Edge (c) v John Cena - WWE Championship TLC Match (Unforgiven 2006)

  • last month
00:00In my hand, thinking about the fact that we may lose John Cena from RAW!
00:05Tables, ladders, and chairs, Theodore R. Long, the, uh, general manager of SmackDown,
00:12is-is here, he's gonna skybox all night, because if John Cena doesn't win the WWE title tonight,
00:19Cena's already signed a three-year contract with SmackDown.
00:22I know it, and, uh, if you ask me, nothing could be worse, but look, there's Teddy Long.
00:27He's smiling, and he'll have to have that smile surgically removed if John Cena doesn't win.
00:32And this rivalry took a new twist in Cena's hometown at SummerSlam.
00:39Despite overwhelming odds stacked against me, in John Cena's hometown,
00:45Oh, the brass knuckles in the back of my hand!
00:48I emerged from SummerSlam victorious.
00:52Son of a bitch!
00:54I am still your WWE champion!
00:59I think we should remove the last remnants of John Cena, with a-a beautiful burial at sea.
01:07And so ends the era of John Cena!
01:11Please welcome a new era, an era that's rated R!
01:19John Cena! John Cena coming to get a piece of that!
01:28Time to swim, kid!
01:30Oh my God!
01:32I ain't going nowhere!
01:35You do not put your hands on the WWE champion,
01:38and-and throw me in that polluted, disgusting cesspool known as the Long Island Sound!
01:44You need to fire John Cena!
01:46I want John Cena out of my life!
01:50You want me gone? Fine. Here's your ticket.
01:53This right here is a three-year contract, straight off the desk at Teddy Long's SmackDown.
01:58I got no problem signing it.
02:00I just need one thing from you.
02:03And that's one more match for the WWE title.
02:07You win, I sign on the dotted line, no questions asked, and I'm out of your life.
02:14Fine, I'll do it. With two conditions.
02:17Number one, I name where the match takes place.
02:21And number two, I name what kind of match it is.
02:29It's gonna be unforgiven, in my hometown, Toronto, Canada!
02:35And I've decided what match it's gonna be.
02:37Oh my God!
02:39A match you've never had! A match I've never lost!
02:44Tables, ladders, and chairs!
03:10It is a must-win situation for Cena at Unforgiven!
03:15Cena, I never back down. You're out of your element, son, and I never quit.
03:20You will be off my show!
03:22Cena has one last chance to win the WWE title!
03:27I always win this match!
03:29And it's gonna be on Edge's hometown!
03:31Tables, ladders, and chairs!
03:37Oh my!
03:52Over 16,000 fans have sold out the Air Canada Centre.
03:55There have been four Canadian WWE Champions in the history of this company.
04:00We're about to meet the last one.
04:02What we're looking at right now is hostile territory for John Cena!
04:24Were you listening to this ovation?
04:26Indeed a huge home field advantage for Edge who grew up in the shadow of Toronto.
04:32Who dreamed of being a cheerer of this moment as a young man.
04:37Well, this may be the first time I've ever heard anyone cheer this guy.
04:41But you're right. Almost everyone in this arena are on their feet for their hometown favourite.
04:49I'm telling you, it's a huge advantage for Edge.
04:53That's why he wanted this match here in Toronto.
04:56Los Angeles has never lost a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match.
05:00You think all the way back in 1963 when Nature Boy Buddy Rogers became the first champion,
05:06he ever thought he'd wrestle in a TLC match?
05:09I don't think so.
05:11Let me tell you something else.
05:12All this week, that man right there, Edge, has been sucking up to every bit of the media
05:17throughout the entire country of Canada, but especially right here in Toronto.
05:22He's been on every talk show. He's been on every radio show.
05:25He's called in. He's had them call him.
05:28He's done everything he can to get this crowd, this entire city behind him tonight.
05:34I saw Edge on a Toronto Blue Jays game this week, a national broadcast.
05:39But the bottom line is, he's one hell of a champion.
05:41This is his match. He's never lost it.
05:44Nobody would go to a Blue Jays game unless they're really trying to suck up.
05:53It's got to be a little bit disappointing for Edge hearing some of those boos out there.
06:04Cena fears the Canucks.
06:06Cena fears the Canucks.
06:20I like him enough. These fans are on their feet here.
06:27Well, you know, King, I'll tell you, you've got to believe that,
06:30that Edge manipulated himself being introduced first.
