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Alexandra Grand-Girard, aka Alex, is a 24 years old woman full of ambition and energy. While pursuing law studies, she discovers, the world of social influencers, thanks to her little sister... › title
Influences (TV Series 2021– ) -


00:30She's flirting with me.
00:31No phishing pictures.
00:33None. Red flags.
00:34All the tips, tricks, hacks.
00:36And you...
00:37No, this is not real.
00:38Body positivity, living your best life.
00:40I'm excited.
00:41I'm not just yet.
00:43He's coming on to me.
00:44I'm so excited to have you in my home.
00:46But I feel alive!
00:47We're gonna talk about all the different things
00:48that you're seeing across social media.
00:50Basically everything that you're talking about
00:51with your friends, we're talking about here.
00:56We got this.
01:01We got this.
01:07Good job.
01:08Hey, corporate baddies.
01:11We are talking about all things work life.
01:15And something I love about our generation
01:16is that we're just making things our own.
01:19We're making our own rules.
01:21We are dictating for ourselves
01:23what works for us and what does not work for us.
01:25Opening up my phone and seeing a Gen Z person
01:28saying, get ready with me to quit my toxic job.
01:31I love that.
01:32Is literally, like, when have we seen that happen?
01:35Yeah, yeah.
01:36Worst part about my first job was getting tips like this.
01:40Well, I guess, in this case, no tip.
01:42My worst job was working as an assistant in an office.
01:45But at least I learned this cool trick.
01:47My first job was at a movie theater.
01:49Probably my worst.
01:50I still can't look at popcorn.
01:55I kind of want to hear what your worst jobs were.
01:58Oh, my God.
01:59This last one?
02:00No, I love my last job.
02:02I think the hardest job for me was being an assistant
02:06because every time I did something,
02:08the person that I had to be the assistant for
02:10that told me it was wrong, I was like,
02:12I know that I'm right,
02:13but I'm just going to have to say yes.
02:16That's hard for me.
02:17That's hard for anybody, I thought.
02:19What about you, Eyal?
02:20So I was sweeping floors in a barbershop when I was 15.
02:24So this wasn't my worst job, but this was my first job.
02:27And it was the job that raised me
02:29because my dudes out there,
02:30you all know what happens in a barbershop.
02:32The kind of conversation that happens.
02:34And it was a transformative job for me
02:37because I learned things about things that I didn't know about.
02:41Man talk?
02:42Man talk.
02:43And it was necessary
02:45because I guess I needed to know that stuff.
02:47The secrets of the womanly body?
02:50Teffi, what was yours?
02:52I had a boss that was just like very not likable.
02:55I think the worst thing that he ever did,
02:57in New York City,
02:58I think I was being paid like $20,000 a year,
03:01no insurance.
03:02I was eating pasta and bodega olives
03:06for like two years straight.
03:08And I sat down with him and I remember I was so hungry
03:11that I could feel my stomach hurting.
03:13And I asked him for a raise and he said,
03:15are you bad at saving money?
03:17And I think that after I quit,
03:20he told me I was like not going to be anything.
03:23And I hope he's watching this episode.
03:25I really hope.
03:27And I want to know what you guys are doing.
03:29How are you all experiencing work-life balance?
03:31And I kind of want to hear from my baby Searoo.
03:34Well, I left my full-time job pretty recently
03:36to pursue this career that I'm in.
03:39And when I was at my corporate job,
03:40I had the opportunity to pursue beauty,
03:42to do my thing,
03:43and I just wanted to make time for it.
03:44And now here we are.
03:45So I feel like I was given that privilege
03:47to pursue something that I'm passionate about
03:49and also have the experience on the other side.
03:51It was great.
03:52That sounds like you did what was best for you.
03:54I did.
03:55I paved my way and I paid my dues.
03:57What about you, Tethyana?
03:58I think for me,
04:00I dropped out of college more than three times
04:03and less than five.
04:04And I think I felt like everybody that was hiring me
04:07was like doing me this kind of favor.
04:09So what happened is people saw that I would do anything
04:12and I became kind of a doormat.
04:14So people would ask me to do things
04:15and I thought if I said no,
04:17they would take this favor away from me.
04:19So my mental health really suffered.
04:21So now I allow myself permission to take time away
04:25and say, how am I doing?
04:26How's my mental health?
04:27You know?
04:28And I think that's so important to say
04:30because I feel like especially in the careers we're in,
04:33like everything is interconnected
04:35and it's so hard to find a space where you're like,
04:38oh, I work in my apartment
04:40and I shoot my content in my apartment
04:42and then I also go to sleep there.
