Miracle Doctor Episode 46

  • 2 months ago
Miracle Doctor Episode 46

Ali is the son of a poor family who grew up in a provincial city. Due to his autism and savant syndrome, he has been constantly excluded and marginalized. Ali has difficulty communicating, and has two friends in his life: His brother and his rabbit. Ali loses both of them and now has only one wish: Saving people. After his brother's death, Ali is disowned by his father and grows up in an orphanage. Dr Adil discovers that Ali has tremendous medical skills due to savant syndrome and takes care of him. After attending medical school and graduating at the top of his class, Ali starts working as an assistant surgeon at the hospital where Dr Adil is the head physician. Although some people in the hospital administration say that Ali is not suitable for the job due to his condition, Dr Adil stands behind Ali and gets him hired. Ali will change everyone around him during his time at the hospital

CAST: Taner Olmez, Onur Tuna, Sinem Unsal, Hayal Koseoglu, Reha Ozcan, Zerrin Tekindor



00:00Can you imagine? They officially broke up. I can't believe it.
00:05I can't believe my name is mentioned in this incident.
00:11I shouldn't have done anything.
00:14I'm sure Mr. Ferman banned me.
00:16I just made up with him.
00:19I shouldn't have said anything.
00:21Is that so?
00:25Do you know what I thought when I woke up this morning?
00:28Do you know what I thought when I woke up this morning?
00:30What did you think?
00:31Mr. Ferman and Ms. Beliz.
00:35Did they break up?
00:37I mean, that huge love...
00:40Enough! I'm sick of it. How can you do this?
00:43What happened?
00:46Nazlı, you spent a night like that last night.
00:49You wake up in the morning like this.
00:51And the thing you want to talk to your closest friend is Mr. Ferman and Ms. Beliz?
00:56What can we talk about?
00:58I can't believe it.
01:00Let me show you what I'm talking about.
01:03What is it?
01:05It's coming.
01:06What is it?
01:25What is it?
01:27Oh, Nazlı, I really can't watch this anymore.
01:30It's time for you to fool yourself.
01:33But I'm going to ask you something.
01:35Please watch this video from beginning to end.
01:38And then ask yourself.
01:40What's going on between me and Ali?
01:45What's going on?
01:46I don't know. What's going on?
01:49Oh my God!
01:53Are you crazy?
01:54What are you, my friend?
01:55My friend.
02:00You must be crazy.
02:02You must be crazy.
02:03You must be crazy.
02:04You must be crazy.
02:05You must be crazy.
02:06You must be crazy.
02:07You must be crazy.
02:08You must be crazy.
02:09You must be crazy.
02:10You must be crazy.
02:11You must be crazy.
02:12You must be crazy.
02:13You must be crazy.
02:14You must be crazy.
02:15You must be crazy.
02:16You must be crazy.
02:17You must be crazy.
02:18You must be crazy.
02:19You must be crazy.
02:20You must be crazy.
02:21You must be crazy.
02:22You must be crazy.
02:23You must be crazy.
02:24You must be crazy.
02:25You must be crazy.
02:26You must be crazy.
02:27You must be crazy.
02:28You must be crazy.
02:29You must be crazy.
02:30You must be crazy.
02:31You must be crazy.
02:32You must be crazy.
02:33You must be crazy.
02:34You must be crazy.
02:35You must be crazy.
02:36You must be crazy.
02:37You must be crazy.
02:38You must be crazy.
02:39You must be crazy.
02:40You must be crazy.
02:41You must be crazy.
02:42You must be crazy.
02:43You must be crazy.
02:44You must be crazy.
02:45You must be crazy.
02:46You must be crazy.
02:47You must be crazy.
02:48You must be crazy.
02:49You must be crazy.
02:50You must be crazy.
02:51You must be crazy.
02:52You must be crazy.
02:53You must be crazy.
02:54You must be crazy.
02:55You must be crazy.
02:56You must be crazy.
02:57You must be crazy.
02:58You must be crazy.
02:59You must be crazy.
03:00You must be crazy.
03:01You must be crazy.
03:02You must be crazy.
03:03You must be crazy.
03:04Got it?
03:05Thank you ma'am.
03:06Hey get yourself a drink.
03:07I'll be right back.
03:09Then hurry.
03:10Someone needs to knock at the door.
03:16Just say, Achan.
03:19Nice Videos.
03:28Ferman hoca gülün durumunu takip etmemi istedi.
