Siluman Srigala Putih (1987)

  • 2 months ago
Siluman Srigala Putih (1987)
00:05:50Hey, dog!
00:05:51I'm hungry! I'm hungry!
00:05:55If you want to come here, don't bring a dog.
00:05:58You'll make a mess in the hotel.
00:06:00It's not my dog, sir.
00:06:05You idiot!
00:06:07How can you stay here?
00:06:08You're a man!
00:06:09Why are you out there?
00:06:11Sorry, sir.
00:06:13What do you want?
00:06:15I need a room, sir.
00:06:20Masya Allah.
00:06:24All the rooms are full.
00:06:28As long as you sleep on the floor.
00:06:40We're in the same class, sir.
00:06:44The only difference is that you have four legs.
00:07:02Ahlan! Ahlan wa sahlan!
00:07:04Ya marhaban mikum!
00:07:10I'm from the company of Maria Musal.
00:07:12I'm a lawyer.
00:07:15feed them all.
00:07:17Yes, sir.
00:07:21Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah.
00:07:23Put them down.
00:07:24Mudah mudah.
00:07:26You, watch the back.
00:07:37For them, there's still a room.
00:07:40It's not good to be human.
00:07:50You don't have to come in.
00:07:53But since we're in the same class,
00:07:55it's okay.
00:08:09You can't appreciate other people,
00:08:11the people of this city.
00:08:14The people, the workers,
00:08:16they're all the same.
00:08:19They don't have feelings.
00:08:25I'm sure you're a coward.
00:08:28At least,
00:08:29you're someone who believes in guns as a protector.
00:08:32But you,
00:08:33you've insulted the coward.
00:08:36I don't understand what you mean.
00:08:38Cleaning up the mess with a mop,
00:08:41that's a big insult to the truth, you know?
00:08:44You're too much.
00:08:46For me, a mop is just a tool.
00:08:48Like a farmer,
00:08:49he has a hoe.
00:08:51I don't understand, either.
00:08:53What is intelligence?
00:08:56I'm also a witness.
00:08:58Does every mop holder
00:09:00mean a man?
00:09:02You want to try me?
00:09:04I'm just a witness.
00:09:17You can do it.
00:09:19But it doesn't mean you're great.
00:09:22As long as you know,
00:09:24this is the place for the best.
00:09:46Come on.
00:10:16I love you.
00:10:29People who think they're great
00:10:31suddenly become cowards
00:10:33just because their belts are broken.
00:10:36But that doesn't mean they're great
00:10:39because they wear belts.
00:10:41Right, Jing?
00:10:46If you can guess the money in my pocket,
00:10:49you can take it all.
00:10:52The condition is,
00:10:53you can't touch the pocket.
00:11:06What are you thinking?
00:11:09That this is the place for the best?
00:11:13Don't worry.
00:11:16There's no difference between us.
00:11:19We're both afraid.
00:11:23Or are you hungry?
00:11:26I knew it.
00:11:28I'm hungry, too.
00:11:35But my money is limited.
00:11:37I'm not rich.
00:11:46Come on, guess.
00:11:5075 rupiahs.
00:11:5680 rupiahs.
00:11:5985 rupiahs.
00:12:0175 rupiahs.
00:12:0895 rupiahs.
00:12:11Here you go.
00:12:12Thank you.
00:12:15How much is it?
00:12:16I don't know.
00:12:19Wait a minute.
00:12:20How much is it?
00:12:21How much is it?
00:12:22How much is it?
00:12:24How much is it?
00:12:25Wait a minute.
00:12:26How much is it?
00:12:27Wait a minute.
00:12:28How much is it?
00:12:29Wait a minute.
00:12:31100 rupiahs?
00:12:35Not even 100 rupiahs?
00:12:38200 rupiahs?
00:12:43250 rupiahs?
00:12:45That's a long way off.
00:12:51250 rupiahs is still a long way off.
00:12:53Still a long way off.
00:12:54You're so rich.
00:12:58It's really bad here, sir.
00:13:00Leman Sergala Putih... chasing Lela everywhere.
00:13:04Don't be afraid, sir.
00:13:08I always patrol this place.
00:13:25Would you like some coffee, sir?
00:13:30Good night, sir.
00:13:31Good night, sir.
00:13:33Goodbye, sir.
00:13:37Goodbye, sir.