04:43Social media used to be a place
04:45where I come after a long day
04:47and scroll and scroll for hours
04:49and like calm down and chill, right?
04:51But now it is a place I work
04:52and something important I've been trying to do
04:54is finding a third place
04:55because when we used to be able to like work from the office,
04:58you could go to the office and work there
05:00and come back home and leave it.
05:02And leave it and go somewhere else.
05:04And so I've started finding a third place
05:06and I recently bought some ice skates
05:09because I love that.
05:11We love you.
05:12And so you guys can find me at Chelsea Piers in New York
05:14on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
05:17That's interesting though
05:18because I feel like Gen Z is the first generation
05:20that says this hustle culture does not work for me.
05:22It doesn't work for me
05:23because I need to put myself first, Lucious.
05:25You can hustle for all your life,
05:27but you must live for you.
05:29But y'all, we have a friend stopping by
05:31with a really cool job.
05:32A star on the Prime Video hit show Upload.
05:35Allegra Edwards!
05:37Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo!
05:40Come on!
05:42Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
05:45Oh my gosh!
05:46So good to see you, sir!
05:49Miss Allegra!
05:51Oh my gosh.
05:52We're so happy to have you on the couch.
05:54I'm so happy to be here.
05:56And you probably dreamed about a day
05:57where you would have a show like Upload.
05:59You get to play in a dream world every day.
06:02Not just a dream world
06:04because that's just acting in general for me.
06:06Upload is a show that takes place in the near future,
06:10so a lot of future shows happen like, you know,
06:122100 or something.
06:14Oh yeah, like iRobot or something.
06:15Yeah, this is 2033,
06:17which is like really soon.
06:19And in this future,
06:21you are able to upload your consciousness
06:24to a digital afterlife of your choosing
06:27when it comes for you to die.
06:29So your consciousness is saved to a hard drive,
06:32and then each of these afterlives
06:34are run by different corporations.
06:35So for example, depending on what you can afford,
06:38you could upload and live forever,
06:42like Disney could own it, or Apple could own it,
06:45or Panera has their own digital afterlife.
06:50I will try my best to do a good job.
06:53Okay, good job won't be enough.
06:56This party better be fucking flawless.
06:59Don't you worry, it will be.
07:02Greatest party ever, greatest party ever,
07:04greatest party ever.
07:08Okay, give me two angels on standby, please.
07:11Allegra, you're such a sweetheart.
07:14Just meeting you in person,
07:15like I'm obsessed with your energy,
07:17but your character stresses me out on the show.
07:21Like how do you go into that energy
07:24where you're just like...
07:25When you're so calm.
07:26You're so calm, this is you,
07:27and then you're on there and you're like,
07:28do you want me to delete you off the earth?
07:30You know, like how do you switch that up?
07:32What is that like?
07:33Can I tell you years of working as a hostess in Midtown?
07:39You know what's tricky about Midtown
07:41is that all the holidays are sort of
07:43just down a few blocks in Times Square.
07:45You can't work in Midtown, babe.
07:47Well, the craziest thing about it
07:49is because it's a restaurant,
07:51it's like we know you have a bathroom.
07:53Anytime there was a marathon,
07:55let's say a Thanksgiving Day parade,
07:58people come in swarms,
08:00and it was just, please, please, let me use your bathroom.
08:03You're not even going to buy a latte or anything.
08:05That was very kind of you.
08:06So you've got to let people use the bathroom.
08:08You really do, and like my managers, you know,
08:10they'd be like, you can't just let anybody use the bathroom.
08:13We're a place of business.
08:15We serve $60 steaks.
08:16Like, we can't just have willy-nilly coming in here.
08:19But then there would be like the occasional,
08:21please, please, pregnant woman with a child.
08:24She has to pee.
08:26Her daughter has to pee.
08:28Now you have to pee.
08:32Let's all pee together. Come on. Come with me.
08:35Your manager inspired you.
08:39Just being in the world.
08:41No, I think everybody's got a little backbone in them
08:44that sometimes they access and sometimes they don't.
08:46There's obviously a little bit of her in me somewhere.
08:50I just don't allow her.
08:52If there's anyone watching
08:54who really wants the same dream job that you have now,
08:56what's one piece of advice you might have
08:58for somebody that's an aspiring actor?
09:00I would say watch a lot.
09:02Learn from your favorites.