06:35So he got that great ovation and pre-commissioned this audience
06:39to do the hell out of John Cena here at Edge's hometown of Toronto.
06:45Now, Cena has one more obstacle to overcome, and it's a huge obstacle.
06:50I haven't seen a fan.
06:52This match has no disqualification, no count-outs, no pinfalls, and no submissions.
07:00A match can only end when one man can climb the ladder
07:04and retrieve the WWE Championship belt
07:08that is currently around the waist of the champion, Edge.
07:14Well, I'm sure that, I'm sure there are some fans that have come across the border
07:19from the United States to be here tonight to cheer for John Cena.
07:24You've got to look at the confidence ripped all over the face of Edge.
07:30This is a hot ticket. It has been for several weeks.
07:36John Cena, the number one contender for the WWE title.
07:40Talk about a hot ticket there.
07:42This place that Serena sold out before the card was even announced.
07:48Canadians love the WWE.
07:51This is a tables, ladders, and chair match,
07:55and it is for the WWE Championship.
07:59Introducing the challenger, from West Newbury, Massachusetts,
08:04weighing in at 248 pounds,
08:07he is a former two-time WWE Champion,
08:11John Cena!
08:17It is a road game for Cena.
08:19And from Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
08:22weighing in at 250 pounds,
08:26he is the Rated-R Superstar
08:29and the WWE Champion,
08:38Well, King, this has got to be an emotional moment
08:41for Edge, a mixed bag of emotions.
08:44I'm telling you.
08:45Is this the Stanley Cup or what, JR?
08:48Amazing atmosphere.
08:49Senior referee Mike Chioda shows what's on the line tonight,
08:53and that's what it's all about,
08:54the Rated-R belt that signifies the WWE Championship.
09:01No matter the design,
09:03it still signifies the most coveted prize in sports entertainment,
09:07the WWE title.
09:09That coveted prize, that Rated-R Championship belt
09:13is about to be hoisted up high.
09:15Tables, ladders, and chairs are about to come into play.
09:18There's gonna be a lot of fans out there.
09:23Will this crowd get in Cena's head,
09:25or will it motivate the number one contender?
09:28All these fans right behind us are certainly not Cena fans.
09:36I don't even know why we should sound like we're surprised.
09:41This is Edge's hometown.
09:43This is Toronto, Canada.
09:45This is why Edge wanted this match here.
09:48I'm not really surprised, Drew.
09:50I mean, I think it's a smart move by Edge.
09:53Well, I'm surprised.
09:54Here we go.
09:5517,000 people cheer for Edge.
09:57Here we go.
09:58We're off and running here.
10:00Again, no pinfalls, no submissions,
10:02no disqualifications, no countouts.
10:04Only one way to win.
10:06Climb the ladder, retrieve the title belt,
10:08which is hanging high above the ring.
10:12Cena has a little bit of an advantage on one hand
10:16in the fact that he's a brawler.
10:18That's what these matches usually entail.
10:21Cena has never been in a TLC match.
10:25Just look at this crowd.
10:26This is great.
10:27Cena with not a lot of experience.
10:29As a matter of fact, none in a TLC match.
10:32Edge has never lost one.
10:37Cena with a hard shoulder block.
10:39Taking down the reigning WWE champion.
10:48And not one, not two, but now three big shoulder blocks.
10:52Cena giving him a very basic.
10:55Oh, my goodness!
10:59And Cena, infuriated by the slap,
11:02taking down Edge.
11:05Cena really got ground in town yet.
11:07We've seen a lot of different strategies
11:09utilized in these matches.
11:10Nice neck breaker by Edge.
11:12Remember, he can't go for a pinfall.
11:14Well, this thing is so personal between these two.
11:17And, oh, here we go, JR.
11:20You knew that Edge was not gonna wait long
11:22in introducing, well, the hardware.
11:26The hardware to John Cena that this match is all about.
11:29Carrier, legal.
11:32Edge swinging for Cena's head, face.
11:35Cena able to duck.
11:39Irish wristbar side.
11:41And Cena downstairs.
11:44Fisherman's suplex.
11:45Nice move by Cena.
11:46Much to the displeasure of this pro-Edge crowd
11:51in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
11:53Well, I know it's not in Cena's expertise,
11:55but somewhere, Cena's gonna have to
11:58break out the hardware himself.
12:02In favor of EDT.
12:05And right now would be a great time for the cover
12:07if it were applicable.
12:08But it's not.
