WWE Legends Biography: Edge

  • 2 months ago
00:00:00WWE superstars are part gypsy,
00:00:06part circus, part actor,
00:00:11part writer, part athlete.
00:00:18Wrestling is all of that thrown into one pot, mixed up and
00:00:23you burp out a wrestler, colorful outfits, high flying.
00:00:29Explosions, it's theater in the round, it's live.
00:00:36You have no net, you got a live microphone and a camera.
00:00:40You have no idea the pain that I've gone through.
00:00:44Those are your tools to tell your story.
00:00:46This is hell on earth.
00:00:47God's name, can a human being even move after that?
00:00:49No, no, it's unbelievable.
00:00:51That to me is just so fascinating.
00:00:55It's the best gig in the world.
00:00:56I mean, when he was a kid, he wanted to be a wrestler.
00:01:02He lived his whole life wanting to be a wrestler.
00:01:04Downward spiral from the ladder.
00:01:06The way that it happened and all the adversity that he's had to go through.
00:01:09Man, carnage.
00:01:11There was still the knock on edge that he wasn't tough.
00:01:14My God, man, with a 25 pounder.
00:01:16He was never the biggest, never the strongest, never the fastest.
00:01:20He forced himself and pushed himself and willed himself.
00:01:24He was someone that was willing to risk it all.
00:01:27To entertain the people who paid money to see him wrestle.
00:01:31Whatever he wants to get, he's going to manifest.
00:01:34I've been witness to wrestling all my life in this hall.
00:01:37When it comes to do or die situations, I thrive.
00:01:42I was shocked that he had to end his career before it's time.
00:01:50There's going to be uneasiness, but it's never going to go away.
00:01:54Edge has shocked the world.
00:01:56The impossible, he did the impossible.
00:01:58The ultimate opportunist.
00:02:00The Rated-R Superstar.
00:02:15Growing up in Orangeville, I was a shy kid,
00:02:18which seems counterintuitive to what I ended up doing for a living.
00:02:21But I was a pretty quiet kid and pretty well behaved.
00:02:25It was just me and my mom.
00:02:26And she worked multiple jobs to make sure that,
00:02:31you know, I had enough food because I ate a lot.
00:02:36She was a single parent.
00:02:37She was raising Adam and she had several jobs at once.
00:02:41And she would do whatever it took to raise Adam the right way, I guess.
00:02:47Orangeville is a pretty...
00:02:50It's not the funnest town, but it's a safe place.
00:02:53It's probably what you'd call a good place to raise family.
00:02:56Not a whole lot going on, usually.
00:02:59Here's another place where Adam and Judy lived.
00:03:04Adam and Judy, they moved around probably,
00:03:07boy, about half a dozen times at least over the years.
00:03:11They lived once downtown and they lived in the place I just showed you.
00:03:14There are a couple more places all around here.
00:03:17There was this back alley to the back of our apartment
00:03:20and it was these rickety old stairs.
00:03:22I would try and sneak down this back alley
00:03:25so no-one would see where I lived.
00:03:28Because I thought, ah, if there's anybody driving by,
00:03:30they'll go, what's Adam doing there? Does he live up there?
00:03:33You go through those times and those periods
00:03:35where you're self-conscious, you're shy.
00:03:38And some of that can be because of finances
00:03:41or you're the poor kid.
00:03:43I'm sure my mom probably sensed that,
00:03:46which probably was not an easy thing for her.
00:03:48But she did everything that she possibly could.
00:03:53Judy worked two jobs sometimes, you know, making ends meet.
00:03:56She was an amazing mother.
00:03:58She did a wonderful, wonderful job
00:04:01just to keep a roof over Adam's head.
00:04:03We kind of lived paycheck to paycheck
00:04:05and I remember there was this thing called the church.
00:04:08And we would go to church.
00:04:10We kind of lived paycheck to paycheck
00:04:12and I remember there was this thing called the baby bonus.
00:04:14I think it was like $35 a month.
00:04:16I'd go down the stairs and I'd always look in that mailbox
00:04:19to see if that envelope was there
00:04:21because I knew that $35 was really going to help.
00:04:24That was the difference between that final week
00:04:26being pretty lean or we're going to have a casserole.
00:04:31Definitely some stress, but you're a kid, right?
00:04:35So it kind of bounces off of you.
00:04:37And maybe on deeper layers, deeper levels,
00:04:40it is helping to form the person you're going to become.
00:04:43But you don't realize that at the time.
00:04:46She was everything to Adam and vice versa.
00:04:50Adam was her life, period.
00:04:52It kind of felt like her and I against the world.
00:04:55She just put her nose to the grindstone
00:04:57and what she taught me was work ethic.
00:05:01Nothing will come easy.
00:05:03If it's something that you want,
00:05:05if it's something that you truly want to attain,
00:05:07there's going to be work involved.
00:05:09And the reward will be worth it.
00:05:12I can look back now and I think her reward was my success.
00:05:19He got a lot of love.
00:05:21When you're a little kid and you don't have much,
00:05:23that means everything.
00:05:25He definitely had a lot of male presence in his life
00:05:27to kind of make up for the fact that his father wasn't around.
00:05:30But I'm sure he had doubts and thoughts
00:05:33and ran the gamut of emotions
00:05:35as to why his father wasn't in his life.
00:05:39My grandparents were there, all my uncles were there,
00:05:41my aunts were there.
00:05:43There was always someone
00:05:45and they all pitched in
00:05:47and they all lent their hands
00:05:49to making sure that
00:05:51if my mom had to work,
00:05:53there was going to be somebody there.
00:05:55Him and Gary were really close.
00:05:58He was the baby of the family.
00:06:00He was the closest to me in age.
00:06:02And because of that, he was my uncle,
00:06:04but it was more of a big brother feel.
00:06:09Because we could relate to a lot of the same things.
00:06:12He was into hockey, big time.
00:06:18While I may have annoyed my older uncles,
00:06:21I didn't annoy Gary
00:06:23because we were into similar things still.
00:06:27We would draw together
00:06:29and we'd sit there and compare our drawings of goalies
00:06:31and things like that.
00:06:33When he wasn't playing hockey with his friends,
00:06:35he was always without them.
00:06:37And then all of a sudden that was taken away from him.
00:06:47I was out west in Western Canada working
00:06:50and all I got was a phone call saying
00:06:52you better get home and you better get home now.
00:06:54Gary's been in an accident.
00:06:57My uncle Gary and a bunch of friends
00:06:59were driving home from a lacrosse game
00:07:01and lost control
00:07:03around a wet corner
00:07:06and yeah,
00:07:08he was in the backseat and didn't make it.
00:07:15It turned the entire family upside down.
00:07:20He was the baby.
00:07:22This is my best buddy.
00:07:25At that age,
00:07:27old people passed away.
00:07:29It didn't dawn on me
00:07:31that you could be 17.
00:07:34You know,
00:07:36Gary was kind of like the anchor
00:07:38and that anchor was taken away
00:07:40and kind of just drift, right?
00:07:42You can never replace that, ever.
00:07:46They say time heals all, but it doesn't.
00:07:48You just learn to live with the scars, you know?
00:07:50Just a big, big void.
00:07:54I know my grandparents never recovered
00:07:58I truly don't think any of the
00:08:00brothers and sisters did either.
00:08:04And for me, I was young enough
00:08:06that I started looking
00:08:10I found wrestling.
00:08:14It was all of those things
00:08:16that I'd gravitated to as a kid
00:08:18but now
00:08:20it was tangible.
00:08:22Now, wait, these guys
00:08:24and girls are going to be down at Maple Leaf Gardens
00:08:26or they may come to the Orangeville Arena?
00:08:28It became
00:08:30the friend that my uncle
00:08:32was and now that friend wasn't there.
00:08:36Wrestling became that thing for me.
00:08:54My Uncle Randy,
00:08:56my mom, my Aunt Sandy and I,
00:08:58we all went down
00:09:01to Maple Leaf Gardens. This was my first trip to Maple Leaf Gardens.
00:09:05I just remember the ring
00:09:07and the single light above it
00:09:11this giant wooden ramp
00:09:13that came up from out of the dressing rooms
00:09:15and Maple Leaf Gardens was the only one that had
00:09:17this ramp.
00:09:19I just remember thinking,
00:09:21these people are humongous,
00:09:23bigger than life, brighter
00:09:25than life. It was
00:09:31I don't know
00:09:33what part of my brain
00:09:35fired that said,
00:09:37this is what you're going to do
00:09:39and I don't know why, but it did.
00:09:43This is the Orangeville District
00:09:45Secondary School.
00:09:47There's a lobby in there
00:09:49and that's where Adam and James
00:09:51used to practice their wrestling.
00:09:53There's a set of stairs that comes down.
00:09:55They used to pretend they were jumping off the top rope.
00:09:57I was 11 years old
00:09:59when I moved to Orangeville.
00:10:01I was a really shy kid.
00:10:03When my mom pulled up to the school,
00:10:05I refused to get out of the car.
00:10:07He was nervous and
00:10:09the teacher sent me out
00:10:11as one of the kids to try and
00:10:13ease him into this thing.
00:10:15You know, talk him into the school
00:10:17to tell him it's going to be okay.
00:10:19We started talking about wrestling
00:10:21and he was
00:10:23as avid about it as I was.
00:10:26We kind of had our own federations
00:10:28going on, so we'd always kind of update each other
00:10:30who was a champion with our action figures
00:10:32and all those sorts of things.
00:10:34My family took him in and he was with us
00:10:36a lot, you know, for dinners.
00:10:38He went on family trips with us.
00:10:40Him kind of becoming a part of my family.
00:10:42We just started talking about it
00:10:44and it wasn't like, if we do this,
00:10:46if we become wrestlers. It was like,
00:10:48when we do this, when we become a tag team,
00:10:50when we become tag team champions.
00:10:52We kind of manifested it at an early age
00:10:55and that was it.
00:10:57Like, all bets were off at that point.
