Sam and Fordy run a credit card fraud scheme, but when they steal from the wrong man, they find themselves threatened by a sadistic gangster HD ( Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama )

  • 2 months ago
Sam and Fordy run a credit card fraud scheme, but when they steal from the wrong man, they find themselves threatened by a sadistic gangster HD ( Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama )
00:00:00Sorry to keep you, Mr. Barker.
00:00:02That's not a problem.
00:00:03So, I just need to run through a quick security check.
00:00:06Could you please tell me your mother's maiden name?
00:00:10And your date of birth?
00:00:126th of July, 1962.
00:00:15Mr. Barker, you've passed the security test.
00:00:17If I could just confirm your order with you
00:00:19before I put it through the system.
00:00:21Your number.
00:00:27So, you've placed an order.
00:00:29So, you've placed an order for six limited edition
00:00:3218-carat gold rings
00:00:34and four pendant white gold necklaces.
00:00:37Delivery will have to be made to the address
00:00:39that the card is registered to,
00:00:40so you'll have to be home to sign for the items.
00:00:42Of course.
00:00:43If you could deliver at 8 a.m. tomorrow,
00:00:45that'd be great.
00:00:49You know, if you could actually grow stubble,
00:00:51you wouldn't have to wear that thing.
00:00:53What, you think that puke star screw from my Vembrex
00:00:55counts as facial hair?
00:00:56Don't make me laugh.
00:01:00No, I'm not texting him.
00:01:04Right, you'll have to take the drive carefully.
00:01:06I need to value the paintwork on this thing.
00:01:08Got to learn something.
00:01:09Got to make some money.
00:01:1165 million years ago,
00:01:13a comet hit this planet
00:01:15with the power of a million Hiroshima bombs.
00:01:18It wiped out the dinosaurs,
00:01:20and from the ashes rose a whole new world order,
00:01:23a fitting metaphor for the global recession
00:01:26we still face today.
00:01:28When demand is so low for a prolonged period,
00:01:31a whole generation of educated and trained suppliers,
00:01:35that's you guys, by the way,
00:01:38may never work.
00:01:39Many of you will achieve good degrees,
00:01:42but never actually get the careers you want.
00:01:48Did you try these on?
00:01:51Well, how am I supposed to know if they're going to fit?
00:01:54Well, you can look at the label.
00:01:56How much for the iPod dog?
00:01:58They're 100.
00:02:00Wait one second, Daniel.
00:02:02Your third year business study.
00:02:04So what?
00:02:05What's it?
00:02:06Fucking Haggle Brother, that's what.
00:02:08Oh, yeah, yeah.
00:02:09So, what do I get for 60?
00:02:12Not one of those.
00:02:13Oh, come on, that's a good offer.
00:02:15Yeah, so I was 100 before he stepped in.
00:02:1770 pounds, and I'll take the jeans as well.
00:02:2280, you buy the jeans.
00:02:2580, you buy the dock, and he buys the jeans.
00:02:28Can I try them on first?
00:02:30Well, me, yeah, if you must.
00:02:39Jesus Christ.
00:02:41Has your mate gotten aversion to underwear?
00:02:43Oh, dirty, I'm afraid.
00:02:46Mum's not down till the weekend,
00:02:48and I'll be fucked if I'm doing my own laundry.
00:02:55How goes it, Mr Yates?
00:02:57Good, thanks, Dion.
00:02:59How about you?
00:03:01Always busy.
00:03:03What do you need?
00:03:04I'll go for three.
00:03:06Listen, you know I spoke to my boss, yeah?
00:03:08Told him I've got much respect for you.
00:03:11He reckons he might be able to put you to work.
00:03:14Always looking for people to open up new markets.
00:03:17The guy two rungs above me is pretty good.
00:03:22The guy two rungs above me is pulling in, like,
00:03:24half a million a week.
00:03:26Cash in hand.
00:03:33Your boss?
00:03:35Tell him I'll think about it.
00:03:38Thank you.
00:03:48Rafa, quickly.
00:03:49Toilet's overflowing again.
00:03:50Get a mop and a plastic bag.
00:03:52It's like Baghdad in there.
00:03:58We got a customer.
00:04:01So, you don't know how to use the new till system yet,
00:04:03do you?
00:04:05I keep saying it.
00:04:06Until you can be bothered to learn this stuff,
00:04:08I serve the customers,
00:04:09and you clean up what they leave behind.
00:04:16All right.
00:04:25That'll be 65 pounds exactly, then, boss.
00:04:27Anything else?
00:04:32Lucky girl.
00:04:34See, like Ferrari's.
00:04:36Take another look.
00:04:38This is as close as you're ever going to get to one.
00:04:44See that girl out there
00:04:45that you're going to be using these on?
00:04:47She like personality and looks, or just money?
00:04:49What do you think?
00:04:50She's all about the money, dickhead.
00:04:53Then why is it that she's chatting up the guy without the Ferrari?
00:05:12Showed him, eh, boss?
00:05:14So, I'm going to come back round now and fuck your face.
00:05:17Swipe the card.
00:05:19You got it.
00:05:22Chipping, chipping pin, now.
00:05:31And that's you done, then.
00:05:34Thank you so much.
00:05:38Good shift.
00:05:42While you guys are out having fun,
00:05:44I smell petrol fumes and deal with fucking wankers.
00:05:48Feel like taking it out on someone else.
00:06:01Evening, chief.
00:06:02Good performance for a guy your age.
00:06:04Bad you're not stretched to a hotel room, no?
00:06:06Off you get, love.
00:06:07Can I leave now?
00:06:08Don't want to finish up here?
00:06:10You've seen state of him, right?
00:06:12Yeah, I have.
00:06:14Now, give me your wallet.
00:06:16Fuck you!
00:06:17You getting all this?
00:06:18In high definition, mate.
00:06:22Now, here's what you do.
00:06:25Write down your mother's maiden name,
00:06:28pin number and date of birth.
00:06:30Go fuck yourself.
00:06:31Yeah, this is 4G enabled, mate.
00:06:33I can have this on the internet in 30 seconds,
00:06:35send it to your wife, see what she's got to say about it.
00:06:38Fuck yourself sounds about right.
00:06:40Probably followed by I want a divorce and...
00:06:42You've never made me cum.
00:06:49Well done.
00:06:51Now, all we ask is that you don't report the card stolen
00:06:53for 24 hours whilst we do a spot of shopping.
00:06:56Just relax and let the insurance foot the bill.
00:06:59And we'll take that briefcase if it's all the same with you.
00:07:02You can take the wallet, you can take the cards,
00:07:04but I can't give you the case.
00:07:05Don't act like I'm giving you a choice.
00:07:08Grab it.
00:07:10No! No!
00:07:17Shit, is he fucking dead?
00:07:21We'll live. Come on.
00:07:33Holy shit.
00:07:35Look at this.
00:07:39What's this?
00:07:48Always wanted one of those.
00:07:50That's mine, that is.
00:07:54It's like fucking five grand in here.
00:07:56What's that, 12.50 each?
00:07:58Only if we split it four ways.
00:08:01Cards go into the pot, that's standard.
00:08:03The money's ours, mate.
00:08:05I don't know, mate. We're supposed to split everything.
00:08:07You think they'd do the same for us?
00:08:09They've got you stuck in a petrol garage five nights a week.
00:08:12You need to start looking out for yourself, mate.
00:08:15Stop letting people take the piss out of you.
00:08:29Marcel, it's Harry.
00:08:32We've got a serious problem.
00:08:35Shh, shh, shh.
00:08:49Five cards cloned from the garage.
00:08:52Then we rolled a mark.
