• 2 months ago


00:00♪ Closer each day, home in the way ♪
00:09I'm sorry, Piri. I didn't realise it was your birthday.
00:11I only went to Seoul because I wanted to celebrate a little.
00:15What am I supposed to do for an 18th?
00:16What did you do for your 18th?
00:18I had all the family over and we did a hangi.
00:20Do you think Piri would go for it?
00:22Happy birthday, mate.
00:24It looks really expensive and we hardly know each other.
00:26You and your boyfriend are nice.
00:29But that's what you are to me. Strangers.
00:31Everyone here is.
00:34McGrath's been hounding us for months.
00:36So you killed him?
00:37To keep your mate out of prison.
00:39He's family. You know what that's like.
00:41I love Rory and I'm not turning my back on him because of you.
00:44Right now I'm the last person she wants to talk to.
00:46You're her brother.
00:47No, I am the guy putting the man she loves behind bars.
00:52It's a shame we didn't get time to check out the hotel pool.
00:55I'm not complaining about what we got to get up to instead.
00:59What are we doing here? Let's get out of here before anyone sees us.
01:02That's seriously tempting.
01:04Being alone when no one knows us.
01:06Not being the talk of the town.
01:08Hey, hey. I am sure the people have moved on.
01:12Hey, lovers. You're back.
01:15So much for moving on.
01:18So much for moving on.
01:21How was your getaway?
01:22Yeah, peaceful, quiet.
01:24Cool. Want to catch up over a drink?
01:27We were hoping to just spend the day together.
01:29Yeah, just the two of us.
01:31Well, no worries. We will love you and we will leave you.
01:34See ya.
01:37Thank you.
01:42There you go.
01:45Hey, I didn't thank you properly for this.
01:47Oh, don't be silly. I'm just sorry that it made you uncomfortable.
01:51You know, you were so right.
01:53You would usually be spending today with friends and family.
01:57Anyone in particular you want to spend today with?
01:59Not really.
02:02What about your mum?
02:03She's dead.
02:06I'm sorry.
02:07That's okay. It was a long time ago.
02:11You know, it's true, Perry, that we don't really know each other.
02:15But I want you to know that everyone here wants good things for you.
02:21Well, you know, if we keep talking, soon enough we'll be less like strangers and more like friends.
02:26You think?
02:27Yeah, of course. That's how this works.
02:32Might as well go full weird then and celebrate with the sun.
02:35Go full weird. Yes, do it.
02:41Looks good.
02:44Hey, can you give us a hand?
02:46Yeah. What do you need?
02:48There's boxes of groceries in the back seat. If you can grab those, please.
02:53Perry, come have a look at this.
02:55Now, these rocks here are special.
02:59What do you mean?
03:00Well, don't tell the Aussies, but theirs can't handle the heat of a hangi. They explode.
03:06Right, we'd better get moving. We're really pushing it for time.
03:08We really should have started this yesterday.
03:12Why don't you stand there and grab your box?
03:19That's a lot of food.
03:20Yep. The meat's not even here yet. Whānau's bringing that.
03:24Yeah, family. You say the word hangi and it's all action stations for them.
03:29I still don't even know what it is. Is it like a barbecue or what is it?
03:33Mate, it's much more than that. It's a feast. Cooked the way we Māori have done for centuries.
03:39My dad and my uncles taught me how to prepare one. Now I can do the same for you.
03:43Oh, awesome. It's my birthday and I'll be doing the cooking.
03:46Oh man, it'll be worth it.
03:48And plus, it's not just about the food, you know. It's about tradition, family.
03:51I don't have any family here.
03:53Hey, my whānau is your whānau.
03:57And the hangi can also be about friends too, right?
03:59Yeah, yeah, of course.
04:00I just don't want you guys to go through any trouble.
04:03That's all. It's no trouble. I'm keen as.
04:05Now, I'm going to get changed. We've got heaps of work to do outside.
04:10Hey, missing your families on big days like this, it's hard.
04:21What was that about?
04:23Perry said that he felt surrounded by strangers.
04:27Poor kid.
04:28I know. Now that Tāne is making a big deal about family, it's just... I don't know if Perry's up for it.
04:34It's better than leaving him alone on his birthday, isn't it?
04:37Yeah, I guess so.
04:45Hey, it's good to see you.
