War Between Israel & Iran On Tisha B'Av?-NOW THE END BEGINS-AUG 2 2024

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On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, today is Day 301 of the Israel-Hamas War in Gaza, it is Day 1,600 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve, and the possibility of all-out regional war in the Middle East between Iran and Israel is at an all-time high. At this very moment, the IDF is on high alert and the United States has sent an armada of warships to the coasts of Lebanon. Israelis have been told to expect a minimum of a thousand rockets to rain down on this, possibly this weekend, from Iran and her myriad proxies. Israel is 100% committed and there is no turning back at this point as a three-front war beckons. Today we bring you all the breaking news about the seemingly unstoppable ramp up to war in the Middle East, and end times updates from around the globe, see you there!
00:00:00Welcome to the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast with your host and Bible teacher, Jeffrey Greider.
00:00:08Rightly divided, dispensationally correct, and standing on the authority of the King James Holy
00:00:14Bible. This program is brought to you by NowTheNBegins.com. And good afternoon, everybody.
00:00:22Happy Friday and welcome to this edition of the Prophecy News Podcast. Today, all-out regional
00:00:29war between Israel and Iran in the Middle East is right now the closest it has been since 1948.
00:00:37For years, Israel and Iran have been preparing for the moment when the two adversaries will
00:00:43enter into a direct conflict. Sworn enemies, the armies of both countries have trained
00:00:48for such a scenario. The twin assassinations of two prominent anti-Israeli terrorist
00:00:54leaders just hours apart earlier this week have brought this scenario the closest it has ever been
00:01:01before. Daniel 10, verse 1. In the third year of Cyrus, king of Persia, a thing was revealed
00:01:09unto Daniel, whose name is Belteshazzar. And the thing was true, but the time appointed was long.
00:01:16And he understood the thing and had understanding of the vision. Today is day 301 of the
00:01:24Israel-Hamas war in Gaza. It is day 1,600 of 15 days to flatten the curve. And the possibility
00:01:33of all-out regional war in the Middle East between Iran and Israel is at an all-time high.
00:01:39At this very moment, the IDF is on high alert and the United States has sent an armada of warships
00:01:46to the coasts of Lebanon. Israelis have been told to expect a minimum of a thousand rockets
00:01:53to rain down on them, possibly this weekend, from Iran and her myriad proxies. Israel is 100%
00:02:01committed and there is no turning back at this point as a three-front war beckons. Today we bring
00:02:09you all the breaking news about the seemingly unstoppable ramp-up to war in the Middle East
00:02:15and End Times updates from around the globe. Heavenly Father, we thank you, Lord, for your
00:02:22goodness and your mercy. We thank you, God, for waking us up today, for putting food on the table
00:02:28and clothes on our back and a roof over our head. And, Lord, today we pray for lost souls.
00:02:36Laurie Anne's grandfather Irvin, Mark Fennell, Kevin Thompson asking prayer for his father Tim,
00:02:42Steve Graves, Elga. Rob is asking salvation prayer for his three children, Max, Olivia, and Mikey.
00:02:51Phyllis T. asking salvation prayer for her husband. Retired Captain Brian A. Robbins,
00:02:57he needs to get saved. Todd Broome's brother Thad, Marie's friend's family, Ashley, Dayton, Alyssa,
00:03:04Kyle, Brandon, Grace, Micah, and Macy. Adam and Katie praying for parents, sisters, and other
00:03:11family members to get saved. Joe Russiello asking prayer for his mom, sister, granddaughter,
00:03:18and in-laws. Ellen praying for her grandsons, Brayden and Logan. His Grace is asking prayer
00:03:25for Rob, Summer, Sue and Mike, Carl, Jason and Rachel, and Jason and Carrie. Lola's son, William,
00:03:34and his wife, Lindsay, need to get saved. Hannah's mom, Anja, asking prayer for Hanu, John, Charles,
00:03:42and Anna-Lilsa. Dave Evans asking salvation prayer for Taylor. Viviana for her brother,
00:03:49Javier Reyes. Adam and Katie asking prayer for their neighbors, Jason, Eddie, and Brian.
00:03:57Loretta Oates for her sons, Kenny and Matthew. Jane for her son, Troy. Julie Lynn for her friend,
00:04:04Katie-Ann. And Rita in Colorado is asking salvation prayer for her son, Dan. People who
00:04:13need a healing today. Pastor James Knox has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. M. Nance says,
00:04:22please pray for my wife, diagnosed with heart failure from an infection. Pastor Mike Veach
00:04:28was in an accident a few weeks ago and he lost his leg. Nihal Pereira, please pray for my wife,
00:04:36Chandrika. She has stage four cancer in multiple places. Teresa S. has had a positive result on
00:04:43her lung biopsy, and we are praying for that. Lulu, please add my sister's friend, Charlene,
00:04:50to the prayer list. She has liver cancer, and I do not think she knows Jesus. Also, Lulu has a
00:04:58massive prayer and praise report. Her Navy Girl daughter got saved last weekend and got baptized,
00:05:10and we rejoice with Lulu that her Navy Girl has gotten saved and baptized, and what a blessing
00:05:18that is. We have prayed for her for a long, long time. Shira Shine, Joshua Blake is having brain
00:05:26surgery. Kathy, asking for prayer that her job will give her different hours so she can attend
00:05:33more church services. Wes is having a possible cardiovascular issue with his health. Please pray
00:05:43for a full healing for Wes. Laurieann, please pray for Aunt Dorothy with a brain tumor. Amber,
00:05:50asking prayer for Jamie with stage four brain cancer. Adrian Brita, please pray for my father
00:05:57who has been diagnosed with melanoma. Alicia, for mental health recovery. Sadie, for wisdom and
00:06:05guidance. Heather, Lyme disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Daniel R., mental and emotional support
00:06:12needed. Jen, for God to lift my grief and replace it with his strength, for salvation for my family
00:06:19and reconciliation for my daughter. Alicia, for mental health recovery. Jeff Ward's wife, Amanda,
00:06:27as she goes through cervical cancer. Amber, for a complete healing and peace. Angela, please pray
00:06:34for my sister-in-law Gail with stage four kidney disease on dialysis, and for my brother Larry to
00:06:42get saved. Also, Angela is having a long recovery time from oral surgery, and please pray for a full
00:06:50healing for that. Catherine B., is asking prayer that she would be able to get off of dialysis.
00:06:58Please pray for Catherine B. Linda's sister Maryann has rheumatoid arthritis. Asher, please pray for
00:07:06my mom Juanita. Please pray for my daughter Madison battling depression, unsaved family members, and
00:07:13also please pray for anxiety. Gail has an unspoken. Stephanie, please pray for my husband Andy's battle
00:07:22with alcohol and for him to get saved. Krista, battling breast cancer. Michelle Christian, battling
00:07:28bone cancer. Amanda Emaw, battling breast cancer. Gail says, please pray for Katie. She needs a liver
00:07:36transplant. Annetta needs a complete healing after having a stroke. Marsha Swanson has myalgic
00:07:43encephalomyelitis. George H., for health issues. James Revet, mental health. Robert Wiley is battling
00:07:53ALS disease, and we're praying for him and his wife Lisa, that God would continue to take care of
00:08:00all their needs. Jill Puckett, losing her vision. Dina, running for soil and water conservation
00:08:07supervisor. Please pray the Lord's will there. Cindy Kettelkamp, prayers for Brooke have resulted
00:08:17in much improvement in her condition, and please pray that Brooke would be able to be moved to a
00:08:24facility in Iowa closer to her family. Dan Cain, please pray for wife Roxy with MS. Rob, my friend
00:08:32Mike with MS, is struggling. Roz has asthma and scoliosis. Maddie Luck has lewdy body dementia,
00:08:40and her daughter has fibromyalgia. Tracy has severe arthritis, diabetes type 2, and a fatty
00:08:47liver. Melissa B.'s husband Brian has stage 3 kidney disease. Ricky Gouda needs prayer for her
00:08:54eyesight, as does Kathy Heald, Robert Heald, Aunt Linda, and Teresa G. Terry Horn has had several
00:09:05strokes. Dave Evans' friend Manuela has vasculitis. Wayne has cancer and needs to get saved. Linda
00:09:15Benjamin, we're praying for overall health and memory problems. Berta and Mike Crabb having
00:09:21health issues, and we are praying for them. Ladies who are expecting, Marilyn Lenore's granddaughter
00:09:28-in-law Tori, Tanya, her son Vincent, and his fiancee Sarah, CJ's daughter-in-law Emily, Debra
00:09:37Mack's friend Gwen, Lauren expecting in December, and Lola W.'s daughter-in-law Lindsay White
00:09:45expecting in March of 2025. Let's go to the chat room, and well, we don't have any prayer requests
00:09:53from the chat room today. If we do, we'll let you know. Heavenly Father, we come before you today
00:10:07as all these crazy things are going on in the world, and Lord, we just want to stay in your
00:10:16book and keep our eyes on you, and Father God, every one of these prayers, large and small,
00:10:24we ask you to work and move as only you can, and heal, protect, guide, provide, restore, give clarity,
00:10:34give comfort, give healing for the brokenhearted and those who are broken in spirit, and Father
00:10:42God, we just ask that each and every one of these prayers, you will answer for your glory, for our
00:10:49good, and we ask all of these things in Jesus' name, amen. Amen. Good afternoon, everybody. Happy Friday.