00:10:59I took this
00:11:01very seriously and this
00:11:03was it. There was no plan B.
00:11:05Failure was not an option.
00:11:09We're 65,000 strong
00:11:11here in Toronto SkyDome
00:11:18So WrestleMania 6
00:11:20was coming to the SkyDome.
00:11:22It was
00:11:24everywhere. I thought, there's no way
00:11:26that I'm going to end up going.
00:11:28In the meantime, my mom
00:11:30and my grandparents were
00:11:32doing what they could
00:11:34to get me down there. We didn't have
00:11:36a credit card, so my mom
00:11:38used my grandparents' credit card
00:11:40and then paid them back
00:11:42in order to get me down there.
00:11:44And then we took the bus down
00:11:46and it was a voyage.
00:11:50When you step into SkyDome,
00:11:52when you feel the energy
00:11:54that's going to run wild throughout the arena,
00:11:56those are my people.
00:11:58That's my energy, brother.
00:12:00It was going to be
00:12:02Hulk Hogan against The Ultimate Warrior.
00:12:04Now, as a fan,
00:12:06in that time, you had
00:12:08a clear side.
00:12:10You were Hogan or you were Warrior.
00:12:12I was Hogan.
00:12:16I'll never forget.
00:12:18It still burned into my memory.
00:12:20It's almost motionless.
00:12:22Two! No!
00:12:24How far we were
00:12:26and the angle we were at
00:12:28and how cool it all
00:12:30was to me.
00:12:32Sure enough, there I am in my Hulk Reels tank top.
00:12:34Already about a head
00:12:36taller than everybody else in the audience.
00:12:38My mom down at my shoulder.
00:12:40The mullet. Stupid
00:12:42smile on my face.
00:12:44Like, I just
00:12:46won the Super Bowl.
00:12:50Tino Bravo.
00:12:56Toronto was maybe the hottest market
00:12:58in the world for wrestling.
00:13:02Just growing up in that environment
00:13:04had a big say in Adam's
00:13:06whole development as a wrestler.
00:13:08In Toronto, wrestling
00:13:10becomes so popular. Sports editors
00:13:12have those favors.
00:13:14They say, you know what? When we run anything
00:13:16about wrestling, our paid number
00:13:18for that day goes up.
00:13:20What about a weekly wrestling column?
00:13:24One weekend
00:13:26in the column at the very tail end
00:13:28of it. Want to be a wrestler?
00:13:30Right in, there's going to be
00:13:32an essay contest. The winner of this essay contest
00:13:34will receive free wrestling training
00:13:36from Sweet Daddy Siki
00:13:38and Ron Hutchison.
00:13:40Okay, I know these
00:13:42names. I know these guys.
00:13:44This is legit. I'm right in it.
00:13:46I wrote it,
00:13:48longhand sent it. That was the only
00:13:50copy. I've never seen it to this day.
00:13:52And this is
00:13:54the letter. This is the original letter.
00:13:56Let's open it up
00:13:58here. Part of me is dreading
00:14:00what I might have written,
00:14:02but whatever I wrote worked
00:14:04because we're sitting here now
00:14:06and a lot of it starts with that essay.
00:14:10Mr. Sullivan, I am writing
00:14:12in response to Norm Bacosta's column.
00:14:14I feel I could possibly
00:14:16be a good choice.
00:14:18I've been a wrestling fanatic since I was
00:14:20about eight years old.
00:14:22I stand six foot four,
00:14:24224 pounds, and I'm
00:14:2618 years old. Sincerely,
00:14:28Adam Copeland.
00:14:30It changed
00:14:32everything for me, but
00:14:34I also knew because they were taking
00:14:36this chance on me that I wanted to do
00:14:38right by that chance. If I didn't
00:14:40see it to as far as I
00:14:42could see it and work as hard as I could
00:14:44toward it, the chance they gave
00:14:46me, I'm just f***ing on it.
00:14:48And I'm not going to do that.
00:14:50He didn't have a car
00:14:52at the time, so I actually borrowed my mom's
00:14:54car and drove him to his first wrestling class.
00:14:56And I would do that quite often on
00:14:58weekends until he got a car.
00:15:00I loved every inch of that place.
00:15:02Finally, after
00:15:04about six or seven months of falling
00:15:06on the floor,
00:15:08I was given the nod to get the ring
00:15:10and finally getting
00:15:12in there and being in there
00:15:14and landing in there for the first time
00:15:16was a real eye-opener.
00:15:18I don't know why I thought
00:15:20that might be easy.
00:15:22And I was really,
00:15:24really f***ing wrong.
00:15:28my brain was okay with that.
00:15:30I don't know why.
00:15:32I don't have the answer
00:15:34as to why.
00:15:40All right.
00:15:44What we're about
00:15:46to watch here
00:15:48is my very first
00:15:52wrestling in front of an audience.
00:15:54First, from Holmesville,
00:15:56Ontario, he stands 6'5",
00:15:58he weighs
00:16:00218 pounds.
00:16:02This is Adam Coughlin.
00:16:06Look at that young fella
00:16:08over there in the corner
00:16:10in the Oakland Raiders Zubaz.
00:16:12Lightning bolts all over the place.
00:16:14Fantabulous mullet
00:16:16on full display.
00:16:18Monarch Park, Toronto.
00:16:20July 1st, Canada Day,
00:16:22Ron Hutchinson, Sweet Daddy CKR
00:16:24trainers ran a wrestling show
00:16:26for free in the park
00:16:28to get us some reps
00:16:30in front of an audience.
00:16:34I just remember
00:16:36getting chopped
00:16:38a lot, which is kind of
00:16:40a rite of passage for the newbie.
00:16:42So I'm like,
00:16:44I don't care if I'm a rookie,
00:16:46I'm gonna chop you back.
00:16:48Yeah, that's right, Frankie, that.
00:16:50Now I'm just chopping everybody.
00:16:52I just had a bit of an attitude,
00:16:54I guess.
00:16:56I just remember thinking,
00:16:58yep, this is exactly
00:17:00where I need to be.
00:17:02This is the right spot.
00:17:06So this went a long way
00:17:08to making me realize that,
00:17:10okay, I'm on the right track,
00:17:12at least.
00:17:14There was no safety net,
00:17:16there was no fail safe.
00:17:18It was this and nothing else.
00:17:20You gotta bet on yourself,
00:17:22and you gotta believe you can do it.
00:17:24I've been training
00:17:26for about a year,
00:17:28year and a half.
00:17:30The Dini Petty Show in Canada.
00:17:32It was a talk show,
00:17:34and I wanted to be a guest.
00:17:36Ladies and gentlemen,
00:17:38please welcome Canada's own
00:17:40Bret the Hitman Hart!
00:17:42So I said, I gotta get there.
00:17:44I gotta get in that audience.
00:17:46I'm gonna ask them a question.
00:17:48I got two guys here
00:17:50who look to me like they might be
00:17:52wrestlers in training here,
00:17:54by the sheer size of you two.
00:17:56You wanna be a wrestler?
00:17:58We're just wondering how we should go about it.
00:18:00We work out at Tiki's gym,
00:18:02but when you wanna get in,
00:18:04do you have to go and audition for them?
00:18:06How did you get in?
00:18:08You have to have some experience,
00:18:10which is very hard to get nowadays.
00:18:12They can get you on television
00:18:14and give you a tryout,
00:18:16but that's about it.
00:18:18In those days,
00:18:20it was hard to get someone
00:18:22to help open a door for you.
00:18:24Here I was.
00:18:26I was world champion at the time.
00:18:28I was like, how can I open a door
00:18:30at his age where he is and at his level?
00:18:36After the show,
00:18:38I'm coming out of the bathroom
00:18:40and Bret sees me and comes walking down the hall.
00:18:42He said, listen, man,
00:18:44I wish I had more to tell you.
00:18:46I wish I had better advice.
00:18:48Just stick with it.
00:18:54Bret Hart
00:18:56just told me to stick with it.
00:18:58Damn right I'm sticking with it.
00:19:02I had already been going to
00:19:04Humber College for a year
00:19:06and Adam decided to do
00:19:08a radio broadcasting course
00:19:10to have something to fall back on
00:19:12if wrestling doesn't pan out.
00:19:14I wanted to take something in college
00:19:16while I was just getting sporadic bookings.
00:19:20I decided maybe radio broadcasting
00:19:22would help to have to perform verbally.
00:19:24Tune in to CBC
00:19:26this Sunday at 8.
00:19:28I'm Adam Jericho with your Char News update.
00:19:30I had a great couple of years
00:19:32and I was still wrestling.
00:19:34I wasn't making any money,
00:19:36but I was making enough to get by.
00:19:38I just had a discussion.
00:19:40He's like, hey man,
00:19:42you keep saying you're going to do this.
00:19:44Are you going to do it or what?
00:19:46I was like, yeah, I am.
00:19:48I was broke, flat broke,
00:19:50but I had a student loan from college.
00:19:52He took part of his student loan
00:19:54and it was slowly but surely
00:19:56starting to break into these
00:19:58different pockets of the independent scene.
00:20:10I had done
00:20:12a tiny show in Ajax, Ontario
00:20:14and no matter what,
00:20:16we always tried to put on the best match
00:20:18we possibly could, which meant
00:20:20I'm going to be out there for half an hour
00:20:22and I'm going to use every second
00:20:24of this time to either get
00:20:26somebody to notice or just improve.
00:20:32There's probably 100 people there.
00:20:34Do a tag team match.
00:20:36This guy called Marco,
00:20:38who at that point is Bret Hart's manager,
00:20:40says, hey, you guys got something.
00:20:42Get me a tape.
00:20:44I wanted to build him
00:20:46similar to what we did
00:20:48with Bret.
00:20:50I talked to Adam and I said,
00:20:52I see you going down the exact same footsteps.
00:20:58I said, Adam, you've got to trust me.
00:21:00You're not there yet,
00:21:02but you're close.
00:21:04I want you to do some more independent shows
00:21:06to hone your craft.
