The Cross - The Reason Jesus Came into the World-CHARLES LAWSON BIBLE SERMON-SEPT 1 2024

  • 2 days ago
The Cross Reveals Sin, the Holiness of God, the Son and the Son's Heart, and the Giver (God the Father). The Cross is a Sterling Example of How God Can Turn a Curse into a Blessing. Whenever You Find Yourself Mad or at Odds with God, Go to Him Openly, Earnestly for a Meeting of Minds with Him and a Restoration of Fellowship.

00:00Amen, well if you have your Bible turn to book of first Corinthians chapter number 1 and verse 17 this morning
00:10The Apostle addresses the church at Corinth
00:13If there ever was a church in the New Testament that had a lot of problems
00:17It is the church of Corinth
00:20No question about it
00:22And of course by that that gives us a lot to preach about doesn't it because the Apostle addresses these issues
00:27And this is what comes down to us as Holy Scripture first Corinthians chapter 1 in verse 17
00:34The Apostle says for Christ sent me not to baptize
00:38But to preach the gospel
00:40Not with wisdom of words lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect
00:45For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish
00:49But unto us which are saved it is the power of God
00:53Father bless this word now as it goes forth
00:56Our father we bless it and we break it as our Lord did and we ask you to give unction and anointing in the holy
01:04Amen, you can be seated
01:07I'm gonna preach the message this morning on the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ
01:11He said for this cause came I into this world the Apostle Peter
01:16Rebuked him because he had just told them that he would be delivered to the cross and there he would die
01:22And the Lord Jesus Christ said to Peter get thee hence
01:27Satan for they'll save us not the things that be of God
01:30But the things of men of course Peter did not have the spiritual discernment to understand what the real ministry of Christ
01:37Was all about but the scripture says in Galatians chapter 5 and verse 11 that I brethren if I yet preach
01:45Circumcision why do I yet suffer persecution?
01:47Then as the offense of the cross ceased the cross is an offensive thing for a lot of people to this day
01:54Ephesians 2 16 that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross
02:01Having slain the enmity thereby the Apostle says in Philippians 2 8 and being found in fashion as a man
02:08He humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross
02:14Philippians 3 18 for many walk of whom I've told you often now tell you even weeping
02:20That they are the enemies of the cross of Christ
02:24imagine an
02:26Enemy of the cross of Christ
02:28Philippians 3 18 from any walk that as I've told you there are the enemies of the cross of Christ
02:36Colossians 1 20 says and having made peace through the blood of his cross by him to reconcile all things to himself
02:43By him I say whether they be things in earth or things in heaven
02:48Then in Colossians 2 14 blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us
02:53Which was contrary to us took it out of the way nailing it to his cross and finally the author of Hebrews says
03:02Chapter 12 and verse 2 looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him
03:10Endured the cross
03:13Despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God all we can do today is conjecture
03:23Try to think in our minds eye of what it might have been like for human being
03:28To be nailed to something like that and then to spend days
03:32Normally days on that cross with every kind of thing coming against it
03:38Even the birds coming down pecking their eyeballs out all kinds of things
03:44Happening on that cross to endure the insults and the shame
03:48Stripped and all that would go with it the Lord Jesus Christ came into this world
03:53Not to die in battle my friend not to be murdered or killed by the hand of man
03:58But to offer himself up as a sacrifice for our sins
04:02He died on the cross
04:04The cross is something that every one of us has to deal with it
04:07It is definitely a historical fact make no mistake about that a historical fact
04:12It did happen so we have to deal with the cross. What does the cross mean to us? What does it mean to you?
04:18What does it mean to the Church of God?
04:20What does it mean to religion in general?
04:22There are those that like miracles and they think that the preaching of the Bible is all about preaching
04:28Miracles the Bible said in Matthew 4 23 Jesus went into all Galilee
04:33Teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease
04:40Among the people now, this is a wonderful thing and I love to see the miracles as they are performed
04:47Believe me and through these years. I have observed firsthand many many miracles
04:53But my dear friend preaching miracles is not preaching the cross and my friend preaching miracles is not preaching the gospel
05:01Of the grace of God. There is a difference Matthew 9 35 said Jesus went about all the cities and villages
05:08Teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease
05:15Among the people so this tells us that we need to study the Bible. What is the gospel of the kingdom?
