En Angel de Aurora - Capitulo 2

  • 2 months ago


00:00This happened in 1994.
00:30I've missed you all my life.
00:34Me too, my love.
00:36And that we saw each other last night.
00:39The time I spend away from you is like an eternity.
00:42That's why I was looking for you.
00:45I'm the one who's been looking for you for a while.
00:48Are you hiding because you're going to have my nanny today?
00:52Never, my love.
00:54I've been looking for you for a long time.
00:58Never, my love.
01:00I was preparing a surprise for my wife.
01:02Of course, I use it in my life.
01:04I love you so much, Vera.
01:06And I am the happiest woman on earth.
01:10Because soon I will be the wife of my beloved son.
01:15What cute turtles.
01:17I should have imagined it.
01:19They are always so concerned about love.
01:23Now my dad is looking for you.
01:25And you don't answer the phone.
01:27Ask him from time to time, right?
01:29Tell him I won't be long.
01:30I'll be there in a while.
01:33Let's eat at my house?
01:49You're like me, Isabel.
01:54Fierce, strong.
01:59Surprise to the man I never had.
02:07But you, my girl Aurora.
02:11Aurora, you inherited the tenderness and beauty of your mother.
02:17And I only ask God to give me enough life to see you fulfilled.
02:23I want to see that strong woman inside you.
02:29And that you give me that heir I've always sought.
02:35And that grandson I want so much.
02:41I'm sorry, I didn't hear when you came in.
02:44I didn't want to interrupt you in such beautiful wishes, Dad.
02:48Aurora didn't want to come.
02:50She had to go to the procession instead of preparing everything for the request of her hand.
02:55It doesn't matter, I'll give her her gift when she arrives.
02:58What do you mean it doesn't matter, Dad?
03:00You should have seen the way she behaved with Antonio.
03:03She's very light.
03:05It seems to me that she is not taking her commitment seriously.
03:11Why do you say that? Antonio is respect.
03:13But the others don't, Dad.
03:15And Beto to know who he was with before.
03:18It gave me the impression that they were barely meeting.
03:21Well, I hope Antonio doesn't think the same as you.
03:24Because that marriage means a lot of business.
03:28It seems to me very risky to trust so much in Aurora's kindness, Dad.
03:33And more knowing that he treats everyone with too much kindness.
03:38My daughter, you are my right arm.
03:43You and I know how to do things in the company.
03:47She is the feminine side of the family.
03:53But you and I are the suppliers.
03:57Don't worry, Dad.
03:59I know that my cross will be to take care of my little sister.
04:03And I will do it as well as you have done.
04:07Tell me what is the surprise you have for me.
04:10I can't wait until the night.
04:12How much impatience. I can't wait.
04:14Hi. What are you going to have?
04:16Lemon, please.
04:18I ... mango?
04:24I don't want to make you jealous, Antonio.
04:26But Aurora is beautiful. More than ever.
04:30No, friend. I could never be jealous of you.
04:33No, friend. I could never be jealous of you.
04:36Besides, you are the one who brought me to the woman who is going to live in this beautiful place.
04:42You are always so poetic.
04:44How I would like to be able to express myself and know everything I feel.
04:47Just like you do.
04:49But I can't be jealous.
04:51Aurora brings out the poet that I have inside.
04:55And speaking of initials, have you ever been to Jezebel?
04:59I was in the procession, but I think the dance is over.
05:02And how is your father?
05:04The General. I haven't seen him for a long time in the square.
05:06Is he sick?
05:10It's very late and Aurora is on the street all day.
05:13Well, let's hope she's on the street and not in a motel.
05:17Don't say that about your sister.
05:19Aurora is in the procession.
05:22Your mother also liked to spend time with the people of the town.
05:27And did you like my mother to do that, dad?
05:31In addition, Aurora lives very closely with many people.
05:35She has already broken the hearts of several.
05:37Didn't you know?
05:39Well, those things end today with Antonio's request.
05:44Aurora has to sit down.
05:47I already sat down, dad.
05:49Because I'm going to marry my boyfriend Fabricio.
05:52I can't wait to have a life where I wake up every day with you.
06:02Don't let me go, Antonio.
