Programa completo | El Triunfo Que Importa | Inauguración de los Juegos

  • 3 months ago
Programa completo | El Triunfo Que Importa | Inauguración de los Juegos


00:17¡Buenas noches!
00:19¡Bienvenidos a todos ustedes!
00:20¡Qué gusto recibirlos para transmitir lo mejor de estos juegos!
00:24Y pues si tuvimos que invitar, no podía faltar a José Faguó.
00:28¡Qué gusto volver a trabajar juntos!
00:30¡Bienvenida una vez más!
00:31¡Gracias! ¡El gusto es mío!
00:33¡Por fin empiezan estos juegos que tanta emoción causan!
00:37Pero lo más emocionante de todo es estar aquí con estas figuras.
00:40Dices con nuestro querido Tata.
00:41¡Tata Carnillo!
00:42¿Cómo estás?
00:44¡Qué gusto!
00:45¡Besarle el anillo!
00:47¡Qué gusto!
00:48¿Cómo estamos?
00:49Oíste que dice que quiere besar el anillo como si fuera yo.
00:52¡Qué cosa tan horrible!
00:54En esta justa veraniega vamos a tener anillos, pero no los vamos a besar.
00:58Hay medallas también.
01:00Sí, sí, sí.
01:02Necesitamos un lobo plateado.
01:04Alguien que realmente supiera.
01:06Por eso es un placer estar nuevamente contigo, mi querido Pablo.
01:08Muchas gracias.
01:09Y déjenme decirle algo a todos ustedes que nos están viendo.
01:12No tenemos derechos.
01:13Esa es la verdad.
01:14O sea, no tenemos realmente muchas imágenes.
01:17¿Dices derecho de hacer este tipo de programas en televisión?
01:19No tenemos derecho, no.
01:20Incluso no podemos decir la palabra juegos.
01:23Ya saben, ¿no?
01:24No la podemos decir.
01:25Está prohibido.
01:26No, pero sí podemos decir la justa veraniega.
01:28Sí, podemos decir los juegos del verano.
01:31Sí, los juegos del verano.
01:33Los juegos del verano.
01:34La violencia de verano.
01:35La gran competencia.
01:36No, no.
01:37Creo que ni siquiera podemos mencionar la capital de Francia.
01:43Ni la torre tan famosa.
01:44Nada, nada.
01:45Pero miren, hay algo más importante.
01:47Hay amor, hay cariño.
01:48Hay cariño, hay experiencia.
01:51Les platicaba que ya llevo 10.
01:53Estos son mis décimos juegos.
01:54No dije.
01:56Juegos de verano.
01:57Juegos de verano.
01:58No lo dijiste.
01:59Lo hiciste bien.
02:00Ahí me quedé.
02:01Estos son mis décimos juegos.
02:03Los van a multar, Pablo.
02:04Eso va a ser lo más difícil de hacer este programa.
02:06No decirles así.
02:07Son mis décimos juegos.
02:09Arranca la competencia más importante.
02:12Ya nuestros deportistas están listos para traer las medallas a casa.
02:17Y su preparación no va solo en lo deportivo.
02:20Porque, mire, como hasta cuando nuestros atletas
02:23verdaderamente son dignos contendientes del oro.
02:26Y cantan, cantan muy bien.
02:28Escuche usted.
02:29Te dando vueltas por tu mente, amor.
02:34Lo nuestro solo fue casualidad.
02:39La misma hora, el mismo preparo.
02:43Ay, ay, ay, ay.
02:46Canta y no llores.
02:49Porque cantando se alegra el cielo y torindo los corazones.
02:56Uno de esos atletas parecía.
02:58Ay, ay, ay.
02:59¿Qué pasa?
03:00No sé si me acuerdo.
03:01Sentí muy bonito.
03:02Era el celito lindo.
03:03Me sentí en pandemia y todo otra vez.
03:05Oye, los atletas estaban como sillón de abuelita, ¿no?
03:08Forrados de plástico.
03:09O vi mal.
03:10Estaban muy raros.
03:11Éramos impermeables.
03:12Estaba raro.
03:13Ah, impermeables.
03:14Sí, como la Victoria Alada en la espalda.
