Andromeda (2022)

  • 2 months ago
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00:06:23I guess that old English phrase like father like son isn't always true. What was that?
00:06:30He's late he'll be here. Yeah, so he'll be here late
00:06:39Mr. Crawford Hayden, please
00:06:58Call me by my last name and I start looking over my shoulder for my father
00:07:01Call me by my last name and I start looking over my shoulder for my father
00:07:03Very well. Hey, I'm mission specialist. Joseph sharp. It's my colleague payload commander. Rob McGrady. I see you got our call
00:07:15You call me from a dead man's telephone
00:07:19Yeah, we saved that number for emergencies such as this
00:07:25Aiden we both knew your father
00:07:28Aiden we both knew your father which is to say we we worked under him
00:07:34he was a
00:07:36Great scientist and a hell of a pilot if I might say so myself
00:07:41When he left he entrusted us with continuing his life's work
00:07:48And what was that exactly space exploration and the development of research beyond this planet
00:07:59Do you recognize either of these cases?
00:08:03Yeah, that's my father's stuff wouldn't open up
00:08:11You've seen this device before
00:08:14Drawings or sketches or any literature? No
00:08:17It's good
00:08:19Have any idea what it is? I have no idea
00:08:22It's called a neuro inhibitor. It works inside the subconscious mind much like when you're dreaming
00:08:29Your father created this before he left
00:08:32He left
00:08:34He keep using those words. I think he
00:08:37Went to go get the morning paper and a pack of marbles and just what?
00:08:43Got lost on his way home
00:08:45Took the wrong bus. I mean
00:08:47I'm not sure what you're asking. What's your point?
00:08:49My point is that he didn't leave anyone
00:08:52He's dead
00:08:56Aiden even if that were true the
00:08:59Circumstances surrounding your father's death. It's
00:09:03It's it's unlikely that anyone knows, you know, you fellows you talk about Will Crawford my father
00:09:09Like you knew him better than me and you know what? Maybe you did. I
00:09:13Mean he spent more time in his office, but then he did at home
00:09:15He missed more birthday parties and Christmas mornings, then I can't even remember. So yeah, maybe he was absent from my life
00:09:23But to say he's not dead
00:09:25We aren't saying your father's dead because he helped us finish his research six years after he went missing
00:09:34What'd you say
00:09:36Aiden the neuro inhibitor was his idea. However
00:09:40He couldn't harness the technology. He needed completely
00:09:43Here on this planet. This technology is alien back up back up
00:09:49You're saying he's still alive
00:09:52We don't know for sure
00:09:57There's a funeral
00:10:00My mother we watched him
00:10:04Lower the casket into the ground. I mean
00:10:08There were certain
00:10:11There were certain
00:10:13Contingencies that he requested contingencies a closed casket at the time
00:10:18Your father wasn't 100% sure he would be able to return home. So he and the agency go through the motions of his death
00:10:25It was beyond classified even to you and your mother
00:10:36So his family wouldn't worry about him while he was gone
00:10:44Gone where
00:10:49You might want to take a seat for this next part
00:10:56Your father's first legitimate trip into space was to Mars
00:11:00I know you're probably thinking a human being has never set foot on the red planet, but that's not true
00:11:07The space program was set up to operate in secret back then
00:11:14We were worried that if news of our ability to reach Mars fell into the hands of the rest of the world we
00:11:20Suddenly find ourselves in a monetary race to see which nation could reach the furthest the fastest
00:11:26Your father's mentor and co-pilot was named Susan Ramirez. She accompanied him on this mission
00:11:32The two pilots had trained together in Houston before you were born
00:11:48If it wasn't the soil it was the atmosphere while it would have been convenient
00:11:53Mars turned out not to be a viable option for the program
00:11:56It was concluded that human life would never thrive on the red planet
00:12:10Ramirez refused to go home and when your father's guilt of leaving you and your mother behind set in
00:12:16He agreed to journey back this time alone
00:12:20She continued her research
00:12:24Ramirez did all she could to find a way to make Mars a solution to Earth's growing population problem
00:12:29In the end she ran out of supplies and more importantly she ran out of time
00:12:36Ramirez's body was never recovered and your father began working on a safer way to travel through space the neuro inhibitor
00:12:44After we lost communication with her we thought about sending a team up there to retrieve Ramirez's body
00:12:49But she had no family here at home. So that wasn't a very cost-effective option
00:12:59So Aiden, what would you like to talk about today?
00:13:05Last week it was raccoons upstairs keeping you awake
00:13:15I called an exterminator and they must have trapped him
00:13:21Sounds the night have stopped
00:13:23That's good
00:13:26Turns out my dad isn't dead
00:13:30I don't know
00:13:34He was a pilot your father
00:13:40Astronaut stargazer
00:13:47When you say
00:13:49Turns out my father isn't dead
00:13:52Are we speaking metaphorically?
