Neighbours 9086 31st July 2024

  • 2 months ago
Neighbours 9086 31st July 2024
00:00Previously on Neighbours
00:02Are you happy at Rebecca Law?
00:03Some professional development would be good
00:05Whatever your ambitions are, let's chase them together
00:08Remy gives me the mail and there's a postcard from Dee
00:11I feel weird
00:12You and I were never meant to be
00:14I got your message about the pitch, congratulations
00:17Thank you
00:18You don't have to be intimidated by me, I've got your back
00:20Gatsford mentorship goes to Wendy Rodwell
00:24It was a diversity PR stunt
00:25Wendy won that mentorship on her own merit
00:27and for you to say otherwise is racist
00:34Everybody needs good neighbours
00:38With a little understanding
00:42You can find the perfect blend
00:51Should be there for one another
00:55That's when good neighbours
00:59Become good friends
01:06Um, follow my lead
01:13Um, I was just telling Mel about this wonderful dinner
01:17that Sadie and I have organised for you
01:20to celebrate your mentorship
01:22Yes, it sounds like a court
01:25Oh, yeah, no, I don't need anything special
01:28It's not a big deal
01:30He's just so proud of you going back to uni
01:34and now you are smashing it with this snazzy new mentorship
01:39Oh, it's really very sweet
01:42But um, can we do it another time?
01:51Alrighty, here we are
01:52Sorry it took us so long to get it ready
01:54The hotel was fully booked, I can't complain about that
01:57Uh, are you sure you don't want us to get the bed removed?
01:59Because we can...
02:00It's fine, it's the desk I really need
02:04Any update on when you'll be leaving?
02:07I only ask so we can allocate the room
02:09I can't imagine I'll be here more than a few weeks
02:12Well, if you'd rather work from the house that you're renting
02:14we could totally help with that too
02:18I won't be looking over your shoulder the entire time
02:20We have other investments I need to check on
02:22Right, well, if you need anything else just sing out
02:24and we'll leave you to it
02:30What? You want to take the back of her just as much as I do?
02:32Actually, we've been kind of getting along lately
02:34and I'd like to keep it that way
02:37Our first step is to shore up our bread and butter
02:40Standard contracting, conveyancing
02:43We've already got a solid client base
02:46Yeah, but I really want to build on those little jobs
02:48so that we can have a steady income stream
02:50which will actually free you up
02:52Free me up?
02:54So you can take on the jobs that you love
02:56If you find a case that you're passionate about
02:59you can do it pro bono
03:00That's amazing
03:02Todi, that's really impressive, mate
03:04Happy, smiling people
03:06That's what I like to see
03:08I'm just about to get some toasties
03:09Todi's shout
03:10Oh, don't mind if I do
03:12Holly's on late shift
03:13Carl and Susan seem to want to have some alone time
03:16Okay, TMI
03:19Actually, I should probably head off
03:21Okay, go
03:21This has been amazing
03:24Okay, good
03:25Well, the toasties are still on me
03:27Thanks, Todi
03:41Did you sneak out again last night?
03:45I don't sneak out
03:46So when you wait for Carl and Susan to go to bed
03:49and then you leave your room very quietly
03:51that's called...
03:53It's called not giving your father reasons to worry
03:58What? My besties are all loved up
03:59I'm just getting out there and making new friends
04:04Don't say...
04:09Ah, our ship's at night at the moment
04:11It's all good on her, clocking up the overtime
04:19Has Todi said anything to you about me?
04:25Well, I told him something the other day
04:27and I didn't think I was being insensitive
04:28but maybe I was
04:31I told him that I had an epiphany on the road
04:34that we were never meant to be
04:36Time on the road made me realise
04:38that we rushed into our wedding
04:40How did Todi take that?
04:41Well, he didn't say anything, really
04:43But when I saw him last night
04:45I swear he was being weird with me
04:48I don't know
04:53I want you on the set
04:55Please get everyone on the set
04:59I want you on the set
05:16I was going to call you
05:17How are you holding up after yesterday?