03:17Una cosa muy original.
03:18Y llamaron la atención, ¿no?
03:19O sea, a mucha gente no le gustaron.
03:21Pero al parecer con otras delegaciones fueron un hit.
03:23No, claro.
03:24Hubo muchísimas publicaciones en Instagram y todo.
03:26De otras delegaciones comentando la belleza de nuestros
03:30Qué bueno.
03:31Fueron polémicos.
03:32Fueron polémicos.
03:33Yo creo que les ha destacado.
03:34Yo creo que les ha gustado.
03:35A mí me ha gustado mucho.
03:36Sí, muy modernista, rosa mexicano y todo este asunto.
03:38¿No era rosa celeste, más bien?
03:40También rosa y fucsia.
03:45Bueno, si esta mujer compite como canta, fíjense,
03:47tenemos el oro.
03:48Le gustó la de la gata bajo la lluvia.
03:50Es bonita.
03:51Es buena.
03:52Es que como yo tengo el pelo de Daniela Robó,
03:55yo creo que en clavados sincronizados nos podría ir
03:59O sea, en canto sincronizado, no lo sé.
04:01Porque cantar como ella está difícil.
04:03Lo hizo muy bien.
04:04O sea, en grupo está más difícil.
04:06Y bueno, hoy fue la inauguración de los juegos.
04:10Porque no puedo decirlo de otra manera.
04:12Y Josefa, ¿cómo viste la inauguración?
04:14No, me parecieron espectaculares.
04:16La realidad es que mientras los atletas desfilaban por el río
04:19Zen en unos barquitos,
04:21los diferentes edificios de la ciudad de París,
04:24se realizaban espectáculos, pero muy modernos.
04:27Muy largos, ¿no?
04:28Tardó cuatro horas.
04:29Se me hizo aburridísimo, amigo Josefa.
04:31Déjame ser, déjame darte lata.
04:33Unas partes muy emotivas, París bellísimo,
04:36pero tanto rollo y tanto baile.
04:38¿Qué es eso?
04:39Parecía inauguración de unos juegos infantiles en la
04:44La sentiste larga.
04:45La sentiste larga.
04:46La inauguración la sentí floja.
04:50Sí, le faltó.
04:52Fue una inauguración diferente.
04:54Es la primera vez que no se lleva a cabo dentro de un estadio
04:57que se hace a las orillas de un río cuyo nombre no podemos
05:01Eso es increíble.
05:02O sea, no podemos hablar de la edificación famosa.
05:05No podemos hablar del río.
05:07No podemos decirles los juegos más que de verano.
05:09Porque nos multan.
05:10Lo vamos a lograr.
05:11No se preocupen.
05:12Podemos hacerlo.
05:13Vamos a ser igual de creativos que fueron los franceses hoy
05:16en la inauguración porque realmente valió la pena.
05:18Yo vi unas explosiones en azul y en rojo.
05:22Unos polvos muy bonitos, unos azules y rojos.
05:25No sé.
05:26Pero la verdad es que yo no sabía si estaba viendo la banda
05:29de Francia o una revelación de género.
05:33Un gender reveal o algo así.
05:34¿Y qué habrá sido el bebé?
05:35¿Qué fue el bebé?
05:36Pues francés.
05:39Exacto, Josefa.
05:40Bien dicho.
05:41Ahora, a mí lo que más me gustó fue la participación de Lady
05:43Gaga interpretando a un algodón de azúcar gigante.
05:46¿La vieron?
05:47Sí, la vi porque parecía como un algodonzote gigante,
05:50sabroso, rico.
05:51Era un algodón muy interesante.
05:54Pero miren, la ventaja es que si los atletas querían ir al
05:57baño, nada más tenían que apuntar desde el barandal del
06:00barco y no había tiempo que perder.
06:04Que no es la misma técnica que usó hace algunas décadas un
06:06mexicano para apagar la llama.
06:09Precisamente por allá.
06:11¿Cómo se llamaba la secretaria que tuvo que ir?
06:13Green, que tuvo que ir allá.
06:14Sí, la secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores tuvo que ir a
06:17Sí, sí, sí.
06:18Qué pena.