00:08:54Picked up another two cards with pin numbers for both.
00:08:58You should watch the video, mate. It's fucking hilarious.
00:09:02I lost a life. Game over.
00:09:10Someone please tell me why he's wearing that.
00:09:12It's fancy dress tonight.
00:09:15Boy, don't tell me you lot forgot.
00:09:17What, we're still going to that?
00:09:28Surprisingly epic.
00:09:30I'm going to the bar.
00:09:36Boy, she's the one in your class, isn't she?
00:09:39The one you said's been checking you out, which of course I don't believe.
00:09:43What are you doing here still talking to me?
00:09:45Stop staring out like a serial killer and don't talk to her.
00:09:47I'm all right, mate. I'm working up to it.
00:09:49She's nice, mate. Almost as fit as Pauly's sister.
00:09:52My sister's 15, you fucking paedophile.
00:09:54Give her my number and tell her to call me in a year.
00:09:56Yeah, no, will do. Cheers, rapper.
00:09:58She's been dreaming of meeting a bellender who works in a petrol station
00:10:00since she was a little girl.
00:10:02All right.
00:10:06Fuck's sake.
00:10:08You snooze, you lose.
00:10:10I swear my man's an apex predator.
00:10:12Watch him go.
00:10:13Look, look, hang on, hang on.
00:10:15New world record. Arm touching under five seconds.
00:10:18She touched his arm. Big deal.
00:10:20May as well have been his cock, mate.
00:10:22Yeaty won't fuck this up.
00:10:26What the fuck?
00:10:28What are you doing?
00:10:30What's wrong with you?
00:10:32What are you doing?
00:10:34What's wrong with you?
00:10:35Leaving a girl like that at the bar, mate,
00:10:37you should have taken that shit down.
00:10:39You're a fucking predator, man.
00:10:41That right there is a five-day shag bath.
00:10:43Three hours chat for a kiss goodnight at the front door.
00:10:46I'm not looking for a girlfriend right now.
00:10:48I like her. Don't get me wrong.
00:10:51She'll get done.
00:10:53Just not tonight.
00:10:55Charming. Why?
00:10:56You going in?
00:10:59This'll be good viewing.
00:11:05Hi, Kate.
00:11:07How's it going?
00:11:08Good costume.
00:11:09Thank you. Where's yours?
00:11:10Well, I didn't have time to change.
00:11:12Unfortunately, I had to come straight from work.
00:11:14You've got a job.
00:11:15I know. Growing up, right?
00:11:16Perhaps so. What do you do?
00:11:18It's pretty wild.
00:11:19I'm a data processor for a credit card company.
00:11:22Which one?
00:11:24Any chance you can increase my student limit?
00:11:28Yeah, you're the third person to crack that joke tonight.
00:11:31Was it funny the first time you heard it?
00:11:33Right, OK. Note to self, go work on my chat.
00:11:40It's like watching a little boy...
00:11:43Come on, let's fuck off.
00:11:54Wanna hit, boys?
00:11:56Let's do it.
00:11:57Sausage fest, mate.
00:11:59You'll just get stoned and talk shit with a bunch of crusties.
00:12:01Girls out there, dick souvenir.
00:12:03So my cousin, he graduated from Newcastle with a first.
00:12:06He applied to every law firm in the country
00:12:08with roughly 6,000 applicants per job.
00:12:11He now works in a bar.
00:12:12It's the fucking same story everywhere.
00:12:15So how did you land the X-Credit gig?
00:12:17My dad used to work there.
00:12:20Anyway, what about you?
00:12:21I've seen you and your friends around uni
00:12:23with your designer clothes and your cash.
00:12:25Yeah, and one of my friends,
00:12:27she bought a stereo of one of your housemates
00:12:29and there was boxes piled high.
00:12:31Very suspicious.
00:12:34What do you guys do?
00:12:36We're entrepreneurs.
00:12:38What kind?
00:12:40Straight secret.
00:12:44You're a lucky fucker, Yeatsy.
00:12:46Luck's got nothing to do with it, Daniel.
00:12:48What kind of a twat goes all in on two pair?
00:12:51Who wants to come and share this with me?
00:12:54You're not invited, Cunty.
00:12:56I'm crying on the inside, honestly.
00:13:00Shall we go?
00:13:12Nice one.
00:13:33It's nice to see you again.
00:13:35Maybe just give me your phone, then.
00:13:51Hang on, this is your email address.
00:13:53I didn't want to make it too easy for you.
00:13:55Night, Sam.
00:14:02Did you get what's-her-name's number last night?
00:14:04She gave me her email address.
00:14:07That's a bit gay.
00:14:11You know she works?
00:14:13No, I wasn't the one talking to her all night.
00:14:17She's a data processor.
00:14:22Mate, she could be a goldmine.
00:14:24Probably, but I'm not interested for that.
00:14:28I like her.
00:14:30There's just something about her, you know what I mean?
00:14:32The quality.
00:14:34I think it's the fact she's fucking fit.
00:14:42Break a leg?
00:15:03Mr Barker?
00:15:04Yes, mate.
00:15:05Right, sign here, please, go.
00:15:06You've got a package.
00:15:09Let's open up this divorce.
00:15:11Looks like it's all here.
00:15:23Come on in.
00:15:25We've been waiting.
00:15:34As a statement of intent,
00:15:36there's nothing quite like
00:15:38forced nudity, gaffer tape,
00:15:40and tired thugs.
00:15:42Cuts out the time-wasting questions.
00:15:47I'm sorry.
00:15:49Cuts out the time-wasting questions
00:15:52that usually go hand-in-hand
00:15:54with these situations.
00:15:58I don't think you met my friend Harry.
00:16:02They have.
00:16:04Now, Harry here
00:16:06is good with numbers.
00:16:08A fucking genius.
00:16:10But like many brilliant men,
00:16:12he has a weakness.
00:16:14He loves to pay for women.
00:16:17I keep telling him,
00:16:19spend some money, get a nice girl,
00:16:21but he never listens.
00:16:23He likes them cheap,
00:16:24fucks them on street corners
00:16:26or on the back of his car.
00:16:30I'm not here to cast judgment.
00:16:32His cock is business.
00:16:35What does concern me
00:16:38is that last night
00:16:40he was carrying something
00:16:42that belonged to me.
00:16:44Something sensitive.
00:16:47There are files on here,
00:16:50business accounts,
00:16:52that I can't risk falling
00:16:54into the wrong hands.
00:16:56I keep telling Harry
00:16:58to be careful.
00:17:00I shouldn't have to,
00:17:01but I still do.
00:17:03But I know he's weak,
00:17:04so I take precautions.
00:17:06His phones, his laptop,
00:17:09this tablet here,
00:17:11all infected with spyware.
00:17:13I can locate them
00:17:15whenever I choose.
00:17:16Operate cameras via remote,
00:17:18listen to what is being said.
00:17:28Tarek, take over.
00:17:31English, fuckhead!
00:17:33How many times do I have to say it?
00:17:35Speak English!
00:17:36Sorry, boss.
00:17:40My builder, my cleaner,
00:17:42now even my fucking heavies are Polish.
00:17:45Half the price, twice the nuisance.
00:17:53That's enough.
00:17:54Any more and you kill him.
00:17:57So I don't need a dead body,
00:17:59I need an accountant.
00:18:01I value profit over corpses.
00:18:06I had to cut short
00:18:08my daughter's birthday party
00:18:09to deal with this.
00:18:11I'm a busy man,
00:18:12and I value time with my family
00:18:14above all else.
00:18:16So you four
00:18:19are going to have to make it up to me.
00:18:21While you've been waiting,
00:18:22I had a chance to look over your operation.