05:21What is the gospel of the grace of God? What is the everlasting gospel that that angel preaches in the book of Revelation?
05:27What is Paul talking about when he says I preach my gospel and here we go
05:32That's study in the Bible. The Bible tells us in Luke chapter number 2 and verse number 16
05:37They came with haste and found Mary and Joseph and the babe
05:42Lying in a manger some get no further than that. They like the cradle. They like the Lord Jesus as a little baby and
05:50They go out they want to keep him there and my friend that was necessary
05:54For God was ordained to come into this world and my friend and become a man as he did and he certainly
06:01Did in the book of Luke chapter 2 and verse number 16, but you see my friend
06:05There's an awful lot of people if the only Jesus they know is the holiday Jesus
06:10I see that's sad. It's the Easter Jesus the Christmas Jesus, you know Mother's Day
06:15Jesus the holiday Jesus now, these holidays are all fine in their place and in their time, but folks
06:22He's still alive other Sundays, too
06:26Philippians chapter before in verse number 11
06:28Not that I speak in respect of one for I have learned in whatsoever state I am therewith to be content
06:34I know both how to be a base and I know how to abound
06:38Everywhere in all things. I'm instructed both to be full and to be hungry both to abound and to suffer need who said that?
06:45the Apostle Paul said that you see there are those who preach that you feel good and
06:51Prosperity and they brag about their private jets and this that this that this and that and a lot of people today don't really know
06:57Any difference they think well, isn't that what God wants for us?
07:00The Bible teaches plainly that every good thing every good gift and every perfect gift cometh down from the Father of lights
07:07Whom in whom is no variableness? No shadow of turning. He certainly supplies our needs. He
07:13Yes, he does. He sets your table. He puts a roof over your head. He puts clothes on your back
07:19He gives you hands where you can go out and work a brain where you can think he makes all these things possible
07:25You have up to this present point lived in an affluent nation a nation where you can make a living
07:31No question about that whatsoever
07:33Now all you have to do is leave and visit around the world. I did for four years in the military
07:39I saw places that I could my that there's words could not explain and
07:44Describe some of the things that I saw that people lived in the kind of places they lived and so forth and so on
07:50But I'm going to tell you this the gospel is not about prosperity
07:54The gospel is not about feeling good the gospel of the grace of God that has to do with the cross of Christ
07:59Goes much much deeper than that. The Bible tells us in 2nd Corinthians chapter number 5 and verse number 21
08:07For it made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him
08:13What I just read to you is heavy theology very heavy
08:18Theology this rises way above the realm of feel-good religion. What did I what did you just read preacher?