05:20Yeah, I'm fine
05:22Yep, Heidi has no filter
05:24Yeah, or brains
05:26I'm glad I was here to call out her racist rubbish
05:29Yeah, well, thank you for doing that
05:32Oh, no, no
05:33I was just looking out for a mate
05:36Hey, you know my next shoot
05:37doesn't start for another half an hour
05:39Do you want to get a coffee
05:40and talk about it some more, or...
05:42Oh, I'd love to
05:43but I've really got to get going to the library
05:46Maybe later
06:03Hello, sexy
06:06Her name's not sexy
06:08It's Rihanna
06:12It's yours
06:23There he is
06:24My trusty second in charge
06:27Heath, meet Krista
06:29It's great to meet you
06:31You too
06:32What part of the States are you from?
06:33Heath works in our LA office
06:35He's just flown in
06:36Right, do you know my sister, then?
06:38No, he was strictly West Coast
06:40I snuck him out of the country
06:41before anybody could stop me
06:42I got it yesterday
06:44Oh, well, welcome to Lassiter's errands borough
06:48Can I help with anything?
06:49Holly, this is Heath, Tess's second in charge
06:53Um, Holly works at reception
06:54She's here for anything that you might need
06:56Good to know
06:59I'll show you to her office
07:02It was lovely to meet you
07:02You too
07:13Did you know about him?
07:15No, what happens?
07:17Hey, I'm still waiting on the sign-off paperwork
07:20for the experiences tour
07:21So when that comes through, can you just send it to me?
07:27Krista's not like I expected
07:29Appearances can be deceiving
07:32You think she's still using?
07:34Krista might be clean now
07:36But once a junkie, always a junkie
07:39I've decided it's better that she sees me as a friend
07:42rather than an enemy
07:44That way, we get what we want
07:51Good luck with Phil
07:52I will take care of the break walls
07:54You don't have to take every boring client off my hands
07:56No, I'm not
07:57I am gagging for the tea on the break wall divorce
08:00Hello, special delivery
08:02Haz was going to bring these over
08:03I said I'd help out
08:04Okay, I will take that
08:06Thank you
08:07Do not ever say gagging or tea ever again
08:10You look great
08:13There you go
08:14Oh, thanks, mate
08:16Perhaps I was also looking for an excuse to check in on you
08:20Oh, mate, I'm fine
08:21Yeah, I'm focused on work, which is the best place for me to be
08:25Melody thinks she's upset you
08:29Apparently, she's come to a realisation about your time together
08:33I'm happy for her
08:34I'm glad that she's finally at peace with it all
08:37And I do appreciate the welfare check
08:38I really do
08:39But I'm looking forward, not back
08:42Oh, yeah
09:02Hey, I thought you had class this morning
09:06Yeah, I do
09:07Just wasn't feeling my best
09:09So I thought I'd have a me day instead
09:15When you got that mentorship, you were next level excited
09:19You seem really flat
09:21What's going on?
09:23Oh, you know, I just realised that the uni give out a lot of those opportunities
09:28You know, not a big deal
09:30Nothing special
09:33The Gadsford mentorship is sought after
09:36It's a huge deal
09:38You even said that yourself when you applied for it
09:42Yeah, well, I was wrong
09:47Hey, talk to me
09:55Some girl that I study a few classes with reckons I only got this because I'm
10:02I'm Asian
10:04Called me a diversity box tick
10:08That's ridiculous
10:10Yeah, well, I did a bit of research this morning
10:12And it turns out that Eden Hills is in this racism hot seat
10:16Because I'm senior lecturer and I like some bigoted post
10:24So it's good PR for the uni to give a hard to get mentorship to a non-white person
10:32When you got that mentorship based on your merit
10:36Not heritage
10:40I really love that you think that
10:44But I don't
10:47And that's why I can't celebrate because I just
10:50I'm sorry, but I don't deserve it
11:00Hey, did that paperwork come through yet?
11:01Uh, no, but I have been going over the mess that is Brett
11:05He took an event booking and didn't black out the dates in the system
11:09Okay, well, that's not so bad
11:10It's easily rectified
11:11No, the event is for the same dates as the experiences tour group
11:16Can we fit them both?
