John Cena (c) v Umaga Last Man Standing Match - WWE Championship (Royal Rumble 2007)

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00:00for tonight will it be will it be cena will it be umaga who will be the last man standing jr
00:07well ladies and gentlemen that's what we're going to find out but this umaga
00:11is a runaway samoan train oh yes
00:18john cena has a gigantic challenge awaiting him umaga is a relentless super heavyweight hell
00:26bent on becoming a wwe champion last night i got my ass kicked i found out the hard way why they
00:35call the samoan bulldozer we may be seeing the end of the title reign of john cena pulls himself
00:45with a roll-up
00:57cena you should know i'm full of surprises at the royal rumble who better to choose
01:05what kind of match this is going to be than armando astrada unlike new year's revolution
01:13you're not going to be able to get a fluke win this time because at the royal rumble
01:19you're going to defend the wwe title in a last man standing match where the only way to win
01:30is to beat your opponent so badly and so decisively you can't even answer the count of 10
01:39you actually think that i'm crazy enough to sign this there's two things you should know about me
01:45one is i am crazy enough to sign this and the second is that i also pull a surprise
02:00nothing is impossible and nothing will stop me from fighting like hell and walking out the wwe
02:07champion there is no way you're going to be the last man standing and there's no way you're walking
02:15out the wwe champion the question is will even john cena be able to beat umaga in a last man
02:22standing match
02:35oh my god don't do this
03:10the following is the last man standing match and it is for the wwe championship
03:18now here are the rules there are no pinfalls no countouts no submissions and no disqualifications
03:26the match will continue until one superstar can no longer answer to the referees count of 10
03:34therefore making the winner the last man standing
03:43introducing first the challenger from the isle of samoa weighing in at 350 pounds
03:57you know king number standing the fact i'm still curious as to why
04:01the magus handler got to choose the stipulation for this wwe title match
04:07the one thing about umaga is since last april this man has been beaten one time well that's right
04:14well the reason has probably got to pick the match was we could thank jonathan coach
04:19coachman strikes again
04:25a 400 pounder a super heavyweight with amazing quickness and agility but a man that seems to
04:33be on the brink of being out of control each and every moment that he is in the ring
04:40every time i hear those drums it reminds me of the old king kong movie on skull island
04:45with a summit kong but i think umaga is scarier than king kong umaga looking to win the wwe
04:53championship and for you karma bus it was 36 years ago today that bruno san martino lost
05:01the wwe title to ivan colo will fate repeat itself well we've seen two titles
05:08retained so far here at the royal rumble
06:01only six days removed from a near tragic injury at the hands of umaga
06:18i'm gonna tell you jr i don't like the looks of this you can tell
06:21i can tell from john's demeanor that he is not 100 percent that abdominal injury has got to be
06:28a question it's gonna come into play in his match without a doubt
06:48who he is favoring in this contest
06:52he can't see john cena being the last man standing
07:13on john cena well you you just have to uh to wonder and we're not going to know until
07:17the match gets underway how much trauma cena can sustain
07:22with that abdominal injury that is heavily taped
07:35both men standing now but how long and who's going to be the last man standing
07:48heavyweight cena with a jawbreaker and a right hand cena relying on that right hand
07:57right to the abdomen and you see the response from john cena immediately knocking out of the
08:03ring cena is sucking for air here as his body is writhing in pain cena is hurt bad and now
08:11umaga knows it estrada knows it look at estrada he has given umaga the signals he knows he's
08:18telling umaga right where to concentrate and again there's no countouts in this match
08:23no disqualifications no pinfalls and no submissions the match will continue until only
08:31until one man cannot answer the referees ten count and that means of course the winner
08:37will be the last man standing oh no look out here and the steel steps welcome john cena
08:45with open arms so to speak and cena's abdomen smacking the steel guess who wins well john cena
08:53hasn't been wondering since this past monday night what is what his abdomen was going to be like
09:00oh that's the count up two
09:04five i believe
09:07and umaga again we're taking a look
09:13the torso the abdomen of john cena on those steel steps and umaga hammering cena here on the outside
09:23we both know umaga he doesn't care where he hammers his opponent
09:26these two guys are likely to be all over this arena here in san antonio
09:29they're free out there following the action as we said no countouts and john cena relying
09:36on what brought him here that's a good right hand he's got he's got umaga wobbly and cena
09:43bouncing umaga's head off the apron but literally or seemingly i should say to no avail but again
09:49umaga goes downstairs right to those to that injured abdomen of the wwe champion john cena
09:58cena was rocking umaga but as soon as cena sent umaga face first into that ring apron it was like
10:04a wake-up call for umaga thunderous headbutt by umaga cena's forehead the bridge of his nose