08:25I read where God made the Lord Jesus Christ to be sin. I
08:30Do I understand that no, do I believe that certainly but I in my mind I wrestled a lot of times
08:36What does he talking about? What sin is he referring to and you've heard me say it to you a thousand times
08:41But let me tell you what happens the cross reveals
08:45Sin, it reveals the wickedness of sin. It reveals the damnation of sin
08:51It reveals the corruption of sin for someone to have to go and die the way he died on a tree
08:59Like he did and suffer like he did and bleed and give himself my dear friend
09:04What he was dying for must certainly be but worse than we could ever think and I'll tell you this
09:10I've watched it destroy lives. I've watched it. God watch people commit suicide. I've watched them jump off bridges
09:16I've watched them blow their brains out
09:18I've watched them as they take that first shot of dope and then wind up a drug addict for the rest of their lives
09:24I've watched homes destroyed. I've watched families destroyed. I've watched what sin can do. It will destroy you
09:31It will consume you. It'll leave you a wreck. It'll leave you broken
09:34And this is the culture that you're living in today
09:37So when the Lord Jesus went to the cross, he went to the tree to die for sin and for
09:44Sinners hallelujah to God the cross reveals the holiness of God the Bible never defines holiness from Genesis the Revelation
09:52How can it holiness is the very essence of the Almighty holiness is a spiritual thing. He's a part. He's separate
10:00He's there
10:01We're here and the only way you'll ever go to where he is
10:04He's by the way of the bridge and the Lord Jesus Christ is that bridge that connects God with humanity
10:11Amen, there is no other way you may be a universalist you baby. You may be an ecumenicist
10:16You may believe that all religions are viable
10:18They all believe the same in the innocence and they're all going to the same place my dear friend
10:23There's only one way to the Father. There's only one name given under heaven whereby we must be saved
10:29Neither is there salvation in any other for there's nor the name but the Lord Jesus Christ. That's the Savior of the world
10:37That's the Savior of mankind. There is no other Savior
10:40He is the only one so the cross my friend reveals the holiness of God
10:46The cross reveals the Son the Bible said in John 15 verse 13 greater love
10:51Hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends who said that our Lord Jesus Christ said it
10:59So what did he do? He proved to them that it wasn't vain empty words when he went to that cross
11:05He laid his life down. He said you don't take it from me. You're not gonna kill me
11:11No, man's gonna kill me I lay my life down
11:15Yes, he did
11:16He could have come from that tree at any time he chose to can I not call 12 legions of angels?
11:24Can I not open heaven's gates?
11:26Can I not call the army of glory down upon this world? But no my friend he went as a lamb to the slaughter
11:33He opened not his mouth
11:34He laid himself down so they could drive those nails in his hands and raise him up and there
11:41Raise him up before men so that they could see the love of God the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God
11:47Slain before the foundation of the world
11:50There is none of them beside him different and he proved it when he said I lay down my life for my friends
11:57This reveals the son's heart Luke chapter 23 verse 33 when they were come to the place which is called
12:04Calvary that's Latin Calvary a place of a skull
12:08There they crucified him and the male factors one on the right hand the other on the left then said Jesus father
12:16Forgive them for they know not what they do and they parted his raiment and cast lots
12:21That's the heart of Christ father forgive them for they know not what they do at the right hand of the father right now
12:27He's saying father forgive them and by the power of the Holy Ghost of God
12:32He works in the hearts of men he bought that and paid for it with his precious blood
12:37He has ever right to intercede for mankind
12:40For my dear friend only one became a man and dwelt among us 2,000 years ago feels my pain
12:47Suffers my sorrow gets hungry when I get hungry gets tired when I get tired
12:52Moves his heart when my heart is moved his soul is moved as my soul
12:57He understands what a man is and he understands the sufferings and sorrow the shorts and failings and shortcomings of this world
13:05No one knows it like him
13:07Experiential he learned it. He learned it by obedience unto the father. No angel. No cherubim
13:13No seraphim no spirit being of any kind could ever step and forth and say to the father
13:19I know how mankind feels no you don't but he does he does he does and
13:26Reveals his heart aren't you glad that his long suffering got you to that place where that day you said Lord
13:33Jesus have mercy upon me save my soul
13:35Do you realize how long and that he suffered with the sinner?
13:39Do you understand how many times the Lord Jesus at the hand my friend of mercy that he reaches out from the cross?
