Harris: Israel "hat das Recht, sich gegen die Hisbollah zu verteidigen"

  • vor 3 Monaten
Nach Meinung von US-Vizepräsidentin Kamala Harris hat Israel das Recht, sich gegen die Hisbollah im Libanon zu verteidigen - sie sei eine "Terrororganisation". Dennoch müsse auch immer an einer diplomatischen Lösung gearbeitet werden, sagte Harris.


00:00I want to address what's happened over the last few hours in terms of the Middle East
00:05and be very clear, Israel has a right to defend itself
00:09and I unequivocally support Israel's right to remain secure
00:14and to defend the security of Israel.
00:17What we know in particular is it has a right to defend itself
00:21against a terrorist organization, which is exactly what Hezbollah is.
00:25But all of that being said, we still must work on a diplomatic solution
00:29to end these attacks and we will continue to do that work.
00:32Thank you all.
