مسلسل جودا أكبر موسم 3 حلقة 39 مدبلجة

  • 2 months ago
00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:30In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:02In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:04In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:06In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:08In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:10In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:12In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:14In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:16In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:18In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:20In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:22In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:24In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:26In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:28In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:30In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:32In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:34In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:36In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:38In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:40In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:42In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:44In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:46In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
02:02A child is growing in your belly!
02:04What? Really?
02:06Are you really saying this?
02:08Oh Allah!
02:12Thank Allah.
02:18Oh God, my son is back, Adam is back
02:26And now what's the decision you made?
02:29If you don't eat your food now and take your medicine, your health will deteriorate
02:35And then me, who will raise Adam's son instead of you
02:40I'm alive, I'm alive
02:46I'm going to live, give me the food
03:06I'm so sorry Queen Javida, I had to involve you in all this
03:11But I didn't have a choice but to eat
03:14Don't say that Queen Javida, you're now taking care of my cousin's wife
03:20Even after what she did to you, I'll be grateful to you for the rest of my life
03:27People are right, you're not human, you're an angel
03:34Life has changed a lot in a few days, right?
03:38It was different, and how is it now?
03:42A few days ago I had everything, and today I have nothing at all
03:48I only had my cousin's wife, and now I feel like I'm going to lose her too
03:53Don't say that Queen Javida, have faith
03:57We're trying to help her, and I'm sure she'll do a good job
04:04And that's what I was hoping for, if what we said was true
04:12Because a lie is a lie Queen Javida, and how long are we going to continue with this act?
04:17The truth will come out sooner or later
04:19But this lie is going to make things worse, you'll feel like you don't have a choice
04:25And the doctor said she's not going to live long, and that's why I let her
04:31Enjoy the present time, and live without a lie
04:37Bakshi, I just heard from the doctor
04:48Oh God, why did this happen?
04:52Oh God, have mercy on this little girl
04:56Oh God, don't deprive me of her, please
05:07But the doctor told me she has a cure for this
05:11What are you saying? Is what I'm saying true?
05:19Oh God, thank you
05:24I was going to die of sadness when I found out that my daughter had cancer
05:28And now I feel a little better, thank God my daughter is going to recover
05:33And thank God that this change happened
05:36I thought you were going to get angry, but listen to this
05:38I'm really lucky, because I have a loving husband like you
05:42On the contrary, I'm lucky now, because you're my wife, Bakshi
05:45You're my wife, Bakshi
06:04Where are you?
06:07Where are you?
06:10Oh God, is anyone here?
06:15Listen, where are you?
06:17Where are you?
06:39Why are you all so quiet?
06:42How many times do I have to call you?
06:44Can't you hear me?
06:46Or are you deaf?
06:49Listen carefully, if you don't come from the first sound
06:53I'm going to break your heads
06:57Do you understand what I'm saying?
07:00Come on, come on
07:02Help me
07:04Come on, quickly
07:06Take me to my daughter Javida immediately
07:08We can't, you know this is not in our hands
07:11You can only see her if she comes
07:12Yes, you're right
07:15Yes, right
07:17But I want you to send her a message
07:23Because I want to see her
07:26It's very important
07:28Come on
07:30We can't do this
07:32What is this? This is not fair
07:34You can't take me there
07:37At least you can send my message to Javida immediately
07:40I beg you, have mercy on my situation
07:45I want to meet Javida
07:48Understand, Javida is the only one
07:52Who can take care of me in this situation
07:58Because she is very kind
08:02Come on
08:04Okay, I'll go and try to send her
08:29Listen to this poem, the cold is getting worse
08:32Even the queen Jouda can't get better
08:35I heard that the cold and the fear are not good for pregnant women
09:01I'm sorry, Queen Ruqayya
09:03I slept late
09:06No, Queen Jouda, you woke up early
09:09I was going to wake you up when the breakfast is ready
09:12No, no, I shouldn't sleep late
09:15What are you saying?
09:17You're pregnant now, and sleeping too much is bad for your health
09:21I'll let them serve the breakfast
09:23No, Queen Ruqayya, I'm not eating anything
09:26I'm going to take a shower and pray
09:28What happened, Ruqayya?
09:31Usually, you sleep before the sun rises
09:34But today, it's like you didn't sleep at all
09:36I'm serious, Your Majesty
09:38I have to take care of the health of Queen Jouda
09:41That's why I had to wake up early
09:45How are you feeling now?
