Blind Waters (2023)

  • last month
يحول سمك القرش العنيد إجازة أحلام زوجين إلى كابوس عندما تقطعت بهم السبل في البحر وأجبروا على القتال من أجل حياتهم.
00:00:45Go, go, go!
00:00:49Go, go, go!
00:02:02Dos fun drinks.
00:02:04Fun drinks.
00:02:21Hey, you!
00:02:25Hey, hey, hey!
00:02:27What happened?
00:02:28Are you okay?
00:02:29A guy just tried to steal my purse.
00:02:31He scratched the shit out of his arm.
00:02:33I still have my purse, though.
00:02:36Guess the best with the wrong clue to eat stuff.
00:02:39Guess so.
00:02:40Do you want me to go for security,
00:02:41or do you want me to go after her?
00:02:43Uh, no.
00:02:46Let's just enjoy the rest of this view.
00:02:49You sure you're okay?
00:02:54You don't even send your food back at a restaurant.
00:02:58You're really going to go chase this guy down?
00:03:01I don't know.
00:03:02For you, I would.
00:03:04You want to know what I don't know?
00:03:06I don't know if those are drinks or dessert.
00:03:08All of the above.
00:03:10And the appetizer, too.
00:03:13You're spilling.
00:03:19In the future.
00:03:28Looks a lot better than it tastes.
00:03:30That's not good.
00:03:35Oh, will you hold this?
00:03:46Work again?
00:03:49It's going to start soon.
00:04:05My favorite part of the night.
00:04:09That's what I thought this part was.
00:05:02Last night was fun.
00:05:03I know.
00:05:05This place.
00:05:06It's amazing.
00:05:08I'm never going to want to go back to work.
00:05:10I think I might like that.
00:05:13It's paradise, you know?
00:05:28We're late.
00:05:32I forgot to set the alarm on the phone!
00:05:35Weston, come on!
00:05:58Excuse me.
00:05:59Are you chartering a boat?
00:06:02This would mean so much to my family.
00:06:04I have my daughter.
00:06:05She's never gone fishing before,
00:06:06and this is our last day on the island.
00:06:08And I haven't been able to get a boat
00:06:09the entire time we've been here.
00:06:12I mean, I'm waiting for somebody else,
00:06:13and it's important to them, too, so...
00:06:14I understand.
00:06:15I have cash.
00:06:16I can pay whatever they were paying.
00:06:17You know what?
00:06:18I'll even double it.
00:06:19Do you have a boating license?
00:06:20Because I'm not chartering.
00:06:21I don't have a boating license,
00:06:22but I can pay cash.
00:06:23You're not chartering, man.
00:06:33What's up?
00:06:34I mean, okay, so you offer me
00:06:36what you were offering him,
00:06:38and you got a deal.
00:06:43All right.
00:06:44Si, si, si.
00:06:45All right, all right.
00:06:46Three rules.
00:06:47My boat, I drive, and I do charter.
00:06:48You're a lifesaver.
00:06:49Thank you, thank you.
00:06:50Oh, don't worry, man.
00:06:51Girls, girls, girls, come on.
00:06:53He's gonna help us.
00:06:56No, de nada.
00:06:57Vamos, por favor.
00:06:58Thank you.
00:06:59Welcome aboard, guys.
00:07:00Thank you.
00:07:03It's gonna be a great day.
00:07:04El barco chiquito.
00:07:06Poquito barco.
00:07:08This is an amazing boat.
00:07:09Oh, my God.
00:07:20Oh, shit.
00:07:21Okay, okay, wait, wait, wait.
00:07:23Wait, wait, wait.
00:07:26Come on.
00:07:27Get him.
00:07:34Ready, guys?
00:08:03Come on, come on, come on.
00:08:04We got to get the cell phone.
00:08:05We got to get the cell phone.
00:08:06Come on, come on.
00:08:07Here we go.
00:08:08Hey, friends.
00:08:09Make sure you and your family are back by late afternoon.
00:08:12There's a storm coming in.
00:08:14Tell Captain Cana's at high.
00:08:17Safe trip.
00:08:20One, two, three, senor.
00:08:43Captain Graves is in the house.
00:08:45Captain Graves is in the house.
00:08:47Don't worry, we'll make it.
00:08:57It's just down the road.
00:09:01I already called the car.
00:09:02Okay, well, let's get a move on, slowpoke.
00:09:03What does this mean?
00:09:04Seven new text messages from work.
00:09:05Oh, not again.
00:09:06But I am choosing to enjoy this moment with you instead.
00:09:07Come on, let's go.
00:09:20Let's go, we're already late.
00:09:27Hey handsome, last time I went fishing, it was right before you were born.
00:09:48Last time I went fishing was right before, and I mean right before I had Eliza.
00:09:54You, my dear, were convinced that you were going to catch the biggest fish.
00:09:58Yeah, then you caught that ten pound cod.
00:10:00And then I went into labor.
00:10:01Yes, that was a memorable day.
00:10:07So, what are we playing for today?
00:10:10Biggest fish.
00:10:13It's the window seat on the plane ride home.
00:10:16Yes, okay, okay.
00:10:19Hey, your mom and I are having a little competition over here.
00:10:22I think you should join in.
00:10:24I don't think so.
00:10:25Oh, come on.
00:10:27What's the prize again?
00:10:28Window seat.
00:10:30I thought I already had that.
00:10:31No, you don't already have it.