00:11:00Welcome to the Prophecy News Podcast. We have a full plate today. We have so much that we need to
00:11:08talk about. Israel, Iran, Lebanon, Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinian Jihad Islamic Army,
00:11:19you name it, all the major players are at the table, and it looks like this thing is getting
00:11:27ready to go. So, let's just get up to speed with what's going on in Israel right now.
00:11:44Hello and welcome to the CBN News YouTube Live Update from Jerusalem. I'm Chris Mitchell.
00:11:49Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has ordered a direct strike on Israel
00:11:54after the killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran. In Israel and throughout
00:12:00the Middle East, citizens, foreign nationals, businesses, and military personnel
00:12:04are preparing for the possibility of a regional war. Take a look.
00:12:10Many expect Iran, along with its regional proxy groups, is preparing an even larger attack than
00:12:17when it launched more than 350 missiles, rockets, drones, and UAVs into Israel on April 13th.
00:12:24The IDF's chief spokesman announced the military is on high alert
00:12:28for the possible attack that may come on multiple fronts all at once.
00:12:35Both in defense and in attack, IDF forces are deployed in the air, at sea, and on land,
00:12:40and are prepared for any scenario, and especially for the attack plans in the immediate time frame.
00:12:45With the prospect of an all-out war, on Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
00:12:51met with the home front command. Former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren,
00:12:56now back in uniform with the Israeli military, tells CBN News Israel is ready.
00:13:02We are prepared for every possible contingency, every possible scenario,
00:13:09and anybody who strikes us will pay a very, very high price.
00:13:12How would you describe the state of readiness of the IDF right now?
00:13:15Very high. Very high. I'm talking to you from the north, from the northern border,
00:13:21and the level of alert here is very high.
00:13:23Israel is coordinating with an international coalition to face potential attacks,
00:13:29and following a call between Netanyahu and President Biden, the U.S. said it's committed
00:13:35to Israel's security from Iranian threats, and announced new U.S. military deployments.
00:13:42Iran's Speaker of Parliament blamed both Israel and the U.S. for the killing of Hamas leader
00:13:47Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, and vowed a massive retaliation at the proper time and place.
00:13:57All right, so we're going to put that on hold for just a second as we get up to speed with
00:14:02what's happening in Israel. This week, Israel took out multiple top leaders in Hamas. He took
00:14:12out two of the three main leaders who run the entire organization, and of course with Ismail
00:14:21Haniyeh, he got taken out in Iran while he slept in his bed. As a result of all these things,
00:14:32the United States has sent an armada of 12 different warships, including the USS Theodore
00:14:41Roosevelt, to Lebanon, and the United States is putting things into place, and by all of the
00:14:50available news channels that we have been able to listen to, a big, big event is about to take place.
00:14:59On the Jerusalem Post earlier today, there was an article saying that
00:15:07the Israeli government is telling their people to be prepared and ready for up to a thousand rockets
00:15:16being fired on them from the northern border, and possibly from Iran as well.
00:15:23The rising Zionist regime should know that it will pay a heavy price for this cowardly
00:15:27The New York Times reporting that Haniyeh was killed by a bomb planted in his apartment two
00:15:31months ago, and Hezbollah is issuing threats as well. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said
00:15:37Thursday Israel will weep for killing its top commander and warn that the war with Israel has
00:15:44entered a new phase. The enemy and those behind the enemy must wage war on each other, and
00:15:51a new phase. The enemy and those behind the enemy must wait for our inevitable reaction.
00:15:59God willing, there is no discussion or controversy about this. It is time to end the charade
00:16:06that the world is playing when it comes to Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. They're one in the same.
00:16:13U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham is proposing a resolution that any escalation by Hezbollah
00:16:19against Israel should be viewed as an attack by Iran, and says Israel should go on the offense.
00:16:26It is time to hit the Ayatollah in the pocketbook. His oil refineries are the lifeblood
00:16:33of his regime. Without those refineries, they would not be able to fund terrorism.
00:16:40Despite the anticipated attack from
00:16:42Hezbollah, Israel will not be able to fund terrorism.
00:16:44Now, did you hear what Lindsey Graham said? That without the level of funding that Iran has,
00:16:53they would not be able to keep sponsoring all of the terrorist proxies that they sponsor.
00:17:01And that has always been an issue with the Biden administration. And if you remember what
00:17:10Barack Obama did back when he was president and Joe Biden was vice president, and they released
00:17:18all those billions of dollars in funds back to the Iranian nation, which gave them the ability
00:17:27to fund all of these terror proxy groups that they have in Yemen, Iraq, and Lebanon.
00:17:37And let me just pull up this article here from November 15th of 2023. Joe Biden administration
00:17:47extends sanctions waiver, giving Iran access to $10 billion as missiles from Iranian proxies
00:17:58rain down on US troops. So over a year ago, Joe Biden was making it possible for the Iranian nation
00:18:13to wage war on Israel through their terror proxies by making sure that money that's supposed to be
00:18:20frozen gets unfrozen and gets sent to the bank accounts of the Iranian government.
00:18:30And without these type of actions, you wouldn't see Iran operating at the level that it does.
00:18:39It costs billions of dollars to fund Hezbollah and to fund the Houthi rebels and
00:18:48the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. It costs billions and billions of dollars to do that.
00:18:58And the Obama administration made sure Iran had all the money that they needed,
00:19:05just as the Biden administration is making sure that Iran has all the money that they need.
00:19:13Multiple enemies. Most Israelis are thrilled at the news that Israeli athletes won two medals
00:19:19at the Olympic Games in Paris. Many see this as a sign of Israeli resilience in the face of threats
00:19:24to the very existence of their country. You know, you can see that resilience in today's Jerusalem
00:19:30Post. You see the pictures of the two. All right. That's enough of that clip. But you get the idea.
00:19:37Iran has said that they are going to attack Israel. And in just a couple of minutes,
00:19:45I'm going to give you, there is a date that the chatter on all the inside channels,
00:19:51the governmental channels, there is a date that they believe is the likely date that Iran
00:19:58is going to attack the nation of Israel. And we will get to that in just a couple of minutes.
00:20:06And we will let you know when these things are supposed to be taking place. But, but,
00:20:16regardless of date prediction, Iran could attack at any moment. Hezbollah could attack at any
00:20:27moment. Hamas has been highly truncated. And over the last 300 days, Israel has gone to very
00:20:38great lengths to limit the offensive capability of Hamas. But Hamas is not gone. Hamas is not dead.