06:19Oigan, y no hubiera estado bueno que los nadadores los pusieran
06:21a perseguir los barcos para que entrenaran, ¿no?
06:23Exacto, para que vayan agarrando fuercita.
06:25Una vez, sí.
06:26Bajalarnos, bajalarnos.
06:27Hubiera aprovechado para cantar con nombre nuevo y en vez de
06:30Lady Gaga, Lady puede haber sido Lady Wee-Wee.
06:33O sea, Wee-Wee.
06:36Ah, Wee-Wee.
06:37Así es.
06:38Saludos a Lady Wah-Wees, que tú sabes quién es.
06:40Había muchos árabes, o hay muchos árabes ahora en París.
06:44Pues ahí se vio pura de árabe, ¿no viste?
06:46No se veían los atletas.
06:50Fíjate, a mí lo que me preocupa es que si así está el chorro,
06:53¿cómo estará la manguerita?
06:55Qué curiosito andas, ¿eh?
06:58Qué curiosito andas.
06:59Oigan, pero menos mal que les refrescaron de esa manera y no
07:02como todos se la refrescan a los de la selección de fútbol.
07:06Bien merecido.
07:07Es que tú no puedes ser, José.
07:09No, no.
07:10De eso, por favor, ni hablemos porque realmente me enoja que
07:13se haya clasificado.
07:14Son unos troncos.
07:15Y clasificaron unos equipos que uno no pensaría, ¿no?
07:18República Dominicana, que son unas maravillas en el base,
07:21están en el fútbol.
07:22Qué vergüenza.
07:23¿Y nosotros no?
07:25¿Cómo puede ser?
07:26¿Y podemos decir los Juegos Oli?
07:30Nada más Oli.
07:31Así es, así es.
07:32Estamos aquí en la transmisión de los Juegos Oli.
07:35Y ya, así se puede.
07:36Bueno, obviamente, en la inauguración,
07:38no podía faltar México.
07:39Y la verdad es que llevamos una excelente representación,
07:43Salma Hayek puso en alto el nombre de México.
07:45Y también el fuego de la antorcha.
07:47Estas imágenes son épicas.
07:50Las imágenes de Salma, por favor.
07:52Esto, a ver, espérate.
07:56Tranquilos, muchachos.
07:58Estas no son las imágenes.
07:59Digo, me encantan, pero no son.
08:01Funcionaron por la boa.
08:03Es que yo pedí imágenes épicas de Salma Hayek y alguien se
08:06Pero no.
08:07Vamos a ver.
08:08Esas no son a las que nos referíamos.
08:09Las de verdad.
08:10Por piedad.
08:12Ahora sí.
08:14El fuego de la antorcha se queda corto en comparación con el
08:17fuego latino de nuestra querida y guapa Salma.
08:21Además, es una de las mujeres más ricas.
08:25Está casada.
08:26Está casada con el señor Pino.
08:28No, bueno.
08:29Y además ha ganado mucho dinero.
08:30El señor Pino.
08:34Tiene mucho baro.
08:35¿Cómo tiene baro?
08:36Ah, no.
08:37Esa es otra.
08:38Ah, Pino.
08:39Ya, perdón.
08:40Bueno, la verdad que ella está casada con todo.
08:43Va bien con la antorcha, con la inauguración, con Atún,
08:47Qué mas sábiles son las almas de momio.
08:49Con lo que sea.
08:50Con lo que sea.
08:51Y no necesitaron cerillos ni encendedor.
08:54Con solo tocar, Salma prendió la antorcha a Oli.
08:58Ay, verdad, casi.
09:00Hagan sus apuestas.
09:01Ay, casi la riego.
09:03Oye, pero a ver.
09:04¿Iba a jugar al básquetbol o qué?
09:06Porque las primeras imágenes no vieron los balones.
09:09What were you going to play?
09:11What you all saw was the boa.
09:13Changing the subject,
09:15a lot of you thought it was better.
09:17Do you know who Snoop Dogg is?
09:19He's a marihuana.
09:21In case you didn't know, he's a singer.
09:23A rapper.
09:25He's a famous rapper.
09:27He's a great proponent of legalizing marijuana.
