مسلسل جودا أكبر موسم 3 حلقة 35 مدبلجة

  • 2 months ago
00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:30In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:32In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:02In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:04In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:06In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:08In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:10In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:12In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:14In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:16In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:18In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:20In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:22In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:24In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:26In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:28In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:30In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:32In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:34In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:36In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:38In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:40In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:42In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:44In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:46In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:48He is a great and brave warrior, just like his father.
01:55And for this happy news, I present to him the state of Nagor.
02:02To Darmal.
02:06You take the shahadah.
02:07I will do what you want, Your Majesty.
02:16Mansing, my student, meets you.
02:18He came here to ask for your opinion on a very important matter.
02:28Greetings, Your Majesty.
02:29Good, Mansing.
02:31What is so important that made you come to the meeting hall?
02:34My Lord, some of the Rajputs are present at the borders of Agra.
02:38And they are advancing heroically.
02:40And I think it is a war of gangs.
02:42The only one who is good at fighting them is Prince Mewar Maharana Bratap.
02:53My Lord, I have sent a group of our army.
02:55But I think it is better if we go personally to war.
02:58If my enemies think that I have become weak after the death of Sayyid Adga,
03:03then this is the right time to teach them a real lesson.
03:06But there is one thing that I am trying to understand.
03:10Is it possible that Prince Bratap himself is trying to attack us in secret?
03:14As far as I know, he is a brave warrior.
03:18And if he wants to attack me, he will face me and hit me in the chest.
03:21And he will not leave me behind.
03:23Whoever the enemy is, I will face him for sure.
03:31The preparations for the war have begun.
03:33But Mansing, I do not want you to participate.
03:37Pardon me, Your Majesty.
03:39Do you doubt my abilities and competence?
03:43No, that is not what I mean.
03:45But I do not want anyone of the Rajputs to fight a Rajput like him in this war.
03:50I am very concerned about this, Mansing.
03:52My Lord, I promised my father, my grandfather, and my uncle that I will always be with you.
03:57Whether they are Rajputs or even an army of princes.
04:01Mansing's sword will always be there to protect you.
04:08I do not expect anything else from a man of your origin.
04:13In this case, you and I will participate in this war.
04:16What do you order me to do, Your Majesty?
04:20At the moment, there are no orders.
04:22Because now, I am doing what you need more than anything else.
04:25The best thing is to be with him for us and for your son as well.
04:28There are many things you have to do.
04:31I am going to war, and Mansing will accompany me.
04:34And do not forget that I will not be there.
04:36The Mongolian Empire is your responsibility.
04:40But before the war, we must know and study something important.
04:43How many and how strong is our enemy?
04:45The meeting is over, Your Majesty.
04:58What is this disaster?
04:59What is the solution?
05:00I am facing a big problem every time.
05:03Bakshi Banu made me promise that I will not tell anyone anything.
05:06It is not possible that she gave birth to a girl.
05:10If I tell the king this truth,
05:13I would have broken my promise.
05:14And if I did not tell him, he would have seen me as a liar.
05:17Is this true, Judah?
05:30Tell me, King Judah, is this true?
05:33Yes, King Salima.
05:35This is true.
05:36Today I found out the truth.
05:39Bakshi Banu made me promise that I will not tell anyone anything.
05:43And now that you have heard me, you want to warn me.
05:45What should I do?
05:46Bakshi, this is a big mistake, King Judah.
05:49Yes, but we must appreciate the situation and understand it.
05:52You did this so that Sharifuddin does not get hurt.
05:56Because Sharifuddin wants a boy, not a girl.
05:59What should we do?
06:00We must tell the king immediately that she gave birth to a girl, not a boy.
06:04But Bakshi Banu made me promise that I will not tell anyone anything.
06:07King Judah, promise you.
06:09It destroys the future and affects the kingdom.
06:11And Bakshi took the oath and the promise from you, not from me.
06:14That's why I can go and tell the king the story.
06:17Because we can't hide the matter any longer.
06:20If the people of the kingdom know the truth,
06:22the king will become a laughing stock and he will laugh at what happened.
06:27We must go immediately and tell the king, King Judah,
06:29and tell him the whole truth.
06:31Go ahead.