00:20:48And Israel still has to keep an eye over their shoulder for rocket strikes from Hamas.
00:20:56And joining us for the very latest on this is Dr. Malcolm Davis, Senior Analyst in Defense Strategy
00:21:01and Capability at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute. Dr. Davis, thanks very much indeed for
00:21:06talking to us this afternoon. Now, let me begin by asking you, are we looking at the possibility
00:21:11for full scale war in the region that includes Iran, Iraq, Yemen and Syria and their proxies
00:21:17on one side and Israel and possibly its allies on the other?
00:21:20I think the answer is definitely yes. I think that this attack by the Israelis against that
00:21:26killed the Hamas leader occurred in Tehran. Whether it was an airstrike or whether it was a pre-deployed
00:21:33bomb, it occurred inside Iranian territory. So the Iranians will retaliate against that.
00:21:38And the question is, how do they do it? When do they do it? And how do the Israelis retaliate
00:21:44in response to that Iranian attack? And I think the real danger here is of an escalatory cycle,
00:21:50a tit-for-tat response going back and forth between Iran and its proxies against Israel and its allies
00:21:56that ultimately leads to a much wider war. So I think, unfortunately, the answer is yes,
00:22:00we are facing that wider war now. Right. So that is certainly a very worrying scenario as we speak.
00:22:07But how does Iran match up to Israel's military presence in the region?
00:22:11How does Iran match up to Israel's military prowess? What are the airstrikes and interception
00:22:15capabilities of Iran and Israel if we were to compare? Well, I think when you look at the
00:22:21April attacks that were conducted by Iran against Israel, the way they coordinated those attacks,
00:22:29they gave Israel's air defence and missile defence alongside US defensive systems time
00:22:37to intercept the attack. I think this time around, the Iranians probably won't be doing that. They
00:22:43will be doing a much more larger scale coordinated attack across multiple fronts that would bring in
00:22:49Hezbollah at the same time as attacks by the Iranians themselves, attacks by groups in Iraq
00:22:55and Syria, and also attacks by Hamas. And so I think that you will see a much more challenging
00:23:02tactical military situation being faced by the Israelis in terms of defending their airspace.
00:23:08Obviously, the Americans will assist where they can, but it's quite possible
00:23:12that on this occasion, the Iranian response will be much more devastating,
00:23:17much more effective than it was in April. Okay, that's an important point you're making there. But
00:23:21let me ask you then, has Israel overstepped here by carrying out these audacious attacks
00:23:26inside of Iran and in Lebanon, in Beirut? Well, I think what the Israelis are trying
00:23:32to do is take out the leadership of the adversaries that they face, particularly in
00:23:37terms of Hamas, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, as well as potentially Hezbollah.
00:23:44And I think that the strategy they seem to be following is by taking out the leadership,
00:23:49it makes the actual fighting forces of their enemies much less effective and thus gives the
00:23:54Israeli Defense Forces an advantage. The risk, of course, is that in doing that, particularly
00:24:00with attacks inside Iran, they generate the very escalatory response they're trying to avoid. So
00:24:05have they stepped over the mark here? I'm not sure because ultimately they do have to
00:24:10win against Hamas. They can't afford to allow Hamas to win. So the lady is asking him,
00:24:15what are the chances of a regional war between Israel, Iran, Lebanon, Gaza, Yemen, Iraq,
00:24:32and possibly Egypt? And you heard him say that the chances of a war like that
00:24:38are very, very high. They are extremely likely. Israel has been battling Hamas in Gaza. Let me get
00:24:48an exact date count for you. Israel has been battling Hamas in Gaza for 301 days,
00:24:59and there's no let up in sight. We have been anticipating for the past couple of weeks
00:25:07that a second front is going to break out between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon. And now we have
00:25:15this strike that Iran has promised is coming to the nation of Israel. And so what everyone is
00:25:26starting to say that all of these things are going to likely come together at the same time.
00:25:34And let me show you what I mean. Turn to Psalm 83. Turn to Psalm 83 in your King James Bible,
00:25:44and I want to show you what I'm talking about. Psalm 83, verse 1.
00:25:52Keep not thou silence, O God. Hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. For lo, thine enemies
00:25:59make a tumult, and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. They have taken crafty counsel against
00:26:05thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. They have said, Come and let us cut them off from
00:26:13being a nation, that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted
00:26:20together with one consent. They are confederate against thee. Now you heard of something called
00:26:29the Six-Day War. And the Six-Day War was a war that took place back in the late 1960s,
00:26:38and five Muslim nations conspired together to come and attack the nation of Israel.
00:26:49Five Muslim nations conspired together to come and attack the nation of Israel, and they call it the
00:26:59Six-Day War because the war only lasted for six days. Now that was not just a military victory.
00:27:11With the odds that were against Israel, 19 years after they were regathered in 1948,
00:27:22and their armies were small, their military was small, they were nowhere near the powerhouse that
00:27:29they are today. And when the Six-Day War started, even the Jewish people did not have a high
00:27:38expectation of winning. They were hoping just to minimize the damage. That's what they were
00:27:46really looking to do. And they were just as shocked and surprised as anybody else
00:27:56when the war turned in their favor to an unbelievably high degree. So back in 1967,
00:28:06you have the Six-Day War, which was a conspiracy between five Muslim nations
00:28:14to come and attack the nation of Israel, and God gave them a victory in an unbelievable way.
00:28:23Now, I submit to you that it is highly possible—highly possible—that the attack is not
00:28:36going to come just from Hezbollah. It's not going to just come from Hamas or the Houthi rebels. It's
00:28:43not going to just come from the nation of Iran. But I submit to you that when this attack comes,
00:28:51be it today or tomorrow or next week or on that date that everybody says it's
00:29:00highly likely, it's going to come as a multi-nation conspiracy.
00:29:08It is going to come as a multi-nation conspiracy.
00:29:14So joining me now, retired Navy Captain Brent Sadler. He is Senior Research Fellow for Naval
00:29:19Warfare and Advanced Technology at the Heritage Foundation's Allison Center
00:29:23for National Security. Brent, good to have you here today. Your thoughts on these huge
00:29:28explosive developments in the Middle East, these two killings within 48 hours that appear to be
00:29:36carried out by Israel in their effort to fight back against Iran and their proxies.
00:29:42Well, thanks for having me on. These last 24 hours have been remarkable, for sure.
00:29:47Taking out the leader of Hamas, a terror organization, a man with 17 American lives
00:29:53on his hands, finally meeting his demise. And then, of course, you've got the senior military
00:29:59leader, Tehezbollah, responsible for an attack that killed children in the Golan Heights,
00:30:04the northern Israel area, just also within the last day or so. So serious, significant events.
00:30:10I think Iran is likely to respond, but I think it's going to be probably a lot more muted than
00:30:16it was in April when it responded to those large number of killings of IRGC generals and senior
00:30:22leadership in Syria. Now, let me just say that that guy may be an expert, but I respectfully
00:30:30disagree with his opinion. It is not going to be a muted response. It is highly likely going to be a
00:30:39coordinated regional response. It is going to be a multi-nation, multi-faction, multi-group
00:30:48response against Israel. And the attempt is going to be to try and overwhelm them
00:30:55at the same time, a blitzkrieg, if you will. Syria earlier this year, again, Iran operates
00:31:04its influence through its IRGC, through the region, and you sever that, they lose a lot of
00:31:08power and influence. And that's actually what's at stake with these leaders being taken off the board.
00:31:16This is Antony Blinken, the Secretary of State, talking about American,
00:31:20U.S. knowledge of any of this. Let's watch.
00:31:24This is something we were not aware of or involved in. The best way to bring temperature down
00:31:31everywhere and to put us on a better path is through a ceasefire in Gaza.
00:31:36Your thoughts on that, sir?
