Nije sve u lovi - Not All About the Money

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Млади пар, Роби и Инес, имају рок од 7 дана да отплате Робијев дуг лихвару или ће обоје бити убијени. Када упознају добростојећег банкара Марка, који би могао да их спасе позајмљивањем новца, Инес и Марко се зближавају. Луда трка са временом резултира љубавним троуглом бизарних емоција, лажи и страсти.
Mladi par, Robi i Ines, imaju rok od 7 dana da otplate Robijev dug lihvaru ili će oboje biti ubijeni. Kada upoznaju dobrostojećeg bankara Marka, koji bi mogao da ih spase pozajmljivanjem novca, Ines i Marko se zbližavaju. Luda trka sa vremenom rezultira ljubavnim trouglom bizarnih emocija, laži i strasti.
A young couple, Robi and Ines have a 7-day deadline to pay off Robi's debt to the loan shark, or they will both be killed. When they meet a well-off banker, Marko, who could save them by lending them money, Ines and Marko become close. The crazy race against time results in a love triangle of bizarre emotions, lies and passion.

Dario Pleic
Dario Pleic, Branko Ruzic
Sara Stanic, Marko Cindric, Niksa Butijer

00:01:02Where are you, Kula?
00:01:03Are you kidding me?
00:01:04Don't make a monkey out of me!
00:01:05You're changing numbers, you fucking bitch, huh?
00:01:10Who the fuck knows what I did to Krkan because of you, Major?
00:01:13Because of you.
00:01:15You owe me five.
00:01:27You have seven days to give me back every fucking smile.
00:01:30All eight thousand.
00:01:32Otherwise, you'll look at the cash register room by room.
00:01:34Do you hear me?
00:03:36This would be your lucky race.
00:03:40Take 50 kronas, boy.
00:03:46Here you go.
00:03:47Thank you.
00:03:56And they're racing!
00:04:07Hey, honey.
00:04:08Where are you?
00:04:09I'm here at my dad's.
00:04:10I'll be there in ten.
00:04:11See you.
00:04:12See you.
00:04:16Number two is first.
00:04:17Final number three.
00:04:22And number one.
00:04:24Excuse me.
00:04:25Thank you.
00:04:26Excuse me.
00:04:40Tell me, Mirceka.
00:04:41Sir, please remove the fat from the meat.
00:04:46Thank you.
00:04:54Excuse me.
00:04:56Oh, God.
00:04:57Don't be afraid.
00:04:58Don't go.
00:04:59Miran, get in.
00:05:00Excuse me.
00:05:02Excuse me.
00:05:04Excuse me.
00:05:16Excuse me.
00:05:17Excuse me.
00:05:46Don't be afraid.
00:05:47Don't be afraid.
00:05:48Come on.
00:05:49Thank you.
00:05:51There he is.
00:05:52Come on.
00:05:54Here's your food delivery.
00:05:57See you.
00:05:58See you.
00:06:16What do you want?
00:06:42Who the fuck are you?
00:06:43He's completely normal.
00:06:47You'd better think about what we're going to do with the money.
00:06:49I'm afraid someone's going to stab me.
00:06:51I'm working on it.
00:06:52What are you working on?
00:07:16I'm working on it.
00:07:46I'm working on it.
00:07:56You should ask Denia to give you this.
00:08:01And if you ask him like this, he's going to fire you.
00:08:22We can't control the payment,
00:08:24because there are no nonprofits.
00:08:2597 percent of the contract payments
00:08:27are regular contributions ofarinating 3 percent in deficit free projects.
00:08:30If people buy something,
00:08:32they work in private companies
00:08:34and if they sell it,
00:08:35they sell it to companies...
00:08:46I'll be right back.
00:09:08Good day.
00:09:21What is this?
00:09:22The transaction of your savings.
00:09:25The loan was extended to you 40 times.
00:09:29And a quarter of that is in the bank.