06:32Let's go.
06:37We want to meet His Majesty the King.
06:38Your Highness, the king is not present now.
06:40Where is he?
06:41I do not know, Your Highness.
06:42He has work for the kingdom.
06:44Where did His Majesty go?
06:45And when will he return?
06:46I have no idea.
06:50There is only one solution left, King Judah.
06:52Let's go and tell the king.
06:54And in my opinion, we must go to him immediately.
06:57Go ahead.
07:01What are you saying, Queen Salima?
07:03This is the truth, Your Highness.
07:05King Judah himself saw that it was a girl.
07:08Judah, tell me in detail what the matter is.
07:10Mother, I went to say goodbye to Bakshi.
07:13And when I got there...
07:32And why didn't you tell us immediately after you met her, Judah?
07:35Because Bakshi swore to the king, Judah,
07:37that he would not tell the king.
07:41Greetings, Your Highness.
07:42Did you call for me?
07:50How dare you do this?
07:52Why did you give us false information about Bakshi?
07:54Have mercy on me, Your Highness.
07:56This is not my fault.
07:57Bakshi Banu insisted that I do not tell anyone.
07:59And if Bakshi Banu asked you to accept me,
08:01how can you forget your promise in this way?
08:04Enough, Ruqayya.
08:06This is all Bakshi's fault.
08:07How can this poor woman disobey the king's sister's orders?
08:12But why did Bakshi Banu do this?
08:14Because Sharifuddin wants the boy.
08:16That's what he wants.
08:19And Bakshi Banu was afraid that if Sharifuddin found out the truth
08:22that she brought a girl and not a boy,
08:24he might get angry and hurt her and hurt the child.
08:27And of course, Bakshi didn't think that such a big problem could happen.
08:33I have to meet Bakshi Banu immediately.
08:35Come with me.
08:41My beautiful daughter, Amoura, you are amazing.
08:43My daughter for all my life.
08:46Your beauty and your light shine on the moon.
08:49Believe me, I am not sad at all that you are not a boy.
08:53I am sad.
08:55Because your father's thinking is really backward.
08:59But of course, I will always have hope
09:02that one day, he will know very well
09:06that his mother is also a girl.
09:08Oh, Amoura, you...
09:10How are you now, my queen wife?
09:12All is well.
09:13Trust me, is my son ready?
09:26Do you know, my son, that your eyes are as big as mine?
09:30And I wish from the bottom of my heart that you dream like me.
09:35You have to learn a lot of things.
09:37And you have to advance in life and be a very successful person
09:40and achieve in your life what I couldn't achieve in my life.
09:46And I will make you be able to do all of this.
09:49I will teach you how to achieve your goal and what is your goal
09:53and make your place that suits you.
09:56Sharifuddin, there is something I want to tell you.
10:00We will talk later.
10:02I know that what you want to tell me is not important at all.
10:05I want to go to something important.
10:07Okay, where are you taking my son?
10:09The preparations are over.
10:10The preparations for the birthday party are all over.
10:14Listen to me.
10:15There is really something important.
10:17I told you.
10:18I don't have time for your useless talks.
10:21I will listen to you later.
10:32Oh God, help me.
10:36I don't know how long it will take for the truth to be revealed
10:40that this girl is still a child.
10:52You are not just an ordinary doctor.
10:54Your job is for the royal family.
10:57And your duty is to take care of the family
10:59more than your care for others.
11:02There is something that has become very emotional and weak.
11:05That is why it was your duty to come to me immediately and tell me what happened.
11:10Oh God, I want your mercy.
11:13Please help me, God.
11:15I made a very big mistake.
11:17Now if the truth is revealed,
11:19he will be accused because of me
11:21and he will be humiliated a lot.
11:24And of course, now he will kill us,
11:26me and this innocent little girl.
11:29I beg you, God, help me, help me.
11:34I didn't expect this from you.
11:43I apologize for being late and kept you waiting.
11:45No, Mr. Sharifuddin.
11:46You arrived on time.
11:48Okay, shall we start with the party?
11:49Yes, of course.
11:51In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
11:55God has sent you a very beautiful son.
12:10I am Ghazi Aftab Ajmiri.
12:12I am the beginning of a child all his life.