00:31:39Might have been worthwhile not having this administration cut into the loop to make sure
00:31:45that whatever, whoever was planning these attacks would be successful for operational security.
00:31:50Let me just say that I don't see a ceasefire in Gaza happening anytime soon. That is a ridiculous
00:31:58notion. Israel right now, for better or for worse, Israel is past the idea of a ceasefire.
00:32:09Israel is past the idea of negotiating for hostages. In the past week, Israel has taken out
00:32:20high-ranking leaders in Hamas and Hezbollah. The days of negotiating have come to an end.
00:32:30And I do not see how that is ever going to take place now. Israel, they struck at the top.
00:32:41What they did was absolutely spectacular, but it comes with a high price tag.
00:32:50Whatever opportunities that they may have had for hostage negotiations and ceasefires,
00:32:57that is gone, gone, long gone.
00:33:02I would think if Israel was behind it, there would have been at least some forewarning to
00:33:07military forces so that we could be prepared and protect ourselves.
00:33:12Brent Sadler, thank you very much. Hope to have you back soon, sir. Thank you.
00:33:16Well, I didn't really care for that guy's opinion, but I give it to you because I want you to have a
00:33:22balanced look at everything. I'm going to read to you a couple of the headlines in the Jewish press
00:33:31today. On the Times of Israel, let's see what the headlines say for thetimesofisrael.com.
00:33:40IDF chief to troops in Gaza, Israel will go far to strike anyone who attacks us.
00:33:48Poland is warning citizens against travel to Lebanon, Israel, and Iran.
00:33:55Thirteen minutes ago, rocket alert sirens sounding in the communities near Gaza.
00:34:12Turn to Zechariah 12. I was just about to tell you
00:34:21that the nation of Israel right now is quaking. Zechariah 12, verse one. The burden of the word
00:34:30of the Lord for Israel, saith the Lord, which stretches forth the heavens and lay at the
00:34:35foundation of the earth and formeth the spirit of man within him. Behold, I will make Jerusalem a
00:34:42cup of trembling unto all the people round about when they shall be in the siege, both against
00:34:49Judah and Jerusalem. And in that day, I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people.
00:34:58All that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth
00:35:03be gathered together against it. Now we understand that these passages that I just read
00:35:11from Zechariah chapter 12, that is going to take place during the tribulation. That is going to
00:35:19take place during the time of Jacob's trouble. But what we're seeing right now, Israel is beginning
00:35:28to prepare itself for that time period. Now we know that the rapture comes first. There is no
00:35:35doubt about that. The pre-tribulation rapture of the church comes first. But man, oh man,
00:35:43the entire nation of Israel is quaking and trembling. They're not trembling in fear.
00:35:51They are trembling in anticipation of the war that's coming. They're not running away from
00:36:00the fight. Israel is running into the fight. And as a result of that, the entire nation of Israel
00:36:13right now is trembling and shaking and quaking. They know what's coming. They know what's coming.
00:36:22Here's a report from the other day. U.S. preparing to send combat aircraft to Mideast
00:36:29among rising tensions with Iran and Hezbollah. And it says the U.S. is preparing to deploy
00:36:36warships throughout the Middle East following the escalation of tensions in the region,
00:36:42and our sources in Israel have told us that those warships have already been dispatched
00:36:51as of late afternoon yesterday. So the warships, it's a fleet of 12 battleships, including
00:37:01the USS Theodore Roosevelt, and they are already on their way to the Middle East, to Lebanon,
00:37:09and to defend the nation of Israel against the coming coordinated attacks that are absolutely
00:37:18about to happen. So let's go to this story. This is really, really interesting.
00:37:28Let me just pull up the headline here. This is from the jerusalempost.com. Iran plans to attack
00:37:38Israel on Tisha B'Av, the Jewish day of disasters, western intelligence says. Now,
00:37:47Tisha B'Av is taking place this year. It starts at sundown on August 12th, and it ends on sundown
00:37:57August 13th. And this is a day on the Jewish calendar where unbelievable things have taken
00:38:08place. And let me just give you a quick update of some of those things which have taken place
00:38:17on Tisha B'Av.
00:38:22All right, the first thing that took place on Tisha B'Av was that the Israeli spies came back
00:38:30with a bad report when they were sent to spy out the land of Canaan, and only Joshua and Caleb
00:38:39thought that they could do it. That happened on Tisha B'Av. The second thing that took place on
00:38:48this historic date is Solomon's Temple was burned to the ground somewhere around 423 BC.
00:38:59The third thing that happened on Tisha B'Av, the Jewish people rebelled against the Roman rule,
00:39:08and they were led by a man, Simon Bar Kokhba, and they lost the war in 133 AD.
00:39:18The fourth thing that happened on Tisha B'Av is, in 70 AD, the Romans destroyed the Second Temple
00:39:27in Jerusalem. The fifth thing that happened on Tisha B'Av, the Jewish people in 1298
00:39:38AD were expelled from England, and they were banished. The sixth thing that took place on
00:39:44Tisha B'Av in 1492, the Golden Age of Spain came to a close when Queen Isabella, and her
00:39:56husband Ferdinand, ordered that the Jews be banished from the land, and this order was given
00:40:02in 1492. The order was signed on March 31st, and the Jews were banished from the land.
00:40:13The Jews were banished from the land, and the Jews were banished from the land, and
00:40:20was signed on March 31st, and they were given exactly four months to pack up their stuff and
00:40:31go. You know what date was four months exactly after March 31st of 1492? You guessed it,
00:40:40it was the ninth of Av, Tisha B'Av, the ninth of Av. And then the seventh thing that took place on
00:40:51Tisha B'Av, World War II began in 1914. On Tisha B'Av in 1914, Germany declared war on Russia,
00:41:08effectively catapulting the First World War into motion. Now, why do I tell you about all
00:41:16these unbelievable things that took place on the ninth of Av, Tisha B'Av? Well, the
00:41:26Jerusalem Post is saying today they have decoded chatter on the inside channels that the nation of
00:41:36Iran is planning to launch their response, their attack on Israel and the Jewish people on the
00:41:44ninth of Av, Tisha B'Av. Every major ancient holiday on the Jewish calendar, even Yom Kippur,
00:41:54is ultimately about joy, except for one, Tisha B'Av. On this day, the ninth of the Hebrew month
00:42:00of Av, it's said that a series of major tragedies to the Jewish people occurred, including the
00:42:05destruction of the first and second temples. It's a day of mourning for getting kicked out of the
00:42:10land of Israel, for the destruction of Jerusalem and the medieval expulsions from various lands.
00:42:16It's said that Tisha B'Av is the day when it all went down, literally. Sacred sites, entire
00:42:21communities utterly destroyed, leaving a gaping hole in our collective soul. When life comes
00:42:27crashing down, we're left devastated. We cry, we mourn, we feel isolated. All natural responses to
00:42:34loss. Tisha B'Av is a day of mourning when the Jewish people acknowledge that no, life is not all
00:42:39butterflies and roses, and yes, this tribe has been through some serious suffering. The time prior to
00:42:45this day is known as the three weeks. The period starts with a fast on the 17th of Tammuz, when the
00:42:51siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE began, and intensifies during the last nine days, when the walls were
00:42:58breached until the 9th of Av, when the ancient temple fell. The whole period is somber, and it's
00:43:04customary not to hold weddings during this time. Traditional Jews stop shaving, cutting their hair,
00:43:09and listening to music. During the nine days, some also refrain from eating meat and drinking alcohol.
00:43:15The final day is Tisha B'Av, a 24-hour fast. In the evening, it's common to sit on low stools,
00:43:23or the floor at synagogue, and to hear the book of Echa, Lamentations, chanted by candlelight. The book,
00:43:29traditionally ascribed to Jeremiah, brings readers on a graphic journey of the destruction of
00:43:33Jerusalem by the Babylonians. Silence sit on the ground the elders of fair Zion. They have strewn
00:43:40dust on their heads and girded themselves with sackcloth. The maidens of Jerusalem have bowed
00:43:45their heads to the ground. My eyes are spent with tears, my heart is in tumult. My being melts away
00:43:51over the ruin of my poor people, as babes and sucklings languish in the squares of the city.