13:47It's not a hand of judgment. You go to that tree and look up at the one dying on the cross
13:52There's not judgment and damnation and condemnation coming down
13:56He said father forgive them for they know not what they do
14:00You won't help today. You won't help with your addiction. You won't help from death
14:04You won't help today from your sorrow then look to the cross look to the one who died on the tree
14:10Raise your hand. He'll put his down. He'll take hold of you at the cross at Calvary. Amen
14:17The cross reveals the giver Romans chapter number 8 in verse number 32
14:21The Bible said he that spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us all
14:26How shall he not with him also freely give us all thing God is a giver
14:32Oh what he gave me before I ever knew him how he protected me how he opened doors for me
14:38He was with me and every step about took he was rather breath
14:42I breathe ever a tick of my heart
14:44God the Father was there with me from the moment that I came into this world until that day
14:49I said Lord Jesus come into my heart and save my soul and he sealed me with a Holy Ghost of God
14:56Amen, God Almighty. My friend is a giver he that spared not his own son
15:02How shall he not freely give us you see when God gives you something? He doesn't have strange strings attached
15:08You don't have to design any documents you don't have to give you blood for it. Amen
15:13You don't have to pray pledge this pledge that he freely gives
15:17This is why he said to his Apostles as he sent them out freely you have received
15:22Freely give amen. We've been on the radio here for over 40 years in this town
15:27We've offered tapes and all kinds of stuff and from day one
15:31I said we will never charge a dime for anything that goes out of this place
15:37If they don't have the money all they've got to do is ask for it and we will freely give it to them and we still
15:44Amen, and I firmly believe in that
15:48Freely we have received. I will never make the gospel of Christ who you have to pay to hear the gospel
15:54No, my dear friend is free
15:56free free
15:58He's given it to us. We'll give it out to him
16:01God has blessed us and he has blessed me and he has blessed this ministry and oh how he has blessed me
16:08God's been better to me than anybody
16:13Amen and I'm sure some of you'd say well now wait a minute preacher
16:17Just about better. He's been better to me than anybody you might say, but the truth is that's the way you ought to see it
16:24You ought to be able to look at you ought to you ought to be able to sit down this morning and say you know
16:28What I don't deserve the goodness of God. I don't deserve what God's done for me. I don't deserve my home
16:35I don't deserve this wife. I don't deserve this husband. I don't deserve these children God knows I don't
16:40But he's been good to me
16:42He's given me far above and beyond all that I could have ever asked or think
16:48Hallelujah God if I died today, I'd die a rich man
16:51Well, I don't have millions of dollars piled up, but I'm gonna tell you something. I've got it heaven
16:56Well, the Bible says moth cannot touch it. Thief cannot touch it. I've got treasure laid up there. No question about it
17:02God's been good to me. Amen. Amen
17:05So cross reveals the giver
17:08Would you look at the theology of the cross in the Gospels?
17:12What do you mean? Well the theology of the cross in the Gospels is essentially the declaration of the fact of the cross and
17:19That's where it goes and that's fine. That's fine for you
17:23The New Testament is to be understood chronologically in other words is it revealed as it is revealed by time a
17:31progressive revelation
17:33throughout the New Testament scriptures
17:35The Apostle Paul is the one that the Lord chose to reveal the preaching of the cross in its doctrine in its
17:42Theology, for example, he said the cross was foolishness to them that perish. He said it's a stumbling block
17:48He said it's an offense
17:50The Apostle Paul talked much about the blood of the cross. Amen
17:54The Apostle said in a way we cannot understand God being in Christ and no we can't can you understand that God was in Christ?
18:01Reconciling the world unto himself and more than one time in the New Testament. It talks about God
18:07Reconciling the world unto himself. He's the one that reached out first
18:12He's the one that made that move and he still looks at Satan and he looks at him as he sits at that chess table
18:19And he says you move
18:21Amen, and if you really want to get a hold of God, you ought to get down on your knees this morning and say I
18:28Wonder what he's up to
18:32Don't take some
18:37Explanation for the mind of an almighty absolute eternal being
18:42That is from everlasting to everlasting
18:45That made man in his own image that had a reason for bringing us into existence
18:50I did so many things before 1973 that I deserve to go to hell for you and believe
18:58There's no way in the world that I'd get up in front of people and tell you all the stuff that I did
19:03but in
19:051973 a big hand reached down from heaven and boy did he ever touch my soul
19:11Now if you're sitting here today and you're an agnostic you're an atheist
19:15You're this you're that and you've never had an encounter with God and you're saying to yourself. Well preacher. It's good for you
19:21That's so, you know relativism if that works for you fine
19:24Let me tell you something if it's real it's real it don't make it if you believe it or not
19:29But here's the thing. He loves you. He died for you and
19:34When God gets ready, he'll get your attention
19:37The other day I went in my basement
19:39Preachers carry things on them and sometimes a spirit will come upon one
19:44And man when they do I know that I know him. I
19:47Know him. I know when one comes in. I know it you can feel the dread
19:52You can feel the pressure you can feel that thing as it comes down upon you
19:56Well, I got down in the basement. I started talking to God
19:59And when I tell you I talked to God I talked to God
20:01I didn't tell God what I thought I wanted him to hear. I didn't talk to God in some high-sounding theological way
20:09I didn't talk to God, you know where I was afraid that I might make him mad
20:13No, have you ever talked to God and got real with him about what's going on inside your soul?
