Coco and Wiggy Reaction to powerboat!

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Coco and Wiggy Reaction to powerboat! Live from Fall River, MA
00:00Co-workers, Courtney and Wiggy, who have returned after a near-death experience on Outer Limits SV43.
00:10Who goes first? Courtney?
00:12I'm speechless. Like, that was so fun. I could have been out there all day.
00:16I got very nervous. When we started hitting the bumps, Wiggy turned away and he was, like, touching the window.
00:22And I said, these windows don't roll down. So I got a bit nervous there.
00:26That's when I had to hang up on you guys, because there was at one point, you're doing 80, but it feels like 120.
00:35And so we're doing about $1.15, and we're hitting, like, whatever they are.
00:41Yep, that would be a wave.
00:43And then he's like, he takes his hands off the steering wheel. He's like, I don't worry about it.
00:48And, um, man, I tell you. And then we got up to about, like, 135, 138.
00:54Did you go 138 miles?
00:55Yeah, we went a little bit over 138 at one point. It was, I got the whole thing on video.
00:59It was so fast. It was so fun.
01:02Okay, so you're nervous.
01:03No, I'm addicted.
01:04You're addicted.
01:05Yeah. Put me in Fast and Furious on the water. Like, my hands were in the air. I was hooting and hollering.
01:11Santo needs to buy a boat.
01:13We need to work harder.
01:14That's what we decided.
01:15Gonna have to work harder.
01:16You know what the scariest part of it is? Is that you're going so fast.
01:22Like, if you're on the highway, you're in the lane, so you see what's kind of in front of you.
01:28But, like, boats are going like that, and you're going so fast.
01:33And you can, like, if a boat just happens to go across you.
01:36It's not going to happen. Well, I mean, it does happen.
01:38Yeah, because there's no lanes out there. Everybody's just kind of doing their own thing on the boat.
01:41But if you are a captain, if you have your boating license, you know the way of the water.
01:45Yeah, but you.
01:46Who has right of way.
01:47You run up on things like the little thing, the metal things that are in the water.
01:50The police.
01:51Yeah, you run up on them so fast.
01:54It's like, that's scary.
01:55Also, just to be clear, the person who said earlier on the show, they use the breakdown lane to get ahead of everybody else.
02:04Is concerned that there aren't lanes in the ocean.
02:07Is that.
02:08Yes, I would like some lanes in the ocean.
02:10I just want to be clear about that.
02:11At one point, that boat went across, and I said, can they just do that?
02:15Like, because we're going so fast.
02:19Next thing you know, you're right up on somebody.
02:22Imagine hitting a boat doing 120 miles an hour.
02:26He's right.
02:27Like when I'm going around Castle Island, you'll see these cruise ships and then you see jet skis.
02:32I'm like, how do they.
02:34How does that not happen?
02:35It's a free for all out there.
02:37Well, I'll tell you that I think the rule of the ocean is the bigger one doesn't stop.
02:40So if you're the smaller one, you need to be aware.
02:43Is that what it is?
02:44It takes the bigger one.
02:45It's kind of like, you know, it's like life.
02:47It takes the bigger ones longer to stop.
02:49It's like we can't slow down as quickly as I would recommend it for everybody.
02:53If you can get on it.
02:54If you're like.
02:55So did you overcome your fear?
02:56I listen.
02:57I was scared the whole time.
02:58I ain't gonna lie.
02:59I know.
03:00But now when I get back on it, would you get on any kind of any kind of speedboat?
03:04No, I prefer like sitting right now.
03:06I know you like that.
03:07But would you know?
03:09I probably wouldn't do it.
03:11So it's not going to become something.
03:13No, no, no, no.
03:14Cruising at like 40 miles an hour.
03:17It was unbelievable.
03:19Like, I'm so happy.
03:20I'm so happy.
03:21I did it.
03:22I'm so happy.
03:23I didn't eat anything before, but I'm so happy.
03:25They are beautiful, beautiful, comfortable.
03:28The seats are so comfortable.
03:30Yeah, it was just in the right in front of Wiggy.
03:32He had the speedometer.
03:36And I couldn't really see that.
03:37So I kept yelling to Wiggy.
03:38What are we at?
03:39What are we at?
03:40It was.
03:42Can you see anything?
03:43Like, I mean, you're going 130.
03:46Well, that's what I'm saying.
03:47It's not like a blur.
03:48No, no.
03:49But everything that's in front of you is on you quick.
03:51So that's what makes you nervous.
03:52And, you know, I don't go on many boats, but it feels like you're going faster than you actually are.
04:00When we were doing like 60 and the turn, I felt like it was we were going way faster than that.
04:06We were doing 75 and it felt like we were doing 100.
04:10For some reason, boats feel faster than cars.
04:12Well, we want to thank Dan and everybody.
04:15Everybody at Outer Limits.
04:16Good job.
04:17They were great.
04:18Keeping our guys safe.
04:19He brought us home.