00:43:58The melodies of the day are like a dirge, a time of reflection, as Lamentations concludes,
00:44:03Hashiveinu Adonai, turn us to you, holy one, and we will return. Renew us as before. Following the
00:44:10reading, it's customary not to greet each other, and to leave in silence, honoring the lives lost
00:44:15in the sacred space of introspection. When a dark history seems to follow an entire people around,
00:44:21it's only natural to ask why, or how could this be? Sometimes these questions are real,
00:44:27and sometimes they're more like a lament. Why me? Why us? How could this have happened?
00:44:33Echa translates literally to how, as in, how could this be? Jewish thinkers have struggled
00:44:40to understand these questions for thousands of years. Historians see these as historical events,
00:44:46where one nation overpowered another, but the rabbis understood them differently.
00:44:50In Hebrew, Sinat Chinam, baseless or useless hatred, was rampant throughout the land. The
00:44:55rabbinic tradition understood the loss of Jerusalem and the Temple to be the divine consequence
00:45:00of the people's unethical behavior. That's why this day is also a time to consider improving
00:45:05our own words and actions in the world, especially how we treat others. Tisha B'Av comes in the midst
00:45:12of summer and yanks people out of that summertime and the living is easy feeling. The day invites
00:45:17Jews to turn inward and consider what it means to face national, spiritual, and individual darkness
00:45:22and loneliness. With a reflective heart, the next turn is outward, towards the light of life again,
00:45:28which renews a people's connection to God, to each other, and to the world. The spiritual
00:45:33turns of Tisha B'Av prepare the Jewish people for the biggest turn of the year,
00:45:37just seven short weeks away, when the shofar calls our attention to Rosh Hashanah and the new year.
00:45:50So there's just a little bit of a look at this Jewish day, Tisha B'Av, the ninth of Av, and
00:45:59over the centuries, unbelievable things, and I gave you seven of them just before,
00:46:06over the centuries, unbelievable things related to Israel and the Jewish people
00:46:12have taken place on the ninth of Av, and it is no coincidence, it is no surprise
00:46:22that Iran is planning to attack Israel on Tisha B'Av, which is going to take place in 10 days
00:46:30from today, but it is highly likely that we are going to see things happening, and rockets
00:46:41exploding, and missiles being fired, and acreage set on fire before we get to the ninth of Av,
00:46:52and a number of people in the chat room have been asking,
00:46:58will we do a live podcast when the war starts, and absolutely. If you remember last year on
00:47:07October 7th, 2023, it was a Saturday morning. We started creating content around seven o'clock
00:47:17Saturday morning on October 7th, and we had a live two-hour podcast from noon to two o'clock
00:47:25eastern time, and Lori and I sat there in the studio, and we covered the events as they were
00:47:32unfolding for 16 hours, and we covered absolutely anything and everything that we felt would be of
00:47:41interest to you guys, and so to answer the question, will we do a special live podcast
00:47:52when the war takes place? Absolutely we will, and keep us in prayer about that, that God would
00:47:58continue to give us much wisdom and guidance. Jan Lacker says in the chat room, we are getting
00:48:06so close. We absolutely are. Kimmy D is asking, who are the sons of Lot? Turn to Genesis chapter 19.
00:48:20Who are the sons of Lot? Well, those sons of Lot, we don't know the first batch of sons.
00:48:33They didn't make it out of Sodom and Gomorrah, but the second batch of sons
00:48:42that were born to Lot, we read about in Genesis chapter 19 verse 30.
00:48:48And Lot went up out of Zoar and dwelt in the mountain and his two daughters with him, for he
00:48:54feared to dwell in Zoar, and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters. And the first said unto
00:49:01the younger, our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the
00:49:07manner of all the earth. Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him,
00:49:13that we may preserve his seed, that we may preserve seed of our father. And verse 33 and verse 34
00:49:23and verse 35 tells you that the twin daughters of Lot got their father drunk and conceived children
00:49:32by him. And in verse 36 it says, thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father,
00:49:41and the firstborn bear a son, and called his name Moab. The same is the father of the Moabites
00:49:50unto this day. And the younger, she also bear a son, and called his named Benami. The same is the
00:49:57father of the children of Ammon to this day. So turn to the book of Daniel.
00:50:05Turn to the book of Daniel. During the time of the tribulation, there is only
00:50:14two places on the entire earth that Antichrist cannot get his hand on. Daniel 11 verse 41.
00:50:26Daniel 11 41, he shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown,
00:50:34but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.
00:50:43And we understand that this area, which is in Jordan, eastern Jordan, this area is also known
00:50:53today as the Red Rock City of Sila Petra. So during the time of Jacob's trouble, at the start
00:51:05of the Great Tribulation, Jesus says in Matthew 24 16, let them which be in Judea flee to the
00:51:12mountains. And they're going to flee to the Red Rock City of Sila Petra. And in the Bible, that
00:51:22is known as Edom and Moab. And what's going to happen for a seven-year period, God is going to
00:51:32swap land with Satan. God is going to allow Satan to control the entire earth except for
00:51:45Edom and Moab, which is the Red Rock City of Sila Petra. And that is where the Jewish people are
00:51:54going to be kept safe for a time, times, and the dividing of time. And so that's what happened with
00:52:03the children that were born to Lot through his two daughters. They became the bastard nations
00:52:12of Edom, Moab, and Ammon. And that's exactly where the Jewish people are going to hide
00:52:21during the time of Jacob's trouble. And if you want more information on this,
00:52:29you can go to NowTheEndBegins.com and just type in the word SILAH. S-E-L-A-H. If you have a King
00:52:38James Bible, that word appears 75 times. If you have an NIV Bible published after 2011,
00:52:47that word does not appear at all. But that's what's going to be taking place at Sila Petra
00:53:00with Edom and Moab. And Antichrist is going to be very aggravated that he cannot get his hands
00:53:08on that land. And that, of course, is where God is going to keep the Jewish people safe
00:53:17for three and a half years. All right, a quick update from Bibles Behind Bars. We have been
00:53:29getting so many requests this summer from jails and prisons and detention centers, and what a
00:53:37blessing that it is. We are getting more Bibles out this year than we ever have before. And this
00:53:46is only possible, this is only possible because you pray for this ministry and you donate so that
00:53:56we can continue to do these amazing outreaches. I got an email earlier today. Well, actually,
00:54:04no. I got an email a couple of days ago from a woman named Cecilia, and she works at the Obeon
00:54:13County Jail, and she wrote to tell me, we do not have an official chaplain, and she is the one
00:54:25that is filling in. She is the counselor, she is the chaplain, and she is trying her very, very best
00:54:34to make sure that they continue to have a supply of Bibles for the people in their facility.
00:54:42There's 149 people who are inmates at the Obeon County Jail, and I wrote back to her and said,
00:54:51we are sending you 150 King James Bibles, and they are going to go out first thing Monday morning.
00:55:00We have been getting so many requests from jails, from prisons, from detention centers,
00:55:08from homeless shelters, and from individuals all across America, all over the world.
00:55:18The need for Bibles has never, ever been higher. If you would like to help us to continue to do
00:55:27this, to send Bibles to places like the Obeon County Jail and all the other places that write
00:55:35to us and call us and request Bibles, please go to BiblesBehindBars.com, click on the donate button,
00:55:44and help us to continue to fund this very necessary and very important end times outreach
00:55:53to jails and prisons across America. People are getting saved. Over 433 people,
00:56:05since we started Bibles Behind Bars, over 433 people have heard the gospel, believe the gospel,
00:56:17and gotten saved as a direct result from the efforts of Bibles Behind Bars.
00:56:25433 souls saved, and those are just the ones that we know about. We need your help.