20:21Have you ever really done that well, then what happened
20:26He talked back to you
20:28He might not have at that moment. He did at that moment for me
20:32But he talked back at that moment. He answered that spirit that had come upon me
20:39And he gave me light that I needed in the ministry and when he did God bless your soul
20:46That thing lifted
20:50It lifted and it left that room
20:53And I came out of there and I knew God had heard me
20:56Now if that won't fire you up and that won't do something for your faith. I don't want will
21:01That'll do something for you
21:03Preacher you telling me that I mean that you want me to just get down there with him and just talk about yeah
21:11Quit this religious garbage
21:13Quit trying to impress God. You can't impress him
21:18And let me let me give you this warning, please
21:21How many of you believe that he already knows what's deep down inside that heart?
21:27I'm glad you do
21:29Since he already knows what's deep down inside that at your heart what he essentially wants you to do is to acknowledge it
21:37Come clean and come to a point where there's a meeting of minds
21:43You see, you know what's going on. God knows what's going on. Let's get it settled
21:50Have you ever had a controversy with God
21:56You've been mad at God
22:00Yeah, like Jeremiah said I'm done with him
22:04I'm finished
22:07That's what he said
22:09to paraphrase it
22:11He said ever since I started preaching his word all I've had trouble these people that they mocked me. They spit at me
22:17What in the world did you call me in here to do this for I'm done
22:22Jeremiah said
22:23No, that's not close your Bible walk away. Oh
22:27You'll make God mad. He make God mad
22:30He found a place where he could talk to God
22:33You see there was something inside Jeremiah he didn't know was in there and that's what you got to find out as a Christian
22:40Jeremiah said, oh, I thought I could shut up. But his word was in my bones as a burning fire. Oh
22:46I couldn't stay quiet. He had ate me alive. Then, you know what a God-called
22:53preacher is like
22:56If you're a young man and
22:59You feel like God's called you to preach
23:01You get up and you bring a message or whatever you want to call it a few times
23:05But for some reason they're just there's just nothing in there. That's okay. There's nothing wrong with that
23:11I'm not gonna shame you for that
23:14For somebody who wants to do something for the Lord and you do it and you find out well
23:18Maybe it didn't necessarily and that's not what God wants me to do. That's okay
23:22This is what the Bible means when it says make your calling and election sure
23:28Put it to the test
23:30You want to teach did God give you the ability to teach you're going to preach that God called you to preach
23:38And here's the simple fact
23:40If you can shut the Bible walk away and quit preaching
23:44He'll get you a good job
23:46Come to church raise your family serve the Lord live for God
23:51You say preach you won't God get mad at me. No, if he didn't call you to preach
23:54He's not gonna get mad at you. But if he did call you to preach
23:58You can go to all the churches on this earth
24:02You can do everything under the Sun you think you can do to please God
24:07But you'll never be satisfied until you get down on your knees and say Oh God
24:11I can't run far enough. I can't run fast enough. I cannot get away from this calling then good
24:23Now I'm an old-timer
24:25From the old school and there are people in this town and they think well, there is no specific call to preach
24:31Yeah, that's what's killing us now
24:34We've been lectured to death and there's no there's no soul in it. There's no passion in it
24:39Amen, I've already told him I've got it settled with the Lord. I've already got it. I've got it taken care of
24:45I've done preventive maintenance
24:47So what is it I got it figured I've got it taking care of the Lord and Lord when you get done with me
24:52And I can't preach anymore, you know, and I can't I can't get up here and do it anymore. Take me out of this place
24:59Because I can't see myself not preaching
25:02Are you following me? I?