00:10:33Now you have to fight for it.
00:10:34Not fair.
00:10:35Come on, get off the phone for five minutes.
00:10:59Uh-oh, come on.
00:11:00Look, I think we got something.
00:11:03Help me out.
00:11:04Help me out.
00:11:05We definitely have something.
00:11:07Oh, gosh.
00:11:08Here, just hold it.
00:11:09Just hold it.
00:11:10Reel that in right there.
00:11:15Turn it, turn it.
00:11:16Will it turn?
00:11:17Get it.
00:11:18Oh, you actually catch something?
00:11:23Oh, my God, I can see it.
00:11:24I'm sorry.
00:11:40Bring it in, bring it in.
00:11:41What did we get?
00:11:42What did we get?
00:11:46Please don't stand so close to me.
00:11:47Oh, wait.
00:11:50What's that?
00:11:51Dad, put it back.
00:11:52I think it's a bull shark.
00:11:53I'm serious.
00:11:54I think a bigger fish got the other half.
00:11:55No, put it back.
00:11:57Oh, my God!
00:11:58Oh, my God!
00:11:59Dad, are you okay?
00:12:00I'm fine.
00:12:01Oh, my God, come on.
00:12:02Get back in the boat.
00:12:03Take my hand right now.
00:12:04Mom, Mom, he's fine.
00:12:05Mom, he's fine.
00:12:06Oh, my God!
00:12:07Oh, my God!
00:12:08Oh, my God!
00:12:09Oh, my God!
00:12:10Let me, let me.
00:12:11Let me, let me.
00:12:12Grab my hand.
00:12:13What are you doing?
00:12:14Oh, my God!
00:12:15Oh, my God!
00:12:16Oh, my God!
00:12:17Oh, my God!
00:12:18Oh, my God!
00:12:19Oh, my God!
00:12:20Oh, my God!
00:12:21Oh, my God!
00:12:22Get out of here.
00:12:23What are you doing?
00:12:24Get out of here and help us.
00:12:25I'm sorry.
00:12:26Hurry up.
00:12:28Oh, baby.
00:12:29Oh, my God!
00:12:31Grab my hand.
00:12:32Oh, baby.
00:12:33Oh, my God!
00:12:34Help him.
00:12:35Help him.
00:12:36Grab my hand, baby.
00:12:38Okay, baby.
00:12:40Baby, flip.
00:12:43Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
00:12:46Oh, baby.
00:12:51Help me!
00:12:53Help me!
00:13:20I'm sorry we're late.
00:13:32I almost gave your boat to a family that was willing to pay me double.
00:13:37I really appreciate you waiting.
00:13:39Thank you.
00:13:40Patiently waiting.
00:13:41But I like you too, so I'm going to cut you a break.
00:13:46I need to see your scuba shirts and your boating license.
00:13:49All set.
00:14:01The scuba gear's already on board.
00:14:03There's a checklist, all right?
00:14:05Make sure everything's put back when you return it.
00:14:06And I mean everything, Weston, all right?
00:14:08Engine's a bit fussy, but she'll get the job done.
00:14:11I kept in one just like this back home.
00:14:14I know how to stem the water very well.
00:14:16Storm's coming in, so you better get back before the afternoon, all right?
00:14:19If you run into any trouble, there's a number on the cabin wall.
00:14:21Call it.
00:14:22I got you.
00:14:23All right.
00:14:24Thank you.
00:14:49What did you forget?
00:14:58My old camera.
00:14:59I think I left it back at the hotel.
00:15:17You remembered.
00:15:23Of course.
00:15:32What would I do without you?
00:15:51You know, my dad gave me this camera when I was eight.
00:15:55He knew how much I loved to see.
00:15:57And he promised me that we would go diving together
00:16:00diving together when I was older so I could use it to take photos.
00:16:07Instead I ended up taking photos of the aquarium in my room. The fish hid all the
00:16:13time. They were not my friends. Your dad never took you scuba diving? Sometimes
00:16:22those little life adventures never quite end up happening when they should. Well
00:16:28we're gonna change that today.
00:16:36Shit! Is everything okay? The engine just died and I think maybe a throttle cable
00:16:45came loose or there's some loose wires. Should we call for help? Uh no no not yet.
00:16:52I think I got this. You know I used to work on boats. Yeah you might have
00:16:56mentioned that like once or twice. Three times. I'm trying to check this out so we can go scuba diving.
00:17:14Storm's coming in faster than I thought. I got a call from Captain Kane's wife.
00:17:21Hasn't heard from him all morning. We saw the boat leave with a family on board.
00:17:25Everything seems okay. I'm thinking of going out doing the rounds. No don't
00:17:31worry about it. I'll go. You hold down the fort.
00:17:56You sure you don't want to call that emergency number? I think I found the
00:18:01problem. There's nothing some electrical tape can't fix right? Sure. It was just the
00:18:08ignition wires. They came loose. So I'm gonna put electrical tape around it and
00:18:12hold the wires real close and we're gonna try and start it okay? Okay. All
00:18:17right. Try.
00:18:21Um okay.
00:18:27Try again.
00:18:33It worked! Yes! Thank you. Thank you so much.
00:18:41All right.
00:18:45Should be lots of fish near this island.
00:18:49This is a perfect spot.
00:18:53Let's dive. I just got to check one more thing. I'll meet you in the water.
00:19:49Where'd you go? How'd you get there so fast?