00:18:25Credit cards, blackmail,
00:18:27identity fraud,
00:18:28quite impressive.
00:18:31I make you a deal.
00:18:35This is a list of things I want,
00:18:39things you are going to get for me.
00:18:42You complete this list by, let's say,
00:18:455 p.m.
00:18:47and deliver the goods to me.
00:18:57It's a lot.
00:18:58There's no way you can...
00:19:03Think of it as a challenge.
00:19:05If you succeed, maybe I forgive you.
00:19:08If you fail,
00:19:10you get a visit from these two.
00:19:13Pick them up. Let's go.
00:19:31They were here when we got back.
00:19:33They came out of nowhere.
00:19:35What the fuck did you guys do?
00:19:37Nothing you haven't done a hundred times yourself.
00:19:39I kind of doubt that.
00:19:43It's a long list.
00:19:44We're going to need nearly all the plastic we've got stockpiled.
00:19:48So we're doing this, then?
00:19:50We collect the list and we get them off our back.
00:19:52There's no other play.
00:20:53We've got the gear.
00:20:54Where do you want it?
00:21:16All of it in one day.
00:21:18Very enterprising.
00:21:20How much do you think it's worth?
00:21:23No idea.
00:21:25Take a guess.
00:21:2750, 60 grand.
00:21:32if I said...
00:21:33you owe me 200,000 a week, every week,
00:21:37that would be fair?
00:21:39Gives them time off for the weekend.
00:21:45You asked us to do something.
00:21:47We did it.
00:21:48End of story.
00:21:51For someone that knows credit card companies that well,
00:21:54I'm surprised you don't know where they make their money.
00:21:57You have a debt.
00:21:58Interest is incurred. You paid the interest.
00:22:01Debt still stands.
00:22:04This will happen every time we make a delivery, right?
00:22:07Debt never touched.
00:22:09Doesn't seem very reasonable.
00:22:11Everything you've seen of me up until now is reasonable.
00:22:20Out there, in the darkness, that's unreasonable.
00:22:25You pay me my money every week for as long as you can.
00:22:29The day you can't...
00:22:34What the fuck?
00:22:39Now, I am prepared to make it easy for you.
00:22:43If you can't convert plastic to cash,
00:22:45I can take merchandise off your hands.
00:22:47Jewelry, electronics, drugs.
00:22:53How much?
00:22:56To pay off the debt and make you walk away?
00:22:59You won't like it.
00:23:00Probably not.
00:23:04Two million.
00:23:06Pays off your debt, buys my forgiveness.
00:23:21One condition.
00:23:22You pay in two weeks, all of it.
00:23:24No exceptions.
00:23:25Two million, two weeks?
00:23:26And that time frame is inflexible.
00:23:29I must be clear about that.
00:23:31Trust me, if I was you,
00:23:32I'd stick with a weekly payment plan.
00:23:38The balls on this one doesn't give me energy.
00:23:42Well, good luck.
00:23:45See you in two weeks.
00:23:48I'm rooting for you.
00:23:52The keys to your van.
00:23:53How else would you transport goods?
00:23:56Fuck's sake.
00:24:01You're all walking home.
00:24:05I'm going to say you should have consulted us.
00:24:07He did consult you.
00:24:08You lot just didn't have the balls to make a decision.
00:24:10What, unlike he made a good one?
00:24:11It was the only option.
00:24:12It was the only option.
00:24:13It was the only option.
00:24:14It was the only option.
00:24:15It was the only option.
00:24:16It was the only option.
00:24:17It was the only option.
00:24:18It was the only option.
00:24:19You know that.
00:24:20Sooner or later, we would have fallen behind.
00:24:22At least this way there's a finish line.
00:24:24Two weeks and he's out of our lives.
00:24:25Or we'll be dead.
00:24:26Either way, it'll be over.
00:24:28It doesn't make it any better.
00:24:30This way we've got room to manoeuvre.
00:24:34Surely it's impossible to make two million pounds in two weeks.
00:24:39We need more cards.
00:24:40Bigger spenders.
00:24:42That'll help me build up spending profiles.
00:24:45And we're flying blind with this lot.
00:24:48There's only one way to do it.
00:24:51We need an inside man.
00:24:54I know who we need.
00:24:57Look, I don't want to do it either, mate.
00:24:59Okay, but we don't have a choice.
00:25:03Are you two going to tell me what the fuck you're talking about?
00:25:07Make a decision.
00:25:09Thank you.
00:25:12Remember Frankie?
00:25:14She's a data processor with Xcred.
00:25:19So what are you doing?
00:25:20I'll start by hacking her email.
00:25:24Can you do that?
00:25:25It's webmail, please.
00:25:27All right, mate, so what's the point?
00:25:29Most people don't know how to do it.
00:25:31I don't know how to do it.
00:25:32I don't know how to do it.
00:25:33I don't know how to do it.
00:25:34I don't know how to do it.
00:25:35I don't know how to do it.
00:25:36So what's the point?
00:25:37Most people have something in life they want bad enough that they break the law to get it.
00:25:42We just need to find out what it is and exploit it.
00:25:45This is bollocks.
00:25:46Well, it's on you.
00:25:47What's that supposed to mean, it worked on me?
00:25:50You hacked my fucking email.
00:25:52Yeah, and Rafa's.
00:25:56You knew about this?
00:25:57I picked you both out.
00:25:59What gives you the right to go through our personal shit?
00:26:01You work part-time for the News of the World or something?
00:26:03I haven't heard too many complaints from you in the last year.
00:26:05You're actually rich.
00:26:06You doubled my student loan, mate.
00:26:07It ain't exactly buying me a Ferrari, is it?
00:26:09Nothing started shouldn't matter.
00:26:12At the end, that's what's important, right?
00:26:15To be continued.
00:26:17Fucking right.
00:26:21Find anything?
00:26:23Think so, yeah.
00:26:27Reckon you can make that work?
00:26:31Hey, Dad.
00:26:33How are you feeling?
00:26:34Ex-creditors said he's in breach of contract.
00:26:37They say he should have informed them sooner about his illness.
00:26:40They're refusing to pay medical costs.
00:26:42We can't afford the hospice.
00:26:43He'll have to go back on the ward.
00:26:46What, so he can die with people around him coughing and snoring?
00:26:49Mum, doesn't he deserve some dignity?
00:26:59No way.
00:27:03What are you doing here?
00:27:04Stalking you, of course.
00:27:06I've been in that bush for the last two hours.
00:27:08Bloody hell.
00:27:09Doesn't look very comfortable.
00:27:11Yeah, tell me about it.
00:27:12I was just trying to walk off the cramp.
00:27:17No, I'm just passing through.
00:27:19Tell me you're not on your way home.
00:27:26What would I have to do to get you to come out for a drink?
00:27:29Your meal?
00:27:34I needed that.
00:27:39I'm glad I bumped into you.
00:27:41Do you believe in fate?
00:27:44And now you've proven it.
00:27:47I thought it was only a matter of time.
00:27:53Thank you.
00:27:55I'll get this.
00:27:59You can split it if you like.
00:28:00No, no, no.
00:28:01Let's hear some me.
00:28:03One condition.
00:28:04You forget about that dateline.
00:28:12Got a secret trust fund or something?
00:28:15I wish.
00:28:16Well, how'd you get a black card then?
00:28:20You asked me how I make money.
00:28:24Take a look.
00:28:26What's this? Charles Burnett on this?
00:28:28Then tomorrow it'll be someone else.
00:28:32You're a thief.
00:28:34An opportunist.
00:28:38Don't you want to know why I do it?
00:28:40No, not really.