00:09:33I won't give you the loan.
00:09:39Gentlemen, I am at least 20 years younger than you in this business.
00:09:47Then maybe it's time for peace.
00:09:52The General Director approved 80 million for us.
00:09:55What the fuck are you doing to us now?
00:10:02I don't know why you and I are wasting our time.
00:10:08Let him arrange the transfer for you.
00:10:12And keep the papers. I've already emailed my superiors.
00:10:24Give me 211.
00:10:38Number one is closed. Number four ran second. And third is number two.
00:11:09The runners are moving up to the start.
00:11:15This could be your lucky race.
00:11:49Come on, don't be afraid. You'll be fine.
00:12:02Let me help you.
00:12:04Just a moment. Sit down.
00:12:08Don't you?
00:12:38Thank you.
00:12:46Here you go.
00:12:49It's all right.
00:12:50Thank you.
00:12:53You look great.
00:13:03Women are small.
00:13:05They are beautiful.
00:13:11I'm leaving.
00:13:14But you'll never come back.
00:13:19They are dead.
00:13:34I'm sorry.
00:13:45I was at work one day.
00:13:50I said I'd come for her.
00:13:57She called me. I didn't answer.
00:14:04Then they left on their own.
00:14:09A drunk fool attacked her.
00:14:19They both died on the spot.
00:14:35I went after them to make sure they were alive.
00:14:58I'm sorry.
00:15:04I love you.
00:15:17I love you too.
00:15:34If you need anything, just call me.
00:15:40Thank you.
00:15:44I have to go now.
00:16:34I love you.
00:17:04I love you.
00:17:34I love you.
00:17:35I love you.
00:17:36I love you.
00:17:37I love you.
00:17:38I love you.
00:17:39I love you.
00:17:40I love you.
00:17:41I love you.
00:17:42I love you.
00:17:43I love you.
00:17:44I love you.
00:17:45I love you.
00:17:46I love you.
00:17:47I love you.
00:17:48I love you.
00:17:49I love you.
00:17:50I love you.
00:17:51I love you.
00:17:52I love you.
00:17:53I love you.
00:17:54I love you.
00:17:55I love you.
00:17:56I love you.
00:17:57I love you.
00:17:58I love you.
00:17:59I love you.
00:18:00I love you.
00:18:01I love you.
00:18:02I love you.
00:18:03I love you.
00:18:04I love you.
00:18:05I love you.
00:18:06I love you.
00:18:07I love you.
00:18:08I love you.
00:18:09I love you.
00:18:10I love you.
00:18:11I love you.
00:18:12I love you.
00:18:13I love you.
00:18:14I love you.
00:18:15I love you.
00:18:16I love you.
00:18:17I love you.
00:18:18I love you.
00:18:19I love you.
00:18:20I love you.
00:18:21I love you.
00:18:22I love you.
00:18:23I love you.
00:18:24I love you.
00:18:25I love you.
00:18:26I love you.
00:18:27I love you.
00:18:28I love you.
00:18:29I love you.
00:18:30I love you.
00:18:31I love you.
00:18:32I love you.
00:18:33I love you.
00:18:34I love you.
00:18:35I love you.
00:18:36What is now?
00:18:37You can have breakfast if you want.
00:18:40Sit down.
00:18:49You can have some breakfast if you want.
00:18:52Sit down.
00:19:04Did you doubt me?
00:19:09What is it?
00:19:12I remembered that idiot who stabbed you.
00:19:15I found him in the middle of the night.
00:19:19I'm sorry.
00:19:25You can have some breakfast if you want.
00:19:49How much money does he have?
00:19:51I don't know.
00:19:52Do you want me to sue you?
00:19:53Yes, sure.
00:19:58I'll sue you like I used to.
00:20:01You'll see.
00:20:03Can you walk to work?
00:20:04I can.
00:20:07Let's go to work.
00:20:19You can have some breakfast if you want.
