
  • 2 days ago
00:00Ben Watson's doing what he's got to do to retain the title.
00:04But coming up next, Chris Jericho's highlight reel live in the ring.
00:08Lita and Kane, can you believe it?
00:12This is gonna be fantastic.
00:14Lita and Kane, as I said, proud parents-to-be united tonight.
00:21We're back live here on Monday Night Raw.
00:23A man talking about a highlight reel that is combustible.
00:26That is a mild understatement as Chris Jericho about to preside over,
00:32well, what can you expect here?
00:35Welcome to the highlight reel.
00:44You know, and I've accomplished many things here in the WWE.
00:50I mean, I was the first superstar to win five different titles.
00:55Of course, I was the first undisputed champion.
00:57But I mean, all that pales in comparison to the true apex of my career.
01:04The true summit, the pinnacle of all my accomplishments
01:09occurred last week in this ring, when I became the first
01:14undisputed musical chairs champion in WWE history.
01:20That's right.
01:22Yeah, musical chairs.
01:23I sat down, I stood up, I sat down, I walked around, I was on fire.
01:31Thanks for that moron, Eugene.
01:32You should see what I can do with pin the tail on the donkey, daddy.
01:39But I can sit here and talk about my musical chairs prowess all night long.
01:43But this is the highlight reel.
01:46And tonight, my guests have some serious issues that they need to clear up.
01:52Well, thank you, but my guests have some serious issues.
01:57And if there's one thing I've learned from watching Raw,
02:01it's that if you have serious, deep personal problems,
02:05you don't solve them in private one-on-one in the back, no, no, no, no.
02:10You solve them right here in the ring, on the highlight reel,
02:15in front of millions of people watching at home, and
02:18in front of thousands of Jericho-holics watching right here, right now, tonight.
02:25Yeah, that's a good idea, get him out here.
02:31So without further ado, let me introduce to you my first guest.
02:36Ladies and gentlemen, he is Kane.
02:39Whatever happened to ladies first?
02:44Man, the pontiff of perversity.
02:47A man that 24 hours ago had vengeance involved with Matt Hardy.
02:52And a no disqualification, no count out match.
02:55That's what Joe's saying.
02:56Kane was gonna have Matt Hardy beat those steel steps.
03:00But it was Lita who intervened.
03:02A pregnant Lita putting herself on the line here.
03:05That's right, she put her body between Matt Hardy and Kane.
03:08But Kane was certainly not happy about that, was he?
03:11And Matt Hardy up and used the steel chair to strike the steps.
03:16And the steps went right back in Kane's face.
03:18A huge upset victory for Matt Hardy in a no disqualification match.
03:23Lita was ecstatic.
03:24She was ecstatic, but let me tell you something that wasn't happy.
03:27Kane, that man, the monster, he was irate, JR.
03:31And I'm sure, looking at him in the ring, he still feels the same way.
03:36You look at Kane's eyes, it looks like somebody else is driving.
03:39This is my turn now.
03:42You know, when someone insults me, I don't respond with a clever atonement.
03:49I simply rip their throat out.
03:52But I'm not going to concern myself with you right now.
04:03Lita, you may be carrying my baby, but if you think that I'm going to allow
04:10you to get away with costing me my match last night, you are deeply mistaken.
04:19So either get out here right now, or I will hunt you down.
04:27Man, oh, man.
04:31Honestly, JR, I didn't believe this was going to happen.
04:35I didn't really believe that Lita would come out here.
04:38Isn't she crazy?
04:39I'll tell you what, a wrestling ring on Raw is no place, in my opinion,
04:44for a pregnant woman.
04:46Lita's life, thanks to Kane, will never be the same again anyway.
04:51I mean, having a child is a blessing.
04:53But it seems like Lita has been cursed.
04:57I don't know if having Kane's child would be exactly called a blessing.
05:00Lita, you've made me angry.
05:05Bad things happen when I get angry.
05:10People suffer.
05:13Do you have any idea how many people
05:22Do you have any idea what I am going to-
05:31She is crazy.
05:34I'll tell you what you're gonna do, Kane.
05:37Absolutely nothing.
05:44I made a big mistake, and I've paid for it every day.
05:51But I'm tired of being scared, and I'm tired of being the victim.
05:57You wanna talk about suffering?
06:00I'll tell you about suffering.
06:04Suffering is being possibly
06:09impregnated by a man you despise.
06:15Suffering is having the one person that you love refuse to speak to you.
06:24And suffering, Kane, is waking up every day,
06:29not knowing who the father of my baby is.
06:34So don't you stand here and talk to me about suffering.
06:39I've suffered long enough, Kane.
06:41And from now on, I'm gonna do what I want, when I want.
06:47And there's not a damn thing you can do about it, you sick son of a bitch.
06:53My God.
06:55All right.
07:11Maybe you're right, Lita.
07:15Maybe there's nothing that I can do to you.
07:22But I can do something to Matt.
07:25I can make sure that he never sees the birth of our child.
07:32You forget, Lita, I have the power to create life.
07:39And I also have the power to end it.
07:52You know, a few weeks ago, Kane, that would have scared me.
07:58You know, I guess that's what got me into this whole mess in the first place, right?
08:03Well, now I know better.
08:05And after last night, I know Matt Hardy can fight his own battles.
08:10And you know something else I know, Kane?
08:16I do know who the father of my baby is.
08:18And it's not you.
08:22You know how I know?
08:30Because I have been with both of you.
08:35And Matt Hardy is more of a man than you will ever be.
08:43Oh, no.
08:44And that is like.
08:49You know what just happened there, don't you?
08:53Lita pumped Kane out.
08:54It's done.
08:55I've never heard Lita speak her mind.
09:00Kane is not reacting very positively to Lita.