00:28:44Medical bills.
00:28:45That's how it started.
00:28:49My brother, he got sick.
00:28:51About as bad as it gets.
00:28:55The doctor said it was terminal.
00:28:58I didn't agree.
00:29:00Private treatments, mostly in America.
00:29:03And the costs soon stacked up.
00:29:05I couldn't afford to pay the bills, so I had to figure out a way that I could.
00:29:11I knew it wasn't right.
00:29:14But if me risking everything gave my brother another...
00:29:16A week, shit, another day of...
00:29:19Who else was gonna do it?
00:29:21And fuck whoever told me otherwise.
00:29:26I don't know how the first doctor was mine.
00:29:29That's not your name and being to them.
00:29:32It's a statistic.
00:29:34A set of figures that no longer work in their favour.
00:29:41I can't do this, Sam.
00:29:45Why not?
00:29:47You're stealing from a company which you work for.
00:29:49Whatever way you look at it, it's wrong.
00:29:51There's no such thing as victimless crime.
00:29:53Someone always has to suffer.
00:29:54The best way to justify it to yourself is to find someone who deserves to.
00:29:57It seems to me that your company deserve it more than most.
00:30:04How does it work?
00:30:09I'm sure I'm telling you what you already know.
00:30:11But credit cards operate on a smart neural network so they can spot spending patterns.
00:30:16That's why we try to build up a profile for each card.
00:30:18That's why we try to build up a profile for each card holder.
00:30:22We can access the electoral register, act like computers, steal the mail.
00:30:25Then we buy expensive items with the cloned cards and sell it on.
00:30:30How much can we make?
00:30:31With you on the inside?
00:30:34No limit.
00:30:37These are good.
00:30:39With Frankie on board, we'll have access to the personal details of every client on the ex-cred database.
00:30:44Yeah, I'm gonna help you get everything you need to clone some big-hitting cards.
00:30:47Frankie's finding us overseas customers.
00:30:49So we'll be going to where they spend and staying within their spending patterns.
00:30:52Why abroad? Why not in London?
00:30:54Because the customers I deal with are based here in the UK.
00:30:57Right, so we use another country's accounts to avoid being suspected.
00:30:59That's smart.
00:31:01Gotta cover my tracks.
00:31:05So where are we going?
00:31:47Five cards.
00:32:12Five cards.
00:32:13All linked to big spenders who hit Miami at least three times a year.
00:32:16Combined credit on the cards is three and a half million dollars.
00:32:19Fucking hell, who are these people?
00:32:21Look, if you boys wanna go out and hit the town, that's fine by me.
00:32:24But stick to cash.
00:32:25These cards are strictly for the job in hand.
00:32:27My personal advice would be to keep a low profile.
00:32:30First up?
00:32:31Yannick Kiefer.
00:32:32A banker from Luxembourg in town selling Barabonts.
00:32:35Credit card limit?
00:32:37Five hundred thousand dollars.
00:32:38And we're aiming to take him for every penny.
00:32:40What if he's out shopping at the same time as us?
00:32:42Won't they notice two different card transactions?
00:32:45Of course they will.
00:32:46That's why we gotta keep an eye on him.
00:32:57Could y'all open the doors, please?
00:33:00Thank you, sir. I appreciate it.
00:33:03Y'all having a good day?
00:33:05Couldn't press nine for me, could you?
00:33:11Thank you, sir.
00:33:13We've got him on GPS. He's heading for his suite now.
00:33:17Let's get spending.
00:33:19Is that the top of your range?
00:33:27It's a difficult choice.
00:33:34What did he say to you?
00:33:41When he first made contact, how did he get you to join the team?
00:33:45He promised me a Ferrari inside the year.
00:33:48Oh, yeah?
00:33:50Now how do you know that's what you wanted?
00:33:55You reckon that's the laptop they used to hack your email?
00:33:59These aren't your friends, Raph.
00:34:05Group's getting bigger.
00:34:07Our shares are getting smaller.
00:34:09This whole Marcel thing doesn't really inspire long-term prospects for this crew, does it?
00:34:16What are you saying?
00:34:18I'm saying everyone has a price.
00:34:21A magic number.
00:34:24When you've figured out what yours is, you let me know.
00:34:36You think they're gonna be okay?
00:34:39They're good at looking out for themselves.
00:34:46How long have you known Sam?
00:34:49About a year.
00:34:51He came to me like he came to you.
00:34:53Join up and I'll make you rich.
00:34:57Yeah, he makes a convincing argument, right?
00:35:00He likes you.
00:35:02Do you know that?
00:35:03Do you know that?
00:35:07Yeah, I think so.
00:35:11And how about you?
00:35:15Not sure.
00:35:19Okay, come here. I want to tell you a secret.
00:35:21What do you mean, a secret?
00:35:23A secret about what?
00:35:25I can't, actually. It's really bad.
00:35:27What do you mean, bad?
00:35:29Come on, you have to tell me now.
00:35:31Come here, then, and I'll tell you.
00:35:32Tell me what?
00:35:43You only did that because I'm right in front of you.
00:35:46You seemed pretty keen at the party.
00:35:48Yeah, I was, until you walked off mid-sentence.
00:35:52I'm not walking off now.
00:35:54You think he's all that he seems?
00:35:58Come off it. We've all got dirt on us, Yeatsy.
00:36:01I'm not so naive.
00:36:03You fucking looked the part.
00:36:08I thought we were playing nice.
00:36:11I don't need your shit, Yeatsy.
00:36:14I know exactly what you need, Frankie.
00:36:17I don't need your shit.
00:36:19I don't need your shit.
00:36:22I know exactly what you need, Frankie.
00:36:28Yeah, I do.
00:36:32But not from you.
00:36:34Then you're on to something.
00:36:36What's up?
00:37:09He's on the move.
00:37:11Right, almost done.
00:37:18See you.
00:37:26We did good today.
00:37:28Couldn't have done it without you, Frankie.
00:37:30That stuff's like stocking full as compared to this outfit, look.
00:37:35It's pretty boring just watching an orange dot all day long.
00:37:39I searched Miami and jewellery and exclusive
00:37:43and that was the first thing that came up.
00:37:44And this was before or after you logged out of YouPorn?
00:37:47I'm just trying to work it out.
00:37:49After your sister was doing a private cab show.
00:37:55Ametablan jewellers.
00:37:57That's a $400,000 brooch right there.
00:38:00And you've got this new, like, coloured diamond collection.
00:38:03But none of the cards have a history of spending there.
00:38:05It won't fit the profile.
00:38:07That's a shame.
00:38:10Right, if that's us done, I'm hitting the town.
00:38:14I think that's a good idea.
00:38:16You can do what you like.
00:38:18We're in Miami, I'm having a mad one
00:38:20and that's all there is to it, mate.
00:38:22What about you, Raph?
00:38:24Champagne and strippers or mini bar and a wank?
00:38:26Er, first one.
00:38:28Thought so, mate.
00:38:31Oh, wanker, wanker.
00:38:34Hold on.
00:38:38If they're going to work hard, you've got to let them play a bit.
00:38:41I'll make sure they come back in one piece, yeah?
00:38:42All right.
00:38:46Hold on, dickheads.
00:38:51You know you should watch out for him.
00:38:55You know who.
00:38:59Most girls love him.
00:39:01Not this one.
00:39:07You all right, babe?
00:39:36And none of that cheap poop shit either.
00:39:38Something to impress these hookers.
00:39:40I'm a dancer, not a hooker.
00:39:42We'll see.
00:39:49Are you cold?
00:39:51A little.
00:39:59I can't believe I'm here.
00:40:01It's insane.