12:14And peace accompanies him all his life.
12:16I hope all those who are present will pray to God with me.
12:20May God bless you.
12:48O God!
12:53What is this nonsense?
12:55I didn't expect you to joke with me about something like this.
12:58Why are you getting upset?
12:59What is it?
13:00What am I supposed to joke about with you?
13:02If this wasn't a joke, what would it be?
13:04This girl, this girl is not a boy.
13:21O God!
13:27Mr. Sharifuddin.
13:28You not only humiliated us with this behavior of yours.
13:31You also mocked the religious teachings.
13:34You are responsible for the kingdom, Mr. Sharifuddin.
13:37In addition to being the son-in-law of the royal family.
13:39So it is a disgrace to your position that you behave in this way.
13:44Please forgive me.
13:45I have no idea what happened.
13:47I was supposed to have a boy.
13:49Where did this girl come from?
13:50Believe me, I don't know.
13:52I think there was a misunderstanding during his birth.
13:56You mocked the religious teachings with your behavior.
13:59As for your daughter, you should feel great pride.
14:03Because God blessed your life with this girl.
14:08There is no need to stay in such a bad place.
14:10They mocked the religious teachings.
14:12Let's go.
14:13Let's go.
14:14Honestly, sheikh.
14:15I don't understand what's going on in this palace.
14:17I was told that a boy was born in this palace.
14:19I think Mr. Sharifuddin spread this rumor.
14:22He seems to believe it.
14:23He seems to have forgotten that this is not a joke.
14:26This joke is strange.
14:27I seek forgiveness from God.
14:30You must have played this game and lied to me, Bakshibano.
14:36How dare you lie to me about a story like this?
14:43I will never forgive you for what you did.
14:48And I will never have mercy on you.
14:50I will never have mercy on you.
14:56Greetings, Your Majesty.
14:59Have our guests arrived?
15:00Yes, sir.
15:02Let them in with all due respect.
15:10Greetings, Your Majesty.
15:12The Mongolian Empire welcomes you with open arms.
15:15Please come in.
15:16Some of the Rajputs are here to enjoy the hospitality of your guests.
15:20They are your friends and your men.
15:22We are not here to make a peace treaty with you.
15:25On the contrary, we are here to confront you with war.
15:36Believe me, the truth is not hidden from me.
15:39You have the intention to feed Agra.
15:42Without a doubt.
15:43You will see with your own eyes how we can achieve our goals.
15:47I like your way of thinking.
15:50A man who fights and is smart never gives up on his ambitions.
15:53In addition, who does not have the desire to rule the Mongolian Empire?
15:58I just have a small question for you.
16:02What is the way you want to win this war?
16:0730,000 soldiers are willing to give their lives for this.
16:10We have 40 elephants and 20 camels.
16:13With this army, we are ready to destroy the whole of Agra.
16:17Honestly, I do not agree with you, King.
16:19This war will not happen.
16:23This war is a suicide for you and I will not allow this.
16:25It seems that you do not know anything about our army.
16:27You do not know how brave it is.
16:29What do you say, minister?
16:30You are right, King.
16:33No, King.
16:35The soldier is a Mongolian soldier or a Rajput soldier.
16:41He will be brave, King.
16:44He will give his life in the war because he has a belief and will not hesitate.
16:48King, to be honest, for us it is not a big deal to win any battle.
16:55Therefore, it is better for you to surrender yourself and surrender all your army,
16:59and maybe I will forgive you.
17:00It seems that you are thinking that no one else is capable of fighting with swords.
17:04And maybe you are also thinking that we are afraid of you.
17:08The Rajputs' abilities in fighting I respect all my life.
17:13And of course, I know that you are not afraid of me.
17:17And for this reason, I advise you with all my heart that you do not take this war against me, King.
17:22Because the army that you will face and your army will face is 300,000 soldiers,
17:2940,000 elephants, and a huge number of cannons.
17:34Therefore, this will not be called a war.
17:36And it will not be a fair battle and a suicide for your army.
17:42King, you want to declare war, but you forgot the first law in the principles of battles.
17:47Do not show your strength to the enemy,
17:49because the same strength that you showed in front of your enemy will be a weak point and will lose you the battle.