00:13:57Literally it means we buried an empty casket
00:14:05How does that make you feel
00:14:08There is this one night
00:14:12I came home late and there's nothing unusual about that
00:14:22He had this look on his face
00:14:25And it's strange because
00:14:30He'd come home and
00:14:34Look tired, you know just after a long day type of thing
00:14:39But on this night
00:14:42His face was different
00:14:46I was
00:14:48Sitting on the floor Indian style watching cartoons and
00:14:53In my underoos and
00:14:57I remember his face
00:15:00As he sunk down into the couch
00:15:05He'd never done that before
00:15:11My mom got up left the room and it was just he and I
00:15:15In the soft glow of the black and white
00:15:20Said nothing
00:15:23Just the two of us
00:15:29That was the last time I remember seeing him
00:15:32Sounds like a happy memory
00:15:37What was it about your father's face that sticks with you
00:15:44I don't know
00:15:48It was like
00:15:51He was hiding something
00:15:53You know
00:15:55Something good though
00:15:57Like a secret
00:16:01Like he had heard something and he wanted you to know
00:16:06But not yet
00:16:10Do you think he was hiding secrets from you
00:16:12That's all he ever was
00:16:15A secret
00:16:19That night
00:16:22That night rounded the old man out for me
00:16:26Where's your father now Aiden
00:16:30We don't know we lost contact with him three weeks ago
00:16:35Where was he three weeks ago
00:16:38He named the planet NB 22
00:16:40It's on the far outer rim of Andromeda
00:16:46So you're telling me
00:16:49That my father invented some kind of space travel that allowed him to go what
00:16:5226 million light years away
00:16:54That's exactly what we're telling you
00:16:56So that explains where he was all this time
00:16:59Not exactly he never actually left this building
00:17:04The neuro inhibitor was the technology that allowed your father to
00:17:07Leave and come back whenever he wanted
00:17:10Without ever stepping outside
00:17:13These four walls, but you said it yourself his death was a sham in the physical sense. Yes, it's true
00:17:20however, your father lived on
00:17:24Not on this planet
00:17:29He's alive inside the neuro inhibitor
00:17:36Where's the body
00:17:39I want to see his body. We had to make the difficult decision to
00:17:44Get rid of the body there was significant decay
00:17:52How does it work
00:18:02The mind
00:18:04It's as fast if not faster than the speed of light
00:18:09I'll take this table for instance
00:18:11Now, you know what this table feels like without ever touching it or running your hand across it. Why is that?
00:18:19Muscle memory
00:18:20For hundreds of years scientists have tried to understand the human brain known as the most complex organ in the entire universe
00:18:31Your father was
00:18:33He was assessed with this idea that the brain was also in control of the way you experience the world around you
00:18:42Imagine that you're walking in a forest
00:18:47Light from the sun's beams bounce off leaves the branches and the bark of all the trees
00:18:53That enters your open eyes
00:18:56Chirping sounds of birds flying overhead. Those sounds beat your ears
00:19:01As you walk along the smell of the forest soil wafts into your nose
00:19:07Now the nerve cells of your eyes ears and nose detect these sensations and send signals to different parts of your brain
00:19:14Which then turn them into what you see here and smell all in a matter of milliseconds
00:19:20It's called sense of self
00:19:24Your father used this idea and harnessed it inside the neuro inhibitor
00:19:28He made it possible to experience the far reaches of outer space without ever really going there
00:19:36So it isn't real? This NV22?
00:19:40Aidan, it's as real as you want it to be
00:19:44The experience is programmed in such great detail that the average human brain cannot detect a difference
00:19:51So he spent decades doing what? Exploring some place that wasn't even real?
00:19:56He made it real. He built colonies, ran experiments. He was even in contact with higher species while there
00:20:03And now he's stuck inside that machine
00:20:08Yes. And he documented all of it with this neuro inhibitor
00:20:14So why tell me this? Why now?
00:20:17Why now?
00:20:22The earth is dying
00:20:25Overpopulation, dwindling food supply, can't keep up with climate change, inadequate infrastructure
00:20:32I could go on and on and that's not even the classified stuff
00:20:36Quite frankly, your father knew that even though the human race was born here
00:20:42It was never meant to die on this planet
00:20:46The planet's messed up. We've known this for years
00:20:50Your father was searching for a new home
00:20:53For who?
00:20:55For all of us
00:21:00Aidan, something happened three weeks ago
00:21:03An attack of some kind, we're not sure
00:21:06But something caused all of our communication with your father to just stop
00:21:12He dug up soil on NB-22, he called it the building blocks of our new home
00:21:16He was able to grow plant life there
00:21:18We think some species thought this was a threat and took matters into their own hands
00:21:25Other non-human life forms
00:21:27You're talking about like aliens
00:21:31Aidan, your father made it possible for twelve other individuals to use the neuro inhibitor
00:21:37Each of them were given a prodigy chip which was fused to their cerebral cortex
00:21:42Now this chip, it's a brain booster that allowed the user to harness more subconscious brain function than an average human could
00:21:52Each of them were left with a small surgical scar at the base of the neck
00:21:56Think of it as the ability to stay in a dream for as long as you like
00:22:00Without ever having the need of waking up
00:22:07Aidan, you don't remember the accident, do you?