00:21:08We're going to keep in touch.
00:21:12So they came to
00:21:14Winnipeg and from there
00:21:16we went through the Norton tours.
00:21:18There's a lot of tours where
00:21:20man, you drive across these lakes
00:21:22and they wouldn't be all the way frozen.
00:21:24Some of the guys on those type of trips,
00:21:26they break out. They start crying
00:21:28because they figure they're going to die.
00:21:30You know, they've never been crossing lakes
00:21:32and driving, right?
00:21:34And sometimes the water breaks
00:21:36and they figure they're dead.
00:21:38It's a video camera.
00:21:40It's the IW on water tour.
00:21:42The on water tour.
00:21:44The hell or high water tour.
00:21:46They were on a lake somewhere.
00:21:48That was why they started being called
00:21:50death tours.
00:21:52You find yourself in these conditions
00:21:54like we got up to Oxford House
00:21:56and they said it's minus 72 out.
00:21:58You've got to run
00:22:00inside because you don't
00:22:02want to be exposed for this long
00:22:04or it's frostbite.
00:22:06And I just
00:22:08remember getting out of that van
00:22:10and my nostrils freezing together.
00:22:12We would get
00:22:14wherever we could to try and wrestle
00:22:16new people. So Jay and I
00:22:18took this trip and I still blame him for this.
00:22:20It's all his fault. He had
00:22:22gotten contact with this promoter from Tennessee
00:22:24and this promoter promised us
00:22:2630 shows in 30 days.
00:22:30So we get to Tennessee
00:22:32and we realize there's no shows.
00:22:34And we've used all
00:22:36of our money to get this far.
00:22:38We'd just try to walk onto
00:22:40shows and we ended up walking onto all these different
00:22:42shows. We did a couple
00:22:44shows in a barn in front of like 8 people.
00:22:46Fans sitting on hay bales.
00:22:48That was one of
00:22:50the instances where I had to
00:22:52call home and say
00:22:54can you wire me
00:22:56enough money for a bus ticket home?
00:22:58I knew she didn't have it
00:23:00because at this point we're living in a one room apartment.
00:23:02My mattress is on the floor
00:23:04in this corner, her mattress is over there.
00:23:06I don't know if she asked
00:23:08my grandparents or just
00:23:10draped it together but it got there.
00:23:12And that's what got me home.
00:23:16Yeah, you're not making any money
00:23:18and yeah, maybe 75 bucks
00:23:20a show hopefully.
00:23:22But you're still
00:23:24out there doing it.
00:23:26My mom never questioned that.
00:23:28She never said to me, what do you think?
00:23:30Is it time to call it a day? Maybe move on
00:23:32to something else? She never said
00:23:34it once and I never said it.
00:23:36I'd be working in the car seat factory and I'd go
00:23:38okay, I'm doing this that I can afford tights
00:23:40so I can afford those boots
00:23:42so I can afford the first payment
00:23:44of car insurance. Because I thought if I keep
00:23:46putting into this thing, eventually
00:23:48eventually it'll pay off.
00:23:50We had tunnel vision. We were going to make it regardless
00:23:52and he had the same mindset and I had the same mindset
00:23:54and we pushed each other.
00:23:56Carl calls me
00:23:58and said you should get out to Brett.
00:24:00Brett Hart who is the WWE champion
00:24:02at that point.
00:24:04Every now and then I finally would
00:24:06step in the ring and I'd go okay, I'm going to
00:24:08wrestle at him.
00:24:10Try to teach him everything I could
00:24:12in as short a way
00:24:14and quick a way as possible
00:24:16and basically give him the experience of working with
00:24:18the best wrestler in the world right now.
00:24:22So I just get in and do my thing.
00:24:24At the end of that, Brett goes
00:24:26we gotta get you going.
00:24:28I think you're ready.
00:24:30You've gone as far as you can go to this point.
00:24:32Come off the top.
00:24:36It's not very often that I give a big send up
00:24:38to a guy like Adam but it was easy for me to do.
00:24:40That's huge.
00:24:42I don't know what else to say to that but like
00:24:44my stomach's doing every flop
00:24:46and flip you can imagine.
00:24:48But I got a tour in Manitoba
00:24:50for Tony Candelo and it's
00:24:52not a northern death tour this time
00:24:54because it's during the summer.
00:24:56So I go to Winnipeg. We're landing pontoon planes
00:24:58on the lakes to get to the shows
00:25:00and we're in Cat Lake.
00:25:02I remember Tony coming to find me
00:25:04and there's one phone
00:25:06on the res and he said
00:25:08listen we gotta go to the cop shop
00:25:10and it's double wide.
00:25:12So I walk in there, pick up the phone
00:25:14it's Carl DiMarco.
00:25:16Hey Carl
00:25:18what's going on?
00:25:20And he goes you got a contract
00:25:22and it's waiting for you.
00:25:32And it's waiting for you
00:25:34down in Stanford, Connecticut.
00:25:36It almost feels like
00:25:38the second half of my life
00:25:40started there.
00:25:42The first half was to get to that phone call
00:25:44and then that phone call happened
00:25:46and it all changed.
00:25:52I can look back at it now
00:25:54and realize how pivotal it was
00:25:56and I knew it was at the time
00:25:58and I knew it was going to be
00:26:00how pivotal it was and I knew it was at the time
00:26:02but looking in that rear view you realize
00:26:06that single phone call
00:26:10the entire path.
00:26:12It was the path I wanted
00:26:14it was the path I expected
00:26:16but that phone call is what
00:26:18actually did it.
00:26:22You think you know me
00:26:26but you will never know me.
00:26:28You are lost
00:26:32and scared.
00:26:34I don't think WWE had an idea
00:26:36what to do with Adam Copeland.
00:26:38The only trait
00:26:40that Edge and Adam shared was
00:26:42confusion. Adam had
00:26:44no idea what Edge was
00:26:46and therefore Edge was very confused.
00:26:50So I didn't understand
00:26:52that there was going to be departments.
00:26:54You'd have people whose job it was
00:26:56to try and come up with this stuff.
00:26:58That's great
00:27:02I just
00:27:04don't want to do that myself.
00:27:06It's my kid's light board.
00:27:08It's Lyric's
00:27:10Crayola light board
00:27:12and so I'll just put something
00:27:14on there and go okay there's an idea
00:27:16that's a good size and then I'll just go
00:27:18okay well I can trace it now that
00:27:20I have the original drawing.
00:27:22So that's kind of my process
00:27:24I get some sharpies and I start doodling.
00:27:26I don't know why
00:27:28it's always been this process.
00:27:30I really enjoy it. I think that's also part of the reason
00:27:32because of that. Because it does
00:27:34take me back to when I was a
00:27:36kid and then a teenager
00:27:38and then an adult
00:27:40and now being a
00:27:4240 something middle aged man
00:27:44still doing it.
00:27:46What could have happened to this man
00:27:48that made him do these things?
00:27:50A lot of guys
00:27:52have really shot themselves in the foot
00:27:54right out of the gate because
00:27:56they don't like their character
00:27:58and that doesn't sit well sometimes
00:28:00with the higher ups.
00:28:06I got some of these creative drawings
00:28:08and I looked like a BG
00:28:10taking rave drugs.
00:28:12What is that?
00:28:14Nothing was really fleshed out.
00:28:16Nothing was told to me.
00:28:18Didn't know what Edge was.
00:28:20The story of Edge didn't have a backstory.
00:28:22None of that.
00:28:26I was really floundering.
00:28:30Saying no to that stuff might not have been
00:28:32the best idea, but I did.
00:28:34There was a period where
00:28:36people had been in the business
00:28:38for a while and looked at anybody
00:28:40new, hey you haven't paid your dues yet.
00:28:42There's a really fine line
00:28:44there of
00:28:46standing up for yourself and what
00:28:48your vision is and doing
00:28:50what it is that they want.
00:28:52Now you've kind of got this stigma
00:28:54like okay, this guy's hard to work with.
00:28:56That could be career suicide.
00:29:00So then I'd design my stuff
00:29:02and I would draw it.
00:29:06I gotta have my hands in it
00:29:08in making this thing work, but
00:29:10that's just not really the way it always works.
00:29:12He couldn't wrap his brain around it
00:29:14because I don't think he understood it.
00:29:16To Adam's credit, he's always
00:29:18stood up for what he believed in.
00:29:20That is some of the things
00:29:22you have to deal with politically,
00:29:24both at the office and also in the
00:29:26dress room. Any time that a new
00:29:28talent comes in that
00:29:30doesn't have the
00:29:32pedigree, if you will,
00:29:34to come in and
00:29:36go right into a spot,
00:29:38I think there's a lot of jealousy.
00:29:40He wasn't
00:29:42a seasoned talent per se.
00:29:44A guy's been in the business for a cup of
00:29:46coffee and comes in
00:29:48and he's being hyped in a big way.
00:29:50Anybody that's on
00:29:52top, and trust me on this,
00:29:54is always looking over their shoulder
00:29:56to see who's going to take their place.
00:29:58I won't mention names.
00:30:00Certain other talent who had long hair,
00:30:02similar to Adam, they were taking him as a threat.
00:30:06There was a lot of political behind the scenes
00:30:08pushing, I think you should get a haircut.
00:30:10Do anything you can to sabotage
00:30:12this look and image, etc.
00:30:14There was talk that I would be deaf
00:30:16with an inability to speak
00:30:18at one point, which is the
00:30:20kiss of death. Because as
00:30:22a wrestler, a microphone is
00:30:24one of your tools. And
00:30:26I thought, man, that's
00:30:28being floated around for me?
00:30:30I got nothing if they take
00:30:32that away. I'm like, what?
00:30:34That was the dumbest idea
00:30:36I've ever freaking heard.
00:30:38And I knew there would be a career killer before
00:30:40he started. I mean, he really
00:30:42would have been dead in the water if he
00:30:44had to try to get over without being able to talk.
00:30:52I didn't know.
