Hillock Haunting (2024)

  • 2 months ago
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Welcome to Super Cult Cinema, where classic movies meet contemporary classics! Dive into a world of timeless films, spanning decades and genres, curated for cinephiles like you. From Hollywood classics to international masterpieces, we've got it all. Join us as we celebrate the art of cinema and explore the stories that have captured our hearts and minds for generations. Subscribe now to embark on a journey through the rich tapestry of cinematic history. Don't miss out on our latest uploads, exclusive content, and curated playlists. Get ready to experience the magic of movies like never before with Super Cult Cinema!
00:05:32Look at the size of that painting.
00:05:38He really did love donkeys.
00:05:41That's probably why he has so many.
00:06:37It's amazing how this place is so huge.
00:06:43It's a mess though.
00:06:45I don't think Grandpa ever cleaned this place.
00:06:48Probably not, but that's going to be our jobs.
00:06:52Dad's going to make us clean every inch of it.
00:06:54The apartment was a lot easier to clean because it was so small.
00:06:58Yeah, but at least we don't have to share our bathroom with our dad anymore.
00:07:04Okay, let's go check out the other rooms.
00:07:11What was that?
00:07:12It's just the shower curtain.
00:07:14We must have knocked it over somehow.
00:07:16Oh, okay.
00:07:17We'll get it later.
00:07:18All right.
00:07:23Hey, small books.
00:07:30Give me one.
00:07:33Let's take a break from unpacking and go find a pretty spot to read these.
00:07:38I know the perfect place.
00:07:39Come on.
00:08:04Dad, you're right.
00:08:06This is way better than that little apartment.
00:08:08There's so many things we can do with a house this size.
00:08:11That makes me happy.
00:08:13That's all I ever wanted for you girls is just to have a nice home.
00:08:18What are you reading?
00:08:19That's Grandpa's journal.
00:08:21I found it in the old chest over there.
00:08:23Grandpa had a diary?
00:08:25I guess you could call it a diary.
00:08:29He used to log everything in here.
00:08:31Yeah, but I was wondering something.
00:08:34Grandpa was 87 years old.
00:08:36How did he take care of all the animals by himself?
00:08:39No, he didn't take care of the animals all by himself.
00:08:42There's a girl named Abby that comes by and helps him.
00:08:45I decided to keep her hired on.
00:08:47Maybe she can tell us a little bit more about the animals and how things work around here.
00:08:52She'll be here in a few days.
00:08:55In the meantime, maybe we should go check out the animals.
00:08:57What do you think?
00:08:58That'd be great.
00:08:59I'd love to go see them.
00:09:06Oh my goodness.
00:09:08It's a pony.
00:09:11You're so adorable.
00:09:14What are their names? Do we know their names?
00:09:16I'm not sure what their names are.
00:09:18He's got to have a list or something around here.
00:09:21Maybe we can ask Abby.
00:09:23Maybe we can give them new names.
00:09:25I think that'd be a good idea.
00:09:27What about this big guy?
00:09:29We've got to give him an awesome name.
00:09:33Let's get him some more water.
00:09:57I never thought they would be so cute.
00:10:00People never really show how donkeys really are.
00:10:04I can't believe Grandpa died while we were standing.
00:10:08It kind of freaks me out.
00:10:10How could he just have a heart attack?
00:10:13The animals probably watched it happen.
00:10:16Those poor guys.
00:10:27Look at that.
00:10:51Good girl.
00:11:00Come on now, girl.
00:11:05It's going to be us now.
00:11:28I wonder how they feel about two strangers coming down to feed them.
00:11:33They were probably expecting Grandpa.
00:11:36I don't know if they have emotions like us.
00:11:39But if they do, that's kind of sad.
00:11:42Imagine how we would feel if Dad just dropped dead in front of us.
00:11:47What would we do without him?
00:11:51I guess Grandpa really was like a father figure.
00:11:55I guess Grandpa really was like a father to them.
00:11:58He took care of them.
00:12:00He kept them safe.
00:12:02They were probably even closer to him than we were.
00:12:06Let's face it.
00:12:08He was a loner.
00:12:10We never really got to spend much time with him.
00:12:14And if we did, then I'd probably still be bawling my eyes out.
00:12:18Like when Mom passed away.
00:12:20I don't want to talk about Mom right now.
00:12:23I've finally been able to kind of block it out.
00:12:27And now I just want to focus on making Dad happy.
00:12:31You're right.
00:12:33Let's just go catch up with Dad and finish unpacking.
00:12:54What did you two think about the animals?
00:12:57I think it's going to be a long summer.
00:13:01I did some counting.
00:13:03We have 14 donkeys, 1 sheep, 2 horses, and 2 ponies.
00:13:10But I want you two to be careful.
00:13:12Don't walk behind them.
00:13:14Don't stand behind them.
00:13:16I don't want you to get kicked.
00:13:18I was just out with the horses and I almost got kicked.
00:13:21So it's going to take them some time to get used to us, I think.
00:13:24Yeah, we'll be careful.
00:13:26I'm going to get started on dinner.
00:13:28Y'all get cleaned up.
00:13:30We're going to hit the sack early tonight.
00:13:32Because I don't know about you two, but I'm exhausted from moving all those boxes.
00:13:35Would it be okay if we did some reading before bed?
00:13:38Because we found some old books that we're excited about upstairs.
00:13:41And, you know, it's kind of tough getting adjusted into a new place.
00:13:45And I think it would help a lot.
00:13:49And I think it would help us feel a little more comfortable.