17:58King, even I have the desire to rule, but in my heart and in my mind,
18:02therefore, it is better, in my opinion,
18:04do not force me to hit your face with my army and raise my weapon in your face.
18:11My main goal is to be united in the future India.
18:20Man Singh, discuss with the King all the other details.
18:24Yes, King.
18:25I will discuss with the King.
18:38Do you understand how you lied to me, Bakshi?
18:41Did not you think at least that this story would not remain hidden?
18:46And did not you also think that when everyone discovers this truth,
18:50what will happen to the Mongolian family?
18:53Listen, the girl is the greatest gift in the world, and she is from the Lord of the worlds.
18:58How could you be ashamed of such a thing?
19:01God bless you, forgive me, our queen.
19:04I was really scared.
19:06Bakshi Bano, believe me, we did not come to blame you.
19:12We came because we understand and understand your situation.
19:16We want to talk to you and understand you and see how we can help you.
19:19No, we do not want to help you.
19:21No matter how big the problem is, I want you to talk and tell me everything you have.
19:27And we all together will help you.
19:36The matter here is over, Bakshi Bano.
19:39Why did you do this to me?
19:42Oh God, how can I explain to him why I did this?
19:44Bakshi, this is not the time to cry and think about how to act.
19:49In my opinion, you have to tell Sharifuddin the whole truth and do not be afraid.
19:54Because if he finds out the truth from someone else, he will definitely be more upset than you.
19:58And you will hurt him a lot.
20:01He went to kill the boy.
20:03Now your parents must have discovered what happened.
20:06I will never have mercy on you, Bakshi Bano, for this lie.
20:09And I will skin you with my dagger.
20:11I will kill you and let you know what it means to lie to me.
20:15Bakshi, you will see the torture and humiliation to the extent that you will want to die every moment of the beating and torture you will see from me.
20:23And I will not let you die.
20:26Bakshi Bano, I know you are very upset with me now.
20:30Because everyone knows this is the truth.
20:32But honestly, everyone knows without meaning this is a good thing.
20:37Bakshi Bano, Sharifuddin is your husband after all.
20:42Humans always have their desires.
20:44But in the end, everything depends on God's will.
20:49Then, believe me, I am sure, the girl who came to you will accept her.
20:54Sharifuddin, as a gift from God.
20:57Yes, this child is his daughter too.
21:00And in the end, he has the right to know about his child.
21:03You just tell him the truth.
21:05It is impossible for him to get angry because God sent him a daughter and he will not hurt her.
21:08Yes, and if he is hurt by this, it is because you lied to him.
21:13Bakshi, sit down with me and tell him the truth.
21:17And I am sure he will forgive you.
21:20Queen Salima is right.
21:23The truth must be known by someone else than you.
21:26No, no.
21:28I cannot face him and speak.
21:30Believe me when he knows the truth.
21:32He will hate me and stay away from me.
21:34It is not like that, Bakshi Bano.
21:37Don't forget, your husband loves you a lot.
21:39And you must have faith in him.
21:44How can I explain to you?
21:46This mistake, he will never forgive me.
21:49And the end of desire is in power.
21:51So, if a girl comes, it is better to...
21:58I am with you, he will get angry.
22:00He will love the story.
22:01And of course, he will be hurt.
22:03Because there is no husband in this world who expects his wife to hide such a thing about his child's birth.
22:08You tell him the truth and be at ease.
22:12I know all the truth, Your Majesty.
22:30Episode 2
22:50Your hands are shaking a lot, Bakshi Bano.
22:53Be careful so that the girl does not fall.
22:57May God forgive me.
22:58I wanted to tell you the truth before.
23:00What do you want to tell me?
23:04Do you want to tell me that you are a liar?
23:06That you played with my feelings and emotions?
23:11And what is the point now?
23:13I was humiliated in front of the sheikhs.
23:15And they are all upset with me now.
23:17And I had to apologize to everyone for lying to you.
23:19At least you could have told me that I was going to purify the boy.
23:28Just tell me, what were you waiting for?
23:30For them to laugh at me?
23:31Do you want me to laugh at you?
23:32Do you want me to be happy?
23:34No, no.