09:04And that inspiration, particularly for acting,
09:06comes from everywhere.
09:08I love that you said favorites,
09:09because I think you're one of my favorites now.
09:11And that's a movie that you channeled.
09:13I love you. You're so good at what you do.
09:15That's a good segue.
09:16Thank you so much, Queen Allegra,
09:18for stopping by and giving us the upload.
09:22Now on Prime Video, you can watch, upload.
09:25Thank you, baby.
09:26Instead of saying the T, we say, give us the upload.
09:28Give us the upload.
09:29Do it, do it, do it.
09:30No, you take it, Allegra, you take it.
09:32One, two, three.
09:33Give us the upload.
09:37And that's a wrap.
09:38Give me your LinkedIn profile face.
09:41I have to be 30 years older.
09:46Have you all heard about AI apps
09:48that will glam up your LinkedIn profile pics?
09:52Well, we decided to give it a try.
09:56I'm so excited.
09:57Okay, but I'm first. I'm first.
09:59So let's try it out.
10:00Let's try it out.
10:06I love it.
10:09That is...
10:10This, A'Chieng, is a lawyer.
10:12I am a woman of law.
10:14I don't know.
10:16United Nations.
10:17I love it.
10:18I don't know.
10:20United Nations.
10:21I'm seeing Nobel Peace Prize winner.
10:23Yeah, I see corporate powerful woman.
10:26I know, but something I don't like
10:28is that I'm so expressive and vibrant in my pictures.
10:32I just look like I hate that job.
10:34But I just feel like this was a past life for A'Chieng
10:37because this A'Chieng right now, she's doing good things, you know?
10:40I'm excited.
10:41So let's see what AI cooked up for me.
10:47I look like my mom.
10:48I look like my mom.
10:49You look rich.
10:50I mean, somebody the other day told me
10:52I was giving off generational wealth vibes lately.
10:54Well, it's giving that.
10:55That swoop is that generational wealth vibe.
10:57This is you on another timeline.
10:58You know how sometimes you also see someone,
11:00you know, they smell good?
11:01This is very...
11:02I will say there's something just slightly off.
11:04What I like, honestly, is the suit,
11:06and my mom has a ton of jewellery like that,
11:08so it's kind of freaking me out.
11:10She loves the stones and the ones that you wrap around her,
11:13like the layered...
11:14This is very powerful.
11:16It's giving you a bit milfy.
11:18Thank you!
11:19It's giving you a bit milfy.
11:20It's giving Oprah Winfrey time.
11:22I love you future teeth.
11:25Okay, okay.
11:26Okay, what did AI do for me?
11:28Let me see.
11:34So first of all,
11:35why do I have three extensions on from Sally's?
11:39That's upsetting to me.
11:40You look beautiful.
11:41What's going on with my teeth?
11:42I think you might have braces.
11:44I feel like it was selling Sunset, but wasn't.
11:47You are wrong.
11:48No, in Los Angeles.
11:49And then the lip filler is crazy.
11:51This doesn't look like me at all.
11:53Oh, AI is wild.
11:55Let's see which part of the binary I lean towards.
11:58I'm excited.
12:00Oh, no.
12:05Oh, my God, you look so good.
12:06Are you waiting for your margarita to arrive to the resort?
12:09I am definitely leaning towards my they
12:11as part of my they-he identity.
12:13You look gorgeous.
12:14I look beautiful.
12:15Wait, I've done this makeup before.
12:17This, to me, is giving model.
12:19This, to me, is very much, I think, my fantasy of, like,
12:22I'm about to give a TED Talk, and I know I look hot.
12:25You look like you own real estate.
12:26I'm into this.
12:27I would make this my LinkedIn profile picture, actually,
12:29to be honest.
12:30You have a 401K.
12:32You're a curl genius.
12:33How would you judge the curl in my photo?
12:35You were talking about the fact that you wanted to grow
12:37your hair out, and there it is, and it looks...
12:39That is it.
12:40Do you know what?
12:41I know AI is going to stitch me up here, to be honest,
12:43so we may as well just...
12:46Here we go.
12:47Oh, my God!
12:48I am dead.
12:51I'm here for it.
12:52I love it.
12:53Are you going to...
12:54I was a big old...
12:55I'm from Oxford University, and I have a master's in law
13:01and finance, and I went to a lovely little prep school
13:05growing up.
13:06What do you like about it?
13:07I just like the professionalism, you see?
13:09The stubble is nice.