06:04Never, my love. I'll always be by your side.
06:07I love you for being an honest man.
06:10And being by your side is all I need.
06:13My grandmother already knows that I will stay to live here.
06:17Did she agree?
06:31You left me stranded in the park.
06:34Your sister told me you went home.
06:37And you and I had agreed to meet early.
06:40But I'm with you now, right?
06:44Today is the day they are going to ask for Aurora's hand.
06:48They can't with so much love.
06:51Can you be so happy in life?
06:54Fabricio, my sister just wants to get attention.
06:58Better hurry up and get dressed.
07:01I imagine the general and your mother are also going to go.
07:12My father woke up tired...
07:16of life.
07:19And he went on a trip with my mother.
07:24Your father hasn't traveled since he retired.
07:27Besides, this is a family commitment and we should...
07:29Because everyone cares about what my father does!
07:39Your mother always thought of getting to this moment alive.
07:44But before she died, she asked me to give you this necklace.
07:51It's her way of being here with you.
08:02Daughter, today is not a day to cry.
08:07Look, I've won the battle to Antonio's grandmother.
08:11Dad, for God's sake.
08:13What do you want?
08:15Antonio's father never wanted to do business with me while he was alive.
08:19What is life?
08:21He must be writhing in his grave just thinking that...
08:25his son is going to be from our family.
08:28It bothers me that you think so of my marriage, Dad.
08:31I love him.
08:33I love him.
08:34And it's time for all those family quarrels to end at once.
08:39You're absolutely right, my love.
08:43Forgive me.
08:45Old grudges are forgotten.
08:49And you're going to stop being the number one heartbreaker in the city.
08:55It gives me so much pleasure that you feel like a leader.
09:01And that you dedicate yourself to giving me grandchildren.
09:06that boy that your mother couldn't give me.
09:10Dad, where do you get that from, that I'm the number one heartbreaker here?
09:15Oh, you should have told me.
09:17Dad, but I...
09:18No, no, my love, no.
09:20That doesn't matter anymore.
09:23You're going to get married and your reputation is going to change.
09:31With the blessing of my parents and my dear grandmother, Mrs. Jesusita,
09:36I, Antonio Murrieta, ask for the marriage in the hands of his daughter, Aurora Campera.
09:43Cheers to the grooms!
09:47Now comes the surprise.
09:54What is this?
09:56These are the plans of our house.
09:58It's already in black and white.
10:00I don't believe it.
10:02I don't believe it.
10:04I don't believe it.
10:06I don't believe it.
10:08I don't believe it.
10:10I don't believe it.
10:12I don't believe it.
10:14Our house is already in black and white.
10:17I want you to see it, so that we can go and imagine a life together there.
10:21Well, if you want to change anything, we can do it now.
10:25Thank you, my love.
10:27swear to me that you will never leave me.
10:30I will never, my love.
10:32I'll always be with you, in the good, and the bad.
10:34Always by your side.
10:36I swear to you.
10:40Shall we go? With our guest?
10:44¿Qué pasa, mi amor?
10:45Es que mi papá me dijo que Isabel piensa que yo...
10:49¿Que tú? ¿Qué?
10:51No tiene importancia.
10:53Hoy todo debe ser felicidad. Olvídalo.
10:59Ahora sí vamos a cenar resabroso.
11:02Pa' celebrar que nos vamos a quedar aquí en las flores por un buen rato trabajando en esa casota.
11:09¿O no, compadre Pintas?
11:12Tanto hemos rezado que ya nos están escuchando allá en el cielo.
11:15Compadre Pascual, nomás no me vayas a decir el Pintas enfrente de los patrones, ¿eh?
11:20Ah, compadre, ¿qué pasó?
11:22Yo soy el maestro Juventino.
11:24Y nomás pa' que se dé un quemo.
11:27Pues ya vas, mi maestro Juventino.
11:30Bueno, ¿y qué? ¿Pa' cuándo los chamacos?
11:35Pues aquí mi mujercita ya está de encargo.
11:39Pero no se malebre este, no se malebre este, compadre, que apenas tiene un mes.
11:44Y el doctor nos dijo que es que es un embarazo de harto cuidado.
11:49No, pues de todas maneras esto se merece un brindis.