04:20Way to bring us home.
04:21I felt like Trump.
04:22I got up with a fist pump.
04:23Like I survived.
04:25That was my moment.
04:26Almost as iconic.
04:27Do you have any kind of a bandage?
04:28Are you wearing any kind of a bandage?
04:29No, no.
04:30I didn't have no bandage.
04:31So I just gave up the Trump fist pump.
04:32Is that the greatest bandage of all time?
04:33It probably is.
04:34Who else is in the running?
04:35Kurt Schilling, Bloody Sock.
04:37All right.
04:39That's about it.
04:41No, the bandaid on the ear started a movement.
04:42Oh, the Nelly bandaid on the ear.
04:44I was going to say Nelly bandaid.
04:45That's true.
04:46No, but I would recommend if, I don't know if they like random where they take people
04:48I hope they don't rent them to random people.
04:50You don't really have a license.
04:51I could never drive that thing.
04:54A million years.
04:55What's going on?
04:57You need a license?
04:58I don't know.
04:59I don't know.
05:00I don't know.
05:01I don't know.
05:02I don't know.
05:03I don't know if he's in the band.
05:04What's going on?
05:05You need a fan?
05:06Oh shoot.
05:07It's a mystery fan.
05:08It's like a Mr. too.
05:09Well, that's Nicole.
05:10We should thank Mike and Nicole, our hosts here.
05:12Give a round of applause for them for having us here.
05:15Wiggy, this feels, it was hot in the boat.
05:17We had a little breeze though, but it wasn't bad.
05:18When we first got in, Wiggy's like, Courtney, are you hot back there?
05:21I was sweating.
05:22How can you not?
05:23I mean, you're going 130 miles an hour.
05:24I would assume there's a breeze.
05:25There's a little, but when they stuff you.
05:26You're not a bigger guy.
05:28Are you sure it was sweat and not pee?
05:31Did you have trouble getting in and out of it?
05:35Courtney, they're roomy for Courtney,
05:37but for us bigger guys, Greg, it's like, you know.
05:40Not so roomy.
05:41Does this make you change your mind about, like,
05:42NASCAR drivers being athletes?
05:44Oh, I said, listen, I'm not still,
05:47they're still not athletes.
05:49But you've got to be, you've got to have some balls.
05:52And that takes a lot out of you.
05:53Courtney doesn't consider them as, like, you know, like,
05:57I consider the car the athlete.
05:59Yeah, but no way.
06:00When you're in that thing and it's throwing you around
06:02and you gotta, you gotta engage your core.
06:05Well, it's pretty, I mean, you look at those who do that,
06:08do the NASCAR version on the water,
06:12like trying to set the speed records and stuff.
06:14Like that's, hell no, that's ballsy.
06:19I would rather run across the middle with no helmet on
06:22than have to, like, try to see how fast
06:27I can get that thing to go or race it like NASCAR.
06:31How quickly does it decelerate?
06:32Like how fast were you from 140 to?
06:34You can't decelerate.
06:36It doesn't quickly decelerate
06:39because if you hit the brakes, I mean, I can only imagine.
06:42Oh, right.
06:43Yeah, so you gotta go from like, you go from like 140
06:45and then you're like down to like 120,
06:47but you don't just, you know.
06:48You have to slowly do it.
06:49It's scary when you do decelerate.
06:51That for me would be the scariest.
06:52Yeah, that's the scariest part.
06:53The deceleration was when the guy asked you
06:56to move to the front.
06:57That was what.
06:58Yeah, it wouldn't have mattered.
06:59As fast as we were going,
07:01I needed about an extra 40 or 50 pounds.
07:03Did you go up in the air?
07:05I've been on one of those one time.
07:06And when you go up in the air over a wave,
07:08you don't hear anything.
07:09The engine stops and then it comes back down.
07:12No, we were smooth out there.
07:13Courtney will tell you when we first come out,
07:15we started hitting those things.
07:16You did not like that.
07:17No, I was super nervous.
07:18And the guy told me, Dan, the driver,
07:20he said, they'll go into like 10 foot waves.
07:23And then just take off.
07:25No, thank you.
07:26Yeah, that's what, he was,
07:27I thought he, I think he wanted to get a little bit more
07:29like, you know, tricky,
07:31but I was like, hey, slow it down.
07:34All right.
07:35Well, we are, it's a Flex Friday at the Tipsy,
07:39the Tipsy Seagull.
07:40Yeah, Tipsy Seagull, Fall River.
07:43Unbelievable place.
07:44Our first time here and we will be back.
07:46Actually, we'll probably be here for most of the day.
07:49And then we're going to Newport for lunch and whatever.
07:51You getting on one of those, like similar like that?
07:53Yes, we're going on a boat like that over to Newport,
07:55Courtney and I.
07:56You'll love it.
07:57And then I'm going to make a weekend,
07:58make a weekend of it in Newport.
07:59Double date, you, Lindsay, me, and Bobes.