09:48I'm sorry that I interrupted your sleep
09:50No, Your Majesty, if everyone was around me in the morning
09:53It would have been a nice day
09:55The coming days will be better when you're with me
09:57Wait, I hear Radha and Radhiya's voices from the morning
10:02Radha and Radhiya?
10:04Who are they?
10:06These are the names of the queen's daughters who will be coming soon
10:10But I'm sure that Jouda will bring two beautiful princesses
10:16And I'm also sure that God will bless my daughters
10:21What's this? Are you arguing?
10:24Ask me what I'm feeling
10:25Now I know how you think of Queen Jouda
10:28If it was a boy or a girl, I'm sure you'd be happy
10:32Yes, but this argument made me think
10:34Maybe I'll have two girls, I didn't think of their names
10:37But I thought of them, Your Majesty
10:39Really? Tell me
10:41Atef and Shiraz
10:44Beautiful names
10:46But I want one of the girls to be called Rajputi
10:49Like Radha and Radhiya
10:51You have to admit that my names are more beautiful, Ruqayya
10:56It's not like that, and she thought of beautiful names
11:02If I get two girls, I'll also think of their names
11:05Really? Like what?
11:07The names I think of are
11:13Hassan and Hussain
11:18Glory be to God
11:20These are the names of our beloved Prophet's grandchildren
11:23The most important thing is that the children come
11:26Healthy, well, and safe
11:31Then we won't disagree on the names, trust me
11:34The important thing is that they come in good health
11:52The people who are happy before they accomplish their mission are true heroes
11:58And I see that you are an example of a hero
12:01Yes, but father, I wanted to
12:04I need to taste your words and find you a well-planned plan to achieve your goals
12:08Yes, but I'm trying, father, and I'm doing my best
12:10Really? What are you trying to do while you're standing here?
12:15I'm trying to use the money that I get directly
12:18I'm deceiving King Judah and no one knows anything about him
12:22There's a tunnel as well?
12:24And you hid such an important thing from me until now?
12:27I thought the tunnel had no use
12:30You don't have a brain at all, Sharif
12:32It looks like you stopped using your brain
12:34Ever since you helped Adham Khan, you've become stupid like him
12:37I have a well-planned plan
12:39Tonight will be the last night for King Judah
12:42No, no, father
12:44I can't harm Judah in any way
12:46I think you have a weakness for Judah
12:48No, father, but I was...
12:50Shut up!
12:52I don't want you to hide anything
12:54There's something clear in your eyes
12:56It's a shame that your heart is controlling you
12:58Okay, we won't harm King Judah if this is important to you
13:02But we have to get rid of Jalal
13:07I have to see Javida
13:10If she's taking care of herself
13:13I have to raise Adham's son
13:15I have to raise Adham's son
13:21This is my grandson
13:23Adham's son is my son
13:26I'm sure this will be a mission, Anga
13:29But first, you have to eat and take your medicine
13:33I'm sorry, my queen
13:35I didn't send the message because I wanted to talk
13:39Or to eat
13:41I want to see Javida
13:43I want you
13:46I want to know about her son
13:49And take care of her
13:51But why do you come to me again and again?
13:56What do you want from me, my queen?
13:59Tell me
14:01I'm sure there's something on your mind
14:05You're right
14:08This time, I came to you for another reason
14:13You know how selfish I was
14:16I was telling myself it's impossible
14:19It's impossible that there's a specific reason
14:22behind your meeting with me
14:24Tell me, tell me what you want
14:27Why are you here?
14:29Why are you coming to me?
14:31What do you want from me?
14:33Believe me, I don't want anything from you
14:36I just want you to refer to the prayers you made for my children
14:41And the king as well
14:54I won't withdraw my prayers
14:59Because you and Jalal
15:02took my beloved son, Adam, from me
15:06You won't be happy either
15:10Get out of here, boy
15:13Get out
15:17Make sure that even if I die
15:20or even if you end your life
15:22I won't go back to you
15:24You won't go back to my prayers
15:26I don't want to see your face ever again
15:30Get out of here
15:32Come on
15:34Get out of here and never come back to me
15:36Come on
15:39You don't want to see me ever again?
15:41Yes, I don't want to see you
15:44As you wish
15:46That's better
15:50I want to see Javida
15:54I want to know if she's taking care of herself and her child
16:02I want to know how my grandchild is doing
16:08I want to know
16:10Good night
16:13And if you take your medicine
16:15I'll bring Javida here so you can meet her
16:32Why did you stop?