00:22:47It was a Saturday
00:22:50He always worked on Saturdays but
00:22:54He happened to be home
00:22:56You were seven years old
00:22:58Your father used your surgery as the perfect opportunity to equip you with your own prodigy chip
00:23:04Why would he do that?
00:23:06In case he needed you to follow him to NB-22
00:23:12Wait, so why not just send one of the other eleven in after him?
00:23:17We did that
00:23:19None of the other eleven have been able to return
00:23:22We sent each of them back different moments just prior to the attack
00:23:27In hopes of finding out what happened to your father's work
00:23:29Yet, none of them survived
00:23:35You mean like physically or...
00:23:41Wait, wait, so what happens if you die inside the neuro-inhibitor?
00:23:53People are dying?
00:23:55That's why we called you
00:23:56You are our last hope in reaching NB-22 and finding out what happened to your father
00:24:02We also need to know if that planet is capable of hosting life as we know it here on Earth
00:24:07You're lying to their families
00:24:09That's what your father would have wanted
00:24:11I'm not a scientist
00:24:14I'm not my father
00:24:16You are your father's son and the last person on this Earth that he trusted
00:24:21Don't sit on your hands here
00:24:22You can't expect me to believe all this
00:24:24You have the night to decide
00:24:27If you choose not to go, your father will be lost forever
00:24:31And all humanity will die on Earth painfully
00:24:35Those are the only two things I need you to believe in as you make your decision
00:26:20You've been coming here for three years
00:26:23You refuse to take any medication
00:26:27You speak in surly undertones
00:26:31Last week was the first time you have ever spoken with any specific detail about your own father
00:26:40That isn't true
00:26:43I told you he's a pilot
00:26:45And we swept him under the rug like dust
00:26:49What's your point?
00:26:51Why are you here?
00:26:53What do you get out of all of this?
00:26:56Have you ever had to make a decision based off of faith?
00:27:02I mean blind faith
00:27:08Something deep down you know
00:27:14But so impossible
00:27:15No one in their right mind would agree to it
00:27:18Are you saying you're not in your right mind?
00:27:23I have to go
00:27:25I should tell you I have a moral and ethical obligation to call the authorities
00:27:33If you're telling me that you might be a harm to yourself or to others
00:27:40Oh and uh
00:27:42I take the pills just so you know
00:29:58We're working on it
00:30:01Working on it doesn't cut it
00:30:03Last time we spoke you mentioned this being our last option
00:30:07It is, it's quite a bit to consider
00:30:10However we planted the seed
00:30:15Aidan isn't his father
00:30:17See, William was a pioneer
00:30:20Very forward thinking
00:30:22The kind of mind that seems to have skipped over this generation
00:30:26I still think the kid will come through though
00:30:29I think the idea of following in his father's footsteps moves him
00:30:33I can see that look in his eyes, that look of wonder
00:30:39His father had that same look in his eyes when he started this program
00:30:56Aidan's Father
00:31:10Speaking of William, any luck with the last transmission?
00:31:14Actually yes
00:31:16Grady was able to ping the last location we believe is his whereabouts
00:31:21I'm going to send you that file now so you can take a look
00:31:23Let me know when you get it
00:31:25We had to clean up the image quite a bit
00:31:28The atmosphere is so unstable that far out that there was considerable damage to the lens
00:31:33It should be clear enough for you
00:31:39What are we looking at?
00:31:41This is still the Andromeda system
00:31:43However it's further out than we can see
00:31:46The final distress signal that William sent out originates here
00:31:50It's the best we got right now
00:31:53Alright, now see the planet on your left?
00:31:56That's the dark side of MB-22
00:31:58That's the location we're guessing the signal originated from
00:32:02Now, as you know, Aidan is the only hope we have of getting our eyes up there to take a look
00:32:08Robotics can't build another Prodigy chip without William
00:32:12So, here we are
00:32:24Is there anyone in there with you?
00:32:28No ma'am
00:32:30Our friends across the pond sent me something you should take a look at
00:32:36Just got it
00:32:37Got it
00:32:41We were able to have the Russians translate what they could in binary
00:33:01I've seen this code once before
00:33:04Never a message this complex though
00:33:05My guess would be they intended us to receive it
00:33:13Sounds like a threat
00:33:16Could be
00:33:18Tread carefully
00:33:20And get the kid on board
00:33:23Yes ma'am
00:33:36Look at that
00:33:39He's late again
00:33:41You think he's gonna show?