12:09Well, you're gonna have to climb a ladder
12:11and go way up there to get that championship belt.
12:19How many tables and ladders are there
12:21around the ring?
12:22Tons of them.
12:25Around every side of the ring,
12:26chairs, ladders, and tables.
12:29He's got two steel chairs.
12:31What's he gonna do here?
12:33Who knows.
12:35Just remember, he's never lost
12:36one of these matches, JR,
12:37so whatever he's gonna do,
12:39he knows he's gonna win.
12:40Trying to suit back Cena.
12:43Cena counters.
12:45Cena now.
12:47Can Cena muscle up Edge?
12:49Oh, Edge!
12:51Oh, God!
12:55Oh, my God, what impact
12:57on those two steel chairs.
13:00The fans and many of the fans
13:02are loving that action.
13:05It looked like Cena was gonna
13:07reverse Edge for a moment.
13:11These fans have gotta be proud of Edge.
13:12I mean, every time he goes into a WWE ring,
13:16WWE ring, he's announced as the
13:18WWE champion from Toronto, Canada.
13:22And sitting at that table, that chair,
13:25right under the WWE title of
13:28Kenny Chappelle, looking to hang in there.
13:30How much do Canadians have
13:31to cheer for anyway, JR?
13:33And look at that!
13:34Look out!
13:37Edge taking down Cena
13:39after Cena took Edge off that ladder.
13:43You heard Edge say,
13:44this is my match.
13:45Edge says, this is my match in my house.
13:48I've got the experience.
13:49I've never lost this match.
13:51I'm not planning on starting tonight.
13:57He got a hand to Edge.
13:58He went into Cena's hometown of Boston
14:01at SummerSlam to retain the WWE title.
14:05That's winning a rope game herself.
14:07And now another ladder is being manipulated.
14:13The chairs.
14:14The Edge is so ingenious.
14:16I didn't have a lot of imagination
14:18to hit the opponent in the face
14:19of the ladder.
14:20Well, Edge has got there rearranging
14:22the furniture now.
14:23The Edge is out there amongst his people now.
14:28He's got Cena's face with the furniture.
14:31That's dropkicking that ladder
14:33right back in Cena's face.
14:36And we said about the strategies here.
14:38Look at this.
14:39Watch this.
14:41Into the ladder into Cena's face.
14:46A little Home Depot dropkick.
14:48My God.
14:49Right in Cena's face.
14:50Well, in this kind of match,
14:51Edge has experience doing things
14:54that, like I said, he knows will work
14:56that John Cena's never even attempted before.
15:00Edge has done so many amazing things
15:02in these TLC matches over the years.
15:06So many memorable...
15:09...battering around maybe.
15:10A weapon, yes.
15:14Cena able to move out of the way
15:16and see the big roundhouse right.
15:19Fans don't like it.
15:24Another shot.
15:25Look out!
15:26Oh, my God!
15:27Oh, what a hip lock takeover!
15:29And Edge is back, his lower back,
15:31his kidneys, his legs,
15:34landing on that ladder
15:38with a basic hip lock.
15:39Wait, wait, wait.
15:40What is John Cena realizing here?
15:45Watch this and listen again.
15:49There's no way to land and protect yourself.
15:53And Cena now,
15:54everything but F-U time.
15:57Edge trying to hold on to a D-line.
15:59He's gonna try to F-U Edge outside the ring.
16:04Edge and Cena
16:05extending a hard right hand.
16:07You can hear the smack of flesh
16:09all the way to the mirror in Riyadh.
16:13Edge is teetering.
16:15But he caught...
16:16Cena with that elbow.
16:18Cena wanted desperately
16:19to put Edge through those two tables.
16:21That would probably give Cena enough time
16:23to climb that ladder,
16:24grab that title.
16:25Cena's own momentum
16:26getting him on the backside
16:27on that occasion.
16:29And now Edge up to take a chance.
16:32And this whole environment of TLC
16:34is about taking chances.
16:41Not a smooth landing.
16:44Not a smooth landing.
16:46Bad place to sit.
16:49Cena now
16:51enjoying that time.
16:52He's getting more familiar
16:53with the apparatuses.
16:55Let's see how creative
16:58John Cena can get with tables
17:01and ladders and chairs.
17:04Some of the fans here
17:05expressing their emotion
17:07and their feelings
17:09for the number one contender
17:11for the WWE title.
17:12Edge still in a precarious position
17:14sitting on the top turnbuckle.
