• 5 months ago
Media People Listen Up
Check out the full Dan Bongino Radio Show at 12:05pm ET at bongino.locals.com or rumble.com/bongino or a radio station near you!

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00:00So Joe Biden is a claims. He's a hero last night. I got out because of democracy or something
00:05I had no you got out because you're a loser
00:08Who was about to take down the United States Senate for the Democrats the House of Representatives?
00:12And the presidency by a potential 33 to 35 seat landslide Joe Biden does nothing for his country
00:19Joe Joe Biden does everything for one person Joe Biden. That's it
00:23So there's two massive cover-ups going on right now by the media Democrat NGO
00:29Liberal activist complex and it's really disgusting. I mean folks if you're taking the mainstream liberal media, seriously, I can't help you
00:36This isn't the show for you. These people they're documented history of being lying piles of garbage is so
00:44Extensive. Why would you believe it some clown?
00:47Yesterday emails me from New York magazine will
00:51Schleusel or something like that. Hey Dan, we're doing a fact-check for New York magazine. I didn't even read his email
00:58I just had to read the opening. I responded back with the laughing guy emoji. I'm like
01:04That's so funny
01:06Fact-checker for New York, right? That's good. Have you fact-checked the peepee hoax yet? Have you have you done that?
01:14Meet media people. Listen, um another request came in today. Don't email me ever. I can't stand you. I think I
01:23Think nothing of you
01:26the film of bacteria on a toilet bowl that hasn't been cleaned for three weeks I
01:31Place more value on that
01:33Then I do on you don't email me ever. I have nothing to say to you ever
01:38I don't want my name in your papers. I don't want my name in your mouth
01:43I don't want my name anywhere. Don't talk about me. Just get out of my life. Don't ever email me for a comment
01:50I can't stand you
01:52You're absolute losers. This borders are thing with Kamala Harris
01:57There's resolutions. There's video. There's audio
02:01There's Joe Biden on digital recording talking about making Kamala Harris the borders are there's hours and hours of media coverage of
02:09Kamala Harris as the borders are and now you're claiming Kamala Harris isn't the borders are you titled the borders are this is why?
02:16Americans hate you if you're in the media listening to me, you understand they hate you. They think nothing of you nothing
02:24Everything you say they immediately assume the opposite is true
02:29Because they can't stand you
02:32You are absolute losers
02:36You're engaged in a massive cover-up of Kamala's past and
02:41another massive cover-up of Joe Biden's mental condition
02:47Folks this is a serious ongoing matter. It's not yesterday's news because Biden bailed out. He is not resigned
02:55You think the Russian Chinese near air incursion in the Alaskan airspace last night you think that was an accident
03:02They were like, what do you think? It was a commercial airliner and they were like, yeah, we got off course
03:07That's not what happened
03:10They understand that from now until January. We are in a uniquely perilous national security situation and they're testing us
03:18The media is covering it up
03:21The only one asking questions right now is Peter Doocy
03:25They asked a few questions last week
03:27But now that Kamala's taken over the media will shut up about all this because it'll invite questions like why Kamala Harris
03:33didn't say anything and
03:35Remember, by the way, Avita tweeted this out before and she's right Kamala's still the borders are correct
03:40She hasn't resigned the position. No one's replaced her
03:44Why isn't she?
03:47Actively telling the nation right now about the national security crisis. We're with Biden. Listen to Kareem Jean-pierre. I
03:54Mean an absolute communist Soviet Pravda special yesterday claiming. No. No, he's not leaving because of health problems or anything like that
04:01It's just like democracy or something. Check this out. It would seem that people in the White House knew
04:07that President Biden was slipping and
04:10It was hidden from the American people. So who ordered
04:15White House officials to cover up a declining president. I know that that is a narrative that you love
04:23No, no, no, he did a press conference at NATO. I'm in it
04:27There's all these things that I need to finish and then ten days later. I'm dropping out. Okay, wait
04:32Okay, you're asking me like two multiple questions here. Let me wait wait
04:37First of all, there's been no cover-up want to be very clear about that
04:40I know that's the narrative that you all wait. No, no, no, you can't
04:46Biden for five. Are you gonna let me answer the question? Would you at least admit that the debate?