23:35At that moment, I was humiliated in front of him.
23:37To the extent that I wished from the bottom of my heart.
23:39That I die and get rid of this ugly situation.
23:43And end my life at the same moment.
23:49Thank you very much, Bakshi Bano.
23:53Thank you.
23:55You two need to sit down and discuss what happened.
23:58And find the right solution.
24:00No, our queen.
24:02I think there is nothing left between us to talk about.
24:10I can no longer feel from this moment that she is my wife.
24:13And I can no longer bear to be a husband to her.
24:18And now, with your permission.
24:25Don't be afraid, Bakshi.
24:27He must be very angry right now.
24:29But if you try to sit with him alone and try to understand him.
24:32I am sure that he will understand you and forgive you.
24:35No matter what happens, he will always be your husband.
24:42We need to work quickly.
24:44We need to find a way to control the news.
24:46Before it spreads among people.
24:48Come with me quickly.
24:55Look, I am happy because I became an uncle again.
24:58And this is a blessed event.
25:00I don't want to fight or kill anyone.
25:03I just want to go to my relatives as soon as possible.
25:06And also, to carry my sister's son, my beloved, in my arms.
25:09And play and look at him.
25:11And love him and pamper him.
25:12And be happy with his beautiful presence with me.
25:15How many days and hours will your majesty get weaker?
25:17When you die, we will become mothers.
25:19No, and also.
25:21You will get weaker.
25:23You will get much weaker.
25:24You are right, Tudarmal.
25:28Look, I heard that the happiest moment.
25:32For a person in his whole life, when his father feels these different feelings,
25:36and I saw it.
25:37For Bakshi Bano.
25:39She came and carried her son.
25:40I carried him in my arms.
25:41And at that moment.
25:43There was a great peace on your majesty's face.
25:45Of course, your majesty.
25:47Tudarmal, I decided for my sister's son's future.
25:51To return to Sharif al-Din.
25:52All his old advantages that he had in the empire.
25:55A very wise decision, your majesty.
25:57So, as soon as we get to Agra.
25:59Prepare a royal announcement regarding this matter.
26:00Yes, my lord.
26:02You can't stay like this, my lords.
26:04You have to eat.
26:05If it's not for you, it's for this little child who needs to be fed.
26:14Get out.
26:16Get out.
26:21I would like to talk to my wife alone.
26:37I told you to get out.
26:53You love this girl a lot, don't you?
26:59I kept telling you not to talk.
27:01That maybe we got a girl.
27:03But you kept saying and repeating.
27:05If I get a girl.
27:07If I get a girl.
27:08And you wouldn't shut up.
27:09And you wouldn't shut up.
27:10Look at me.
27:12We got a girl.
27:14All my dreams have been shattered.
27:18And all my efforts have been in vain.
27:24The problem is that we got a girl.
27:28In the end, she is our girl.
27:37Nothing happened, right?
27:43What will happen if I get a girl?
27:48After all that has happened, you are still saying the same thing.
27:55What do you mean?
27:56Are you trying to add to my heart?
28:03All I'm going to do now is kill this girl.
28:14And all this will not be enough.
28:17After what I saw from your lies to me.
28:21Until I was humiliated in front of everyone.
28:24I made a joke in front of all the Sheikhs.
28:27Do you know that?
28:31I didn't wish for this.
28:33I was afraid of you.
28:34I beg you to forgive me.
28:36Forgive me, but this time.
28:38If you forgive me, forgive me.
28:40I beg you.
28:41If you forgive me, forgive me.
28:43I forgive you.
28:46Why do you have to ask me for forgiveness?
28:49You want to kill the great Indian king.
28:52Jalal al-Din Muhammad Akbar.
28:54And his favorite too.
28:57Why do you want to ask me for forgiveness?
29:00I'm going to kill you now.
29:11I beg you, forgive me.
29:14For the sake of God, forgive me.
29:16This is impossible.
29:19You humiliated me with all my desires.
29:21What I want and above all, you lied to me.
29:24You don't deserve to be forgiven, son.
29:27You don't deserve to be my wife.
29:31Don't do this.
29:34Give me another chance.
29:37I beg you, forgive me.
29:39Forgive me, I love you so much.
29:41I can't even live without you.