00:13:52That'll be okay. I understand.
00:13:54Whatever helps you two get rest.
00:13:56Because we have a long day tomorrow.
00:13:58Good night.
00:14:18Pizza it is.
00:14:25Let's go grab some pizza.
00:14:27All right.
00:14:29Come on.
00:15:25Let's go.
00:15:27Come on.
00:15:54Everything okay?
00:15:56Well, I was grabbing the books, and I thought I heard something in the woods.
00:15:59But I guess it was nothing.
00:16:01Here's your book.
00:16:03Thanks. I'm going to go to bed now.
00:16:06I'm kind of awake right now, so I think I'm going to start reading.
00:16:09Maybe it'll help me fall asleep.
00:16:11But sleep good.
00:16:56Good night.
00:17:26Good night.
00:17:48I don't need a service call.
00:17:50I just have a quick question.
00:17:52Can the water in the shower come out without me turning it on?
00:17:57I know it sounds crazy, but I woke up and the shower was on.
00:18:11Okay, well, I'll check that out, and I'll give you a call back if I have any other questions.
00:18:19Hey, girls. Did you sleep well?
00:18:23All right, the plan for the day is you two are going to do the barn in the front, clean those stalls.
00:18:28I'm going to clean the stalls in the back.
00:18:30I have the gravel guy coming so I can repair the paddocks from all the rain that's been coming.
00:18:35Why were you talking to the plumber about the shower?
00:18:38I called the plumber because last night I woke up and the shower was on.
00:18:43I didn't want to tell you girls because I didn't want to spook you.
00:18:47And he thought I was crazy.
00:18:50So I don't know what to tell you.
00:18:52Maybe Grandpa was already having weird things happening to him.
00:18:56Maybe that's why he had the books.
00:18:58Maybe he was doing research.
00:19:00Okay, the book I was reading last night was about ghosts and haunted houses.
00:19:05Grandpa had books about ghosts in the house?
00:19:08And it mentioned something called poltergeist activity.
00:19:12And it was talking about lights turning on and off and things being moved around.
00:19:17Maybe the shower or something like that?
00:19:20You two are reading ghost books before bed?
00:19:25I'm going to go grab the books for you so you can take a look at them.
00:19:28I think that would be a good idea.
00:19:42You two get started on the stalls.
00:20:12What's that for?
00:20:41Dad said this is what we use to clean out the stalls.
00:20:45He's going to do the back and we do the front.
00:21:31Are you playing a trick on me?
00:21:33You're not scaring me.
00:21:35Get it out!
00:22:06Get it out!
00:22:07Get it out!
00:22:08Get it out!
00:22:09Get it out!
00:22:10Get it out!
00:22:11Get it out!
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00:22:13Get it out!
00:22:14Get it out!
00:22:15Get it out!
00:22:16Get it out!
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00:22:19Get it out!
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00:22:22Get it out!
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00:22:31Get it out!
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00:22:33Get it out!
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00:23:50Get it out!
00:23:51Get it out!
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00:23:55Get it out!
00:23:56Get it out!
00:23:57Get it out!
00:23:58Get it out!
00:23:59Get it out!
00:24:00Get it out!
00:24:01I'm coming back in the morning, but I'm going to say goodbye to Paula first.
00:24:09Are you ok?
00:24:27That was Abby.
00:24:29That was Abby?
00:24:36Let's call it a night, girls.
00:24:39She'll be back in the morning.
00:25:00Hey, I meant to ask you, what time is your morning feedings?
00:25:037 a.m. is morning feedings.
00:25:06Then I do cleaning, grooming, fill up their waters,
00:25:10and repair the stalls if necessary.
00:25:13Look, I'm sorry I was a little short in there.
00:25:15It's just everything's a bit overwhelming at the moment.
00:25:20I'm just trying to take it all in, but I'm definitely going to need your help.
00:25:24I'm going to have the girls meet up with you in the morning.
00:25:26I have a few errands to run.
00:25:29Be careful with that thing.
00:25:31Don't worry, I'll be careful.
00:25:47So, what do you think about Abby?
00:25:50I don't know.
00:25:52She creeps me out.
00:25:54I kind of get a bad vibe from her.
00:25:56Maybe she had something to do with Grandpa's death.
00:25:59They said he just had a heart attack.
00:26:04Why would Dad keep a murderer hired on anyway?
00:26:07Well, Dad wouldn't know she's a murderer.
00:26:10All he was told was that Grandpa had a heart attack.
00:26:13Well, we better get used to her.
00:26:15She'll be here tomorrow.
00:26:17Let's just call it a night.
00:26:55I can't open it!
00:26:57It won't, it won't open!
00:27:02What was happening?
00:27:11What is all the yelling about?
00:27:13Someone was shaking her doorknob around and the doors were slamming like crazy and then look!
00:27:19What is happening on this property?
00:27:21There's got to be a reason for all this.
00:27:23Look, you two sleep in my room tonight.
00:27:25We're going to figure this out in the morning.
00:27:49Good morning, Abby.
00:28:15Where is your father?
00:28:19He went to the seed and feed to get some more grain.
00:28:24Do you always carry that blade?
00:28:27There's something strange about this property.
00:28:31And this makes me feel safe.
00:28:35Your grandfather chose donkeys to keep him protected.
00:28:39While I chose something a little more practical.
00:28:43Safe from what?
00:28:46More like the feeling of always being watched.
00:28:50Goosebumps on your arms.
00:28:53The hairs on the back of your neck standing up.