11:53Aunque sea con agua de Jamaica.
11:56Aunque sea, compadre.
11:58Aunque sea.
12:00Ahora sí vamos a ser compadres, de veras.
12:04Salud, compadre.
12:06Pero una vez que ustedes terminan los cuartos que les encargaron, me retacho con mi viejo al barrio.
12:11Yo quiero que mi chamaco crezca entre su gente.
12:14No, pues sí, al barrio, al barrio.
12:17¿Por qué le dijiste a mi papá que soy una coqueta y que he tenido muchos novios, Isabel?
12:21Pero si yo sería incapaz de hacer algo así, seguramente lo malinterpretó.
12:26Yo solo le dije que eras muy hermosa y que todos los hombres quieren contigo.
12:30Eso no fue lo que él me dijo.
12:32Hermana, mi papá es un hombre de otra época.
12:35Son ideas de él.
12:37Yo creo que mejor debes aclararlo con él.
12:40No vaya a ser que llegue a oídos de Antonio.
12:47Mi amor.
13:03¿Y tú qué haces aquí?
13:05La puerta de empleados es del lado de la cocina.
13:09Su empleada doméstica me dejó pasar, señorita.
13:12Es que me urge hablar con el patrón.
13:14Soy el maestro de obra de los cuartos que me encargó su papá
13:18en la parte posterior de su mansión.
13:22¿Y tú qué haces aquí?
13:24La puerta de empleados es del lado de la cocina.
13:27Su empleada doméstica me dejó pasar, señorita.
13:31Buenos días, señor.
13:33Oye, ¿no has visto a Michalina Bordada?
13:35Es que no la encuentro por ningún lado.
13:37Está colgada en el parcheo de la entrada, hermana.
13:39Mira, aquí está.
13:42¿Te ayudo?
13:46Qué linda te ves.
13:49Gracias, hermana.
13:51Voy a ir a la iglesia y en la tarde voy a ver a Antonio.
13:54Posiblemente cené con él, por si mi papá pregunta.
13:59Mi padre no puede recibirlo.
14:02Y no vuelva a entrar por la puerta principal.
14:05Hágalo por la cocina.
14:07Y a partir de hoy, todo lo hablará conmigo.
14:12Sí, señorita.
14:15¿Qué es eso?
14:17¿Qué es eso?
14:22¿Qué pasa, hermana?
14:26¿Qué pasa?
14:28¿Pero por qué?
14:30¿Qué pasa?
14:32¡Gracias, hermana!
14:37¡Parece tan grande!
14:40¡Gracias, hermana!
14:42Please, God, please don't let it happen.
14:49My love, I'm home.
14:52Viquita, are you okay?
14:56Viquita, what happened?
14:58What happened, my love?
15:00No, no, hold on, Viquita.
15:03Viquita, hold on, my love.
15:06Viquita, hold on, please.
15:11Hold on, Viquita.
15:14I'm coming, my love. I'll get the doctor.
15:42If I see you snoring in the house again,
15:45I'll kick you out on the street.
15:47I was wrong, miss.
15:49I'm sorry, I won't do it again.
15:59It's Jesus!
16:01What's going on, baby?
16:03Dad, who hired the savages who are making the rooms?
16:06What's going on?
16:08Dad, who hired the savages who are making the rooms?
16:11What, did something happen?
16:12No, nothing happened, Dad.
16:14I don't think they're from another construction company,
16:16because all their people are working at your sister's house.
16:21By the way, I saw the plans.
16:23And tomorrow afternoon,
16:25you're taking your sister to see the black work.
16:33This is a spontaneous abortion.
16:37If you need anything, call me, okay?
16:40Yes, doctor. Thank you.
16:46Very good.
16:47Dad, excuse me.
16:48Thank you.
16:56Viquita, don't be so sad, my love.
17:01You'll see that God will give us the opportunity
17:04to have an angel in our arms.
17:08You better go with Pintas.
17:10I don't want to leave you here alone with this sorrow, my love.
17:13I know that if I go,
17:15you might even do what you have to do.
17:18I just want to sleep.
17:20And if I could, I wouldn't wake up.
17:22Don't say that as a joke, girl.
