MSA previously My Story Animated (How To Earn 10 Millions in 10 Days)

  • 2 months ago
MSA previously My Story Animated

(How To Earn 10 Millions in 10 Days)


00:00I soon passed other cars, my foot hitting the accelerator at every turn, as my friend
00:06Vanessa screamed for her life.
00:08Just then, I saw this police car tailing us, and pulled to the side.
00:13Just do as I say, okay?
00:14Like I have a choice.
00:15Shut it.
00:16Oh, hey officer.
00:17Was I going too fast?
00:18May I see your license, please?
00:19Oh, sure, Officer Cutie.
00:20It's Cure.
00:21Oopsie, my bad.
00:22You know, I don't know if I'm going to make it, but I'm going to try.
00:23You know, I had this dream last night that I was stopped by a policeman, and we went
00:33to this cute place by the ocean, and shared a cold latte, since it's so hot these days.
00:39I mean, talk about global warming.
00:41You think it's getting hot in here?
00:43I think it is.
00:44What do you think, Vanessa?
00:46I think you should shut up.
00:47I think so too.
00:49Please step out of the car.
00:52None of my flirting worked, huh?
00:53Then I guess I have no choice but to do this.
00:54And I stepped on the gas and sped the car away.
00:55Hi, everyone.
00:56I'm Sage, and I'm about to tell you how I messed up my life.
01:05But before we get into that, please like and subscribe to MSA.
01:09I lived with my single mother and my twin sister Zoe in a small apartment in downtown
01:14New York.
01:15We didn't know anything about Dad, except that he was a loser who turned his back on
01:19Mom and left her totally heartbroken.
01:22One day you're going to come back crawling and begging for forgiveness, and I will spit
01:26on your face and make you cry.
01:29Mark my words.
01:31That never happened, and Mom never found her true love again.
01:36That didn't stop her from trying, though.
01:38She worked as a receptionist at this fancy resort outside town, where she met tons of
01:43new people.
01:44Every month, she would date some new guy who would break her heart, and she'd become a
01:48sobbing mess.
01:50Like this one time, when Zoe and I were 10, Mom started dating this Italian guy who left
01:55her because her pasta was too salty.
01:58It's garbage.
02:00At 13, there was a biker guy who thought it was a cool idea to teach Mom how to ride a
02:06Needless to say, Mom fell, broke her arm, and couldn't work for weeks.
02:11And then a year later, Mom met this Indian guy who even moved in with us.
02:16Take a deep breath in, now exhale, now inhale, now inhale and exhale at the same time.
02:27It's five in the morning, dude.
02:29Can we speed this up?
02:31Yoga is all about patience.
02:32The more you practice it, the better you get.
02:35Now let's try again.
02:37Ugh, so annoying.
02:39But Mom thought he was perfect, and sold off her jewelry to invest in his stupid yoga
02:46He just pocketed all the money and disappeared without a trace.
02:50How could I be so stupid?
02:54We were planning to set up this cute bakery next to the yoga retreat.
02:58He'd teach yoga, and I'd bake cookies.
03:02You know yoga's a form of exercise, right?
03:05Cookies are kind of counterproductive.
03:07Ugh, why are you like that?
03:10Like what?
03:11Smart and practical?
03:12No, mean and heartless.
03:15You see Mom's in pain?
03:16Maybe I was a bit heartless.
03:19Growing up poor makes you accept reality in a harsh way.
03:22But with Zoe, it was different.
03:25She was de lulu.
03:27Thanks to Mom and her awful choice in men, she grew up thinking that the only way to
03:31have a good life was to get your hooks into someone rich and successful.
03:35I was reading this fashion blog and they said if I sleep with a clothespin on my nose, I'll
03:40get the perfect upturned nose like most rich people have.
03:43That's the stupidest thing I've heard.
03:46Your nose is just fine.
03:47Can't hurt to make it better.
03:49And what do you know about fashion and skin care?
03:52She even tried poking her cheeks with pencils so she'd get dimples.
03:57When that failed, she turned to stupid home remedies.
04:00Ugh, it's just getting worse before it gets better, right?
04:05What do I know about fashion and skin care?
04:08So yeah, Zoe and I were poles apart and Mom was always weird.
04:13And things just got worse when we turned 18.
04:16Mom met some guy at her resort, fell in love, and a week later they got married and moved
04:22to Spain.
04:23She promised to stay in touch, but all we got were a few bucks and occasional phone
04:29With bills piling up, Zoe and I had to pick up housekeeping jobs at the resort.
04:33The pay wasn't great, but it was enough to cover school.
04:37We even got a room to stay in, which was a huge downgrade from our apartment.
04:42Okay, we need to make this work.
04:45Zoe, you take the broom and I'll dust the shelves.
04:48Uh, I just got a manicure done, so count me out.