00:28:56And the cold crushing feeling of death all over you.
00:29:01They want to do more than just haunt you.
00:29:04They want to kill you.
00:29:08I don't think so.
00:29:12Come on, I'll show you my farm routine.
00:29:27I'm going to show you girls how many scoops of grain to give them at a time.
00:29:32You need to give these guys a scoop of grain in the morning and a scoop of grain at night.
00:29:38Now let's go over to the pony stall.
00:29:40Abby, I was thinking about what you said at the donkey house.
00:29:45Who are they and why are they here?
00:29:50And why do they want to kill us?
00:29:52Ever since your grandfather uncovered some things on this property, things have gotten strange.
00:29:59And they just keep getting worse and more dangerous.
00:30:03If you ask me, I think they were responsible for his heart attack.
00:30:09You mentioned my grandfather chose donkeys for protection, but why?
00:30:15Donkeys are spiritual animals.
00:30:18They can see into the spiritual realm.
00:30:20When they would come, the donkeys would bray.
00:30:23You know, hee haw.
00:30:25Your grandfather believed they had some sort of spiritual protection from demons.
00:30:30They were in the house last night.
00:30:33They were banging on my door and she couldn't open it.
00:30:38It was completely shut, but it was shaking like crazy.
00:30:43I didn't know what was happening.
00:30:46I was so scared.
00:30:48Then we were in the hallway and there were slamming doors all around us.
00:30:52And suddenly they crashed into this wall and made this giant hole.
00:30:56They're not happy.
00:30:58They want you gone, like your grandfather.
00:31:09So what are we supposed to do?
00:31:11How do we get them to leave?
00:31:14They're getting stronger.
00:31:17There's no hope.
00:31:21I've learned to live with it.
00:31:24But I only work here during the day.
00:31:27I don't have a job.
00:31:30I don't have a job.
00:31:33I don't have a job.
00:31:36But I only work here during the day.
00:31:39You live here.
00:31:42My work's done for the day.
00:31:44I'll see you tomorrow.
00:31:54We have to tell Dad that this is more than just a simple ghost story.
00:31:58Maybe Dad will know what to do.
00:32:07What the hell?
00:32:14Now you're dead.
00:32:37Where are the girls?
00:32:39I don't know where they are.
00:32:41But I finally got that rat that's been getting into the feed.
00:32:45Good job, Abby.
00:32:50I think I'll make a stew.
00:32:52There you girls are.
00:32:54Dad, Abby thinks it's a demon that's been haunting us.
00:32:58And we've been reading Grandpa's diary.
00:33:01These things have been happening for a long time.
00:33:05Abby said it started when Grandpa found some things on the property.
00:33:09And it says right here that Grandpa found a human skull.
00:33:13Let me see that.
00:33:24Today was a dark day.
00:33:27I was finishing the well.
00:33:32And I dug up a human skull.
00:33:36And an unusual tool.
00:33:39I gave the tool...
00:33:43to Abby.
00:33:46The scythe. The thing she's always carrying around.
00:33:49That's the tool.
00:33:51She says it brings her protection from the ghost.
00:33:54That's why it brings her protection.
00:33:56That's what killed the ghost.
00:33:58She carries it around because it's afraid of it.
00:34:01To answer, we have to get that away from Abby.
00:34:04She doesn't live here. We do.
00:34:07If we had that here, it could buy us enough time to figure out how to get rid of this thing.
00:34:12She'll kill us if we try to get that from her.
00:34:14She will never put it down.
00:34:16You're right. That's all that poor girl has.
00:34:22But we're missing the point here.
00:34:25The ghost is afraid.
00:34:28So if it's afraid of one thing, it's got to be afraid of something else.
00:34:32We just have to find out what it is.
00:34:35Abby said that it doesn't just want to hurt us.
00:34:38It wants to kill us.
00:34:40We cannot be scared.
00:34:43There's one thing I know.
00:34:46That we never can give in to fear.
00:34:48We're not scared.
00:34:51We just want it to leave.
00:34:53Maybe there's something in those books Grandpa has set
00:34:57that can give us some advice on how to get rid of it.
00:36:27I heard you.
00:36:51You said help me.
00:36:54Help you with what?
00:37:24Why are you trying to hurt us?
00:37:26Just leave us alone.
00:37:47Is this what you're trying to show me?
00:37:54I have to show Dad.
00:37:56This is a clue.
00:38:33I was sitting on the bench outside and then I heard a voice that said help me.
00:38:37So I followed it into the woods and a tree came down and almost hit me.
00:38:41I jumped out of the way but then underneath another big tree's roots I found this.
00:38:54Mrs. Edwards vanishes without a trace.
00:39:00What does this have to do with anything?
00:39:03That's not all.
00:39:05Look at the paper.
00:39:06Not only does it give us a name but there's a date.
00:39:09Now that I have a name I can call the local police.
00:39:11Maybe there's a cold case file or maybe they'll have more information on Mrs. Edwards.
00:39:18And hopefully they can tie it into this property.
00:39:21But as of right now we don't know if Mrs. Edwards lived here or not.
00:39:24Dad, you were in the military.
00:39:26Don't you have any friends, anyone you know who can help us look up government records
00:39:31or find something under that name we found in this address?
00:39:37I might have a few people that can help us.
00:39:40I've been retired for a few years now and everyone I knew retired with me.
00:39:48You make your calls and see what you can find out.
00:39:51We're going to the library to see what we can dig up because you can't do this alone.