00:20:18You know I'm fast. Time to catch up. Come on.
00:23:48Come on.
00:24:18Come on.
00:24:48Come on.
00:25:18Come on.
00:25:20Let's go!
00:25:22Let's go!
00:25:24What happened?
00:25:26They're the shark!
00:25:28Don't move! Stay still!
00:25:30I'm gonna make some noise.
00:25:32I'm gonna make some noise.
00:25:34You're gonna make noise!
00:25:36You're gonna make noise!
00:25:38All right. When I start making noise
00:25:40swim as fast as you can.
00:25:42You're gonna make noise!
00:25:44You're gonna make noise!
00:25:46Start swimming!
00:26:16Hey, hey, hey, are you okay?
00:26:44Are you okay?
00:26:45I feel like my heart is gonna burst out of my chest.
00:26:49Just relax.
00:26:50I also feel really disoriented.
00:26:52I didn't decompress properly when I came up.
00:26:55Just relax.
00:26:57It's okay.
00:26:58What about you?
00:27:00I'm okay.
00:27:01It's just as long as you're safe.
00:27:13Where did he go?
00:27:27Over there.
00:27:43Start the engine, and let's get out of here before it comes back.
00:27:47The sound of the engine will draw its attention.
00:27:50We need to wait for it to go away.
00:27:56What happened down there?
00:27:59When the shark appeared, I looked up, and you were already racing to the surface, Weston.
00:28:03That's not what happened.
00:28:04No, I saw you.
00:28:05You left me down there.
00:28:06You didn't even try to help.
00:28:07What kind of man would I be if I let the woman that I love fend off a shark by herself?
00:28:14Then what happened?
00:28:19It was supposed to be a surprise.
00:28:23I was planning to do it all weekend.
00:28:26I was just waiting for the right time.
00:28:30Last night?
00:28:32The fireworks?
00:28:35I was going to do it then.
00:28:38I was going to propose.
00:28:44You were?
00:28:49I was just waiting for the perfect moment.
00:28:52I know we've been putting off talking about marriage.
00:29:06I love you.
00:29:10And then when we got here, I knew I had to do it.
00:29:17So I brought the ring with me, and I put it in this little waterproof pouch.
00:29:24When I was down there, I had to grab it.
00:29:28And I lost track.
00:29:30It floated up to the surface, and that's where I went.
00:29:34I was going to go right back down.
00:29:43Where is the ring now?
00:29:48It's out there.
00:29:50In the water.
00:29:54It was such a beautiful ring.
00:29:57It had these tiny diamonds surrounding this beautiful royal blue sapphire jewel in the center.
00:30:03It just reminded me of how much you love the ocean.
00:30:09You know what?
00:30:12I can always buy another ring.
00:30:15I can't miss another moment like this.
00:30:31No, I think it's the sand.
00:30:37Okay, okay, okay.
00:30:41Valentina Armas.
00:30:49Will you marry me?
00:30:56I did.
00:31:11I don't see it.
00:31:12Neither do I.
00:31:15We need to go. Now.
00:31:17I'll get the anchor.
00:31:57Hey, did you see the shark?
00:31:59Okay, I'm going to start the engine.
00:32:04Hello? We're on a vessel right now.
00:32:06We just rented from Mr. Ramirez.
00:32:07We're out in the water. Hello?
00:32:10No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
00:32:40no, no, no, no, no, no, no بع
00:33:34Hey. Hey. Hey.
00:33:38I'm not losing you. Valentina, can you hear me?
00:33:50Come on. Come on.
00:34:08What happened?
00:34:11A shark ran into the boat.
00:34:14We capsized it.
00:34:35What's wrong?
00:34:40I can't see anything.
00:34:43You hit your head.
00:34:45You hit your head really hard.
00:34:48You almost drowned.
00:34:51I'm so terribly scared right now.
00:34:54I can't see you.
00:34:57Why can't I see anything?
00:35:00I need to call for help.
00:35:02I need to get you a doctor.
00:35:05You have your phone on you.
00:35:10It's... it's in my backpack.
00:35:14What about yours?
00:35:18I left it back at the hotel.
00:35:20Where did you leave the backpack?
00:35:23It's, uh, it's in the cabin.
00:35:26It's in the cabin underwater.
00:35:29What about the shark?
00:35:37All right.
00:35:40I need to know exactly what you can see.
00:35:44Can you see shapes?
00:35:47I can see you.
00:35:52Look out into the distance.
00:35:57Look out into the distance.
00:35:59What do you see?
00:36:06It's a blur.
00:36:07Look harder.
00:36:17I saw something move in the water.
00:36:20That's the shark.
00:36:23It's been circling back and forth.
00:36:27Now I'm gonna get into that water
00:36:30and I'm gonna bring us back that backpack and that phone.
00:36:34I need you to keep a close eye out on that shark.
00:36:36No, I barely saw it.
00:36:38It's enough.
00:36:41If you see that shark disappear
00:36:44or it starts getting closer to this boat,
00:36:48I need you to tap lightly three times
00:36:51on the back of the boat.
00:36:53And I'll shoot right back up to the surface.
00:36:57What if the noise draws its attention?
00:36:59Tap lightly.
00:37:01This is our only option, okay?
00:37:05We don't know how badly you're injured.
00:37:07And I don't know if we can make it back to that island
00:37:10without alerting the shark.
00:37:17Let me know when you see it.
00:37:31I see it now.
