accept the help being offered I'm older and wiser I know best
00:32Um, Lysithea, you seem a bit shaky you okay?
00:37Yep, totally fine. I'm just kind of losing my grip on this log
00:46Well, that wasn't much help as it turned out I didn't realize they'd be that heavy I couldn't even walk in a straight line I
00:55Told you logs are heavy. Sometimes it's hard work. If you're not used to it, I feel foolish
01:03Well, if you've learned your lesson I'm gonna go carry the other logs
01:07Hang on shouldn't you rest for a bit? What still needs chopping?
01:12I got a bunch of other stuff needs doing before sundown too in that case. Let me help you carry the chopped wood
01:18You know how rough firewood is you'll get splinters if you carry it with your soft hands
01:24You can't be serious
01:27You're just not cut out for this kind of work. Look at your hands. They're like a princesses
01:33No point in you learning to chop wood. Is there you don't need to know how to do that stuff
01:38You and me live in different worlds
01:41There's no point lowering yourself down into mine. Our worlds aren't so different. We're together right now, aren't we?
01:48Sure, we live in the same places now, but that's not gonna last forever
01:53Don't see how it could unless I actually turned into your little brother or something
02:17Hey Cyril Cyril, hmm, what is he staring at? I see
02:24Hey, what are you looking at there anything interesting? Let me have a look
02:34Three apples two bags of ointment one piece of graphite
02:39intriguing some sort of code perhaps
02:43Nah, I was just asked to go out and buy the stuff on this list. Oh
02:47That's all
02:48Sorry for interrupting in that case, this is kind of a one-person job so I won't bother you by offering aid
02:56You actually helped a lot just now reading that list for me like you did
03:00I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't tell anybody cuz I've been trying to keep it a secret
03:05But I don't know how to read so I wasn't sure what to do with the list. Is that so?
03:11But why do you keep it a secret?
03:14I'd hate it if people figured I wasn't up to a job just cuz I couldn't read
03:18You're always welcome to call on me for help. I'd be happy to
03:23Thanks, I will I
03:26Really mean that anything you need, okay
03:32Good now you better go get those supplies before it gets dark
03:36Do you remember everything on the list need me to read it one more time for you? That would be pretty helpful actually
03:44All right, listen up. I'm not gonna do this a third time
03:53Cynthia's not a good liar. Is she she knew I was in trouble right away
03:58Hang on. Did she just want to act like a big sister again, but she looked real happy when she was helping me
04:05And I think I'd like to see that smile again sometime
04:21Hey, Lysithea, I'm glad I found you what's up Cyril
04:27Could you read something for me again
04:30Looks like it's another shopping list. I'm happy to help you out
04:35Did you try looking it over yourself yet
04:39What's the use I told you I can't read I have a look here any of these letters look familiar
04:45Huh this one was that apples
04:50so it says
04:54Yes, you got it. See you can't do it. I wonder if there's anything else I can recognize
05:00Let's see. It's clear. You've got a sharp memory if you apply yourself, you'll be reading in no time
05:08Reading is such an important skill
05:10Once you learn you won't forget and I won't be around to read things for you forever
05:21Anyway, don't you enjoy learning
05:24It seems like you haven't even thought of trying prior to this. Do you simply not have time for it?
05:30Until now, I never thought about how to learn and since I was hiding it
05:34I never asked anybody but right now I feel like I'd be happy to live like this for a little bit longer
05:41It seems like a hassle at this point not to learn so you may as well start putting in the work
05:46Well, I like having you read things to me
05:50You do
05:53Yeah, you always seem happy when I ask you to read things and when you're happy you smile
05:59I think you're pretty when you smile. I bet you everyone tells you that though, huh?
06:04As a matter of fact, they haven't stop messing with me. Hang on a second
06:10Am I the only one who's seen you make that face? Is that why nobody's told you?
06:15Excuse you. I mean honestly
06:18Okay. Well, I'm gonna go take care of this errand for the professor. I'll see you later. Lysithea
06:26Don't expect me to read for you again and uh, just take care of yourself. Will you?
06:44Did it I did it
06:47Okay, so next up is
06:52What's this letter all about
06:54Doesn't appear to have a sender written anywhere
06:57This handwriting is so sloppy
07:01Dear Lysithea, I read the book you gave me
07:05This must be from Cyril. He's learning so quickly
07:09It was hard and it got more easy more
07:14I tried it and it was fun and I learned new stuff
07:18That's the spirit
07:22Thanks you for helping me to read and to write you are so welcome
07:29Some things are hard to say and easy to write. I know just what you mean. I
07:38Want to read more and learn writing better?
07:43You're already doing so well with this. I can see how hard you're working
07:47I am glad you are my friend. It makes me bappy
07:59Hey Lysithea last night, I finished reading the book you lent me. I
08:05Wanted to tell you right away, but it was late. So I tried to write a letter
08:12Cyril you sweet little
08:15Did I do something wrong? I don't know what you're trying to say
08:19some feelings can't be verbalized or put into writing just look it's just that I
08:26I'm sorry. I really don't know what you're trying to say
08:30What I'm trying to say is I'm bappy too
08:34but bappy
08:37Let's keep setting and spending time together, okay. Oh, I get you now that sounds great Lysithea