00:40:08Hey stranger, where have you been hiding?
00:40:11As far away from people as possible.
00:40:13What do you need?
00:40:15Apparently the lady that my father bought the house from went missing.
00:40:19Give me the name.
00:40:20All I have is the name Edwards.
00:40:22Do you have a social?
00:40:24Look, I wouldn't ask for help if it wasn't important.
00:40:27Give me until tonight. I'll have something for you.
00:40:30Give me until tonight. I'll have something for you.
00:40:33What's wrong?
00:40:57It's in here.
00:41:01Don't be scared.
00:41:13What's wrong?
00:41:15I don't, I don't know what, I don't know how it got there.
00:41:19It was just looking at me. It was there with me.
00:41:25I could just feel it. It wanted to hurt me.
00:41:28It wanted to kill me.
00:41:34Let's go tell Dad. It always seems to leave when he's around.
00:41:37We can't tell Dad.
00:41:39He's going through a lot right now and I don't want him to know that we're scared.
00:41:45Maybe you're right.
00:41:47Let's leave all the lights on tonight.
00:41:50That's just it. It was turning the lights on and off.
00:41:55The lights can't do anything to protect us from this.
00:41:58Sleep in my room tonight.
00:42:01Two of us together is better than being alone.
00:42:24I found your phone number in my father's journal and your book in his library.
00:42:46Your father did reach out to me about some activity he was having.
00:42:51I gave him the list of things I thought would help him.
00:42:54But we were both coming up short on ideas.
00:42:57It's crashing through walls. It's turning lights on and off.
00:43:01It's turning showers on.
00:43:03I've never experienced or heard of this powerful of an entity.
00:43:06The last time we spoke I had him get rid of some potential trigger objects.
00:43:11I never heard from him again.
00:43:13That's because he recently died of a heart attack.
00:43:17We can explore the trigger object prospect again.
00:43:20Look around for any historic items.
00:43:23This could be a book or I don't want to scare you, but I feel that whatever this is,
00:43:29it probably was the cause of your father's heart attack.
00:43:32Be careful, Henry. At this point it sounds like it is stronger
00:43:36and could be dangerous beyond the point of just haunting the farm.
00:43:40I'm going to give you the number of someone in the New England area that can help you further.
00:43:46I really appreciate that.
00:43:57Abby, we need to talk to you.
00:43:59This ghost is terrorizing us.
00:44:02It keeps showing up out of the blue and scaring us.
00:44:05Our father doesn't know what to do to stop it.
00:44:08Can you help?
00:44:10How do you expect me to help?
00:44:12Well what do you do to keep it away?
00:44:15You don't seem to be dealing with it like we are.
00:44:18It irritates me at times, but I'm not scared.
00:44:22Most of the time when I'm working, it leaves me alone.
00:44:26Has the ghost ever showed up at your place?
00:44:29Nothing ever bothers me at my apartment.
00:44:32Only here on the farm.
00:44:35We found a clue that might help.
00:44:37Have you ever heard the name Mrs. Edwards?
00:44:40Never heard of it.
00:44:42Did you ever hear Grandpa mention that name?
00:44:45Like I said, I've never heard of it.
00:44:49What about the day he found the skull?
00:44:52You were there. You can tell us about it.
00:44:55Who said I was there?
00:44:58In Grandpa's journal. It said you were there.
00:45:04I'll tell you.
00:45:06He was digging a well.
00:45:08I heard him scream, so I ran over.
00:45:11And there in the hole was a crusty old skull.
00:45:15Did you go with him when he turned it in?
00:45:17Or did the cops come and take it from him?
00:45:20No. He kept it.
00:45:23What did he do with it?
00:45:25I have no clue.
00:45:27But he gave me this.
00:45:30It was buried with it.
00:45:37I'll think of some ways I might be able to help.
00:45:40I have a name for you.
00:45:42It's Martha Edwards.
00:45:45I filed a missing persons report,
00:45:47but there's not much in the case file.
00:45:50It's a cold case.
00:45:52How is there nothing in the case file?
00:45:54The town of Grand Valley referred the case to us.
00:45:56The file contains the name and address for Edwards
00:45:59and her occupation, selling grain and hay.
00:46:02It does have another name of Abby Wells listed.
00:46:06Because she's the one who reported her missing.
00:46:09You guys back then were too busy or too lazy to follow up.
00:46:13But when you have no leads,
00:46:15you have to move on to the next case.
00:46:18This is all I can do for you, Henry.
00:46:20Maybe check in with P.D.
00:46:22Maybe they can help you further.
00:46:24Thanks for the help, man.
00:46:27Henry, emotionally, I know you're still in a war zone.
00:46:31Anytime you just need to talk or vent,
00:46:35reach out to me.
00:46:36I am at war.
00:46:38Except this time I don't have any weapons to fight.
00:46:41Stay alert.
00:46:42Stay alive.
00:46:44Thanks for the encouragement.
00:46:46I'll keep you posted.
00:46:48I'll keep you posted.
00:47:06Abby, I'm sorry about asking so many questions.
00:47:09I'm not trying to pry.
00:47:11I just want to get to know you better.
00:47:14I don't have time to talk.
00:47:17I have work.
00:47:19What about you?
00:47:20I'm sure there's something you want to know about us.
00:47:24I know all I need to know.
00:47:26You're the scared daughters of the boss
00:47:29who like asking a lot of questions.
00:47:32What else do you want to know?
00:47:35More about what lurks in the darkness?
00:47:40What about your family?
