Total DramaRama S01E41 Camping is In Tents

  • 2 months ago
A class camping trip turns into a treasure hunt while Harold is determined to catch Bigfoot and keep everyone safe.


00:00okay children who's ready for camping I can't hear you I said I hate camping I
00:21just love camping so much when I was your age I never going camping is bad
00:27enough do we have to hear stories about when you were a kid too Duncan even your
00:32bad attitude can't bring me down today
00:36we're making good time oh that's a burger place oh nope that's a taco place
00:56oh I guess my parents never took me camping after all Izzy for the last time
01:04you're not a labradoodle head inside the bus oh wow that's amazing would you
01:12like to hear some interesting facts about Bigfoot sure would you like to
01:16hear some interesting facts about Bigfoot do I ever ah what a nice
01:22relaxing drive through nature so quiet and peaceful I need to use the little
01:29girl's room don't worry Courtney we'll just stop right up here nah too gross
01:34no too creepy that's just terrifying nah too intimidating chef I really have to
01:42go it'll only be a few more minutes look chef this is happening whether I'm in a
01:47bathroom or not shortcut that shortcut was a bad idea I think I swallowed my
02:01sippy cup I realized that shortcut got a little bumpy but a little bumpy chef
02:11where's the washroom located that way can't miss it just stay on the path
02:42okay I'll just hold it according to my book there being Bigfoot sightings in
02:49these woods kids you don't need to worry about seeing a Bigfoot you should worry
02:59about Bigfoot seeing you relax it was a joke a hilarious and terrifying joke
03:10that could turn out to be eerie foreshadowing for what happens on this
03:13adventure I'll set up the tents new kids can go explore just don't leave the
03:19clearing I can't believe we just left the clearing
03:24Oh Harold oh we might be hurt and I love breaking rules
03:54okay I'll wait for you at the campsite are you okay oh yeah luckily this diary
04:02broke my fall whoa look at this place this is some next-level destruction what
04:11do you think happened here maybe a tornado looks like claw marks over there
04:16probably a bear maybe the diary will tell us worth a shot bigfoot found my
04:28campsite I'm hiding in my tent oh no he tore through my tent it's okay I
04:35scrambled free and I'm hiding under my canoe oh no he smashed my canoe this is
04:42very bad he was a rental and I've surely lost my deposit ah Bigfoot's got
04:47me well I guess that was the end of him this isn't the end of me I'm going to
04:52fight him off with this or that didn't work he's got my leg he's eating me this
04:59is taking far longer than I would have expected this may sound odd but I wish
05:04his teeth were sharper to whomever finds this I've made a map to lead you to
05:09Bigfoot's treasure treasure but beware you must never ever ever and that's
05:18where it ends oh I hate it when a diary ends on a cliffhanger come on we got the
05:25map let's go find that treasure but camp is the other direction guys what about
05:32wait up that's the last ten kids two four six oh crud did I lose kids already
05:40well I guess I'd better get them before they get eaten by Bigfoot it's no big
05:50foot it's so cute the way you kids believe anything I say just because I'm
05:55an adult in charge of your safety well I guess I'd better get them wait here
06:11what's that noise what is it I think we're about to find out I'm a big big
06:21foot why do you keep scaring us cuz you make it easy there's no such thing as
06:32Bigfoot I don't care what chef says I know there's a Bigfoot in these woods so
06:37I'm setting traps something that matches up with anything drawn in this map or
06:46camp finding camp would be good or that burger place we saw earlier I'm starving
06:52I'm glad I found you kids why are you wandering around in the woods we're
07:03looking for treasure treasure Bigfoot's treasure I told you Bigfoot isn't real
07:09and if he doesn't exist neither does his treasure but we found enough we got to
07:15get back to camp before dark now follow me so is Bigfoot real or not I don't want to
07:22wet my pants for no reason I recently stopped doing that sweet bladder control
07:27dude I wonder if chefs found Owen Beth and Duncan yet I bet Bigfoot already got
07:33him and give him the chance he'll get us to now help me with these traps or none
07:39of us will make it out of here I didn't come all the way out here just to be
07:44eaten by Bigfoot I'm gonna live and star in the TV movie they make about
07:48this trick okay this Bigfoot threat means we should probably implement some
07:55sort of washroom buddy system right maybe go to the outhouse in groups no we
08:01just need to make traps and plenty of them oh okay I'll be back soon nope too
