People mobilize to Miraflores Palace to wait; Diosdado Cabello speaks

  • 3 months ago
The First Vicepresident of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) addressed the large crowd formed in front of Miraflores Palace, Caracas, Venezuela, that spontaneously came to wait for the election results. teleSUR
00:00A campaign which has been admirable.
00:05Brother President Nicolás Maduro turned all over Venezuela.
00:10More than 300 populations, cities, villages visited.
00:14He was alongside the people.
00:17A very beautiful tour, where love samples and companion the proposal of the Venezuelan
00:25population were present and everything was to be evaluated today, on July 28th, today
00:31July 28th.
00:33Our people was fulfilling its duty, voted and now is waiting in calm as it should be
00:41the result of the National Electoral Council.
00:44Now in calm, what does this mean?
00:50It's calm but with joy, calmness with enthusiasm, without bitterness, without calling into violence,
01:04without calling to the guarimbas.
01:08We know about this.
01:10We know the adversary that set up the plan and started chanting fraud three months ago.
01:18Even inside of a script, they start to chant the fraud.
01:25They start to make an international campaign through the social media.
01:31Everything from the same people that before were saying that they were not going to elections
01:39and now they are going.
01:41We know them.
01:42They start saying that they won't be recognizing the result of the National Electoral Council.
01:47That's why we're going to wait it because that was the behavior of a revolutionary from
01:53a citizen that is going to some elections and the result that the referee exposed, we're
02:01going to accept that.
02:04We don't have any issues with that.
02:07They said and they sent to the world that they had their own system, polling system.
02:13The elections didn't make it the State Department or submitted was made by the National Electoral
02:20Council, which is the one who gave the results.
02:30And now they are trying right now while we're here together and calm, waiting for the results.
02:41They trying to submit the order in some places, but they won't be able to because these people
02:47voted for peace, tranquility, serenity, peace and independence.
03:11And now what should we should do?
03:19We're going to wait and calm, as Amar was saying, on July 29, our 29, just a couple
03:28hours from now, there's 10, 27 minutes, anytime the National Electoral Council will give the
03:35result as it's used to, and the irreversible tendency will be announced, the Republican
03:43president will announce as a winner.
03:48And then we will be outside celebrating, but taking care of peace, not falling into the
03:59provocations of the adversary, which is the usual record.
04:05We've been saying from a time ago, the ones who cross the line, well, the legal mechanism
04:11to take the decisions that are set here, we're waiting here with joy.
04:20We're standing firm and we know that the future of Venezuela is on our hands, but it's not
04:26in hands of the ones that are going to surrender the country to the international power, but
04:32it's in the hands of the people.
04:34The people that went out to vote with patience has endured everything.
04:40This brave people that doesn't quit, that knows how to struggle and to resist, and has
04:48learned to conquer despite the difficulties.
04:52And today Venezuela is rising alone, thanks to the effort of the women, of the men of
04:59Venezuela, the workers of Venezuela, and thanks to very clear lines that dictates the
05:12national executive to rule the country, to rule with the people, alongside the people,
05:18for the people, in a way that we won't fall into provocations.
05:23For us, July 28th is a celebration day, a joyful day, it's a day of music, it's a day
05:31of celebration, in peace, the victory of who?
05:40The victory of our people.
05:44Today the victory of peace is winning, Chavez is winning, the homeland is winning, the stability
05:51of the country is winning, the progress is winning, the quality among Venezuelans, the
05:58prosperity for all of us.
06:02Good times are ahead for Venezuela, good times are coming, and we're going to celebrate with
06:08music, of course.
06:22We're looking at images from Caracas, we were just listening to Diosdado Cabello, the head
06:29of the PSUV party, the officialist party, in this electoral night.
06:36Of course, Venezuelans have headed to the polls all throughout the nation and also abroad
06:43during this election day.
06:49Official results have yet to appear.
06:54These are only going to be announced by the electoral authority, by the National Electoral
07:01Council, that is the only authority that is going to give out official results, and this
07:09is only going to happen once an irreversible tendency is shown in results.
07:18This, of course, is part of the democratic process in Venezuela.
07:23This intends to bring calm and peace to the population and avoid any kind of speculation.
07:32So this is very common in Venezuela.
07:36Citizens know this is a long night and a long process, but they are living this with calm,
07:43with joy.
07:44Also, we are seeing images of people who are out in the streets.
07:48They are celebrating, they are partying, they are dancing, and that was the spirit of what
07:54Diosdado Cabello, the head of the PSUV party of Venezuela, was saying.
08:03He was saying this was a night of joy and this was a night to celebrate the democratic
08:10And he also was calling for everyone to celebrate after hearing when the official results come
08:22out, but also to keep the calm, to avoid provocations.
08:28Of course, during the day and also coming to this day, there have been a lot of provocations
08:37specifically coming from sectors of the opposition.
08:41So it was also a call for peace and tranquility, for the people to continue celebrating, not
08:48to engage.
08:49It is very important to maintain this idea and this peace in the country.
