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Michael C. Hall steps into our video studio at San Diego Comic Con 2024.

Presented by Google TV.


00:00What can you say about how resurrection will? I don't know. I don't know what I am authorized
00:09to say
00:11other than
00:13It's really cold out there
00:21Good morning. Thank you so much for being here. Sure
00:23Uh, so exciting. There's so much news came out yesterday
00:27I want to kind of just start with with the sequel news that was announced
00:33you guys obviously did new blood a few years ago and
00:37Clyde had put it, you know
00:38It was it was kind of the chance to to redo a lot of things that he kind of wanted to do
00:44Why did you want to continue that now? Were you hesitant at all to come back again?
00:48I mean it wasn't a decision that I sort of
00:53Made lightly, but um, I
00:57You know through conversations I had with with Clyde with Scott Reynolds with Gary Levine at Showtime
01:05Marco Siega our
01:07Director we just felt like there was
01:12more to explore and I
01:16Think we've all been really amazed at how fertile the soil of Dexter remains, you know, and and
01:28The new partnership with Paramount Plus and the desire to sort of expand the universe of Dexter I I was
01:37Enticed by the idea that that maybe
01:42maybe there was more story to tell and
01:45I think there's an appetite for it
01:48in terms of us as the people making it and in terms of the fans and their desire to
01:54Spend more time with this guy. And yeah, so
01:58So we're taking the plunge
02:00Okay, I mean, I'm gonna just be honest here. I mean Dexter's dead
02:04Mm-hmm. The last we saw Dexter is dead. Mm-hmm. And when I was doing my research I was I realized that you know
02:12That was confirmed at the end of new blood that he was dead so was it I
02:18Will say Clyde did an interview where he was asked that you know, cuz we didn't see of course you saw him bleed
02:22Right, right, right, right, and he said the words Dexter is dead. Mm-hmm
02:25What can you say about how resurrection will I don't know? I don't know what I am authorized
02:35to say
02:37other than
02:39It's really cold out there
02:42Do you know how far after the events of the finale this will pick up I think it'll be
02:49It'll pick up right where we left off. Okay, okay
02:53As you said there is an appetite obviously on your your guys's end
02:56But also on a fans on because this show has like a newfound
03:00It keeps growing. I mean it was on the Nielsen charts at top to beat out the bear last a couple weeks ago
03:05I mean, I mean, it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's
03:11Yeah, I know. It's unbelievable. I think yeah, it's I think available on Netflix now and and
03:18Yeah, I'm encountering a whole new round of people who revealed to me that they just binge-watched the whole show and I'd never seen it
03:24before and
03:25That's the way it works now with streaming things can sort of revive and have a new life for new fans
03:32And yeah, there's something about this world something about this character that
03:37That captivates people I was gonna say what do you think that is that now it has this like resurgence
03:44It's hard to say. I mean, I think there's many different
03:50This show appeals to people as there are people who watch it
03:54but I think
03:56the maybe abiding thing is
03:59in a world in which we feel a
04:02I mean
04:04Sense of being out of control
04:07People like spending time with a character who's taking his own unique control of his little corner of the world
04:13I think we all have our
04:16shadow side that we contend with
04:21Dexter's is obviously a little weightier than most but um, I think people enjoy spending time with someone who's
04:32Doing his best to take responsibility for that side in in his sort of
04:40Outside the box way and you know morally gray way, but yeah people people
04:51People I think relish the invitation to identify with someone who's
04:56Contending with this much darkness and maybe contending with it in a way that that is arguably
05:06Admirable even though
05:09He's doing what he's doing I just think admirable and a headline would be a really great way to describe Dexter for sure
05:16Dexter admirable. That's uh, yeah
05:19New blood was a limited series. Do we know if this is gonna be an ongoing? Will it be multiple seasons?
05:27Potentially. Yeah
05:31In whatever alternate universe or whatever, however, this world is returning
05:36We of course got to see Deb at the end of new blood through flashbacks
05:40Is that a possibility that we could see Deb again?