00:47:42Do you live with them?
00:47:44I don't have any family.
00:47:47What do you mean?
00:47:49My mother didn't want me.
00:47:51She dumped me in the foster care system,
00:47:53and I've been in and out of homes
00:47:55until I was old enough to take care of myself.
00:47:58I went looking for her,
00:48:00but I heard my grandmother lived in this town.
00:48:03So here I am.
00:48:05I'm so sorry.
00:48:08How'd you find this job?
00:48:10Your grandfather had the job posted in the farmer's union.
00:48:14So I went and told him I was interested,
00:48:16and he told me he knew of my grandmother.
00:48:19So it was just meant to be.
00:48:21Where is your grandmother?
00:48:24My grandmother's dead, just like my mother.
00:48:28I'd rather get back to work now.
00:48:30No more questions.
00:48:34You shouldn't be worrying about me.
00:48:37You should be worrying about yourselves.
00:48:59Look, I came to speak with you
00:49:01because the girl said you're familiar with this ghost that we have.
00:49:05And I'm trying to get all the information that I can
00:49:07because I wanted to leave.
00:49:09What do you want to know?
00:49:10Anything that can help.
00:49:11Do you know what it looks like, what it wears,
00:49:14anything that triggers it to come or go,
00:49:17the name of the wandering spirit, anything.
00:49:20It's an older woman.
00:49:22She's active at night.
00:49:24She's been doing strange things to this farm for years.
00:49:27It used to really bother me at first,
00:49:30until your father gave me the scythe he dug up.
00:49:33I noticed it would keep the ghost away.
00:49:35So when did the ghost start appearing?
00:49:38It first started when I started working here.
00:49:41Little things at first.
00:49:43One night I was out in the barn,
00:49:45and the lights started flickering.
00:49:48I could hear footsteps, scratching on the walls.
00:49:52The animals were all outside, and they started braying.
00:49:56I checked the extension cords,
00:49:58but there wasn't anything wrong with them.
00:50:00I was freaked out, so I left.
00:50:03It would continue every night.
00:50:05Different things would happen.
00:50:07One night I was walking by the barn window,
00:50:10and it shattered beside me.
00:50:13But your father had worse things happening in the house.
00:50:17What did my father have to say about it?
00:50:19He wouldn't say anything about it.
00:50:21He always blew me off and changed the subject.
00:50:24Did you both get along? Did you like working for him?
00:50:27We got along for the most part,
00:50:29but he was a bit creepy at times,
00:50:31just watching me while I worked.
00:50:34He was always worried about me living alone,
00:50:36and he offered for me to stay here for free.
00:50:39But I didn't want to live with the ghosts and the animals.
00:50:42When I get off work, I don't want to be around any animals.
00:50:46I guess you could say the ghost brought us together,
00:50:49in a weird way.
00:50:51Even though he was strange,
00:50:54he was like a father to me at times.
00:50:59The girl said you were there
00:51:01when my father found the skull and the scythe.
00:51:04You're not going to be in any trouble.
00:51:07Don't be afraid to tell me everything.
00:51:09Your father was in a rush that day to get the well dug.
00:51:12I was in here working on the barn floor,
00:51:14until I heard something and went outside to check it out.
00:51:18I walked up there and startled him.
00:51:21He tripped and fell, and when I helped him up,
00:51:24I noticed a scythe and a skull.
00:51:27He dug them up when he was digging the well,
00:51:29and he said he was going to turn the skull in.
00:51:32He gave me the scythe, said I could keep it.
00:51:34It was an antique.
00:51:36Then he shooed me off, told me to get back to work.
00:51:39Look, I want us all to be comfortable here.
00:51:41I want us all to get along, just like family.
00:51:44And I think we can do that even with the ghosts here.
00:51:46And I'm going to do everything I can
00:51:48to get rid of this problem for all of us.
00:51:58This is Henry Hillock.
00:52:00I was given your number by author Timothy Hutchison.
00:52:05I have something that's terrorizing me and my two daughters.
00:52:09I've never dealt with anything like this before.
00:52:12I really need your help.
00:52:18Ten minutes.
00:52:27Ten minutes.
00:52:57Ten minutes.
00:53:16Power went out.
00:53:18I really hope it's just Dad this time.
00:53:27Dad, the power's out!
00:53:29Are you down there?
00:53:35Wait, let me grab a flashlight.
00:53:51What happened to the power?
00:54:04Where's Dad?
00:54:06I thought he was down here.
00:54:10Did you hear that?
00:54:12I heard it. What was that?
00:54:26Just a spider web.
00:54:29Obviously Dad's not here, but...
00:54:32I feel like something's here with us.
00:54:38What's wrong?
00:54:40I thought I saw something.
00:54:42I guess I didn't.
00:54:56I think something has my hair.
00:55:01I don't see anything.
00:55:04Something pulled my hair.
00:55:06There's nothing there. There's nothing.
00:55:08Come on.
00:55:09There's nothing in Dad.
00:55:17I don't see anything.
00:55:19I don't see anything.
00:55:21I don't see anything.
00:55:23I don't see anything.
00:55:34Dad's back.
00:55:53Dad's back.
00:56:15I was thinking of a bargain.
00:56:17I'll bury the scythe if you leave them alone.
00:56:23I'll bury the scythe if you leave them alone.
00:57:45Something about the woods just draws me in.
00:57:50It feels like something's out there.
00:57:53Maybe the ghost lives out there.
00:57:56What is that?
00:58:02It's coming!
00:58:03Let's go in the barn.