13:10It's not too long.
13:11It's not too short.
13:12My eyes, they look nice.
13:13You know, we still have a slight curl there.
13:16It's a ringlet.
13:17So you haven't taken my curls away.
13:20To me, it's very, like, high professor.
13:23You know what I mean?
13:24Very high five.
13:25Like, sexy professor?
13:26I loved everyone's.
13:27But y'all, do you have any saucy LinkedIn pics?
13:30Please post it and tag us.
13:32I want to see it.
13:33Wine glass in hand, at your boss's house,
13:35at the after party.
13:36Do it, baby.
13:37I'm waiting to see it.
13:39We're doing our professional career episode.
13:41I wish Taryn was here.
13:43Sorry I'm late.
13:50Come here!
13:51Right now, it is all about the side hustle.
13:53And for me, it's about reselling my clothes.
13:56A resale tip I find so helpful
13:58is to find photos of the models actually wearing the item.
14:01This way, potential buyers can see what it looks like on.
14:04Resale tip.
14:05Share other sellers' items.
14:07They usually share yours back.
14:08Then you get more views.
14:09Sometimes we want to get rid of the stuff that we have.
14:11So whether it's clothes, purses, shoes, jewelry, your ex.
14:15We can't do that.
14:16But here are a few of my tips and tricks
14:18for reselling pre-loved clothes.
14:20And before I start, I want to tell you
14:22the only two things that you really need for this
14:24are one, some sort of a light.
14:26Ideally, if you can attach it to your phone.
14:29I know I look amazing.
14:30And also, a tripod.
14:32Because this is also going to help you
14:33if you don't have anyone else at home to take photos with.
14:36The first thing that we're going to do is an accessory.
14:39So let's say you wanted to sell a purse.
14:41As long as you have some sort of a white sheet,
14:43just like flatten it out a little bit
14:45and then set your purse down.
14:47This is where the LED light is going to come in handy
14:49because it's going to show all the texture
14:51of whatever you're selling.
14:52So your buyer knows that it's legit.
14:54So first thing you're going to do
14:56is just take a photo, plain and simple.
14:59I like to also take a photo from the back.
15:02If you have scratches and marks,
15:03you want the buyer to know exactly what the deal is.
15:06One from there.
15:07And something that helps,
15:08just take a photo of the label that's inside.
15:10It shows the buyer where the brand is from.
15:12It's just going to help you sell quicker and faster.
15:15So that's if you have an accessory.
15:17Now, sometimes the clothes sell themselves.
15:20But sometimes that doesn't work.
15:21You need a model to show the buyer
15:22exactly what it's going to look like.
15:24So without further ado,
15:26can I get my model, please?
15:28Miss Taryn.
15:29Hi, hello.
15:31You look gorgeous.
15:32Thanks for including me.
15:33Hello, hello.
15:34So, if you're selling some sort of a shirt,
15:37ideally put it on a model
15:38because the person who's buying it
15:39is going to want to see what it looks like.
15:41And give, like, the general height of the person
15:44and what size they're wearing of the shirt you're selling.
15:46Give me a little pose.
15:48I'm 6'1".
15:49And all you need, really, is three photos for a top.
15:52So we're going to do just one in the front like this.
15:56And then one where you're turning to the side
15:58so they can see, and then looking at the camera.
16:01And then from the other side, baby.
16:03Just like that.
16:05Simple as that.
16:06Thank you so much.
16:07You're so good at this.
16:08Oh, thank you.
16:09Let's hope this sells.
16:10It will.
16:13Now, if you wanted to sell shoes,
16:15I also recommend putting it on a model
16:17so you know we have another one.
16:19Hey, y'all.
16:22You're looking amazing.
16:23You like it?
16:24I really do.
16:25You know, I once actually got banned
16:26from these reselling sites because I listed everything.
16:28And then people started bidding on it
16:29and I just never checked it again.
16:31Okay, learning lesson.
16:32Don't do that.
16:33Are you kidding?
16:34Yeah, I got blacklisted.
16:35Listen, what you're going to do, especially for shoes,
16:38get yourself a buffer.
16:39And right before you take the photos,
16:41just buff it up a little bit so it has its shine
16:43and it can really sell itself.
16:45So you're going to do a little like this.
16:47See how it immediately comes back to life?
16:50That's really good, I know.
16:51And then we're going to go to this one really quick.
16:54And then just ask your model to stand still.
16:57Thank you.
16:58These are size 11 feet as well, if you're wondering.