00:13:43He's so loyal to his job.
00:13:45Of course.
00:13:46He gets paid well.
00:13:48It's not about whether he gets paid well or not.
00:13:51Because...'s his duty as a citizen.
00:13:55Go on, guess.
00:13:57300 rupiahs?
00:13:59350 rupiahs?
00:14:01400 rupiahs?
00:14:03500 rupiahs?
00:14:05600 rupiahs?
00:14:06700 rupiahs?
00:14:07700 rupiahs?
00:14:08700 rupiahs?
00:14:09700 rupiahs?
00:14:10900 rupiahs?
00:14:11900 rupiahs?
00:14:12I can guess...
00:14:14...without touching your clothes.
00:14:17Go ahead.
00:14:18You can all guess.
00:14:28What's your guess?
00:14:30We have to get out of this room.
00:14:34...don't touch my clothes.
00:14:36I will not touch your clothes.
00:14:40Go ahead.
00:14:41Bring the instructions.
00:14:51What are they doing?
00:14:53They're guessing the money.
00:14:55Let's go and see.
00:14:57Let's go.
00:15:04Open it.
00:15:22Put it on the table.
00:15:28If you touch my skin...
00:15:30...I will report you to the police.
00:15:33Bring the man in the white shirt.
00:15:44He's rich.
00:15:46He's a spice dealer.
00:15:48He has a lot of money.
00:15:50He's rich.
00:15:52He has a lot of money.
00:15:5710 ringgit.
00:15:5915 perak.
00:16:0250 tali.
00:16:06That's how much you have.
00:16:09You are very confident.
00:16:12You know there are a lot of thieves here.
00:16:24There's a thief!
00:16:33I know there are still empty rooms.
00:16:35How dare you?
00:16:38You think I won't pay you?
00:16:52I'll get it for you.
00:17:06Be careful.
00:17:08Don't let me down.
00:17:12I have a good husband in this area.
00:17:17Do you know who he is?
00:17:19No, I don't.
00:17:26He's the one who calls himself Sri Gala Putih.
00:17:30He's from Betawi.
00:17:49He's from Betawi.
00:18:45He's the one who calls himself Sri Gala Putih.
00:18:49He's the one who calls himself Sri Gala Putih.
00:19:09Do you want to try?
00:19:12I've never dealt with you.
00:19:15Maybe you want to deal with me.
00:19:17What for?
00:19:19I know.
00:19:21Your knowledge is far beyond my knowledge.
00:19:24Your speed is faster than the wind.
00:19:28You're smart, Tong.
00:19:31But I know.
00:19:33You're not an ordinary man.
00:19:37You're too big to be an expert.
00:19:40Be careful.
00:19:50Throw it away.
00:19:54I'm only afraid of small people.
00:19:57All rice vendors are small.
00:20:04No one dares to challenge me.
00:20:06What are you doing?
00:20:09I don't know who he is.
00:20:12I don't care who he is.
00:20:15He's the owner of our village.
00:20:18Challenge him.
00:20:20Don't let him run away.
00:20:22We'll report him to the police.
00:20:25The police protect the people.
00:20:27They get paid by the government.
00:20:30You're also responsible for protecting the people.
00:20:33What's the point of learning magic?
00:20:36It's to protect the weak.
00:20:42Why don't you challenge him?
00:20:45He's evil, isn't he?
00:20:48I'm sure you can defeat him.
00:20:51Your trick is faster than the devil.
00:20:55I have nothing to do with him.
00:20:58No, you can't.
00:21:00No one should be involved in this kind of thing.
00:21:03Especially you, Tong.
00:21:05You're an independent man.
00:21:07You have to overcome all the evil.
00:21:10Because you know...
00:21:12...evil is none of our business.
00:21:15But there are still many people who don't care about evil.
00:21:20Like the owner of Lausman.
00:21:22He lied to me.
00:21:24He said there was no room.
00:21:27But for this rich man...
00:21:29...who is much richer than me...
00:21:31...there is.
00:21:33That's also evil.
00:21:35Mental evil.
00:21:38He has received his revenge.
00:21:47You can sleep in my room.
00:21:51Thank you, sir.
00:21:57You can sleep here tonight.
00:22:01You don't have to be upset...
00:22:03...if the villagers...
00:22:05...don't get along with the guests.
00:22:11Because lately...