09:29Look, it's this marihuana.
09:31This was at the Super Bowl, right Pablo?
09:35It was at the Super Bowl,
09:37he burned Chamuco's legs.
09:39Yes, yes, yes.
09:41Well, since Pablo mentioned it,
09:43it turns out he was one of the ones
09:45in charge of bringing the fire to the pub.
09:47He brought it with the touch,
09:49he threw the torch.
09:51Is it okay for drug addicts to carry the Olympic torch?
09:53No, because it doesn't...
09:55Where do I sign up?
09:57Pablo, what does this say about the f****** spirit?
09:59Because it's a marihuana.
10:01I like marihuanas, I'm one of them.
10:03The anti-doping wouldn't happen.
10:05It's not allowed.
10:07There have been athletes who,
10:09apart from the fair one,
10:11also consume marijuana.
10:13Like who?
10:15Like Michael Phelps, for example.
10:17He was the swimmer, right?
10:19He used to put some bombs that looked like lamps.
10:21When he was off season.
10:23Do you know why Snoop did it as well?
10:27Because he practices and practices every day.
10:29Here we have exclusive images
10:31of his training regime.
10:35That's it!
10:37That's a different kind of torch,
10:39but he does it well.
10:41I love Snoop's eyes.
10:43They're always red.
10:45You know, when they ask you,
10:47you're ready, and you always answer,
10:49what's ready?
10:51Can we be ready for the mysteries of the universe, brother?
10:55Marihuana does that.
10:57What a trip!
10:59And to dream!
11:03And to dream!
11:33And to dream!
11:35And to dream!
11:37And to dream!
11:39And to dream!
11:41And to dream!
11:43And to dream!
11:45And to dream!
11:47And to dream!
11:49And to dream!
11:51And to dream!
11:53And to dream!
11:55And to dream!
11:57And to dream!
11:59And to dream!
12:01And to dream!
12:03And to dream!
12:05And to dream!
12:07And to dream!
12:09And to dream!
12:11And to dream!
12:13And to dream!
12:15And to dream!
12:17And to dream!
12:19And to dream!
12:21And to dream!
12:23And to dream!
12:25And to dream!
12:27And to dream!
12:29And to dream!
12:31And to dream!
12:33And to dream!
12:35And to dream!
12:37And to dream!
12:39And to dream!
12:41And to dream!
12:43And to dream!
12:45And to dream!
12:47And to dream!
12:49And to dream!
12:51And to dream!
12:53And to dream!
12:55And to dream!
12:57And to dream!
12:59And to dream!
13:01And to dream!
13:03And to dream!
13:05And to dream!
13:07And to dream!
13:09And to dream!
13:11And to dream!
13:13And to dream!
13:15And to dream!
13:17And to dream!
13:19And to dream!
13:21And to dream!
13:23And to dream!
13:25And to dream!
13:27And to dream!
13:29And to dream!
13:31And to dream!
13:33And to dream!
13:35And to dream!
13:37And to dream!
13:39And to dream!
13:41And to dream!
13:43And to dream!
13:45And to dream!
13:47And to dream!
13:49And to dream!
13:51And to dream!
13:5345,000 troops were dispatched by the French government to guarantee security.
13:57Blue beret sentinels with their fingers on the trigger.
14:01All the entrances to the Sena River were walled.
14:03The subway. Each street was cordoned off.
14:06For a few moments, it seemed that Paris had become the safest city in the world.
14:15But a few hours before the inauguration, everything collapsed.
14:18A massive attack on the high-speed train lines caused the city of Luz to collapse.
14:24Massive sabotages affected more than 800,000 people who wanted to leave or enter the capital, Gala.
14:34After the storm, more rain came.
14:37In Paris, it did not stop raining.
14:39But that was not an impediment to enjoy being the most important event of the year
14:45and to feel proudly French.
15:01Such an emotional time for France, the whole world.
15:04We're hosting everyone.
15:06Seeing every nation on these boats.
15:09The Eiffel Tower lighting up.
15:11It's fantastic. We're happy to have everyone over here.
15:14We saw the Mexican delegation on these boats.
15:17Amazing. Amazing. What a great spirit and crowd.