00:37:37All right.
00:37:39If it comes back and attacks...
00:37:44Use this.
00:37:46What if I miss?
00:37:48You just need to make contact.
00:37:51Just enough to scare it away for a moment.
00:37:59I love you.
00:38:03I love you, too.
00:38:16I love you, too.
00:38:46I love you, too.
00:39:22I got it.
00:39:32Let go!
00:39:42Let go!
00:40:07You're gonna be okay.
00:40:11Weston, stay awake, okay?
00:40:15It's gonna be okay.
00:40:17Come here.
00:40:18Come here.
00:40:21I just...
00:40:23I have to stop the bleeding, okay?
00:40:32I'm sorry.
00:40:33I'm sorry.
00:40:34I'm sorry.
00:40:35Is that okay?
00:40:38All right.
00:40:43All right.
00:40:48We have to get your wetsuit off to help the circulation.
00:40:54Now that we have the backpack and the phone,
00:40:56we can call for help.
00:41:18It's on.
00:41:20Do you remember the number, the emergency number?
00:41:22Yeah, I think so.
00:41:34Emergency services.
00:41:36This is Weston Durham.
00:41:38This is Weston Durham.
00:41:40My girlfriend and I just rented a boat at Pier 75.
00:41:44We were scuba diving, and a shark capsized the boat.
00:41:48Are you okay?
00:41:50The shark just bit my leg,
00:41:52and my girlfriend hit her head really hard.
00:41:54She can't see clearly.
00:41:56Listen, Weston, I have someone out there
00:41:58looking for another missing boat right now.
00:42:00Who did you rent the boat from?
00:42:01Mr. Ramirez, I think.
00:42:03Where are you now?
00:42:04Can you ping me your location?
00:42:06I can try.
00:42:11It's not working.
00:42:13Keep trying.
00:42:14The signal is weak out there.
00:42:16In the meantime, what do you see around you?
00:42:21It's wide open,
00:42:23but there's a rocky-looking island nearby.
00:42:25Could be Devil's Reef, maybe Fowl's Point.
00:42:28My rescue team is out right now,
00:42:30and I'll have to check both areas.
00:42:32How safe is the boat, Weston?
00:42:34It's not good.
00:42:36The boat is completely capsized,
00:42:38and the shark already came back once.
00:42:40Do you think you can get to the island?
00:42:43We can try.
00:42:45What about the shark?
00:42:47What do we do about the shark?
00:42:49Find a safe place.
00:42:50Stay put.
00:42:51We'll find you.
00:42:53Thank you.
00:42:54Thank you.
00:43:31Nico here.
00:43:32Do you copy, Margo?
00:43:35Copy. Go for Margo.
00:43:37Where are you now?
00:43:38We're about 10 miles out of Fowl's Point.
00:43:40Still no sign of Kane's boat.
00:43:42When was the last time we had a shark in our bay?
00:43:47Fifteen years ago, maybe?
00:43:49There's no food for them here.
00:43:50Besides that, the dolphins keep them out.
00:43:52Well, we just had a call about a couple
00:43:54who were involved in a shark attack.
00:43:56Their boat overturned.
00:43:57Any sign of them out there?
00:43:58No, but I'll keep looking.
00:44:00Well, if you find anyone out there, you tell me.
00:44:02And if not, you head out to Devil's Reef.
00:44:04Copy that.
00:44:05Are they sure it was a shark?
00:44:08We have to be prepared for anything.
00:44:45We're sitting ducks on this boat.
00:44:47What choice do we have?
00:44:49That shark knows we're here.
00:44:50I'd rather die knowing we tried doing something
00:44:53rather than doing nothing at all.
00:44:55What are you thinking?
00:44:57How far away is the island?
00:44:59500 feet, maybe less.
00:45:02What about the current?
00:45:04Is it pushing the boat toward it?
00:45:06Not really.
00:45:07If we weren't in such bad shape, we could swim to it.
00:45:12What if I try?
00:45:14Valentina, you cannot go out in the water in your condition.
00:45:18And I can't swim with this lag and all this blood.
00:45:21I'd just be bait.
00:45:23There's still rope around the boat, right?
00:45:26Can you reach it without getting in the water?
00:45:28Yeah, I can.
00:45:35I can cut through it.
00:45:37Let's get all the rope.
00:45:38We'll tie one end to the railing of the boat
00:45:40and tie the other end around my waist.
00:45:42You point me in the direction, and I'll keep swimming.
00:45:44The current will eventually stop,
00:45:46and we'll get out of the water.
00:45:48I can get you off safely, okay?
00:45:56Be careful.
00:45:58I got you.
00:46:02If you make too much noise,
00:46:04that shark will come after you.
00:46:06And what if you veer off course?
00:46:08You can't see.
00:46:09You'll be fine.
00:46:10I'll be fine.
00:46:11I'll be fine.
00:46:12I'll be fine.
00:46:13I'll be fine.
00:46:14I'll be fine.
00:46:15I'll be fine.
00:46:16If I get off course, you can't see.
00:46:18You'll be on the other end of the rope.
00:46:20If I get off course, just tug really hard.
00:46:25That island is bigger than the bottom of the boat, right?
00:46:30Of course.
00:46:32It is safer.
00:46:34Maybe the rain could mask the sound of the water.
00:46:37Less chance this shark will be drawn to my swimming.
00:46:40I don't feel comfortable with this.