00:33:45It's hard to tell
00:33:47Would you do it?
00:33:50I don't know
00:33:52How could anyone believe half the things we've said?
00:33:55Chance to see his father? It'd be crazy not to
00:33:59But I can't help feel we've manipulated the situation
00:34:06I guess it all depends on the extent of their own mutual sense of self
00:34:15Relationship with the father
00:34:19You think fascination is not enough?
00:34:23Fascination is fickle
00:34:31Feelings are unconditional
00:34:38Show me how it works
00:34:41You got it
00:34:48Alright, so when you're there, you should see clear skies
00:34:52Got it
00:34:54There, that's the landing zone
00:34:57It's a way of knowing you're in
00:34:59I'm here
00:35:08Now it's important to note that your breathing is key
00:35:11Deeper breaths can cause the neuro-inhibitor to shut down
00:35:14And wake you out of the simulation
00:35:16Stay calm
00:35:18Got it
00:35:19Now this ship is called the Monet
00:35:21It was built by your father
00:35:23There's gravity here?
00:35:25Because your father built this place
00:35:27He created the rules
00:35:29Oh wow
00:35:31Is this it?
00:35:33That's NB-22
00:35:36No wonder he spent so much time up here
00:35:42Now this is the airlock
00:35:45You'll notice there's no gravity in here
00:35:47Again, this was designed by your father
00:35:51Zero gravity, right?
00:35:53That's right
00:35:55You'll get used to it
00:35:57I'm bringing you out now
00:35:59Out? Wait, no!
00:36:03What happened?
00:36:08Baby steps
00:36:10Go on, take the water
00:36:18Call me back in
00:36:20Aiden, you need time to adjust
00:36:22Well, according to you guys, time is something that we don't have a ton of
00:36:30Let's try something different
00:36:32Put him in the white suit
00:36:36What's the white suit?
00:36:40What's happening?
00:36:42Why am I shooting?
00:36:46Because he's shooting at you
00:36:48This will make sense to you later
00:36:52Self-defense is going to be key in space
00:36:55Everything up there is foreign to you
00:37:01So, let's try the space jump
00:37:04Space jump?
00:37:06Are you sure about this?
00:37:12Remember what I said, you need to breathe
00:37:14You aren't going to die in the space jump program
00:37:17So just relax
00:37:19Alright, let's talk about what we know
00:37:22Let's talk about planets
00:37:24This planet is called Cerberus
00:37:26Your father named it after the three-headed green demon
00:37:29Because from a distance, the planet gave off an amber glow
00:37:33But it's all ice
00:37:36Nothing in deep space is what it seems
00:37:39This place seems livable
00:37:42The air is laced with lethal amounts of radon
00:37:45Ten seconds without a helmet and you'd be dead
00:37:54I'm going to give you some time to take all this in
00:37:57There's nothing quite like it
00:38:00I'm going to give you some time to take all this in
00:38:02There's nothing quite like it
00:38:03Alright, so let's talk about how looks can be deceiving up here
00:38:27Alright, so let's talk about how looks can be deceiving up here
00:38:34But you see that there?
00:38:36The planet looks like Earth
00:38:42What's wrong with this one?
00:38:44Those pretty little flowers
00:38:46They're covered in bactericides
00:38:48One sniff and you'd be dead in seconds
00:38:51Your father preached to us the importance of knowing your surroundings on new planets
00:38:56Things we take for granted down here and up there
00:38:59Can kill you in a blink of an eye
00:39:04Let's get you back
00:39:12Someone want to tell me what's going on?
00:39:16Alright, so this is the escalator your father took each morning when he comes to work
00:39:21He built one inside the neuro-inhibitor
00:39:24If the sky was his way of knowing he was in
00:39:27This was his way of knowing he was out
00:39:29These little nuances kept him from staying inside for too long
00:39:33Hang on
00:39:43What was all that?
00:39:46You guys are messing with me
00:39:48Deep breaths, in through the nose, out through the mouth
00:39:51Take it easy
00:39:53No, no, no, forget all that
00:39:55What just happened?
00:39:56Those were programs created by your father to prep you for the real NB-22
00:40:01Alright, remember these places were created by your father's raw subconscious
00:40:06They don't have to obey the laws of physics or make sense for that matter
00:40:14Perfectly normal
00:40:16Now Aiden, remember next time you go in
00:40:19It's gonna be for real
00:40:22More real than that?
00:40:23It's like an onion
00:40:25There are layers you peel back
00:40:28Who's hungry?
00:40:31So the next step is to get you on N-22B
00:40:34We'll put you in about an hour before the attack
00:40:37That way you can get a look around and not actually interact with the projections
00:40:42What's a projection?
00:40:44The eleven men and women we sent in after your father
00:40:53Can they see me?