00:58:04No, I feel safer with the horse.
00:58:10To the horseback, hurry!
00:58:19Come on.
00:58:38It stopped coming when we got in here.
00:58:41Grandpa felt safer with the donkeys,
00:58:43but I feel safer with the horses.
00:58:50So, with everything I've told you,
00:58:52do you think you can help?
00:58:54It depends.
00:58:56On what?
00:58:57On you.
00:58:59We've been trying not to feed it fear.
00:59:03But it's hard.
00:59:06All the activity.
00:59:08I'm trying to keep the girls calm.
00:59:10They say they're not scared, but...
00:59:13I don't know.
00:59:15I'm trying to keep the girls calm.
00:59:17They say they're not scared, but...
00:59:19I know they are.
00:59:21It doesn't just feed on fear.
00:59:24There's other things.
00:59:32The things you're carrying inside right now.
00:59:35How do you know that?
00:59:37I was born with the gift to see and feel things
00:59:40that most people can't.
00:59:42I don't really express my feelings around the girls,
00:59:45and I don't have anyone I can really talk to.
00:59:48Ever since my wife died, I've been...
00:59:51just a loner.
00:59:54If you'd like my help in pursuing this,
00:59:56I can come back.
00:59:58How much do I owe you?
01:00:00I don't charge people for a gift
01:00:02that was freely given to me.
01:00:04I genuinely want to help.
01:00:06No tricks.
01:00:08That's very honorable.
01:00:11I appreciate that.
01:00:41I'm coming.
01:00:43Sorry it took me so long.
01:00:57Come on.
01:00:59Come on.
01:01:01Come on.
01:01:03Come on.
01:01:05Come on.
01:01:07Come on.
01:01:09Come on.
01:01:40You two wouldn't have happened to have found
01:01:42something unusual in the woods, would you?
01:01:45No, we haven't even been in the woods.
01:01:48You wouldn't take something that isn't yours, would you?
01:01:51No, we would never steal.
01:01:54Then who would?
01:02:01Can things get any creepier around here?
01:02:04I don't know what's worse, Abby or the ghost.
01:02:08To be honest, they almost remind me of each other.
01:02:39It's hard to wake up each day and confront such guilt.
01:02:44I loved both Martha and Abby equally.
01:02:48I understand that it is my fault entirely
01:02:51that Martha is dead.
01:02:54I cannot turn Abby in
01:02:56because she is pregnant with my child.
01:02:59I must hide what happened here.
01:03:02I will try to buy this property
01:03:04and guard this event for the rest of my life.
01:03:09I now have Martha gone forever
01:03:11and Abby with child somewhere out in the world.
01:03:15How can love be so wonderful
01:03:18and yet be so dangerous?
01:03:35I had the altar up here on that rock
01:03:38so we can take a seat up here and talk for a bit.
01:03:42During our walk through in the home,
01:03:45I could definitely feel the presence of something dark.
01:03:49And in the barn, I saw an elderly woman,
01:03:53her spirit, her body.
01:03:56I could feel it.
01:03:59And in the barn, I saw an elderly woman,
01:04:02her spirit.
01:04:05She had a dress, shoulder-length hair.
01:04:09Do you know who that might have been?
01:04:11How can you see the type of clothing they're wearing?
01:04:14How can you see the details of a spirit?
01:04:16I can't see anything.
01:04:18Because you're a shield.
01:04:21Your presence has a sort of force field around you.
01:04:25It keeps spirits away.
01:04:28You probably notice you are affected by them
01:04:30a lot less than your children.
01:04:33Who is she? Why is she here?
01:04:36Something has triggered her return
01:04:38and she wants closure.
01:04:40She's here because she's trying to tell you
01:04:44what happened.
01:04:46As for her name or who she is,
01:04:49I don't know.
01:04:51I saw she had some kind of injury on her neck.
01:04:55Probably how she died.
01:04:57There's a lot of anxiety in you right now.
01:05:00Is there something you're not telling me?
01:05:03I found another journal in the house.
01:05:06It was hidden in the wall.
01:05:09My father mentioned a lady named Martha
01:05:12and that she was killed.
01:05:14You want my help, don't you?
01:05:16I'm not God. I don't know everything.
01:05:19If you have something that can help us,
01:05:21pieces of the puzzle,
01:05:23you have to tell me.
01:05:25I was a little embarrassed,
01:05:27so I didn't tell you everything.
01:05:29From reading my father's journals
01:05:31and doing my research
01:05:33and talking with Abby...
01:05:37That's who killed her.
01:05:39No, no, no. Not this Abby.
01:05:41This Abby works at the farm.
01:05:43I know it's confusing,
01:05:45but she's not the Abby that killed Martha.
01:05:47Let me try this again.
01:05:49In my father's journal,
01:05:51it said Martha was killed
01:05:53by a lady named Abby.
01:05:55Now his other journal
01:05:57stated that they found
01:05:59a skull and a scythe
01:06:01buried on the property.
01:06:03He took the skull
01:06:05and made an altar for it in the woods.
01:06:07Contacting the dead is forbidden.
01:06:09You're definitely going to wake some things up.
01:06:11Me and the girls haven't done anything.
01:06:13We haven't opened the door.
01:06:15We haven't contacted the dead.
01:06:17This is why you feel like you're living in hell.
01:06:19Because you can quite literally
01:06:21feel the presence of hell all around you.
01:06:23We have to close those doorways
01:06:25before it's too late.
01:06:27So how do we close it?