03:30Detaylarını yaptırdım. Bakalım mı?
03:52Niye bana öyle bakıyorsun?
03:58Ya sen demedin mi günün tahillerini yaptırdı bakayım.
04:00Ona bakıyorum işte.
04:10Nereden çıktın sen?
04:12Ya aramadan geldim.
04:14Kusura bakma ama buradan da geçiyorduk.
04:16Saçmalama iyi ki geldin.
04:18Ne haber?
04:20Ben de bu hafta arayayım arayayım diyordum.
04:22Ne kadar güzel denk geldi ya.
04:24Tabi sen bir mesajlarıma da cevap vermeyince.
04:26Ya kızım üşeniyorum telefona bakmaya.
04:30O zaman hiç itiraz istemiyorum.
04:32Vakit ayırın birazcık aşağıda kahve içelim.
04:34Tamam tamam olur.
04:38Bu arada.
04:40Ceray'dan arkadaşım Ali Vefa.
04:44Liseden arkadaşım Gülçin.
04:46Sertan eşi.
04:52Hadi gidelim gel.
04:54Çok iyi görünüyorsun.
04:56Herkes diyorsun öyle değil mi?
05:16Günaydın Demir.
05:18Herkes nerede?
05:22Gelirler ya birazdan erken daha.
05:26Ya sen onu bunu bırak da.
05:28Gelmeyeceğim gelmeyeceğim deyip ne döktürdün ya baloda.
05:30Ne döktürdüm ya?
05:32İyi dans ettin yani ayağına sağlık.
05:34Teşekkür ederim.
05:36Ben bir şey yapmadım.
05:38Nazlı çok iyi bir dansçı.
05:40Figürleri var böyle böyle.
05:42Böyle dokunmadan.
05:44Ben sadece uyum sağladım.
05:48Tam iki dakika otuz altı saniyedir.
05:50Hiçbir ses çıkmadı.
05:52Galiba bugün sakin bir gün olacak.
05:54Aman abi aman.
05:56Ne oldu ya?
05:58Öyle deme ne dedim?
06:00Sakin falan bunları söylemiyoruz burada kural.
06:02Öyle dediğin anda.
06:04Demir acilen destek istediler.
06:06Hadi çabuk çabuk çabuk.
06:14Yemin ediyorum bu adamın süper gücü falan var.
06:16Duyuyor bir yerden ya ben anlamıyorum.
06:22Üç numara yavrum.
06:26Hadi yatağı alalım.
06:30Bir iki üç hop.
06:32Nedir durumu?
06:34Orhan Açıkada, kırk altı yaşında erkek.
06:36Elinde çivi tabancasıyla merdivenlerden aşağı düşmüş şantiyede.
06:38Müdahale masası.
06:40İyi misiniz?
06:42Elimi takip edin.
06:44İyi misiniz peki?
06:46Başka yerinizde yaralanma var mı?
06:48Yok doktor kafamdakini çıkar.
06:50Yandığını at beni bırak gidin.
06:52Çok işim var benim çok.
06:54O biraz bekleyecek.
06:56Çüğünün boyutları ne?
06:58Hatırlıyor musunuz?
07:02Demir ölç bakalım şunları.
07:04Kafasındakini de ölç.
07:10Beş santim.
07:12Nedir Demir söyle?
07:14İki santim içerideyiz hocam.
07:16İyi güzel çıkartalım.
07:18Şimdi bunu alıyoruz sakin olun.
07:20Bir nefes alın.
07:26Geçmiş olsun.
07:28Al Demir.
07:30Muhtemelen pansumanızı yapıp yarayı kapatıp
07:32sizi bırakacağız.
07:34Geçmiş olsun.
07:36Bu ne ya?
07:38Biz bunu kendimiz de yapardık şantiyede penseyle.
07:40Bu kadar da para vermezdik.
07:42Biz bunu kendimiz de yapardık şantiyede penseyle.
07:44Bu kadar da para vermezdik.
07:48Çocuklar pansumanı yapın.
07:50Siz gelir misiniz benimle?
07:56Kimsiniz siz?
07:58Kardeşiyim ben Atilla ismim.
08:00Atilla bey bize ekipman için para ödemiyorsunuz.
08:02Abiniz şanslıymış ki
08:04yüzeysel bir yaralanması var.
08:06Bize bunu size söylemem için para ödüyorsunuz.