00:20:37I'm sorry, but I have to go.
00:20:39I have a meeting at two.
00:20:48Who the hell are you?
00:20:51What are you doing here?
00:20:53We have a problem.
00:20:54A problem?
00:20:56You asked for two partners, as if the kids came for candy.
00:20:59And now you're sending e-mails.
00:21:01He's asking for a loan without a receipt.
00:21:03I didn't hire you because of that.
00:21:06Then why?
00:21:07I needed someone to take care of those numbers.
00:21:11There's a moron with the faculty named Kogovan.
00:21:15I thought you were a team player.
00:21:18To see a bigger picture.
00:21:23People are the biggest bullies.
00:21:26What the fuck?
00:21:27You broke your marriage.
00:21:28Your wife left you.
00:21:29And now I have to clean up the shit.
00:21:33Find another one.
00:21:34There's a woman.
00:21:35Solve it, just don't fuck me over.
00:21:36Go to the hospital.
00:21:37Get some rest.
00:21:38And get me a loan.
00:21:43There you go.
00:21:44Take as much time as you need.
00:22:06I'm sorry.
00:22:22Hey, bye.
00:22:25Bye, Marko.
00:22:27Do you mind?
00:22:31I can't for a long time.
00:22:32I'm sorry.
00:22:33I'm sorry for yesterday.
00:22:34I owe you.
00:22:37I'd love to invite you for lunch.
00:22:42It's not a good time.
00:22:46I'm free tomorrow.
00:22:51I have lunch break at half past one.
00:23:42Here's our slave.
00:23:44You're a slave?
00:23:48We met in the pub, tears in my eyes.
00:23:51I remember how your late father took you to the gym.
00:23:54Mary, this is Mrs. Anna.
00:23:55They're good old friends.
00:23:56Good day.
00:23:57Good day.
00:23:58This is my colleague from the company.
00:24:00Nice to meet you.
00:24:02Nice to meet you.
00:24:03Vlado is the financial manager.
00:24:04Yes, I write you notes when there's a late payment.
00:24:07Okay, but let's not talk about that now.
00:24:09But, yes.
00:24:10Payment is a big problem.
00:24:12Yes, I know.
00:24:13There's nothing without sharp cuts, you know.
00:24:15Of course.
00:24:16But you have to believe that it will be better, right?
00:24:19Tell me, can you believe that this lady has
00:24:22such a big son, huh?
00:24:23Of course.
00:24:24Who would have thought, huh?
00:24:26It's cold, let's go home.
00:24:27Ante, would you like a cake?
00:24:29No, thank you.
00:24:31Well, we're in a bit of a hurry.
00:24:32Come on.
00:24:33I mean, next time.
00:24:34Okay, okay.
00:24:35Thank you very much.
00:24:38I'm glad to see you.
00:24:39Call me, Robi.
00:25:02Thank you.
00:25:05Here you go. I knew you'd come.
00:25:10Try it, it's very nice.
00:25:22It's like you and I don't live in the same city.
00:25:25Look at how much you've lost weight.
00:25:28I eat at home.
00:25:30I'd even burn the soup from the bag.
00:25:33Thank you.
00:25:34You're welcome.
00:25:50Come on, sit down.
00:25:58You're not saying anything, like at the interview.
00:26:01I have two more exams.
00:26:03Please, take care of that.
00:26:05I will.
00:26:07I'm starting a company.
00:26:09A company?
00:26:11Finish your bachelor's degree first.
00:26:13I'm done with my bachelor's degree.
00:26:15I have an office in the city center.
00:26:18It's like a place.
00:26:20My wife gives it to me for free.
00:26:22How much does she ask for it?
00:26:27How are you going to get that money?
00:26:29Why are you asking?
00:26:31I can't. I've promised her.
00:26:34It's for a better place.
00:27:00This is all I have.
00:27:05Come on, eat.
00:27:07I have to go.
00:27:09Go. When did you get here?