29:43This is a lie.
29:44Of course it's a lie.
29:46If you really loved me so much,
29:49you would have given me a son, not a daughter.
30:05This is the girl
30:07who was the cause of my unfulfilled dreams and desires.
30:12I don't want this girl.
30:14I don't want her.
30:15I don't even want to look at her ugly face.
30:17Punish me however you want.
30:19But have mercy on your daughter.
30:22Have mercy on her.
30:24She has no fault at all.
30:25It was all my fault.
30:27I'm my mother who gave birth to her.
30:29And I'm the only one who lied to you.
30:31But she's still in my way.
30:37How far are you going to run?
30:40You're a failure.
30:42I won't leave you, you and your daughter.
31:07Have mercy on your daughter.
31:13Greetings, Your Highness.
31:15If you're hungry and tired,
31:17tell him I want to see him now.
31:19Yes, Your Highness.
31:23Your Highness, King Jouda is here and he wants to see you now.
31:27Tell him I'm sleeping.
31:31I don't want to see him.
31:33Tell him I'm sleeping.
31:42King Jouda is sleeping now.
31:57I brought this for you.
32:04You didn't want to come in for this reason?
32:08How could you get hurt like this, Bakshibano?
32:11Jouda, please.
32:13Can you leave me alone?
32:15And if you can, tell my mother and everyone else
32:18I don't want to see anyone.
32:20How could he do this to you?
32:22Just because he had a daughter?
32:25And you stayed silent about this?
32:28You married him and he's your partner, Bakshibano.
32:31I told you a while ago.
32:33Please leave me alone.
32:36Get out of here.
32:47You may have a different opinion now, King Jouda.
32:50But yes, I wanted a boy, not a girl.
32:56And I don't think I did anything wrong.
32:58You reached out to your husband
33:00and you say you didn't do anything wrong?
33:03Look at her face.
33:06How could you be so cruel?
33:09I told you a while ago.
33:12Get out of here.
33:15This is a personal matter between me and my husband.
33:20Before you make things worse, get out of here.
33:35I won't stay silent.
33:37I have to do something.
33:48You have no manners.
33:50Get out of here.
33:57How could you do this to King Jouda?
34:01You only do things I don't like.
34:21I really don't understand what's going on in this palace, Jouda.
34:26How could Bakshibano do such a thing?
34:28How could she lie to us like this?
34:32Did she think about what would happen if she did such a thing?
34:36Your Majesty, this is not the right time to be angry with Bakshibano.
34:40She told him she was scared.
34:42And when she thought about what could happen...
34:46You're angry with Bakshibano
34:48because she lied to everyone.
34:50But think about it.
34:52Why would she lie to her brother and her husband?
34:59Think about it, Your Majesty.
35:01How hard would it be for her?
35:04What was her psychological state to lie like this?
35:07Under what circumstances could she do such a thing?
35:14Your Majesty,
35:15before you make a decision or before you show your anger,
35:19please try to understand Bakshibano's psychological state.
35:24Try to find out why she lied about this.
35:28She's a mother.
35:30And this child doesn't have to be a girl.
35:33It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl.
35:36There's no mother in the world.
35:38You'd be ashamed if she had a daughter.
35:42Even so, Bakshibano lied.
35:44That's the way it is.
35:46But why?
35:48Today, your sister had to face all the shame.
35:51But no one's trying to find out why she lied.
35:54And what's the main reason she had to do this?
35:57And for this reason, go talk to her.
36:00And try to find out everything.
36:03Maybe you'll get an answer to all your questions.
36:06Of course I want to know why she lied.
36:10After all, I'm her brother and she has to trust me more than that.
36:35What are you doing, my beautiful Amourty?
36:38What are you doing, my love?
36:40What are you doing?
36:42My Amourty, my love.
36:45Come on, smile.
36:47How is my sister's daughter, Bakshi?
36:51Welcome, brother.
37:04Look at her innocent face.
37:06It's as if she's an angel who came down to us so we could be enlightened by her beauty.
37:17Tell me, why did you lie to me about this innocent and beautiful child?
37:25My queen Judah, look at her face.
37:30After you saw my queen's desire that we should have a daughter like her.