00:22:13...there have been many robberies.
00:22:15They say...
00:22:17...the robbers...
00:22:19...were ganged up.
00:22:22How are the villagers here?
00:22:25They are not just silent.
00:22:27They are fighting.
00:22:31But unfortunately... of our villagers have died.
00:22:37Do you know the characteristics of death?
00:22:40It's the same fate as Bandul.
00:22:43He is a good man.
00:22:46He has a good hand.
00:22:48He has a good hand.
00:22:52I'm sure of it.
00:22:55He often calls himself...
00:22:57...Srigala Putih.
00:23:08We can't let this happen.
00:23:10We have to take action.
00:23:13That's Srigala Putih's order.
00:23:19But remember...
00:23:21...don't let Batavia know...
00:23:24...about our weakness.
00:23:26There is a report.
00:23:28Srigala Putih's gang... hiding in the ruins of Candi Tua.
00:23:33They look like...
00:23:35...escapees from Batavia.
00:23:37We have to catch them...
00:23:39...alive or dead.
00:23:41That is our duty to the villagers.
00:23:43Because they have paid taxes... the government.
00:23:47Our agents in Karawaci...
00:23:49...reported that...
00:23:51...a lot of merchants...
00:23:53...crossing from Bogor to Tangerang...
00:23:55...were disturbed by a criminal...
00:23:57...named Jari Getih.
00:23:59They also raided...
00:24:01...the residents of Tangerang.
00:24:05Jari Getih.
00:24:09But no matter what...
00:24:11...we have to destroy them.
00:24:13We have to catch them one by one.
00:24:17Or maybe...
00:24:19...both names are the same.
00:24:22Jari Getih...
00:24:24...and Srigala Putih.
00:24:26The same person.
00:24:48We have to destroy...
00:24:50...the residents of Tangerang... by one.
00:24:55We have to destroy...
00:24:57...the residents of Tangerang... by one.
00:25:26I have fried banana.
00:25:28It's good.
00:25:29Can I try?
00:25:34I gave you five...
00:25:35...and you still want more?
00:25:36Real chicken?
00:25:38More drinks, sir.
00:25:39Of course.
00:25:42Don't move!
00:25:48Let's have breakfast together.
00:25:52I've wanted to see you since last night.
00:25:54Where did you sleep last night?
00:25:56I was forced to sleep here.
00:25:59...I'm still worried...
00:26:01...if the angry landlord...
00:26:03...will make trouble again.
00:26:05Come, sit down.
00:26:07Neng, serve him.
00:26:18Thank you.
00:26:27Here you go, sir.
00:26:38Zikala... dead.
00:26:45Don't die in the house.
00:26:55Who did it?
00:26:58Zikala... dead.
00:27:02I'm so angry.
00:27:12We have to act.
00:27:15He'll make a scene here.
00:27:22I'm sure you can defeat him.
00:27:25Help us.
00:27:32How much?
00:27:37Or you want to pay?
00:27:45How much do you want to pay?
00:27:50How much for the white necklace?
00:27:57All the money in your pocket.
00:28:02You'd better find someone else.
00:28:04Be patient.
00:28:07I'll pay for everything.
00:28:10Here, take it.
00:28:13Give it to the shopkeeper.
00:28:15I'll take it tonight...
00:28:17...after the white necklace is gone.
00:29:19Be careful, Tong.
00:29:21People say...
00:29:22...the white necklace is dangerous.
00:29:27According to my teacher... one is perfect.
00:29:31Everyone has a weakness.
00:29:33I'm sure...
00:29:35...he has a weakness too.
00:29:52White necklace...
00:29:54...your teacher has given up.
00:29:57The shopkeeper has given up.
00:30:02What are you doing?
00:30:27I'll kill you.
00:30:57I'll kill you.
00:31:27I'll kill you.
00:31:57I'll kill you.
00:32:22Are you looking for me too, Tong?
00:32:26But you don't have anything to do with me.
00:32:28I do now.
00:32:30I want you to stop being cruel to me.
00:32:33There are too many victims.
00:32:36Do you want to be a hero, Tong?
00:32:40I just don't like to see you...
00:32:43...treating the weak.
00:32:57You can do that to me...
00:32:59...if I meddle in your business.
00:33:01I always deal with humans like you.
00:33:20You're really cruel, Tong.
