
  • 2 days ago
00:00Ladies and gentlemen, tonight is the night of next, the finals of the Gold Rush Tournament.
00:10One of these two men, Cain Ridge, will meet Batista for the world title next week.
00:15But they go through each other, and they'll do it next.
00:25Hellfire and Brimstone.
00:27Are we looking at the next number one contender for the heavyweight championship of the world?
00:36The following is the Gold Rush Tournament final match.
00:41Scheduled for a one fall.
00:43Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 320 pounds, Cain.
00:49Cain to the...
00:51Lita got that, still convalescing with that major knee surgery.
00:57Nothing crazy about her outfit this week, I like the one from a couple of weeks ago.
01:01Remember that one?
01:02I do, that red one you're talking about.
01:04I couldn't tell if she was on the inside trying to...
01:06Emphatically, that's what I got out of that conversation.
01:09Physically and emphatically, and he wanted her here to see it.
01:14Down, had been bumped into.
01:16Down he went, did not see the low blow.
01:19But it was a blatant low blow.
01:21If the referee had seen that, we would have a disqualification.
01:25And Cain would be winning this tournament.
01:28And that low baseball slide drop kick, again, may be low.
01:32Cain is in big trouble.
01:33He is in big trouble, he may get counted out right here.
01:35Can Cain recover?
01:39Keep him down.
01:40He's gonna be needing the pressure.
01:42And Ed barely able to slip out the back door.
01:45Oh, look at that look on the face of Cain's wife.
01:48Fever again.
01:50Lita smiling.
01:53You can take the day off.
01:55Lita's got the briefcase for safekeeping.
01:58Man, what a shot to the face by Cain.
02:01Ed just used that briefcase in every match he's won, and now he's briefcaseless.
02:06Wait a minute, wait a minute.
02:08Wait a minute.
02:09Lita dropped the briefcase.
02:10Did she just?
02:12Did this man's wife?
02:15Cain trying to get to the top.
02:17He's, he's.
02:19My God, Cain.
02:22Wait a minute.
02:23What in the hell is going on here?
02:26Lita trying to revive the referee.
02:29Cain headburst into that metal briefcase.
02:33That Lita threw to the edge.
02:37Ed's got the left hook.
02:38Cain's not moving.
02:41There's a counter.
02:42You can't believe this.
02:43Wait a minute.
02:45You got him.
02:50He's been screwed JR.
02:51Cain's been screwed by his own wife.
02:53You're damn right he's been screwed.
02:56Cain has been royally shouted by his own wife and Edge in that damn briefcase.
03:02She screwed Cain.
03:04Look at this.
03:06She's a married woman.
03:09She's a married damn woman.
03:11Just shouting her husband out of a world title match.
03:18My God.
03:19Come on.
03:21Oh man.
03:25This is just making me ill.
03:28They were married for better and for worse.
03:30Lita couldn't have done better but Cain couldn't have done worse.
03:33Look at this.
03:36Can you believe this, JR?
03:37Oh my God.
03:38What have we witnessed here tonight?
03:39I mean, come on.
03:40Think about it.
03:42Has Edge destroyed this relationship?
03:45Is that his goal?
03:46Is that the kind of man that he is?
03:49I know one thing.
03:50The Dirty Rotten Bastard's going to wrestle for the world title next Monday night in Green Bay.
03:56You can't call him a Dirty Rotten Bastard.
03:58The hell I can't.
04:01I'm not going to call her what I'm thinking.
04:04She screwed Cain.
04:09Cain trying to set up.
04:11He's head-drilling it.
04:14Think about it.
04:18I don't think he can believe what he's seen.
04:22Now what?
04:24No, no, no.
04:25Don't do this.
04:26That was Cain watching.
04:29Oh my God.
04:30He's incredible.
04:33Oh my God.
04:34That's a man's wife.
04:35That's a man's wife.
04:37What the hell are you people thinking here?
04:39What the hell are you thinking?
04:41You'll pay for that someday.
04:43You'll pay for that someday.
04:44What are you thinking?
04:45You damn heartless.