04:52We can can I answer the question? Yes. All right. Are you sure? Okay
04:58Your first question it is not a cover-up. I know that is the narrative that you all want
05:05Folks it is a massive cover-up and
05:08You haven't noticed that the media has gone completely silent outside of Peter Doocy on the matter
05:14Even though Joe Biden still has his fingers on the nuclear codes
05:19Because now they don't want to embarrass the Democrat Party
05:22You see when Biden was an impediment to Democrats maintaining power because they thought he would lose
05:28Biden became a target because the media is not there to save Joe Biden what and did you just say that? Yeah, I did
05:34They're not the media is there to save liberalism
05:38liberalism's access to power
05:41The media is not there to save anyone
05:43I promise you right now if Barack Obama was at 30% approval like Joe Biden and
05:48Was dragging down a ticket through a bunch of endorsements
05:51He made the media would tell Obama to get out of the way to the media is there to save liberalism
05:57They are commies. They are prov the level propagandists
06:01Now that Biden is not an obstacle anymore and is attached to Kamala Harris
06:06Biden's gonna be the avuncular hero again who stepped aside for the sake of democracy
06:11That none of this is on the level
06:13This is a massive cover-up and I told you Obama and Biden hate each other's confirmed again
06:20Liberal outlets this morning reporting that Obama's furious at Biden because Biden hates Obama and feels he was mistreated
06:27Biden hates Obama and feels he was mistreated just like I told you I worked with these two they hate each other
06:35Biden Biden thinks Obama is a big showman and he was responsible for all the success. I was there. I saw this dynamic
06:45Obama thinks Biden is a complete utter buffoon
06:49You know why Biden do you hear this if you read the liberal outlets this morning like I'm forced to do every day
06:57You'll see what I told you it's true. Did you catch it this morning?
07:01Obama is furious at Biden. Did you know that every time you tap swipe or insert your credit card?
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08:10Obama forced him out with Pelosi
08:13So to get Obama back Obama wanted Mark Kelly at the top of the ticket the senator from Arizona
08:19He thinks Mark Kelly's their best chance to win. I don't know why he thinks that however he does
08:26Obama wanted Mark Kelly dumb folks. This isn't me. This is liberal outlets, okay?
08:32Just confirming the fact they hate each other
08:34The only reason Biden came out and endorsed Harris as early as he did was to stick it to Obama
08:42Who wanted Mark Kelly they hate each other?
08:46These two revile each other
08:50All right, I got more on this coming up later
08:52I want to get to this Secret Service story because this has just gotten at this point as
08:58a guy who did this for 12 years of my life, I
09:04These security failures I if I refer to them as lapses forgive me, it's just a brain meltdown and
09:10I don't mean these security failures abject failures
09:18And man, I I think folks as you can tell I'm struggling a little bit. I use my words clearly and precision matters
09:26They are borderline at this point negligence
09:30Where I think there's gonna have to potentially be some criminal investigation at some point. I
09:35Mean I cannot but it's not just one or two things again, it's not like
09:41this guy invented some exotic virus undetectable by
09:47Yeah, you know what I'm saying by any modern medicine thing and he slipped it on the stage and Trump got sick and died
09:53Like that's not what happened. You'd be like, okay, we screwed up, but we got to work on our security posture
09:59We didn't have the technology for this not if it's excusable you get what I'm saying
10:02You can understand
10:04How they may have missed that even though it's not excusable. It's a zero-fail environment
10:09That is not this what happened July 13th with the murder of Corey comparator and Donald Trump getting shot in the head
10:18Which Newsweek is now doubting because they're the media and that's what scum in the media do but
10:27The question every time I
10:30The question every time I think I've got this thing nailed down and I'm like, okay
10:36It was these seven or eight abysmal failures
10:40failure nine and ten emerge I