00:33:23You're really cruel, Tong.
00:33:26You took off all your clothes... you can move more freely, right?
00:33:52I'll kill you.
00:34:52I'll kill you.
00:35:22I'll kill you.
00:35:52I'll kill you.
00:36:22I'll kill you.
00:36:35You're really cruel, Tong.
00:36:45Come here.
00:36:48Sit here.
00:36:52Sit here.
00:37:03I told you to throw it away.
00:37:05You were playing cards.
00:37:06Who threw the cards?
00:37:08Who was it?
00:37:09It was you.
00:37:11You're so annoying.
00:37:13Wait a minute.
00:37:19Don't forget to come back tomorrow.
00:37:21Of course.
00:37:23How did you kill him?
00:37:26I buried his body under a tree.
00:37:28Near Canditua.
00:37:31Why didn't you bring his body here?
00:37:34What do you want?
00:37:38Listen up.
00:37:40Do you believe...
00:37:41...he killed Luman Sirikala Putih...
00:37:43...without any evidence?
00:37:44There has to be evidence.
00:37:45I told you to bring him here.
00:37:47Don't give him money.
00:37:48Who knows he's a liar?
00:37:50There has to be evidence.
00:37:57There has to be evidence.
00:38:01I'm the witness.
00:38:03I saw it with my own eyes.
00:38:06He's the one who killed Luman Sirikala Putih.
00:38:12How much will you get from that young man?
00:38:16I don't want to be lied to.
00:38:18I want proof.
00:38:20I'll give you all I have.
00:38:23Bring Luman Sirikala Putih here right now.
00:38:27If it's true, this young man killed him.
00:38:31If you don't believe me, come with me.
00:38:34Come on.
00:38:45Let's go.
00:38:58Why did you break your promise?
00:39:04I'm just being careful, young man.
00:39:09I see.
00:39:11That's how a businessman should be.
00:39:13We should never suspect anyone.
00:39:43Sirikala Putih will not die.
00:39:57Your village will be destroyed.
00:40:00You will be destroyed.
00:40:03You will be destroyed.
00:40:06You will be destroyed.
00:40:09You will be destroyed.
00:40:11Your village will be destroyed...
00:40:14...if you don't give up on that liar.
00:41:12Where is he?
00:41:22Calm down.
00:41:24What do you see over there?
00:41:26There's a dead body.
00:41:28Maybe he's already gone.
00:41:30Let's attack.
00:41:31Let's go.
00:41:53What's that?
00:41:54I heard finger.
00:41:55What's that?
00:41:56Who's finger?
00:41:57I don't know.
00:41:59There's another dead body.
00:42:03What's the wound?
00:42:10Who's that?
00:42:11There's another dead body.
00:42:17Who's that?
00:42:18He's a worker.
00:42:21There's a dead body.
00:42:22Let's see who it is.
00:42:24Maybe he's a neighbor.
00:42:27Let's see who it is.
00:42:31He's a neighbor.
00:42:34He's a neighbor.
00:42:36His house was robbed.
00:42:37He must be the one who killed the liar.
00:42:39Let's go.
00:42:40Let's go.
00:42:42Let's go.
00:42:43Let's go.
00:42:45Let's go.
00:42:55The fingerprints are the same.
00:42:57This must be the work of a big-finger gang.
00:43:00Please help us, sir.
00:43:02How can we live in peace if there's a murder like this every day?
00:43:06Don't worry.
00:43:08Don't worry.
00:43:10We're also trying.
00:43:12But we haven't found the culprit yet.
00:43:14You will never find the culprit.
00:43:17Because it's always too late.
00:43:21Have you heard of the incident in Sanditua?
00:43:24Opas's brother died.
00:43:26Including his commander, Inspector Ormud.
00:43:33Don't try to persuade us.
00:43:35There's no other way.
00:43:39Unless we fulfill Luman Serikala Putih's request.
00:43:44Today, Mr. Haji is the victim.
00:43:47Tomorrow, maybe our body will be the body.
00:43:50That's right.
00:43:51What do you mean?
00:43:52What else?
00:43:54The perpetrator must be hanged.
00:43:58Who are you?
00:44:03I'm sure you're not a resident here.
00:44:06I'm a smuggler from Lampung.
00:44:09I'm sorry, I'm involved.
00:44:11My safety is also threatened, sir.