04:52Where did you get the money?
04:53Wait, have you been using my savings?
04:56Yeah, but think of it as an investment in our future.
05:00See, what if tomorrow I run into some rich bachelor who asks me out, then falls madly
05:05in love with me, and we get married, and when we move to our fancy new house, I'll even
05:11set up a place for you in the garage, where you can stay with your girlfriend and cats.
05:17What girlfriend?
05:18Your girlfriend, silly.
05:21You don't need to stay in the closet forever.
05:24It's 2024.
05:25I'm not gay, Zoe, I just don't have time for stupid boys.
05:29Now help me, or I'll make you sleep on the floor.
05:32The next few days were tough.
05:34I woke up extra early, worked my shift, went to school, came back, worked again, and passed
05:41But Zoe barely showed up at work, and was more busy flirting with some guy or the other.
05:46And then, on the night of our graduation party, Zoe and I were getting ready when I spotted
05:51this huge diamond ring on her finger.
05:54Where did you get this from?
05:55Uh, I bought it.
05:56By selling your kidneys?
05:57Ugh, stop yelling.
05:58Okay, fine.
05:59I found this lying by the sink in a room I was cleaning today, so I borrowed it for
06:08the party tonight.
06:09Don't worry.
06:10The guest isn't going to be back before tomorrow morning, so I have plenty of time to put it
06:16And what if they come back early, realize their million-dollar rock is missing, and
06:20they trace it right to you?
06:23Why would they assume it's me?
06:25Because you're a maid, and the maid is always the thief.
06:29Who else would go in the room?
06:31Oh my god, you're right.
06:34How did I not think about that?
06:35Oh, they'll catch me and throw me in jail.
06:38I'm too pretty to go to jail, plus no rich guy will marry an ex-convict.
06:42My life will be over before it even begins.
06:46Just shut up for two minutes.
06:48Zoe told me the room number, and I double-checked at the reception, and thankfully, the guest
06:52was still out.
06:53This was the perfect chance to put the ring back.
06:56So I tiptoed my way across the hall, popped out the master key, and was about to open
07:00the door, when suddenly, my eyes fell on the most perfect guy ever.
07:06His beautiful black hair matched his perfectly-fitting tuxedo, and he radiated elegance and confidence
07:13with his walk.
07:14I was sure he was an important guest, but then, he stopped right next to me.
07:19Almost as sketchy to be ready on time.
07:22Uh, you're talking to me?
07:25Do you see anyone else around?
07:27Let's leave, shall we?
07:29Leave for?
07:30Our date?
07:31I'm Carter.
07:33Our dad set us up?
07:35I thought you had seen my picture.
07:37I wanted to see yours, but you're not on social media, and your dad said you hate getting
07:42But I have your room number, 709, so it's gotta be you.
07:47Unless you lurk around other people's rooms for some reason.
07:51Why would I do that?
07:53Of course it's me.
07:54I am she, Vanessa.
07:57And yes, of course, I've seen your picture, but you have one of those faces that isn't
08:02very memorable.
08:03A complete lie!
08:04Okay, we have a reservation at the pier and I don't want to lose the table.
08:09So let's go?
08:10I smiled weakly as Carter led me to his chauffeur-driven car.
08:15Had I just panicked and ended up on someone else's blind date at one of the fanciest French
08:21restaurants in town?
08:22I quickly texted Zoe to go to the graduation party without me as we were led to our table.
08:27I was overwhelmed by the freaking number of forks on the table, and I couldn't understand
08:33anything on the menu.
08:34I just let Carter order for me, and we made awkward small talk and then fell silent.
08:40Good lord, I'd never imagined a date with a gorgeous guy could be this painful.
08:45So, Vanessa's a lovely name.
08:48Uh, yeah, I guess.
08:51I've never met a Vanessa.
08:53Except myself.
08:54I'm actually named after Venice.
08:57Do you like Venice?
08:58It's nice, yes, but I like Spain more.
09:01I travel a lot, actually.
09:03It's my way of taking a break.
09:04A break from what?
09:06You know, endless meetings, parties, interviews where I get asked a lot of dumb questions
09:12like what do I eat in a day, how much do I work out, how many girlfriends do I have,
09:16etc. etc.
09:17And I have to answer all that to keep up a certain image, of course.
09:21But this life can be very exhausting.
09:24You know what I mean?
09:25Frankly, no.
09:27You sound like you don't appreciate how lucky you are.
09:30What do you mean?
09:31I mean, look at that waiter, for example.
09:34He works his butt off every day trying to make just enough for his rent.
09:38You think his life is easy, but he still smiles and serves you.
09:42Isn't that exhausting?
09:44Maybe, but that's what he gets paid for.
09:47It's his job.