00:56:36Please go to BiblesBehindBars.com, click on the donate link, and if God has prospered you,
00:56:43be as generous as you possibly can be. It costs thousands and thousands of dollars
00:56:50every single month to send out the amount of Bibles that we're sending out. We need your
00:56:56prayers, and we need your generous financial support. Thank you so very, very much.
00:57:03Jen has a question. Joel chapter 2, is that us in our glorified bodies?
00:57:13Let's turn to Joel chapter 2, and let's see if I can find the verse that she is referring to.
00:57:21Joel chapter 2, and let's see what would look like a glorified body verse.
00:57:33Joel chapter 2.
00:57:40I do not see the particular verse that you're talking about.
00:57:46If you can just post that into the chat room, Joel chapter 2 covers a lot of ground. Most of
00:57:53this is during the time of Jacob's trouble, but if you give me the exact verse number,
00:58:00I will take a shot at answering your question. In the meantime, what would it look like
00:58:11if Israel, and I want you to think about this now,
00:58:17what would it look like if on Tisha B'Av, a multi-nation confederacy comes after,
00:58:26okay, Jen says verses 1 through 11 of Joel chapter 2.
00:58:56The appearance of them, verse 4, is as the appearance
00:59:16of horses, and as horsemen so shall they run. Like the noise of chariots on the top of mountains
00:59:23shall they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubbles. As a strong
00:59:29people set in battle array, behold their face, the people shall be much pained. All faces shall
00:59:36gather blackness. They shall run like mighty men, they shall climb the wall like men of war,
00:59:46lost my place, hold on, and they shall march everyone on his ways. They shall not break
00:59:52their ranks, they shall run to and fro in the city. Let's just go down to verse 10 and 11.
01:00:02The earth shall quake before them, the heaven shall tremble, the sun and the moon shall be dark,
01:00:07and the stars shall withdraw their shining. And the Lord shall utter his voice before his army,
01:00:15for his camp is very great, for he is strong that executed his word, for the day of the Lord is
01:00:22great and very terrible. Who can abide it? Well, Jen is asking, what army is that? Turn to
01:00:33Revelation chapter 19. Revelation chapter 19. If you listen to the Greek and Hebrew scholars,
01:00:42they will tell you that the passages that I just read to you from Joel chapter 2 verses 1 through
01:00:4911 are the armies of Antichrist, but they're not. That is the Lord's army. And we see this army in
01:00:59Revelation chapter 19. Revelation chapter 19 verse 1. And I saw heaven opened and behold a white
01:01:08horse, and he that sat on him was called Faithful and True. And in righteousness he doth judge and
01:01:14make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns. And he had a name
01:01:21written that no man knew but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, and
01:01:27his name is called the Word of God. And the armies, Revelation 19.14. And the armies which were in
01:01:36heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. This is absolutely
01:01:45the body of Christ in our glorified bodies, suiting up for battle. And this is the war
01:01:54that Joel talks about in Joel chapter 2. We are the Lord's army. We are the Lord's army.
01:02:05And we are going to have glorified bodies, and we can be hit with the sword, and it's just going to
01:02:12go right through us. You can't kill a glorified body with a physical sword. Can't be done.
01:02:22Joel chapter 2 verse 8. Neither shall one thrust another, they shall walk every one in his path,
01:02:29and when they fall upon the sword they shall not be wounded. They shall run to and fro in the city,
01:02:36they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up upon the houses, they shall enter in at the windows
01:02:42like a thief. Jesus says, behold I come as a thief. And we are that end times army, the army that Joel
01:02:54chapter 2 calls the Lord's army, that is absolutely made up of the body of Christ. Now, it doesn't have
01:03:07to be limited to the body of Christ. You could have the tribulation saints, they could be coming back
01:03:15with us, the souls from under the altars, the ones that died during the tribulation.
01:03:23Look at Revelation chapter 20. Look at verse 4. Revelation chapter 20 verse 4.
01:03:33And I saw thrones and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them. And I saw the souls
01:03:40of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not
01:03:46worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their
01:03:52hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. Jen says, will we be eliminating
01:04:02people or rescuing hostages? Both. We will be annihilating the armies of Antichrist, and we will
01:04:12be rescuing the Jewish remnant at the red rock city of Sila Petra, or Petra. And so very very good
01:04:24questions about the end times army of Joel chapter 2. Now, speaking of the army, and speaking of
01:04:33battle and war, let's just say that a multi-nation confederacy comes after Israel sometime in the
01:04:46next couple of days, maybe even on the ninth of Av, and let's just say that it is a overwhelming
01:04:56force, and Israel has to resort to using tactical precision nuclear weapons. What would a nuclear war
01:05:10scenario look like for the nation of Israel? Take a listen to this. War between Israel and Hamas is
01:05:20further complicating nuclear dynamics in the region. The prospect of nuclear conflict in the
01:05:25Middle East, once unthinkable, is now a very real possibility. Today we're going to explore the
01:05:29unthinkable. How would Israel respond during a nuclear conflict? What's Israel's nuclear war plan?
01:05:35How many nuclear weapons are readily available to the prime minister? Where are they? What are their
01:05:40targets? How many missiles would be launched? How many casualties could we expect after Israeli
01:05:44bombs reach their destinations? What would the Middle East look like going forward? And most
01:05:49importantly, could Israel win a nuclear war? Israel operates under a nuclear triad consisting
01:06:02of land-based road mobile intermediate range ballistic missiles, or IRBMs, sea-based submarines,
01:06:08armored submarine launch cruise missiles, or SLCMs, and air-based tactical bombers carrying
01:06:13gravity bombs. Now let's take a look at each part of Israel's triad and its weapon delivery systems.
01:06:19The first and most well-known part of Israel's nuclear triad is its land-based road mobile
01:06:23intermediate range ballistic missiles, or IRBMs. Israel's road mobile IRBM force is comprised of 46
01:06:29intermediate range ballistic missiles, each mounted on a seven-axle chassis mobile launch vehicle.
01:06:35Israel's ballistic missile program dates back to the early 1960s. In April of 1963,
01:06:42several months before the Dima reactor began producing plutonium, Israel signed an agreement
01:06:46with the French company Dassault to produce a short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile.