10:43Want to play this first because
10:45Again came out yesterday. This is a it's about a minute and 30. So it's a lengthy clip and it's worth your time
10:51This is Christopher Wray failed FBI director. I don't trust this guy as far as I can throw him
10:55However, whatever he says I independently confirmed some of the things he set up on the hill yesterday were accurate, okay
11:03Here's Christopher Wray cut for Jim
11:05he's talking about drone and
11:08Bombs in the assassins car which confirm a couple of things number one. I told you a week ago and
11:14I'm glad you're a week ahead of the story that the airspace at the site was not secured and
11:19Second I told you that this was designed to be more than just a kill plot on Donald Trump
11:24But a kill plot on you. This was designed to be a mass casualty event. That shooter was not just there for Donald Trump
11:30He was there to kill a lot of people what we believe
11:33The initial plan was was to take out Donald Trump probably take out a few Secret Service agents
11:39he didn't expect to get taken out so quickly by the counter sniper and
11:42Then in the ensuing panic where people were running to their cars to detonate the explosives in his car
11:47That's why he had some detonator next to him. It wasn't an accident
11:50This was designed to be a mass casualty event not just a single murder and trying to shoot Donald Trump in the head
11:56It's important you understand that this was gonna be worse
11:58Here's Christopher Wray on the drone and the bombs in the car listen to this tell me it's back director
12:04Yeah, let me go back to where mr. Bishop was tell me about the drone
12:06You act like he wanted to fill us in on that fill us in
12:10So we have recovered a drone
12:13That the shooter
12:15Appears to have used it's being exploited and analyzed by the FBI lab
12:19The drone was recovered in his vehicle so at the time of the shooting the drone was in his vehicle
12:27with the controller
12:29In addition our investigation has uncovered. Do you know what time of day he flew it and if he flew it on the day?
12:35I'm sorry
12:36So in addition it appears that around
12:413.50 p.m. 4 o'clock in that window on the day of the shooting
12:48That the shooter was flying the drone around
12:52the area
12:5411 minutes on be clear, but when I say the area not over the the stage and that part of the area itself
13:01But I would say about 200 yards give or take away
13:04Okay, Matt. We we think but we do not know so again
13:07This is one of these things that's qualified because of our ongoing review that he was live-streaming
13:12You know viewing the footage from that again about 11 minutes in around the 3.50 4 o'clock p.m.
13:19Rain hours before he's flying a drone in the in the vicinity of the about 200 yards away. Yeah, okay
13:24That's that's important information. What about the bombs that we've heard about in the in the shooters car
13:29So again the FBI lab is exploiting those
13:34Explosive devices there were
13:36We've recovered three devices two in his vehicle and one back in his residence
13:43No, my gosh
13:44Everything you are again two weeks ahead of the news cycle and it's shameful
13:48I have to tell you that if
13:50The news cycle would have caught up with us a week ago and stopped listening to NBC News and these other garbage
13:56Outlets a news week questioning if Trump was even shot and would have focused on the security failures
14:01Then Donald Trump Biden and every other Secret Service protectee there'd be more pressure to change the security posture and fix this thing
14:08There's not there's not a lot of left-wing media types are obsessed with stupid narratives like was Donald Trump shot in the ear was a
14:14piece of glass this is it's
14:17How we got this thing out a week ago two things the airspace was not secured second
14:22This was a mass casualty event
14:24He did not expect to be taken out by the counter sniper as quickly as he was that's now pretty clear
14:30He had a different plan
14:33This could have been a thousand times worse
14:36It's already bad enough is a murder scene. Hey, thanks so much for listening
14:40You could check out my radio show every day on a station near you just go to Bongino comm
14:46Station finder or you can listen every day on rumble at rumble comm slash Bungie. No, really appreciate it. Thanks a lot