00:30:54They just said, he's a tortured soul.
00:30:56What does that mean?
00:30:58When in doubt, I just scream.
00:31:02I just scream,
00:31:04and look up the ceiling and scream.
00:31:06That's what I've heard. The same as you, Jair. This guy's supposed to be
00:31:08tormented. I mean, every time I've seen him,
00:31:10he seems to be in some sort of a rage.
00:31:14We are about to see the debut
00:31:16of Edge, and Edge on his way to the ring.
00:31:20I just remember thinking, okay, how do I try
00:31:22and make an impression?
00:31:24How do I try and get noticed?
00:31:30The match was going fine,
00:31:32until it wasn't.
00:31:38Over the top.
00:31:40And Jose Estrada's not moving very much
00:31:42here, King. I think Jose is out.
00:31:46I decided to try this move called the
00:31:48helo, which is a front flip over the top rope
00:31:50to the floor.
00:31:52I knocked Jose out.
00:31:56In my debut match.
00:31:58I roll in the ring.
00:32:00Tim White is the referee.
00:32:02He goes, he's out, kid.
00:32:04And I just felt the world
00:32:06fall out from underneath me.
00:32:10I'd never injured someone.
00:32:12I'd never hurt someone.
00:32:14So, not only am I
00:32:16smashing that glass,
00:32:18but I'm doing it
00:32:20my first match
00:32:22on television for the company
00:32:24I've always wanted to work for.
00:32:26And I know how the locker room works.
00:32:28I know people see that, and the whispers start.
00:32:30Kid's not safe.
00:32:32Kid's not safe. Kid's not safe.
00:32:34That's all going through my mind
00:32:36while I'm on TV in my debut match.
00:32:40And that's all of it.
00:32:42Edge will win his first match.
00:32:44I'm sure not the way he wanted.
00:32:46He's a winner, needless to say.
00:32:48He's over the edge.
00:32:54Look at it two ways.
00:32:56Nowhere to go but up.
00:32:58Or I just
00:33:00f*** the bed.
00:33:04this could be it.
00:33:12I've often said this is kind of my
00:33:14field of dreams.
00:33:18Some people have football fields.
00:33:20Some people have ice rinks.
00:33:22Now, if you had told 16-year-old Adam
00:33:24that one day
00:33:26there'd be one of these
00:33:28at his beck and call,
00:33:30he would not have believed that.
00:33:32This is
00:33:34kind of a collection of stuff that
00:33:36was never going to see the light of day,
00:33:38but we got a wrestling ring. That's ridiculous
00:33:40enough. This is when
00:33:42I did a series of Slim Jim commercials.
00:33:44They had Edge
00:33:46skateboarding like the Grand Canyon
00:33:48is a half pipe,
00:33:50ascending at Everest,
00:33:52and attacking a school teacher,
00:33:54it seems, with a Slim Jim.
00:33:56Once you eat a Slim Jim,
00:33:58anything is possible.
00:34:02Right here. Easy, chief.
00:34:04One step at a time.
00:34:06Now eat it and beat it.
00:34:08This poster over here,
00:34:10this was the first wrestling show I ever
00:34:12went to.
00:34:14For whatever reason, I still had it
00:34:16all these years later, so it felt
00:34:18like that needed to live here.
00:34:20We set up the chairs for the show,
00:34:22Jay and myself,
00:34:24and they promised
00:34:26that if we papered the town,
00:34:28if we posted the town with these posters
00:34:30and set up chairs,
00:34:32they'd give us two minutes in the ring.
00:34:34And that was our, we didn't get paid,
00:34:36that was our pay, was just let us in the ring.
00:34:38That was our calling.
00:34:40Even still boggles my mind
00:34:42that two kids from a small town
00:34:44like Orangeville both had the same dream,
00:34:46met each other,
00:34:48and both chased the dream
00:34:50to the furthest that you could chase it
00:34:52and did it.
00:34:54That still doesn't really
00:34:56register or make complete sense
00:34:58to me.
00:35:02I started on TV
00:35:04June of 98.
00:35:06I want to say it was like
00:35:08six months after that Jay started
00:35:10up, and I was told he was going to be brought
00:35:12in as my brother. And then
00:35:14they brought in Gangbrel, Dave Heath,
00:35:16and they put us together as a group called The Brood.
00:35:18Matt was the first instance where I was like,
00:35:20ooh, there's an element of character here.
00:35:22There's one word to describe
00:35:24this trio,
00:35:26and that's unique.
00:35:28And Gangbrel in the middle,
00:35:30he appears to be the leader.
00:35:32Edge on his right.
00:35:34We're supposed to be like,
00:35:36are we vampires? Are we goth?
00:35:38What is this thing? But it was something.
00:35:40The power lies within us.
00:35:42I remember the first time he spoke,
00:35:44it was like,
00:35:46I remember the first time he spoke,
00:35:48which was in New Haven, and said the freaks
00:35:50only come out at night. Because the freaks
00:35:52come out
00:35:54at night.
00:35:56And the girls screamed.
00:35:58I don't know.
00:36:00He said, I want to go. He's going to get there.
00:36:02I just
00:36:04pictured this group of really cool vampires,
00:36:06whether they had fangs or not, just really cool
00:36:08guys. It didn't matter if you got your butt kicked
00:36:10every night as long as you looked cool doing it.
00:36:12Whoa! The Brood,
00:36:14just do what? Let this thing go!
00:36:16Look out now.
00:36:18Anything he did was
00:36:20going to work.
00:36:22They told me that that's the guy that they're going to
00:36:24strap a rocket to.
00:36:26They knew he was their future superstar.
00:36:28The combined weight
00:36:30of 455 pounds,
00:36:32Christian and
00:36:36When we teamed up, it's like, well,
00:36:38we've been doing this since the sixth grade.
00:36:40We know what we do.
00:36:42Now we get to show everybody
00:36:44what we can do.
00:36:46I think there was a realization
00:36:48that Adam and Jay need to be injected
00:36:50into this. It can't just be
00:36:52Edge and Christian, because what is that?
00:36:54We don't know. But
00:36:56if we can inject some of our humor
00:36:58and some of our
00:37:00idiocy into this,
00:37:02maybe, just maybe, they'll start
00:37:04giving us some microphone time. Hey, listen to this.
00:37:06I'm going to play our music.
00:37:08You think you know me. You think you know me.
00:37:10All right. Get out.
00:37:12We'd added the last element
00:37:14that we needed to go from
00:37:16just kind of being wrestlers
00:37:18to being entertainers
00:37:20and understanding that there is
00:37:22a difference between the two.
00:37:24What I really like are those five-second
00:37:26poses. For the next five seconds,
00:37:28we will very generously
00:37:30pose for all of you
00:37:32with the benefit of flash photography.
00:37:34Christian and I have been reversing
00:37:36some new poses. This one we just simply
00:37:38did. Uh-oh. Uh-oh.
00:37:40You have to be an entertainer
00:37:42if you really want this thing to work and you really want
00:37:44to get to the upper echelons of what
00:37:46this thing is.
00:37:48I'll turn this light on over here.
00:37:52There's always going to be a ladder
00:37:54present when I'm around, it seems.
00:37:56I try to avoid them at all costs.
00:37:58Yeah, so you have to, like,
00:38:00practice with... I mean, do you practice
00:38:02with the ladder? You don't practice with ladders.
00:38:04You just don't touch a ladder
00:38:06until it's match time.
00:38:08That's just for changing light bulbs.
00:38:10I truly, I don't go
00:38:12anywhere near that thing
00:38:14unless I absolutely have to.
00:38:20When most people see ladders,
00:38:22I think the reaction is, oh, there's a ladder.
00:38:24The pit of my stomach starts
00:38:26to feel a little queasy when I see a ladder
00:38:28because I know what happens if you fall
00:38:30off of them because it was my job.
00:38:32There's a saying that
00:38:34every single day of your career is
00:38:36one day less of your career.
00:38:38I think that in some of these
00:38:40matches, there's
00:38:42not just one day less,
00:38:44there's probably, you take about 20, 30,
00:38:4640 days off of career
00:38:48in every high-risk match that you have.
00:38:50Matt and Jeff Hardy
00:38:52against Edge and Christian.
00:38:54This is the first
00:38:56tag team ladder match
00:38:58in history. The match only can end
00:39:00when one team has
00:39:02secured the $100,000 that's hanging
00:39:04high above the ring.
00:39:08For Edge and Christian,
00:39:10it was that first ladder match in Cleveland.
00:39:12They changed
00:39:14the whole landscape on a ladder
00:39:16match in one match.
00:39:18You know, we caught lightning
00:39:20in a bottle that night, and that took us from
00:39:22being WWE wrestlers to WWE superstars
00:39:26We all
00:39:28realized being as young and
00:39:30dumb and hungry as we were
00:39:32that if we got an opportunity,
00:39:34we gotta swing for the fences.
00:39:36Our goal was to tear
00:39:38that arena down.
00:39:42So we started to look at
00:39:44how can we build things
00:39:46with these ladders that we can
00:39:48then fall on, or that we can
00:39:50use as a teeter-totter and slam
00:39:52up into somebody's face.
00:39:55What the heck?
00:39:57Just trying to
00:39:59think of violent,
00:40:01creative ways
00:40:03to create things people hadn't
00:40:05seen before.
00:40:10And we did.
00:40:16And then to get to the back and get the
00:40:18congratulations from your peers,
00:40:20from people who were already at the top of the
00:40:22show, went out of their way to tell us,
00:40:24like, damn, guys,
00:40:26I don't know what you just
00:40:28did, but you did it.
00:40:31I made sure that I was the first
00:40:33guy they saw when they walked through the curtain.
00:40:35I looked at all four of them, and I said,
00:40:37you guys just became stars.
00:40:42That was their big stamp of approval.
00:40:44Like, these guys are for real.
00:40:46These guys are here, and
00:40:48you really have to appreciate that.
00:40:50They all had chemistry,
00:40:52and they worked beautifully together.