17:01Yeah, we'll put that in post.
17:03So ready?
17:04We're going to do one right there.
17:05Usually people pay a lot of money for this.
17:07I know.
17:08A lot of money.
17:09Take pictures of the feet.
17:10I get it.
17:12Let's do a little twist.
17:13Camera down here still.
17:16We're going to do a little back of the shoe.
17:18All you really need is three photos,
17:19but make sure you're getting it from different angles
17:21so that the buyer can see.
17:23Thank you so much, a'all.
17:24Your arms look great.
17:26I'll see you later.
17:27Thank you.
17:28Bonus closet advice.
17:29Invest in pieces that are going to hold their value
17:32so you can sell them in the future
17:33and you can make money whenever there's stuff in your closet
17:35that you just don't want anymore.
17:37So get out there and sell.
17:39And if you have any other questions, just tag me.
17:43I am getting escorted by the director himself.
17:48I feel very special.
17:49I feel like Cinderella.
17:50And I have a bun.
17:58Guys, I'm really excited.
17:59I'm really excited about today.
18:00I think you are going to be too.
18:02She's a multi-hyphenate icon.
18:03Actress, singer.
18:04I've been singing her songs since my Y2K era.
18:08Christina Milian is here.
18:14That's cool.
18:15Oh, my God.
18:17Oh, my God.
18:18Oh, my God.
18:20She broke on the music scene over two decades ago.
18:22Since then, she's made a successful career
18:24singing, acting, songwriting, and more.
18:27Recently, as the co-founder of the popular eatery Beignet Box,
18:31all while balancing work and motherhood.
18:34Thank you for being here.
18:36Thank you.
18:37Thank you for having me.
18:38I can't believe you're on our couch.
18:39You're so shiny.
18:40Oh, thank you.
18:41I can't.
18:42It's not natural.
18:43It takes a village.
18:44It takes a village to be this shiny and glowy, okay?
18:46Also, America, she smells good.
18:48Thank you.
18:49I can take some credit for that.
18:50Yes, yes.
18:51I like a good perfume.
18:52You know, I've been in Paris, living in Paris these last couple-
18:54Yes, I know.
18:55Yeah, last couple months, and they are known for the good perfumes.
18:59So, I've got a nice little variation of different scents on right now.
19:03Are you acclimating to Paris okay?
19:05Am I?
19:06Yeah, of course I am.
19:07I think we can all acclimate to Paris.
19:09You can acclimate to Paris.
19:10We'll find that inside you.
19:12You know, living in Paris is one of the most beautiful experiences.
19:15I know some people are like, what's it like?
19:17Are they nice?
19:18Everybody's totally nice.
19:19There's so many people from America actually there.
19:21I love to have my friends in town.
19:22Are you living in Paris with your babies and the love of your life?
19:26Stay strong.
19:28I know.
19:29Luckily, he's from there, so it makes it so easy to kind of just become part of the French culture.
19:37Yeah, I've been pretty lucky.
19:38He's kind of like the notable big pop artist in France.
19:42So, everybody's been very fond of our family.
19:44But he knows about you.
19:45He does, and he believes me.
19:47I just want to make sure.
19:48I like the way you think.
19:49I just want to know, what was your first job before all this?
19:52I was a host at a restaurant for a while.
19:55And trust me, I give so much credit to the hosts of any restaurant,
19:58because they actually really do run the show, by the way.
20:01I used to clean houses with my mom, and also I was a babysitter,
20:04like a full-time babysitter for a lot of different people.
20:07So, I was kind of doing all three of those jobs at the same time,
20:10because at the time, my family and I, my mom and my sisters, were very...
20:16Go on.
20:17We were broke.
20:18We were broke.
20:19We were close to eviction.
20:20Everything we were going through so much, and we said, you know,
20:22nothing was beneath us to do.
20:24I think it makes you more compassionate to other people.
20:26I feel like in those times, that's when you dream the most.
20:28You're like, I'm doing this right now.
20:30And you're like, you envision what you want.
20:32It's like goals that you really have.
20:34I have chills thinking about it right now.
20:36I kind of want to know, you've spoken about all the things you've done
20:39to get to where you're at right now,
20:41and I kind of want to know how you're raising your children
20:43to understand what hard work is.
20:45I'm just trying to guide them by good examples,
20:48teaching them what I can do,
20:50and having them very involved in the house.
20:52Like, hey, let's do laundry.
20:54Do your kids know who you are?
20:56In that way.