08:08Geçmiş olsun.
08:14Ne oldu?
08:16Tansiyonu düşüyor.
08:20İndir yatağı Ali.
08:22Demir bacaklarını artırın.
08:26Başınız dönüyor mu?
08:28İşe gitmem lazım.
08:34Bir müdahale edin bir şey yapın.
08:36Başka bir yerin yarası olmalı çevirelim.
08:38Ali nedir durum?
08:40Ali var mı bir şey?
08:42Sırtında delinme yarası var.
08:48Tahta karın.
08:50Abdümende bir çivi daha olabilir.
08:52Acil ameliyat almamız lazım.
08:56Çabuk çabuk çabuk.
09:00Söyle bakalım nasıl gidiyor bu ara?
09:02İyi iyi.
09:04Sen beni bıraksan anlat.
09:06Ne yapıyorsun?
09:10Öyle yorucu işte.
09:12Yorgunluk bildiğiniz gibi.
09:16Galiba iyi.
09:18Sana bir şey olmuş ya.
09:20Döküp bakayım anlat ne oldu?
09:22Gülçin ne olur sen de başla.
09:24Bir şey olmuş ya.
09:26Döküp bakayım anlat ne oldu?
09:28Gülçin ne olur sen de başla.
09:30Delirtti beni sabahı içeri.
09:34Bir şey söyleyeceğim.
09:36Buranın tatları efsanedir.
09:38Hadi bir şey seç ısmarlayayım sana.
09:40Ne istersin?
09:42Bak nasıl kaytırıyor görüyor musun?
09:46Bak şöyle yapalım.
09:48Bu güzel tatları beraber alalım.
09:50Bu sürprize ben de dahil olayım.
09:52Ne olur.
09:54O zaman senin için seçiyorum.
10:02Bak bunlar.
10:04En güzeli.
10:06Gerçi şu da güzel ama.
10:12Ben Gülçin'i bilerek getirdim buraya.
10:14Ne oldu?
10:16Nazlı ben bahaneyle buradan geçirdim.
10:18Yoksa gelmezdi.
10:20Durum çok kötü Nazlı.
10:22Morfinler artık işe yaramıyor Nazlı.
10:30Cevap vermiyormuş.
10:34Bana belli etmemeye çalışıyor ama.
10:36Nazlı acı çekiyor.
10:40Canı yanıyor yani.
10:46Benim elimden bir şey gelmiyor.
10:48Ben ne yapacağımı bilmiyorum anladın mı?
10:56Canım benim.
10:58Nazlı bana yardım edebilir misin?
11:00Bak özür diliyorum.
11:02Ben durumu kabul ettim.
11:10O gidecek.
11:12Ben bunu biliyorum.
11:14Ama en azından.
11:18Nazlı o acı çekmesin.
11:20Acı çekmesin.
11:22Çok acı çekmesin. Canı yanmasın.
11:24Bana yardım edebilir misin?
11:34Sen bana yoldan her şeyi dosyasını bütünlüyorsun.
11:38Mail at.
11:40Ben de hocama çıkayım göstereyim.
11:42Ona danışayım.
11:45Oyalı onu olur mu?
11:47Tamam merak etme.
11:49Teşekkür ederim.
12:14İşi varmış.
12:28Hele aspirin et şurayı.
12:30Hocam çivi tamamen yıkmış böbreği.
12:34Renal hülümü de parçalamış.
12:364.0 prolen.
12:38Hocam çivi tamamen yıkmış böbreği.
12:42Renal hülümü de parçalamış.
12:444.0 prolen.
12:46Böbrek fena parçalanmış.
12:48Bu böyle olmayacak.
12:50Renal arteri külampili Ali.
12:52Gel çabuk çabuk çabuk.
12:56Böbreği alacağız. Başka çaresi yok.
13:00Adam tek böbrek değişecek.
13:04Diğer tarafa bak bakalım.
13:06Tamamlığından emin olalım.
13:08Ali aspirasyona başla.
13:10Sürekli aspirin et şurayı.
13:22Bir dakika bir dakika.
13:28Adrenalin bezi aşağıda duruyor.
13:34Sol böbreği orada bulamayacak Demir.
13:36Adrenalin biraz aşağı yerleşmiş çünkü.
13:38Hastanın tek taraflı renal egenizsi var.
13:42Adamın tek böbreği var.
13:44Hocam Ali haklı.
13:46Tek böbrekle doğmuş.