00:40:54In any combination,
00:40:56they defined what those
00:40:58matches would be for the future
00:41:00of our business.
00:41:02The reaction was unlike anything I'd ever experienced
00:41:04up until that point in time. I'd never experienced
00:41:06standing ovations or anything like that.
00:41:08And the next night on Raw,
00:41:10it happened again. It was, like, just goosebumps
00:41:12when I was out there, like, just taking
00:41:14it all in, because I just couldn't believe
00:41:16or even comprehend or understand
00:41:18at that point what that meant.
00:41:20Every single night,
00:41:22you go in front of a live audience.
00:41:24You want to improve.
00:41:26You want to do better. And the audience
00:41:28now has an expectation.
00:41:30As a performer,
00:41:32you can meet that expectation,
00:41:34or you can exceed it.
00:41:36And you always want to exceed it.
00:41:38It just...
00:41:40We kept having to top ourselves.
00:41:42And that's a kind of
00:41:44fun place to be, if I'm being perfectly
00:42:12I'm standing on top of this
00:42:16wobbling like crazy.
00:42:20I've just pushed Matt Hardy off of the thing.
00:42:22He's flipped and landed directly on his tailbone
00:42:24through a table.
00:42:26Looks so ugly, so I'm double-checking
00:42:28to make sure, okay, he's moving.
00:42:30That's a good sign.
00:42:32Now I have to figure out how to stand
00:42:34up on this wobbly table
00:42:36that's about to pitch over.
00:42:38I just remember the reaction when we were reaching for the
00:42:40titles, and
00:42:42I said to Adam, I was like,
00:42:44I'm going to fall. He said, I'll get them.
00:42:46So he grabbed both of them. And if I had stood up,
00:42:48that celebration would have looked a lot different.
00:42:58If you look at it on paper,
00:43:00the chances of it happening
00:43:02are stupid.
00:43:04Two kids
00:43:06from a small town in southern Ontario
00:43:08with no inroads to the wrestling industry
00:43:10ever are going to find themselves
00:43:12standing on a table on top of
00:43:14two ladders in the pond
00:43:16in Anaheim after doing a match
00:43:18that has never, ever happened
00:43:20before in the history of wrestling that they've helped
00:43:24If everything ended after this,
00:43:26in terms of our team and all of those things,
00:43:28man, we did it.
00:43:30We did what we said we were going to do.
00:43:32Winning the tag team
00:43:34titles is great. An amazing feeling.
00:43:36We're the kings and the top of the heap
00:43:38in the tag team world.
00:43:42I definitely think tag team titles
00:43:44are a stepping stone to get to that next step.
00:43:46You're almost there. You've grabbed
00:43:48that ring. Now it's time to go for the next one.
00:43:58Reeking of awesomeness the way we do
00:44:00and being so totally cool,
00:44:02I'm here at MTV on TRL
00:44:04to show them just exactly what Edge
00:44:06movie star is all about.
00:44:08Hey, you totally ruined it.
00:44:10See, she knows what she's talking about.
00:44:12Being one half of Edge and Christian, the most photogenic tag team
00:44:14ever, and being on the real pulse
00:44:16of what the teens want to see,
00:44:18you know, you can understand why MTV
00:44:20would come to us.
00:44:26Edge was a big-time player star
00:44:28and if he'd have stayed with that tag team,
00:44:30you know, his career
00:44:32probably would not have lasted.
00:44:34That's just the way it is.
00:44:40You can only do the same thing for so long
00:44:42before it gets repetitive
00:44:44and I think we both wanted to break up
00:44:46before people were like, okay, I've seen the act.
00:44:50Once we split,
00:44:52I don't know if either one of us understood
00:44:54how hard it was going to be.
00:44:56You want to know if you can make it on that
00:44:58stage as a single.
00:45:00When your time comes,
00:45:02when they're ready to push you
00:45:04as a big single, you have to do it
00:45:08if you don't strive
00:45:10to be the best,
00:45:12you're really spinning your wheels.
00:45:24Because we'd been with the company,
00:45:26we'd found success with the company
00:45:28and assumed
00:45:30it would be an easy enough transition
00:45:32into this next stage
00:45:34of our career and it was anything but.
00:45:38The challenges
00:45:40that Edge found out
00:45:42was the place was popping
00:45:44and you had so many
00:45:46great talents that knew
00:45:48the business, knew their game
00:45:50and I think he could feel pressure
00:45:52from those that were
00:45:54above them that didn't want them to
00:45:56supersede the top guys.
00:45:58As crazy as it sounds,
00:46:00given the danger involved
00:46:02in the ladders matches and later
00:46:04the tables, ladders and chairs matches,
00:46:06there was still the knock on edge
00:46:08that he wasn't tough.
00:46:10Well, look at him.
00:46:12Does he look tough?
00:46:14You know, come on. Adam's in there.
00:46:16He's a young kid, all tan and
00:46:18pretty. Adam was pretty.
00:46:20He looked like a surfer.
00:46:22He did not look like your stereotypical
00:46:24tough guy. He didn't look the part
00:46:26but he was the part.
00:46:28Because he's a handsome man
00:46:30with a great physique and he's a young man
00:46:32with the long hair, there are gonna
00:46:34be those who don't think he has
00:46:36what we refer to as
00:46:38intestinal fortitude.
00:46:40Those that would say that
00:46:42Adam didn't have the intestinal fortitude
00:46:44had never gotten in the ring with him.
00:46:46Edge as the performer
00:46:48was willing to do anything
00:46:50that he had to do.
00:46:52I thought there was a good chance
00:46:54he could be held back and not
00:46:56climb to the heights that he would
00:46:58be able to. I was treading
00:47:00water and just kind of
00:47:02keeping my nose above that water line.
00:47:06And then Paul Heyman called me
00:47:08and he said, we want a team you
00:47:10and Hulk Hogan. What do you think?
00:47:14I went, I think that is
00:47:16a stupendous idea. We will have
00:47:18a blast.
00:47:24You know, I'm not a tag team
00:47:26guy so I don't have that psychology.
00:47:28It was just totally out of my wheelhouse
00:47:30you know. So I said, just whatever
00:47:32you want to do brother.
00:47:34You tell me that, well
00:47:36it's gonna be a lot then.
00:47:40It was just such a crazy
00:47:42night because I'd never been
00:47:44a tag team champion before.
00:47:46And all of a sudden here I'm in the ring
00:47:48with some guy that's watched
00:47:50Hulkamania ever since he was a kid
00:47:52and I was like his
00:47:54wrestling hero growing up
00:47:56and to be in the ring with him
00:47:58and know how cool this was, it was almost like
00:48:00I had my son with me or something.
00:48:22Hulk Hogan
00:48:24and Edge.
00:48:26What's your next step?
00:48:28Next step for Edge
00:48:30probably not tag teaming
00:48:32probably go back off and
00:48:34continue what I was doing before with the singles thing.
00:48:38Did you hear that?
00:48:40I started
00:48:42experiencing just headache
00:48:44just pain
00:48:46and my left arm started to
00:48:48atrophy and I noticed it in my hands
00:48:50like the meat here
00:48:52was disappearing.
00:49:00When you're young and hungry like that
00:49:02you're gonna do whatever you can to make it.
00:49:04He was sucking it up just kind of
00:49:06gritting his teeth and fighting
00:49:08through it until he just couldn't do it anymore.
00:49:10I was starting to see
00:49:12little divots in my forearm
00:49:14and I was like oh that's weird
00:49:16and then my rear delt just left
00:49:18one day. It was gone.
00:49:20It looked like someone had golfed off of it.
00:49:22And that's when I finally
00:49:24gave in and said
00:49:26I think something's going on.
00:49:32I went to Steve Austin's spine doctor
00:49:34because he had had a spinal fusion at this point.
00:49:36He said you gotta come down to San Antonio
00:49:38see Dr. Youngblood.
00:49:40This is disc material and bone spurs right here
00:49:42and it should be a nice
00:49:44symmetrical oval.
00:49:46So I went down
00:49:48and ended up getting a double fusion
00:49:50from C5
00:49:52to C7.
00:49:54And basically what they did is
00:49:56they took a chunk from my hip
00:49:58and they put it in my neck
00:50:00and replaced the ruptured discs.
00:50:06And they put a plate and six screws
00:50:08into the back.
00:50:10And I just remember
00:50:12having to sleep sitting up in that neck collar
00:50:14for about three months.
00:50:16You'd get a couple hours here and there
00:50:18and if I woke up
00:50:20I'd just turn on the TV
00:50:22and just kind of mindlessly watch something
00:50:24and try not to fall down the well
00:50:26of depression that every injury
00:50:28has and every athlete has encountered.
00:50:32I had to
00:50:34calibrate my brain
00:50:36to the aspect of psychological toll
00:50:38that takes.
00:50:40When you're used to going 120
00:50:42with no hint of putting your foot
00:50:44on the brakes to
00:50:46you're in reverse and you're going
00:50:48in reverse fast.
00:50:50That takes some
00:50:56I had always
00:50:58hoped one day it'll be my choice
00:51:00to walk away
00:51:02and this
00:51:04wasn't my choice. I think that's the hardest part.
00:51:08days after I had the surgery I thought it'd be
00:51:10a good idea to go in and just, right I'm going
00:51:12to the gym. And I got in there and I
00:51:14sat down and I tried to lift a weight
00:51:16and it was
00:51:18seven pounds
00:51:20and my arms were just shaking like that.
00:51:22And I
00:51:24put the weight down. I feel
00:51:26like crying is what I felt like doing.
00:51:28I got up and I walked out of the gym.
00:51:32You have this thought and you can't
00:51:34help it. Am I going to get another
00:51:36opportunity when I get healthy
00:51:38to come back and do this?
00:51:40Am I going to be healthy enough to come back
00:51:42and do it at the level?
00:51:44Your mind plays horrible
00:51:46horrible tricks on you.