00:40:57But I can see them
00:40:59That's right
00:41:01So what happens if we bump into each other or something?
00:41:05You can't. Remember they're not actually there, they're dead
00:41:08Yeah, but I mean, what happens if I run into one?
00:41:13You won't
00:41:15They'll appear to be working or doing whatever it is that they were doing prior to the attack
00:41:21Think of them as memories saved to the CPU of the neuro-inhibitor
00:41:26Only ghosts at this point
00:41:30You're not eating?
00:41:41How is he able to keep this all a secret?
00:41:45The department knew
00:41:49Father even briefed the president once
00:41:54The president?
00:41:56The Oval Office?
00:41:58Well, the NSA chair and a couple of cabinet members
00:42:02And they just ignored him?
00:42:05Did they even take a look?
00:42:07Twenty million dollars apiece, Dean
00:42:10Military didn't consider your father's work
00:42:13What was that word they used?
00:42:16Yeah, seven billion people on the planet
00:42:21Each needing their own neuro-inhibitor
00:42:23And during an election year
00:42:26You can do the math
00:42:28The entire department was reduced to just your father and the two of us
00:42:32And then there were budget cuts
00:42:34And after that, it was just us believers
00:42:41But he was allowed to keep working?
00:42:42Of course
00:42:44Your father was very persuasive when he wanted to be
00:42:50Neat guy
00:42:52Once you go in
00:42:54There is nothing else like it
00:43:12Though the day may be long
00:43:14You never will know wrong
00:43:17Okie ponkie penny okey
00:43:19Just start the day with a thong
00:43:35So are you still taking the medication?
00:43:38Do you want to talk about trying something new?
00:43:43Do you think there are too many people on earth?
00:43:45Meaning what?
00:43:49Do you remember that virus?
00:43:52Do you think that was
00:43:54Mother nature's way of balancing the equation?
00:43:58Some say the COVID virus was man-made
00:44:03That means there were too many people on earth
00:44:06That means that what you're saying would qualify as genocide
00:44:14I met someone who showed me a file this thick
00:44:18Decades of research
00:44:20On how the earth is going to run out of food and run out of room
00:44:25It's like an equation
00:44:27X minus Y
00:44:29Equals Z
00:44:32I'm confused
00:44:34So if
00:44:36X represents people
00:44:39And Y represents food
00:44:43What does Z represent?
00:44:45My father solved the equation
00:44:49The night we spoke about?
00:44:52With the television show?
00:44:55And your pajamas?
00:44:58And the look on your father's face?
00:45:00Is that what the secret was?
00:45:03Him solving the equation?
00:45:06This planet
00:45:08This room
00:45:10All the stuff
00:45:12That's around you that you take for granted
00:45:15The way that you know how the cushion of the chair you're sitting in feels like
00:45:20It's all going to come to an end
00:45:24Life as we know it
00:45:26Will look completely different
00:45:28You sound like you've seen some other world that is a better fit for us
00:47:24The neuro inhibitor
00:47:25Do you know if my father stored anything on there besides what he saw up there?
00:47:32Like what?
00:47:34Anything he wanted to preserve, really.
00:47:41I want to go back in, but to another time.
00:47:45Okay. Where do you want to go?
00:47:48After the surgery, but before you left.
00:47:50I can't do that.
00:47:51Why not?
00:47:52I just can't, okay? I don't have the authority to do that.
00:47:54Well, whose authority do you need?
00:47:56Sharp, for starters.
00:47:58Sharp will never know.
00:48:01McGrady, look.
00:48:04Do you want to know what happened to my father?
00:48:06I can find out, but you have to let me do it my way.
00:48:10How do you even know he's going to be in there, in the memory?
00:48:12I don't.
00:48:15But I'm taking a leap.
00:48:31♪ Even while you're busy working through just like a bloody suit, ♪
00:48:35♪ Though the day may be long, you never will go wrong. ♪
00:48:40♪ Off keep, on keep, any old key, just start the day with a song. ♪
00:49:56It's me.
00:50:00You don't have to be afraid.
00:50:04I know what's happening now
00:50:08isn't real, but I cherished this moment
00:50:12as much as you did.
00:50:16He didn't say anything to me.
00:50:28I didn't think I needed to.
00:50:36I'm sure you have questions.
00:50:44Yeah, I got questions.
00:50:48Let's start with you telling where you went.
00:50:52I mean,
00:50:56what happened to you?
00:51:00Oh, the things I've seen.
00:51:08Technology we could only dream of.
00:51:12Weapons the human mind would never be capable of building,
00:51:16not in a trillion lifetimes.
00:51:24Beings so complicated, so complex,
00:51:28we will never fully understand the way they think.
00:51:32Violence. That was the only universal language I found.
00:51:36So I kept searching for a new home.
00:51:42What about me?
00:51:50What about Mom?
00:51:54You weren't even here to see her before she died.