17:16I don't...
17:17I really don't think
17:18that these fans
17:19and their chant
17:20are gonna affect John that much.
17:21Talking with him earlier today,
17:22he was expecting this.
17:25Edge straddling that turnbuckle.
17:28His voice went lips
17:29and north and south.
17:30And now Cena,
17:32the front face lock.
17:35But Edge is holding on.
17:37Edge has almost braced himself
17:39to that top turnbuckle.
17:40Now look at Edge
17:41hammering and clipping away
17:42on Cena's back.
17:44Oh, my God.
17:47Edge trying to drive Cena.
17:50And I think it was a...
17:52The table was a little farther out
17:53than Edge thought.
17:54No, I just...
17:55If you watch,
17:56I just think Cena
17:57was clutching those top ropes.
17:59He was not gonna be
18:00powerbombed through that table
18:02if he could help it.
18:03And he hung on to those ropes.
18:05Oh, no!
18:07Power slam
18:08through the furniture.
18:13back and spine first
18:15through that table.
18:18Well, Cena avoided it once,
18:19but not so lucky
18:22the second time.
18:26Cena not getting any positive
18:27motivation here.
18:30Coming out of the corner,
18:31picked up.
18:32Power slam
18:33right through the table.
18:35A broken table
18:36being taken out of the ring,
18:37which is a smart thing.
18:41Not that there won't be
18:42another table used.
18:44Lord only knows.
18:46What's this then?
18:47Oh, God!
18:49Edge taking a hell of a chance
18:51running that ladder,
18:53first spotting Cena
18:55from the inside of the ring
18:56over the top to the out.
19:01That's an amazing,
19:03amazing risk
19:05that the WWE champion
19:06just put himself in.
19:07Well, you're right.
19:08Check it out one more time,
19:09that ladder.
19:11I think Edge's momentum
19:12made that ladder fall out
19:14before Edge expected it to.
19:16He was lucky to be able
19:17to get out and land on John Cena.
19:19And how these men
19:20are still moving around
19:21is amazing to me.
19:23The condition that they're in,
19:25the will to be
19:26the WWE champion
19:28is what's driving both Edge
19:30and the number one contender
19:32and Cena tossed inside.
19:34You just don't realize
19:35how much more dangerous
19:36this match becomes
19:38when you introduce
19:39these ladders
19:40and these chairs and tables.
19:47Edge again with that
19:49one table and one ladder.
19:51Getting a ladder in the ring.
19:53And now two chairs
19:55with a table right in front of us
19:56set up with a ladder
19:57laying across it.
20:01Cena just
20:03hit his eyes.
20:04Edge's eyes
20:05are far away.
20:06I mean, that had to hurt him
20:07as much as it did
20:08John Cena.
20:09Damn right.
20:10Here comes the steel chair.
20:13Did you hear that?
20:14Nothing Cena can do, Cena.
20:16I don't think he saw
20:17that one coming.
20:21Cena trying to get
20:22the feeling back in his arms.
20:23Oh, wait a minute.
20:27Cena trying to...
20:29Uh-oh, Edge is putting
20:30Cena in position
20:31for yellow light, don't you?
20:33You've got to be kidding me.
20:34Oh, the dreaded cachetto.
20:36This is what Edge
20:37made famous.
20:38Oh, no!
20:41escaped disaster.
20:43Edge is looking
20:44for the cachetto
20:45to scramble
20:46Cena's brains
20:47between those two
20:48steel chairs.
20:49Listen to these fans.
20:50They're disappointed
20:51that they didn't see
20:52John Cena's
20:53great scramble.
20:56Oh, man!
20:57The block wants to move.
20:59Driving Edge
21:00face first
21:01into the steel chair
21:02lying there
21:03on the canvas.
21:05And the number one
21:06contender for the
21:07WWE title,
21:08former two-time champion,
21:09John Cena, now,
21:11sees opportunity.
21:16Oh, yeah.
21:17Here comes that...
21:18Another ladder left
21:19laying in the ring.
21:21Edge's face or head
21:22was bounced right off
21:23the metal chair
21:24laying on the floor.
21:25Now what's John Cena
21:26got in mind there?
21:27I don't see enough
21:28thinking here.
21:30John Cena's got
21:31some damn chair-bounding
21:32tensions in mind,
21:33if you ask me.
21:39Like a guillotine!
21:42And that ladder
21:43could give a damn lesson.
21:44Wait a minute.