00:27:11I have to go to the office.
00:27:13Then I'll pack you home.
00:27:29Come on.
00:27:52Mom, I'm going to the bathroom.
00:28:17You're sick?
00:28:29What's up?
00:28:37What's going on?
00:28:42I'm glad I didn't go.
00:28:46Marko sent me a message.
00:28:48He wants to see you tomorrow.
00:28:52He said he's my client.
00:28:59I like you.
00:29:01I'm proud of you.
00:29:30I love you.
00:29:32I love you too.
00:29:59I love you too.
00:30:29I love you too.
00:30:59I love you too.
00:31:29I love you too.
00:31:59I love you too.
00:32:29I love you too.
00:32:59I love you too.
00:33:29I love you too.
00:34:00Robi, I have to go.
00:34:03I have to go.
00:34:13Why are you so sad?
00:34:16I have to meet him.
00:34:23You don't have to pick him up.
00:34:25Who the fuck do you think you are?
00:34:27Who the fuck do you think you are?
00:34:30I'm doing this for you and your shit.
00:34:57I love you.
00:35:17Where are you?
00:35:20Where am I?
00:35:25I love you.
00:35:28Do I really look like a whore to you?
00:35:40Then hold my tit when you fuck me.
00:35:43What's next?
00:35:44Valentino's bomb shelter?
00:35:46No, I'm not a whore.
00:35:47Yours is...
00:35:48Yours is...
00:35:50Is this a joke?
00:35:52No, it's not a joke.
00:35:54I'm calling the witness.
00:35:58I don't give a shit.
00:36:01Let me in.
00:36:21Sorry I'm late.
00:36:23Have a seat.
00:36:34You don't work today?
00:36:37I only work a couple of days a week.
00:36:40Good evening.
00:36:42Good evening.
00:36:43Can I have a cup of coffee with milk?
00:36:46Thank you.
00:36:53How are you?
00:36:58Are you sure?
00:37:01It's just that I feel guilty that I forced you to do this.
00:37:04I'm sorry.
00:37:06I'm sorry.
00:37:14I didn't ask you what you do.
00:37:17You know...
00:37:19I work in a bank.
00:37:23Thank you.
00:37:32How's work?
00:37:37It's not all bad.
00:37:41What if you don't have a choice?
00:37:44You always have a choice.
00:37:48Do you really believe in that?
00:37:52Don't you?
00:37:57What's stopping you from telling me that you won't come the rest of the day?
00:38:02I don't know.
00:38:04It's expected.
00:38:06That's what I'm saying. It's expected.
00:38:15And you?
00:38:20What do you mean nothing?
00:38:22You're young, pretty, smart.
00:38:25It's like you have a choice.
00:38:28It's not like that.
00:38:39What about that guy with the beard?
00:38:42Do you think he'll come back?
00:38:44He will.
00:38:46His parents moved in with me.
00:38:49He's studying.
00:38:51He doesn't do anything. He just doesn't do anything at home.
00:39:03Time will come to show everyone
00:39:07I don't care
00:39:12Time will come, I know it will come
00:39:16When I don't need it
00:39:21You said come, but you won't come
00:39:25I don't even wait for you
00:39:32You said come, but you won't come
00:39:36I don't even wait for you
00:40:02I don't even wait for you
00:40:32I don't even wait for you
00:40:50It's you again.
00:40:52Where's Roza?
00:40:55In the garden.
00:40:57I told you not to show up like a moron.
00:41:01Fuck that Roza.
00:41:03Why didn't you call?
00:41:05I had work to do.
00:41:09If I knew you were going to shit, I wouldn't even ask.
00:41:27I'm sorry.
00:41:57I'm sorry.
00:42:27I'm sorry.
00:46:08Maybe you're looking for this?
00:46:11No, I'm looking for Maravica.
00:46:16I hate you, you idiot.
00:46:20I don't give a fuck.