13:48Ve onu almak zorunda kaldık biz.
13:54Liseden arkadaşım Gülçin.
13:56Bir yıl önce dördüncü evre yumurtalı kanseri teşhisi kondu.
13:58Geçmiş olsun.
14:04Teşekkür ederim.
14:06Geçmiş olsun.
14:12Teşekkür ederim.
14:14Geçmiş olsun.
14:20Her yerine...
14:22yayıldığı için...
14:24störedüktif ameliyat olmadan...
14:26karbotaksolun altı aşamasını tamamladı.
14:30Cevap vermediği için kematerapiyi de kestiler.
14:40Bu durumda işte artık...
14:42En fazla bir ay.
14:48I'm very sorry.
14:50Thank you.
14:53Metastatic lesion that extends to the diaphragm hurts a lot.
14:58Because of vascular complications, they can't operate.
15:04But I think laparoscopic tumor removal operation is possible.
15:11It's possible.
15:13But it's hard.
15:14Still, look at you, professor.
15:18It's already down here.
15:21I mean, I know very well.
15:24Unfortunately, Gülçin...
15:27I mean...
15:29I know we can't save her anymore.
15:33But maybe we can lighten her pain.
15:42Take your friend to a room.
15:44Send me all the file information. I'll examine it.
15:47We'll talk later, okay?
15:51Thank you very much.
15:52I'll do the laparoscopic surgery right away.
15:56Professor, thank you very much.
15:57Come on.
15:58Come on.
16:19How are you?
16:21I'm fine.
16:23I'm not a doctor anymore.
16:26I'm not my girlfriend anymore.
16:29Say what you want.
16:31Say it.
16:32Look, let's not fight here today, okay?
16:34Please, please.
16:35In the hospital, okay?
16:36Okay, honey.
16:38I'm sorry.
16:40I'm sorry.
16:42I'm sorry.
16:44I'm sorry.
16:45Okay, honey.
16:47I don't think we should fight.
16:48You'll be a disaster one day.
16:51For people.
16:52Okay, then I'll explain our first rule.
16:55There is no fighting in the hospital.
16:58Promise me.
17:04Okay, then I...
17:06I knotted this apron. Can you open it for me?
17:09I'll open it.
17:17What kind of knotting is this, Demir?
17:20I can't open it the way you knotted it.
17:23Can I say something?
17:24Come on.
17:25Please, come on.
17:26Hurry up.
17:28I can't open it because you knotted it.
17:30If you stop shaking it, I'll open it.
17:32I'm standing still.
17:33I'm standing straight.
17:34If you can't open it, cut it with a nail.
17:36I'm telling you to stand still.
17:37I can't open it.
17:39I can't open it.
17:40I can't open it.
17:41I can't open it.
17:42I can't open it.
17:43I can't open it.
17:44I can't open it.
17:46I don't want it.
17:48It's torn.
17:49What are you doing?
17:50I'm doing what I want.
17:51What do you care?
18:01What are we doing?
18:03We just talked.
18:04What are we doing?
18:05What are we going to do?
18:06I don't know.
18:08I guess it's going to be hard to keep that promise.
18:11It's going to be hard.
18:12Leave the neighborhood immediately.
18:13Leave me alone, okay?
18:14Let's go, dear.
18:15Let's go.
18:16Let's go, dear.
18:17I'm going.
18:18I'm going.
18:29I looked through your file, Gülçin.
18:33How did you set me up?
18:35You tricked me.
18:36Both of you.
18:37You'll get what you deserve.
18:40Now I'm going to put pressure on you.
18:42I want you to give me more than 10 pain points, okay?
18:50And here.
18:53And here.
18:57How many?
19:00She's lying.
19:02She's a master at hiding.
19:09Okay, nine.
19:12I'm going to put pressure on you.
19:14You're a master at hiding.
19:18Okay, ten.
19:21Okay, eleven.
19:23Okay, twelve.
19:24Okay, 13.
19:26Okay, 14.
19:28Okay, 15.
19:29Okay, 16.
19:30Okay, 17.
19:32Okay, 18.
19:34Okay, 19.
19:37Okay, 20.
19:39Okay, 21.
19:41Okay, 22.
19:43Okay, 23.
19:45Okay, 24.
19:47Okay, 25.
19:49Okay, 26.
19:51Okay, 27.
19:53Okay, 28.
19:55Okay, 29.
19:57Okay, 30.