21:45Wait a minute.
21:47That's TFU!
21:48With Edge between the ladder!
21:50He's gonna have to tap out,
21:52but it's not gonna mean
21:54Edge is tapping out,
21:56but it doesn't matter.
21:57But Cena's showing you
21:59that he can be as bad
22:00as any son of a bitch around.
22:03Well, Edge
22:04tapped out, but
22:05now I think he's passed out.
22:06Remember, submissions
22:08and pinfalls
22:09do not mean zero.
22:12Maybe less than.
22:14Now chairs flying
22:15all around this place.
22:17And oh!
22:20Right between the eyes,
22:23And Cena's showing
22:24a mean streak here.
22:25He just dotted the eyes
22:28of the WWE Champion,
22:30and Cena's face
22:31tells one hell of a story.
22:33Cena wants this WWE title.
22:35Wait, wait, wait, wait.
22:37And he'll do any damn thing
22:38he can to get it.
22:39It's that obvious.
22:41Look at this!
22:42Cena just FU'd the ladder
22:44right under Edge!
22:47This crowd may not like it,
22:49but that was a damn sure
22:51physically intense maneuver
22:54by John Cena.
22:56Look at this.
22:59Oh, FU to the ladder!
23:01FU to Edge!
23:05Remember, the
23:06WWE Championship
23:08is hanging
23:09high above the ring.
23:12The only way to win this match
23:13is to climb the ladder
23:14and retrieve that title.
23:19Modified Powerbomb.
23:23muscling up Edge
23:25with a high impact stomp.
23:31Cena's in his own now, JR.
23:33You can't see me!
23:35Whoa, whoa, whoa.
23:39about to get a brainstorm or a...
23:43Cena can't get to the title.
23:45I think every now and then
23:46John Cena realizes
23:47this is
23:48a table,
23:50and chair match.
23:51Wait, wait, wait, wait.
23:52He's got a little
23:53Powerbomb Knuckle Shuffle
23:54from near the top of the ladder.
23:56Cena grabbing his right hand
23:58right into the face.
24:00He may have broken
24:01his wrist by Cena,
24:03but right now
24:04I don't think
24:05Cena can give a damn.
24:07What a move.
24:09Now what?
24:10The fist drop
24:11from near the top of the ladder.
24:13More tables.
24:15We got tables around the ring.
24:16We got tables inside the ring.
24:18John Cena up on
24:19nearly the top of the ladder.
24:20Huge fist drop.
24:23And still
24:25somewhat defenseless
24:26on the canvas.
24:28And Cena now moving
24:29and there's a
24:30shot of high above the ring
24:32of the
24:33WWE Championship.
24:35It's still laid out
24:36from that fist drop.
24:37I love a good fist drop there.
24:41Cena's thinking.
24:45He just snatched that
24:46metal chair away from the ring.
24:47Watch your backside!
24:48Look out, look out, look out.
24:52It is going,
24:54It is gone.
24:56The WWE title chances
24:58for John Cena
24:59may have just
25:00been knocked
25:01right out of his head.
25:06Edge knows it's over.
25:08And this crowd
25:09has rejuvenated
25:12here in Toronto.
25:18That is the
25:19epitome of the
25:20sickening thud
25:21of steel meeting cranium.
25:25And Cena knocked
25:26literally out of his feet here.
25:29He's not exactly on his feet
25:30but he is now.
25:33What else is under
25:34this ring?
25:37Another table.
25:40That's another table.
25:41I don't know how many
25:42tables these men
25:43have gone through.
25:44There are still tables
25:45at ringside with ladders on them.
25:46Tables under the ring.
25:48Well, these men
25:49don't want to run short.
25:50It is a TLC match.
25:52Only the second
25:53TLC match
25:54for a WWE title
25:55in the history
25:56of this company.
25:58What in the hell
25:59is going on here?
26:02Cena is out on his
26:04Cena's defense.
26:06Cena's not even moving
26:07after that shot to the head.
26:09Oh, no.
26:11My God.
26:12Oh, no.
26:14This crowd is on their feet.
26:15I don't think
26:17there's two tables.
26:19Look out.
26:20Look out.
26:21Oh, my God.
26:22Head on the fence.
26:23Come on.
26:25just saved his soul
26:27in his
26:29to become
26:30WWE champion
26:32by taking Edge
26:33off the top
26:34to the security wall.
26:36Edge almost went
26:37into the front row.