00:46:42I don't either, Weston,
00:46:44with my leg bleeding like that.
00:46:48I have to do this.
00:46:51For us.
00:47:04I'm going to show you how to do a clove hitch.
00:47:07It's secure, and you'll be able to untie it quickly
00:47:10if you're in danger.
00:47:12Clove hitch to any rock you find over there.
00:47:17Now, you feel this rope?
00:47:20You feel it?
00:47:22Cross the line over itself
00:47:24and wrap it around again.
00:47:27Now you try.
00:47:29Cross the line over itself
00:47:32and wrap it around again.
00:47:36Now, slip the free end under the last wrap
00:47:39and pull the knot tight,
00:47:41free standing under the line.
00:47:43Okay, you're secure.
00:47:47Take this.
00:47:49It's my phone.
00:47:55Okay, I don't see the shark!
00:47:59Help me in.
00:48:01Now what direction?
00:48:03Move to your right.
00:48:05Stay close to the boat.
00:48:09Can you see it in front of you?
00:48:13Now swim.
00:48:15Swim as fast as you can!
00:48:20Swim as fast as you can!
00:48:41Shark! Stop swimming!
00:48:47I'll be the bait!
00:49:01Now swim! Swim as fast as you can!
00:49:04Now swim! Swim as fast as you can!
00:50:04You made it!
00:50:06Ready to pull!
00:50:08I'm ready!
00:50:11Keep pulling!
00:50:14It's not working, Weston!
00:50:18Wait! Wait!
00:50:20The shark!
00:50:22It's circling the boat!
00:50:29It's circling the boat!
00:50:34We need a way for it to back off
00:50:36before you pull me in!
00:50:40At least you're safe now.
00:50:59We're at Sal's Point.
00:51:01It's circling around now.
00:51:03The water is really rough.
00:51:08I'll reach out and see where they are.
00:51:19Niko with emergency services.
00:51:21Hi, this is Valentina.
00:51:23You talked to Weston earlier?
00:51:26Are you both okay?
00:51:27Yeah, I'm on the island.
00:51:29He's still on the boat, on the water.
00:51:31We have a rescue vehicle in the area.
00:51:32It's important you make sure
00:51:33our boat can see you.
00:51:35Okay, okay.
00:51:36I'm near the rocks on the edge.
00:51:38Okay, stand by.
00:51:39Don't hang up.
00:51:41Margot, I can't hear you.
00:51:45There's a boat nearby, Weston!
00:51:47Are you doing okay?
00:51:50Yes, I'm okay!
00:51:52Margot, can you hear me now?
00:51:54Yes, I can hear you.
00:51:55We have one person
00:51:56should be visible on the rocks.
00:51:58The other one is nearby
00:51:59on a wrecked boat.
00:52:01Okay, checking now.
00:52:15Do you see anything?
00:52:27I'm not seeing anything yet!
00:52:45I think I found the missing boat!
00:52:56Is anyone on board?
00:53:00Emergency services!
00:53:01Is anyone on board?
00:53:21No survivors.
00:53:22Definitely Captain Cade's boat, though.
00:53:24It's been ripped apart,
00:53:25I guess, by that shark.
00:53:27I did find a body, though,
00:53:28and it's the captain.
00:53:30That shark didn't kill him.
00:53:33Someone slit his throat.
00:53:35There must be a Devil's Reef.
00:53:37Copy that.
00:53:39The tide is coming in.
00:53:40Devil's Reef will be underwater
00:53:41before we can reach them.
00:53:42Head in.
00:53:43We're taking the plane.
00:53:49The tide is coming in.
00:53:50It'll take too long
00:53:51to reach you by boat.
00:53:53We're going to get you by plane.
00:53:57Thank you.
00:54:10I don't hear anything either!
00:54:15I'm going to try it again, Weston!
00:54:18All right!
00:54:19Here we go!
00:54:34Keep pulling!
00:55:04We just gotta go!
00:55:06Pull! Pull!
00:55:07Pull! Come on! Come on!
00:55:17The rope! I can't find it!
00:55:41The shark won't let up!
00:55:54It's over here.
00:55:58Get away from me!
00:56:02Who are you?
00:56:03Okay, okay.
00:56:04So you speak English?
00:56:06I got trapped on this island
00:56:07just like you are
00:56:08in an accident, okay?
00:56:10Hey, let me help you.
00:56:12Hey, hey, hey.
00:56:13I just want to help.
00:56:15Really, I just...
00:56:16I just want to help.
00:56:20You let me help.
00:56:23Hold my hand.
00:56:24Oh, oh, my God!
00:56:26Are you okay?
00:56:27Are you okay?
00:56:29I just want to help.
00:56:30I just want to help.
00:56:33Okay, let's go.
00:56:40Is everything okay?
00:56:43And pull!
00:56:44Where are you going?
00:56:45Come on!
00:56:46Don't stop!
00:56:48How close is he?
00:56:50What do you mean?
00:56:51The boat!
00:56:53I can't see!
00:56:55We're just like 50 feet away!
00:57:01Is he okay?
00:57:05Yeah, yeah.
00:57:06Don't worry.
00:57:07Everything's gonna be fine.
00:57:08I just want to help.
00:57:10We're almost there!
00:57:11We're almost there!
00:57:12We're here!
00:57:16Yeah, we made it!
00:57:31Are you okay?
00:57:33Are you okay?
00:57:35Thank you.
00:57:38We're so lucky you were out here.