01:06:29I want it closed.
01:06:31I want it peaceful for me and my daughters.
01:06:33How can the owner of the property
01:06:35who didn't give permission
01:06:37have a doorway open?
01:06:39You took ownership of the land
01:06:41that the blood was spilled on.
01:06:43Not only that, but...
01:06:45Hillock, you're lying.
01:06:47Your father brought this demon somehow.
01:06:49The spiritual system
01:06:51operates on a set of rules.
01:06:53Kind of. Just like we do.
01:06:55If you give it a doorway
01:06:57then you're inviting it
01:06:59into your home.
01:07:01Your farm.
01:07:03Everything that's happening
01:07:05to you right now
01:07:07is demonic activity.
01:07:09I thought we just had a ghost of an old lady
01:07:11and now we have a demon here?
01:07:13Continuing communication
01:07:15could have brought this.
01:07:17We don't do that.
01:07:19I know that for sure.
01:07:21Wait, Abby.
01:07:37Abby, let me talk to you for a minute.
01:07:39The animals are great.
01:07:41The structures are holding up,
01:07:43the paddocks are clear,
01:07:45and you've been helping me a bit.
01:07:47So no worries here.
01:07:49I'm not here for an update.
01:07:51When my father turned the skull in,
01:07:53did you go with him?
01:07:57When's the last time you saw the skull?
01:08:01That day.
01:08:03When he found it.
01:08:05Look, with all the chaos we've been facing lately,
01:08:07I'm not in the mood to play games.
01:08:09You're going to be honest,
01:08:11or this is going to be your last day.
01:08:13I haven't done anything wrong here.
01:08:15The skull, Abby.
01:08:19The skull.
01:08:23Your father didn't turn it in
01:08:25to the police.
01:08:29I don't know why.
01:08:31All I know is he kept it in the woods
01:08:33and made daily visits there.
01:08:35To visit the skull?
01:08:37I snuck up on him once
01:08:39and I heard him
01:08:41calling it Martha
01:08:43and having conversations with it.
01:08:45I just thought he was losing his mind.
01:08:47Why would he be
01:08:49talking to a skull?
01:08:51From the conversations he was having,
01:08:53I guessed he wanted it to leave.
01:08:55One time,
01:08:57I heard him say,
01:08:59I love you.
01:09:01He was always apologizing to it.
01:09:03I'm so sorry, Martha.
01:09:05Well, we didn't
01:09:07talk much,
01:09:09and it did get pretty distant.
01:09:11At first,
01:09:13I wouldn't dare go into the woods,
01:09:15but I kept hearing it
01:09:17call my name.
01:09:19It led me to the skull,
01:09:21which was in a tree.
01:09:23I started having
01:09:25conversations with it
01:09:27and I felt comforted.
01:09:29Something familiar.
01:09:33It was almost like
01:09:35being in a trance,
01:09:37which I would snap out of
01:09:39after a few hours.
01:09:41I can't explain it.
01:09:43And as I spoke with it,
01:09:45it led me to continue with the candles.
01:09:49But it started getting dangerous.
01:09:51Rocks would be thrown at me.
01:09:53Trees would fall.
01:09:55The energy changed.
01:09:57It just felt evil.
01:09:59One day,
01:10:01I was in the woods
01:10:03and it felt like something
01:10:05would cut me or burn me.
01:10:07It hurt so bad.
01:10:09But when I looked behind me,
01:10:11nothing was there.
01:10:13I never went into the woods since then.
01:10:15Until recently,
01:10:17when I tried to bargain with it
01:10:19to get it to leave.
01:10:21Well, I snuck up on you
01:10:23and I heard you talking to it.
01:10:25Why are you still visiting with it?
01:10:27I was just trying to help.
01:10:29The girls came to me for help
01:10:31and I was just trying to get it
01:10:33to stop scaring you.
01:10:35What did you do?
01:10:37What did he do?
01:10:39You two brought some type of curse to this farm.
01:10:41Everybody knows not to contact the dead.
01:10:43I buried the scythe.
01:10:45I didn't know what else to do.
01:10:47But I won't talk to it anymore.
01:10:49I promise.
01:10:53I don't want to leave here.
01:10:55I feel like this is my home.
01:11:03Just leave me alone!
01:11:05Get out of here!
01:11:07Leave all of us alone!
01:11:33I was going to the bathroom,
01:11:35and then...
01:11:37Then I saw it again.
01:11:39The monster.
01:11:41It chased me back into my room.
01:11:43I didn't see anything
01:11:45when I was out in the hallway.
01:11:47But if it's starting already
01:11:49before bedtime,
01:11:51then maybe we should go sleep
01:11:53at dad's right now.
01:11:55I normally wouldn't, but...
01:11:57I guess that's a good idea.
01:11:59Just in case.
01:12:01I guess that's a good idea.
01:12:03Just don't tell him what I saw.
01:12:05I don't want to worry him.
01:12:09Can we sleep in your room tonight?
01:12:13What happened?
01:12:17I don't want to talk about it.
01:12:19Nothing, really.
01:12:21I just... I was going to the bathroom
01:12:23and I got spooked a little.
01:12:25That's fine.
01:12:27Come on.
01:12:31Come on.
01:12:49Are you a Christian, Mr. Hillock?
01:12:53I guess you would say...
01:12:55I am a Christian.
01:12:57The only way you can defeat it
01:12:59is through Jesus.
01:13:01I'm not the closest
01:13:03to God, but...
01:13:05I am a believer.