00:46:22You know what? You should work.
00:46:25She'd steal from you.
00:46:28Yeah, she'd fuck you and then take this.
00:46:31No chance.
00:46:35I'm asking you to work for me.
00:46:38I'd tell you to fuck off.
00:46:41Come on.
00:48:13I didn't expect this.
00:48:20Me neither.
00:48:31When I like someone, I can't even put a sentence together.
00:48:37You shouldn't.
00:48:39I should.
00:48:45After everything that happened to me,
00:48:48most of my friends started avoiding me.
00:48:53I can understand that.
00:48:57They're just losers who think they're pretty because of the money.
00:49:08People shouldn't be spoiled.
00:51:56Where are you?
00:51:58You didn't get my message.
00:52:00Did you ask for money?
00:52:05I'd come to him only for money and bills.
00:52:08I wanted to ask him about the stress in front of me.
00:52:13He's totally fine with me.
00:52:16I just need to ask him.
00:52:18If he's fine, you shouldn't ask him.
00:52:21I don't need money.
00:52:23He's asking you who I am.
00:52:27Of course he doesn't give a fuck.
00:52:29You're the one who fucked him up.
00:52:32I'm sorry. I have to go to work.
00:52:34Apologize to me for disturbing you.
00:52:36Tell her to shut me up.
00:52:39It's a good thing you're paying attention until spring.
00:52:43Yes, until spring.
00:52:45The air temperature...
00:52:48Who the fuck were you with all night?
00:52:52I tried.
00:52:55What did you try?
00:52:59What were you doing?
00:53:02Drinking, smoking and falling asleep.
00:53:04Where did you sleep?
00:53:05Can you stop?
00:53:10Did you fuck him up?
00:53:22I didn't.
00:53:27What's your problem?
00:53:29We have to pay tomorrow night.
00:53:32I'm sorry.
00:53:38Ask him where he's going.
00:53:40I don't give a fuck about him.
00:53:43It doesn't matter.
00:53:44If I don't get the money, he'll fuck you and me.
00:53:47What do you want me to do?
00:53:56You said he was totally fine.
00:53:59So what?
00:54:00Why wouldn't they fuck him up?
00:54:02What do you mean?
00:54:04I have so much money to get him out of the grave,
00:54:07and God willing, we'll get him back one day.
00:54:10How will you get inside?
00:54:12You'll get him out somewhere.
00:54:14How will you get inside through the chimney?
00:54:16You'll make me a key.
00:54:18I have an alarm.
00:54:21You'll find a combination.
00:54:25It's ringing.
00:54:27Should I take him with me or lock him up?
00:54:30Okay, I'll think of something.
00:54:33What will you do with Stefan?
00:54:35Maybe today.
00:54:37No, I'll deal with it this way.
00:54:39I don't have all the fucking combinations,
00:54:44If we don't get the money, we're dead.
00:54:46He won't get in touch with me.
00:54:48I met a guy yesterday, I got him out,
00:54:50and in the meantime, they're robbing him,
00:54:52and I don't give a shit.
00:54:54I'll kill Tag, motherfucker.
00:54:56There's no way I'd go to some shit with you,
00:54:58is there?
00:55:00God damn it!
00:55:17What are you doing?
00:55:18I'm going.
00:55:19Who the fuck is going to fuck you in this life?
00:55:25Come on, calm down.
00:55:42It's better if I don't go.
00:55:45I'm going because I don't want to go back to the station.
00:55:50If you don't come with me,
00:55:52everything will be the same as before.
00:56:03I have the password, Arman.
00:56:16What's your name?
00:56:25Hello, Marko, am I bothering you?
00:56:29You know, I was thinking
00:56:31that we're not going anywhere tonight,
00:56:33but I'm going to cook something.
00:56:35Be careful.
00:57:20I love you.
00:57:23I love you too.
00:57:39I love you too.
00:57:42I love you too.
00:57:50Hey, come in.