00:51:48I talked to Michael Hayes and he said
00:51:50worst case scenario if you can't come back
00:51:52you've lived your dream.
00:51:54And I thought well I've lived it but I haven't
00:51:56fulfilled my final dream.
00:51:58That's to win either the WWE
00:52:00or the World Heavyweight Championship.
00:52:04Ladies and gentlemen
00:52:06This has been my trip of just
00:52:08Oh my God! Who's that?
00:52:10Is that Triple H? Wait a minute.
00:52:12I wish you didn't say Test.
00:52:16I had gone down to see him at his place
00:52:18in Florida when he was recovering.
00:52:20It was funny because he
00:52:22looked relieved to sort of be
00:52:24on a break. I think the first couple
00:52:26of years were a whirlwind.
00:52:30Maybe a blessing in disguise
00:52:32to sort of take
00:52:34a deep breath and be back at home.
00:52:38You're interrupting my morning coffee.
00:52:40Thank you very much.
00:52:42This is my humble abode.
00:52:44Where should we head to? Books.
00:52:46I read all the time. That's pretty much
00:52:48one thing I do on my own
00:52:50which I wrote by the way.
00:52:52Apple mango tango.
00:52:54Aha! See that right there?
00:52:56That right there
00:52:58is an ass crack
00:53:00that is implanted in my couch
00:53:02and when I have my neck surgery I just sleep there
00:53:04sitting up just like this.
00:53:06So my ass crack is permanently embedded in this spot.
00:53:08I think
00:53:10it's the motivation.
00:53:12It's setback, yes, but I know
00:53:14where I can go and I know
00:53:16what the company feels about me
00:53:18so I'm going to work harder
00:53:20to prove that they were right
00:53:22in spite of having this happen.
00:53:26And making his way to the ring
00:53:28he is the extra
00:53:30intercontinental champion
00:53:32and Toronto's own
00:53:36I thought, man
00:53:38I've been off. I haven't been back in Toronto
00:53:40I think it was two years at that point.
00:53:42I'm coming back. I'm the intercontinental champion.
00:53:44Had spinal fusion surgery.
00:53:46This has got to be a hero's welcome, right?
00:53:52I came out and they booed me.
00:54:01You could see it on Edge's face.
00:54:03Like, why don't you love me?
00:54:05I'm Edge.
00:54:07You're my hometown audience.
00:54:09Don't you love me?
00:54:11What our vision is,
00:54:13you know, Edge is this heroic character
00:54:15and fighting through the odds
00:54:17and yada yada yada.
00:54:19They're not buying it because it's the same thing I was doing
00:54:21before I left. They were buying it then
00:54:23but for whatever reason this break
00:54:25has caused them to not buy it anymore.
00:54:27Instead of asking
00:54:29why do you hate me?
00:54:31Make them hate you more.
00:54:33And turn it around
00:54:35to take all of the things
00:54:37that you do
00:54:39being a nice guy
00:54:41and just put a twist on it.
00:54:43And just put a little bit of an attitude on it.
00:54:45And that will help
00:54:47the audience confirm
00:54:49their belief.
00:54:51You're an ass. I don't like you.
00:54:59That's it.
00:55:03Now they want something different.
00:55:05They're telling us.
00:55:07So let's give them something different.
00:55:09When you're kind of pegged to be
00:55:11a future superstar, you're gonna
00:55:13maybe even get some more opportunities
00:55:15that others wouldn't get.
00:55:17And I felt like maybe he thought his chances were running out.
00:55:19The following contest
00:55:21is the Money in the Bank
00:55:23Ladder Match.
00:55:25The first
00:55:27individual to climb the ladder
00:55:29and retrieve the briefcase
00:55:31will win a contract for a
00:55:33World Heavyweight Champion.
00:55:43It can be extremely difficult
00:55:45for a guy to go
00:55:47from being a babyface to a heel.
00:55:49And normally it is a
00:55:51recipe for disaster.
00:55:53But man, as a heel,
00:55:55I think he is just so
00:55:57much better.
00:56:01That then became this
00:56:03character who was just
00:56:05maniacally obsessed with being
00:56:07the World Champion.
00:56:09Because that was the last thing
00:56:11that needed to be
00:56:13done on my checklist of things.
00:56:15And that's Adam
00:56:17sitting back and going, right, what else?
00:56:19He got that. Did that. Cool.
00:56:21Did that. Did that. Did that.
00:56:23Gotta do that, though. I mean, this can't end
00:56:25until that happens.
00:56:27With that neck injury, it made me realize
00:56:29I'm gonna have to make it happen
00:56:31sooner than later.
00:56:33Nobody goes anywhere!
00:56:35This night is not over.
00:56:37First of all,
00:56:39I'd like to congratulate
00:56:41John Cena in retaining
00:56:43the WWE Championship.
00:56:45There's one more match
00:56:47happening here tonight.
00:56:49John Cena is cashing in
00:56:51his money and the bank privilege
00:56:53that he earned at WrestleMania.
00:56:55The WWE Championship
00:56:57match will
00:56:59take place right here,
00:57:01right now.
00:57:03John Cena defends against
00:57:07I'd like to think because
00:57:09Adam is so focused
00:57:11on all things WWE that that
00:57:13truly is the pinnacle achievement.
00:57:15He's definitely proving himself.
00:57:17For a lot of wrestlers, that's a tough
00:57:19mountain to climb.
00:57:21Everybody wants to be the champion.
00:57:35Edge has shocked the world!
00:57:37This was indeed a historical night!
00:57:39Edge is the new
00:57:41WWE Champion!
00:57:43They told me the plan.
00:57:45You're gonna have this thing for three weeks,
00:57:47then you're gonna drop it back to John,
00:57:49and then John's gonna wrestle Triple H
00:57:51at WrestleMania.
00:58:05That one put a big chip
00:58:07on my shoulder. I found out
00:58:09after the fact that there was a lot of
00:58:11very vocal, I wasn't ready for it.
00:58:13Don't know if I'll ever be ready for it.
00:58:15It was the locker room
00:58:17where that was the feeling.
00:58:19All of that was ammunition for me.
00:58:23There's always somebody in the dressing
00:58:25room that's like,
00:58:27him? I don't get it, but they
00:58:29don't appreciate what he was doing.
00:58:31I think from my perspective, he got to
00:58:33win the championship.
00:58:35And it's all about
00:58:37what is my perception going forward and how can I
00:58:39take what's happened
00:58:41and continue a compelling narrative.
00:58:45Ratings go up, the hits
00:58:47on the website go up, okay, merchandise
00:58:49is selling, this is a good thing. We're gonna go
00:58:51with this. No we're not.
00:58:53That pissed me off. So
00:58:55I got Mick.
00:58:57Right. Now
00:58:59we can show everybody.
00:59:07Mick Foley from my career
00:59:11absolutely what Edge needed
00:59:13to finally kind of cement
00:59:15where I, Adam, thought
00:59:17Edge belonged.
00:59:21He was a guy, and still is
00:59:23to this day, a guy who
00:59:25likes to prove people wrong.
00:59:33There's only so much a human body can take.
00:59:39Oh my God!
00:59:45There it is!
00:59:47There's Bobby!
00:59:49One of the things I never really thought
00:59:51about was how
00:59:53barbed wire would feel when it's wrapped around a baseball
00:59:55bat and it's hitting you in the stomach.
00:59:59Those thoughts crossed my mind as
01:00:01they were about to happen, like a nanosecond
01:00:05Ha, ow.
01:00:09That sucks.
01:00:11Ah, that
01:00:13really, wow, okay.
01:00:15That's barbed wire.
01:00:17That doesn't do good. Your skin's
01:00:19not meant for that.
01:00:23The thumbtacks, I mean the look on my face
01:00:25pretty much sums it up.
01:00:27It's kind of
01:00:29like being on the high diving board
01:00:31and just back flopping
01:00:33into a pool.
01:00:35But I'm talking one of the high diving boards
01:00:37from the Olympics.
01:00:39That kind of smack
01:00:41where it might knock you out.
01:00:43Take your breath away.
01:00:47In the midst of this
01:00:49violent theater of the absurd,
01:00:51you're getting a real
01:00:53emotion in the eyes there.
01:00:55Oral surgery being performed
01:00:57by the Dr. Mick Foley!
01:01:01Oh my God, here we go!
01:01:05We had an idea in our head.
01:01:07I was borrowing from a couple of
01:01:09scenes I had witnessed,
01:01:11but I just felt like doing it on the
01:01:13grandest stage of them all
01:01:15makes it our moment.
01:01:17Oh my God, here we go!
01:01:19Oh my God, what's going to happen?
01:01:21Look out!
01:01:23Oh my God!
01:01:25Oh my God!
01:01:27And I'm crawling over,
01:01:29I roll him over, I said, I love you, Mick.
01:01:31Stay up to the table, cover!
01:01:33One, two, three!
01:01:39The last thing that you think someone
01:01:41would say in that instance.
01:01:43And he said the same thing.
01:01:55Mick, you did what you wanted to do.
01:01:57Thanks, man.
01:01:59I don't need one.
01:02:01I don't need one.
01:02:03No, I'm good, I'm good.
01:02:05There's a smell of forearm hair
01:02:07burning, a little bit of skin as well.
01:02:09Let me take a look at it now.
01:02:11It's sealed, no stitches.
01:02:13As stupid as it sounds, you've survived
01:02:15something like that together,
01:02:17and you create this story
01:02:19together, and that feels really,
01:02:21really good. You feel horrible,
01:02:23but you feel elated.
01:02:25And after that, I started to see
01:02:27respect in the ring.
01:02:31He is the Rated-R
01:02:33Superstar, and the
01:02:35WWE Champion,
01:02:41Man, it's been a
01:02:43really great deal.
01:02:45He's just got that slime,
01:02:47and he enjoys it.
01:02:49It's funny, because the people
01:02:51that are really, genuinely
01:02:53true, nice guys,
01:02:55oftentimes are better
01:02:57at being a heel and being
01:02:59that nasty, despicable
01:03:03I thought there could be money
01:03:05to be made if you're that guy.