00:40:03Do you reckon you'd have given me your number
00:40:05if you knew we'd be out here doing this?
00:40:06Well, I didn't actually give you my number, did I?
00:40:08All right, your email address.
00:40:10You know what I mean.
00:40:13I probably told you to take that off.
00:40:16I'm glad you didn't.
00:40:19Yeah, me too.
00:40:22The funny thing is, I could actually get used to this.
00:40:26What, drinking in public places?
00:40:29This is what homeless people do every day.
00:40:31Frankly, you should set your sights a little higher.
00:40:33What are you talking about?
00:40:35I'm not rambling.
00:40:37You're completely rambling.
00:40:43Total bollocks.
00:40:49Think you can kiss me?
00:41:04Okay, gentlemen.
00:41:06We need to have a word with you.
00:41:08Oh, mate, I've, uh, I've forgotten.
00:41:10Oh, no.
00:41:12I'm late! I'm late!
00:41:14Go get him! Go! Go!
00:41:18Rafa! Rafa!
00:41:20Keep up with me!
00:41:23Don't follow me!
00:41:36Get back here!
00:41:38I can't see! I can't see!
00:41:40You motherfucker!
00:41:42What the fuck?
00:41:54Fuck you!
00:41:56Fuck me.
00:41:58Let's go. Let's go.
00:42:06Sam, it's me.
00:42:08We need to talk.
00:42:15Well, what is it?
00:42:17There's been, uh...
00:42:20There's been an incident, mate.
00:42:26You actually took one of the cards.
00:42:31You actually took one of the cards.
00:42:33Which one?
00:42:37I thought it would be okay.
00:42:39No, Yatesy, you didn't think.
00:42:41At all.
00:42:43Come on, give it back.
00:42:45They kept it. It got declined.
00:42:47What did I say?
00:42:49What did I fucking say?
00:42:51Those cards were strictly for the job in hand.
00:42:53Oh, fuck. No, no, no.
00:42:55For fuck's sake!
00:42:57What is it?
00:42:59We've lost Max De Beer.
00:43:04How much?
00:43:06That card was worth one and a half million.
00:43:08Where the hell were you?
00:43:10Strip club.
00:43:12Oh, then clearly you haven't read the fucking brief.
00:43:14Max De Beer is gay.
00:43:16He doesn't do strip clubs.
00:43:18Not much of a tits and arse man if you catch the drift.
00:43:19I don't know how off it is.
00:43:21Surely it's not so much the tits.
00:43:27That's really clever, Rafa.
00:43:29Yeah, that's really fucking clever, yeah.
00:43:31If you're so fucking clever,
00:43:33why do I have to break it down for you?
00:43:35Three and a half million minus one and a half equals two.
00:43:37Two million dollars.
00:43:39We owe Marcel two million fucking pounds.
00:43:41Maybe now you can see the fucking problem.
00:43:43What do we tell Frankie?
00:43:45You're asking the wrong question, Fordy.
00:43:47What are we going to tell Marcel?
00:43:49That should be the only thing on your mind right now.
00:44:13You look stressed.
00:44:15Rafa's got an idea, mate.
00:44:17Here we go.
00:44:19You know, you may think I only work at a petrol station,
00:44:21but I'm smarter than you know.
00:44:23OK, let's hear it.
00:44:25We hunt the big fish,
00:44:27order up what we owe Marcel, and much more.
00:44:30We go after amateur blam.
00:44:35Someone like this could set us up for life.
00:44:38Except none of the coals we've got
00:44:40have any history to spend on.
00:44:42We don't need a credit card to get what we want.
00:44:44We need this guy.
00:44:48What am I looking at?
00:44:50Prince Safran of Brunei.
00:44:52It's not a bad match, mate.
00:44:54I reckon we can pull it off.
00:44:56OK, so you get me out to Miami,
00:44:58you lose our biggest card,
00:45:00now you want me to help you rob
00:45:02the most exclusive jewellers in town.
00:45:04That sounds like a great idea.
00:45:06Yeah, it sounds bad when you put it like that.
00:45:08I just don't see the point, you know.
00:45:10We have plenty of money on the remaining cards.
00:45:12You're lucky we even agreed to cut you in.
00:45:14Lookie, any day I wake up and I'm not you,
00:45:16believe me, I feel like shit.
00:45:18Oh, shut up.
00:45:20Look, this is once-in-a-lifetime shit we're talking about.
00:45:22We get this right,
00:45:24there's no jobs at companies we despise,
00:45:26no 8% unemployment,
00:45:28no carpet-bombing CVs for postgraduate jobs
00:45:30that don't even fucking exist.
00:45:32This could be all of us set up for life.
00:45:34All I'm asking for is you listen to the plan.
00:45:42Prince Zephyr is young and uber-rich
00:45:44and says here that he's about to pop the question
00:45:47to some French supermodel called Natasha Claudette.
00:45:50Now, what do you reckon Ahmed Ablam are going to think
00:45:52if he starts enquiring about jewellery?
00:45:54That they might get the engagement ring contract.
00:45:57We get them on the hook and we get them over to London.
00:46:00We're going to take them for $20 million
00:46:02without even using a gun.
00:46:05How much is it going to cost to set up?
00:46:07It's big money.
00:46:08So let the plastic take the hit.
00:46:11OK, so this is the room you want.
00:46:17It's not much, but it's mine,
00:46:19so don't fuck it up, comprende?
00:46:23Estafaria, the Prince's private secretary.
00:46:26You got a number?
00:46:28Right here.
00:46:30What are we waiting for?
00:46:32Hello, Mr Rial's office.
00:46:36I'm calling from Ahmed Ablam Jewellers in Miami, Florida.
00:46:39May I speak with Mr Rial?
00:46:41I'm afraid Mr Rial is travelling at the moment.
00:46:44As you know, we're one of the world's leading jewellers
00:46:46and as the imminent engagement of Prince Zephyr...
00:46:49I should stop you right there, sir.
00:46:51The engagement is pure speculation.
00:46:53It's a secret. I get it.
00:46:55But what is it?
00:46:57It's a secret.
00:46:58The engagement is pure speculation.
00:47:00It's a secret. I get it.
00:47:02But we would like to arrange a private viewing
00:47:04of our latest coloured diamond collection for the Prince.
00:47:06Sorry, did you say that you were one of the world's leading jewellers?
00:47:08That's correct. Clients such as...
00:47:10Sir, if there is to be a royal wedding,
00:47:12only the best jeweller would be required.
00:47:14Well, perhaps Mr Rial is in a better position
00:47:16to make that decision.
00:47:18When's he back?
00:47:20Possibly this Saturday, but he could...
00:47:22I'll call back then. Thank you.
00:47:24Right. Rial's not in Brunei
00:47:26and his PA won't connect anyone to him.
00:47:30That is good.
00:47:32Have you got an image?
00:47:34Yeah, picture's up.
00:47:36Oh, yes, I did it then.
00:47:45Good morning, Emma de Blom.
00:47:47How may I direct your call?
00:47:49I would like to speak to Head of International Sales.
00:47:51Certainly, sir. Your name?
00:47:53Mustafa Rial.
00:47:55Private Secretary to His Excellency Prince Zephyr of Brunei.
00:47:58Yes, sir.
00:48:12This is Steve Dawson.
00:48:14Mr Dawson, I wonder if you could...
00:48:16Leave the system.
00:48:18Sir, I can barely hear you.
00:48:20Apologies. I am speaking from
00:48:22the satellite phone on the Royal Jet.
00:48:25How can I help you, sir?
00:48:26Do you know that Prince Zephyr
00:48:28will be announcing his engagement shortly?
