• last year
Venezuelan reelected President Nicolas Maduro answers the question from Madelein Garcia, teleSUR correspondent in Venezuela, in an international press conference in the Miraflores Palace.


00:00Precisely, to go to the tribunal, to the court, is to be, to just to be served.
00:05The following question is by Madeleine Garcia from TELESUR.
00:10Hello, President.
00:17What is left to do now, after you presented to the highest court of justice, how you said
00:27that you have said that we have defeated the coup plan, what is going to happen now with
00:35the people that you said that are the leaders of these groups, Gonzales Urrutia and Maria
00:43Corrina Machado?
00:45If you ask my opinion, as citizen, I tell you that these people have to be in prison,
00:55behind bars, and justice has to be served in Venezuela.
00:58We cannot allow another Lopoldo Lopez and another Guaidó, part two.
01:03I'm a head of state, head of government, chief of the armed forces of Venezuela, armed forces.
01:09This humble bus driver that you see here from Caracas, from the neighborhood of Caracas.
01:16Even today, there are days, Padrino Ceballos, Delci, Silvia knows that.
01:24There are days, even today, at this time that I say, President, Nico President, sometimes
01:34I think about it.
01:36You would say, as a good advisor, don't say that, President.
01:40Surely Silvia would say that, don't say that.
01:42But even today, I ask myself, I'm a president, Nico, from a lowland, Nico, a bus driver.
01:50Why I'm here?
01:52Why, how did I come here?
01:55Sometimes I wonder myself how, but don't believe because I am in doubt, because I'm here, because
02:03I'm here because of courage, and each time I have more courage, and I'm also more committed
02:12with the people, because it's not the peace for the chavismo, it's the peace for the whole
02:17population and the whole right, the right to prosperity, to go on, to move on, to safeguard
02:25their life, economic life and social life.
02:29If they ask, if Madeleine, if you ask me, what should happen now with the coward and
02:35the criminal of Gonzalez Urrutia, and with the fascist of the far right, criminal far
02:41right, known by the people of the Sayona, surnamed Machado, as a head of state, I will
02:50tell you, I ask that justice be served, and they should be, instead of being hiding, to
02:58show up and show their face before the prosecutor's office, instead of fleeing, instead of going
03:08away and calling the insurrection to the criminal groups, I only tell Gonzalez Urrutia,
03:15you participate in the massacre of Jesuits, of the monks, of the nuns, of Monsignor Romero,
03:23saint of the people, you participated, Gonzalez Urrutia.
03:29By then, you were a CIA agent, and you put the embassy of Venezuela to ease and to support
03:37the squadron of death, squadron, many elements, many documents.
03:44We saw documents with your name.
03:45Nobody knew who you were.
03:47Now everything has a sense.
03:51Your criminal groups, all of them, that prepared, utilized the electoral campaign to mount
03:58down the infamous comanditos, all of them will be dismantled with law, and they will
04:08pay all the damage that they created to the hospitals, to the buses, to the mayors, to
04:18the city halls, the assassination of officers, military officers, of police officers, of
04:24You will pay for your crime.
04:28I have an evidence here.
04:29Let's see the evidence of a Roberto Lugo case complete, so that I can answer, Madeline,
04:35because I say there have been justices, they have to be behind the bars, because it can
04:43be possible that a worker goes in his neighborhood, in Roberto Lugo, the day he's brought down
04:49his car, they beat him, they injured him, and they burned the car.
04:56Then this man will have a new car.
04:59How much sacrifice he had done to have his car.
05:04So Gonzales Urrutia, Mr. Machado, your criminal gangs that have a runner of attack were captured,
05:11and now they are waiting no less than 30 years.
05:15That's what I say as a head of state, and as a citizen.
05:18Let's see now.