05:42I mean as Clyde said at the panel the other day never say never, you know
05:47This world has a sort of magical element and so I wouldn't
05:54Definitively say no to any
05:58Proposition but um, yeah, there's so many people you guys can bring in. Yeah. Yeah
06:03There's a there's a whole a whole cast of characters that populate his wider world and have the potential to reemerge
06:11Of course, you're also now was just announced narrating and the prequel
06:15So that means you're kind of stepping back into Dexter in a in a different way
06:19So, how has that been for you? Have you already started that? It's yeah, I've started
06:27Recording the voiceover and and they're I guess in the midst of shooting the third episode now
06:34But it's it's you know, I spent a lot of time over the course of this show
06:39and certainly early on imagining what
06:42Dexter's life before we meet him in the pilot looked like and this is a chance to
06:48have that sort of fully revealed to fans and to me and
06:56Yeah, it's it's it's um, I
07:01Mean I've always been a fan of the show and as much as I can be from my position, but but I'm sort of
07:07Enjoying this process as a as a fan of the show and these characters and this backstory in a way that I haven't been
07:15able to do and
07:17Yeah, the chance to sort of
07:20go back and
07:22be a witness to
07:27Fully executed versions of what were like vague
07:31Memories is uh, it's really cool. Yeah is I mean you said you kind of what had imagined
07:37I would assume what most actors do when they're kind of imagining the back story and now like you said you get to see it
07:42Coming to life. Is it what you expected his backstory to me? Um, I mean there there are a lot of
07:49Details, you know that that maybe I hadn't imagined but the general feel of it is is is pretty instinct
07:57In sync with my instinct about it
08:02But there are surprises there are things that the show reveals that Dexter himself was probably never quite privy to so
08:10It's definitely filling in a lot of blanks
08:12Yeah doing this for for so long playing this character, but going in and out of it at different times in your life
08:17Yeah, has it gotten easier for you to step in and out of Dexter? Um
08:25Some ways yeah, I mean I think I think early on I was trying to find him and figure out who
08:32He was and there is something
08:37about it now that uh, having spent as much time as I have with the character, that's uh, I
08:45Don't know if it's like riding a bike or second nature or the you know, he's in my he's in my
08:51Imaginative bones at this point
08:54How has it been seeing Patrick Gibson playing the younger version of this person? It's really cool. He's a great
09:02guy and a great actor and you know, I this this
09:08incarnation of Dexter
09:11You know that
09:12Exists before anything I did it belongs to him, you know, I've made that not that he needed me to tell him that but um
09:20It's uh, it's really cool. I mean it makes me feel old
09:25But um
09:27He's gonna be great. Yeah. Did he ask you any questions? Did you guys have a lot of like discussion?
09:32He didn't ask me any specific questions
09:34He he maybe maybe said he was open to me sharing, you know, anything I might want to share and I you know, maybe
09:42talked about
09:44ways in which I find the characters sort of singular and unique and
09:50As much as that was helpful, but I mean, I think
09:53if there's anything available to him, it's probably just you know what I did and
10:00Yeah, it's wild. I mean it's wild
10:03meeting him and all these other younger versions of characters that I spent all this time with and
10:09I think it'll be fun with for the fans, too
10:12think so
10:14I'm curious for you if you I guess if you ever thought
10:20however many years it was with 2006 when you started this that Dexter would have the life that
10:26No, I mean, I hoped that we would
10:30You know find a little niche audience and and be able to do a number of seasons
10:38But no, I never imagined that the show was would be as broadly appealing or would have a
10:46Life that
10:49Sustained itself for as long as this had yeah
10:52When when you guys started new blood, did you did you talk about doing something after this after that?
10:58No, we were really just focused on that particular self-contained story. It wasn't until after the fact that we
11:07You know started to have the conversation about the possibility that there was more story to tell okay
11:13Alright, I'm still stuck on how it'll happen and I can't wait to see as many people
11:18Dexter's a show that I think is on a lot of people's, you know, must must see must tune in
11:23What is on your watch list?
11:26I don't
11:29Watch a lot of TV
11:37Sorry, that's okay. That's all right. Is there like an older show?
11:40Maybe you watch or like a favorite show that you have
11:43I think that if there's a show that I've rewatched the most it's probably the British version of the office
11:48It's still like like one of my favorite things I've ever seen. Yeah, that's a good one
11:53All right. The last thing I want to ask you is what?
11:56What it's tough with this character, but what qualities from Dexter would you want to bring into your own life?
12:01What qualities of him do you really admire?
12:18I think I
12:23That's that's an interesting question, I I think
12:28You know, he's someone who like I said is is saddled with a
12:35Super deluxe dose of darkness, but I I admire his
12:42Commitment to take responsibility for it in his way and and not allow it to completely
12:50Consume him or run completely rampant
12:53obviously, he's
12:55Giving it giving it some free reign. But um, I think I admire that about him
13:01Thank you so much. Sure