16:34What are you doing here?
16:37Go away
16:39Go away
16:41Go away
16:55Greetings, Jalal
16:57Greetings, Uncle Abu Sharif
16:59How are you?
17:01How are you, Jalal?
17:07I'm very sorry, Naseeb
17:10I'm very busy at the moment
17:12I don't have time to talk to you
17:15But believe me, Uncle Abu Sharif
17:17I feel safe talking to you
17:20because I learn a lot from you
17:22I can't, Jalal
17:24This is the problem the king is facing
17:26There's a lot of work to be done in a short time
17:30I know how busy you are
17:32That's why I don't blame you
17:38Why are you smiling, Uncle?
17:41Jalal al-Malik
17:43Did you look at the stars today?
17:47I really feel like looking at this beautiful sky all the time
17:52It gives me a lot of peace
17:54But as I told you before
17:56There's a lot of work to be done at night
17:59Yes, of course
18:01But I'm not talking about the stars and their beauty
18:04I was talking about their location
18:07Jalal al-Malik
18:09You know I'm interested in astronomy and stars
18:12Look, Jalal
18:14These stars show us something
18:16that our eyes can't see
18:18I don't understand what you're talking about
18:20But look carefully
18:22All these stars have different locations
18:24and they give us a sign for the next day
18:26and what will happen
18:28Usually we love stars
18:30and we look at them and look at their beauty
18:32But unfortunately we don't understand their signs
18:34Yes, and what are the signs I see today?
18:38The stars today are in a suitable location
18:41and that's a good thing
18:43Under these circumstances, if there's a pregnant woman
18:45and her husband is with her
18:47the child will be honored
18:49and he will be a copy of his mother and father
18:51Believe me, I trust your words a lot, Uncle Abu Sharif
18:54And I'm also sure that your advice will be right
18:57I will urge your heir, King
18:59who will be coming soon
19:01to rule the whole of India
19:03and to be the greatest
19:05in his reign
19:07since his ancestors
19:09and since Abu Jalal
19:11and since the King Humayun
19:13and since the King
19:15Babar Al-Azim, your grandfather
19:17Look carefully at the sky
19:19The night, the moon, and the flower
19:21are both together
19:23and the stars are watching them
19:25And believe me, this is a rare event
19:27and it's a coincidence that it happens every few years
19:30I want to advise you
19:32to say
19:36and take full advantage of it
19:38Don't let this time go to waste
19:40I suggest, Your Highness
19:42that you should be with King Judah
19:46until the sun rises
19:54You're right, and I was on my way there anyway
20:21Why did you call me?
20:23Come on, finish this rock
20:25Yes, Your Highness
20:49Bring me the torch
20:51Yes, Your Highness
20:54Your Highness
21:00Your Highness, here is the torch
21:02You go first
21:23Your Highness
21:25Your Highness
21:32Open your eyes
21:34No one should know that I'm here
21:36Yes, Your Highness
21:38Bring the rock back
21:40Yes, Your Highness
21:50I'm so sorry
21:52because no one should know
21:54while you're breathing
22:02Did you come, Your Highness?
22:06I'm sorry, King Judah
22:08I was very busy
22:10Believe me, I don't have time
22:12to spend with you
22:14Come sit
22:27Do you know, King Judah
22:31I feel like I can't stay away from my children
22:34It doesn't matter where I am
22:36or what I'm doing
22:38but I always think about my children
22:40Your Highness
22:42you care a lot about your children
22:44but what about their mother?
22:47As long as my children are with you
22:48my heart will be with you
22:52Your Highness, can't you just say
22:54that you also like to spend time with me?
23:00I will say it now
23:02I like to spend time with you a lot, Judah
23:18Your Highness
23:34Why are you doing this?
23:36You always like to remind me
23:40Because I like to give you
23:42and see the smile on your face
23:44after I remind you
23:48Your Highness
24:19Your Highness
24:38My plan will succeed
24:40The victim is sleeping in front of me
24:49Shufi Jalal
25:11Nemfi Khan
25:18Your Highness
25:35What are you doing here?
25:39Why are you here now?
25:41Are you here to tell me something about Maham Anga?
25:43I know why I came here at this time
25:45because you were never loyal to the Mongol Empire
25:48and today you are loyal to Maham Anga
25:50Did you come here just to hurt Queen Judah
25:52and kill my children and fulfill her wishes?