04:47It's good to see you too.
04:49How was your day?
04:50Oh, it was long.
04:51The paperwork's never-ending since they're afraid of arrests.
04:54Yeah, that's what you get for being good at your job. More work.
04:57So, have you seen Flick today?
05:01I knocked on her door and she yelled at me. So I guess we're still not talking.
05:05I'm sorry.
05:07I'm the idiot who thought putting Rory away would fix things.
05:11I just got so focused on cracking the case, I didn't think about how hurt she'd be.
05:15You got the bad guy, okay? You're allowed to feel good about that.
05:19Wish Flick hadn't gotten her heart broken in the process.
05:25Okay, so once we wrap the veggies in foil and stuff, should we bring them back out or...?
05:30Nah, nah, not yet. We still need to light the fire to heat the rocks up.
05:34That alone will take a few hours.
05:36Oh, okay. Well, do you want me to get Levi to come down and help you guys?
05:38Nah, all good. Birthday boy here needs to learn, right?
05:42Okay, good luck.
05:44I promise you, all the hard work's gonna make the food taste way nicer.
05:49You do know they invented ovens for a reason, right? Like, no digging required?
05:55You know, when I was learning to put down a hangi for the first time,
05:58my dad told me the story of how a Māori deity called Tāne travelled up to the heavens
06:04and brought back three baskets of knowledge to Earth.
06:07And that one of the many uses of those baskets today is to bring together the best food we can find.
06:12Ooh, and the aroma of the food cooking and the wood and the rocks burning in the earth
06:17all floats back to the heavens and honours our ancestors.
06:21Sounds pretty cool.
06:22You see? It's pretty cool, right?
06:24Yeah, so get back to digging.
06:29So what'd you do for your last birthday?
06:31Oh, not much. Copped a beating from Dad.
06:36It was one time, I had fish and chips with Mum on the beach.
06:41Sounds nice.
06:43Yeah, it was.
06:45Alright, let's keep going.
06:47Don't have much time.
06:49Almost there.
06:53Did she answer?
06:56You know, I don't even care that she's mad at me. I just want her to feel better.
07:00Please, she'll get there, alright?
07:03I bumped into Rose. She said they're singing your praises at Yabby Creek.
07:07Maybe you could transfer back there.
07:09It doesn't really work that way.
07:11Well, you've proved to the force that they were stupid for letting you go.
07:14Can't hurt to ask.
07:16I hear a congratulations are in order soon, you guys.
07:19Thank you.
07:20See, you should be celebrating.
07:22Yes, come in.
07:23I'll grab us some drinks.
07:25I knew that Rory was a creep the day I met him.
07:28Yes, he's not worth talking about.
07:30Yeah, you're right.
07:31Nonetheless, Flip is so lucky to have you looking out for him.
07:34Yeah, thank you. I might head home and check in on her.
07:37No, you don't have to.
07:38See you later.
07:40What did I say?
07:44Forget Kirby.
07:46Just know the whole story.
07:48Yeah, sorry, I'm just not great company right now and I really do want to go check on Flip.
07:52Okay, I get that.
07:54Why don't I see if I can get off early and I'll come with you?
07:56No, no, it's not your problem.
07:58It is. I want to help.
08:01Leave it.
08:06I'm sorry.
08:08I'm sorry.
08:23That's where my shirt got to.
08:25You complaining?
08:27What do you think?
08:30This is nice.
08:31And I don't want to jinx it, but I think the others might have got the message.
08:35It's about time.
08:39Oh, sorry.
08:40Sorry, I didn't realize you'd be back.
08:42I'm just going to go straight to my room.
08:44Hang on.
08:45What's going on?
08:47It's just Cash.
08:49I'm a bit worried about him.
08:51I'm going to go and grab a shower.
09:00What's going on with Cash?
09:03You know how we arrested Flip's new boyfriend?
09:07Yeah, well, she's gutted about it, obviously, and she's taking it out on him.
09:11And he feels responsible?
09:13Yeah, yeah, he's really down on himself.
09:16Have you tried talking to Flip?
09:19Yeah, but she's not talking to me either.
09:22With Cash, it's a different story.
09:24I just, I don't know what to do to be able to help him.
09:27Well, maybe there isn't anything you can do.
09:32I don't want to believe that.
09:35All right.