19:59Okay, 31.
20:01Okay, 32.
20:03Okay, 33.
20:05Okay, 34.
20:07Okay, 35.
20:09Okay, 36.
20:12Okay, 37.
20:15Okay, 38.
20:18Okay, 39.
20:20Okay, 40.
20:27Okay, 42.
20:29Okay, 43.
20:31Okay, 44.
20:33Okay, 45.
20:34Okay, 41.
20:36Okay, 42.
20:38Gülçin, when I say that, I mean, Hazal admires you, I mean, admires you.
20:44Actually, I mean, her admiration...
20:46Hazal, I know, relax.
20:48Hazal, answer me this.
20:50Gülçin is a friend I love.
20:52It's very difficult for her to have surgery.
20:54Will you be able to do it?
20:57I have to do it.
21:01Think of her as a patient.
21:03Not like Gülçin.
21:05And don't stress, definitely.
21:10Prepare the operating room.
21:12Let me know, come on.
21:14Okay, okay, doctor.
21:30Ms. Beriz.
21:34Ms. Beriz.
21:38Ms. Beriz.
21:40Ms. Beriz.
21:43Beriz. Beriz.
21:47Why are you running away?
21:49You're making me scream in the middle of the hospital.
21:51Because I have work to do.
21:55What's going on, Beriz?
21:57What are these attitudes?
21:58Is there something I don't know?
22:00I don't know.
22:01You tell me, Ferman, is there something?
22:04I kept the house, I was going to say that.
22:08You're fast.
22:09You told me to be fast.
22:11I went to the first house in front of me.
22:13I'll move in tomorrow.
22:15Okay, good luck.
22:16You'll leave the keys on the table.
22:18I'll send a courier.
22:19He warns me, Ferman, you know.
22:21There's nothing I know.
22:22Whatever you know, you know.
22:23What's going on, Beriz?
22:24I'm bored.
22:25While you hang out, while you continue your life,
22:27I'm so bored of wandering around in pain.
22:30I'm continuing my beautiful life.
22:32Is that so?
22:33Anyway, I want it to end as soon as possible.
22:35Then be patient.
22:36One day left.
22:37If I can.
22:39One day left.
22:40If I can.
22:59I've spread the thrombosis everywhere.
23:02There's a clean area over there.
23:04We can open the AVF valve for the others.
23:06But it's a little short.
23:08If we connect it to the brachial artery, it'll work.
23:12Maybe it won't be necessary.
23:15One second, sir.
23:16Okay, okay.
23:17Okay, let me know if there's any change.
23:21Because of the type of tissue,
23:22the organ donation center says we won't be able to find a kidney in time.
23:25We need to find a live donor, sir.
23:28We have a potential one.
23:34You know what to do.
23:44What's going on, Beliz?
23:47What happened? Did something happen?
23:49No, I mean...
23:50Since I brought Ali on stage last night,
23:53I thought I'd come without you calling me.
23:57Yes, I'm listening.
23:59I won't get mad, you can leave.
24:02What do you mean, you're not mad?
24:04Not today, Kıvılcım.
24:05Can you leave me alone?
24:08You know.
24:10It was so successful last night,
24:12the donation numbers are...
24:13Will you leave?
24:14Okay, I got it.
24:16I'm leaving.
24:19Oh my God.
24:22You're out of your mind.
25:00I was looking for you.
25:03Not now, Ali.
25:06Your friend is going to have a surgery.
25:08I was going to ask you if you're okay.
25:10When can I come?
25:11I can't find my kidney.
25:13I'm going to have a successful kidney surgery
25:15and I have a very close friend and he's not here.
25:17I can't find him, I'll go crazy.
25:21Calm down.
25:22I can help you.
25:36Ali, what are you doing?
26:15How did you find me?
26:17I was watching you.
26:21You're always in front of the mirror.
26:24Look, like this.
26:27You look at yourself for the last time here.
26:30You even
26:32play with your shoes.
26:34Like this.
26:36Like this.
26:38Like this.
26:43But I saw
26:45you didn't drop it in front of the mirror.
26:52Then you go here.
26:55You start walking here like this.
26:59You walk back and forth.
27:01Back and forth.
27:03You think about what you're going to do in surgery for the last time.
27:09But it wasn't here either.
27:16you go
27:18this way.
27:23You come here.
27:25To the back.
27:33where no one can see you
27:36you stand like this.
27:38You pray.