00:51:58You didn't care that she left us?
00:52:02Of course I cared.
00:52:06But as with all great feats,
00:52:10sacrifices had to be made to serve the greater good.
00:52:14The greater good?
00:52:18We were supposed to be the greater good!
00:52:22Everything I did was with you in mind.
00:52:26Don't you see? This place, this memory you hold so dear,
00:52:30it only exists because for a moment, as brief as it may have been,
00:52:34you understood that my absence was only for the safety of your future.
00:52:38But I'm not safe, Dad.
00:52:42I'm not.
00:52:46I try to drown myself
00:52:50every night.
00:52:54I take pills.
00:52:58I see a shrink twice a week.
00:53:02What you were doing
00:53:06didn't work.
00:53:10Can't you see?
00:53:14It will work. You're gonna help me make them see.
00:53:22Everyone that doubted me. Everyone that said it wasn't possible.
00:53:36I'm sorry.
00:53:44You're sorry.
00:53:48I'll make it up to you.
00:53:52All of it.
00:53:56As my search for Earth's future grew more futile,
00:54:00I created new protection for myself.
00:54:04Alien technology I picked up along the way.
00:54:08I built ships.
00:54:16I kept tabs on our enemies as my footprint grew larger.
00:54:20I did my best
00:54:24to cover my tracks,
00:54:28but the universe is so vast,
00:54:32and time moves so slow, it was inevitable they'd find me.
00:54:40The human race has made quite a few,
00:54:44not knowing it along the way.
00:54:48We've lived as if no one is there watching.
00:54:52There is.
00:54:56See, the fifth dimension exists.
00:55:00We have no way of seeing it here on Earth.
00:55:04But up there, up there, time is a puddle
00:55:08that you can jump in and out of.
00:55:12Age is a button in an elevator that you can just press and relive as if it never happened before.
00:55:16Who followed you to NB-22?
00:55:20A species more advanced
00:55:24than you could even imagine.
00:55:28They caught wind of your research, and what? It pissed them off?
00:55:32You could say that.
00:55:36They saw humans as lesser creatures.
00:55:40Since NB-22 is located in Andromeda, their own galaxy,
00:55:44coming in droves to destroy one of their planets the way we'd done on Earth.
00:55:48So what happened? They attacked and...
00:55:52Where did you go?
00:55:56I can't tell you that, son.
00:56:00What? Why not?
00:56:04Why can't you tell me that?
00:56:08Answer me! Tell me where you are!
00:56:12What happened? I was nearly there!
00:56:16This was a bad idea. I never should have agreed to this.
00:56:20Why not?
00:56:24You need to leave.
00:56:28He wasn't going to tell me, was he?
00:56:32I'm sorry. You should go.
00:56:36Just tell me why he won't do it.
00:56:40No one can track him now.
00:56:44He didn't want you to know because he thought you might go in and try to find him.
00:56:48Isn't that what we're doing?
00:56:52The greater good here is figuring out if we can harvest life on NB-22.
00:56:56That was his mission. That's your mission now.
00:57:00Finding your father is icing on the cake.
00:57:04And you need to be here in the morning. Go home.
00:57:08And don't tell Sharp about this.
00:57:12I don't think I'll come back here again.
00:57:16That's disappointing. We weren't making such progress.
00:57:20Where are we?
00:57:24The discussion regarding your father.
00:57:28Progress? All of this?
00:57:32About our triggers and feelings and mental wellness?
00:57:36That's fortune cookie wisdom.
00:57:40It's just a bunch of words that people read about online
00:57:44and made popular by posting artwork behind them.
00:57:48I'm sorry you feel that way.
00:57:52But you're wrong. I've spent my entire life
00:57:56studying the human psyche and there are ways to break through.
00:58:00You have no idea what the human mind is capable of.
00:58:04These problems that people like me
00:58:08sit in this chair and complain to you about,
00:58:12they mean nothing. They're figments of our imagination.
00:58:16I respectfully disagree.
00:58:20Because if I'm right, you're out of a job.
00:58:24No, I want to see people do better.
00:58:28If we use our minds to create good things instead of wanting,
00:58:32that's crazy. What does that word mean to you? Crazy.
00:58:36It means people like you, sitting in that chair,
00:58:40wanting people to get better, will never happen.
00:58:44People don't want to get better.
00:58:48They want everyone else to change around them.
00:58:52Pretty cynical.
00:58:56I'll take my chances out there.
00:59:00Good luck to you.
00:59:20Your vitals are good.
00:59:24Just steady your breathing.
00:59:28Just rest.
00:59:32All right, we're piloting you down now.
00:59:36All right, Aiden, watch your entry.
00:59:40It can be a bit bumpy if it's windy down there.
00:59:44All right, we're initiating landing sequence now.
00:59:48That's right. Just like that. Keep her centered.
00:59:52You're doing great, Aiden. Just keep her steady.