26:38We're seeing things here
26:39and this is going to be
26:40one of them that you just
26:41don't think are possible.
26:43Watch Cena
26:44at the last second
26:46where Edge was coming
26:47and then look where
26:48Edge went.
26:49Face first into that wall.
26:50I don't know if Cena
26:51was playing possum
26:52or he just
26:55did what he did
26:57I think
26:58he was just
26:59trying to
27:01He didn't
27:03want to
27:04be left
27:06I think
27:07he was trying
27:08to escape
27:09his own
27:12The ladder.
27:13That's a big ass ladder.
27:16No, that's not bad.
27:18Right, that is bigger
27:19and higher than
27:20the other ladder.
27:22The ladder
27:23is taller than
27:24the other ladder
27:25from the floor.
27:26Cena, that huge ladder, now that ladder will take you right up to the WWE title.
27:35That ladder will take you to the promised land.
27:39And there's what it's all about, the WWE Championship.
27:42Man, this is your chance, get up there.
27:44Edge is, where is Edge?
27:48Edge is still on the outside, Edge is still on the outside.
27:53Cena, an unchartered territory here.
27:56There's Edge, Edge trying to fight, climb back into it.
28:02There's Edge, Edge, spear, my God, ladder to ladder, body to body.
28:12Edge just flew through the air and speared John Cena right off the ladder.
28:17Edge just speared his way right back into contention to retain the WWE title.
28:23Cena holding his midsection, may have broken some ribs.
28:29And Cena's head cracked that mat too, Gage.
28:32Take it out one more time, see if we can see that.
28:33Oh, yes.
28:37That's a, that's a concussion territory.
28:40And Cena may be starting to cough blood too, as he's holding his,
28:43his diaphragm there's, and now Edge has a opportunity.
28:51Look at Cena's, as it is a gut check for John Cena.
28:55And I think John realized, a huge gut check for Cena.
29:00Edge just steps away, one rung at a time, to retain the precious WWE title.
29:07Edge may be on his way here.
29:09Cena, look, whoa.
29:12Cena, my God, look at the strength of Cena.
29:17Cena muscling up Edge, my gosh.
29:21Cena trying to, whoa, no, wait, no, no, wait, wait, wait, wait, look at this.
29:24Cena, Cena trying to help you, Edge, almost backfired on him.
29:29My God, my God, my God.
29:34Cena throwing Edge, a human body, right into that ladder.
29:40The strength of Cena is frightening.
29:44And the way Edge landed was even more frightening.
29:47Cena's to the point, he just doesn't give a damn what happens to Edge.
29:49If you don't believe it, watch this.
29:52Edge, man, I'll tell you what, Edge may be no low contender at this juncture.
30:02See, I don't agree with this.
30:03I think, I think John Cena could climb that ladder right now, get that title.
30:08But it's gone past that right at this point.
30:10Have you seen this thing in the insurance team?
30:13He wants to bust Edge's brains out right here.
30:15They've had an amazing rivalry, these two.
30:18A shot to the side of the head.
30:25Edge kind of turned away.
30:29And Cena, I don't know if he got all that chair that he wanted.
30:32He sure as hell wasn't the chair that Edge delivered to Cena's skull a few minutes ago.
30:36I think he got all that he needed.
30:38I think you're right about that.
30:39That's a key term.
30:40It may not be what you want, but it's all you want.
30:43And now John Cena is stepping closer and
30:48closer and closer to the WWE title.
30:54He's got it, he's got it.
30:59Cena's staying on, wait a minute.
31:01The leader, the leader, look out.
31:05Cena has crashed, he has burned,
31:10he is mangled as John Cena thanks to Lita.
31:16And the referee cannot disqualify anybody.
31:24There's only one way for this match to end.
31:27John Cena's broken in half, watch this, thanks to that bitch Lita.
31:32I can't believe that she comes out here and does this, watch this.
31:36How far is he falling?
31:37Good God.
31:39From that 16 foot ladder, over the top rope, out of the ring,
31:44through the air, through the table, to the floor.
31:47That's where John Cena went.
31:49That was his journey.
31:51Now look at the look of determination.
31:54I think Edge feels it.
32:00Cena is done.
32:01Referees are checking on John Cena, and Cena may be done for the night.
32:07If Cena can recover from this, it'll be miraculous.
32:10Because Edge has, again, never lost this match, a TLC match, ever.
32:16If Edge can get that ladder pulled directly beneath that title, he'll have it.