27:41Your shoulders like this.
27:43Without showing anyone.
27:49For the person who's going to have surgery.
27:59But this time because he's your friend
28:02you might have panicked.
28:09You care about the people you love.
28:15with that panic
28:17you came
28:19and threw it here.
28:25I found it here.
28:32Did you know?
28:36I knew.
28:38You're a good observer.
28:51Is this a good thing?
29:04Very good.
29:13Thank you.
29:38What happened? Did you think about it?
29:40Think about what?
29:46We talked this morning.
29:48Open it.
29:49There's no Ali.
29:51You've been driving me crazy since morning.
29:53Can you leave me alone?
29:56I'm going to my friend's surgery.
29:57Are you aware?
29:59Okay, don't be mad.
30:01Don't be mad?
30:02I'm not mad.
30:31What are you saying?
30:32Did Mr. Atilla's results come out?
30:34No, I'm waiting for them.
30:36By the way, I said I'd check my water footprints.
30:385200 came out, can you believe it?
30:40Water footprints?
30:42Yes, water footprints.
30:43We all have water footprints.
30:45We consume water in everything we eat, drink and wear.
30:50For example, what did you eat for lunch?
30:542400 liters.
30:562400 liters?
30:58Yes, a hamburger.
31:002400 liters of water is consumed to prepare that hamburger you ate.
31:06Look, look.
31:07You can calculate your water footprints from here.
31:10You can also learn what to do to cool it down.
31:13Let me see yours.
31:15Let me see.
31:17Dr. Vefa, the results came out. We're in the system.
31:20Ali, you heard.
31:22Thank you.
31:27Then I'll look at Mr. Atilla's thing first.
31:31Then your footprints.
31:33See you.
31:37Come on.
31:49I'm here.
31:53Come on, I'm hanging up. See you.
31:59Your footprint samples match six to six with your brother.
32:01So we can transfer.
32:04Here you go.
32:06You are a sacrificial brother.
32:08We need to take your equipment for the operation.
32:11Because there are a lot of risks of organ donation.
32:14Bleeding, hemorrhage, infection, blood clot and death.
32:20Yes, death.
32:21Death is also among the possibilities.
32:24There are also risks that last a lifetime.
32:26For example, high blood pressure causing a heart attack.
32:29Or nephropathy causing loss of protein.
32:31Your remaining kidney will also be damaged in such a situation.
32:32And you yourself need a transplant.
32:37Thank you, Dr. Ali.
32:39I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
32:42We just need to make sure you know all the devices.
32:46No problem.
32:49But this is a big risk, isn't it?
32:52Of course.
32:58I understand the risks.
33:00I'll sign it.
33:03But I have a condition.
33:11What is it?
33:13Let's sell the company.
33:15Don't think about it, Atilla.
33:17I told you ten times.
33:19That deal won't be signed.
33:21Then take my share at the same price and I'll go.
33:23I don't have that much money, you know.
33:24I don't have it either.
33:25The parent board appointed you.
33:27All my money is tied to the company, brother.
33:29I have investments and opportunities, I can't evaluate.
33:31I want to do other things, but I can't.
33:33Atilla, while you were having fun at the university,
33:36we were digging our nails with your father.
33:39Now you're here without shame, and you want to be rich, don't you?
33:42We'll both be rich.
33:45The deal I set up is way above the market.
33:47What do I care about your deal?
33:49I love my job.
33:51I love my kidney.
33:54Look, brother, if we're going to make a donation, we'll do it.
33:56Otherwise, I won't.
33:59You're going to give your kidney for the money, huh?
34:02I'm not selling it.
34:04I'm not selling the company.
34:06I'm not giving the kidney.
34:08If you don't give it, don't give it.
34:10Go to hell.
34:12And you're going to be a brother.
34:13I love you.
34:25There are too many tumors in the anatomical vein.
34:33No stress, I'm here.
34:35Pull carefully and lie down, please.
34:37Pull now, lie down carefully.
34:38Pull carefully.
34:41There's a tumor in the anatomical vein.
34:44I'm going to take the part that's bothering my diaphragm, okay?
34:51Come on, come on.
34:53I got it.
34:55Yes, I'm taking the part that's bothering my diaphragm.
35:09You took it out.
35:11Now it can ease the pain.
35:16Wait a minute, wait a minute.
35:18What happened?
35:20Why is there no tumor tissue in the diaphragm right now?