00:59:58All right, I see the colonies from here.
01:00:02Now you should be able to see the projections as well.
01:00:06I see them. You're sure they can't see me?
01:00:10They're just projections. You're not even there at the same time.
01:00:14You should see them working on a rover of some type.
01:00:18I see it. Okay, just behind the rover is the outpost.
01:00:22We need you to get over there as soon as you can.
01:00:46All right, Aiden, you have to keep an eye out at all times.
01:00:50Whoever planned the attack could be anywhere at any time.
01:00:54That's your father's living quarters. Looks like the structure is still intact,
01:00:58which means our timing is good. The attack hasn't happened yet.
01:01:02All right, so there's a projection coming up beside you.
01:01:06Now watch as they move about as if you're not even there.
01:01:10You see that? All right, look for the greenhouse structures.
01:01:14They look like clear tubes about ten feet tall. There should be a few of them on the surface.
01:01:18I see it.
01:01:22He did it. My old man figured it out.
01:01:28Aiden, are you saying that everything is contained?
01:01:32Yes. Sending visuals now.
01:01:36Terrific. Now let's get you out of there before the attack.
01:01:40You know what, Sean? It doesn't look like there's anyone else here but us.
01:01:44Well, that's the point.
01:01:48Don't assume anything. Scanning now.
01:01:52That's strange. Sensors are bouncing on and off line.
01:01:56Aiden, something must be interfering with the frequencies.
01:02:04Oh, look!
01:02:08Look out! Hey, guys! Watch out!
01:02:12Watch out!
01:02:16Sharp! They're coming from the hills!
01:02:20Aiden, they can't hear you. Do you copy?
01:02:28His readings are off the chart.
01:02:32If we don't pull him out right now, we're gonna lose him.
01:02:42I saw them.
01:02:46You saw who?
01:02:50They came from the hills. They were hiding. An entire army of them.
01:02:54The projections had no way of being warned. You should have left me in.
01:02:58No, we had to take you out prior to the attack so we didn't lose you like we did the others.
01:03:02I can go back in. I can try to save them. You can't. No way.
01:03:06We can warn them if we can figure out a way to let me interact with them.
01:03:10No. Tell me why.
01:03:14Three days ago, space travel was impossible. Look at what we're doing here.
01:03:18Tell me why we can't warn them.
01:03:22Because they aren't alive anymore, Aiden. They're just memories. Remember? Ghosts saved to the CPU.
01:03:26Well, then we go back and try to save them.
01:03:30Now that we know that the colony was stabilized prior to the attack, there's no need to go back in at all.
01:03:34So those people, my father, they died for nothing?
01:03:38We had all the information that we needed.
01:03:42All we needed to confirm was that indeed your father was able to sustain life on that planet.
01:03:46And he did it. He did it.
01:03:50But we have no way of getting anyone there.
01:03:54Whoever destroyed the colony isn't going to allow just seven billion people to just migrate onto their planet.
01:03:58Their planet.
01:04:08Andromeda is their galaxy.
01:04:12Well, the sun is in our galaxy, but that doesn't make it ours.
01:04:16They're not going to let us come back, Sharp.
01:04:20They'll attack again, and they'll keep attacking until we leave MB-22 alone forever.
01:04:28What have you done?
01:04:32Either of you two can answer.
01:04:36I went in and I spoke to my father.
01:04:40You what?
01:04:44And who gave you the authority to do that?
01:04:48I told him it was a bad idea.
01:04:52He shouldn't have done it.
01:04:56He warned me that even though he colonized MB-22,
01:05:00these beings never wanted us there in the first place.
01:05:04There has to be another planet.
01:05:08Well, there isn't. And don't you think if there was, your father would have told us about it?
01:05:12And you...
01:05:16You just allowed this to happen.
01:05:20I did this on my own. He had nothing to do with it.
01:05:24Either way, we only have two options here, guys.
01:05:28We find another planet to colonize,
01:05:32and let me try to save MB-22.
01:05:36What's it going to be, Sharp?
01:05:40We can do this.
01:05:44We can find another way and find my father in the process.
01:05:54Persuasive when he wants to be.
01:06:02All right, let's put him back in.
01:06:08Okay, you're there. I'm only giving you one shot at this,
01:06:12so make it stick if you want to make it off that planet alive.
01:06:16As soon as I see danger, I'm pulling you out. Do you copy?
01:06:20Aiden! There has to be a way I can warn them.
01:06:24There isn't. Aiden, if you get killed in there, I can't get you out.
01:06:28In order to save the planet and yourself, you need to make it out in one piece.
01:06:40You see anything? Anything at all?
01:06:44Wait a minute, we're seeing something on our end.
01:06:48Movement, and it's a lot of it, and it's moving fast.
01:06:52Aiden, do you copy?
01:06:56It's happening! We're under attack!