00:57:41I wouldn't call my day lucky, but...
00:57:45Name's Weston.
00:57:49Thank you.
00:57:50Thank you.
00:57:53Some kind of proposal.
00:57:57It's gonna be one hell of a story for our kids.
00:57:59Uh, guys.
00:58:01I got a fire going on deeper inside.
00:58:04Let's get the two of you warm.
00:58:08All right.
00:58:10Thank you.
00:58:20So, uh...
00:58:22How long have you been blind?
00:58:24It was an accident.
00:58:25I'm not blind.
00:58:27It was an accident on the boat.
00:58:29She hit her head really hard.
00:58:31I can see shapes.
00:58:33Not much else.
00:58:37It's a nerve on the eyes.
00:58:39It's damaged.
00:58:41Happened to a friend of mine.
00:58:43I mean, it was a long time ago.
00:58:46I don't know.
00:58:48Could it eventually get better?
00:58:57So, Gabe, uh...
00:58:59How did you, uh...
00:59:01How did you end up on the island?
00:59:08Me and my family went out fishing.
00:59:11No, my...
00:59:15My father, he was the best fisherman in the world.
00:59:19He would never leave the water unless he brought home the biggest catch.
00:59:23He got a seven-footer today.
00:59:25The swordfish, it was...
00:59:28It was beautiful.
00:59:30We were...
00:59:32We were trying to teach my little sister how to fish.
00:59:36It was her first day in the ocean today, you know.
00:59:41Her butt got attacked by a fish shark.
00:59:45Probably the same shark that's lurking around.
00:59:50Took my father first.
00:59:54Tore him apart.
00:59:56Right in front of her eyes.
01:00:00And then...
01:00:02And then he took my mother, my...
01:00:04My dear mom.
01:00:06And I was...
01:00:11I... She's...
01:00:21I was holding my little sister in my arms.
01:00:24And she was looking at me with her little eyes.
01:00:27And she was telling me, like,
01:00:29Gabriel, please don't let me go, you know.
01:00:32And suddenly, that shark just came out of...
01:00:35Out of nowhere.
01:00:37It was so fast.
01:00:40I couldn't do anything. I couldn't save her.
01:00:42I couldn't save anyone. My God.
01:00:48I just...
01:00:50Tried to get off on the raft
01:00:52with as many splice as possible, and...
01:00:55I just...
01:00:57Tried to get as far as possible from that...
01:01:01From that beast.
01:01:10That's how I got here, in Devil's Rift.
01:01:14Devil's Rift?
01:01:17Jesus Christ.
01:01:27We're all gonna get out of here.
01:01:28There's a rescue team that knows where we are.
01:01:37Really? And...
01:01:39How long ago did you talk to them?
01:01:42Right before you came.
01:01:44They're gonna send a plane to find us.
01:01:48Yeah. I mean...
01:01:51We don't have much time left on these rocks.
01:01:56What do you mean?
01:01:59Look around.
01:02:02The water's rising.
01:02:04The tidal range is high here.
01:02:06Give it one, two hour stops
01:02:08before this part of the island is completely submerged.
01:02:12What about the raft?
01:02:14The raft?
01:02:18That raft is worthless.
01:02:20It doesn't work.
01:02:22What about the boat?
01:02:25I mean, it's still by the rocks right now, right?
01:02:30I don't know.
01:02:32I don't know.
01:02:35Weston, can I talk to you?
01:02:47His father was a fisherman
01:02:49and his sister had never gone fishing before.
01:02:53Maybe he's not lying, but there's just something about him that I don't trust.
01:02:57We need his help.
01:02:59Without him, we don't have a chance.
01:03:05Keep an eye on him.
01:03:08Okay. Okay, I will.
01:03:20So, Gabe, just grab whatever you think you might need
01:03:23and we'll get out of the island.
01:03:27All right.
01:03:34So, uh...
01:03:36Is that gonna work?
01:03:39Uh, it's...
01:03:41It's gonna get us out of here.
01:03:44It'll hold up long enough until help comes.
01:03:47All right, now let's get this boat off the rocks.
01:03:51Yeah, sure.
01:03:54Should we do that double top?
01:03:56Okay, on my count, okay?
01:03:58One, two, three. Ready?
01:04:06Is that motor gonna work?
01:04:08The engine's completely fine, man.
01:04:10Okay? I just need to check the inside.
01:04:13Well, in case I'll get to it, amigo.
01:04:47We did it!
01:04:51We did it!
01:04:55No, go away.
01:04:58What are you doing?
01:05:00Hey, tranquilo, hermano.
01:05:02Oh, my God.
01:05:06Oh, my God.
01:05:16I'm okay.
01:05:19My father...
01:05:28Okay. Okay, we need to get off these rocks.
01:05:31Can you fix the boat?
01:05:33The engine's perfectly fine.
01:05:35Use the one motor to get out of here.
01:05:37Let's do that.
01:05:38Okay, but we need to push the boat off the rocks.
01:05:40And him and I are not strong enough.
01:05:43We need another boat to pull it off the rocks into the water.
01:05:48What about the shark?
01:05:51What if we use it to help us?
01:05:57We watched that shark knock over our boat.
01:06:00That shark tore apart his boat.
01:06:02That shark has the power, weston, so...
01:06:05Why don't we just use it?
01:06:07What if we get it entangled in the rope
01:06:09And it could help us pull the boat from the rocks?