15:21I love Mexico. Thank you very much.
15:23It's a really good time to be a French guy.
15:26You see, it's the first ceremony outside of the stadium.
15:31And everybody around the Seine. Really beautiful.
15:36Magnifique. Paris made it clear that this is the art of triumph.
15:42With images from René Patraca for Imagen Television from Paris,
15:48Roberto López Olvera reported on special guests.
15:56And well, dear friends, here we will continue to sweat the fat drop.
16:01As we see right now, completely tired of running all Champs-Élysées.
16:06But well, we promise you that we will have very funny stories,
16:10subgenres that will be generated here in Paris.
16:14Everything, everything for the art of triumph here from this city,
16:19full of light, full of life and above all, of fun.
16:22Thank you very much, Roberto.
16:23Now run for an umbrella so you can stop sweating.
16:26And tell us in the meantime, Stef, how did it go for you?
16:31Look, no walls, no barriers, no security.
16:34The classic Mexican group that stayed waiting,
16:37they have plenty, they lack tickets.
16:39They did manage to get quite close to the nameless river.
16:42And that's how they lived it. If you want, we'll see it.
16:47The cloudy sky, the cold weather and above all,
16:52the departure flag of the Parisian Games was prepared.
16:58Many fans had no choice but to see the Egyptian ceremony.
17:02But the rain soon broke with the enthusiasm of everyone.
17:06And suddenly, that gloomy moment turned into a pure party.
17:11Excuse the French, but they must have sent it to Mexico.
17:15We party to them there in 30 minutes, worldwide.
17:19And yes, they needed Mexicans to put some ...
17:22to the most solemn of the ceremonies.
17:25But I have to say that, I have never been to a party like this.
17:29I had never been to a party like this.
17:31I have never been to a party like this.
17:33But this is what I have to say.
17:35We needed Mexicans to make a mess of the most solemn of the ceremonies.
17:40Unexpected, but the truth is that they got it right apart because they arrived at the right place.
17:45Hey, but apart we asked them for another one and they gave us another one.
17:48Yes, because they know that we are the ones who bring the atmosphere.
17:50But more current, more atmosphere.
17:55The long-awaited Mexican trajinera just did not advance and everyone began to despair.
18:00We have the door!
18:03I mean, from the first time I interviewed you, you told me they were going to arrest you and now you're already thinking about the door.
18:10That's what we came for.
18:12No, we thought, but the truth is that we took out the alcohol and everything.
18:15There was no problem, there was no problem, there was no problem at all.
18:18Finally, they were seen in the distance and the euphoria exploded again.
18:22Singing, the sky rejoices, beautiful, beautiful hearts.
18:29Thank you very much, Stef.
18:31His rupture was hard because López Olvera was flooding there in Champs-Élysées and you, not a drop.
18:39Well, I bring luck with me, Roberto, always with a black cloud on top.
18:43I greet you.
18:46Thank you, Stef.
18:47Thank you.
18:48Thank you, Stef.
18:49Winds, take care.
18:52Thank you.
19:02Remember this Mexican there in Qatar, look.
19:15Well, this countryman is now in Paris setting the mood.
19:20And we'll see it, among other things, when we return from the cut.
19:23Don't go, this is El Triunfo, what matters.
19:36Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
19:40And if you ask yourself, what do these guys from Eduardo and Estaca know about sports?
19:45The answer is nothing.
19:48But it turns out that we do have reasons to talk.
19:51Because here in Image, sport is in our DNA.
19:55And if you don't believe us, see nothing else.
20:10We all come to this life with a challenge, but very few manage to make history.
20:16To leave a legacy and the foundations using sport as an instrument.
20:20It is only for the true legends.
20:29When he was young, he practiced tennis and shot on metal silhouettes.
20:33He left behind white sport and focused on sports shooting,
20:37until he represented Mexico in four editions of the Games.
20:42He is Don Olegario Vázquez Raña.
20:44The only Mexican who has broken a world record in sports shooting,
20:48in addition to proudly representing our nation during the summer holidays of Tokyo 64,
20:54Mexico 68, Munich 72 and Montreal 76,
21:00and who capitalized on his sports experience to support future generations
21:05and revolutionize sports shooting in the world.