00:44:13Who do you mean by the perpetrator?
00:44:16And where is he now?
00:44:19He's the one who did this, sir.
00:44:21He said he was willing to kill a smuggler named Serikala Putih.
00:44:26But in fact, he was angry with the smugglers.
00:44:31You know.
00:44:33This afternoon, a family of smugglers from Bogor...
00:44:38...was robbed on their way to Kuntung Sindur.
00:44:41So the smugglers' actions are not only here.
00:44:47Don't accuse me of being a smuggler.
00:46:03I have to be careful not to cause any more trouble here.
00:46:09Because it seems that the threat of the white ghoul is getting closer to reality.
00:46:15But we are not ordinary people.
00:46:18How can we face that young monster?
00:46:22He's playing tricks on us. He's extraordinary.
00:46:26I can't help it either.
00:46:28I can only help with this.
00:46:33It's up to you what you want to do.
00:46:37Maybe you can rent some of Kulon's jewels.
00:46:43Or from anywhere.
00:46:46To entertain the owner of that mansion.
00:46:59I can't help it either.
00:47:03Maybe you can rent some of Kulon's jewels.
00:47:07Or from anywhere.
00:47:10To entertain the owner of that mansion.
00:47:14Maybe you can rent some of Kulon's jewels.
00:47:18Or from anywhere.
00:47:21To entertain the owner of that mansion.
00:47:24To entertain the owner of that mansion.
00:47:48Do you know this girl?
00:47:50I'm just surprised that this creature was turned into a victim.
00:47:56What do you mean?
00:47:59I found this girl drowning in the river.
00:48:02You seem to be suspicious of me.
00:48:05Even a small child would make such assumptions.
00:48:09Especially to a person who has deceived him.
00:48:12Deceived me?
00:48:15I don't expect you to thank me.
00:48:18Even though I have killed the villain who has made a mess in this area.
00:48:23Even the money you promised me, I never took it.
00:48:28You're a liar.
00:48:30Look at my husband.
00:48:32He was killed by Sri Gala Putih.
00:48:35You said you killed him.
00:48:37Do you know?
00:48:39Now he wants to kill us all.
00:48:41He wants to kill us all.
00:48:43Because of you.
00:48:45Because of you.
00:48:47And this area will be a mass grave.
00:48:50You are the cause.
00:49:41I'm sorry.
00:49:43I'm sorry.
00:49:45I'm sorry.
00:49:47I'm sorry.
00:49:49I'm sorry.
00:49:51I'm sorry.
00:49:53I'm sorry.
00:49:55I'm sorry.
00:49:57I'm sorry.
00:49:59I'm sorry.
00:50:01I'm sorry.
00:50:03I'm sorry.
00:50:05I'm sorry.
00:50:07I'm sorry.
00:50:09I'm sorry.
00:50:11I'm sorry.
00:50:41I'm sorry.
00:51:07What's wrong?
00:51:09He wants to kill me.
00:51:11He has a very small head.
00:51:15How do you know?
00:51:17He's the one who killed my family.
00:51:28What are you doing there?
00:51:32My guess is right.
00:51:34He must be the son of Sri Gala Putih.
00:51:42He's right.
00:51:45What do you really mean?
00:51:48Don't be ridiculous, young man.
00:51:51The people here already know.
00:51:53Since you came here,
00:51:55there has been a lot of chaos.
00:51:58That's right.
00:52:00For the sake of humanity,
00:52:02leave this village.
00:52:04Yes, sir.
00:52:08I was going to help him.
00:52:11Someone is trying to kill this girl.
00:52:15That's Sandiwara.
00:52:17You're really cunning.
00:52:20The person who wants to kill that girl
00:52:23must be your friend.
00:52:25Yes, that's right.
00:52:41I'm sorry.
00:53:05My father just came back from Bogor.
00:53:08When the robbers attacked us,
00:53:11they were rushing to our village.
00:53:14I was thinking of you.
00:53:17You've brought me hope.
00:53:19Please, take good care of me.
00:53:22Don't let anyone hurt me.
00:53:25Please, take care of me, too.
00:53:28I won't let anyone hurt you.
00:53:31I won't let go.
00:53:35I'll never leave you.
00:53:37I won't let go of you, either.
00:56:39Come again, I'm gonna lose I am
00:56:42Sorry, I can't remember. I'm going to pass to this movie. Did you say any?