17:27I'm going to see Pintas right away
17:29to tell him that tomorrow I'm not going to work
17:31and I'll be back soon to take care of you.
17:33I'll be back.
17:34I'll be back, Viquita.
17:40I want us to go to the construction site together tomorrow.
17:44I have a meeting at 12, but I'll see you there.
17:47Yes, my love.
18:00It's beautiful.
18:03It has the reflections of an aurora borealis.
18:20I want you to always carry it with you
18:23because your love is like an aurora in my life.
18:33I love you.
18:59Good morning.
19:00Good morning, miss.
19:03Good morning.
19:23You like my sister, right?
19:27You like my sister, I don't know.
19:29And believe it or not, you like her too.
19:32Or you haven't noticed?
19:34Men like you find her very attractive.
19:38I'm asking about you.
19:40Of course, my father can't know about this.
19:43It's a favor I'm doing for my little sister.
19:46Me? You're asking about me?
19:48You're the kind of man who likes my sister.
19:51But you can't greet her or smile at her.
19:54This is an agreement between her, you and me.
19:58She's engaged, but that doesn't stop her from having lovers.
20:13It has the reflections of an aurora borealis.
20:16I want you to always carry it with you
20:18because your love is like an aurora in my life.
20:29Yes, yes, the aranceles are already considered.
20:32Yes, okay.
20:34Dad, let me finish a call with a supplier and I'll catch up with you.
20:38I'll wait for you.
20:43I can't tell you anything else right now because my dad will find out.
20:47My sister will be waiting for you at the construction site.
20:49She wants to talk to you.
20:52Me, Rosa?
20:54Ladies like her like Rosa.
20:57You have nothing. She only loves you.
21:00Now go.
21:01In a moment I'll give you the information and the time of the appointment.
21:04Get out.
21:06How are you?
21:28How are you, boss?
21:51I'm going up, master. I'll wait for my fiancée.
21:54Okay, boss.
21:57It's getting late and I can't find my cell phone to call Antonio.
22:00Can you call me?
22:02You shouldn't use your cell phone.
22:04You either lose it or you always have it off.
22:06Let me call you.
22:14I don't know where I left it.
22:15Sister, call Antonio and tell him I'll be late, okay?
22:18I'll let him know, but this is urgent.
22:21We have to book now.
22:22Look, come.
22:23We also have the hotel Los Manantiales de la Hacienda.
22:27It's very nice. Look.
22:29I don't care. You choose.
22:32Aurora, it's your wedding.
22:34I'm not the one who's getting married to Antonio.
22:36I have to go, Isabel.
22:38Please call Antonio, okay?
22:53I have to go.
23:12Goodbye, master.
23:13I'm sure my fiancée had a setback.
23:15Good night, boss.
23:23Good night.
24:02Please, take care of my daughter Aurora.
24:06She's not coming to dinner because she's with her fiancé.
24:32Antonio, I'm here!
24:48Antonio, my love, I'm here!
25:00Antonio, my love!
25:07Who's there?
25:11Let me go!
25:13Antonio, help me!
25:15Let me go, please!
26:34Antonio, help me!
26:59Help me, please!
27:09Help me!
27:17Help me!
27:24Help me!
27:28Calm down, Dad.
27:29I'm sure she stayed with Antonio.
27:31Something happened to Aurora.
27:33I'm calling her cell phone and she's sending me the mailbox.
27:36It can't be that she's so irresponsible.
27:39Antonio doesn't care. He doesn't answer me.
27:42I entrusted him with all my trust.
27:46I'm sure he's with a friend.
27:48Didn't he stay at Julia's house?
27:50What are we going to do?
27:52My sister only gives me headaches.
27:57Good morning, Father-in-law.
27:59Where's my daughter?
28:01You'd better come back safe and sound.
28:04Otherwise, you'll regret it for the rest of your life.
28:07I don't understand. Where's Aurora?
28:10We thought she'd stayed with you.
28:12We have to call the police.
28:21They raped me.
28:45That skinny girl...
28:52What's up, man?
28:58I thought the lady of the house was Victoria.
29:03Don't yell.
29:05My wife is sick.
29:07I'm not in the mood for your jokes.
29:09Okay, okay.