25:54No, no, no, Your Highness
25:56I am loyal only to Your Highness
25:58Please, I didn't come here to kill anyone
26:01Tell me what brought you here
26:11Take him away from my face
26:13No, no, Your Highness
26:15Queen Judah, Queen Judah
26:16Your Highness, Queen Judah is begging you
26:36Nemfi Khan, wait
26:46Your Highness
26:56What are we going to do, Your Highness?
26:58The king is coming towards us
27:00He will catch us for sure
27:03Go inside, you idiot
27:09But Your Highness, there are many guards in front of us
27:12We will face a problem if we leave here
27:14Unfortunately, we have no other choice
27:16I have one way and it will work for sure
27:19Come with me
27:22Yes, Your Highness
27:29The servant
27:31He will have to betray to prove his loyalty to the king
27:34and his betrayal will get me out of this mess
27:46The King
28:06Why are you late? I was waiting for you
28:12How can you betray the king?
28:13I killed your partner and now it's your turn
28:16Tell me who sent you?
28:18And who is going to kill the king?
28:20I will kill you now if you don't tell me who is supporting you and how did you get here?
28:23Sharifuddin, I am the king
28:28My Lord
28:30You are Your Majesty
28:33Oh my God, I was going to be wrong
28:35Your Highness, I am so sorry
28:37I thought you were this traitor's partner
28:39who I just killed
28:44Your Highness
28:52I don't understand what's going on
28:54First, there is someone who can easily betray the king
28:57and when I came here, I found you in front of me
29:00My Lord, I don't understand what happened
29:03I was guarding
29:05Suddenly, I saw this traitor trying to break into the prison
29:08I thought he was going to do something
29:10I saw him coming in through this hole
29:14I followed him here secretly
29:16and when I caught him, he tried to attack me
29:18That's why I had to kill him
29:20Believe me, I tried to find out why he came here and what he wanted
29:22but he didn't leave me any way
29:24When I saw you, I thought you were his partner and I was waiting for you
29:27But, I am sorry for what I did
29:43Oh my God
29:52Risham was the only one who brought me important news
29:56Who is going to tell me what's going on in the prison?
30:07Your Highness, don't worry
30:10This is not good for you and your stomach
30:13Believe me, this is not in my hands, Zakira
30:16Because I can't believe that Risham or Maham Anga is planning to kill me and take revenge on me
30:23When did he come here to tell me about his health?
30:26This is not the first time he comes to me
30:28And unfortunately, the king didn't give him a chance to speak
30:31Your Highness, what the king did is very natural
30:36The king's priority now is to be safe
30:38Because this is the duty of every husband
30:40to take care of the safety of his family
30:41and to comfort them
30:43And the king is doing this
30:46And all of this
30:48The king had to give him a chance to speak
30:51Risham was very cruel when he was carrying out my orders
30:54I have to speak to the king for him
30:58Your Highness, what are you going to tell the king?
31:00You are trying to help the one who has violated your rights
31:03and has betrayed your children
31:05Can't he know that you are helping him secretly?
31:08And if he finds out that your forehead was injured because of his beating
31:12He will be upset
31:14In my opinion, the king will not like this at all
31:16And he will get angry
31:18But it is also right for the king to punish him, it is not his fault
31:21When the time is bad, we should be careful
31:25And my advice to you will not benefit at all if you speak to the king at this time
31:29I am very afraid because your behavior may affect your relationship
31:34Your Highness
31:36King Judah, wait for a suitable opportunity and speak to the king
31:41And everything will be solved
31:48Hurry up
31:50You have to work harder than this
31:52Hurry up, what are you waiting for?
31:55Close this tunnel immediately
31:57I want it to be like a mountain
31:59I don't even want the wind to be able to pass through this tunnel
32:01It is very clear that this tunnel is very old and has been here for years
32:05But the most surprising thing to me is that this is the first time I have discovered its existence
32:08While my enemies have known it for a long time and are using it
32:14Your Highness, there is something very clear
32:17What is it?
32:19How could Khyber reach King Judah's cave?