25:04Hope you are
25:06Because what I just gave you is over 40 years of experience of prayer talking to God
25:13Don't don't go around confused. Don't go around hating mad at God. Don't go around
25:18Satan beating you to death and lying to you
25:21the Lord wants to talk to you and the Lord will deal with it issue, but you gotta get real with him and
25:28Quit trying to cover up something and you know, you can't cover it. Talk to him now before the Sun goes down tonight. I
25:37May find myself somewhere in some room somewheres. I don't know something may come upon me something may confront me some issue
25:44Something whatever. I don't know. I don't know what I don't know what a day brings forth, but I know this
25:49I'll only bear I'll only I'll only let that spirit beat me to death so long. I
25:54Mean after all, you know one more night with the frogs we do get to where we get we we get we get used to
26:00We getting kicked around by a spirit
26:03But I'll take that thing somewhere and I'll get me in a hole somewhere and I'll get a hold of God
26:08Somewhere and I'll get that thing off of me and I know how to do it
26:12There's only one way to do it
26:15Get a hold of God
26:17You say well, I can't get a hold of him. That's cause you don't go deep enough
26:22Why don't you why don't you why don't you first why don't you cry out in frustration say why aren't you listening to me?
26:27Won't you do that? Won't you why don't you why don't you say to God or yet?
26:31Why don't you hear me?
26:33I've confessed ever sin. I know to confess. Why don't you listen to me? Where are you? Oh
26:40Preacher. Oh, you're gonna make God mad. No, no, no
26:43No, that's when the Lord's gonna say well, she's she he whichever one it is finally beginning to get told us some truth here
26:51Because they're frustrated now and they really want an answer. I
26:55Don't know if you followed me. I don't know if you got anything from what I said this morning
26:59But what I gave you is real folks
27:02Amen what I gave you is real. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. Well, we'll come on down here and we'll close with this one
27:10Look at Deuteronomy chapter 23 and verse number 5
27:15Deuteronomy 23 5
27:19Cursed is everyone that hangeth upon a tree. He's cursed
27:24You think there's anybody out there trying to curse you
27:29You think there's anybody out there like see you fall
27:32There are people that go to church every Sunday every time the doors are open they may not be your friend
27:40That's right. They may not
27:44If you mean to tell me preachers that somebody's trying to call the curse down on me read this text
27:49Deuteronomy 23 5 nevertheless the Lord thy God would not hearken to Balaam
27:55But the Lord thy God turned the curse into a blessing into thee
27:59Because the Lord thy God loved thee you see he can turn a curse into a blessing
28:04Look at that tree. Look at that man hanging on that cross. Look at that horrible spectacle. Isn't that something?
28:12That's a curse. That's cursed
28:15Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree
28:20Yet you touch that cross you touch that curse in faith and you'll be blessed
28:25That's the way God does it
28:28You cannot curse what God has blessed
28:32Genesis 50 verse 20
28:34But as for you you thought evil against me
28:37But God meant it into good to bring to pass it as it is this day to save much people alive
28:45Joseph was one of the finest men that ever lived
28:48He had he had an attitude
28:50He had a demeanor about him that after he was he should have been the king
28:55He was a king
28:57Joseph was a mighty man. He he was head and shoulders, but they they were they were
29:03When that when his brethren came before him they looked at each other and they they groveled around and guilt because they knew what they'd done
29:11But not Joseph's did he condemn them in it? No, he forgave them
29:15He blessed them
29:17Yes, he did yes, he did Joseph had the power of a king on him and of course he is a type of our Lord Jesus
29:25There's two types of Christ in the Old Testament that have to do with this Messiah ship
29:30Joseph is the one that represents Christ is the suffering Messiah
29:34All right, David is the is the type that represents Christ is the ruling Messiah
29:42the Jews
29:44Try to answer the Messiah with one coming when he comes he'll be this but the truth of the matter is he's already come
29:51All right, and at the first coming he came as Joseph the suffering Messiah
29:57When the Lord Jesus comes now the second time he'll come as David
30:01The reigning Messiah and then both lines of prophecy will merge
30:06When he comes and sits down in Jerusalem and reigns with a rod of iron for a thousand years
30:11And he will do that he certainly will surely as you live I
30:17Encourage you this morning talk to God
30:22You can go to people who want to help you and that's all fine get them pray for you. That's good
30:26That's a good thing. That's absolutely good get together with with people and have a prayer meeting. That's all wonderful thing
30:32but folks nothing will take the place of you getting down inside your soul and your spirit and
30:39Really opening up with God
30:41About what's going on in here?