01:06:49The missile system became known as the Jericho, and the program was completed in the early 1970s,
01:06:54producing 24 to 30 missiles. The Jericho had a range of over 300 miles, traveled at speeds of
01:06:59over 3,800 miles per hour, reaching its target in around seven minutes, standing at a height
01:07:03of 44 feet with a one-meter diameter and a total launch weight of 15,000 pounds. The missile used
01:07:08a two-stage solid propellant engine that could be launched from a railroad flat truck or mobile
01:07:13launch vehicle. Each Jericho missile carried a 20 kiloton nuclear warhead. The range of the first
01:07:17Jericho was sufficient to strike major cities, such as Damascus and Cairo, from secure launch
01:07:22locations. In the late 1980s, Israel co-developed a two-stage solid-field medium-range ballistic
01:07:27missile with South Africa codenamed the Jericho II. The Jericho II had an increased range of 930
01:07:33miles and, for the first time, put the southernmost Soviet cities and Black Sea Fleet within nuclear
01:07:38strike range. A modified version of the Shevet space rocket, the Jericho II was first deployed
01:07:42in the early 1990s, replacing the Jericho I. The Jericho II was first flight tested in May of 1987
01:07:48to approximately 527 miles, with its trajectory going far into the Mediterranean Sea. Another test
01:07:54in 1989 reached over 800 miles. Each Jericho II missile could be launched from a silo, railroad
01:08:00flat truck, or mobile launch vehicle. The Jericho's mobility allows it to be hit and moved quickly or
01:08:04kept in a hardened silo, increasing its resilience against a preemptive strike. Each Jericho II can
01:08:09carry a one megaton nuclear warhead. Each warhead has an explosive yield of 125 times the destructive
01:08:15power of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Given that approximately half of Iran, including Tehran, is
01:08:19beyond the range of the Jericho II medium-range ballistic missile, Israel is currently upgrading
01:08:23its arsenal with the newer and more capable three-stage Jericho III intermediate-range ballistic
01:08:28missile. The Jericho III has a range of over 2,500 miles, giving it the capability to target all of
01:08:32Iran, Pakistan, and all of Russia west of the Ural Mountains, including, for the first time, the
01:08:36nation's capital, Moscow, with a population of over 12.6 million. The Jericho III was first test
01:08:41launched over the Mediterranean Sea in January of 2008 and entered service in 2011. Unidentified
01:08:47defense sources claim that the Jericho III constitutes, quote, a dramatic leap in Israel's
01:08:51nuclear missile capabilities. That's because the Jericho III missile is equipped with either one
01:08:55400-kiloton nuclear warhead or up to three 150-kiloton independently targetable reentry
01:09:00vehicles. Each warhead has 50 times to 20 times the destructive power of the bombs dropped on
01:09:04Japan in 1945, respectively. So that just gives you a little bit of an idea of some of the nuclear
01:09:14capability of the nation of Israel. Israel never talks about their nuclear power. They never talk
01:09:23about how many missiles and bombs that they have. But as you can see, other people have figured out
01:09:30to a high degree what Israel has. And so one of the things that we have to look at, and this is
01:09:39one reason why the United States is right now putting itself in place in the Middle East to
01:09:48Israel. They are doing that because they are trying to prevent nuclear war. If the United
01:09:58States didn't stand side by side with Israel, and Israel was attacked by a multi-nation confederacy,
01:10:06it is a guaranteed fact that Israel would be forced to turn to their nuclear weapons
01:10:14as a last-ditch effort to fend off destruction.
01:10:23Israel is a very powerful country, but they are not so big and so powerful
01:10:31that they could take on four, five, or six different nations by themselves outside of
01:10:39the miraculous saving power of God. Now, I was talking to you earlier about the Six-Day War,
01:10:52and that's exactly what happened. Israel did not have any nuclear capabilities.
01:10:59They didn't have much of hardly anything in 1967. But what they did have is they had a very
01:11:12strong trust that the God that had brought them to the promised land in 1948, just 19 years earlier,
01:11:22would be the same God that would deliver them and keep them safe
01:11:32in the Six-Day War. And I told you that the Jewish people and the Jewish soldiers and the
01:11:40Jewish command, they were as surprised as absolutely anybody else when the war turned
01:11:48in their favor so quick and so fast and so dramatically that it was over. It was over and
01:11:56done in a mere six days. And even to this day, Israel acknowledges that it was a miraculous
01:12:06victory that God had given them. But now, what if, just imagine, what if
01:12:14this time around, as God is preparing the nation of Israel to go through the time of Jacob's
01:12:24trouble, what if God doesn't bail them out at the last second? What if God allows them
01:12:37to be broken down and driven out? And, of course, that's exactly what you would expect to see
01:12:49living in these last days that we're living in now. And at some point, God is going to allow
01:12:57the Jewish people to be driven out. But let's just take a listen to this.
01:13:04It's called, The Miracle of the Six-Day War, and it really, truly, absolutely was a modern-day
01:13:14miracle. The Six-Day War, from a 50-year perspective, the Jewish people miraculously
01:13:26saved by the hand of God. Will he do it again?
01:13:36On June 4, 1967, the infant state of Israel found itself on the brink of annihilation.
01:13:43Israelis still lived with the agonizing memory of the Holocaust. Now, the Arab nations surrounding
01:13:49Israel vowed to make the Blue Mediterranean run red with the blood of Jews.
01:13:54We were thinking in terms of the Israelis are going to be thrown to the water.
01:14:01On the morning of June 5, 1967, Eitan Ben Eliyahu flew one of the first missions
01:14:07against Egyptian airfields in the Sinai.
01:14:10This is a matter of life and death. This is a matter of Israel is going to be destroyed.
01:14:19People were in panic. People were talking about the imminent destruction of the state of Israel,
01:14:27of a war in which there will be an enormous number of casualties,
01:14:31at least 10,000 people will be killed.
01:14:34Rabbis in Jerusalem anticipated so many deaths, they actually designated all of the public parks
01:14:40in Jerusalem as cemeteries. Just before the war, the joke in Israel was, last one's out,
01:14:46turn off the lights. But this black humor didn't mask the fear
01:14:51that many Israelis genuinely anticipated a catastrophe.
01:14:55Israel found itself outnumbered and outgunned on three fronts,
01:14:59Egypt to the south, Jordan to the east, and Syria to the north.
01:15:03The Soviet Union had poured $2 billion worth of arms into the Arab nations.
01:15:08Israel's enemies brought twice as many soldiers,
01:15:11three times as many tanks, and four times as many airplanes to the battlefield.
01:15:16But just before the war, Egypt, Israel's main enemy,
01:15:20suffered a series of major mistakes and mishaps.
01:15:24There was this miscommunication between the president, Nasser, and his top generals,
01:15:33and everything didn't work according to what they thought.
01:15:38And when the war broke, you could see and hear, which we did.
01:15:43We heard them. You could see and hear that the Egyptian high command was not in control.
01:15:47Egypt's high command also dismissed warnings by mid-level Egyptian intelligence officers
01:15:53of an imminent Israeli air attack. The night before the war, Egypt's commander-in-chief,
01:15:58Abed Amir, gathered his high command for a party at an air base far away from the front lines.
01:16:05They were caught by surprise, totally. I mean, some of them were trying to
01:16:10take to the air in order to join their units. They couldn't do it.
01:16:14Two weeks before the war, Egypt replaced nearly all of its commanders in Sinai
01:16:19with officers unfamiliar with the terrain. On the morning of June 5th, Jordanian radar
01:16:25detected the Israeli air force taking off. They sent a red alert to Cairo,
01:16:30but the decoding officer used the wrong day's code and failed to decipher the vital information.
01:16:36The warning never came. Instead, the Israeli air force decimated the Egyptian air force
01:16:45on the ground, the key to the outcome of the war. Some, like author Sarah Riegler,
01:16:50who's written on the Six-Day War, believe this series of Egyptian mistakes
01:16:54reveals the work of an unseen hand. You can say, oh, wow, what a lucky coincidence,
01:17:01where you can see the divine hand. We see that God arranged all these things to happen the way
01:17:07they did because he wanted the Israeli strike to succeed. He wanted us to win. He wanted us
01:17:13to regain our holy places. To some, the confusion in the Egyptian command just before the war
01:17:19evoked memories of the biblical story of Gideon routing the enemies of Israel.
01:17:25Instead of annihilation, Israel won one of the most decisive victories in military history.
01:17:31Many Orthodox Jews and Christians believe the Jewish nation had witnessed a miracle.
01:17:37For evangelical Christians, the Six-Day War was a huge moment of seeing God's hand intervene on
01:17:43behalf of the Jewish people. I mean, that was what really was, I think, so extraordinary,
01:17:46is that you had this moment where Arab leaders, Islamic leaders, were saying,
01:17:52we're going to throw Jews into the sea. And it looked like another Holocaust was imminent.
01:17:57And suddenly, in six days, the Jewish people defended themselves, destroyed their enemies,
01:18:04tripled their land, recaptured control of Jerusalem for the first time in 2,000 years.
01:18:10And on the seventh day, they rested. That just sounded way too biblical for
01:18:13evangelicals all over the planet. And they rejoiced with the Jewish people.