01:07:00Aiden, get the hell out of there now!
01:07:04Do it! There's so many of them, there's no way out!
01:07:08Aiden? Aiden? We're losing communication.
01:07:12Aiden, can you hear me? Aiden, this is hopeless.
01:07:16If you can hear me, find cover now!
01:07:20We're ready. Something is blocking our transmission. It must be location beacons or something.
01:07:24Maybe they're crashing. Aiden, can you see the comms tower?
01:07:28Aiden, the comms tower! We're losing you! Aiden!
01:07:34Grady, something is blocking our transmission. The location beacons are crashing.
01:07:38Aiden, listen, can you see any of the comms towers?
01:07:48Grady, you're surrounded. Aiden, I'm looking at your vitals right now. You have to watch your breathing.
01:07:54Aiden, you've got two choices. If you can hear me, you have to find cover or get out of there.
01:07:58Aiden, if you can hear me, you must survive this attack
01:08:02or I will not be able to bring you out alive.
01:08:06Aiden, do you copy?
01:08:14What is that? He's peaking again. I can't...
01:08:18I can't pull him out.
01:08:32What should we do? Should we call someone?
01:08:36Hold on.
01:08:50Look, Grady.
01:08:54We need to call the director.
01:08:58Go on.
01:09:02Do it!
01:09:28Do it!
01:10:26What do we have in place for this?
01:10:30From my go-ahead on that, keep it quiet.
01:10:34And I want you and Robert in my office first thing on Monday morning.
01:10:42We have to make a decision on how to move on from this.
01:10:46Ma'am, if I may, perhaps that wall is there for a reason.
01:10:54What if William didn't put that wall there to keep something or someone out?
01:10:58It's there for us to try to climb over.
01:11:06Go on.
01:11:10Once Aiden's neuro-inhibitor went offline, I received a beacon signal on a private server even McGrady doesn't have access to.
01:11:14What kind of signal?
01:11:18Apparently, one of the projections survived the attack on NB-22.
01:11:22The beacon signal that we couldn't decipher.
01:11:26That means that someone made it off that planet, and they made it off alive.
01:11:30Do we know who?
01:11:34That I don't know.
01:11:38Be that as it may, I need to know how you want me to proceed.
01:11:46Bury it, and I'll see you first thing Monday morning.
01:12:26Destroy it.
01:12:30Files, hard drives, all of it.
01:12:34Anything that links the program to Will Crawford or the other eleven.
01:12:38Including Aiden.
01:12:42But we don't know that Aiden is dead.
01:12:46We don't know that he isn't. And in the eyes of the program, that's more important than knowing for sure.
01:12:50Now this isn't a discussion.
01:12:54Just do it.
01:12:58And this?
01:13:02Yeah, keep it somewhere safe.
01:13:06I'm going to go home for once and try to get some sleep.
01:13:10Sleep sounds impossible at a time like this.
01:13:14Well, try.
01:13:18Alright, because it's going to get real busy around here.
01:13:22Or it's going to get very slow.
01:13:26Take the time while you have it.
01:13:30I'll see you Monday.
01:13:52I'll see you Monday.
01:14:26Tell Sharp he was wrong.
01:14:34There is another chance for mankind.
01:14:38My father and I found it.
01:14:46That's right.
01:14:50That's right.
01:14:54My father survived the attack on MB-22 and escaped unnoticed.
01:14:58He programmed the neuro-inhibitor with the same escape plan for me.
01:15:02The projections too.
01:15:06At the moment of death, we were remade.
01:15:10This new home is incredible. Full of life, space, time.
01:15:14My only hope is that you can pass this message along.
01:15:18If the powers that be deem the human race worth saving,
01:15:22there is finally a way.
01:15:30Convince them to come.
01:15:34All of them. We'll be here.
01:15:38Waiting on the rest of you.
01:15:48I love you.
01:15:52I love you.
01:15:56I love you.
01:16:00I love you.
01:16:04I love you.
01:16:08I love you.
01:16:12I love you.
01:16:46I love you.
01:16:50I love you.
01:16:54I love you.
01:16:58I love you.
01:17:02I love you.
01:17:06I love you.
01:17:10I love you.
01:17:14I love you.
01:17:18I love you.
01:17:22I love you.
01:17:26I love you.
01:17:30I love you.
01:17:34I love you.
01:17:38I love you.
01:17:42I love you.
01:17:46I love you.
01:17:50I love you.
01:17:54I love you.
01:17:58I love you.
01:18:02I love you.
01:18:06I love you.
01:18:10I love you.
01:18:14I love you.
01:18:18I love you.
01:18:22I love you.
01:18:26I love you.
01:18:30I love you.
01:18:34I love you.
01:18:40I love you.
01:18:44I love you.
01:18:48I love you.
01:18:52I love you.
01:18:56I love you.
01:19:00I love you.
01:19:04I love you.