37:37How innocent she is.
37:39And pure too.
37:42Even if the adulterer sees her, he's certain.
37:45He'll forgive the mistakes.
37:47For sure.
37:49Come on, come on, come on.
37:52Sleep here in your bed.
38:00Bakshi, don't forget that I'm your brother and I love you a lot too.
38:04At least, you should have told me, Bakshi.
38:09Why did you hide this truth from all of us?
38:12And why did you lie to us like that?
38:15We were eager for a boy.
38:17And I didn't want to make him angry at all.
38:20Isn't it enough for him to be a father?
38:23What's the difference if it's a boy or a girl?
38:28How do I explain to the moon that there's a difference, Bakshi?
38:33It's impossible for you to fulfill your husband's desires.
38:38God has sent you a beautiful gift.
38:40And if this husband asked you for the impossible at the time,
38:44it's not in your hands and you can't fulfill it at all.
38:52Bakshi, look at me.
38:56Bakshi, look at me and tell me what's going on with you.
38:59Come on, Bakshi, tell me.
39:04She's not well at all.
39:07Because she has wounds on her face.
39:10What am I hearing, Bakshi?
39:13Bakshi, look at me.
39:15Look at me!
39:19Tell me you're fine.
39:22Brother, I'm very, very fine.
39:24Not like that. Look into my eyes and tell me you're fine.
39:29Bakshi, come on, look into my eyes.
39:44Oh God, who is this monster that did this to you?
39:49Bakshi, stop crying and tell me who did this to you,
39:52to punish him and cut off his hands?
39:54Tell me who did this?
39:56Lily, Bakshi, I'm your brother. Come on, tell me.
40:06Sharifuddin did this to you?
40:09Sharifuddin did this to you?
40:20He hit you because you had a daughter?
40:22That's the reason, right?
40:32I'll show you.
40:37Brother, please.
40:41Brother, don't do anything to him.
40:48What should I do?
40:50All my dreams have been shattered.
40:52A woman who doesn't have a future,
40:54a son or a wife, is of no use to us.
41:02My Lord?
41:04When did your Majesty return?
41:06No one told me.
41:13Tell me, how did you dare to lay a hand on my sister?
41:16How did you dare to be so cruel to your wife
41:18and show such cruelty to the daughter of the Mongolian family?
41:21I was helpless.
41:23She wanted to give birth to me.
41:25That's why she committed suicide.
41:27Jalal, let him go.
41:29He didn't do it on purpose.
41:31If he did it on purpose,
41:33how dare he lay a hand on you?
41:35Then don't interfere.
41:37My Lord, Bakshi Banu lied.
41:39She hid the truth from me.
41:41And if she lied?
41:43And if she lied,
41:45would you lay a hand on her?
41:47Even if she lied,
41:49you're the one who's afraid.
41:51You're the criminal.
41:53Your sister, Bakshi, gave birth to you.
41:55And instead of being grateful and happy,
41:57you laid a hand on her?
41:59Even if she forgives you,
42:01I won't forgive you.
42:03Come with me.
42:05Let's go.
42:07I want all the women,
42:09all the wives and all the servants to come.
42:11Call them here.
42:19I was punishing all the criminals
42:21in the private meetings.
42:23But today, I'll punish him in front of everyone.
42:25He didn't just lay a hand on my sister.
42:27He caused her torture and injustice.
42:33He thinks he can simply hit my sister.
42:35And he thinks that's the right thing to do.
42:37And he thinks that a woman should be afraid of her husband.
42:39He hit my sister just because she gave birth to a girl,
42:41not a boy.
42:43And what I'm most ashamed of
42:45is the fact that he hit my sister
42:47not a boy.
42:49And what I'm most ashamed of
42:51is the fact that he hit my sister and her baby.
42:55He thinks that women are very weak
42:57and that he can injure them at any time.
42:59That's why
43:01let's remind him that a woman
43:03can destroy an entire army
43:05and that she can destroy a great ruler.
43:07I think that's it.
43:09Forget the power of a woman.
43:11That's what I want now.
43:13And from all of you,
43:15I want you to hit him.
43:21I want all of you to hit him
43:23with the same force that hit my sister.
