Pres. Maduro | "This news is censored, they do not want the world to know"

  • last month
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro offers statements on a press conference with national and international media in the Miraflores Palace, Caracas, Venezuela. teleSUR


00:00has to have justice and protection to peace of all the Venezuelans that's why I went on Wednesday
00:10to activate a highest mechanism of the constitution and I demanded and asked I
00:17asked the people of Venezuela to all the Venezuelans to all men and women of Venezuela
00:22their most understanding and support so that the activation of this mechanism
00:30in the in the constitution clears clears out everything all the lies all the manipulations
00:40about they try to mount a coup a cyber coup which is in on the way against
00:50the people and against the democracy the United States of America is now leading this coup
00:59with their with this ally of always they they try to mount to to stage a new version
01:07a few old version of Guaido a film in a second part Guaido part two very
01:19destroyed morally politically of all points of view
01:25they have used all the the electoral campaign to try to arm a new force
01:31on one side criminals fascist criminals
01:36to attack threatening with hate with and on the other side a number of Venezuelans
01:45that have been opposite on the opposition or in the opposition and to whom we have always
01:53sent a message don't let yourself be dragged again to account to a coup don't let yourself
02:00be deceived again to a new coup don't let yourself carried away to where they want to
02:06want to to carry you away don't let them do that they are very dirty plans around
02:13and I'm going to denounce them above all today which is a peaceful day
02:18today is a day of constitutionality because we have gone to an to a unique act
02:27the 10 presidential candidates have been summoned there's no excuse not to attend
02:33when when when you have a summon from the highest supreme court you have to go you have to attend
02:39so only a force majeure things can justify before the tribunal before the court
02:47if they accept that you don't go to a to a summon only a major force it's already
02:55happened that Gonzalo Urrutia didn't attend to this call from the highest he was a candidate
03:04when he was summoned when we had to agree on the cost to respect the results of the election
03:11and to recognize the results of the electoral elections on the july 28th
03:17there were multiple calls and call fraud of the sector of the extreme radical
03:25right which is criminal and violent of Venezuela the call of fraud multiple call of fraud we're
03:32going to show that so that you can have an idea again what is this plan coup plan is about
03:40this is a coup led and directed by the united states of america and the international fascist
03:46the right fascist with Elon musk melee and all that gangs of extremists of fascist and
03:57of wild capitalism in the world
04:05we nine of ten candidates went today
04:10of different
04:13systems of performing or act or thinking we we abiding
04:22uh and complying with the call of the highest why this Gonzalo Urrutia didn't go why doesn't
04:28he show his face they justified we have the evidence i can show that
04:38we have the evidence that they said that the unitary platform was not in consensus to go and
04:45in the end this lady machado without consulting anyone said you're not going
04:58she treats him like a puppet she treats him like a
05:06like a doll and she told him you're not going because in the morning he said he was going
05:10but afterwards he received the order you're not going
05:18because they don't want to recognize any institution they don't want to recognize
05:21the mechanisms national and sovereign mechanisms of Venezuela they only want to maintain
05:28the show of the farce to have a narrative to justify new coups new violence
05:38new destabilization situations
05:43and many other things that i will denounce right away
05:51so we nine candidates we went at this time after revising after reviewing
05:59all the news from the United States from Europe and from Latin America
06:06there is a silence of this news in the world this news is censored banned covered silenced
06:19because they don't want the world to know that in Venezuela there is a constitution
06:26there are strong institutions and the electoral chamber
06:32has already began to investigate and to decide this deal this issue electoral issue
06:42like it happens
06:46when there was also an electoral contentious the electoral conflict in 2000 the year 2000
06:53between candidate Al Gore in the democratic party and George W. Bush
07:02known at that time as Bush son