10:11the object of that impact and a hard kick again right to the abdomen certainly uh estrada the
10:20the number one contender has umaga well prepared for this last man standing wwe championship match
10:29so you're right about that there was really no way that john cena could prepare for this match
10:34he had to spend the week trying to recuperate he seen a good train this week didn't get
10:42all of his physical preparation in for this match due to that injury and i've seen an app trapped in
10:48the corner referee here already utilized that 10 count and cena got a foot up in self-defense
11:04no pinfall no cover here referee is uh using that 10 count watch this clothesline one more
11:11time this will knock your lights out yes but more importantly the count is in progress
11:17and the count is at the five cena beginning to stir cena's got to be up before 10
11:27seven you heard my kyota that's a key issue in this match again don't be looking for submissions
11:34oh that is not good for john cena right there and that high impact king the more high impact that
11:40umaga can muster up the more it's gonna take the lifespan to cena's title reign away from me
11:50well the sad part about it is thanks to jonathan coachman
11:54estrada last man standing means no disqualification
12:00dina's not standing that's more important right now cena near the rope six is the count oh that
12:06was mighty nice of estrada to hold off during the count but now the steel steps are in the
12:13ring cena got himself up at seven maybe eight and john cena hanging
12:23and wait a minute see the kid what's john cena doing here
12:48you can hear the count
13:00he's locationally challenged right now umaga doesn't know where he is
13:10the adrenaline rush that cena must have created and found to get the strength and in spite of
13:18that torn up abdomen and now cena fighting right back
13:23those steel steps right into the head of your opponent is perfectly legal in this match and
13:27cena knocked down again by a phenomenal athletic move by a near 400 pound man
13:35who just had no telling what those steel steps way slammed into his head a few seconds ago umaga
13:42maybe foggy and rattled but cena's having trouble navigating and to get back up and another shot
13:48there by umaga i think cena's having trouble just breathing right now jr no no no this is bad that's
13:55that sound as you can get that's gotta be uh estrada's coaching or maybe it's the instinct
14:03of this samoan bulldozer trying to squeeze the wwe title out of john cena whether it's
14:11instincts or whether it's coaching it's going to work i'm afraid this is the one thing that
14:16john cena did not need to have happen to him cena is holding on again no submission so cena can't
14:26lose by submission in this barra boy and this is one of the few well i would say few matches we've
14:34seen john cena in where the champ does not have the advantage and especially with that abdominal
14:40belly-to-belly suplex out of bear hug and a cena down flat referee will start counting again
14:49last man standing
14:55things on his mind now what and the referee counting john cena may be academic
15:00umaga doesn't even wait for the he doesn't even care if the referee counts he just wants to hurt
15:04john cena you have a king cena may not be able to get up right here
15:11that's right what's referee on center eight eight he just hit eight he just hit eight and
15:15cedars up he's up cedars up cedars up at eight trying to hold on well he's up at eight but for
15:22how long jr well for that long a straight right hand took cedar down again the wwe champ is being
15:31physically challenged as he has never been challenged in his entire athletic life oh no
15:37i think umaga is intent on returning the favor with those steel steps now what the hell he's
15:44going to do here jr i have no earthly idea but umaga is for him seemingly carefully
15:51positioning the steps exactly where umaga wants them
16:03hard shots oh wait a minute wait a minute there
16:07you see what's coming here
16:24nobody oh thank goodness
16:40the number one contender is down
17:03believe it or not
17:13until the world sidewalk slammed by umaga with all that force just drove the air out of john
17:20cena and cena landing on his his lower back check out umaga's big miss one more time that
17:27you know what if it didn't well cena took advantage of it but if that didn't keep umaga
17:32down for a ticket i don't know what will or cena's face is telling one hell of a story here
17:39every time cena tries to exhale he said there's a grimace
17:43on the face of the wwe champion cena is struggling just to breathe
17:49you're right the exhaling is not the problem what about the inhaling
17:54umaga's basic stomping away with that big thick foot of his and still getting instructions from
18:02armando on the outside
18:05that's 400 pounds right in the injured area of the abdomen and yes that face has told the story
18:12of this match it is john cena's will to survive and astratis let's go again
18:18good lord the second time
18:21that massive drop straight south by a man who could very easily leave here tonight the 20th
18:51but how big an advantage
19:05that may do it
19:07and this scene
19:17and that's exactly what the referees should do
19:39you gotta be kidding me
19:51steps but cena's body i think gave away on it i think i think cena's lower back gave out but i
19:57think his head was trapped between those steps and umaga's body i think cena hit those steps and
20:03cena may have just cost himself a wwe title with more guts and maybe the law should allow trying
20:12f you a 400 pounder what's the count that counts up to five i believe see see if john's head is