29:12I'm here to invite you to a drink.
29:15What drink?
29:17Get out of here.
29:19That skinny girl...
29:23This is the worst.
29:25I'm sure you caused all this.
29:28You went dancing with your friends.
29:30Don't talk to her like that.
29:31I'll talk to her however I want.
29:34You asked for this, Aurora.
29:37How can you tell me that?
29:39They raped me.
29:40Because it's my fault, Dad.
29:42Because of how you are.
29:44Because of how you dress when you provoke men.
29:47Kill him!
29:52You're the disgrace of this family.
29:58Don't you remember anything else, sister?
30:01Didn't you see his face?
30:06I don't want to see anyone, Isabel.
30:10Doctor, you know how people are.
30:15They're waiting for someone to stoop down to cut them to pieces.
30:20That's why I ask you to be as discreet as possible with this matter.
30:27It would be terrible for the family if they found out.
30:32Mr. Miguel, count on it.
30:34Your daughter already has the medical record.
30:37Thank you, Doctor.
30:40I will be grateful for your services as you deserve.
30:45Mr. Clark, if you'll excuse me.
31:06Do you really want to continue with the wedding?
31:09Yes, Mr. Miguel.
31:10The love I feel for Aurora has not changed.
31:14She is the love of my life.
31:16Well, let's hope that she really didn't provoke it.
31:20Mr. Miguel, if you make that comment again in my presence,
31:25what you should do is file a complaint instead of giving evidence.
31:27No complaints.
31:29I'm not going to file a complaint.
31:31I'm not going to file a complaint.
31:33I'm not going to file a complaint.
31:35I'm not going to file a complaint.
31:38I'm not going to discredit the name of my family.
31:42And if, like you, you dare to threaten,
31:46I can do it too.
31:48If you file a complaint,
31:51you will never see my daughter again in your life.
31:55What will Aurora be paying to have a father like you?
32:05What's going on?
32:06You know, I need to talk to Aurora to find out what happened.
32:08We must file a complaint.
32:10Antonio, don't you realize that with that complaint
32:12we would make Aurora suffer even more?
32:16I have to talk to Aurora.
32:24My love.
32:25Antonio, I don't want to see you.
32:27Sister, I'm sorry. I told him you didn't want to see him, but...
32:30I need to talk to Aurora.
32:35I need to talk to her.
32:55If you still feel something for me,
33:00talk to me.
33:02I need you.
33:19I already said goodbye to all the people from the service.
33:22Even the albañiles from our house.
33:28you are a woman.
33:30You are my pride.
33:34My love,
33:36tell me what you remember.
33:39I want to find the bastard who did this to you
33:44when you were...
33:47It was too late, Antonio.
33:50I went to the house you were building for me with so much love.
33:53Antonio, I'm here!
33:55I'm here!
33:57And now you keep the worst memory I've ever lived.
34:02But I was there,
34:04waiting for you.
34:06It was night and I never saw you come.
34:09There was no one.
34:11My love, are you still here?
34:14I went into the house
34:16because I thought you were waiting for me in one of the rooms.
34:19Everything was so dark.
34:22My love!
34:23No matter how much I screamed,
34:27no one helped me.
34:29I fought with all my strength, Antonio.
34:33Until there came a moment
34:35when I seemed to see things
34:37as if they were not in my own body.
34:42Don't worry.
34:44Don't worry.
34:46You're home now.
34:50I'm going to find the bastard who did this to you
34:53and I'm going to make him pay.
34:59Your pain is mine.
35:02I love you.
35:09It doesn't matter if it's Sunday.
35:13Aurora, where are you going?
35:15What did Antonio tell you?
35:17That I was going to find the responsible and you're right.
35:19I'm going to file a complaint.
35:21Aurora, don't make things worse.
35:24Dad, stop her! I'm going out!
35:29Dad, stop her!
35:32You're not going to file a complaint.
35:35I'm not going to stand idly by, Dad.
35:37Look, girl!
35:39I'm not going to let you make a scandal of this guy
35:41by dirtying the name of the family.
35:44Is that all you care about, Dad?
35:46What will they say?
35:48Aurora, think of Antonio.
35:50Do you want him to become the mockery of the whole city?
35:52And you?