09:38All right, that'll do.
09:39Now we wait for it to heat up.
09:42Hey, cousin.
09:44Hey, what time do you call this, eh?
09:45Oh, it's traffic.
09:48Hey, there's the meat.
09:49It's all good to go.
09:50Hey, thanks for helping me organise this last minute, too.
09:52Yeah, no worries, Cass.
09:53Hey, a boy only turns 18 once, eh?
09:56Hey, Perry.
09:58Come here.
10:00This is my cousin, Kitty.
10:01Oh, hey, kia ora.
10:02Kia ora.
10:04Hey, happy birthday.
10:05Happy birthday.
10:06Thank you.
10:07I got you something.
10:14It's called a manaia.
10:15It'll protect you and bring you good luck.
10:20Thanks, Cass.
10:21Well, let's chuck it on you.
10:22Let's have a look.
10:23All right, I'll get this sorted.
10:31Hey, too much.
10:37You all right?
10:40I don't deserve this.
10:42Any of it.
10:44Of course you do.
10:46Try and enjoy yourself, yeah?
10:51All right.
10:54Flick, I'm sorry I've hurt you, but you can't keep avoiding me.
10:57You can yell at me if you want to, but just come home, please.
11:02Or at least just let me know that you're okay, please.
11:09Flick, can you come out?
11:10She's not here.
11:11Where's she gone?
11:13I texted her to say I'm coming home and she's taken off.
11:16Okay, well, get changed because you are coming to stay at my place.
11:23Well, because sitting here on your own is going to drive you mad.
11:27Okay, come on, get up.
11:29Get up.
11:31I'm not taking no for an answer.
11:36Good, good.
11:37That's us, boys.
11:38That's us.
11:39Hey, well done, boy.
11:40Well done.
11:41So, how long does it take to cook?
11:43Oh, a few hours.
11:44Hey, are you kidding?
11:45I'm starving.
11:46Oh, he's not very patient, is he?
11:50No, I'm just kidding, bro.
11:51It's all good.
11:52This is the hard part, anyway.
11:57Hey, you okay?
12:00Hey, you know what we need?
12:02Of course he plays guitar.
12:04He does play guitar.
12:07Hey, birthday boy.
12:08Any requests?
12:12I know.
12:13How about something traditional?
12:15Traditional, she says.
12:18We can do that.
12:33One o'clock.
12:35Alright, man.
12:51happens at six o'clock Rozum.
12:54It's the same thing.
12:57See you later.
12:58I thought Tash would be happy that his sister wasn't dating a murderer anymore.
13:22The guy's got a lot on his plate. I wouldn't take it personally.
13:28Oh, Remy. He wants to hang out.
13:31I thought we'd been dismissed.
13:32Yeah, I guess he's changed his mind.
13:34Well, let me wipe the floor with it here and then we can go.
13:40Here he is again. He says bring pizza.
13:43Of course he does.
13:48What are you doing over here?
13:55Oh, that is hot.
13:56Keeping an eye on the hangi. It's part of the job.
14:00Yeah, well, so is having a little fun.
14:02It's your birthday. You want a drink?
14:04Oh, I'm good, thanks.
14:06No, suit yourself.
14:11Hey, yo, Perry, mate. I've just had an awesome idea.
14:14Yeah? Listen, how about we get you a passport and go for a trip to New Zealand?
14:18How's that sound?
14:20Yeah, yeah, we can go see where your family's from, your iwi, your marae.
14:23You know, getting your feet on the ground.
14:24Stop. No, no, just stop, man.
14:28No, I don't want any of this.
14:30No, New Zealand's your home. It's not mine.
14:33No, none of this means anything to me.
14:36This is just for you. I don't want any of it.
14:39You know what? You can keep this.
14:43I'm not your little cultural project.
14:54Ah, good man.
14:55Is this some kind of ploy to get free delivery, or do you actually want to hang out with us?
14:59I guess we'll never know.
15:01So what is going on?
15:02Yeah, what kind of disappointment are you setting us up for?
15:05Relax, this is for Eden.
15:07Oh, is she here? I think I stepped in it with Cash earlier.
15:10How you doing?
15:11Hey, here he is.
15:14You didn't tell me you had him at my house.
15:16Yeah, well, you can't wallow on your own. I've had no luck cheering you up, Sinead.