43:25And I want him
43:27to be punished for the harm
43:29that he caused to a woman.
43:31And forget that he's close to the king.
43:33But remember that he's the most criminal
43:35of a woman.
43:37Today, because of him,
43:39the princess of the empire
43:41couldn't show her face to anyone
43:43because of the wounds
43:45that this monster caused.
43:47And that's why I want you to cause him
43:49a lot of wounds
43:51so that he can't hide them
43:53as long as he lives.
43:55That's why I want all of you
43:57to hit him.
43:59I want him
44:01to be punished
44:03for this crime.
44:05Because he has to learn
44:07how to behave with a woman
44:09and how to respect her
44:11and how to treat her very well.
44:13A woman is like a crown,
44:15not like shoes.
44:17Take off your shoes.
44:19Take off your shoes
44:21and hit him on the face
44:23so that he learns.
44:25I want him to learn
44:27so that he learns.
44:37Come on,
44:39what are you waiting for?
44:41Don't be afraid.
44:43And if he thinks he wants to take revenge on you,
44:45I'm here.
44:47If he makes this mistake,
44:49it will be the last mistake of his life
44:51because I will kill him with these hands.
44:53Come on, everyone hit him now.
44:55Your Highness,
44:57please forgive me.
44:59I admit my mistake.
45:01This is your punishment, Sharifuddin.
45:03You hit a woman
45:05so that all these women
45:07will hit you.
45:09This is your punishment.
45:13Come on,
45:15what are you waiting for?
45:17Everyone hit him so that he learns.
45:19Hurry up.
45:21Your Highness,
45:35send him away.
45:37No one has the right to punish him this way.
45:39No one will touch him.
45:41He is a big mistake.
45:43He must be punished for this mistake.
45:45But this is my business.
45:47I forgive him now.
45:51No one has any right
45:53to punish me.
45:55What are you doing, Bakshi?
45:57He must be punished.
45:59I'm punishing him for his big mistake
46:01and you're here to forgive me?
46:03I will never forgive him.
46:05I will never forgive him.
46:07I will never forgive him.
46:09I will never forgive him.
46:11That's enough.
46:15I don't want you to punish him for me.
46:19He is my husband.
46:21He can hit me
46:23and hurt me and do whatever he wants.
46:25This is my business.
46:27No one has the right to interfere.
46:31No one will punish him this way.
46:33As long as I'm here.
46:39Did you hear what she said?
46:41No one has the right to interfere.
46:45I'm leaving.
46:57How can you do this to me?
46:59How can you save Sharif al-Din
47:01after everything he has done?
47:03How can he still have a place in his heart
47:05for this man, King Judah?
47:07Do you realize how much pain
47:09Bakshi was in?
47:11She stood up against me
47:13to save this monster.
47:15I don't understand
47:17why Bakshi did this.
47:19But I can understand
47:21why you're doing this.
47:23I'm his wife
47:25so I can understand his situation.
47:27Whatever happens to him,
47:29his wife will never accept
47:31to lose her husband.
47:33She will bear
47:35but she won't bear
47:37to lose her husband
47:39because this will cause
47:41a lot of pain to her husband.
47:43But King Judah,
47:45if the husband is a monster,
47:47he is definitely a criminal
47:49and he doesn't deserve forgiveness.
47:51He deserves punishment.
47:53I still don't understand
47:55how Bakshi can save
47:57such a person.
47:59A person who doesn't want
48:01to have a daughter
48:03deserves to be punished.
48:05First, Adham Khan,
48:07and now Sharifuddin.
48:09I'm discovering that bad people
48:11are everywhere.
48:13That's why I have to get rid of them.
48:15I also have to kill Sharifuddin
48:17like Adham Khan.
48:33I'm discovering that bad people
48:35are everywhere.
48:37That's why I have to get rid of them.
48:39I also have to kill Sharifuddin
48:41like Adham Khan.
48:43I'm discovering that bad people
48:45are everywhere.
48:47I also have to kill Sharifuddin
48:49like Adham Khan.
48:51I also have to kill Sharifuddin
48:53like Adham Khan.
48:55I also have to kill Sharifuddin
48:57like Adham Khan.
48:59I also have to kill Sharifuddin
49:01like Adham Khan.