35:24Tomography misled us.
35:26The part we took pushed the diaphragm up...
35:28...and caused the lower lung to be infiltrated.
35:33So cancer can only be treated in the abdomen.
35:38So our only option is to provide a one-month life...
35:41...without pain.
35:43I can give her more time.
35:49Doctor, thank you so much.
35:53We'll talk when we get out, okay?
35:55Take this, take this.
35:57Let's go.
36:57It was great, Doctor.
36:59I'm glad I went.
37:01What happened?
37:03We danced with Nazlı.
37:07We danced like this.
37:10Look, look.
37:12Like this, like this.
37:14Like this, like this.
37:16Slowly, dance slowly, okay?
37:18Like this, without touching.
37:20Like this, like this.
37:23There's also a turn, a turn.
37:24Like this.
37:26But Nazlı does this, okay?
37:28I'm like this, she turns like this.
37:30I turn, she turns.
37:32I do it like this.
37:34It's very successful.
37:36I may have solved this dance thing.
37:41If not, you're happy.
37:43But she's acting a little strange to me today.
37:45I don't understand what's going on.
37:47How strange?
37:49Like this.
37:51She's looking from side to side, like this.
37:53She lost her necklace.
37:55I found it. I gave it to her.
37:57We took it, we didn't say anything.
37:59She ran away.
38:01Did I do something wrong to Nazlı?
38:03I read it on the internet.
38:05Women are very angry when they step on their feet while dancing.
38:08Did I step on Nazlı's foot while dancing?
38:16No, kid.
38:18I don't think you stepped on Nazlı's foot.
38:22They do it sometimes.
38:25How do they do it?
38:27They look at life a little differently than we do.
38:34You get close to them with good intentions.
38:40You don't step on their foot.
38:43But you can't hurt them.
38:45It's none of your business.
38:47I don't think I understand.
38:48I don't understand.
38:52Sometimes they get out of balance.
38:54Don't try to make sense of everything.
38:57But kid.
38:59You're talking too much about Nazlı today.
39:02Be careful, don't hurt her.
39:04Why should I hurt her?
39:06Not on purpose, of course.
39:08But she can hurt you without even realizing it.
39:11Be careful.
39:13Adil teacher, you're talking nonsense today.
39:16Nazlı won't hurt me.
39:18She cares about me a lot.
39:25Come on.
39:35Be careful again.
39:45I'm sorry.
39:50I'll take as much tumour as I can.
39:52And I'll wash your stomach with a chemotherapy solution for 90 minutes.
39:56This will extend your life by six months.
40:00Six months?
40:07We have some risks, of course.
40:10Your body is very weak.
40:12So it may not be able to handle it.
40:16What do you mean?
40:18It may not be able to get out of the surgery.
40:34I don't want to put the last few weeks at risk either.
40:37But Gülçin won't be with us for six more months.
40:40I don't want to put her at risk either.
40:42I don't want to put her at risk either.
40:44But Gülçin won't be with us for six more months.
40:52Look, I...
40:54I want more time, of course.
40:56There's also not being able to see her.
40:59Ferman teacher was able to find his way in even in this situation.
41:03Look at Gülçin.
41:05She hasn't had any pain for months.
41:12I can't believe it.
41:14I don't have any pain.
41:19You're saying...
41:21Either accept this one month and go.
41:23Or risk this one month for six months.
41:26Is that so?
41:36What are you saying?
41:42What are you saying?
41:57I want you by my side.
42:03As much as possible.
42:13I'm going into surgery.
42:21And I want to stay by your side.
42:31See you at the surgery then.
42:33Get well soon.
42:43Get well soon.
42:51Ms. Selvi.
42:53How did Mr. Kürşat's surgery go?
42:56It went well.
42:58They took most of the tumor.
43:00I'm looking at it now.
43:02Eighty percent.
43:04Oh, that's bad.
43:06They should have taken it all.
43:09Now he needs another surgery.
43:10But it went well.
43:12They took most of it.
43:14The oncologist was happy.
43:16I think it depends on where you look.
43:21Thank you very much for this beautiful life lesson.
43:25Good luck.
43:26Have a nice day.
43:36Yes, Ms. Selvi.
43:37Are you jealous of me?
43:38No, why would I be jealous of you?
43:41I mean, that night...
43:46No, no, I'm not jealous. You were right.
43:49My point of view was wrong.
43:53I noticed.
43:54Let's do it again.