32:22He was definitely using the tunnel
32:25That's why none of us saw him
32:27Yes, it is possible
32:28It is possible that Maham Anga has known this tunnel for a long time
32:32And it is possible that the person you killed is one of Maham Anga's men
32:38Watch out, guards, listen to me
32:40I want you to search every nook and cranny of the palace and the prison
32:44We have to be very careful, there may be more tunnels
32:47Your Highness, I was afraid of this idea before
32:49That's why I ordered the men to search everywhere
32:51If there is another tunnel, there will be danger
32:54King Judah will be born and his children will be born
32:56King Judah will be born to the heir of the throne and this is very dangerous
33:00Listen to me, even if King Judah is in charge of the security of the palace and my responsibility is to protect him
33:04You are right, Your Highness
33:07Come on, come on, hurry up
33:10Admat Khan
33:12Yes, Your Highness
33:14I want you to keep an eye on Sharif al-Din
33:16He is showing more loyalty these days
33:19There is a big difference between loyalty from the heart and showing fake loyalty
33:23I don't want him to betray me and think that he is making fun of me with this loyalty
33:28I want to know if he has changed and become loyal to this extent
33:31Or he is trying to deceive me and waiting for the opportunity to come
33:34But Your Highness, Sharif al-Din caught the traitor and killed him immediately without hesitation
33:39And this is the most annoying thing
33:41Why Sharif al-Din in particular who caught him?
33:44And what was Sharif al-Din doing at that time?
33:47There must be something abnormal
33:48There must be something abnormal
33:50Listen to me, if he was not the criminal
33:53Of course I will be very happy because he is my brother-in-law
33:57But if there is any room for doubt, I will not give him another chance
34:01Even if I regret what I did before I killed him
34:03Lock him up well
34:05Sharif al-Din will remain under strict surveillance without feeling anything
34:08I can't believe it, I was inventing a great idea for you
34:11But you couldn't implement it
34:13I mean, I can't expect anything from you
34:15I have to do everything to rest
34:17But I am doing my best to succeed
34:19Stupid, you always find arguments suitable for your failure
34:23If you can't do such a simple thing, you have to give up your big dreams
34:28Because only the person who has real strength is the one who can do it
34:32And you are the one who can do it
34:33You have to give up your big dreams
34:35Because only the person who has real strength is the one who can do it
34:39You had a golden opportunity to realize your dream and defeat Jalal
34:43But you lost it, you care about him
34:45Jalal is suspecting you and the guards are watching you
34:48Explain to me what I did wrong
34:50I was very smart, but luck came against me
34:53The only mistake I made was that Jalal revealed the secret tunnel we know
34:57Shut up, you lost your golden opportunity
35:00Because he was at the mercy of your weapons
35:02Tell me why didn't you kill him and get rid of him?
35:04Because there was a guard near the tunnel
35:06If I killed Jalal at that time, the guards would have caught me and cut my head off before I thought of running away
35:12But Jalal is suspecting you now
35:14He won't suspect me this time
35:16Because I made him think that I was afraid of him and killed the traitor
35:19You started dreaming again, stupid
35:21Jalal is very suspicious of you
35:23And you are sensitive to this
35:25Because your pretension of loyalty increased
35:26You started doubting Jalal and the guards
35:29They were watching you all the time, I heard this
35:32What are you saying?
35:35Oh my God, I can't think of a good way out
35:40There is one solution
35:42Tell me what is it?
35:44You have to risk yourself and save Jalal from an attack
35:46What are you talking about?
35:48This is impossible
35:50I will explain it to you now
35:52It is important and you have to understand it
35:53If you want to gain Jalal's trust, you have to risk your life
35:56If you want the throne, you have to risk your life to protect the king
36:00This is the only solution
36:02Because before we do anything, Jalal has to trust you and protect his life
36:07I will tell you now what you have to do
36:09And the most important thing is to restrain yourself
36:11So that Jalal's men won't doubt you
36:14Focus well and listen to what I will tell you now
36:17Jalal will protect you with all his secrets
36:20If you risk your life and defend him
36:23You will be safe
36:29Moti, raise the curtains more
36:32I want to feel safe in my bed
36:34The guards are searching everywhere
36:37Your bed is completely safe
36:39There is no need to be afraid
36:41I am not afraid at all
36:43But I am more careful
36:46Moti, raise them more
36:54Jouda is very worried
36:56But she is not talking
37:11Greetings, Your Majesty
37:13Greetings, Your Majesty
37:15I apologize to you, King Jouda
37:17I was worried about you, Jouda
37:19All day
37:21And I was checking the security around the palace
37:24That's why I didn't have time to see you
37:27I made sure that you are safe everywhere, Jouda
37:31Now no one can enter your bed again
37:35I am trying to be careful and be more careful
37:38Believe me, I am more worried than you, Jouda
37:41And I was shocked that Mohamed Anga sent Risham to hurt you
37:45Of course, I will give him the harshest punishment
37:47It is impossible for him to forgive such a mistake
37:50How can I tell you that Risham is innocent?