32:22Edge has got to be a little weary on himself after what he's been put through
32:26by John Cena and that bitch Lita.
32:31And Cena, look at Cena.
32:32Somehow John Cena is willing himself, it's not this crowd,
32:37it's John Cena willing himself to get back to this match.
32:42But Edge is up there, Edge is already at the top.
32:44All he has to do is stand up, look at Lita.
32:46Lita with a, no, no, no.
32:50Lita hits Cena.
32:55Cena rammed into the ladder from a brutal chair shot.
33:01And so Lita has inadvertently knocked Edge right off the ladder.
33:05As much as Lita hit Edge earlier when she knocked Cena off the ladder,
33:10now she's hurt Edge.
33:12What an evil bitch.
33:15Wait a minute.
33:20Cena, no.
33:22Get on Lita.
33:26I think Lita has just checked out of this match.
33:31I don't think we're gonna see any more Lita involvement.
33:34The former Women's Champion has been canceled.
33:40Get those tables out of the way.
33:41You don't need to.
33:45Cena's, what the hell is John Cena thinking about?
33:50Well, he knows he's in the driver's seat right now.
33:54You know, looking back at the WWE Championship.
33:57He's thinking, he's thinking, what should I do?
33:58Hell, I can just climb that ladder and win this match.
34:01Do it.
34:03That's what you came here for, John.
34:04You came to win the WWE title.
34:11Cena placing that ladder.
34:12Well, this is the smartest thing that Cena can do.
34:16Edge's history.
34:17Win this thing.
34:18Stay on Raw.
34:19Cena climbing to the top.
34:24But wait a minute, wait a minute.
34:25There's the WWE Champion, Edge.
34:28Edge, back in the fray here, King.
34:31Back in the equation.
34:32The WWE Champion climbing his side of the ladder.
34:38These guys are about to go toe to toe at the top of this ladder.
34:42This is dangerous, JR.
34:43This is real dangerous.
34:44A 16-foot ladder.
34:46This is death defying.
34:47Career ending.
34:48Both men reaching for the WWE title.
34:51Who's got it?
34:51Who's got the-
34:52My God.
34:54My God.
34:55John, don't do this, John.
34:58The God Almighty.
35:01Edge is just gonna have to do not one but
35:07two tables from a 16-foot ladder.
35:12From maybe the baddest son of a bitch we've ever seen.
35:15But look, look at this.
35:19John Cena.
35:22John Cena has won.
35:24He's won.
35:25Good God, what a match.
35:30Here is your winner and the new WWE Champion, John Cena.
35:40I'll tell you one thing.
35:42John Cena stands here to earn this victory here tonight.
35:48Whether you love him or you hate him, how can you not respect
35:52John Cena, what he's going through here tonight?
35:55And the same can be said for the price that Edge has paid
35:59in his attempt to retain the title.
36:02Boy, you're right, against all odds.
36:05I don't think I've ever seen a neck-to-neck war against someone.
36:09Over 16,000 fans cheering for his opponent, but still, you're right.
36:13John Cena earned the WWE Championship here tonight.
36:19John Cena came.
36:20There's his father, a man that was physically assaulted by Edge.
36:26Cena's own home, his father's own home.
36:31His dad's sitting here ringside.
36:34What a moment for him.
36:36A salute from father to son.
36:39John Cena coming into as hostile an environment as any body I ever recall
36:45being in the WWE and leaving with the most coveted prize in sports entertainment.
36:52God Almighty, what a match.
36:59Boy, did you see as John Cena walks out of here, the environment,
37:04the territory didn't get any more hostile than it was here tonight in Toronto.
37:10But John Cena, be proud.
37:13You earned it.
37:15There stands the man, folks.
37:18The champ is here tonight at Unforgiven.
37:23Check this out.
37:23I thought it was over here.
37:25As Lita tipped the ladder, John Cena threw that table.
37:30And right in front of his own father, he went through that table.
37:33But Lita then inadvertently caused the crash and burn to Edge.
37:40And my God, this is great.
37:41I've never seen anything like that.
37:43An FU of a 16-foot ladder through two tables.
37:48I don't know yet, we don't know yet if Edge is surviving.
37:51My God, I've never seen anything like that.
37:53But let me tell you this, John Cena did what he had to do,
37:59to leave Unforgiven as the WWE champion.
38:04The champ is here, and his name is John Cena.
38:09What a night.
38:10I got the whole block.