09:48So, he's not allowed to be tired because he works for a wage, but you, riding around
09:54in chauffeur-driven cars, living in fancy houses, dining in the best restaurants…
09:59You can be tired because you have to attend a few meetings and answer a few questions.
10:04Don't you think that's a bit hypocritical?
10:07I hadn't really thought about that.
10:09Then maybe you should.
10:11Anyway, I gotta go.
10:12But you haven't even touched your food.
10:14I'm not hungry anymore.
10:16And I just left without another word and hailed a cab back to the resort.
10:20When I got there, I realized that I still had the ring on me.
10:24So I decided to give my luck a second chance and tiptoed my way to Vanessa's room, carefully
10:29avoiding all the cameras.
10:31I swiped the key, gently turned the knob, and walked in, when suddenly someone jumped
10:36on me and pinned me to the ground.
10:38Who are you?
10:39And why did you just sneak into my room?
10:42And why are you wearing my ring?
10:44Speak up!
10:45I will if you just get off me!
10:48Thankfully, Vanessa agreed to listen, and I spilled everything about the ring, Carter
10:53and the blind date.
10:54I thought she'd call security immediately, but instead she burst out laughing.
11:00Do you have any idea how much I tried to get out of that date?
11:06You did me a huge favor!
11:09Does that mean you won't be pressing charges?
11:12That depends.
11:13You see, I moved to France with my grandma at five because my dad wanted to marry a kid-hating
11:19But now she's left him, so he wants me to come back home.
11:25I don't want to.
11:26I have my whole life in France, including my boyfriend, Jean-Pierre.
11:29And dad hates him.
11:31He wants me to date Carter or he'll cut me off.
11:34And since Carter thinks you're Vanessa, you'll just have to date him in my place!
11:39You rich folks are complicated.
11:41And I can't do that because it's stupid and I'm pretty sure that guy hates me.
11:47Then why did he send me a text asking to meet him again?
11:51Listen, just make this Carter guy go away.
11:54What if I say no?
11:55Then your sister will rot in jail and you will lose this job!
11:59But what about my work?
12:01I'll pay you!
12:02Does half a million sound good?
12:04Sounds great!
12:05Vanessa and I shook on it.
12:06And that night, I couldn't sleep a wink thinking about how this money could change everything
12:11for me and Zoe.
12:13But I was pretty nervous about fooling some rich, powerful guy.
12:17I wanted to share my doubts with Zoe, but I knew she was a tattletale, so I kept quiet.
12:22And the next morning, Vanessa woke me up at six and told me that Carter was on his way
12:27to take me to a derby match.
12:29Is there a reason why I'm dressed like Mary Poppins' cousin?
12:33I get that you want him to hate me, but this dress makes me hate me.
12:38The idea is to make you look undateable and this dress is perfect for that.
12:43Now remember, make this the worst day of Carter's life.
12:47He should be calling my dad and telling him that I'm a monster!
12:51Now go make me proud!
12:52I left the hotel and greeted Carter at the gate, half expecting him to say something
12:56about my dress, but he just smiled and complimented me.
13:00Was he blind?
13:02Sorry, I think we cut a golf on the wrong foot last night.
13:05Can we do this in the car, please?
13:07The heat is making me dizzy.
13:10For the rest of the ride, Carter kept trying to talk to me, but I just pretended to be
13:14busy on my phone.
13:15Soon after, we reached the derby stands and were about to take our seats when I put my
13:20plan into motion.
13:22Can you get me something to drink?
13:24I'm parched!
13:25But the race is about to start!
13:27You're right.
13:28I'll just go and get it myself!
13:30No wait!
13:31I'll get it!
13:32Awww, thanks!
13:34Carter pushed through the crowd and came back with a massive cup of soda.
13:39I took one look at it and screamed,
13:41It has no ice!
13:43I want ice!
13:45Carter rushed through the crowd again and came back sweating with a new cup of soda.
13:50Oh no!
13:51What now?
13:52This isn't diet.
13:53I can't drink regular soda.
13:54It makes me feel bloated and gassy.
13:55Get me a new one, pretty please.
13:56Carter shot me an irritated look before running back into the crowd and by the time he got
13:57back, the race was over.
13:58I did feel a bit guilty, but then I thought about how he must've made his servants run
13:59around a million times.
14:00So I thought I'd give it a try.
14:01But I didn't.
14:02I was so nervous.
14:03I thought I was going to lose.
14:04I thought I was going to lose.
14:05I thought I was going to lose.
14:06I thought I was going to lose.
14:07I thought I was going to lose.
14:08I thought I was going to lose.
14:11Too bad.
14:12Are you mad at me?
14:13You are, aren't you?
14:14I made you miss the game.
14:15You must really hate me now.
14:16It's cool if you don't want to see me again.
14:18I'd love to see you again.
14:20I mean, wow.
14:21I must've really left an impression.
14:22Carter inched closer and I looked at him.