21:09He won 18 medals in prestigious events, but the road was not easy.
21:15With each effort, his passion propelled him towards glory and success,
21:19until he reached the Pan American Games in Mexico 75,
21:24where he was consecrated with gold in the 10-meter air rifle with 393 points.
21:30For that historic achievement, he received the National Sports Award that year.
21:38From 1980 to 2018, he was president of the International Sports Shooting Federation
21:44and worked on innovations in this sport,
21:47such as calling for gender equality,
21:51holding events for each gender,
21:53adding the 10-meter air rifle test from Los Angeles 84,
21:59and implementing the electronic system for qualifying whites
22:03and making television coverage of the sports shooting finals.
22:07Mr. Olegario Vazquerraña is now an honorary member of the International Olympic Committee,
22:12backed by his actions and results.
22:15He has been decorated with the Olympic Order of Silver of the International Olympic Committee
22:20by monarchs such as the King of Sweden and the King of Spain,
22:24and by the governments of Germany, Austria, South Korea, France,
22:28and of course Mexico, his beloved nation,
22:31always leaving its sporting legacy and values for the land that saw him born and the whole world.
22:44Mr. Olegario Vazquerraña, a man of values and multiple virtues,
22:49who by preaching with the example, has sown the seed of sport throughout his life.
22:56Discover the truth of tequila without disguise.
22:59100% blue agave, handmade and made with Mexican pride.
23:04Live the pure essence of tequila.
23:12Well, look, there are important things.
23:14Mexico began to give us joys.
23:17And it is that we are pulling to kill, well, not to kill, but to qualify
23:22our dear Ale Valencia, who is in the eighth place of the qualification.
23:27Very good.
23:28Hey, but then it was worth it.
23:29No, no, no, no, no, no.
23:31Eighth of 64.
23:33Ah, she was in the eighth of 64.
23:35It is simply a ranking for the chart and later compete.
23:39And although Alejandra Valencia is now happy for her results,
23:43when she arrived in Paris, she was not so happy.
23:46Because it turns out that the transport to her residence did not seem very adequate.
23:50Let her explain it herself.
23:54We are about to go to the villa in a truck, but there are not enough seats, so ...
24:04So you don't miss it, Cate, but ...
24:06You know what?
24:07I was waiting for someone to shout, well, you know, with the bow like that.
24:14If you have asked yourself, like us,
24:16how do high-performance athletes do the delicious?
24:20What is that?
24:24Well, after an intense day of competition, emotional, physical and mental wear,
24:30the only thing a high-performance athlete wants is to go to Morfeo's arms to rest.
24:37But can they relax in beds made of cardboard?
24:43Yes, just as you hear it.
24:45Just look at how their beds are.
24:48Did you know the mattresses are made of jelly?
25:02This is so steep, I can literally jump up and down and roll it.
25:06This is a lot of jumps.
25:07A jump can be endured by several.
25:09Yes, apparently.
25:12Hey, is it true that those beds are so that athletes do not have amateur sessions between them, Pablo and Josefa?
25:19It's a lie.
25:20There was a rumor.
25:21It's a lie, because you don't need a bed.
25:27That's why it's the tata.
25:29There it is.
25:30And one complaining about the beds they have at the IMSS.
25:33You see, so that they value it.
25:38Well, I would like to take this moment to thank the sponsors of those beds,
25:41Huevos El Chispeadero,
25:43owners of the best cardboard boxes on the planet.
25:46Hey, but would it be a good idea, I mean, speaking of romance,
25:50to make the delicious in those beds?
25:51I mean, because the wet cardboard loses resistance, right?
25:57What are you doing?
25:58Maybe they're drinking wine.
25:59How do you not know what I'm doing?
26:01How old are you?
26:02I'm hiding.
26:04Everyone knows what we do.
26:08There are children, sorry.
26:13Athletes live under a lot of stress,
26:15especially when the Games begin.
26:17And yes, they get massages, muscle relaxers,
26:20they are conscious and everything,
26:22but nothing relaxes someone more than a good happy ending.
26:27That's why they gave away, no, they did very well,
26:30they gave away more than 300,000 condoms during the games.
