Director's Reflections | The Difficult Challenges Facing Print Media

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00:00de la
00:48In this way, it managed to minimize the severe risk of bankruptcy and prolong, if you will,
00:54its useful life.
00:56Despite the seriousness with which many brands embraced this strategy, most were left behind,
01:01clinging to the concrete lines of a rapidly changing business model.
01:05And they succumbed.
01:07Finding themselves between a rock and a hard place, the most resilient media outlets
01:11explored other revenue streams, such as event production, thematic conferences,
01:16marketing and e-commerce of products.
01:19At the same time, by hybridizing with digital platforms that created attractive niches
01:24for advertising and paid subscriptions, they managed to mitigate the losses
01:28they were accumulating in the print model.
01:31In fact, in some cases, these revenues have saved the lives of the boldest brands
01:36capable of embracing innovation and readapting to change.
01:40The new business lines on digital platforms have made them more dependent on these.
01:44Although for now, there are no signs that they can significantly replace traditional sources.
01:49With the emergence of formidable artificial intelligence technologies, combined media outlets
01:54are exposed to emerging risks that will continue to force them to seek sustainable
01:58and emergent sources of revenue.
02:01Some brands have opted to establish robust digital subscription models,
02:05offering premium content to subscribers.
02:08The integration of multimedia content, such as videos, podcasts and live streams,
02:12has allowed newspapers to attract younger and more diverse audiences.
02:16Likewise, platforms like YouTube and Twitch have become strategic partners
02:20for the distribution of news content.
02:23The use of data analytics to create more detailed and in-depth content
02:26has increased the perceived value of journalism.
02:29Partnerships with social media platforms, streaming services and other emerging technologies
02:34can be beneficial.
02:36Print media faces a challenging path, but with adaptability, innovation
02:41and a strategy focused on the digital environment,
02:44it can not only survive, but thrive in the modern era.