08:12scary I don't need an outhouse if peeing in the great outdoors was good enough
08:17for my prehistoric cave sisters it's good enough for me
08:22hey rabbit a little privacy please go away shoo ah great now I can't go the
08:43Bigfoot traps are set now we wait what are we waiting for so what happens if
08:52you catch him I take Bigfoot on tour Jude and show the world
08:57no Jude I meant a science tour we can't have a fire we're just kids kids can't
09:13start fire oh well I guess this is okay are you ready for a scary story is it
09:22about Bigfoot no I said a scary story this is all true seriously I haven't
09:32even started yet anyway let's begin
09:40when you're all grown up there's no more nap time you can eat as much candy as
09:47you want but it'll make you sick and you can't play with your toys anymore
09:55because your parents gave them all
10:02my Bigfoot trap I got Bigfoot oh it's just Cody no thank you I like it in
10:12here I feel like a bird see dudes there is no Bigfoot
10:24careful Courtney you don't want to accidentally burst here we go
10:32I just saw Bigfoot I was out in the woods you actually saw him
10:41well I heard him in the bushes that could have been anything a squirrel a
10:46cougar I know what I heard I hope it is Bigfoot if he comes here tonight he will
10:51be caught we can't let Harold capture Bigfoot he's not even gonna let him play
10:56in a band we need to find Bigfoot and warn him to stay away from here
11:12and remember here at Tater Tater Tater Bigfoot always eats free smells like
11:20taters or we could go find him in the woods yes and warn him that there's a
11:27Bigfoot out there whoa I didn't even think of that why is it taking us twice
11:32as long to get back to the camp as it did to wander away from camp quit
11:36complaining I'll get us there my trusty compass will show us the way I think
11:47don't be silly it's a compass which direction are we heading we're
11:53currently headed just east of eight o'clock oh I see it's a watch
12:01okay Courtney think about dry things deserts sandpaper
12:07chef's roast beef we better find somewhere to sleep isn't that just
12:19getting closer to the lightning trust me no everyone inside that cave
12:26I'm getting soaked chef camping stinks nah look at the sweet cave we get to
12:33sleep in totally safe and warm now let's get some shut-eye
12:48thanks for letting us crash in your nest mama bird Oh what's for breakfast I
13:00prefer my worms on a hook
13:10this helpful skeleton is showing us the way which means the treasure is real it
13:18does match the treasure is real and if the treasure's real then so is Bigfoot
13:27right right guys it looks like the treasure is deep deep inside this cave
13:32like a real actual monster there are a few tricky parts we'll have to pass
13:37along the way here here and definitely here should we go back to camp and make
13:42sure everyone else is safe no risk no reward but there's lots of risk so much
13:48risk let's go get rich
13:56we need more traps on the western perimeter why we made it through the
14:01night we did but somehow Bigfoot made it past all my traps and took Judah and
14:06he needs to step it up or die here I'll just step it up your choice made no
14:13sense anyway the more traps we set up the safer we are it's not easy being a
14:21bird oh this sure looks kind of dangerous watch your step kids
14:36lava gators come on kids
14:42it's just one little jump Owen you can do this
15:12hold up
15:22someone's hunting me I would stand incredibly still blending into the
15:29oh don't worry dude I actually speak a little Sasquatch
15:53what's happening his girlfriend dumped him
15:59she left him for the abominable snowman a tale as old as time bro this is the
16:07last door kids how do we get through don't worry I got this
16:21we're gonna be rich kids
16:26the game is falling apart
16:35that was too close but totally worth it we got Bigfoot's treasure we're gonna be
16:42rich and we didn't die which is also kind of important we can use that to
16:52find our way back come on
16:55I can't hold it any longer this is it don't die
17:02that's what is here and he's found my traps
17:15Oh Jeff sorry where did all these traps come from
17:22the sooner we get back the sooner I can have a nice hot bath and reset my broken
17:28bones then we sell that gold foot and split the cash
17:33almost there almost there
17:48thanks for taking us back to the campsite dude I'll introduce you to
17:53everyone when they see how rad you are they'll be like no cage for you my man
18:19where's chef with our treasure his tent is empty people's right behind me
18:25I hate camping
18:56well kids it took twice as long to get home as it should have but I'm just
19:04happy the bus didn't completely fall apart along the way