37:53And he came to me to tell me about Mohamed Anga's health
37:59Honestly, King Jouda, I decided from today on
38:02That I will live with you in this bed for your safety
38:07I feel reassured
38:09Because you are more worried than me
38:21I am sorry that I came at this time, Your Majesty
38:24What happened, Moti?
38:26Your Highness, Queen Ruqayya wants to punish Risham for the murder
38:32Oh my God
38:34No, no, no
38:36Enough, I still want to skin you alive
38:38And I will make you remember this murder for the rest of your life
38:41I was sure that the servant is like his master
38:44Mohamed Anga affected you a lot
38:49What? Queen Ruqayya wants to kill Risham?
38:52You were never bad, Your Highness, believe me
38:55So, answer me, why did you enter King Jouda's bed secretly?
38:58You don't know, you idiot
39:00That King Jouda is not only pregnant with her children
39:02She is pregnant with my child too
39:05And I will destroy anyone who tries to kill my child
39:08I will never have mercy on you
39:10Please, please
39:12Mohamed Anga sent you here to fulfill her wish?
39:16King Jouda is pregnant and her goal is to kill her children
39:23Stop, Queen Ruqayya
39:25Impossible, Your Highness
39:27Today, no one will stop me
39:29I will kill this traitor who tried to hurt King Jouda and her children
39:32King Jouda, King Jouda, help me
39:35Please, help me
39:37You know very well that I didn't come to kill you
39:42Don't worry, Queen Ruqayya, he will be punished
39:43No, Jalal
39:45No one will punish him but me
39:47This traitor came here secretly to kill my son
39:50I will raise you from the beginning again, traitor
39:53Leave me, Queen Ruqayya
39:55Risham came here to ask for my help
40:02And for what?
40:04Answer me, King Jouda
40:06Explain to me why he came here at midnight to lie to you
40:16I wanted to inquire about Mohamed Anga's health and see her wishes
40:21But, Jouda, Mohamed Anga is a traitor, what do you want with her health?
40:26But she is suffering, Your Highness
40:30Without any food, water or medicine
40:34And she is in a lot of pain
40:36But, King Jouda, how can you do this to us?
40:39Why, King Jouda, why?
40:40Who knows, maybe this is all part of their plan
40:43Queen Ruqayya
40:45The one who can't make a plan in the face of death
40:50And she doesn't want to continue her life
40:53And she is suffering because of her son's loss
40:56So much pain
40:58And he will even kill her
41:24Did you see, King Jouda?
41:26Mohamed Anga did what she wanted
41:29Even though she is not here
41:32She is a devil
41:34And you allowed her to create a problem between you and Jalal
41:55Wait, King Ruqayya
41:57Why did he come here asking for me?
41:59Because he wanted to inquire about Mohamed Anga's health and see her wishes
42:20I am sorry your majesty
42:25I am so annoyed
42:29It's all clear to you
42:33I don't want you to be upset
42:36I don't want to be upset King Jouda
42:40It's obvious that you followed your heart.
42:51But I feel that you have no idea how much I love you.
42:58And I love my children, that's why I'm so concerned about you,
43:01and you don't care about that, and you're acting without thinking.
43:07But I know...
43:09As long as you know.
43:12Tell me, why are you putting problems on my face again and again?
43:17Why are you...
43:19putting me in very difficult situations and making me feel helpless in front of everyone?
43:24And I...
43:27I'm asking you the same question every time.
43:29Why are you doing this to me?
43:34And the truth is, I'm not getting any answer from you.
43:38The only thing I'm getting from you is anxiety.
43:47Risham came to me to...
43:50tell me that his mistress, Maha, hasn't eaten for a few days.
43:54And her health is getting worse.
43:57That's why...
43:59I don't want to go see her.
44:05I understand you, Queen Judah.
44:09And I know you have a very big heart.
44:12And I know you're doing what you feel like doing.
44:16And you consider this your duty.
44:18But I also can't forget what my duties are towards you.
44:24Your safety is my duty.
44:26And the safety of my children.
44:27That's why I have to do my duty with confidence.
44:29And I shouldn't let anything bother you.
44:32But if...
44:34the safety of my duties is bothering you...
44:39then I will have to deal with your anxiety.