30:44If you've got a controversy with him bring it out
30:47He knows it's in there already
30:49Bring it out and let the minds meet and let him start talking to you. You talk to him. Do you so?
30:56Are you mad at God?
30:58Was your faith, you know?
31:00I've seen oh boy. Have I seen things?
31:06You ever seen a little casket that long
31:08You've seen a little box the casket box about that long. Yeah
31:13All right, and then there was another one about like this
31:16I've been to the graveyard more than one time. We're just a little little little
31:21Babies just born maybe live a few days a few hours
31:24You know people could get mad
31:27They could they could really turn on God they could blame him
31:31but by the grace of God they didn't and
31:34then God took that and
31:36Sweetened heaven
31:38Because the one that a little body that was in that box, right?
31:42They're gonna see her one day or him
31:44And what a thing heaven's gonna be
31:47Yes, they are. Yes, they are father. Bless your word
31:51Thank you for this time. The holy name your heads bowed. Nobody looking
31:56Anybody say preacher Lawson God spoke to me this morning. What you're saying is true
32:02I'm afraid to open up. I really am I'm afraid God's gonna get mad at me and he won't know no
32:06No, no, no, no
32:08It's not as easy to make God mad as you think it is. He knows us. He knows what makes us tick
32:15I'll tell you what turns him away is hypocrisy
32:18Lying deceit when you try to hide something in your heart and think God doesn't know it there. Are you kidding? Are you kidding?
32:27So what's going on inside you?
32:30You don't have to tell me you don't have to tell a man
32:33Tell the Lord
32:35Talk to him open up with it, and he will restore your prayer life
32:41Because something like that can hinder your prayer life
32:44It can and if you're not praying if you're not praying folks your fellowship
32:49You're not in fellowship. You can't have fellowship without prayer. And if you're not in fellowship, your sins are gonna eat you up
32:56Your heads are bowed anybody raise your hands say preacher Lawson
32:59Don't you pray for me this morning because oh god bless you hands going up everywhere here now
33:04Amen, well, God bless everyone of you. God bless all of you. I'm not your judge. I'm not up here to judge you good night
33:11I'm a preacher. I'm a minister a bishop my job is to get the word out
33:15So if something's going on inside your soul, I want you to talk to the Lord about it
33:20Anybody else raise your hand and say preacher pray for me. Well, God bless you over here. There's another hand
33:24God bless you with hands going up everywhere
33:27And God bless everyone of you. Amen
33:33Lord help mine belief. I didn't expect as many hands to go up like did thank God for it
33:38It shows the Holy Ghost his work
33:42Anybody else God bless you over here hand there and hands back here
33:47Hallelujah father you see these hands
33:49Lord, I'm just the messenger. That's all I am. You know that that's all I claim to be. That's all I want to be
33:56Father bless them
33:58move in their heart
33:59Move in their heart and in their soul
34:02And bring them to that place Lord
34:04where they meet with you and they meet with you on honest ground and
34:08They meet with you where they can communicate and you can talk to them and they can talk to you
34:13Father I pray for them. I pray in Jesus name because I know that is the only way they're gonna get help
34:21It's when they're willing to do that in thy name. I pray