00:56:47Hey, Ron, can I put orang orang comes in and surrogate? Amo
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00:56:56Karna my at me Ilan
00:56:58Lala, my camera no doku, manipu
00:58:16So Malam, I'm gonna say I'm gonna Tanya Sama Kamu
00:58:19don't know a
00:58:22Kamu bilang
00:58:24Rampok-rampok itu
00:58:26Complotants Jerry Getty
00:58:28Darimana, Kamu tau aku peringatkan
00:58:32Dangan ada yang melawan
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00:58:38But America menyebut namanya sendiri
00:58:52Ada apa
00:58:58Yeah, you can tell me I'm sure can pull a gaggle
00:59:03Sanya tiba untuk bikin perhitungan maksudmu ayah dan ibumu ya
01:00:24This is not just revenge, this is our duty to wipe out the evil, with our hands if we can.
01:00:43I understand how you feel, I believe in justice, not sin.
01:00:55There's a corpse in the heart! There's a corpse in the heart! There's a corpse dead! There's a corpse dead!
01:01:02On top of the pine tree! There's a corpse dead! There's a corpse in the heart! There's a corpse dead!
01:01:09On top of the pine tree! There's a corpse dead! There's a corpse dead!
01:01:17If that bastard dared to kill you, especially an ordinary person like us.
01:01:47I don't know how to eat this.
01:01:57I don't know how to eat this.
01:02:07I don't know how to eat this.
01:02:12I don't know how to eat this.
01:02:22I don't know how to eat this.
01:02:32I don't know how to eat this.
01:02:42I don't know how to eat this.
01:02:52I don't know how to eat this.
01:03:02I don't know how to eat this.
01:03:12I don't know how to eat this.
01:03:22I don't know how to eat this.
01:03:32I don't know how to eat this.
01:03:42I don't know how to eat this.
01:03:52I don't know how to eat this.
01:04:02I don't know how to eat this.
01:04:12I don't know how to eat this.
01:04:22I don't know how to eat this.
01:04:32I don't know how to eat this.
01:04:42I don't know how to eat this.
01:04:52I don't know how to eat this.
01:05:02I don't know how to eat this.
01:05:12I don't know how to eat this.
01:05:22I don't know how to eat this.
01:05:32I don't know how to eat this.
01:05:42I don't know how to eat this.
01:05:52I don't know how to eat this.
01:06:02I don't know how to eat this.
01:06:12I don't know how to eat this.
01:06:22I don't know how to eat this.
01:06:32I don't know how to eat this.
01:06:42I don't know how to eat this.
01:06:52I don't know how to eat this.
01:07:02I don't know how to eat this.
01:07:12I don't know how to eat this.
01:07:22I don't know how to eat this.
01:07:32I don't know how to eat this.
01:07:42I don't know how to eat this.
01:07:52I don't know how to eat this.
01:08:02I don't know how to eat this.
01:08:12I don't know how to eat this.
01:08:22I don't know how to eat this.
01:08:32I don't know how to eat this.
01:08:42I don't know how to eat this.
01:08:52I don't know how to eat this.
01:09:02I don't know how to eat this.
01:09:12I don't know how to eat this.
01:09:22I don't know how to eat this.
01:09:32I don't know how to eat this.
01:09:42I don't know how to eat this.
01:09:52I don't know how to eat this.
01:10:02I don't know how to eat this.
01:10:12I don't know how to eat this.
01:10:22I don't know how to eat this.
01:10:32I don't know how to eat this.
01:10:42I don't know how to eat this.
01:10:52I don't know how to eat this.
01:11:02I don't know how to eat this.
01:11:12I don't know how to eat this.
01:11:22I don't know how to eat this.
01:11:32I don't know how to eat this.
01:12:02I don't know how to eat this.
01:12:12I don't know how to eat this.
01:12:22I don't know how to eat this.
01:12:32I don't know how to eat this.
01:12:42I don't know how to eat this.
01:12:52I don't know how to eat this.
01:13:02I don't know how to eat this.
01:13:12I don't know how to eat this.
01:13:22I don't know how to eat this.
01:13:32I don't know how to eat this.
01:13:42I don't know how to eat this.
01:13:52I don't know how to eat this.
01:14:02I don't know how to eat this.
01:14:12I don't know how to eat this.