01:18:17In the immediate aftermath of the war, everyone, religious and secular alike,
01:18:21recognized that this was from God, because it was just so implausible. I mean, here everybody
01:18:26was expecting a tremendous defeat. This is a miracle. Even Moshe Dayan, who was the commander
01:18:34of the Israeli forces and who was a very secular person, he went to visit the Western Wall the day
01:18:40after it was liberated. And there's a tradition to put, you know, like put a little note to God
01:18:45in the wall. So he put a little note to God between the crevices of the wall. And of course,
01:18:51as soon as he left, the newspaper men, in their difficult, discreet way, ran and took the note out
01:18:58and read it. What did it say? And it was a line from Psalms that said,
01:19:03this is from God. It's wondrous in our eyes.
01:19:07So there's just some reminiscences and recollections 50 years after
01:19:18the Six-Day War took place, and God indeed did the miraculous.
01:19:27He did something that was so over the top that even if you were an atheist, you were forced to
01:19:36admit that a higher hand stepped in and did something for the Jewish people that the Jewish
01:19:45people were not capable of doing for themselves at that time. So the question that we ask,
01:19:55what will God likely do now?
01:19:59Will God give the Jews another miraculous victory, or is what's taking place now
01:20:08preparation for the coming driving out of the Jews from Israel? And I don't know if that's
01:20:17going to happen before the rapture or after the rapture, but I know this. I know that by the time
01:20:24I know that by the time you get to the start of the Great Tribulation in Matthew 24,
01:20:32and the Antichrist sits down in the rebuilt temple, Jesus says this,
01:20:42Matthew 24, verse 15, when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of
01:20:49by Daniel the prophet stand in the holy place, whoso readeth let him understand,
01:20:55then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains, let him which is on the housetop not
01:21:02come down to take anything out of his house, neither let him which is in the field return
01:21:06back to take his clothes, and woe unto them that are with child and to them that give suck in those
01:21:12days, but pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day, for then shall
01:21:20be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, nor ever
01:21:27shall be. The Jewish people are going to be driven out of the land of Israel one more time.
01:21:36Their restoration with God, they have been back in the land for 75 years,
01:21:46they are not a restored people. 76 years, excuse me. They have been regathered,
01:21:54but they have not been restored to a right relationship with God. That can only come
01:22:01at the end of the time of Jacob's trouble. That's when Israel is going to be restored
01:22:12to a right relationship with their creator. Now, we got about five minutes left.
01:22:22Let's just take a look at the headlines and see things that are going on.
01:22:27If you've been following the news at all, if you've been following, you know that a transgender boxer
01:22:35almost beat a biologically female opponent to death.
01:22:43Well, this was a moment of history. It happened earlier today in France and a major controversy
01:22:48too has now erupted out of Paris. An Algerian boxer shown in the red uniform who failed a
01:22:55gender eligibility test last year has now won an opening fight after only 46 seconds.
01:23:03Her opponents breaking down in tears, calling it, quote, unjust. Greg Palka picks it up from
01:23:10London with more on what happened in the ring. Greg. Hey, Bill. Yeah, big controversy indeed
01:23:16at the Olympics. A boxer deemed a biological male beating an Italian female opponent with the
01:23:22Italian crying out, I couldn't take it anymore. Despite failing that gender test by the
01:23:27International Boxing Association and being banned from an international tournament last year,
01:23:32Algerian 25 year old Iman Khalif was okayed by Olympic authorities to compete.
01:23:38And apparently today it was a very one sided fight with Italian Angela Carini, also 25.
01:23:44After just 46 seconds and several sharp punches to the head, including the nose by Khalif,
01:23:51Carini abandoned the fight, threw her helmet to the floor, stormed off the boxing ring and,
01:23:56in fact, went on to say that she had never felt such strong blows in a contest before.
01:24:02Now, Algerian Khalif has competed for several years in other international tournaments,
01:24:07including the Olympics, but was banned last year due to, according to officials,
01:24:11elevated levels of testosterone. Algerian sports officials have called the charges against Khalif
01:24:16baseless, but others have raised concerns about the health of opposing athletes when,
01:24:21So we shared that video of that male boxer, that transgender boxer,
01:24:30brutally beating his female opponent. And that video has been watched almost 200,000 times
01:24:40in 24 hours. To say that this is a big story is an understatement. This is a scandal.
01:24:50Is what this is. This isn't just a big story. This is a scandal. And that's exactly what you
01:25:00would expect to see. At the Olympic Games that started the way that these started
01:25:08with the days of lot and the LGBTQ and all those different things.
01:25:14I posted this on X earlier. Emmanuel Macron looking at transgender boxer
01:25:25Imane Khalif like he's a mid-afternoon snack. And I quoted Daniel 1137,
01:25:34neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women,
01:25:39nor regard any God for he shall magnify himself above all. And I want you to see,
01:25:47well, if you're not in the chat room, you can't see it, but you can go to our X channel and you
01:25:55can see the look on Emmanuel Macron's face when he is having a conversation with the transgender
01:26:02boxer. And I don't think I've ever seen a look on his face like that before.
01:26:11He looks like a school boy in love is what he looks like.
01:26:17He looks like a school boy in love. Rapture 57 says, don't forget about the transgender swimmers.
01:26:24And we don't have time to talk about that. But yes,
01:26:28trans genders have been launched into the Olympic games and they are going to
01:26:37make a huge change. They're going to make a big difference and all of it bad. Every single bit
01:26:44of it is bad. This world is preparing itself for the time of Jacob's trouble. This world
01:26:50is preparing itself to go into the days of Noah and the days of lot.
01:26:58The stock market has dropped almost a thousand points in the last 24 hours. Unemployment
01:27:05rises to nearly 5%. The NASDAQ 100 is going through a correction. AI stocks are sinking.
01:27:16The treasury yields signal growing jitters. And in the midst of it all, we see
01:27:26news about Kamala Harris and nothing but news about Kamala Harris all day, every day.
01:27:36At this point, I really don't see that Donald Trump has a chance in a thousand to win the
01:27:43election. I'll vote for him. But at this point, the forces that have allied themselves against
01:27:53Donald Trump are very, very severe indeed. One closing note, the first big tropical storm
01:28:03of the summer, it's not yet a hurricane, but it is scheduled to blow through central
01:28:11to north Florida. And that's right where we are located. So please pray for the people in the path
01:28:20of this upcoming tropical storm that is going to hit probably sometime Saturday night down in
01:28:30Key West. And it should be hitting where we are sometime around Monday night. But it looks like
01:28:40it's going to be a very, very big tropical storm, possibly a hurricane. It doesn't have a name yet,
01:28:49but please pray for everybody in Florida in the path of that tropical storm. And with that,
01:28:57we have come to the end of our time for today. If something goes crazy in the Middle East,
01:29:04if something goes haywire with Israel, we, Lord willing, will jump behind the microphone
01:29:12and we will cover it live. So no need to worry about that. We will do our very best
01:29:18to bring you all the breaking news as it continues to take place. Thank you very much for being part
01:29:25of the NTEB global family of Bible believers across America and around the world. Lord willing,
01:29:33we'll see you back here Sunday night, 7 p.m. for another NTEB rightly dividing
01:29:39King James Bible study. Have a great weekend, everybody.
01:29:49The sky shall
01:30:02Preparing hills and trenches. The stars shall applaud.
01:30:21Here with thunders of praise. The sweet light in his eyes
01:30:43shall enhance those awaiting. And we shall behold him.
01:31:12Then face to face.
01:31:24We shall behold him.
01:31:34Yes, we shall behold him.
01:31:46Face to face in all of his glory.
01:32:00We shall behold him.
01:32:12We shall behold him.
01:32:24Face to face, our Savior and Lord.
01:32:44And the angels shall sound the shout of his coming.
01:33:05And the sleeping shall rise from their slumbering place.
01:33:25And those who remain shall be changed in a moment.
01:33:43And we shall behold him.
01:33:53Then face to face.
01:34:01We shall behold him.
01:34:11Yes, we shall behold him.
01:34:19Then face to face in all of his glory.
01:34:33We shall behold him.
01:34:43We shall behold him.
01:34:53Face to face, my Savior and Lord.
01:35:09And we shall behold him, our Savior and Lord.