35:54Everyone will find out that you were raped.
35:56Antonio supports me.
35:58I don't!
36:00What happened to everything we taught you?
36:02Your mother and me!
36:04For the first time, I thank God
36:06that my mother no longer lives to see the kind of man
36:08with whom she is married!
36:11Shut up!
36:13Dare to hit me!
36:19No, Dad, don't hit my sister.
36:23your dream is to marry Antonio
36:25in the largest church in the city.
36:27Do you want everyone to point out what happened to you?
36:29Do you want them to pity you?
36:31Do you want them to reject you?
36:33If you don't file a complaint,
36:35no one will be able to remember you for the rest of your life.
36:37This secret will remain between us.
36:47Who of you saw Miss Aurora arrive?
36:59Was it you, bastard, who dared to touch her?
37:02No, boss.
37:04Only you and these guys had access to this house.
37:06Well, I came early in the morning,
37:10I didn't see anyone.
37:12If I find out that any of you
37:14dared to touch her,
37:16I'll kill you!
37:17I'm going to kill you!
37:19And those who are covering for you,
37:21I'm going to put you in jail.
37:24Get out!
37:38The truth is, I have felt better.
37:41Although it hurts me a lot not to be able to give you a child.
37:44Be careful, dear.
37:48life, that doesn't matter.
37:50I'm not with you to have children,
37:52not even if you were a factory worker.
37:56if you can't,
37:58we can even adopt one, right?
38:03It can't be.
38:15Antonio, did you know something?
38:22I'll understand if you don't want to marry me anymore.
38:26We are going to get married
38:28and we will be very happy together.
38:31This will be left behind as a horrible nightmare.
38:35I feel like it's not my body anymore.
38:38Everything hurts me.
38:40My soul hurts.
38:42No one
38:44can take what you are from you.
38:47I will give you all the strength you need to move forward.
38:53None of this changes what I feel for you.
38:57I thought you weren't going to love me anymore.
39:00I was so afraid not to see you again, Antonio.
39:04I love you.
39:06I will be by your side
39:08all the time
39:09supporting you in the decision you make.
39:27Well, I just have to congratulate the future parents.
39:39What comes from you is mine.
39:41What God wants to give us.
39:46If she's a girl, she's going to be called Elena.
39:49And Gabriel if he's a boy.
39:51Because he's an angel.
40:02We are getting married in a week.
40:05My dad has a big surprise for me.
40:09And he will give you a new position as CEO.
40:14What's wrong?
40:18I have to tell you something.
40:21Don't tell me you don't want to marry Fabricio anymore.
40:25This is what you've always wanted.
40:28To be part of the Campero family.
40:37It's about my dad.
40:41He didn't die like I told you.
40:43I don't have time for your family drama, my love.
40:46Better hurry up and get dressed, we're late.
41:02I'm not asking you.
41:04That child is not going to be.
41:06My grandson is not going to be the son of a rapist.
41:11Dad, that child can also be Antonio's.
41:17Did you also sleep with him?
41:21I did.
41:22We did.
41:24So I'm going to take care of my son.
41:26We're going to get married.
41:27And we're going to go live somewhere else so you don't bother, dad.
41:29There's no way you're getting married when you're pregnant.
41:33We're not going to give that show.
41:36You're talking about your daughter and your first grandson.
41:39That's not my grandson.
41:42I don't care if it's Antonio or whoever.
41:45I'll never accept it.
41:52If you want the wedding to continue,
41:54only for the civilian and the closest family.
41:59What's going on?
42:01That your sister is pregnant.
42:04And he says it could be Antonio.
42:07He wasn't a virgin.
42:11And besides, he wants to marry the church.
42:15Well, I don't judge you, sister, but I agree with my dad.
42:19You can't get married like that for the church.
42:21Lying to God is a mortal sin.
42:28Dad, don't be so angry.
42:31Let's pray for everything to go back to normal.
42:34That child can't be born, Aurora.
42:46You should go live in Mexico City, right?
42:48This place is too small for you.
42:51In fact, I have everything ready to open my office there, right?
42:55And I plan to continue studying when we move.
42:59Can I borrow it?
43:02Come, my love, with your aunt.