00:48:30No, no, I did not know that.
00:48:33Good. This is confidential.
00:48:35I assume your discretion is assured.
00:48:38Our business is built on trust, sir.
00:48:40That is why we have chosen Emma de Blom
00:48:42for His Royal Highness to consider an engagement gift
00:48:44and perhaps even the wedding rings.
00:48:48Sir, it would be an honour.
00:48:50Any piece in particular?
00:48:52We expect a private viewing
00:48:53of your recent coloured diamond collection.
00:48:55Of course, here in Miami?
00:48:59We will shortly be in London for a two-day visit.
00:49:01We would like to arrange a private viewing there.
00:49:04The Royal Jet and staff will be at your disposal.
00:49:07Well, the thing is, Mr Rial...
00:49:09Of course, if it's a problem,
00:49:11we would reluctantly consider...
00:49:13...another jeweller.
00:49:15Leave this with me. I'll make it happen.
00:49:18Very good.
00:49:20I will call you tomorrow morning at 8 a.m.
00:49:21and arrange everything.
00:49:48Hi there!
00:49:49Can I help you?
00:49:51Is this baby available for charter to London?
00:49:53She can go to Iraq if the money's right.
00:49:55Right. We promised him the Royal Jet.
00:49:57We'll need staff.
00:49:59So find them.
00:50:01And do us all a favour.
00:50:03This is the modelling capital of America.
00:50:07So make sure they're not dogs.
00:50:11I, er...
00:50:13like what I see.
00:50:15And you like what you touch.
00:50:17I guarantee they give.
00:50:19Happy ending?
00:50:23I just need them to be hostesses.
00:50:25You know, polite, smile, not say too much.
00:50:28And, er...
00:50:31It's quite important they, er...
00:50:33they don't do happy endings.
00:50:39Okay, we got his jet and the staff.
00:50:42Now we need authentic costumes and decor.
00:50:44I should probably do that, guys.
00:50:46I'm writing my dissertation on Middle Eastern culture.
00:50:49Middle Eastern?
00:50:51Brunei's next to Malaysia, you bellend.
00:51:04We'll need transport back in London.
00:51:06Needs to be fit for a prince.
00:51:08I'm on it.
00:51:14Looks like I'm in line for a big commish
00:51:17with the Brunei royal family.
00:51:19You're going to London, surely?
00:51:21London? Wow, I'd love to go there.
00:51:24Well, maybe we could arrange an extra seat.
00:51:28But you're out of account under the front line with the big dogs.
00:51:31You can do that for me?
00:51:34Beth, a pretty face never hurt a sand.
00:51:50Sam, how's Miami?
00:51:54How did you get this number?
00:51:56You'd think I wouldn't keep an eye on my investment.
00:51:59So, what are you doing out there?
00:52:02I hope you're not thinking of running away from your responsibilities.
00:52:07I'm not.
00:52:09I'm not.
00:52:11I'm not.
00:52:13I'm not.
00:52:15I'm not.
00:52:17I'm not.
00:52:19I'm working on a way to get you money.
00:52:23How's the water?
00:52:25Well, make sure you work hard.
00:52:28I'd hate for anything to happen to your new girlfriend.
00:52:32Tarek tells me she is quite beautiful.
00:52:35Did she enjoy her swim?
00:52:43Daddy, you've got to change your driving.
00:52:50Sam, hey. This is Tarek. Tarek, this is Sam.
00:52:54What? You okay?
00:52:56Yeah, fine. Tarek's over from London.
00:52:58He wanted to know where's the tea or something about that burger place.
00:53:01I want to know where is best place in Miami to find a good restaurant.
00:53:06Could ask anyone on the beach.
00:53:09But I choose her.
00:53:11She's a very beautiful lady.
00:53:16It's like cut her face.
00:53:17Maybe not so much, huh?
00:53:19Doesn't bother me I could fuck her from behind.
00:53:22This is best position for me, anyway.
00:53:24Fuck you.
00:53:28I want you to do my friend Sam a reminder from his friend Marcel.
00:53:33Tell Sam if he doesn't get Marcel his money in three days,
00:53:37very bad things will happen.
00:53:39Not just to him, but to the people he cares about.
00:53:44Can you remember all that?
00:53:48Too soon.
00:53:52You fucking scumbag.
00:53:54Thank you.
00:53:56Where are you going?
00:53:58To get some answers.
00:54:07So how much do you owe him?
00:54:11Marcel. How much money do you owe him?
00:54:12Don't worry, Sam's told me everything, but I want to hear it from you.
00:54:15How much money do you owe to him?
00:54:18It's like a couple of hundred.
00:54:20Two million.
00:54:26Who is he?
00:54:29Who the fuck is he?
00:54:31Frankie, we don't know.
00:54:33Okay, that's the truth.
00:54:35All we know is he's dangerous and he wants his money.
00:54:40Why do you owe him money?
00:54:42Because we fucked up.
00:54:44You told her about Marcel.
00:54:46I haven't said anything.
00:54:48She said you did.
00:54:50Well, you fell for that.
00:54:55You recruited me to pay for death.
00:55:00Is that what I am to you, Sam?
00:55:02That's all anyone is to him, Frankie.
00:55:05Don't feel special.
00:55:07He did the same to me and Raf.
00:55:15Ever wondered why Prince Charming always seems to know exactly what you're thinking?
00:55:20Oh, he's so sensitive.
00:55:22He just gets me.
00:55:27They hacked your email.
00:55:29That's what they do.
00:55:31How did you put it, Sam?
00:55:33You needed to find something you could exploit.
00:55:36I'm guessing it was something juicy.
00:55:40Are you going to tell us what it was, Frankie?
00:55:43Maybe he's just got a really big cock.
00:55:51Fuck off, Sam!
00:55:53Oh, the one that got away.
00:55:55Come here, you fucking prick!
00:55:57Come here!
00:56:03You dug your own fucking hole, Sam!
00:56:08Calm the fuck down.
00:56:10This isn't over.
00:56:15Fucking nice one.
00:56:20Frankie, come on.
00:56:23Please, I just want to talk to you. Let me explain.
00:56:28Frankie, wait.
00:56:30Where are you going?
00:56:31To catch a flight.
00:56:32Please don't go.
00:56:34He said you needed something to exploit.
00:56:36What did you find?
00:56:40My dad, wasn't it?
00:56:43And the story about your brother.
00:56:46I made it up.
00:56:49What kind of a person does that, Sam?
00:56:52Frankie, I lied to you way before any of this stuff ever happened.
00:56:55Fuck you!
00:56:59Thank you for all it's worth. I'm sorry.
00:57:01No, it's not worth anything.
00:57:04Can't he see?
00:57:06Sam, calm down.
00:57:07Where is he?
00:57:08Calm the fuck down.
00:57:09Calm down, okay? Calm.
00:57:13Okay, look, I'm sorry.
00:57:14Okay? Really fucking sorry.
00:57:16I am about all of this.
00:57:19But we got bigger problems right now.
00:57:21Yates, he's a prick.
00:57:23Okay? Shown his true colours.
00:57:24And after this, we drop him like a stone.
00:57:26But right now, we need him.
00:57:30Okay? Frankie can wait, mate.
00:57:33Marcel won't.
00:57:58Hello, Mr. Real's office.
00:58:00Ah, there, this is Steve Dawson from Amada Bland.
00:58:03I'm afraid he's very busy at the moment.
00:58:05Oh, yeah, I'll bet he's real busy with the engagement of the prince, right?
00:58:08As you say, sir. I'll have him call you back.
00:58:14Well, it would be an honour to be invited to the wedding.
00:58:19Well, yes, I do have someone I'd like to bring along.