14:23He looked at me.
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25:11He looked at me.
25:12He looked at me.
25:13He looked at me.
25:14He looked at me.
25:15He looked at me.
25:16Carter, I lied to you.
25:18My name is Sage and I am Zoe's sister.
25:21Carter looked shocked as I told him everything about the ring and how Vanessa had asked me to take her place.
25:27So you lied to me all this while?
25:29I wanted to tell you the truth, but I just couldn't.
25:32Why not?
25:33If you needed money, you could've just asked me.
25:36Yeah, right.
25:37Like you'd even look twice at me if you knew I was poor.
25:40And you really have money to hand out?
25:42Because I found out you've only been dating Vanessa for her fortune.
25:46No wonder you kept putting up with me no matter how much I tested you.
25:50Were you?
25:51Don't bother, Carter.
25:52Sophie told me everything.
25:54Carter's only after your money.
25:56He screwed up a big business deal and now his dad's forcing him to marry an heiress to save their business.
26:03They need your dad to invest and bail them out.
26:06How do you know that?
26:07My dad told me.
26:09He's business partners with Carter's father.
26:11Trust me, I have no interest in Carter.
26:14I'm just helping a girl out here.
26:17And you're just going to believe her?
26:19Without giving me a chance to explain myself?
26:21Well, is she lying?
26:23No, but...
26:24Then there's nothing left to say.
26:26Look, Carter, we both lied and we're both wrong.
26:30The only difference is that I lied for my family and you lied out of greed.
26:35And I agree that there were moments where I got carried away.
26:39But now I'm back to reality.
26:41I'm pretty sure you don't care about me much.
26:44But if you do, even a little, please drop the charges against my sister.
26:49She's the only family I've got.
26:51I must have struck a chord with Carter because he took back his complaint and Zoe was released soon after.
26:57But the news of her arrest reached the resort manager and we were both fired on the spot.
27:02Which was fine.
27:04I was done with that place anyway.
27:06Zoe and I moved to a small apartment and decided to start our life from scratch.
27:11We found jobs at cafes and this time Zoe stuck to her promise to work hard.
27:16She seemed to be actually sorry for all the trouble she'd caused me.
27:20And while it was difficult to not think about Carter, I had to push him out of my mind and move on with my life.
27:27Then a week later, I was leaving for work when I found Vanessa standing at my door.
27:32What are you doing here?
27:34The night you were at Carter's place, my dad showed up and told me he didn't want me to see Carter anymore.
27:39He didn't give me a reason except that he didn't trust Carter's dad and that he was okay with my relationship with Jean-Pierre and just wanted me to come home.
27:49That's a relief. Congratulations. Anything else?
27:53Here's your half a million dollars. I'm a woman of my word.
27:56I didn't exactly do the job and I don't want money for tricking someone.
28:01It didn't bother you before? Hmm, I guess you must have fallen in love with Carter.
28:06No, that's not it.
28:07Well, that's too bad because Carter's in love with you.
28:11He called me to yell at me for making him fall in love with the wrong person and how he can't get over you.
28:17He doesn't love me. He was just after your fortune. That's why he put up with me for so long.
28:23Something tells me you haven't seen the news recently.
28:26Carter officially resigned from his dad's company.
28:28I think his dad forced him to be with me just for money and he was under a lot of pressure so he agreed but it looks like he doesn't care that much about money now.
28:36Oh, he also announced he's taking care of the student loans of waiters working in 20 restaurants in this town.
28:42I don't know what that's about.
28:44I don't believe it. Vanessa showed me the news article and I was shocked.
28:48Oh God, Carter really loves me? I have to tell him how I feel too.
28:54But he's moving to his mom's place in London in like three hours.
28:57Then we have to be quick. You have a car?
29:00Duh, you think I walked here? Of course I have a car. But it's a little slow.
29:08Seriously? I can crawl faster than this car.
29:12Told you he's slow. I don't care because I'm mostly on my phone and you know how rich people are, always fashionably late.
29:19Just sit back and relax. Enjoy the drive.
29:22Enjoy my butt?
29:24I asked the driver to stop and step aside while I took the wheels and hit the accelerator.
29:29I zoomed past the cars, got tailed by the police, but somehow made it to the airport just in time.
29:36I jumped out of the car and dashed towards the gates, still hearing the police sirens behind me.
29:41Go, I'll take care of this.
29:43I rushed through the airport, screaming Carter's name.
29:46All I could think of was not being able to talk to him and tell him how much I liked him.
29:51And my heart sank when I checked the departure charts and saw that the London flight had already departed.
30:04Uh, hi. I met Vanessa. I can't believe you gave up everything and you're poor now.
30:10Well, I'm still not poor-poor. Let's just say I have to share my helicopter with other people.
30:16And where are we going?
30:18Wherever you say.