01:06:12Get bait, hook it with that.
01:06:14Okay, even if that works,
01:06:16The fish that we catch here are not gonna satisfy that shark.
01:06:22Well, I mean, fish wouldn't do the trick.
01:06:27But, I mean, we have...
01:06:29I don't want to even say it,
01:06:31But we could tie a rope around the bottom
01:06:35And, uh...
01:06:39I don't know, it would be good bait, you know?
01:06:43I'm pretty sure the shark would bite through it.
01:06:47That's not right.
01:06:48No, we can do that.
01:06:50We can do that to your father.
01:06:52When I see him here,
01:06:54I think he's here for a reason.
01:06:57And I know, I know
01:06:59My father would have wanted me to do this.
01:07:03Because he loved me.
01:07:13We have to do it.
01:07:27We have to do it.
01:07:57All right, buddy.
01:07:59It's good to go.
01:08:13I need you to hold on to this,
01:08:15In case they call.
01:08:18I need you to be safe.
01:08:20I need you to be safe.
01:08:22I need you to be safe.
01:08:24I need you to be safe.
01:08:33Come here.
01:08:35Here, here, over here.
01:08:40Yeah, okay, here, good.
01:08:44Yeah, all right, over here.
01:08:46Yeah, all right.
01:08:49Hopefully the shark will take the bait.
01:08:52If it does,
01:08:54Gabe and I
01:08:56are gonna push the boat
01:08:58up the rocks into the water.
01:09:00You need to stay by this rock.
01:09:03Once it's in the water,
01:09:05I'm coming right back to get you.
01:09:08What if this is permanent?
01:09:10What if I never see you again?
01:09:14You will.
01:09:16You don't know that.
01:09:18You don't know that.
01:09:36Now it's time
01:09:38to hook us a shark.
01:09:48You want me to do it?
01:09:57Hey, Wes,
01:09:59I'm from Empire, okay?
01:10:18It's not biting.
01:10:26Get ready.
01:10:28It's coming.
01:10:32Where is it?
01:10:34I don't know.
01:10:36Oh, shit!
01:10:43It took the bait!
01:10:45Yeah, yeah!
01:10:47Get the rope!
01:11:19Where are you?
01:11:24Hurry, the water's rising!
01:11:44We're on our way to you on a plane.
01:11:46We're about 45 minutes out.
01:11:48Are you still safe?
01:11:49The water is rising on the island.
01:11:51I'm still on it.
01:11:52We were able to get the boat upright,
01:11:54and Weston's coming back for me.
01:11:56We had some help.
01:11:58From who?
01:11:59A man.
01:12:00His boat was, uh...
01:12:02His boat was attacked earlier.
01:12:04He said his whole family
01:12:05was torn apart by the shark.
01:12:06No, no, no.
01:12:07You need to stay away from him.
01:12:09The family that went missing
01:12:10was a family of three,
01:12:11and that man was not part of the family.
01:12:13We found a body on that boat.
01:12:15Someone killed the owner.
01:12:16He's extremely dangerous.
01:12:17Trust him.
01:12:18Be careful and watch yourself, okay?
01:12:20Okay, let's go.
01:12:27What's happening?
01:13:17Come on.
01:13:27This should just be another minute.
01:13:33I think I found the problem.
01:13:37The engine control module.
01:13:39We need to bypass the wires.
01:13:44The engines are fine, though.
01:13:52Any sign of the shark?
01:13:59Not yet.
01:14:09Is that gonna work?
01:14:12I don't know.
01:14:14If it doesn't,
01:14:15one of us is gonna have to get into the water
01:14:17and bring her back to the boat.
01:14:43Let's try it.
01:14:45Let's try it!
01:15:57Easy, easy.
01:16:01Hey, hey, hey!
01:16:02Watch out for the rocks.
01:16:03Watch out.
01:16:19Where are you?
01:16:21We're not that far from you.
01:16:23We're just, like, 50 feet away.
01:16:25I can't see anything!
01:16:28My vision is wide awake.
01:16:29It's completely dark.
01:16:31It's night!
01:16:34Just listen to my voice!
01:16:37It's okay!
01:16:39I'm gonna need you to walk in the water
01:16:41to get to the boat.
01:16:43What about the shark?
01:16:45We haven't seen it.
01:16:47Maybe we distracted it,
01:16:48or it's had enough.
01:16:51Don't be a fool.
01:17:18No, no, no!
01:17:25The current's gonna pull her away.
01:17:28I'm coming!
01:17:32I don't have a choice.
01:17:33She's stuck out there!
01:17:44Is that a good idea?
01:17:46I mean, with her leg and everything?
01:17:49She needs my help.
01:17:51She can't see.
01:17:54Unless you want to do it.
01:17:56Good luck, amigo.
01:17:59I need you to stay up there
01:18:00to keep an eye out for that shark.
01:18:02Got it.
01:18:03And if you see it,
01:18:04you have to let us know.
01:18:32Can you hear the sound of my voice?
01:18:36I need you to walk
01:18:38in the water
01:18:39towards the sound of my voice.
01:18:45You shouldn't be in the water
01:18:46with your leg.
01:18:47It's okay.
01:18:49Go straight.
01:18:51I'm right here.
01:18:54I'm gonna fall away on you.
01:18:57Like 20 feet away.
01:18:59I'm right here.
01:19:02Go slow.
01:19:04Don't make any sudden moves.