00:58:06I took it from you.
00:58:10I think that's it.
00:58:20Do you want to walk it through while I do this?
00:58:23You know I could.
00:58:25Let's go, Max.
00:58:49I love you.
00:58:59What is it?
00:59:01You're going straight to the dormitory
00:59:03behind the blue picture.
00:59:05What picture?
00:59:07I'll send you a picture.
00:59:19I'll send you a picture.
00:59:49One copy, please.
00:59:55Do you see this line?
00:59:57Why can't I copy it?
01:00:03You can do anything when you want to.
01:00:05I'm in a big hurry.
01:00:19I've put it on an anvil
01:00:21and I've slammed it out.
01:00:38I'll place the set
01:00:40all the way in.
01:00:49I'll place the set
01:00:51all the way in.
01:01:09I'm feeling...
01:01:11I'm feeling for the reset button.
01:01:17The safe is open.
01:01:26I went to get some cookies.
01:01:31I'll go.
01:01:50Did you plan anything for the weekend?
01:01:53I didn't know why.
01:02:06What's this?
01:02:10I thought I'd give it to you on the way out.
01:02:14Max, Max, Max.
01:02:17This looks great.
01:02:19Max can go, too.
01:02:22I'd never let him go to the pool.
01:02:29He'll stay home, right?
01:02:41So, let's go.
01:02:43To where?
01:02:47I don't know.
01:04:07What do you want?
01:04:15Hey, where are you going?
01:04:27I'm going to a friend's house across the street.
01:04:30Have breakfast and I'll be right back.
01:04:33See you tomorrow.
01:04:37Dodgie, Max.
01:05:07Don't worry.
01:05:34I'll make it look like someone is harassing us.
01:05:37I have some food for you.
01:05:45People are outside.
01:05:47Let's give them all three sleeping pills.
01:05:49You can go.
01:06:00Who the fuck are you?
01:06:02Let's solve all the problems.
01:06:05Please stop.
01:06:09The door, the safe, the alarm clock, everything is solved.
01:06:18Give me the phone.
01:06:24Here's the other one.
01:06:26You can't call me.
01:06:28I'll try to call Muriel.
01:06:29This is the only way I can get in touch with her.
01:06:36Give me back this.
01:06:38Don't bring me down.
01:06:39You think I'm crazy?
01:06:40If we didn't do this, Rock would be a strong amateur.
01:06:43And I wouldn't have anything to do with you.
01:06:48Let's go.
01:06:56Let's go.
01:06:58I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:23I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:25I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:26I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:27I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:28I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:29I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:30I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:31I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:32I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:33I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:34I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:35I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:36I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:37I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:38I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:39I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:40I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:41I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:42I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:43I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:44I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:07:57I don't listen to anyone but Rock.
01:08:10Check it, check it, check it.
01:08:40Like this, like this, like this.
01:08:48Like this.
01:09:01Bravo, bravo.
01:09:21Is this ok?
01:09:23Let's go.
01:10:11I love you.
01:10:13I love you.
01:10:14I love you.
01:10:15I love you.
01:10:16I love you.
01:10:17I love you.
01:10:18I love you.
01:10:19I love you.
01:10:20I love you.
01:10:21I love you.
01:10:22I love you.
01:10:23I love you.
01:10:24I love you.
01:10:25I love you.
01:10:26I love you.
01:10:27I love you.
01:10:28I love you.
01:10:29I love you.
01:10:30I love you.
01:10:31I love you.
01:10:32I love you.
01:10:33I love you.
01:10:34I love you.
01:10:35I love you.
01:10:36I love you.
01:10:37I love you.
01:10:38I love you.
01:10:39I love you.
01:10:40I love you.
01:10:41I love you.
01:10:42I love you.
01:10:43I love you.
01:10:44I love you.
01:10:45I love you.
01:10:46I love you.
01:10:47I love you.
01:10:48I love you.