43:06Oh, how cute.
43:10And Aurelito,
43:12your cousin is almost born too.
43:15I'm sure.
43:17I'm sure they're going to be amazing.
43:35Gabriel will always be like an angel to you.
43:38The one who will always take care of you when I'm not around.
43:41And you will protect him, my love.
43:43Like your name.
43:44An Aurora for our little angel.
43:57Please, just for this day, you have to be like before, Dad.
44:01Look, take care of Gabriel.
44:05No, Aurora.
44:07You are my daughter and you will always be.
44:10But that child is not my grandson.
44:13And I still find it disrespectful to God that you take him to church.
44:19A baby will never be disrespectful to God, Dad.
44:23And if he grows up without his grandfather,
44:26he will have the love of his mother and father left over.
44:29That's if Antonio is the father of the child.
44:43What are you doing here?
44:45I came to tell you that you can't marry Aurora.
44:48Again with the same thing.
44:50You and your dad have me fed up.
44:53This is serious, Antonio.
44:55My sister has been cheating on you all this time.
44:58Let's see, let's see, nothing you tell me will make me change my mind.
45:01Then I'm not going to tell you anything.
45:09Better read this.
45:18That baby is not your son, Antonio.
45:20It doesn't have your blood and it shouldn't have your last name either.
45:29When did you do this test?
45:32Does Aurora know?
45:34Of course she knows.
45:36I tried to keep the secret because she's my sister.
45:39But I couldn't keep accepting this deception.
45:43Because I love you, Antonio.
45:47You are a great man and you don't deserve my sister to do this to you.
45:51Are you crazy?
45:55Crazy, but in pain.
45:58For what my sister is doing to you.
46:01And yes, I have always loved you.
46:05It doesn't matter if you are my son or not.
46:08Even so, I will love you as I love Aurora.
46:12Even if you knew that that child is not the product of a rape.
46:18My sister has been cheating on you with another man since before they started walking.
46:23I can't believe how far you are capable of taking your lies.
46:28I wish it were a lie.
46:30Aurora cheated on you.
46:32She deluded you with the false idea that that child could be yours.
46:37Can you handle something like that?
46:38Can you look that baby in the eye and recognize yourself in them?
46:43All this is very painful.
46:45But it's the truth.
46:48Think about it, Antonio.
46:50You are about to leave.
46:54Who knows how many more times they abused my sister being with you.
47:02Deep down you knew it wasn't you.
47:05Deep down you knew it wasn't you.
47:35I breathe that came in, turned my heart and you followed.
47:43Moving forward through my whole body and you don't stop leaving me.
47:51And here I keep thinking about you.
47:56I don't know if I'm going to get used to it, no.
48:03You and I are made of the same weapons that managed to meet.
48:14Writing a new verse.
48:19And we are auroras in the sky.
48:25Illuminating the moments.
48:29We meet in a parallel world.
48:37I know that place exists.
48:41Where we can meet again.
49:00It happened in 1994.
49:05Do you feel well, daughter?
49:07Yes, it's just that Antonio took a long time.
49:10Don't worry, daughter.
49:12Antonio shouldn't take long to arrive.
49:21Dad, you came!
49:38Sorry, daughter, but I have another wedding.
49:41It will take a long time for your fiancé to arrive.
49:44I hope not. Give us a little more time, please, yes?
49:48Okay, okay.
49:49Thank you.
49:51Who knows how many more times they abused my sister while she was with you.
50:06Antonio Murrieta.
50:08Who is this?
50:10I am Gabriel's father.
50:12Aurora was not raped.
50:14I was her mother.
50:16I am Gabriel's father.
50:18Aurora was not raped.
50:20I was her mother.
50:22Hello, hello!
50:29Aurora, I can't wait any longer.
50:33The wedding will have to be canceled.
50:35I'm very sorry.
50:50Antonio is not at home or in his car.
50:52The neighbors said they saw him leave the city.
50:56Antonio, you can't do this to me.
51:15I love you.
51:45I love you.
52:11I feel that the time I spend away from you is an eternity.
52:15I can't wait to have a life where I wake up every day with you.
52:20Don't ever let me go, Antonio.
52:22Never, sister.
52:23I'll always be by your side.