Tasmanian Aboriginal people call for action treaty laws

  • 3 months ago
Frustrated with slow progress on a treaty agreement Tasmanian Aboriginal people are camping out on Parliament lawns calling for action. They say the state government is stalling as its Aboriginal advisory group looks to other states for a treaty model.


00:00What do we want?
00:03When do we want it?
00:06Setting up camp on parliament lawns,
00:08peaceful protesters from the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre
00:11are in for the long haul.
00:13We demand a treaty.
00:15We are here on our land
00:17and we will not move until the Premier comes out
00:21and speaks to the people
00:23and agrees to legislate for a treaty.
00:26Moving in without a permit,
00:27they're fed up with the slow rate of progress
00:29after the state's landmark treaty report
00:31was handed in two and a half years ago.
00:34Tasmanian Aboriginal people
00:35have been waiting a long time for a treaty,
00:38an agreement which could include land return compensation
00:41or control of Aboriginal heritage.
00:44Some say it was first agreed in 1831
00:46when George Augustus Robinson
00:48met with Tasmania's first people on behalf of the government.
00:51This was never on it
00:53and our people have been reminding
00:57the white colony of this agreement
00:59until it is upheld.
01:01The government's yet to enact any of the recommendations
01:03from former Governor Kate Warner
01:05and Professor Tim McCormack's
01:06Pathway to Truth Telling and Treaty report.
01:09The government has established an Aboriginal Advisory Committee
01:13to engage with the government
01:15to seek their feedback on the path forward.
01:18That group is looking at the models in other states.
01:21However, the TAC claims it's being used by the government
01:24to slow down progress.
01:26It's put forward its own bill to kick off a treaty process.
01:29And let's see some genuine honesty
01:32from a dishonest government
01:34that keeps making promises to Aboriginal people
01:37and so far has failed to keep those promises.
01:41A government spokesperson said
01:42the Premier and Aboriginal Affairs Minister
01:44had met with members of the TAC
01:46who were on the lawns today.
01:48They also said the TAC had been invited
01:50to the Aboriginal Advisory Body's meetings
01:52but declined.