11:18We don't have the space
11:19Experiences needs a lot of rooms
11:22Okay, leave it with me
11:23I'll have a play with the calendar and see what I can do
11:31Don't you think it's weird that Tess didn't mention her to AC before?
11:36I don't know, it makes sense that she's got one
11:39He was driving a pretty exi car
11:42Yeah, well, he's probably on a decent salary
11:46You know, I could be useful here
11:50No, Holly, please don't get involved
11:52No, but I can invest-
11:52No, okay, we've got enough on our plates cleaning up after Brett
11:56All right, leave it
11:56I'm sending Justin out to Warrawee
11:59You even trust this guy?
12:01He's all brawn, no brain
12:02All he cares about is a paycheck
12:04You think we'll have problems at the station?
12:06It isn't easy putting people out of work
12:09I'm going to meet Justin tomorrow and brief him
12:10I'd like to be part of that
12:12No need, I'm meeting him in the city
12:14Best nobody here sees him around
12:18Come in
12:19Hey, what's up?
12:20Hey, what's up?
12:20Hey, what's up?
12:21Hey, what's up?
12:21Hey, what's up?
12:22Hey, what's up?
12:22Hey, what's up?
12:23Hey, what's up?
12:23Hey, what's up?
12:24Hey, what's up?
12:24Hey, what's up?
12:25Hey, what's up?
12:25Hey, what's up?
12:26Come in
12:29Hey, Krista
12:30Hi, um, sorry to interrupt
12:33But I thought you should know that Brett has struck again
12:37What's happened?
12:38We've double booked the experiences tour with an accounting conference
12:42I see, how do you plan to rectify it?
12:45We can't do both
12:47We've hosted the accounting group before
12:49But they're nowhere near as big as experiences
12:53I'm thinking of cancelling them
12:55Risky to sever a relationship with an existing client
12:59What do you think?
13:01I'm not here to tell you how to run the hotel
13:03You make the call
13:06But the accounting conference has to go
13:13You kind of ran away from me this morning
13:16I was worried that I upset you when I had a go at Heidi
13:21No, it's fine
13:24I wanted to explain that when I have a reaction to someone like that
13:28It's a knee-jerk for me
13:30I do it without thinking because I have to
13:33To protect my family
13:37Because you're in an interracial relationship?
13:41Interracial, same sex
13:44People can be so bigoted
13:46And if you don't call them out on it, then nothing changes
13:50I really think that you should consider making a complaint to the uni
13:54Um, look, I'm very used to being judged for looking Asian
14:01But sometimes the best course is you have to ignore it
14:05What if it had been Sadie?
14:07Would you ignore it then?
14:09Well, no, she's my daughter
14:11So of course I'd stand up for her
14:13Yeah, so you just have to find that same fight for yourself
14:16You know, you should stand up and let the uni know what was said
14:20Okay, well, I promise that I will think about it
14:27Sorry, I have to take this
14:28No, it's all right
14:29It's work
14:50Carl spoke to you, didn't he?
14:53That's all good
14:55I just don't want you taking what I said the wrong way
14:57I'm not trying to minimize our relationship or...
15:00It's fine, Millie
15:07Actually, um, for the record, I don't agree
15:12Just because our wedding happened quickly doesn't mean the things wouldn't have worked out
15:16Because that's life, right?
15:17That things can happen fast
15:19And they can be good, long-lasting things
15:25So let's just put this behind us
15:42Thank you
15:45Hey, Krista
15:47Nice work before
15:48I thought your decision making on the eventing issue was impressive
15:52Oh, thanks
15:52I like your confidence
15:54Well, I wish I had more of it when I spoke to the rep from the accountings conference
15:58I had to take the news
16:00Let's just say they won't be coming to Las Vegas again
16:05Krista Sinclair
16:09Oh, I'm so glad you called
16:10I'm still waiting on the sign-off papers
16:15Um, oh, but hang on
16:17We had a verbal agreement
16:19You can't just back out
16:23Well, um, can we at least discuss this?