20:19between the steps and umaga oh yes it was oh my god the counts up to ajr seen up at eight
20:26oh cena bleeding cena bleeding and he's he's up at nine cenas barely looking staggering his legs
20:33are not under him john cena staggering here a bloody mess is the wwe champion i'm afraid it's
20:39only a matter of time now
21:10oh man and another right hand by umaga and they're just what a match this is jr man what a match
21:20it is physically intense as we expected and umaga stands over fall and pray umaga
21:29who was just seconds away from being the next wwe champion that's right unfortunately we
21:35sensed this we felt this before this that this match
21:53another right hand the wwe champion walks right into another right and a big four but somehow
22:00john cena is still demanding wow wait a minute where the hell is john cena
22:09john cena said come on umaga give me your best damn shot
22:19a supersized slobber knocking samoan drop that took cena down for the velocity of a car crash
22:28man and the way cena landed it was like his body was contorted
22:34that's got to be it those abdominal injuries of john cena
22:41the samoan spike nobody can respond when the samoans fight nobody survives
22:49the samoans fight they haven't yet i don't think they ever will
23:11at least on that occasion of all that kid i'm afraid was by john a little more time
23:16and cena being tied upside down seen upside down nothing the referee can do here remember
23:26no disqualifications and that cut of john cena is more pronounced than ever that is in bad
23:34bad shape look out here
23:54up and even that leg
23:56broken down the ring post welcome umaga that time
24:15god seen it with that tv monitor in hand mugga just hanging there
24:21god seen it with a television monitor in his right hand umaga
24:39with a television monitor and it's legal
25:02i have no godly idea
25:04that's seven or eight john cena taking umaga right through right through the ring ropes
25:12umaga is still standing damn umaga is on spaghetti legs with living up
25:20the ring mood cena's spine impacted the ring post and it moved the ring if cena who has been
25:27deeply cut here and losing brought by the heartbeat yes his face pounded into the steel
25:34ring steps once again umaga is using everything at ringside as a weapon
25:42cena lying helplessly on the lookout lookout the ecw announced table
25:47watch it what are you doing they're crazy man get him out of here look out
25:58what the hell is the silence going to do john cena oh my god stop this don't do this
26:10what's he gonna do stop him
26:18umaga not just trying to win the wwe title but then john cena's professional career
26:27with that running splash that destroyed the announce table the referee is counting
26:34it was like a dive bomber that crashed and burned will it be enough watch this across
26:41our table back down table and into the ecw table the referee's count is up to six
26:49we're seven my god can cena gonna do it
26:56we're nine
26:59it's over wait no wait wait is the referee says that umaga is up
27:05umaga got up at nine he didn't have to be back in the ring he just had to get up that's all
27:11no count out no count out this match continues by god if you can believe it you can't beat this
27:17monster and umaga just nailed cena again with the right hand as cena went to retrieve the
27:25number one contender what is look at alejandro what's he doing over on the other side of the ring
27:31i have no idea you've got some sort of tool or something what's he got
27:35umaga telling i mean
27:48part of the community i don't get what astrada is doing here he just took the entire top rope
27:54loose from one ring post that's steel on his head king whatever happens it's going to be legal
28:06umaga strata is telling you maya just abused that that metal turnbuckle as a weapon
28:15cena turns around
28:39it's legal it's all legal
28:52choke that there look and even a monster's gotta breathe
28:58look at cena with everything he's got
29:01with every torque and ounce of strength and fiber in his being
29:05cena's pulling back and choking umaga
29:15oh umaga's eyes look at his eyes look at umaga's eyes look at his mouth
29:21somebody better get cena up there he's choking the life out of umaga
29:28and now the referee's count begins umaga's somehow look at this my god i can't believe
29:36the samoan monsters
29:52he can't get that air cena's neck is too big his neck is too strong
29:57and cena an exhaustion
30:03and i've been up just given everything he's had and seen him out there is umaga out
30:08finally i don't want to say i don't know no one in maga cena is up count is at five
30:19we're looking for ten we're three away i don't think he's gonna get up this time
30:28i think umaga's done
30:46john cena has walked through hell with umaga and has returned as the wwe champion
30:55and i think john cena was bloodied and battered and bruised and injured but by god cena would not
31:04stop fighting
31:11i didn't think anything i didn't think it was possible i didn't think anything was going to
31:16work to keep umaga down but finally with the help of that ring the ring rope
31:24the life out of umaga
31:42by cena reaching down and then cena using the ropes to simply jump out umaga it took two tries
31:51i've never seen his face
31:54i've never seen his face and listen to cena every ounce of strength in john cena's body is what it
32:01took to finally choke out that monster a primal scream of survival
32:09look at umaga's tongue swelling inside his mouth
32:13by the way
32:29my god what a fight amazing
32:33amazing physicality and cena survived it but him is still here