01:10:49I love you.
01:10:50I love you.
01:10:51I love you.
01:10:52I love you.
01:10:53I love you.
01:10:54I love you.
01:10:55I love you.
01:10:56I love you.
01:10:57I love you.
01:10:58I love you.
01:10:59I love you.
01:11:00I love you.
01:11:01I love you.
01:11:02I love you.
01:11:03I love you.
01:11:04I love you.
01:11:05I love you.
01:11:06I love you.
01:11:07I love you.
01:11:08I love you.
01:11:09I love you.
01:11:10I love you.
01:11:11I love you.
01:11:12I love you.
01:11:13I love you.
01:11:14I love you.
01:11:15I love you.
01:11:16I love you.
01:11:17I love you.
01:11:18I love you.
01:11:19I love you.
01:11:20I love you.
01:11:21I love you.
01:11:22I love you.
01:11:23I love you.
01:11:24I love you.
01:11:25I love you.
01:11:26I love you.
01:11:27I love you.
01:11:28I love you.
01:11:29I love you.
01:11:30I love you.
01:11:31I love you.
01:11:32I love you.
01:11:33I love you.
01:11:34I love you.
01:11:35I love you.
01:11:36I love you.
01:11:37I love you.
01:11:38I love you.
01:11:39I love you.
01:11:40I love you.
01:11:41I love you.
01:11:42I love you.
01:11:43I love you.
01:11:44I love you.
01:11:45I love you.
01:11:46I love you.
01:11:47I love you.
01:11:48I love you.
01:11:49I love you.
01:11:50I love you.
01:11:51I love you.
01:11:52I love you.
01:11:53I love you.
01:11:54I love you.
01:11:55I love you.
01:11:56I love you.
01:11:57I love you.
01:11:58I love you.
01:11:59I love you.
01:12:00I love you.
01:12:01I love you.
01:12:02I love you.
01:12:03I love you.
01:12:04I love you.
01:12:05I love you.
01:12:06I love you.
01:12:07I love you.
01:12:08I love you.
01:12:09I love you.
01:12:10I love you.
01:12:11I love you.
01:12:12I love you.
01:12:13I love you.
01:12:14I love you.
01:12:15I love you.
01:12:16I love you.
01:12:17I love you.
01:12:18I love you.
01:12:19I love you.
01:12:20I love you.
01:12:21I love you.
01:12:22I love you.
01:12:23I love you.
01:12:24I love you.
01:12:25I love you.
01:12:26I love you.
01:12:27I love you.
01:12:28I love you.
01:12:29I love you.
01:12:30I love you.
01:12:31I love you.
01:12:32I love you.
01:12:33I love you.
01:12:34I love you.
01:12:35I love you.
01:12:36I love you.
01:12:37I love you.
01:12:38I love you.
01:12:39I love you.
01:12:40I love you.
01:12:41I love you.
01:12:42I love you.
01:12:43I love you.
01:12:44I love you.
01:12:45I love you.
01:12:46I love you.
01:12:47I love you.
01:12:48I love you.
01:12:49I love you.
01:12:50I love you.
01:12:51I love you.
01:12:52I love you.
01:12:53I love you.
01:12:54I love you.
01:12:55I love you.
01:12:56I love you.
01:12:57I love you.
01:12:58I love you.
01:12:59I love you.
01:13:00I love you.
01:13:01I love you.
01:13:02I love you.
01:13:03I love you.
01:13:04I don't know what to do.
01:13:13I don't know what to do.
01:13:21I'm glad I didn't forget my head.
01:13:23I don't know what to do.
01:13:53I don't know what to do.
01:14:23I don't know what to do.
01:14:53I don't know what to do.
01:15:23I don't know what to do.
01:15:25I don't know what to do.
01:15:27I don't know what to do.
01:15:29I don't know what to do.
01:15:31I don't know what to do.
01:15:33I don't know what to do.
01:15:35I don't know what to do.