00:58:23Well, thank you.
00:58:25Listen, he can call me back, okay?
00:58:29You're invited to the wedding?
00:58:32Wanna come?
00:58:35I wanna come.
00:58:38Hurry up before he shags off.
00:58:43I have Mr. Real on the line for you.
00:58:46Real, yeah, put him through.
00:58:48Mr. Real, thank you so much for calling back.
00:58:51Good afternoon.
00:58:52As you know, I am very busy, so I must be brief.
00:58:56I'm just letting you know that the Royal Jet is waiting to take you to London.
00:59:01We're grateful that the Brunei Security Services will be present,
00:59:04but our insurers insist on our own team accompanying us.
00:59:08We'll be bringing some beautiful additions to the current collection,
00:59:11including a choked necklace and bracelet made from yellow and black diamonds.
00:59:16Truly spectacular.
00:59:30Excuse me.
00:59:31Do you have any nuts?
00:59:33You know, nuts.
00:59:36You know, nuts.
00:59:39You understand?
00:59:51Thanks for all.
01:00:06Thank you.
01:00:37Thank you.
01:00:57They're at the hotel.
01:00:59There's one steel case strapped to a security guy.
01:01:02I'll put him a call now before they can relax.
01:01:05Hey, we've got a couple of hours before the meeting.
01:01:10Do you want to grab a drink?
01:01:12Well, I was going to have a shower, but...
01:01:16A drink sounds good.
01:01:17A shower sounds better.
01:01:20It does.
01:01:24Are you playing a game?
01:01:27I just said I was going to have a shower.
01:01:31Which means I'll be naked.
01:01:34Who's playing games?
01:01:37Yeah, that's great.
01:01:48Mr. Dawson.
01:01:49Mr. Real.
01:01:50I trust your flight was acceptable?
01:01:54Yeah, the flight was great.
01:01:56Thank you.
01:01:58Thank you so much for laying on the special entertainment.
01:02:00That was really appreciated.
01:02:04His Royal Highness' diary has dramatically changed,
01:02:07so we need to bring forward the schedule.
01:02:09Meet me in the foyer in 30 minutes.
01:02:1730 minutes.
01:02:19Game face.
01:02:23Mr. Real.
01:02:26Mr. Dawson.
01:02:27Good to meet you.
01:02:28You too.
01:02:29This is Beth Johnson, my assistant.
01:02:32This is my security attachment.
01:02:34Pretty good.
01:02:35His Excellency is on a tight schedule today,
01:02:37so can I speed things up and get the viewing underway?
01:02:54Your Excellency, the Emirates team is here.
01:02:57This is Steve Dawson.
01:03:00Your Royal Highness.
01:03:03It's a real privilege to meet you, sir.
01:03:10I should like to view the collection
01:03:12on the way to my next meeting.
01:03:16His Excellency would appreciate a private advance viewing.
01:03:21And a limo.
01:03:23I say appreciate.
01:03:24It's more that he insists on it.
01:03:28Of course, not a problem.
01:03:30Give His Royal Highness the case, please.
01:03:32I will be riding out front.
01:03:33You and your team can ride in car two.
01:03:36You're handing over the collection without an escort?
01:03:38Thank you, Miss Johnson.
01:03:40That will be all.
01:03:41But that goes against our...
01:03:42Beth, go to your room.
01:03:48Steve, you can't do this.
01:03:50Don't ever question me in front of my client again, okay?
01:03:53This is the way the Prince likes it.
01:03:55This is the way the Prince likes it.
01:03:57That's why I'm head of international sales
01:03:59and you're just a glorified secretary.
01:04:03Fucking prick.
01:04:12We will return the case at the Prince's next appointment.
01:04:15I'm going to be late.
01:04:55Wait for him, Fordy. Now!
01:05:25What the hell?
01:05:27Stay with the limo.
01:05:28Can't, sir. It's a red line.
01:05:29Get out! Come on, move!
01:05:31Move it! Move it! Move it!
01:05:34Come on! Move!
01:05:42Rafferty and limo one's left us.
01:05:44Limo two, where are you?
01:05:45The AC?
01:05:46Yes, sir.
01:05:47The AC?
01:05:48Yes, sir.
01:05:49The AC?
01:05:50Yes, sir.
01:05:51The AC?
01:05:52Yes, sir.
01:05:53The AC?
01:05:54The AC?
01:05:55Limo two, with you in five seconds.
01:05:59Come on!
01:06:00Come on!
01:06:01Come on!
01:06:02Come on!
01:06:11We're good to go!
01:06:12OK, let's go!
01:06:13Move it! Move it!
01:06:25Looks like they bought it.
01:06:27Keep it nice and slow.
01:06:30Not for a minute, do you?
01:06:32I thought we were being robbed.
01:07:05Ta-ta, fuckers.
01:07:11Where the hell is Rialto?
01:07:13Which way do you want me to go, sir?
01:07:14With the diamonds.
01:07:16The fucking limo, idiot!
01:07:24Is there a problem, sir?
01:07:27No, I need you to pull over.
01:07:32Is there anything I can do, sir?
01:07:34Can I borrow your phone, please, mate?
01:07:36Your what?
01:07:37I command that you surrender your mobile phone.
01:07:40I need to make urgent call Royal Business.
01:07:43Yes, sir.
01:07:44It's a UK call, right?
01:07:48And private.
01:07:54It's me.
01:07:55My battery died.
01:07:56I worked it out.
01:07:58Your magic number.
01:07:59I just 10 million found.
01:08:00What are you talking about?
01:08:01Two-way split.
01:08:02Got a guy waiting to take this stuff off our hands.
01:08:03It's all been arranged.
01:08:04I don't think I can, mate.
01:08:05What did I tell you?
01:08:06I can't.
01:08:07I can't.
01:08:08I can't.
01:08:09I can't.
01:08:10I can't.
01:08:11I can't.
01:08:12I can't.
01:08:13I can't.
01:08:14I can't.
01:08:15I can't.
01:08:16I can't.
01:08:17I can't.
01:08:18I can't.
01:08:19I can't.
01:08:20I can't.
01:08:21I can't.
01:08:22I can't.
01:08:23I can't.
01:08:24I can't.
01:08:25I can't.
01:08:26I can't.
01:08:27I can't.
01:08:28I can't.
01:08:29I can't.
01:08:30What did I tell you about letting people take the piss out of you?
01:08:31It's time to step up, Rafa.
01:08:32I'm ready to give you what you're worth.
01:08:35I have decided to walk to my next meeting.
01:08:49This is yours.
01:08:51No, no, not necessary. Uh, you're finished for the day.
01:09:07What the fuck?
01:09:10Jesus Christ. What the hell?
01:09:11Okay, come on, come on. Move. Get out of the car. Get out of the fighting.
01:09:24Come on, move. Come on, come on. Let's go.
01:09:35What the fuck is this? Look again! Look the fuck again!
01:09:42Oh, God damn it! Oh, fuck, fuck.
01:10:01Oh, here we go. Yeah, you see? Everything alright?
01:10:05All good. Where's Rafa? He's with me.
01:10:08I thought we were supposed to be meeting up after the...
01:10:10Yeah, well, you know what Thorpe did. We're just calling to say goodbye.
01:10:14You got the diamonds? Not for long. I've got a buyer lined up and ready to go.
01:10:19What is going on? What about Marcel?
01:10:22Your problem. Goodbye, Sam.
01:10:25He's done it, hasn't he? Fuck!
01:10:28Come on. Let's go.
01:10:36Past statement from you. A prince and his royal secretary just stole 20 million dollars worth of jewels without using any force.