20:57Like, in that way.
20:58They know what we mean.
20:59I think they know you as mom, but they don't know you as that girl.
21:02If they forget, you can always put us on speaker.
21:04They see a little.
21:05My 13-year-old daughter, I try to tell her, girl, do you see...
21:07And their friends will be like, you know, I saw your mom,
21:09the cheerleading movie I saw, and she's like, okay.
21:12It's nothing to them.
21:13I think it's cool that they don't acknowledge it that hard,
21:16but every now and then I'm like, yeah, your mom is pretty cool.
21:19We have asked everybody and their mother
21:21about their first social media post.
21:23Do you remember your first social media post?
21:27You know, I started on IG before anybody.
21:30Yeah, you did.
21:31By the way, I was one of the first...
21:33You were going places, baby. You were going places.
21:35You know what?
21:36I might have been going through something at that time.
21:38I was like, I'm going to post finally for the first time.
21:40I love you.
21:41Have you had your new business about beignets as long as you've had Instagram?
21:46So beignet box actually kind of came about
21:48based off of even just like knowing that I would have social media
21:51to help it grow.
21:53My best friend and I, her name is Liz Morris,
21:55and we used to be roommates, but we had an apartment.
21:57It was very aesthetically pleasing, as you would say.
22:00It was called The Sugar Shack.
22:02Yeah, so we said someday we're going to do a business together.
22:04Liz is from Louisiana.
22:06We used to actually go build houses in Louisiana
22:08through her foundation after Hurricane Katrina.
22:11And while we were there, we would experience the culture of Louisiana,
22:14which is a lot is food and beignets.
22:17And we said, okay, beignets, we got hooked.
22:19We said, all right, this is what we're going to do.
22:22The Sugar Shack is going to bring beignets to Los Angeles.
22:25I heard that you brought a little something for us.
22:27I did.
22:28You need to try beignets?
22:29I love beignets.
22:30For us to try it, and I can't smell them,
22:31so I just let them smell.
22:33Of course, on a platter. I love it.
22:35So I heard you like beignets.
22:38And we had a few backstage, so here we go.
22:41Oh, those look so good.
22:43Look how good they are.
22:44They smelled so good backstage,
22:45you were trying not to eat them before they got here.
22:47I have to tell you a story.
22:49At my first seventh grade dance,
22:51I was on the dance floor, and I was grinding with a girl.
22:54I was in the closet at the time, and Dip It Low came on,
22:57and she literally goes, wow, you're really into this song.
23:03Anyway, I had to tell you.
23:04It brought out something in me.
23:07I think that happened to a lot of people.
23:09I honestly hear stories like that pretty often,
23:12and I'm like, what were you dipping it low to at 9, 10 years old?
23:16Do you have any more music coming?
23:18I'm not opposed to it.
23:20I wanted to really kind of figure out my life
23:22and set it up with the kids,
23:24and make sure that everybody's in a good place,
23:26because being in music actually does take me away.
23:29You sacrifice a lot.
23:30Who knows, maybe one day I'll do that.
23:32It's got to be right.
23:33We'll see.
23:34Music, release the album, release the album.
23:37I might have a couple albums in mind.
23:41I'm going in here.
23:42Oh, yes, so here you go.
23:43Call me, meet me if you want to have a beignet.
23:46What's one of your favorite things that when your fans come up to you,
23:49what's one of your favorite things that they often say?
23:51Oh, yes, Nutella.
23:52They say, I've heard about your beignets.
23:56Actually, no, you know what that is?
23:58What's really funny, because a lot of people are like,
24:00I tried your beignets, I heard about the beignets.
24:02A lot of people have actually heard about beignet box,
24:04so I love the fact that I'm turned from an entertainer
24:07to now not only an entrepreneur,
24:09but people really actually love the beignets from beignet box.
24:12I can see why.
24:13These are so good.
24:14I wouldn't want to be a bad interviewer, but I'm digging it.
24:16I'll take a Nutella.
24:17Get ready for a little powdered sugar.
24:19I have looked up to you from afar for so long,
24:21and now I get to look at you up close, and it's insane to me.
24:25You're so loved.
24:26Thank you, guys.
24:27I appreciate your energy and the stories, too, by the way.
24:29Thank you, that was fun.
24:31Tell your daughter you're cool, that we said it.
24:33Daughter, I'm cool.
24:34Thank you so much.
24:35Thank you so much for coming.
24:38Thank you, thank you, thank you.
24:40Thank you.