26:36Hey, how good!
26:38I mean, because they are high-performance athletes,
26:40I mean, they can hold 5, 6, even 12 rounds, right?
26:44I mean, they can use it.
26:47Let's see, but wait,
26:48I mean, they're going to use 300,000 condoms in two weeks?
26:51What is this?
26:52A fortnight in the life of Andrés García?
26:54300,000 condoms?
26:56It's nice that they are giving away so many condoms
26:59because after the last adjustment,
27:01there were many children baptized as...
27:06No, no, no, no, I'll say it, I'll say it.
27:08What are you going to say?
27:09After that adjustment, there are many children
27:11that today are called the mole.
27:15Here it would be le mole.
27:17Le mole.
27:18Le mole.
27:20But in another order of...
27:21Has Takahashi ever dreamed of winning a gold medal?
27:24I need it, I need it to show off,
27:26or even better, to work hard
27:28and buy an MGHS.
27:31Great decision.
27:32The MGHS with its luxury and comfort,
27:35advanced technology and first-rate security,
27:37is a true champion.
27:39And of course, with the Lucky Seven guarantee,
27:42you enjoy seven years of tranquility
27:44because it includes seven free services,
27:46seven years of discount on car parts,
27:49seven years of warranty and road assistance.
27:52You will be covered for any eventuality.
27:55For this and more,
27:56having an MGHS is giving you the luxury
27:58of collecting experiences.
28:01Enjoy luxury.
28:04Always enjoy.
28:05How beautiful you said it, always.
28:07Very good.
28:08Very good, very good.
28:09Mexicans, we are very close to glory
28:12and it all starts with our star shooter,
28:15Alejandra Zavala.
28:16We will tell you her story when we return
28:18in El Triunfo Que Importa.
28:20That's it!
28:57De tu mente a tus emociones.
28:58Sonreír, sudar, erizar, amar.
29:02Así siente tu piel cuando está en balance.
29:04¿Ahora entiendes por qué debes cuidarla?
29:06Porque conectar está en tu piel.
29:08Por eso, Neutro Balance ahora tiene
29:10una fórmula mejorada que omecta y protege tu piel
29:12para conectar con confianza.
29:14Neutro Balance.
29:17En la comer, todo el departamento de blancos
29:19está al dos por uno.
29:20Sí, todo el departamento de blancos
29:22al dos por uno.
29:27Primera clase del día y sin cargador.
29:31Estás caminando por la cuerda fluja.
29:37Pero supongo que la muerte es parte de la vida
29:39de una batería.
29:41Te acostumbras, dejas de sentir...
29:43Eso no, Mac.
29:44La batería dura todo el día.
29:47Nos vemos.
29:53Odio estas sillas.
29:56¡Alejandra Valencia!
29:58Esta chica ha sido señalada para ser medallista.
30:01Y aunque no le fue tan bien en la clasificación previa,
30:04anote a usted a Ale como gran candidata
30:06para ganar medalla, ya sea en lo individual
30:09o por equipos en la rama femenil.
30:11¡Ojo con Alejandra Valencia!
30:13Nos va a dar muchas satisfacciones.
30:19¡Alejandra Valencia!
30:21¡Alejandra Valencia!
30:23¡Alejandra Valencia!
30:25¡Alejandra Valencia!
30:36Vueltas se dan en el patinaje,
30:38vueltas de carro en la gimnasia.
30:41Y los más concretos son las vueltas que da la vida,
30:44como le sucedió a este atleta de alto rendimiento.
30:49¡Qué evoluciones, qué control!
30:52¡Mira nada más que técnica!
30:54It is!
30:54It is.
30:55It's amazing.
30:55Look how fast.
30:56It's so fast!
30:57It's so fast!
30:58Look how fast.
30:59Hey, and at the end, so embarrassing.
31:02I'm telling you.
31:02Hey, but, let's see.
31:03That discipline.
31:04What impact.
31:04More than skating as an artist, it's like skating
31:07in a stinging net.
31:08He must have been hurt.
31:10These are heartbreaking images.
31:13The best.
31:14Let's go.
31:14Let's go.
31:15Maybe tomorrow.
31:16All right.
31:18Thank you.