01:10:47Did you gift wrap it for them? Excuse me?
01:10:51The jewellery. Did you have a gift wrapped? Because you might as well have done.
01:10:55Are we suspects? Of course not, Beth.
01:10:59We're in charge now, thank you, Mr Dawson.
01:11:06What do we tell Marcel? Maybe he'll give us an extension.
01:11:12Not if we're talking about the same bloke we're not.
01:11:26What's that? Do you think I'd trust Rafa with 20 million dollars?
01:11:41How else do we keep an eye on them?
01:11:46Right, he's heading east.
01:11:56Meredith Gates Hotel, Park Lane. OK, but that's ten minutes away from here.
01:12:07Yes, he reckons he's already found a buyer.
01:12:09Mate, that amount of money at stake, he'll have to bring some serious muscle to the table.
01:12:13Right. I know just the guy.
01:12:18Sam. We were just talking about you.
01:12:21Yeah? What?
01:12:23Do you have my money in your hands?
01:12:26Yeah, what about that? We might need an extension.
01:12:30Speak. Sam, promise me I'm in...
01:12:34It was Tarek's idea to pick up. I think he's got a bit of a crush on her.
01:12:39If you consider that he got his last two girlfriends hooked on drugs and working as prostitutes,
01:12:44you might realise this isn't the ideal relationship for her to be in.
01:12:50I want my money. Today.
01:12:54Any later, I give Frankie to Tarek, and when he's done with her, he comes looking for you and for your friends.
01:13:03We'll get you your money.
01:13:05It's amazing what a little extra motivation can do, isn't it?
01:13:08Now tell me where can I collect my money?
01:13:12Obviously you checked into the validity of this real character.
01:13:16Yeah. Well, yeah, kind of.
01:13:20What he's asking is did you ever call Brunei and speak directly with Riald?
01:13:24Of course he did. We were invited to the wedding.
01:13:34You're pathetic.
01:13:36He knows.
01:13:37Am I going to lose my job?
01:13:40The prince used my phone. We're all business, he said.
01:13:43Do you have any idea who it could have been?
01:13:45No, but the number is still here.
01:14:00You sure about this?
01:14:02These guys respect me, Rafa. They want a cash business. It's perfect.
01:14:16Hello, you're talking to a millionaire.
01:14:19You reckon I won't find you?
01:14:21I'm counting on it.
01:14:23You're not as clever as you think.
01:14:29Sit down. With the stuff, sit down.
01:14:32I'm not a millionaire.
01:14:34I'm not a millionaire.
01:14:36I'm not a millionaire.
01:14:38I'm not a millionaire.
01:14:40I'm not a millionaire.
01:14:42Sit down. With the stuff, sit down.
01:14:50Mr Yates. Meet my boss.
01:14:53Only name he goes by is Mr X.
01:14:56Good to finally meet you. Come in.
01:15:13They're here.
01:15:18Any problem, you call me.
01:15:33Come here!
01:15:42Where is she? Where is she?
01:15:46She's in the boot.
01:15:50Stay there.
01:16:06It's okay. It's okay.
01:16:09I just want to get the fuck out of here.
01:16:12Please. I'm only on the couch.
01:16:15Give me your phone.
01:16:20And your jacket, now.
01:16:32Right, go. Go!
01:16:36Frankie, we have to finish this.
01:16:39I can't protect you.
01:16:42I'm sorry.
01:16:48Frankie, run!
01:17:05Very nice.
01:17:07It's just the tip of the iceberg, bruv.
01:17:09Everyone tells me you're pulling in half a million cash a week.
01:17:12That means I've got enough stuff for at least three months' wages.
01:17:15I'd like to see it.
01:17:17I see the money, you see the stuff.
01:17:19He wasn't asking.
01:17:23What the fuck?
01:17:25You're out your depths, Mr Yates. There's no shame in it.
01:17:28Should I remind you that there are cameras in the lobby and the lifts?
01:17:32Only if you want me to tell you that we come in the back, on top of the stairs.
01:17:42Don't worry, it's a two-two. Only a little.
01:17:45For fuck's sake, Yates, he's just given what they want!
01:17:47Shut up, Rafa!
01:17:49Fucking Yates!
01:17:55Last chance.
01:18:08He's not going to tell us anything.
01:18:10Not with a gun in that idiot's mouth.
01:18:25Now, you and me, we're kindred spirits.
01:18:29You know what I see in your eyes?
01:18:34It's like looking in the mirror.
01:18:44You expecting someone?
01:18:49Well, go answer the door.
01:18:51And if it's anyone other than that old lady you wanted to change your sheets,
01:18:55I'm going to ventilate your head.
01:19:16You couldn't have had us in.
01:19:36No, no, no!
01:19:38Save me!
01:19:56Save me!
01:20:14Triangulation footpath from the Marie de Guise Hotel, Park Lane.
01:20:18Call for backup.
01:21:22This is DCI Hartley. Ambulance has been fired at the Marie de Guise Hotel.
01:21:27Get everybody out! Get out! Go! Go!
01:21:31Get away from that way!
01:22:22Where's the backup?
01:22:48Son of a bitch!
01:22:55Right, he's on the move. Let's go.
01:23:01Moss hell's here now. Get down.
01:23:10Get the fuck out of here now!
01:23:24Come on.
01:23:49Fuck you!
01:23:51Oh, police! Drop the gun right fucking now!
01:23:54That's not you!
01:24:02He set me up.
01:24:04Soon we find somewhere quiet and we'll just pull over.
01:24:08I'm going to cut that fucking bitch's throat.
01:24:13You sure you know how to use that thing?
01:24:16Looks like one of those point-and-shoot models to me.
01:24:22Get out.
01:24:24Get out of the fucking car!
01:24:26Get out of the fucking car!
01:24:29Easy, you prick!
01:24:41Get over here!
01:24:43Get over here!
01:25:40Sam! Sam, we need to go!
01:25:42Sam, we've got to get you out of here!
01:25:44He's here!
01:25:46He's here! He's got the fucking diamond!
01:25:48Check the other car!
01:25:50Fucking check the other car!
01:25:52I'm not fucking leaving you here. You have to try and get out.
01:25:54I'm not going to fucking make it, mate. Go!
01:25:56Go, please, go!
01:26:27We're going to need an ambulance from the north side of Hyde Park,
01:26:30approximately 300 yards from Lakehead.
01:26:33Back to zero.
01:26:54Get these people back to Hyde Park, OK?
01:26:58Just step back.
01:27:00Thank you.
01:27:03Back the wrong horse.
01:27:21Fuck it.
01:28:04Look alive, Rafa.
01:28:06Someone's made a dirty protest and the gents again.
01:28:09It's like a cluster bomb's gone off in there.
01:28:13Give me a break. It's your turn.
01:28:15No, no, no, my friend. I serve the customers.
01:28:18You clean up what they leave behind. You don't like it?
01:28:21I call your parole officer, tell him you've been stealing.
01:28:34Oh, my God.
01:28:40It just doesn't stop. I didn't get out until two o'clock last night.
01:28:43Before or after you reached the bar?
01:28:45I came back. Oh, really?
01:28:47And Jeremy, how is he?
01:28:49There's a telephone call for you, Sam.
01:28:51For me?
01:28:53I'll be back in a minute.
01:29:03Hey, I didn't ask for this.
01:29:34Double glazing salesman.
01:29:36Calls me in a restaurant. How does that even happen?
01:29:39Did you buy any?
01:29:45Are you all right?
01:29:51Yeah, I think so.
01:29:55Yeah, you're done right by her.
01:29:57You know, it's got to count for something.
01:29:59Let's go.
01:30:29Let's go.