01:13:07You have to
01:13:09follow through with your faith.
01:13:11Not just say a prayer.
01:13:15It's a daily
01:13:17walk with God.
01:13:21And you need to get closer to him.
01:13:25Otherwise, he'll just send it away
01:13:29And it'll find itself back.
01:13:31Seven times worse.
01:13:33I can't be the one
01:13:35to do it.
01:13:37You have to break the generational curse of the
01:13:39Hillock name.
01:13:41What do you mean you're not going to do it? That's why you've been here, helping us.
01:13:43Your daughter.
01:13:45Your firstborn.
01:13:49She's just a child. I can't let her do this.
01:13:51It's my job.
01:13:53Right now, your faith is weak.
01:13:55But your daughter can do this.
01:13:57If I agree to let her
01:13:59do this,
01:14:01are you going to teach her, walk her through
01:14:05The Holy Spirit will guide her.
01:14:07I'll help her with some
01:14:11It's hiding itself from you.
01:14:13But she can see it.
01:14:17It's not hard to send it away.
01:14:21But your heart has to be right.
01:14:23For once in your life, Henry,
01:14:25you have to trust God.
01:14:29Trust God.
01:14:47I'm just a kid.
01:14:49How can I do this?
01:14:51Who you are.
01:14:53If you're a woman, a man, or a child.
01:14:55It's not about you.
01:14:57It's not about us.
01:14:59We're weak humans.
01:15:01We're flesh.
01:15:03We're going to feel afraid.
01:15:05But you have to take the power.
01:15:07And the power comes from the blood of Jesus.
01:15:09It's flawless.
01:15:11It's perfect.
01:15:13It's powerful.
01:15:15And when you know your power,
01:15:17you can defeat this.
01:15:21I'm a little scared.
01:15:23But I do believe that Jesus
01:15:25will protect me.
01:15:27You don't have to be afraid.
01:15:29It's going to be afraid of you.
01:15:31Because you're bringing Jesus
01:15:33to defeat it.
01:15:37The light
01:15:39will destroy it.
01:15:43God's with you. It can't hurt you.
01:15:47We'll be just
01:15:59Please, Father God.
01:16:01Make it through this.
01:16:07Please don't leave
01:16:09our family here alone.
01:16:11Please stay with us.
01:16:15Stay with me.
01:16:17Guide me.
01:16:21I'm not scared of you.
01:16:25Everyone in this house, we're all sick and tired
01:16:27of you being here.
01:16:31Just leave.
01:16:55You have no power here.
01:16:57You can't do anything to hurt us.
01:17:01You have no authority.
01:17:03No power.
01:17:07You can't touch anything
01:17:09on this farm or in this house.
01:17:23None of us...
01:17:25Nobody's afraid of you.
01:17:41Leave me alone.
01:17:47Leave me alone.
01:18:01You think you can just go around
01:18:03scaring innocent families.
01:18:05Well, you can't.
01:18:07Because through the power
01:18:09and authority of Jesus Christ
01:18:11who rules over all,
01:18:13even you,
01:18:15I command you
01:18:17in his name to leave our house
01:18:19and leave this property
01:18:21and never come back.
01:18:45You have no power here.
01:18:47No authority.
01:18:49So in Jesus' name,
01:18:51get out!
01:18:53Whatever is bound on earth
01:18:55is bound in heaven.
01:18:57And I bind all powers of darkness.
01:19:01In Jesus' name,
01:19:07Don't ever come back.
01:19:15God, please.
01:19:17Why isn't this working?
01:19:27Oh, I have to...
01:19:29I have to give you
01:19:31a time.
01:19:35I have to give you
01:19:37a specific time.
01:19:39All right.
01:19:41In one minute, you will leave this house
01:19:43in Jesus' name and never come back.
01:19:45In one minute,
01:19:47in Jesus' name,
01:19:49you will leave forever
01:19:51and you will never come back!
01:19:53Jesus is Lord.
01:19:55God is in control.
01:19:57And in Jesus' name,
01:19:59you will leave and stop bothering our family!
01:20:13♪ ♪
01:20:41I haven't been in the house in a long time.
01:20:45It's a lot more peaceful now.
01:20:47I've been meaning to speak with you
01:20:49about some things I found out.
01:20:53I just couldn't come up with the words to say.
01:20:57I found out that your grandmother, Martha,
01:21:01was killed by your mother, Abby.
01:21:05I'm sorry.
01:21:07My father
01:21:09was in love with your grandmother
01:21:11and your mother.
01:21:13But that's not all.
01:21:17My father
01:21:19was your father.
01:21:25We're family?
01:21:29That's why I've been so attached
01:21:31to the property.
01:21:33Your father,
01:21:35you, and girls.
01:21:39You know, we both have had a tragic life.
01:21:41Many tragic
01:21:43experiences in the past.
01:21:47But I think now we need to focus
01:21:49on the future.
01:21:51Focus on now.
01:21:55And right now,
01:21:57you're a Hillock.
01:22:01I'm a Hillock?
01:22:03We finally have a family.
01:22:05You're family.
01:22:19You know what?
01:22:21I got good news. Look what I found.
01:22:25I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:22:33I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:22:35I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:22:37I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:22:39I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:22:41I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:22:43I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:22:45I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:22:47I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:22:49I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:22:51I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:22:53I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:22:55I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:22:57I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:22:59I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:23:01I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:23:03I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:23:05I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:23:07I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:23:09I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:23:11I remember where I buried the scythe.
01:23:13I remember where I buried the scythe.