16:25I don't know, I could make a counter-offer
16:31Experience has got a more competitive rate at another hotel
16:35They just pulled the plug
16:36How am I going to tell Tess that I lost two massive clients today?
16:40Say something along the lines of
16:42Tess, I lost two massive clients
16:45It won't be fun, but she has no respect for people who dance around the truth
16:54It's nice to hear from you
16:56Well, you are one of my favorite uni friends, don't tell Parker
17:00Hey, I heard about the the gas memento ship
17:06Yeah, yay me
17:07Diversity pick
17:09Whoa, where'd that come from?
17:17Said it straight to my face
17:19That is not cool
17:20Or valid
17:22Did you tell her what to do with her opinion?
17:25Well, she caught me off guard
17:27But Cara was there and, you know, she heard it and was able to pull her off
17:31But then I told Andrew and he just thinks the accusations are silly
17:36Well, but he doesn't get to decide that either
17:39Yeah, well, they're just lucky they don't know what this feels like
18:06I mean, he's a total player
18:07I got that right away
18:08But do you know what I like?
18:10He doesn't try to hide it
18:13Are you listening to me?
18:15I just had a bit of a weird conversation before
18:18Never mind
18:23Is this the best place for coffee?
18:26Um, it's all right
18:28But Harold's is better
18:30They have a smoother blend there
18:37Oh, um, this is Melanie
18:39Hi, Melanie
18:42Well, I'll have to check out Harold next time
18:51I told you, total hottie
18:53Did you say that he works for Tess?
18:55The same Tess that Krista is trying to keep on the right side of?
18:59Yeah, so?
19:00So it puts him out of balance
19:04The Quill Group snapped up the experiences tour
19:06I have no idea how they found out about it
19:09How much was the accounting conference worth?
19:12Just shy of 50k
19:16This is disappointing
19:19But I'm impressed with how you're handling things
19:23You could have passed the buck
19:25Instead, you're here owning it
19:27That says something
19:31I'll find a way to recoup the loss
19:34On top of the other losses
19:36Sure you will
19:51Looks like someone's plan paid off
19:53She's such an easy target
19:55There's absolutely no way she can find out that you tipped off the other hotel
19:58They won't say anything
20:00Krista thinks it's her own fault
20:03Wow, I think someone deserves a reward
20:15Why is Kara pushing you to make a complaint?
20:17Oh, it's personal for her
20:19Whereas Andrew, he's seeing it more logically
20:21You know, he wants me to just ignore it, move on
20:24Pretty easy to have strong perspectives when you haven't experienced racism before
20:29We had a fill-in lecturer at my biology tute the other week
20:32And she told me that my English was very good
20:37It's the only language I speak
20:39My mannering sucks
20:40Yeah, I get that it works sometimes too
20:43Like I know it's not all intentional but
20:46It makes me feel less than, you know?
20:48Yeah, yeah I do
20:50And that is why I feel weird about this mentorship
20:54Still gonna take it?
20:56Well, I don't like that my work's being questioned
20:59Why don't I push it back?
21:03Oh yeah, I mean that would be the ultimate statement, wouldn't it?
21:09But why should I have to lose out just to prove myself?
21:13Look, don't make any decisions yet
21:16Focus on you
21:17Focus on the effort that you put in
21:20I mean that in itself is something to be proud of
21:23Yeah, okay
21:53You all right?
21:59I obviously touched a nerve before
22:03I'm sorry
22:04If I implied anything about you and Therese
22:06My relationship with Therese is completely different to you and me
22:09I know
22:11I honestly don't want to cause any trouble for you
22:14You're not
22:15You can't
22:17No one can
22:18Not you
22:19Not Sonia
22:34Coming up on Neighbours
22:36It's impressive how you haven't let your recent setbacks get you down
22:40You've been having so many good days recently
22:43I'm scared you're going backwards
22:44I'm really worried about Holly too
22:46Well then it's settled
22:47We have to say something
22:48I can't deny that I'm going through some stuff