PT Indo Boga Sukses Tbk (IBOS) mencatatkan pertumbuhan laba bersih sepanjang semester I-2024. Pengelola Restoran D’Monaco ini mengantongi laba sebesar Rp4,83 miliar atau naik 14,05 persen dari periode yang sama 2023 sebesar Rp4,24 miliar.
00:00The manager of the restaurant in Monaco, PT Indo Boga, the success of TBK, recorded a big increase of 4.83 billion rupiahs, or an increase of 14.05 percent from the same period in 2023, as big as 4.24 billion rupiahs.
00:20However, the income of the e-Boss stock exchange is down 12.64 percent to 37.1 billion rupiahs.
00:30PT Indo Boga, the success of TBK, recorded a big increase of 4.83 billion rupiahs, or an increase of 14.05 percent from the same period in 2023, as big as 4.24 billion rupiahs.
00:49The restaurant in Monaco, PT Indo Boga, the success of TBK, recorded a big increase of 4.83 billion rupiahs, or an increase of 14.05 percent from the same period in 2023, as big as 4.24 billion rupiahs.
01:07Based on the product, the fish trade recorded 26.51 billion rupiahs, the food and drink segment recorded an income of 8.68 billion rupiahs, the room segment recorded an income of 1.22 billion rupiahs, and other income of 674.08 million rupiahs.
01:25In the public sector, the company plans to develop a sports cafe that includes the construction of a road that will be used for entry and exit. The company also plans to build a restaurant and bar that become one with the child entity, PT Sofia Berkabadi.
01:39In addition, the company also plans to acquire two companies, PT Java Indo Maju Sejahtera, which is a fast-moving consumer goods company, and PT Rote Karaginan Nusantara.
01:51The acquisition plan is entering the technical due diligence stage, which is expected to be completed at the end of this year.
02:21That's the end of this program, which is the second session closing at 3.30 p.m. WEST INDONESIA, because the future must be ahead. I am Investor Saham, I am Rosalind Jut. Thank you and see you again.