01:19:09How much farther?
01:19:11I'm almost there.
01:19:16Almost there.
01:19:30Let's get you back to the boat.
01:19:42Is there any sign of the shark?
01:19:45Is it all clear?
01:19:54All clear.
01:20:04We need to be careful.
01:20:06The search party said they found a body
01:20:08on the boat that he claims to own.
01:20:10What are you talking about?
01:20:13Someone killed the captain.
01:20:15And it wasn't a shark.
01:20:17Maybe it's a different boat.
01:20:20That family
01:20:21only had one child.
01:20:24Let's get back on the boat safely.
01:20:26And then I'll take you home.
01:20:28And then I'll take you home.
01:20:39Help her!
01:20:47Help her get on the boat!
01:20:51Come on!
01:20:53Come on!
01:20:54Get on the boat now!
01:21:00Get on the boat!
01:21:02Get on the boat!
01:21:03What are you doing?
01:21:04We're already here!
01:21:05Get on the boat!
01:21:07I'm not leaving you!
01:21:08Not again!
01:21:09Waste it!
01:21:28Waste it!
01:21:35Are you okay?
01:21:36Get on the boat!
01:21:39Waste it!
01:21:50Waste it!
01:21:52Waste it!
01:22:08Hey, no!
01:22:19Come on!
01:22:22Come on!
01:22:52Come on!
01:23:13Get on the boat!
01:23:20You left us out there!
01:23:22You let him die!
01:23:23No, no, no, no.
01:23:26I'm so glad you're okay.
01:23:28I thought you were dead.
01:23:30You could have helped us on the boat.
01:23:32Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
01:23:34Chill, chill, chill, chill, chill.
01:23:36You sure came.
01:23:37I had no choice.
01:23:41Jesus Christ!
01:23:53It's you.
01:23:56From last night, you tried to steal my purse.
01:24:00What are you talking about, Valentina?
01:24:03I've never met you before.
01:24:07What's wrong?
01:24:09Come on.
01:24:11Come on.
01:24:13It's fine.
01:24:16It's fine.
01:24:17I wasn't even at the hotel last night.
01:24:22I never said I was at the hotel.
01:24:29You son of a bitch!
01:24:36The search party knows where I am.
01:24:38And they warned me about you.
01:24:43Come on.
01:24:59It's night.
01:25:00It's night.
01:25:04They are expecting us to be near the island,
01:25:06and as soon as I get that venue started,
01:25:10they won't be able to find me.
01:25:15It's so sad.
01:25:17You're not gonna be with me
01:25:19because I really fucking like you.
01:25:28Let's do it your way.
01:25:50Hey, Valentina!
01:25:53You can't see me.
01:25:55But I can see you!
01:26:17I am so sorry I hurt you.
01:26:25I really wanted to help you.
01:26:28And your fiancée, but...
01:26:32Things just got so complicated.
01:26:35So fucking bad!
01:26:43I'm a bad man.
01:26:47I have to live.
01:26:53My God.
01:26:58You are so...
01:27:11So fucking beautiful.
01:27:21I'm just trying to...
01:27:28I'm just trying to...
01:27:58Oh, God!
01:28:52Oh, Winston.
01:28:58Oh, Winston.
01:29:28Oh, God.
01:29:58Oh, God.
01:30:28Oh, God.
01:30:53Come on!
01:30:58Come on!
01:30:59Come on!
01:31:27You see anything?
01:31:30All right, I'm gonna go down.
01:31:32Circling around.
01:31:59I'm not afraid of you anymore.
01:32:59I'm looking in the water. I don't see anybody.
01:33:02We need to get closer to the island. Go east.
01:33:05Copy that.
01:33:08No! Wait! No! No, no, no, no, no! No! No!
01:33:19Wait! Come back! Come back!
01:33:30Okay, I'm going to circle around, but I'm going lower, okay?
01:33:32Yeah. Keep looking!
01:33:34Over here! Over here! Help! Help! Come back!
01:33:54Over there! I see her! I see her!
01:33:59Hey! Over here! Over here!
01:34:29You saved my life.
01:34:47We were about to search the other side of the island when we found you.
01:34:51We have an ambulance waiting on shore for you.
01:34:54Everything is going to be alright.
01:35:00I love you.
01:35:12I do.
01:35:29I could sail the seven seas with you.
01:35:38That's all I'd want to do as long as you're with me.
01:35:52In a storm, a light to guide me home.
01:36:03A place that's safe and warm as long as you're with me.
01:36:16Should the tides rise and surround me,
01:36:30I won't let go, side by side.
01:36:40No apologies.
01:36:53Let the waves carry us away
01:37:03to brave another day as long as you're with me.
01:37:33When the tides come to claim me,
01:37:53I won't let go. You are everything I need.
01:38:18The world we share like a timeless trinity
01:38:30with endless possibility
01:38:37as long as you're with me.
01:38:49And these words I hear constantly
01:38:56as long as you're with me.
01:39:27Never, never, never, never, never
01:39:34Never, never, never, never, never
01:39:40Never, never, never, never, never
01:39:47Never, never, never, never, never
01:39:54Never, never, never, never, never
01:40:00Never, never, never, never, never
01:40:06Never, never, never, never, never
01:40:13Never, never, never, never, never
01:40:19Never, never, never, never, never
01:40:25Never, never, never, never, never
01:40:31Never, never, never, never, never
01:40:38Never, never, never, never, never