15:19All of us.
15:23I'm really sorry if I said something insensitive earlier.
15:26No, no, that wasn't you.
15:29Come on.
15:32Come on.
15:33Please just try and have a good time.
15:36I say we make ourselves comfortable.
15:46Give Felicity some time.
15:48Give yourself a break.
15:50It's gonna be okay.
15:55I'm not sure how long I'll be at the hospital, but can you save me some food, please?
15:59I will do my very best.
16:04Is he okay?
16:05Leave that with me.
16:06Now you, go.
16:07Save a life.
16:18I'm sorry things didn't work out the way you wanted.
16:21You know, when I had nothing else going on, I...
16:25I had my whanau to lift me up, you know, and we'd have these gatherings and it'll be great and I'd feel needed.
16:35I just wanted to give Peri a sense of that, too.
16:37I know you did.
16:41But I bet you had your whole family around you when you were 18.
16:45Yeah, I did.
16:49Look, I know what you're getting at.
16:52Peri doesn't have any of his Māori family here, so a bit of a waste of time.
16:58No, Tāne, that's not it at all.
17:00What you've done, it was such an amazing idea.
17:03It's just, I don't think it's what he needed.
17:07I didn't even know he was struggling until he blew up.
17:10I know.
17:11He didn't want you to, though.
17:13He can see how hard you are trying.
17:17And your whanau, you know, they provide comfort because they have been a part of your life forever.
17:22But Peri's not you.
17:26Dance with me. Come on.
17:28Come on, come on!
17:30There's nothing like a beat at a house!
17:32Who's not?
17:33Oh, I've got to work, but I'll give you a hand.
17:35Come on, just have some fun. Just for half an hour.
17:38I'm actually having a lot of fun watching you have fun.
17:40Oh, okay, well that's progress.
17:42But I don't believe you.
17:44I'm going to grab you another one.
17:49All right, we're doing these shots. Come on.
17:51Can I have a shot of water?
17:54Heard you've had a big week.
17:57How much did Eden tell you?
17:59She told me Flick's giving you a hard time over the Gosher scene.
18:02That's an understatement of the year.
18:04Would you change it?
18:06Would you have dropped the investigation if you'd known it would land here?
18:09No, no, of course not. It was a murder investigation.
18:11You can't waste time regretting things, okay?
18:14You've got to make the most of what you've got.
18:16And right now, having an amazing woman looking out for you,
18:19that's as good as it gets.
18:23You sound like a man talking from experience.
18:26What's it been like with you and Bree back together?
18:29Like this is how it's always meant to be.
18:34Yeah, she's the one, mate.
18:56I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blown up like that.
18:58No, no, no. That wasn't me.
19:00I'm sorry if I've been going about this the wrong way.
19:03It's just been March, that's all.
19:05Well, don't worry. I'm not going to ship you off to New Zealand or anything.
19:12You ever been?
19:20What is it?
19:23Talk to me.
19:26Mum always used to say that when I turned 18, we'd go together.
19:31That Dad couldn't stop us because I was an adult.
19:38Fuck no, I never would have suggested it.
19:40That's okay. It's just a promise you made.
19:44You probably thought about her a lot today then.
19:53I miss her.
20:10Well, I guess we can call that an epic fail.
20:13What do you mean?
20:14Well, I dragged everyone into this cheer up Cash scenario and now you're out here on your own.
20:19I'm sorry.
20:20Please, don't say that.
20:22I'm sorry. I am sorry.
20:24I appreciate all the effort I do.
20:27You don't need to worry about me.
20:30You know how much you hate seeing Felicity hurting?
20:32That is how much I hate seeing you do this to yourself.
20:37I love you, Cash Newman.
20:39So please do not tell me not to worry about you.
20:42Instead, just tell me what I can do to make things better.
20:49Cash, say something, please.
20:54Marry me.
21:05I landed this on you out of nowhere and obviously I probably could have thought it through.
21:08I love you. I want to marry you.
21:10I propose to Eden.
21:11I don't care.
21:13It's a really tricky situation.
21:16I love him and I want to be with him.
21:19So what are you going to do?
21:22Aren't you a little old to be playing hide and seek?
21:25Cash put himself out there. You can't leave him hanging much longer.
21:27Really? Go away.
21:29Fine. Talk to me.