01:03:11A lot of those characters are big.
01:03:13Large, large men.
01:03:17John Cena, Batista, Kane,
01:03:19Big Show. A lot of their
01:03:21character involves throwing that bad guy
01:03:25I was that bad guy.
01:03:31I want you all to know that I'll be a champion
01:03:33that you can be proud of.
01:03:35A champion that will take on
01:03:37any and all comers.
01:03:43Oh my God!
01:03:45Bodies and ladders are broken!
01:03:47I didn't fully grasp how bad
01:03:49I felt.
01:03:53I just thought it was, well yeah,
01:03:55I got a double fusion
01:03:57in my neck, of course. That's how I
01:03:59feel. I was one of the few people
01:04:01that knew how much pain he was in,
01:04:03what he was dealing with. He was trying to
01:04:05keep it as quiet as he could until after
01:04:07WrestleMania. Obviously, it
01:04:09wasn't a good situation.
01:04:11Finally, in the lead
01:04:13up to WrestleMania 27,
01:04:15I got hit in the back with a chair.
01:04:21Man, he's going to be going into
01:04:23WrestleMania a little bit more banged up than I thought.
01:04:25I think this was the first time
01:04:27that cameras caught
01:04:29the extent
01:04:31of what my body did
01:04:33when stuff
01:04:35like this would happen.
01:04:37Alberto was grabbing me by the shirt
01:04:39and just flailing me around and I couldn't
01:04:41do anything.
01:04:43I was just like a limp noodle.
01:04:45The trainers came running
01:04:47out once we were dark, once the show
01:04:49went off the air. What's going on?
01:04:51I'm good.
01:04:55What exactly is going on?
01:04:57I just lost my arms for a bit. That's all.
01:05:13I do a bunch of strength tests the day
01:05:15of WrestleMania, passing everything.
01:05:17We make the decision,
01:05:19let's get through WrestleMania.
01:05:37they wanted me to go get
01:05:39the MRIs. I got the MRIs.
01:05:41I drove up to Charlotte, did a
01:05:43spear on this guy.
01:05:47I lost my arms again.
01:05:49He injured the disc
01:05:51above the level of his
01:05:53previous fusion. It was
01:05:55literally impinging
01:05:57on the spinal cord and also
01:05:59the nerves to his arms at the time.
01:06:03There's no way he could have continued
01:06:05to wrestle with the injury
01:06:07that he had.
01:06:09The risks would have simply
01:06:11been unjustifiable.
01:06:13So, I then get a call
01:06:15two days later from Vince.
01:06:17Those calls are pretty rare.
01:06:23He said,
01:06:25this is the toughest call I've ever
01:06:27had to make, but
01:06:29you've got to retire.
01:06:39I think I might have been the first person that he called.
01:06:41He was choked up, and I
01:06:43think even though he knew he was closer to the end
01:06:45than he was to the start,
01:06:47not being able to close the book
01:06:49on his own terms was hard to swallow.
01:06:51It was a big shock.
01:06:53He was
01:06:55rolling. He had no other choice
01:06:57than to walk away if he wanted
01:06:59to be healthy.
01:07:01It was tough. It was tough to watch.
01:07:05I knew I was getting closer to the end.
01:07:07I didn't know
01:07:09that was my last match.
01:07:11That can't be my last match.
01:07:13I didn't know.
01:07:15I would have treated it differently.
01:07:17I would have come into it differently.
01:07:19I would have approached it differently.
01:07:21I don't know how, but I would have.
01:07:23Rumors have been swirling
01:07:25all day long about what
01:07:27Edge is about to tell us.
01:07:29I hope it's not true.
01:07:31I went to RAW,
01:07:33and I
01:07:35basically just went out and talked
01:07:37as Adam.
01:07:39There was no
01:07:43Last little while, I've been
01:07:45in a lot of pain.
01:07:47It was
01:07:51ending what he'd
01:07:53always wanted to do, and
01:07:55that's it. The WWE wanted
01:07:57me to go get more tests, and
01:07:59thankfully I did, because
01:08:01the MRI showed that
01:08:03I have to
01:08:07I mean,
01:08:09trust me, it's not my choice.
01:08:11The doctors have told me that
01:08:13I got no choice. I'm gonna miss
01:08:15all of this. All of it.
01:08:17No matter what, I came out here, and I
01:08:19tried to give you guys as much as
01:08:21I had every single night.
01:08:23And in turn,
01:08:25you guys gave it right back to me.
01:08:31Thank you, guys.
01:08:37Thank you, Edge!
01:08:39Thank you, Edge!
01:08:41Thank you, Edge!
01:08:43Thank you, Edge!
01:08:45It was just, like, shocking
01:08:47to me.
01:08:49I felt bad for him,
01:08:51and I know he felt like
01:08:53a good part of his life was being
01:08:55ripped off. I cried.
01:08:57I cried
01:08:59because I felt
01:09:01for Adam Copeland, the human being.
01:09:03It's sad
01:09:05when a talent
01:09:07has to lose
01:09:09what they love, and what they
01:09:11have a passion for, and what they've
01:09:13dreamt of doing their whole life,
01:09:15and it's taken away from you in an instant.
01:09:21There's gonna be
01:09:23some uneasiness
01:09:25in his soul
01:09:27that is never going to go away.
01:09:29That's what we live with if we don't have closure
01:09:31on our careers.
01:09:33I have to figure out how
01:09:35to wrap my mind around this,
01:09:37because this is all
01:09:39I know. This is what I've done with my entire
01:09:41adult life. This is all I've wanted to do since I
01:09:43was a kid.
01:09:45If I don't figure this out,
01:09:47emotionally, this is...
01:09:49This could be bad.
01:09:51This could cause a wormhole of
01:09:53I don't know what,
01:09:55but I need to put on my big boy pants
01:09:57and just go, right, what is life now?
01:09:59Here we go.
01:10:01There you go.
01:10:09Being a dad now,
01:10:11having not necessarily
01:10:13a template to draw
01:10:15ideas from on how to do
01:10:17this dad thing,
01:10:19I really just came to my own conclusions
01:10:21is that all you gotta do
01:10:23is love your kids
01:10:25and support them
01:10:27Is there any ice cream in there,
01:10:29or is it just candy?
01:10:31I put ice cream in there.
01:10:33It sounds delicious with gummy frogs
01:10:35and marshmallows and chocolate.
01:10:37Beth and I were on the roster
01:10:39at the same time, but very just
01:10:41hey, Beth,
01:10:43and never called me Adam.
01:10:45It was always Edger. Hey, Edger.
01:10:47I could totally have him wrapped around my little pinky
01:10:49finger, too.
01:10:51And I retired,
01:10:53and then we started talking.
01:10:55And talking and talking and talking.
01:10:57And it just kind of
01:10:59blossomed from there,
01:11:01and we started dating seriously,
01:11:03and then started talking about the idea,
01:11:05okay, well, we're gonna have kids, right?
01:11:09Take a bite.
01:11:11Being a dad is easily,
01:11:13hands down,
01:11:15no competition whatsoever,
01:11:17the best thing I've ever done with my life.
01:11:19I tell him this a lot,
01:11:21but I said, Adam, you've become the dad
01:11:23that you always deserved
01:11:25growing up, that will get on the floor
01:11:27with the kids and be silly
01:11:29and let them paint his toenails.
01:11:31He's just all in on being a dad.
01:11:33It was a life away from wrestling.
01:11:35It really was. We didn't watch.
01:11:37We moved away from it
01:11:39and into what everyday life
01:11:41was now.
01:11:43But if wrestling's not on the table,
01:11:45I still need to do something creative,
01:11:47whatever that is.
01:11:49You had no business here.
01:11:51This is Haven.
01:11:53Making things disappear is my business.
01:11:55I'm gonna go act
01:11:57on a TV show.
01:11:59I don't really know how to do that,
01:12:01but, I mean, I guess I'll figure it out.
01:12:05I had four scenes in the first episode
01:12:07that I was in, and halfway through
01:12:09the second scene, they pulled me aside
01:12:11and said, can you do more episodes?
01:12:13I mean, I got nothing else to do now.
01:12:15Sounds good.
01:12:17So that first episode, it turned into four
01:12:19and turned into 41 all told.
01:12:21And I realized, in that time,
01:12:23how much I loved acting.
01:12:27After all,
01:12:29I am a Viking.
01:12:31None of this is possible without Beth.
01:12:33She has been my support.
01:12:35She has been my everything.
01:12:37The mother of my children,
01:12:39my partner, my best friend.
01:12:43almost took on,
01:12:45and I think on purpose,
01:12:47what my mom would have done.
01:12:49I think that was
01:12:51probably part of a pact
01:12:53they made,
01:12:55and I don't know if they officially did,
01:12:57but I know they did.
01:13:01He really wanted his mom,
01:13:03Judy, to be here with us in Asheville.
01:13:07And we were working on our immigration papers,
01:13:09and right around that time,
01:13:11she was diagnosed with cancer.
01:13:13It was a really hectic time,
01:13:15just because I had already signed on
01:13:17to do Vikings.
01:13:19I found myself doing this triangle
01:13:21of travel
01:13:23for about two and a half years,
01:13:25where it'd be Asheville,
01:13:27dad, husband,
01:13:29try and be
01:13:31all of those things.
01:13:33Got to get up to Toronto, check on my mom,
01:13:35see how she is.
01:13:37I got to go back to Dublin,
01:13:39got some scenes coming up,
01:13:41back to Asheville, then Toronto,
01:13:43Dublin, then maybe back to Toronto,
01:13:45and it was pretty exhausting.
01:13:49And the emotional aspect
01:13:51of watching my mom go through
01:13:53chemo and
01:13:55just battle through this thing.
01:14:01Yeah, I was with her the last five months.
01:14:03It was gut-wrenching.
01:14:05I just said to Adam, I texted him,
01:14:07I said, you better get back home soon,
01:14:09and he was like, yeah.