01:15:37I don't know what to do.
01:15:39I don't know what to do.
01:15:41I don't know what to do.
01:15:43I don't know what to do.
01:15:45I don't know what to do.
01:15:47I don't know what to do.
01:15:49I don't know what to do.
01:15:51I don't know what to do.
01:15:53I don't know what to do.
01:15:55I don't know what to do.
01:15:57I don't know what to do.
01:15:59I don't know what to do.
01:16:01I don't know what to do.
01:16:03I don't know what to do.
01:16:05I don't know what to do.
01:16:07I don't know what to do.
01:16:09I don't know what to do.
01:16:11I don't know what to do.
01:16:13I don't know what to do.
01:16:15I don't know what to do.
01:16:17I don't know what to do.
01:16:19I don't know what to do.
01:16:49I don't know what to do.
01:17:19You can go inside. I'll be right back.
01:17:21No need.
01:17:49Wait here.
01:18:11Drop the knife.
01:18:13Drop the knife, you bitch!
01:18:15Drop it!
01:18:20We're going to leave. You're not going to do anything.
01:18:29You should think about it.
01:18:31The chick is all skin and bones.
01:18:33Let's go.
01:18:37And he doesn't know the numbers 2 and 2.
01:18:41Right, honey?
01:18:43Let's go.
01:19:25What was that?
01:19:49What was that?
01:21:11I've fallen.
01:21:19I've fallen.
01:21:49I've fallen.
01:22:19I've fallen.
01:22:49I've fallen.
01:23:19I've fallen.
01:23:49I've fallen.
01:24:19I've fallen.
01:24:49I've fallen.
01:24:51I've fallen.
01:24:53I've fallen.
01:24:55I've fallen.
01:24:57I've fallen.
01:24:59I've fallen.
01:25:01I've fallen.
01:25:03I've fallen.
01:25:05I've fallen.
01:25:07I've fallen.
01:25:09I've fallen.
01:25:11I've fallen.
01:25:13I've fallen.
01:25:15I've fallen.
01:25:17I've fallen.
01:25:19I've fallen.
01:25:21I've fallen.
01:25:23I've fallen.
01:25:25I've fallen.
01:25:27I've fallen.
01:25:29I've fallen.
01:25:31I've fallen.
01:25:33I've fallen.
01:25:35I've fallen.
01:25:37I've fallen.
01:25:39I've fallen.
01:25:41I've fallen.
01:25:43I've fallen.
01:25:45I've fallen.
01:25:47I've fallen.
01:25:49I've fallen.
01:25:51I've fallen.
01:25:53I've fallen.
01:25:55I've fallen.
01:25:57I've fallen.
01:25:59I've fallen.
01:26:01I've fallen.
01:26:03I've fallen.
01:26:05I've fallen.
01:26:07I've fallen.
01:26:09I've fallen.
01:26:11I've fallen.
01:26:13I've fallen.
01:26:15I've fallen.
01:26:17I've fallen.
01:26:19I've fallen.
01:26:21I've fallen.
01:26:23I've fallen.
01:26:25I've fallen.
01:26:27I've fallen.
01:26:29I've fallen.
01:26:31I've fallen.
01:26:33I've fallen.
01:26:35I've fallen.
01:26:37I've fallen.
01:26:39I've fallen.
01:26:41I've fallen.
01:26:43I've fallen.
01:26:45I've fallen.
01:26:47I've fallen.
01:26:49I've fallen.
01:26:51I've fallen.
01:27:11I've fallen.
01:27:13I've fallen.
01:27:15I've fallen.
01:27:17I've fallen.
01:27:19I've fallen.
01:27:21I've fallen.
01:27:23I've fallen.
01:27:25I've fallen.
01:27:27I've fallen.
01:27:29I've fallen.
01:27:31I've fallen.
01:27:33I've fallen.
01:27:35I've fallen.
01:27:37I've fallen.