01:14:21I think she finally felt like
01:14:23she could rest
01:14:25because I had Beth,
01:14:27and she knew, like,
01:14:29I had a partner
01:14:31that truly has my back.
01:14:33Losing his mom,
01:14:35like, that tore that
01:14:37constant in his life.
01:14:41It really hit him hard.
01:14:43And I don't know how much
01:14:45he dealt with that grief for a long time.
01:14:53The weird thing about depression,
01:14:55I think, is sometimes you don't necessarily know you are
01:14:57because it becomes
01:14:59just mundane
01:15:01and you just...
01:15:03I don't know.
01:15:07It's a weird funk.
01:15:09Like, you're just kind of stuck in the mud, right?
01:15:13I don't know if I really
01:15:15fully grasped that I was
01:15:17until I pulled myself out of it.
01:15:19And that,
01:15:21I can attribute to the girls.
01:15:25Howdy, girls.
01:15:27And realizing, like, whoa, hold on a second.
01:15:29Snap out of it.
01:15:33They became kind of the
01:15:35starting point for everything.
01:15:37I don't think
01:15:39it's the wrestling that makes him happy.
01:15:41I think it's the challenge.
01:15:43Whatever the toughest route is,
01:15:45whatever the road least traveled is,
01:15:47that's what makes him feel alive.
01:15:49I remember
01:15:51once or twice it was ever said, like,
01:15:53I wonder if I could have one more match.
01:15:55And I would shut that down
01:15:57real quick.
01:15:59When that man
01:16:01comes up with an idea,
01:16:03there ain't no stopping him.
01:16:05If he wants something,
01:16:07he manifests it.
01:16:11How's it going?
01:16:13I'm Seamus AK, the Celtic Warrior,
01:16:15here with the Rated-R Superstar Edge.
01:16:17We are going in the mountains, fella,
01:16:19and we are not coming back.
01:16:22That was a good one.
01:16:24They came flying up,
01:16:26and my brother-in-law, Eric,
01:16:28was behind me with the GoPro,
01:16:30and he's like, whoa, dude, are you okay?
01:16:32I was like, yeah, actually.
01:16:34As long as you're all right,
01:16:36that's the important thing.
01:16:38Yeah, that was my first, like, good one.
01:16:40People see that and go, why can't he wrestle?
01:16:42I feel great.
01:16:44Like, I feel alive.
01:16:46I feel like that's all that was running through my head.
01:16:48Oh, s***.
01:16:50Yeah, there we go.
01:16:54I feel like I was a big roadblock
01:16:56for the return.
01:17:00I retired from wrestling in 2012.
01:17:02It was 6 or 7 days later,
01:17:04Adam had neck surgery.
01:17:08We don't talk about it a lot anymore,
01:17:10but he was having very bad symptoms
01:17:12at the time of his retirement.
01:17:14He was dropping things.
01:17:16He had atrophy. He had nerve damage.
01:17:18And so what I was told when he had that neck surgery
01:17:20was, like, if he gets rear-ended,
01:17:22you know, in a car accident or something,
01:17:24like, he could die.
01:17:26She'll tell me, you know,
01:17:28we would be out for two hours running errands,
01:17:30and then you'd have to go get flat
01:17:32because your head would just be...
01:17:36And I've washed that out of the memory banks
01:17:38a little bit.
01:17:40I said, listen,
01:17:42for this to happen, there's two things.
01:17:44I gotta hear it from the best in the world
01:17:46that it's okay,
01:17:48because for a long time, I've been told
01:17:50this will end badly.
01:17:52And number two is I gotta see it with my own eyes.
01:17:54I gotta see this,
01:17:56and I gotta make sure you're okay.
01:18:02Is that good? Is that enough?
01:18:10Ah! Ah!
01:18:12How many winds
01:18:14can you do that?
01:18:26Come on, kid!
01:18:28Come on!
01:18:30Once he took that first bump
01:18:32and I looked down at him
01:18:34and he looked up at me, and we were just like,
01:18:36is everything okay?
01:18:38And I was just, like, holding my breath,
01:18:40and he's like, I think I'm okay.
01:18:44So, went up,
01:18:46met with the doctors.
01:18:48We had a long, detailed discussion,
01:18:50and we thought that, yes,
01:18:52there was minimal risk.
01:18:54There's risk any time you do
01:18:56these kinds of things, but
01:18:58we ended up feeling that
01:19:00it was safe.
01:19:02I still don't, can't fully explain it.
01:19:04Just worked really hard, you know,
01:19:06to strengthen everything.
01:19:08You know, there's still parameters, don't get me wrong.
01:19:10I'm not gonna try and land on my head,
01:19:12but I got that final
01:19:14clearance, and then it
01:19:16really became real.
01:19:18Welcome to the
01:19:2033rd Royal Rumble!
01:19:22If someone took away
01:19:24the thing that at that point in your life
01:19:26you loved most,
01:19:28and after that, you landed on your feet,
01:19:30you started a beautiful family, you did all of these
01:19:32things, but
01:19:34someone dangles that carrot
01:19:36of doing it again and
01:19:38ending it the way you want to,
01:19:40how many people are gonna say no?
01:19:42When I found out he was gonna come back,
01:19:44I thought it was the most amazing,
01:19:46coolest thing that I've
01:19:48seen happen in this business, maybe
01:19:50of all time. I was excited for him
01:19:52because he was gonna have
01:19:54an opportunity to go out the way
01:19:56that he wanted to go out
01:19:58and finish what he started, really.
01:20:00About to blow up.
01:20:04Let's just
01:20:06cut to the chase, shall we?
01:20:08He looks
01:20:10amazing, doesn't he?
01:20:14I think that's
01:20:16when it really became real
01:20:18for Beth, for the company,
01:20:20for everyone to really start,
01:20:22oh, this thing is
01:20:24not only can it happen, it's now
01:20:26going to happen.
01:20:28And in 10 seconds, entry number
01:20:52People are always looking for those surprises.
01:20:54I dare say
01:20:56Edge was a huge
01:20:58surprise and
01:21:02live response.
01:21:04It's been
01:21:06nine long years.
01:21:24With a spear!
01:21:26Now this is a Royal Rumble
01:21:32A spear fest at the
01:21:46It's still surreal,
01:21:48you know, and it really
01:21:50kind of felt like a dream sequence out there.
01:21:52It felt really good to hear them react
01:21:54the way I thought they would.
01:21:58You can't...
01:22:00You can't beat that.
01:22:02I know there's not
01:22:04many of these left for me,
01:22:06so I have to
01:22:08truly soak it all in.
01:22:10The Rated-R Superstar!
01:22:14Edge wins!
01:22:16Edge wins!
01:22:18Edge wins!
01:22:20Edge going to WrestleMania!
01:22:22If you wrote this
01:22:24as a script for Hollywood, they'd say
01:22:26it's impossible.
01:22:28It can never happen, it's unrealistic.
01:22:30Yet, here we are.
01:22:34Adam's comeback has been special.
01:22:36First of all, it was never supposed to happen,
01:22:38so anytime you hear something like that,
01:22:40that's excellent.
01:22:42Second of all, it's the best he's ever looked.
01:22:44I've been waiting for the moment
01:22:46for someone to step up
01:22:48to face me at WrestleMania.
01:22:50The ultimate opportunist
01:22:52strikes again!
01:22:54The Rated-R Superstar battering
01:22:56the Phenomenal One!
01:22:58Spear in midair!
01:23:00What makes him a legend is the fact
01:23:02that it's in his blood.
01:23:04I mean, when he was a kid, he wanted to be a wrestler.
01:23:06He lived his whole life wanting to be a wrestler.
01:23:08And he left a mark that you can't erase
01:23:10on this business.
01:23:12The Rated-R
01:23:18The Edge.
01:23:20There's no man.
01:23:22You think you know me.
01:23:30There's few wrestlers that have had the journey
01:23:32that Adam Copeland has had.
01:23:34You think you know me.
01:23:36To have it gone for nine years.
01:23:40Nine years is long enough that you think
01:23:42this thing has sailed.
01:23:44That ship is gone.
01:23:46And it's not even on the horizon.
01:23:48Edge is out of it!
01:23:50Oh my God!
01:23:52Oh my God!
01:23:54So I...
01:23:56I had to come to terms with that.
01:23:58Bodies and ladders are broken!
01:24:00And now suddenly, wait, hold on a second.
01:24:02This is doable.
01:24:04And I got it back now.
01:24:06Even if it's for this limited time frame,
01:24:08I'm going to make sure
01:24:10that I soak in every
01:24:12single part of it.
01:24:16So in a strange way, I'm almost thankful
01:24:18for the nine years.
01:24:20I love you.
01:24:22Because in that nine years,
01:24:24Beth and I become a couple.
01:24:26We have kids.
01:24:28The extra special thing, he's a great husband,
01:24:30a great dad. He's got a lot more
01:24:32things to balance.
01:24:34So I respect the hell out of him for what he's done.
01:24:36It's made me appreciate all of this
01:24:38so much more and not look
01:24:40past it and really understand
01:24:42that you have to live
01:24:44in every single moment as it's happening.
01:24:48He's not a wrestler that stands out for a particular time
01:24:50or the end of his career
01:24:52where he was great. He's a guy that was
01:24:54great throughout his whole career.
01:24:56I'll consider Edge one of the all-time
01:25:00He's a legend.
01:25:02He's the guy.
01:25:04He's quietly carved out one of the greatest careers
01:25:06in the history of the sport.
01:25:08From the get-go,
01:25:10Edge had something
01:25:12and you saw it. I'm just proud
01:25:14of the man he's become.
01:25:16I'll be able to know
01:25:18when the end is.
01:25:20And be able
01:25:22to walk away from it.
01:25:26And know that I'm walking away from it.
01:25:30That's gonna be huge.
01:25:32This time it's gonna be my choice.
01:25:36in a strange way, I'm looking forward
01:25:38to that too.
